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Local Generalized Pauli’s Theorem Nikoly Marchuk and Dmitry Shirokov 2 1 0 January 25, 2012 2 n a J Abstract 4 2 In this work a generalized Pauli’s theorem (proved by D. S. Shi- ] h rokov for two sets ea,ha, a = 1,...,n of Clifford algebra elements p - Cℓ(p,q), p + q = n) is extended to the case, when one or both sets of h t elements depends smoothly on points x of the Euclidian space. We a m prove that in this case for any point x0 of Euclidian space there exists [ ε-neighborhood Oε(x0) and there exists smooth function T : Oε(x0) → 1 Cℓ(p,q) such that two sets of Clifford algebra elements are connected v by a similarity transformation ha(x) = T(x)−1ea(x)T(x), a = 1,...,n 5 8 in Oε(x0). 9 4 1. Let V be r-dimensional Euclidian space with scalar product (x,y), ∀x,y ∈ 0 V and with the norm 2 1 : v kxk = (x,x), ∀x ∈ V. p i X r Let Ω be domain in V and let ε > 0 be positive real number. ε- a neighborhood of a point x ∈ V is the domain 0 O (x ) = {x ∈ V : kx − x k < ε}. ε 0 0 F R F C F Consider a real or complex ( = or = ) Clifford algebra Cℓ (p,q) of 1 a n dimension n = p + q with generators e , a = 1,...,n and with basis of 2 elements a ab 1...n e,e ,e ,...,e , (1) 1An important special case is r = n, when the basis of V is the set of generators ea. In this case V can be considerd as a pseudo-Euclidian space with two metrics - Euclidian and pseudo-Euclidian. We use Euclidian metric to determine a neighborhood of a point. 1 enumerated by ordered multi-indices of length from 0 to n. The generators satisfy the relations a b b a ab e e + e e = 2η e, ab where η are elements of the diagonal matrix η of order n with p elements equals 1 and q elements equals −1 on the diagonal. Consider a function F f : Ω → Cℓ (p,q) F with values in Clifford algebra Cℓ (p,q). The function f = f(x) can be written in the form a 1...n f = ue + u e + ... + u e , a 1...n F where u = u(x), u = u (x), ... are functions Ω → and basis elements (1) a a do not depend on x ∈ V . If functions u,u ,...,u have continuous derivatives up to order k in a 1...n Ω, then we say that (real or complex) functions u,u ,...,u and f belong a 1...n k 0 to the class C (Ω) (C (Ω) – the class of continuous functions in domain Ω). Theorem 1 (Local generalized Pauli’s theorem in the case of even n). a a Let n be even positive number and h = h (x), a = 1,...,n are functions F k Ω → Cℓ (p,q) of class C (Ω) such that a b b a ab h (x)h (x) + h (x)h (x) = 2η e, a,b = 1,...,n, ∀x ∈ Ω. Then for any x ∈ Ω there exists ε > 0 and there exists a function 0 F T = T(x) : O (x ) → Cℓ (p,q), satisfying the conditions ε 0 k 1. T(x) – function of class C (O (x )); ε 0 F 2. T(x) – an invertible element of Clifford algebra Cℓ (p,q) for any x ∈ O (x ); ε 0 3. ea = T−1(x)ha(x)T(x), a = 1,...,n, ∀x ∈ O (x ); ε 0 4. The function T(x) is defined up to multiplication by (real in the case F R F C k = or complex in the case = ) function of class C (O (x )) that ε 0 is not equal to zero for any point of O (x ). ε 0 2 Proof A . We denote elements of the basis (1) by e , where A are ordered multi-indices of length from 0 to n. Let denote e = (eA)−1. For each basis A A A 2 A 2 A element e we have (e ) = e or (e ) = −e, so for all A we have e = ±e . A We denote ab a b h = h h , for 1 ≤ a < b ≤ n; abc a b c h = h h h , for 1 ≤ a < b < c ≤ n and so on. Let denote elements a ab 1...n e,h ,h ,...,h A by h . Let consider sum of the following form (sum over all ordered multi-indices A of length from 0 to n) A Xh (x)FeA (2) A where F is an element of the basis (1). Consider an arbitrary point x ∈ Ω. By generalized Pauli’s theorem [1] 0 we have at least one basis element (1) (denote it by F) for which A T = Xh (x0)FeA 6= 0. (3) A We define the norm of Clifford algebra elements by |U| = Tr(U†U), p where the operation of Hermitian conjugation † is defined in [2]. Then from (3) we obtain A |T| = |Xh (x0)FeA| = δ > 0. A k Since a linear combination of functions of class C (Ω) is a function of class k A C (Ω), then the expression | h (x)Fe | is a continuous function of x ∈ Ω. PA A Then there exists a real number ε > 0 such that A |Xh (x)FeA| > δ/2, ∀x ∈ Oε(x0) A 3 in ε-neighborhood of the point x . 0 Consequently, we construct a function A T(x) = Xh (x)FeA 6= 0, ∀x ∈ Oε(x0) A k of class C (O (x )). By generalized Pauli’s theorem [1] we have ε 0 ea = T−1(x)ha(x)T(x), a = 1,...,n, ∀x ∈ O (x )) ε 0 or, equivalently, ha(x) = T(x)eaT−1(x), a = 1,...,n, ∀x ∈ O (x )). ε 0 The theorem is proved. The theorem evidently generalizes to the case when both sets of Clifford algebra elements depend on points x of the Euclidian space. Let formulate and prove a similar theorem for the case of odd n. Theorem 2 (Local generalized Pauli’s theorem in the case of odd n for real Clifford algebra). a a Let n be positive odd number and h = h (x), a = 1,...,n are functions R k Ω → Cℓ (p,q) of class C (Ω) such that a b b a ab h (x)h (x) + h (x)h (x) = 2η e, a,b = 1,...,n, ∀x ∈ Ω. 1 2 n 1...n Then the product h (x)h (x)...h (x) = h does not depend on x and 1...n equals ±e or ±e (last case is possible only if p − q = 1 mod 4). Then for any point x ∈ Ω there exists ε > 0 and there exists a function 0 R T = T(x) : O (x ) → Cℓ (p,q), satisfying the conditions ε 0 k 1. T(x) – function of class C (O (x )); ε 0 R 2. T(x) – an invertible element of Clifford algebra Cℓ (p,q) for any x ∈ O (x ); ε 0 3. (a) ea = T−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = e1...n, (b) ea = −T−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = −e1...n, (c) ea = e1...nT−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = e, 4 (d) ea = −e1...nT−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = −e, where equalities hold for a = 1,...,n and ∀x ∈ O (x ); ε 0 4. The function T(x) is defined up to multiplication by elements λ(x)e + 1...n k ν(x)e , where λ(x) and ν(x) are real functions of class C (O (x )) ε 0 1...n such that element λ(x)e+ν(x)e is invertible for any point of domain O (x ). ε 0 Before discussing the proof of this theorem let us formulate another the- orem. Theorem 3 (Local generalized Pauli’s theorem in the case of odd n for complex Clifford algebra). a a Let n be positive odd number and h = h (x), a = 1,...,n are functions C k Ω → Cℓ (p,q) of class C (Ω) such that a b b a ab h (x)h (x) + h (x)h (x) = 2η e, a,b = 1,...,n, ∀x ∈ Ω. 1 2 n 1...n Then the product h (x)h (x)...h (x) = h does not depend on x and equals ±e (in the case p − q = 1 mod 4) or ±ie (in the case p − q = 3 1...n mod 4) or ±e (in both cases). Then for any point x ∈ Ω there exists ε > 0 and there exists a function 0 C T = T(x) : O (x ) → Cℓ (p,q) such that ε 0 k 1. T(x) – a function of class C (O (x )); ε 0 C 2. T(x) – an invertible element of Clifford algebra Cℓ (p,q) for any x ∈ O (x ); ε 0 3. (a) ea = T−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = e1...n, (b) ea = −T−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = −e1...n, (c) ea = e1...nT−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = e, (d) ea = −e1...nT−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = −e, (e) ea = ie1...nT−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = ie, (f) ea = −ie1...nT−1(x)ha(x)T(x) ⇔ h1...n = −ie, where equalities hold for a = 1,...,n and ∀x ∈ O (x ); ε 0 5 4. The function T(x) is defined up to multiplication by elements λ(x)e + 1...n k ν(x)e , where λ(x) and ν(x) - are complex functions of class C (O (x )) ε 0 1...n such that element λ(x)e+ν(x)e is invertible for any point of domain O (x ). ε 0 Proof . Proofs of Theorems 2 and 3 are similar to the proof of Theorem 1. We must use generalized Pauli’s theorems [1] for Clifford algebras of odd dimension n. We consider expressions (instead of the expressions (2)) A X h (x)FγA, A∈IEven where sum is over multi-indices of even length I = {A, |A| − even}. Even B Element F is always among the basis elements {e } or among the ex- B C pressions {e +e } of sum of two basis elemebts. So, F does not depend on the point x. All other considerations are similar to considerations for the case of even n. The theorems are proved. Theorems 2 and 3 evidently can be generalize to the case when both sets of Clifford algebra elements depend on points x of the Euclidian space. References [1] Shirokov D.S., Extension of Pauli’s theorem to Clifford algebras, Dokl. Math., 84, 2, 699-701 (2011). [2] Marchuk N.G., Shirokov D.S., Unitary spaces on Clifford algebras, Ad- vances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Volume 18, Number 2, pp.237-254 (2008). 6

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