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REVTEX 3.0 Das Sarma Group Preprint, 1994 Localization in Semiconductor Quantum Wire Nanostructures ∗ Dongzi Liu and S. Das Sarma Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742-4111 (Submitted to Physical Review B on 23 December1994) Localization properties of quasi-one dimensional quantum wire nanostructures are investigated using the transfer matrix-Lyapunov exponent technique. We calculate the localization length as a function of the effective mean-field mobility assuming the random disorder potential to be arising from dopant-induced short-range δ-function or finite-range Gaussian impurity scattering. The lo- calization length increases approximately linearly with the effective mobility, and is also enhanced by finite-range disorder. There is a sharp reduction in the localization length when the chemical 5 potential crosses into thesecond subband. 9 9 PACS numbers: 73.20.Dx; 71.30.h; 73.20.Jc. 1 n a An early1 motivation in developing semiconductor In this paper, we carry out a calculation of the quan- J quantum wires was the suggestion that one-dimensional tum wire localization length as a function of disorder 4 phase space restrictions would severely reduce impurity usingthemean-fieldBornapproximationmobilityasthe 2 scattering, thereby substantially enhancing electron mo- relevantparametercharacterizingtheimpurityscattering bilities making possible faster transistors and optoelec- strength. We find that in reasonable high-quality GaAs 1 v tronic devices. The rationale for this proposed mobil- quantumwiresthelocalizationlengthmaybeseveralmi- 3 ity enhancement is the fact that at low temperatures crons, making it possible to fabricate current carrying 1 the only possible resistive scattering process in one di- quantumwiresfornanoelectronicorevenmicroelectronic 1 mension is the 2k -scattering, implying enhanced low applications. F 1 temperature mobility as all other scattering processes Ourgoalistocalculatethezerotemperaturequantum 0 are suppressed. In real quasi-one dimensional quantum wire localization length in the presence of random im- 5 wire systems there would be additional inter-subband purity disorder. We model the impurities as randomly 9 / scattering processes which are, however, weak in gen- distributed point scattering centers with the electron- at eral, and therefore, it was argued1 that high quality impurity interaction as short-range δ-function or finite- m quasi-onedimensionalGaAsquantumwirescouldpoten- range Gaussian potentials. The mean field mobility of tially have low temperature mobilities surpassing those thequantumwireiscalculatedusingthefirstorderBorn - d inmodulation-dopedtwodimensionalHEMTstructures. approximation,whichshouldbe roughlythe sameas the n There is, however, a serious flaw in this phase-space- correspondingtwodimensionalmobilityoftheGaAsma- o restriction-inducedmobilityenhancementargument: Im- terial from which the quantum wire is made. The elec- c : purity disorder-induced2kF multiple scattering leads,in troniclocalizationlengthattheFermilevelisdetermined v fact,tolocalizationandzeromobilityinonedimensional bycalculatingtheLyapunovexponentofthetransferma- i X systems. Itiswell-establishedthatalloneelectronstates trixforthesystem4. Wefindthatthelocalizationlength inadisorderedonedimensionalsystemareexponentially increases linearly with the mobility of the wire at low r a localized2, and this Anderson localization phenomenon3 electron density (i.e. when only the lowest subband is leads to the inevitable rigorous conclusion that strictly occupied). Other things being equal (i.e. the same mo- onedimensionalquantumwirestructuresarealwayszero bility) finite-range of the scattering potential tends to mobility insulators (because some disorder must always increase the localization length. We also find a sharp bepresentinrealsystems),andcannotcarryanycurrent reduction in the localization length when the electrons inthethermodynamiclimit. Inhigh-qualitylow-disorder start to fill the second subband. quantumwires,thelocalizationlengthmaybelarge,and The quantum wire is modeled as a two-dimensional only if the length of the wire is shorter than the local- strip along the x direction with a length L and a width ization length, the system can behave as an “effective” w along the y direction with randomly distributed scat- metal with non-zero effective mobilities. The important tering centers along the strip. Without any loss of gen- issue for quantum wire transport is then to figure out erality, we ignore the third direction (i.e. the z axis) the localizationlengthfor agivenrealizationofdisorder, completely because the thickness of real GaAs quantum whichcouldbeparameterizedbythemean-fieldmobility wires is often much less than their width. For a perfect calculated within the Born approximation which being quantum wire with an infinite rectangular confining po- asingle impurity scatteringapproximationdoes notlead tential well along the y direction, the energy spectrum tolocalization(localizationbeing3apurelymultiplescat- and the electron wavefunction can be written as: tering induced interference phenomenon). 1 REVTEX 3.0 Das Sarma Group Preprint, 1994 ¯h2k2 ¯h2 nπ with the mobility µ = eτ/m∗, where the matrix ele- E = + ( )2, (1a) nk 2m∗ 2m∗ w ment V11 of the impurity potential Vim is taken entirely within the lowest subband n = 1. The mobility calcu- 1 2 nπ φnk = √Leikxrw sin( w y). (1b) lation for the 2-subband scattering problem is discussed below. Because of the exact one to one correspondence between the random disorder and the mean-field mobil- The impurity potential centered at (x ,y ) is taken to i i ity, µ N < V 2 >, as defined in Eq.(4), the impu- be: i ∝ | | ritypotentialV maybeuniquelyparameterizedbythe im V (x,y)=v δ(x x )δ(y y ) (2a) meanfieldmobilityµprovidedtheaverageimpurityden- im o i i − − sity N is known. We take N to be equal to the average i i or electron density (again with no loss of generality) in the quantum wire, which is taken to be 106cm−1 for all our Vim(x,y)= πvso2e−(x−xi)2/s2e−(y−yi)2/s2. (2b) calculations. The infinite potential well confinement is obviously an idealization which, for our purpose, should be a good approximation5 because choosing a different model con- finement will only change the impurity potential matrix elements i.e. the disorder strength v which we are pa- o rameterizing. Whileourchoicefortheimpuritypotential in Eqs.(2a) and (2b) is mainly a matter of convenience, wehaveexplicitlyverified6thatscreenedCoulombimpu- ritypotentialinaGaAsquantumwiremaybereasonably approximated by a Gaussian potential. We also make a one- or two-subband approximation for our calculations which should be accurate for low electron densities. In- cludingmore(thantwo)subbandsshouldnotchangeour FIG. 1. The relation among the localization length(λL), results qualitatively. mobility(µ) and the range of the impurity potential(s) for a The localizationlengthiscalculatedusingthe transfer 500µmlongand100˚Awidewire. Theimpurityconcentration matrix technique4. We first divide the wire of length is 1×106cm−1 (thesame as theelectron density). L into small segments of length a (which is taken to be much less than the average inter-impurity distance). Ourone-subbandlocalizationcalculationresultsinthe The system can then be effectively described by the lowest subband are shown in Fig.1. The short-range two-channel (corresponding to two subbands) Anderson scattering model corresponds to the s = 0 limit. The model with nearest neighbor hopping, i.e. meanfieldmobilityinFig.1iscalculatedneglectinginter- subband scattering, which we discuss below. As shown = (E δ +V )ni><mi (3) in Fig.1, the localization length increases approximately n nm nm H | | Xi n,mX=1,2 linearly with the mobility of the wire. Finite-range scat- terers also tend to increase the localization length. It t(ni><ni+1 + ni+1><ni) − | | | | is well known that the Lyapunov exponent takes a long Xi nX=1,2 time to convergein the Andersonmodel, particularlyfor where the hopping term t=h¯2/2m∗a2, and V are the finite range disorder. The results shown in Fig.1 involve nm upto 107 iterations. It is noteworthy that we still have random on-site scattering matrix elements which can be fluctuations in our results for high mobility (and finite calculated from the impurity potential and the electron potential range) samples even after 107 iterations! In wavefunction. Atransfermatrixformalism4canbeeasily general,thelocalizationlengthisfoundtobelargerthan set up for such a Hamiltonian. The localization length the elastic mean free path extracted from the mean-field is then given by the inverse of the smallest Lyapunov mobility. exponent of the transfer matrix4. As can be seen from Eq.(4), the electron mobility can The mean field mobility of the wire, which is used to be increased by increasing the electron density which is parameterizethe strengthofdisorder,iscalculatedusing proportionaltok (assuming,ofcourse,thatN isfixed). the first order Born approximation. If only the lowest F i This is true when electrons only occupy the lowest sub- subband is occupied, an electron can only be scattered band. As electrons start to occupy the second subband, from k to k or vice versa. The transport scattering F − F enhanced inter-subband scattering is introduced at the rate is then given by: Fermilevel7whichcouldresultinasharpreductionofthe 1 2m∗N localization length. For example, an electron with mo- τ = ¯h3k i <|V11(2kF)|2 >, (4) mentum kF1 in the lowest subband could be scattered F 2 REVTEX 3.0 Das Sarma Group Preprint, 1994 into either the k state in the same subband or the F1 − k states in the second subband. The two-subband F2 ± generalization of Eq.(4) is straightforward. The scatter- ingtimeforthefirstsubbandτ isdifferentfromthatfor 1 the second subband τ . Using the Boltzmann equation 2 andfirst orderBornapproximation,it is straightforward to show that in the most generaltwo-subband model in- cluding inter-subband scattering processes: ∗ 1 2m N = i < V (2k )2 > (5a) τ1 ¯h3kF1 | 11 F1 | ∗ m N k τ + i (1 F2 2)< V (k k )2 > ¯h3kF2 (cid:20) − kF1τ1 | 12 F1− F2 | k τ + (1+ F2 2)< V (k +k )2 > , 12 F1 F2 k τ | | (cid:21) F1 1 ∗ 1 2m N = i < V (2k )2 > (5b) τ2 ¯h3kF2 | 22 F2 | ∗ m N k τ + i (1 F1 1)< V (k k )2 > ¯h3kF1 (cid:20) − kF2τ2 | 21 F1− F2 | k τ + (1+ F1 1)< V (k +k )2 > . 21 F1 F2 k τ | | (cid:21) F2 2 Themobilityistheneasilycalculatedoncewegetτ and 1 τ . Itisinterestingtonotethatwhenthesecondsubband 2 just starts to be occupied(i.e. k is very small), both F2 τ and τ are small leading to a mobility reduction due 1 2 to enhanced inter-subband scattering7. This causes a sharp decrease in the localization length as E enters F the second subband. We present our two-subband localization results in Fig.2 for a 200˚A wide quantum wire. The impurity con- centration is fixed at 106cm−1. We use a fixed impurity strength v which is normalized to the results presented o inFig.1withδ-functionimpurity andamobilityvalueof 1 105cm2V−1s−1. Both the mobility and the localiza- × tion length drop sharply when electrons start to fill the secondsubband. It is interesting to note that (similar to FIG. 2. The variation of density of states(a), electron Fig.1) the localization length is almost an order of mag- mean free path(b), mobility(c), and localization length(d) as nitude larger than the effective mean free path obtained theFermienergy(measuredinunitsof∆)increases. (∆isthe from the Born approximation mobility values. energy difference between the bottom of the lowest two sub- bands.) The wire is 500µm long and 200˚A wide. Results for three different impurity potential ranges are shown: 0(solid line), 2nm(dashed line), and 5nm(dotted line). The impu- rity concentration is 1×106cm−1. The impurity potential strength is normalized to that of the wire presented in Fig.1 with δ-function impurity and 1×105cm2V−1s−1 mobility. Insummary,wehavecalculatedthelocalizationlength foraquasi-onedimensionalquantumwirewithinthetwo- subband model. We find that the localization length in- creaseslinearly with the mobility of the wire atlow elec- tron density (i.e. only the lowest subband is occupied). Finite-rangescatterersalso tend to increase the localiza- tion length. The sharp drop in the localization length seen in Fig.2 may be difficult to observe experimentally because of finite thermal and collisional broadening ef- 3 REVTEX 3.0 Das Sarma Group Preprint, 1994 fects which may affect the one dimensional density of states singularities of Fig.2(a). The localization length, in general, is found to be much larger than the elastic mean free path calculated on the basis of the Born ap- proximation. Our most important result is that the localization length in semiconductor quantum wires could be many microns long even in modest quality (i.e. mean-field µ < 106cm2V−1s−1) samples. Thus, the physics of An- derson localization is unlikely to adversely affect opera- tion of microelectronic devices fabricated by using semi- conductor quantum wires. WeacknowledgehelpfuldiscussionswithBenHu. This work is supported by the U.S.-O.N.R. and the NSF. ∗ Current address: James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637. 1H.Sakaki, Jpn. J. Appl.Phys. 19, L735 (1980). 2K. Ishii, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 53, 77 (1973); D.J. Thouless, Phys. Rep. 13, 95 (1974). 3P.W. Anderson,Phys. Rev. 109, 1492 (1958). 4V.I.Oseledec,Trans.MoscowMath.Soc.19,197(1968);G. Benettinetal,Meccanica15,9(1980);J.L.PichardandG. Sarma, J. Phys. C 14, L127 (1981); S. Das Sarma, S. He, and X.C. Xie, Phys. Rev. B 41, 5544 (1990); Dongzi Liu and S. Das Sarma, Phys. Rev.B 49, 2677 (1994). 5S.E. Laux, D.J. 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