Locality and Availability of Array Codes Constructed from Subspaces Natalia Silberstein∗‡, Tuvi Etzion†, and Moshe Schwartz∗ ∗Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 8410501, Israel, [email protected] †Computer Science, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 3200003, Israel, [email protected] ‡Yahoo! Labs, Haifa 31905, Israel, [email protected] 7 1 0 Abstract—Ever-increasing amounts of data are created However, replication is highly inefficient in terms of stor- 2 and processed in internet-scale companies such as Google, agecapacity.Recently,erasure-correctingcodeshavebeen Facebook, and Amazon. The efficient storage of such copi- used in DSS to reduce the large storage overhead of b ous amounts of data has thus become a fundamental and e acute problem in modern computing. No single machine can replicated systems [3], [5], [15]. F possibly satisfy such immense storage demands. Therefore, Apart from storage space, other metrics should be 7 distributed storage systems (DSS), which rely on tens of considered when designing an actual DSS. However, in thousands of storage nodes, are the only viable solution. contrast with storage space, these metrics are adversely ] Such systems are broadly used in all modern internet-scale affected by the straightforward use of simple erasure- T systems. However, the design of a DSS poses a number I of crucial challenges, markedly different from single-user correctingcodes.One suchmetricisthe repairbandwidth: . storage systems. Such systems must be able to reconstruct the amount of data that needs to be transferred when a s c the data efficiently, to overcome failure of servers, to correct nodehas failed, and is thus replaced.Thismetric is highly [ errors, etc. Lots of research was done in the last few years relevant as a prohibitively large fraction of the network to answer these challenges and the research is increasing in 2 bandwidth in a DSS may be consumed by such repair parallel to the increasing amount of stored data. v operations. Let us term all the information stored by a The main goal of this paper is to consider codes which 1 havetwoofthemostimportantfeaturesofdistributedstorage DSS as the file. Traditional erasure-correcting codes, and 0 systems,namely,localityandavailability.Ourcodesarearray in particular maximum distance separable (MDS) codes, 5 codes which are based on subspaces of a linear space over usually require that all the file be downloaded in order 7 a finite field. We present several constructions of such codes 0 to regenerate a failed node. Recently, Dimakis et al. [4] which are q-analog to some of the known block codes. Some . establishedatradeoffbetweentherepairbandwidthandthe 1 of these codes possess independent intellectual merit. We 0 examinethelocalityandavailabilityoftheconstructedcodes. storagecapacityofa node,andintroducedanewfamilyof 7 Inparticularwedistinguishbetweentwotypesoflocalityand erasure-correctingcodes, called regenerating codes, which 1 availability, node vs. symbol, locality and availability. To our attainthistradeoff.Inparticular,theyprovedthatifalarge : knowledgethisisthefirsttimethatsuchadistinctionisgiven v in the literature. numberofstoragenodescanbecontactedduringtherepair i of a failed node,and onlya fractionof theirstored data is X downloaded, then the repair bandwidth can be minimized. I. INTRODUCTION r a Local repairability of a DSS is an additional property Designing efficient mechanisms to store, maintain, and which is highly sought. The corresponding performance efficientlyaccesslargevolumesofdataisahighlyrelevant metric is termed the locality of the coding scheme: the problem. Indeed, ever-increasing amounts of information number of nodes that must participate in a repair process are being generated and processed in the data centers of whenaparticularnodefails.Localrepairabilityisofsignif- Amazon, Facebook, Google, Dropbox, and many others. icantinterestwhenacostisassociatedwithcontactingeach The demand for ever-increasing amounts of cloud storage node in the system. This is indeed the case in real world is suppliedthroughthe use ofDistributed StorageSystems scenarios,forexampleasthe resultofnetworkconstraints. (DSS), where data is stored on a network of nodes (hard Codes which enable local repairs of failed system nodes drives and solid-state drives). are called locally repairable codes (LRCs). These codes In the DSS paradigm, it is essential to store data re- were introduced by Gopalan et al. in [12]. LRCs which dundantly, in order to tolerate inevitable node failures [1], alsominimizetherepairbandwidth,calledcodeswithlocal [11], [23]. Currently, the resilience against node failures regeneration, were considered in [16], [17], [21]. is typically afforded by replication, where several copies Regenerating codes and LRCs are attractive primarily of each data object are stored on different storage nodes. for the storage of cold data: archival data that is rarely accessed. On the other hand, they do not address the chal- This work was supported in part by the Israeli Science Foundation lengesposedbythestorageoffrequentlyaccessedhotdata. (ISF),Jerusalem,Israel,underGrantno.10/12,andbytheIsraeliScience Foundation (ISF),Jerusalem,Israel, underGrantno.130/14. For example, hot-data storage must enable efficient reads ofthesamedatasegmentsbyseveralusersinparallel.This array is defined as the number of non-zero columns, i.e., propertyisreferredtoasavailability.Codeswhichprovide for c ∈C, both locality and availability were first proposed in [22]. wt(c), c : c 6=0,j∈ [n] . Regenerating codes are described in terms of stored j j informationinnodes(servers).Inotherwords,regenerating Finally, the minimum(cid:12)(cid:8)distance of the code(cid:9), (cid:12)denoted d, is (cid:12) (cid:12) codes are usually array codes [25]. Reconstructing the thedefinedastheminimalweightofanon-zerocodeword, files and repairing failed nodes are the main tasks of regenerating codes. LRCs and codes with availability are d,minwt(c). c∈C usually described as block codes, and access and/or repair c6=0 is described in terms of symbols. Wemaketwoobservationstoavoidconfusionwithother Inthisworkwecombinethetwoapproachesanddiscuss notions of error-correcting codes. The first observation is two types of locality (availability, respectively), node lo- that by reading the symbols of codewords, column by cality (availability)which resemblesthe first approachand column, and within each column, from first to last entry, symbol locality (availability) which resembles the second we may flatten the b×n codewords to vectors of length approach. To our knowledge, such a combined approach bn. Thisresults in a code overF of length bn, dimension q was not considered in the literature before. M, but more often than not, a larger minimum distance, Our solution approach will be based on array codes, since the above definition considers non-zero columns and constructed via subspaces of a finite vector space. A not non-zero symbols. Assume G is an M×bn generator subspace approach for DSS was considered for the first matrixfortheflattenedcode.Byabuseofnotation,weshall time in [13] and later in [20]. Our approach is slightly also call G the generator matrix for the original code C. different from the approach in these two papers. We will Note that in G, columns (j−1)b+1,...,jb, correspond design array codes based on subspaces and analyze their tothesymbolsappearinginthe jthcodewordcolumninC. locality and availability properties. We shallcallthese b columnsin G bythe jththick column The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Prelim- of G, similarly to [16]. Thus, G is a matrix comprised inaries are given in Section II. Our subspace approach, of n thick columns, corresponding to the n columns of constructions of codes, and analysis of their locality and codewords in C. availability, are presented in Section III. We first describe The second observation is that we may use the well a generalization of the simplex code in Section III-A, and known isomorphism Fb ∼=F , and consider each column q qb thenextendthisapproachwithfurthercodesandtheirduals of a codeword as a single element from F . We get qb in Section III-B. an F -linear code over F (sometimes called a vector- q qb linear code), of length n, minimum distance d, but with a dimension (taken as usual over F ) not necessarily M. II. PRELIMINARIES qb In a typical distributed-storage setup, we would like to store a file containing M symbols from F . The file is LetF denotethefinitefieldofsizeq.Foranaturalnum- q q encoded into an array c ∈ C from a [b×n,M,d] array ber m ∈N, we use the notation [m] ,{1,2,...,m}. We code. Each codeword column of c is stored in a different use lower-case letters to denote scalars. Overlined letters node. The minimum distance d of the code ensures that denotevectors,whichbydefaultareassumedtobecolumn any failure of at most d−1 nodes may be corrected. vectors. Matrices are denoted by upper-case letters. Most Twoimportantpropertiesofcodesfordistributedstorage literature denotes codewords (which are usually vectors) are locality and availability. An important feature of this by overlined lower-case letters. However, since we also paper is the distinction between symbol locality and node have codewords which are arrays (matrices), these will be locality (respectively, availability). denotedbyboldlower-caseletters.Thus,typically,weshall Let C be a [b×n,M,d] arraycode.We saya codeword have a generator matrix G, whose jth column is g , and j column j ∈ [n] has node locality r , if its content may n whose (i,j)th entry is g . An array code will usually be i,j be obtained via linear combinations of the contents of denoted by C, whose typical codeword will be denoted the recovery-set columns. More precisely, there exists a by c. We use 0 to denote the scalar zero, 0 for the all- recovery set S = {j ,...,j } ⊆ [n]\{j} of r other zero vector, and 0 for the all-zero matrix. Also, given a 1 rn n (possibly empty) set of vectors, v ,...,v ∈ Fn, their codeword columns, and scalars a(ℓi,m) ∈ Fq, i,ℓ ∈ [b], 1 m q m ∈[r ], such that for all i ∈[b], span is denoted by hv ,...,v i. n 1 m defiOnuerdmaasinfoolblojewcst:oAfst[ubd×yins,aMli,nde]araarrrraayyccooddee,ofovremr aFllqy, ci,j = ∑b ∑rn a(ℓi,m) cℓ,jm (1) denoted C, is a linear subspace of b×n matrices over F . ℓ=1m=1 q Matricesc ∈C arereferredtoascodewords.Theelements simultaneously for all codewords c ∈ C. If all codeword of a codewordare denoted by c , i ∈ [b], j∈ [n], and are columns have this property, we say the code has node i,j referredto as symbols. Columns of codewordsare denoted locality of r . We emphasize the fact the a column is n by c , j∈ [n]. We denote by M,dim(C) the dimension not necessarily a linear combination of its recovery-set j of the code as a linear space over F . The weight of an columns. Rather, each of its symbols may be obtained by q a linear combination of the symbols of its recovery-set We say V is associated with the jth thick column of G, j columns (possibly a different linear combination for each or equivalently, associated with the jth column of the symbol). codewords of C. Similarly, we say the code has symbol locality r , if for The following equivalence is fundamental to the con- s everycoordinate,i ∈ [b]andj∈ [n],thereexistsarecovery structions and analysis of this section. set S = {j ,...,j } ⊆ [n]\{j} of r other codeword tchoaltumfonrse,vaenr1dy cscoadlearwrssoradℓ,mc ∈∈CF,q, ℓ ∈ [bs], m ∈ [rs], such aLnedmlmetaV1j.,Lje∈tC[nb]e,bae[tbhe×snu,bMspa,cde]saarrsasyocciaotdeedowviethrFthqe, codewordcolumns.ThenS ={j ,...,j } ⊆ [n]\{j}isa 1 m rs b recoverysetforcodewordcolumnj∈ [n],ifandonlyif ci,j = ∑ ∑ aℓ,mcℓ,jm. (2) m=1ℓ=1 Vj ⊆Vj1 +Vj2 +···+Vjm. Thus, each code symbol may be recovered from the code Similarly,Sisarecoverysetforsymbol(i,j),i ∈ [b],if symbols in r other codeword columns. It is obvious that s rs 6rn. g(j−1)b+i ∈Vj1 +Vj2 +···+Vjm, Once locality is defined, we can also define availability. Thenodeavailability,denotedtn,(respectively,thesymbol whereg(j−1)b+iistheithcolumninthejththickcolumnof availability, denoted t ) is the number of pairwise-disjoint ageneratingmatrixGforC. s recovery sets (as in the definition of locality) that exist Proof: This is a simple restatement of (1) and (2). for any codeword column (respectively, symbol). Note With this equivalence, we may obtain the node/symbol that each recovery set should of size at most rn (respec- locality/availability using subspace properties of the thick tively, rs). columns of a generating matrix. Another definition of We also recall some useful facts regarding Gaussian interest is the following. coefficients. Let V be a vector space of dimension n over Fq. For any integer 0 6 k 6 n, we denote by [Vk] Definition2.LetCbea[b×n,M,d]arraycodeoverFq, the set of all k-dimensionalsubspacesof V. The Gaussian andlet Vj bethesubspaceassociatedwiththe jththick coefficient is defined for n, k, and q as column.Ifdim(Vj) = b forall j ∈ [n] wecallC full column rank. n (qn−1)(qn−1−1)...(qn−k+1−1) = . k (qk−1)(qk−1−1)...(q−1) A. Generalized Simplex Codes via Subspaces (cid:20) (cid:21)q We start with a construction of array codes which may Wheneverthesize ofthe field, q, isclearfromthecontext, be considered as a generalization and a q-analog of the we shall remove the subscript q. classicalsimplexcode,thedualof theHammingcode(see It is well known that the number of k-dimensional [18, p. 30]). subspaces of an n-dimensional space over F is given q by [n]. The Gaussian coefficients satisfy the following ConstructionA. Fix a finite field F , positive integers k q recursions (see [26, Chapter 24]), b6 M,andV =FM.Constructab×[M]arraycodewhose q b n n−1 n−1 setofcolumnsareassociatedwiththesubspaces[V],each = +qn−k appearingexactlyonce. b k k k−1 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) n−1 n−1 We make a note here, which is also relevant for the =qk + . (3) k k−1 constructions to follow. Once we fix the set of subspaces (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) associated with the codeword columns, the code is con- Additionally, in a more general form, the number of k′- structed in the following way: for each j ∈ [n], and dimensional subspaces of V which intersect a given k- associated subspace V, we arbitrarily choose a set of dimensional subspace of V in an i-dimensional subspace j b vectors from FM that form a basis for V. These b is given by (see [9]) q j vectorsareplaced(insomearbitraryorder)asthecolumns q(k′−i)(k−i) n−k k . (4) comprising the jth thick column of a generator matrix G. k′−i i The resulting matrix G generates the constructed code1. (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21) III. A SUBSPACE APPROACH TOLRCS Lemma3. FixafinitefieldF ,positiveintegersb < M, q Let C be a [b×n,M,d] array code over Fq. We now andV = FqM−1.ForanyV′ ∈ [b−V1],givenasthecolumn describe an approach to viewing such array codes which spaceofan(M−1)×(b−1)matrixG′,andforanynon- will lead to the main results of this section. zerovectoru ∈ FM−1suchthatuTG′ = 0T,thefollowing q Denote V , FM the M-dimensional vector space hold: q over Fq. Let G be a generator matrix for the (flattened) 1) Ifx,y ∈ FM−1 areinthesamecosetofV′,then q array code C. For each j ∈ [n], we define Vj ∈ bk=0[Vk], uTx =uTy. to be the column space of the jth thick column of G, i.e., S 1Thechoice ofbasisvectors foreachV,theirorder, andtheorderof Vj , g(j−1)b+1,,g(j−1)b+2,...,gjb . thickcolumns,isarbitrary. Distinctchoicesj resultinequivalent codes. D E 2) ThenumberofcosetsofV′,allofwhosevectorsx GM−1.Sincewearenotinanyoftheinduction-basecases, satisfyuTx = a,forsomefixeda ∈ Fq,isexactly web additionally have 1<b < M. qM−b−1. Weconstructanewmatrix,Gbyconcatenatingmodified Proof:DenotethecolumnsofG′ as g′,...,g′ .Ifx thick columns from GbM−−11 and GbM−1. We first take each and y are in the same coset of V′, then th1ere exisbt−s1calars thick column of GbM−1, append a bottom row of all zeros, a ,...,a such that andplaceitasathickcolumnof G.Wecallthesecolumns 1 b−1 thick columns of type I. b−1 All the remaining thick columns of G, which we call x = y+ ∑ g′. j of type II, are formed by the thick columns of GM−1 as j=1 b−1 follows. Consider such a single thick column, which is an Multiplying on the left by uT, and recalling that uTG′ = (M−1)×(b−1) matrix on its own. Denote its column 0T, we obtain the first claim. space by V′ ⊆FqM−1, which by the induction hypothesis, The number of cosets of V′ is exactly qM−b, each hasrankb−1.Thus,thereareqM−bcosetsofV′ inFM−1. q containing qb−1 vectors. Since u 6= 0, the number of Let v′,...,v′ be arbitrary coset representatives of the vectors x ∈ FqM−1 such that uTx = a is qM−2. Dividing distin1ct cosetqsMo−fb V′. We create qM−b thick columns in this by the number of vectors per coset we obtain the G from the given thick column of GM−1 by placing it, second claim. b−1 each time with v′ as a bth column, and with an appended We are now ready for the first claim on the properties i bottom row of 0,...,0,1. In such thick columns of type of the codes from Construction A. II, the left b−1 coordinates are called the recursive part, Theorem4.ThearraycodeobtainedfromConstructionA whereasthelastcoordinateiscalledthecosetpart.Thetwo isa[b×[M],M,d]arraycode,with types of thick columns of G (depending on their source) b are depicted in Figure 1. M M−1 M−1 d = − = qM−b . b b b−1 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) Additionally,exceptfor the all-zero array codeword,all (a) (b) v′ i othercodewordshavethesameconstantweightd. Proof: Apart fromthe minimumdistance of the code, 0,0,...,0,0 0,...,0 1 all other parameters are trivial. We shall prove the min- imum distance property by proving the constant-weight Figure1. The two types ofthick columns inthe constructed matrix G: property of the non-zero codewords by induction on M atypeIthick column,created byathick column(a)from GM−1,anda and b. To make the dependence on the code parameters typeIIthickcolumn,createdbyathickcolumn(b)fromGMb−1 andone explicit, we denote the code from Construction A by CM. ofitscolumn-space cosetrepresentatives. b−1 b Additionally, we assert an auxiliary claim on the thick Simplebookkeepingshowsthatwe have [M−1] columns columns of the generator matrix, namely, that each thick b column has rank b. We will prove this claim by induction of type I, and qM−b[Mb−1] columns of type II, for a total as well. of M−1 M−1 M For the induction basis, we have the following cases. +qM−b = b b−1 b When considering CM, the codewords are M×1 arrays, (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) M and trivially, any non-zero codeword has weight columns, where we used (3). They are easily seen to have distinct associated subspaces, each of dimension b, M−1 1= qM−M . accountingforalltheb-dimensionalsubspacesofV =FM. M−1 q (cid:20) (cid:21) Thus, G is indeed a generator matrix for the code from AnotherbasecaseisCM.Intheresultinggeneratormatrix, Construction A, where each column has rank b. 1 each thick column contains just a single column, and the Now that we have proven a decomposition for the matrixisnothingbutageneratormatrixforthewellknown generator matrix G, we can proceed with the proof of the simplex code. The codewords are 1×(qM−1)/(q−1) constantweightofallnon-zerocodewords.Itiseasilyseen arrays. The weight of the non-zero codewords in the that G has full rank. We considerseveral cases, depending simplex code is known to be qM−1, and indeed we get on the rows of G participating in the linear combination a constant weight of creating the codeword at question. In the simplest case, if a codeword of CM is formed by qM−1 = qM−1 M−1 . the last row of G only, then its weight isbqM−b[M−1], as 0 b−1 (cid:20) (cid:21) the number of thick columns of type II. We additionallynote that in bothcases, each thick column Forthesecondcase,letusconsidera codewordc ∈ CM b has rank b. formedbyalinearcombinationofsomerowsfromthefirst Assume now the claim holds for CM−1 and for CM−1. M−1 rows of G. By the induction hypothesis, the thick b−1 b For the induction step we prove the claim also holds for columnsoftypeIcontribute[M−1]−[M−2]totheweightof b b CM.Lettheirrespectivegeneratingmatricesbe GM−1 and c. Also by the induction hypothesis, the recursive parts of b b−1 thick columns of type II contribute qM−b([M−1]−[M−2]) definition this means that rn = rs, and since each column b−1 b−1 to the weight. Finally, even if for some thick column of may be shown as the sum of two other columns, we have type II the recursive part may produce a combination of rn =rs =2. allzeros,thecosetpartmaybenon-zero,thuscontributing We note that we ignored the case of b = M in the totheweightofc.Moreprecisely,wehave[M−2]recursive previous lemma, since then the array codewords have a b−1 single column, and locality is not defined. parts the linear combination zeros. Therefore, by Lemma 3, the coset part of exactly [M−2](q−1)qM−b−1 becomes Wenowturntoconsideravailability.Symbolavailability b−1 non-zero, and contributes to the weight of c. In total we is trivial. get, Corollary6.ThearraycodeobtainedfromConstructionA, M−1 M−2 withparameters1<b < M,hassymbolavailability wt(c)= − b b M−1 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) t = −1 M−1 M−2 s b−1 +qM−b − (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:18)(cid:20)b−1(cid:21) (cid:20)b−1(cid:21)(cid:19) andforb =1t = qM−1−1. M−2 s 2 + (q−1)qM−b−1 b−1 Proof: We use (4) to find the number of associated (cid:20) (cid:21) subspaces containing a given vector. M M−1 = − . Unlike locality, it appears that determining the node b b (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) availabilityisadifficulttask.Weconsideronlythesimplest Finally, we consider a linear combination that, non- non-trivial case of b =2. trivially, uses some rows from the set of M−1 first rows, Lemma7. ThearraycodeobtainedfromConstructionA, as well as the last row. The 1’s in the last row are located withparametersb =2< M,hasnodeavailability exactly at the coset part of thick columnsof type II. Since by Lemma 3, the linear combination results in an equal 1 M number of appearancesof each element of Fq in the coset tn = 2 2 −1 , (cid:18)(cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:19) parts, an addition of a multiple of the last row will not whenqiseven,and change that, and the weight of the codeword remains the same as in the previous case. t > 1 M −1−q(q2+q−1) M−2 , n We observe that the codes of Construction A form a 2 2 2 (cid:18)(cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:19) generalization of simplex codes. When we choose b = 1 whenqisodd. inConstructionA,thesimplexcodeisobtained,afactthat Proof: Let us consider some codeword column of was used in the proof of Theorem 4. the code, and its associated subspace, V = hv ,v i. We 1 2 Lemma5. ThearraycodeobtainedfromConstructionA, count the number of pairwise-disjoint pairs of subspaces withparametersb < M,hasnodelocalityofr = 2,and n U,W 6= V, such that V ⊆ U +W. We show how symbollocalityof all subspaces (except for V) may be paired in such a 1 b>1, manner, except perhaps for a few due to parity issues. rs = We distinguish between two different kinds of subspaces, (2 b=1. where the subspaces of the first kind intersect V in a one- Proof: Let C be a code generated by Construction A dimensional subspace (a projective point), and where the with a generator matrix G. We first examine the case of subspaces of the second kind have only trivial intersection b >1.Forsymbollocality,givenanycolumnofG,denoted with V. g ∈ FqM, by (4), there are exactly [Mb−−11] b-dimensional First, we consider subspaces of the first kind. There subspaces of FM containing g, each corresponding to a are [M−1]−1 = q[M−2] associated subspaces different q 1 1 thickcolumnof G.Since b< M,wehave[M−1] >1,and form V that contain a given vector v ∈ V, v 6= 0, thereexistsathickcolumndifferentthantheobn−e1containing and we denote them by Vv. Since there are [21] = q+1 thecolumng,whosecolumnspacecontainsg.Hence,rs = projective points in V, denoted v1,...,vq+1, we have 1. q(q+1)[M−2] associated subspaces which intersect V in 1 For node locality, given any subspace V associated a one-dimensional subspace. Note that if U ∈ V and j vi with the jth thick column of G, we can easily find two W ∈ V , with i 6= j, then V ⊆ U+W. We now further vj other subspaces Vj1 and Vj2, j 6∈ {j1,j2}, such that partition each Vvi into q sets of equal size, arbitrarily. We tVhje⊆firstVbj1a+sisVejl2e.mFeonrt eaxnadmcpolme:plfiexteaitbtoasaisbfaosrisVojf. sToamkee denotethese Vvji,where j ∈[q+1]\{i}. Thesize ofeach such set is b-dimensional subspace of FqM, denoted Vj1. Take the Vj = M−2 . raemdiaffienrienngtbb−-di1mbeanssiisoenlaelmseunbtsspoafceV,jdaenndotceodmVple.teTthhiesmcatno (cid:12) vi(cid:12) (cid:20) 1 (cid:21) always be done when 1< b< M. Hence, r =j2 2. Finally, for each i,j(cid:12)(cid:12)∈ [q(cid:12)(cid:12)+1], i 6= j, we arbitrarily create n pairs of elements, one from Vj , and one from Vi . The Finally, we consider the case b = 1. In this case, each vi vj thick column of G comprises of a single column. By total number of such pairs is (q+1)[M−2]. 2 1 Next we consider associated subspaces of the second Since q is even, this is indeed well defined since kind. There are [M]−1−q(q+1)[M−2] such subspaces. f(f(W))=W. Additionally, the objective is met since 2 1 We will prove that for even q one can partition all these V =hv ,v i ⊆W+ f(W). subspacesintodisjointpairs,andforoddqonecanpartition 1 2 all but a few such subspaces into disjoint pairs. The Whenq isodd,wepartitioneachclass S ,identifiedby U statement of the lemma then follows from this proof. U and u ,u ∈U, into disjoint pairs by pairing 1 2 Given an associated subspace U = hu ,u i, U∩V = 1 2 W = hu +x ,u +x i ∈S , 0 , we define a set S of q4 subspaces, as follows: 1 1 2 2 U U with (cid:8) (cid:9) S = {hu +x ,u +x i : x ,x ∈V}. U 1 1 2 2 1 2 f(W) = hu −x ,u −x i ∈ S . 1 1 2 2 U Note that since U∩V = 0 , the vectors u1+x1 and Except for x1 = x2 = 0, this is indeed a pairing since u2+x2 arelinearlyindepen(cid:8)den(cid:9)t.Onecaneasilyverifythat f(f(W)) = W. Additionally, whenever x1 and x2 are SU iswelldefined,andthechoiceoftwo basisvectors,u1 linearly independent, we have and u , does not change S . 2 U Additionally, if we have two distinct associated sub- V =hv1,v2i ⊆W+ f(W). spacesofthesecondkind,U 6=U′,theneitherSU∩SU′ = Thenumberofsuchpairsis 1(q2−1)(q2−q).Hence,we ∅ or SU =SU′. To see that, assume W1 ∈ SU∩SU′, i.e., are not using q(q2+q−1) s2ubspaces of the q4 subspaces in S , and there are [M−2] sets S . W1 =hu1+x1,u2+x2i∈ SU, U 2 U W1 = u1′ +x1′,u2′ +x2′ ∈SU′, B. Codes from Subspace Designs In this subsection we focus on constructing codes by with x ,x ,x′,x′(cid:10) ∈ V. (cid:11)Then there exist 1 2 1 2 using certain subspace designs. We first presenta different α ,α ,α ,α ∈F such that 1,1 1,2 2,1 2,2 q generalization of simplex codes by using spreads. The re- u +x =α (u′ +x′)+α (u′ +x′), sultingcodeisknown,andweanalyzeitforcompleteness, 1 1 1,1 1 1 1,2 2 2 and for motivating anotherconstructionthat uses subspace u +x =α (u′ +x′)+α (u′ +x′), 2 2 2,1 1 1 2,2 2 2 designs. and ConsiderafinitefieldFq andthevectorspaceV ,FqM. ∆=det αα1,1 αα1,2 6=0. A b-spread of V is a set {V1,V2,...,Vn}⊆ [Mb] such that (cid:18) 2,1 2,2(cid:19) Vi∩Vj = 0 for all i,j ∈ [n], i 6= j, and additionally, We cannot have α1,1 =α1,2 =0, and we assume α1,2 6=0 i∈[n]Vi =(cid:8)V(cid:9)= FqM. Thus, except for the zero vector, 0, where the other case is symmetric. Then, givenW2 ∈SU, aSspread is a partition of FqM into subspaces. It is known W = hu +y ,u +y i, where y ,y ∈V, we define that a b-spread exists if and only if b|M. Simple counting 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 shows that the number of subspaces in a spread is α α y1′ ,x1′ + ∆11,2 (cid:18)α21,,22(y1−x1)−(y2−x2)(cid:19), n= qqMb−−11 = [[M1b]]. y′ ,x′ + y −x −α (y′ −x′) . 1 2 2 α1,2 1 1 1,1 1 1 Let us start with a code obtained from a single spread. (cid:0) (cid:1) This code was already described in [19], in the context of Obviously, y′,y′ ∈V. We also observe that 1 2 self-repairingcodes,andwebringithereforcompleteness. u +y =α (u′ +y′)+α (u′ +y′), 1 1 1,1 1 1 1,2 2 2 u2+y2 =α2,1(u1′ +y1′)+α2,2(u2′ +y2′), ConstructionB.FixafinitefieldFq,positiveintegersb|M, andV =FM.Constructab×[M]/[b]arraycodewhoseset and so W2 = u1′ +y1′,u2′ +y2′ ∈ SU′. Hence, if SU∩ ofcolumnsqareassociatedwitht1hesu1bspacesofab-spread S 6=∅, then S = S . U′ (cid:10) U U′ (cid:11) ofV,eachappearingexactlyonce. Thus, as U ranges over all associated subspaces of Theorem8.ThearraycodeobtainedfromConstructionB the second kind, S partitions that set of subspaces into equivalenceclasses.UWe arbitrarilyidentifyeachsuch class isa[b×[M1]/[1b],M,qM−b]arraycode.Additionally,except fortheall-zeroarraycodeword,allothercodewordshavethe withasubspaceU,andapairofbasisvectors,u ,u ∈U. 1 2 sameconstantweight. Depending on the parity of q we have two cases. First we consider even q. We partition each class SU, identified Proof: Denote u , [M1]/[1b]. Consider an M×bu by U and u1,u2 ∈ U, into disjoint pairs as follows: We generator matrix G for the code C from Construction pair each B. It contains u thick columns, each made up of b columns. Let G, i ∈ [u], be the M×b submatrix of i W = hu +x ,u +x i ∈ S , 1 1 2 2 U G containing the b columns of the ith thick column, i.e., G =(G |G |...|G ). with 1 2 u We now take each G, i ∈ [u], and construct from it an i f(W) =hu +x +v ,u +x +v i ∈ S . M×(qb−1) matrix we call Gext, whose columnsare the 1 1 1 2 2 2 U i column space of Gi except for 0. We concatenate those to block is of size b×b, Ib is the b×b, identity matrix, and obtain the M×(qM−1) matrix [A1|...|At] is a codeword of a Gabidulin code of length bt and minimumrank distance b. Of particular interest are Gext , G1ext|G2ext|...|Guext . the “unit” subspaces, Since the thick colum(cid:0)ns of G form a b-sp(cid:1)read of FM, the U ,rowsp[0|...|0|I |0|...|0], q i b columnsof Gext containeachpossiblevectorexactlyonce, i−1 except for 0. We now observe that a row of Gext is 0T iff it is for all i ∈ [M/b]. Obviou|sly{,z } i 0T in Gi. Additionally, a non-zero row of Giext contains M∑/bU =FM. exactly qb−1 occurrences of each non-zero element of F . i q q i=1 Finally, each non-zero element of F appears qM−1 times in each row of Gext. Thus, given aqrow of Gext, exactly Thus,exceptforunitsubspacesfromU ,{Ui}i∈[M/b],for qM−1/qb−1 = qM−b of its u thick columns are non-zero, everyothersubspaceof the spread, the set U is a recovery set of M/b thick columns. implying the same for the corresponding row in G, and then the associated array codeword has weight qM−b. We are left with the task of findingrecoverysets of unit subspaces of the form U. For every i ∈ [M/b−1], we We now want to prove the same thing for every non- i have trivial linear combination of the rows of G. First, note that having a b-spread of FqM is equivalent to having Ui ⊆Ui+1+rowsp[0|...|0|Ib|A|0|...|0], rank(G) = b, and rank(G|G ) = 2b, for all i,j ∈ [u], i i j i−1 oif6=Gj,.eCaochnswidiethr aalninoena-rzecroomcboienfafitcioiennto,frerosuwlstini1g,ii2n,.a.r.o,wiℓ where A 6= 0 is a codew|or{dzo}f the above-mentioned vector vT. Replace row iℓ of G by the vector vT to Gabidulin code. Finally, roabntkainisainnveawrianmtattorixsuGch′ o=per(aGti1′o|nGs2′,|r.a.n.|kG(Gu′)′.)S=incbeatnhde UM/b ⊆UM/b−1+rowsp[0|...|0|Ib|A], i rank(G′|G′) = 2b for all i,j ∈ [u], i 6= j. Thus G′ is since A is full rank due to the minimum rank distance of i j equivalenttoab-spread(perhapsdifferentfromtheoriginal the Gabidulin code. Thus, each Ui has a recovery set of oneinducedbyG).Usingthesamelogicasbefore,exactly size 26 M/b. qM−b ofthe thickcolumnsof vT arenon-zero,completing The code of Construction B is also a generalization of the proof. thesimplexcode.Indeed,whenwetakeb=1theresulting generator matrix is that of a simplex code. Lemma9. ThearraycodeobtainedfromConstructionB, Corollary10.WhenM = 2b,thecodefromConstruction b < M,hassymbollocalityr = 2,anditsnodelocality s BisanMDSarraycodewithr =r =2. satisfies2 6 r 6 b+1.Moreover,thereexistsucharray n s n codeswithr 6 M/b. Proof: The node and symbol locality are trivial since n the subspaces associated with thick columns have a pair- Proof: To provethe symbollocality, we note that any wise trivial intersection, and therefore the sum of any two column of G can be presented as a linear combination such subspaces gives the entire space since M = 2b. The of two other columns which belong to two other distinct codeis MDS since it is a [b×(qb+1),2b,qb] array code. thick columns. Otherwise, if these two columns belong to the same thick column, we obtain a contradiction to the Up to this point we constructed codes by specifying definitionofaspread.Thus,r 62.Wealsoobviouslyhave s their generator matrix. We now turn to consider their dual r 6 2, otherwise we contradict the partitioning property s codes by reversing the roles of generator and parity-check of the spread. matrices. We first require the following simple lemma. For the node locality, since in general r 6 r we have that26r .Let{v ,...,v }beabasisforsathinckcolumn Lemma11. LetC bea[b×n,M,d] arraycodeoverFq n 1 b thatisfullcolumnrank.Ifthesizeofthesmallestrecovery of G which represents an element (subspace) V of the spread. Take an arbitrary w 6∈ V and define u ,iv +w, setforasymbolofC isofsizeℓ,thenthedualcode,C⊥, i i i isa[b×n,bn−M,ℓ+1]arraycode.Inparticular,ifthe foralli ∈ [b].Observethatwandallthevectorsu,i ∈ [b], i symbollocalityof every symbolofC isr ,thenC⊥ isa belongtob+1differentsubspaces(correspondingtothick s [b×n,bn−M,r +1]arraycode. columns)in a spread,orelse thesewouldintersectV non- s i trivially. Clearly, V can be reconstructed from these b+1 Proof:LetGbeageneratormatrixforC.Thesmallest i subspaces. recovery set of size ℓ together with the full column rank For the remainder of the proof let us assume that the property imply that the smallest set of linearly dependent spread is constructed in a specific way, inferred from [7], columns of G includes columns from exactly ℓ+1 thick given in more detail in [10], and described as follows. columns. Considering G as a parity-check matrix for C⊥, Every element (subspace) in the constructed spread is we obtain that the any non-zero codeword of C⊥ has presented as the row space of a row-reducedechelon-form at least ℓ+1 non-zero columns. The rest of the code b× M matrix [0|0|...|0|I |A |A |...|A ], where each parameters are trivially obtained. b 1 2 t The dual code of the code from Construction A has a Fn 3) B ⊆ [ q], called the blocks, is a collection of small distance d =2, and is thereforenot very interesting. k subspaces that contain only points from V, with However, the code from Construction B presents a more |B|= qmt. interesting situation. 4) Eachblockmeetseachgroupinexactlyonepoint. Lemma12.LetCbeacodefromConstructionB.Thenits 5) Eacht-dimensionalsubspaceofFn,withpointsonly q dual,C⊥,isa[b×[M]/[b],b[M]/[b]− M,3] arraycode. fromV,whichmeetseachgroupinatmostonepoint, 1 1 1 1 Additionally,C⊥isaperfectarraycode. iscontainedinexactlyoneblock. AnSTD (t,k,m) = (V,G,B) iscalled resolvable ifthe Proof: The minimum distance follows from Lemma q setBmaybepartitionedintosetsB ,...,B ,calledparallel 11since the localityofall symbolsin C is 2.To show that 1 s C⊥ is perfect, note that the ball of radius 1 has size classes,whereeachpointiscontainedinexactlyoneblock ofeachparallelclassB. i [M] Φ ,1+ 1 (qb−1)= qM. Unlike q-Steiner systems, subspace transversal designs 1 [b] areknowntoexistinawiderangeofparameters,asshown 1 in the following theorem [8]. Hence, C⊥ ·Φ1 =qb[M1]/[1b], Theorem15.[8,Th.7]Forany1 6 t 6 k 6 m,andany finitefieldF ,thereexistsaresolvableSTD (t,k,m) = (cid:12) (cid:12) q q which is equal to t(cid:12)he s(cid:12)ize of the entire space. (V,G,B),wheretheblocksetB maybepartitionedinto (cid:12) (cid:12) We note that the code of Lemma 12 has already been qm(t−1)parallelclasses,eachoneofsizeqm,suchthateach described as a perfect byte-correcting code in [6], [14]. pointiscontainedinexactlyoneblockofeachparallelclass. At this point we stop to reflect back on Construction A ConstructionD. FixafinitefieldF , M > 2b,andlet andConstructionB.Wecontendthatthetwoareinfacttwo q (V,G,B) be a STD (t,b,M − b) with parallel classes extremesofamoregeneralconstructionusingtheq-analog q B ,B ,...,B .Constructthefollowingtwoarraycodes: of Steiner systems. 1 2 s • AnarraycodeCpar whosesetofcolumnsareassoci- Definition13. Let F beafinitefield.A q-analog of a q atedwiththesubspacesinasingleparallelclass,B, Steiner system (a q-Steiner system for short), denoted i eachappearingexactlyonce. Fn Sq[t,k,n],isasetofsubspaces,B ⊆ [ kq],suchthatevery • AnarraycodeCwhosesetofcolumnsareassociated Fn subspacefrom[ q]iscontainedinexactlyoneelementofB. withthesubspacesinB,eachappearingexactlyonce. t In light of Definition 13, we note that the subspaces The code Cpar is in fact an auxiliary code we shall use associated with the columns of Construction A form a q- to prove the parameters of the code C, and is perhaps of SteinersystemS [b,b,M].Similarly,thesubspacesassoci- interest on its own. q ated with the columns of Construction B form a q-Steiner Theorem16. LetC bethecodefromConstructionD. par systemSq[1,b,M].Botharethereforeextreme(andtrivial) ThenC isa[b×qM−b,M,qM−b−qM−2b]arraycode, par cases of a more general construction we now describe. with2b−1codewordsoffullweightqM−b,andtheother ConstructionC.FixafinitefieldF ,andletB ⊆ [FqM]bea non-zerocodewordsofweightqM−b−qM−2b.Moreover, q q-SteinersystemS [t,b,M].Constructanarraycodebwhose thesymbollocalityofCpar isrs = 2,anditsnodelocality q is setofcolumnsareassociatedwiththesubspacesetB,each 3 q =2, appearingexactlyonce. r = n (2 q >2. The main problem with the approach of Construction C is the fact that we need a q-Steiner system. Such systems Proof: The size and dimension of the array code are extremely hard to find [2], [24], with the only known follow from Theorem 15. The rest of the proof follows ones(differentS [2,3,13]),foundby computersearch [2]. the same logic as the proof of Theorem 8. 2 An alternativeapproachusesa structurethatis “almost” Denote u , qM−b. Consider an M ×bu generator a q-Steiner system, and is more readily available – a matrix G for Cpar. It containsu thick columns,each made subspace transversal design (see [8]). up of b columns. Let Gi, i ∈[u], be the M×b submatrix of G containingthebcolumnsoftheiththickcolumn,i.e., Definition14.LetF beafinitefield.Asubspace transver- q G =(G |G |...|G ). sal designofgroupsizeqm =qn−k,blockdimensionk,and 1 2 u We now take each G, i ∈ [u], and construct from it an i strengtht,denotedbySTDq(t,k,m) isatriple(V,G,B), M×(qb−1) matrix we call Gext, whose columnsare the where i column space of G except for 0. We concatenate those to 1) V , [F1nq]\V0(n,k),calledthe points,whereV0(n,k) is obtain the M×u(qib−1) matrix definedtobethesetofall1-dimensionalsubspacesof Fnq allofwhosevectorsstartwithkzeros,andwhere Gext ,(G1ext|G2ext|...|Guext). |V| = [k]qm. Since we used a single parallel class, the columns of 1 2) GisapartitionofV into[k]classesofsizeqm,called Gext contain each possible vector exactly once, except 1 the groups. for columns beginning with b zeros. In other words, the subspaces of dimension b that correspond to the thick The size of the entire space is qbqM−b. Then columns of G, together with the subspace of dimension M−b of all vectorsstarting with b zeros,forma partition Cp⊥ar ·|Φ1| qbqM−b−M(1+qM−b(qb−1)) of the non-zero vectors of FM. = We now observe that a rowq of Gext is 0T iff it is 0T in (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) qbq(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)M−b qbqM−b Gi. Additionally, a non-zero row ofiGiext contains exactly = 1+qM−qM−b =1+q−M−q−b, qb−1 occurrencesofeachnon-zeroelementofF .Itisnow qM q a matter of simple counting,to obtainthat each of the first and this ratio tends to 1 when b,M → ∞, implying the b rowsof Gext hasallofits u=qM−b thickcolumnsnon- code family is asymptotically perfect. zero, and the remaining lower M−b rows of Gext have exactlyqM−b−qM−2bnon-zerothickcolumnsineachrow. Example19. Let b = 3, M = 6,q = 2.Agenerator Finally, consider a linear combination of the rows of matrixG forthe[3×8,6,7] MDSarraycodeCpar from ConstructionDisgivenby G that involves rows i1,i2,...,iℓ, all with non-zero co- efficients, and resulting in a row vT. As in the proof 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 of Theorem 8, let us replace row iℓ of G with vT to 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 obtainanewgeneratormatrixG′.Again,thesubspacesthe 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 correspondtothethickcolumnsofG′ induceapartitionof G = 000 100 001 010 101 011 111 110 . the non-zero vectors of FM into subspaces of dimension q 000 010 101 011 111 110 100 001 b and a single subspace of dimension M−b. Therefore, 000 001 010 101 011 111 110 100 we conclude that the resulting row corresponds to an ✷ array codeword of weight either qM−b or qM−b−qM−2b dependingon whetheri1,...,iℓ ∈[b] or not.Thisgivesus We now move on to examine the second code of Con- atotalofqb−1codewordsinC ofweightqM−b,andthe struction D. To avoid degenerate cases, we consider only par remaining non-zero codewords of weight qM−b−qM−2b. t>2. To complete the proof, the symbol locality is r = 2, s Theorem20.LetCbethecodefromConstructionD,with since anycolumnof G maybeeasily begivenasa sumof t>2.ThenCisa[b×q(M−b)t,M,d]arraycode twoothercolumnsof G (whichmustalsoresideindistinct thickcolumns),duetothepartitionofFqM discussedabove. d= q(M−b)(t−1)(qM−b−qM−2b). To provethe nodelocality we recall thatany thick column of G correspondstoaliftedMRDcodeword,i.e., (I |A)T, Thesymbolandnodelocalityofthecodesatisfyrs =1,and b where AisacodewordofalinearMRDcodeofdimension rn >2.Itssymbolavailabilityists =q(M−b)(t−1)−1. M−b. When q = 2, we can recover (Ib|A)T by noting Proof: The codeword size, as well as the minimum that distance follow immediately by noting that there are (I |A)T = (I |A′)T+(I |A+A′)T+(I |0)T, q(M−b)(t−1) parallel classes, and a generator matrix for C b b b b issimplytheconcatenationofgeneratorsforC (foreach where A′ is a codewordof the lifted MRD code, A′ 6= A, par oftheparallelclasses).Theminimumdistancethenfollows and where we use the fact that M−b > 2. When q > 2, from Theorem 16. let α ∈ F , α 6= 0,1. Then we can recover (I |A)T) by q b Additionally, each point (i.e., a column of G) is con- noting that tained exactly once in each of the q(M−b)(t−1) parallel (I |A)T =α−1(I |αA)+(α−1)α−1(I |0)T, classesinasinglesubspace(i.e.,thecolumnspanofathick b b b thus proving r =2 for q>2. column of G). 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