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Preview Local Conditions, Not Regional Gradients, Drive Demographic Variation of Giant Ragweed

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff NNeebbrraasskkaa -- LLiinnccoollnn DDiiggiittaallCCoommmmoonnss@@UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff NNeebbrraasskkaa -- LLiinnccoollnn Agronomy & Horticulture -- Faculty Publications Agronomy and Horticulture Department 2012 LLooccaall CCoonnddiittiioonnss,, NNoott RReeggiioonnaall GGrraaddiieennttss,, DDrriivvee DDeemmooggrraapphhiicc VVaarriiaattiioonn ooff GGiiaanntt RRaaggwweeeedd ((AAmmbbrroossiiaa ttrriififiddaa)) aanndd CCoommmmoonn SSuunnflfloowweerr ((HHeelliiaanntthhuuss aannnnuuuuss)) AAccrroossss NNoorrtthheerrnn UU..SS.. MMaaiizzee BBeelltt Samuel E. Wortman University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Adam Davis U.S. Department of Agriculture Brian J. Schutte U.S. Department of Agriculture, [email protected] John L. Lindquist University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] John Cardina Ohio State University See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/agronomyfacpub Part of the Plant Sciences Commons Wortman, Samuel E.; Davis, Adam; Schutte, Brian J.; Lindquist, John L.; Cardina, John; Felix, Joel; Sprague, Christy L.; Dille, J. Anita; Ramirez, Analiza H. M.; Reicks, Graig; and Clay, Sharon A., "Local Conditions, Not Regional Gradients, Drive Demographic Variation of Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) and Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Across Northern U.S. Maize Belt" (2012). Agronomy & Horticulture -- Faculty Publications. 624. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/agronomyfacpub/624 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Agronomy and Horticulture Department at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Agronomy & Horticulture -- Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. AAuutthhoorrss Samuel E. Wortman, Adam Davis, Brian J. Schutte, John L. Lindquist, John Cardina, Joel Felix, Christy L. Sprague, J. Anita Dille, Analiza H. M. Ramirez, Graig Reicks, and Sharon A. Clay This article is available at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/ agronomyfacpub/624 WeedScience201260:440–450 Local Conditions, Not Regional Gradients, Drive Demographic Variation of Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) and Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Across Northern U.S. Maize Belt Sam E. Wortman, Adam S. Davis, Brian J. Schutte, John L. Lindquist, John Cardina, Joel Felix, Christy L. Sprague, J. Anita Dille, Analiza H. M. Ramirez, Graig Reicks, and Sharon A. Clay* Knowledgeofenvironmentalfactorsinfluencingdemography ofweedspecieswillimproveunderstandingofcurrentand futureweedinvasions.Theobjectiveofthisstudywastoquantifyregional-scalevariationinvitalratesofgiantragweedand commonsunflower.Toaccomplishthisobjective,acommonfieldexperimentwasconductedacrosssevensitesbetween 2006 and 2008 throughout the north central U.S. maize belt. Demographic parameters of both weed species were measured in intra- and interspecific competitive environments, and environmental data were collected within site-years. Site was the strongest predictor of belowground vital rates (summer and winter seed survival and seedling recruitment), indicating sensitivity to local abiotic conditions. However, biotic factors influenced aboveground vital rates (seedling survival and fecundity). Partial least squares regression (PLSR) indicated that demography of both species was most strongly influenced by thermal time and precipitation. The first PLSR components, both characterized by thermal time, explained 63.2% and 77.0% of variation in the demography of giant ragweed and common sunflower, respectively; the secondPLSRcomponents,bothcharacterizedbyprecipitation,explained18.3%and8.5%ofvariation,respectively.The influence of temperature and precipitation is important in understanding the population dynamics and potential distribution of these species in response to climate change. Nomenclature: Giantragweed,AmbrosiatrifidaL.AMBTR;commonsunflower,HelianthusannuusL.HELAN;maize, Zea mays L.; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. Keywords: Vitalrates,weeddemography,plantdistribution,climatechange,environmentalclines,populationdynamics. Knowledge of weed population dynamics on a regional- Forcella et al. 1992; Schafer and Kotanen 2003). Despite the scale is essential in understanding current and future weed often strong relationship between these environmental factors invasionsinresponsetoclimatechange.Thepatchybutoften and weed demography within years, there is often variation predictable distribution of weed species commonly observed among years and sites that cannot be sufficiently explained within fields suggests optimum conditions for population by field-scale differences in soil and elevation. Additional growth are species-specific and spatially heterogeneous influences on plant demography may include weather var- (Burton et al. 2005). Several studies have measured factors iables like precipitation and temperature (Mack and Pyke potentially influencing weed population dynamics, including: 1983; Wang and Gao 2003). For many weed species, crop and weed management, soil physical and chemical increasing temperature accelerates germination but can also properties, and annual weather variability (e.g., Cousens and lead to seed decay; thus, increasing temperature generally Mortimer1995;Daleetal.1992;Davisetal.2004;Dieleman decreasesseedbankpersistence(Davisetal.2005;Schaferand et al. 2000a). Keddy (1992) suggested that environmental Kotanen 2003). Overall, the fate of weed seeds in the soil factors act as filters, eventually removing from local environment is likely to be dependent on temperature and communities those species that lack the traits necessary for precipitation. These two factors often follow geographical success. If identified, these filters and subsequent plant gradients within regions and may account for some variation associations may provide valuable information about the in plant demography. biologyofthespeciesandthespecificlocationswheretheycan Regional environmental clines have been shown to affect be found (Dieleman et al. 2000b). a wide variety of biological responses. Spatial trends in Much of the research on weed demography and distribu- biological distribution, specifically with regard to geography tion has been focused on identifying physical, chemical, and and climate, have been observed for both plant and animal biologicalsourcesoffield-scalevariability(Burtonetal.2005; species in agriculture for decades (Hopkins 1919). In plants, Davis et al. 2005; Dieleman et al. 2000a,b; Forcella 1992; biogeographical clines can lead to gradients of varying plant performance, morphology, phenotypic traits, and life history DOI:10.1614/WS-D-11-00196.1 characteristics (Colautti et al. 2009; Keller et al. 1999). Of *First and fourth authors: Graduate Research Assistant and Professor, these biogeographical variables,latitudeandaltitudeareoften Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, effective in explaining heterogeneity in plant performance Lincoln, NE 68583-0915; second and third authors: Research Ecologists, U.S. (Ehleringer 1988; Keller et al. 1999; Savolainen et al. 2007). Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service Global Change and PhotosynthesisResearchUnit,1102SouthGoodwinAvenue,Urbana,IL61801; However,otherstudieshaveshownthatlatitudeisnotalways fifthandsixthauthors:ProfessorandPostdoctoralResearchAssociate,OhioState well correlated with plant performance (Gaston 2009). University,OARDC–Wooster,116GourleyHall,Wooster,OH44691;seventh Despite the potential influence of biogeographical clines on author: Associate Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan plant performance, site characteristics associated with indi- StateUniversity,A466PlantandSoilSciencesBuilding,EastLansing,MI48824; eighthandninthauthors:AssociateProfessorandGraduateResearchAssistant, vidual locales may sometimes be a more effective predictor of Departmentof Agronomy, KansasState University,2004Throckmorton Plant plant demography and distribution (Woodward 1987). Sciences Center, Manhattan, KS 66506; tenth and eleventh authors: Research Many studies have suggested that site and site properties Assistant and Professor, Department of Plant Science, South Dakota State can be used as effective predictors of plant distribution and University,AgriculturalHallBox2207A,Brookings,SD57007.Corresponding author’sE-mail:[email protected] performance (e.g., Byers and Quinn 1998; Davis et al. 2005; 440 N Weed Science 60, July–September 2012 Santamariaetal.2003).Typically,a‘‘site’’islimitedinsizeto the vital rates of AMBTR and HELAN will be driven in part includeanarearelativelyhomogenousinclimaticandedaphic by variation in temperature and precipitation. Finally, properties (e.g., one farmer field). The properties associated we hypothesized that values for demographic indicators of with a given site are often highly correlated, especially with AMBTRperformancewillincreasefromwesttoeast,whereas regard to their effects on plant performance; thus, it would values for indicators of HELAN performance will increase seem site may often be sufficient to characterize current and from east to west, consistent with the distribution of future weed distributions (Andreasen et al. 1991; Byers and historically abundant weedy populations and the longitudinal Quinn 1998; Dale et al. 1992;Dieleman et al. 2000a).Davis gradientofincreasingannualprecipitation(westtoeast)inthe etal.(2005)foundthatthesiteeffectexplained70to90%of north central U.S. maize belt (Bridges and Baumann 1992). the variation in common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) and velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) seedbank persistence, which is significantly more than associated Materials and Methods measures of soil hydrothermal time (8 to 18%). Despite the Experimental Sites. In order to quantify variation in demonstratedeffectsofsite,interannualvariabilitywithinand demographic parameters across the north central United among sites can limit the importance of site properties in States, a common experimental protocol was established at predicting plant distribution and performance. For example, seven university research farms in six states over 2 or 3 years. Mack and Pyke (1983) found that site was not an effective The northcentral United States offers a longitudinalgradient predictorofweeddemographylargelyduetoabnormalannual of average annual precipitation and a latitudinal gradient of precipitationpatternswithinsites.Theeffectivenessofsiteasa averageannualtemperaturenecessaryforaccomplishingstudy predictor of weed performance is likely most successful when objectives(Figure 1).Studysitesincluded:Savoy,IL(latitude comparing several extreme environments over long periods of 40.05u, longitude 288.24u), East Lansing, MI (latitude time (Diaz et al. 1998). 42.71u, longitude 284.47u), St. Charles, MI (latitude Despite the challenges of understanding weed population 43.34u, longitude 284.13u), Manhattan, KS (latitude dynamics across a region, it is becoming an increasingly 39.12u, longitude 296.64u), Ithaca, NE (latitude 41.17u, relevant area of research because of species migrations longitude 296.41u), Aurora, SD (latitude 44.29u, longitude associated with global climate change (Pearson et al. 2002). 296.65u), and Wooster, OH (latitude 40.78u, longitude Observed and predicted trends in climate change include a 281.92u). Soil series and classification, % organic carbon, latitudinal shift of local climates toward the poles (Walther and pH for each site are presented in Table 1. AMBTR was et al. 2002). Because climate has been shown to influence tested at all seven sites in 2007 and 2008, whereas HELAN plantspeciesdistribution,itisexpectedthatspecieswillfollow wastestedatsixsitesin2007and2008;HELANwasomitted these locally adapted climates toward the poles to the extent from the Ohio site in all years due to labor constraints. thatdispersalandresourceavailabilityallow.Indeed,thereisa AMBTRandHELANweretestedonlyattheIllinoisandtwo growing body of evidence suggesting that the distribution of Michigan sites in 2006 to collect preliminary data. plantspecieshasalreadyshiftedafteronly30yearsofobserved warming (Walther et al. 2002). As warming trends continue, itisessentialtounderstandthecomplexfactorsresponsiblefor Study Design. Demographic parameters were measured in variation in the demography of dominant weed species. One maize and fallow environments that were established in of the most common approaches to understanding current adjacent plots (10.28 by 9.12 m) within agricultural fields and future weed distribution is through the use of static following soybean phases of maize-soybean rotations. Exper- correlative statistical models relating environmental factors to imental areas were chisel-plowed each fall following soybean plant performance and distribution (Pearson et al. 2002). harvest. Both maize and fallow plots within a site-year The aim of this study was to assess the relative importance received identical preplant burndown applications of various ofsite(e.g.,soilproperties,elevation,latitude,andlongitude), herbicides (depending on site-year) without residual soil year (interannual weather variability), and competitive activity at rates sufficient for weed-free starts at planting environment on the variation in vital rates of giant ragweed in 2007 and 2008 but not in 2006. This practice was (AMBTR) and common sunflower (HELAN), two econom- implemented in 2007 and 2008 to facilitate planting ically important weed species (Bauer and Mortensen 1992; operations and to more accurately mimic conventional maize Harrison et al. 2001). We conducted a regional-scale field management practices in the north central United States. experiment to accomplish two objectives: (1) quantify the In 2006, weed communities accumulated throughout the sources and magnitude of regional-scale variation in the vital growing season without herbicide application prior to rates of AMBTR and HELAN over multiple site-years in the planting maize. However, in 2007 and 2008, the preplant north central region of the United States; and (2) measure herbicide application eliminated early-season weed cohorts. It weathervariablesateachofthesitesandrelatethesefactorsto was possible to observe emergence of AMBTR and HELAN variation in vital rates. Our objectives were framed by the both before and after the preplant herbicide application, but following hypotheses. First, belowground vital rates (over- in some site-years no individuals emerged following this winter seed survival, oversummer seed survival, and seedling application. Thus, estimates of seedling survival to reproduc- recruitment) will be most influenced by site and year, while tive maturity were inflated in 2006, relative to 2007 and aboveground vital rates (seedling survival to reproductive 2008. However, the other four vital rates observed in this maturity and fecundity) will be most influenced by site and study should have been uninfluenced by this change in crop environment; more specifically, we predicted that values experimental protocol. Maize was planted in appropriate forabovegroundvitalrateswillbereducedintheinterspecific plots at a target population of 74,000 plants ha21 using competitive crop environment compared to the intraspecific locally adapted hybrids in rows spaced 76 cm apart. Planting bare fallow environment. Second, regional-scale variation in typically occurred between late April and early May across all Wortman et al.: Regional variation in weed demography N 441 Figure 1. Averageannualprecipitation(mm;left)andtemperature(uC;right)gradientsforthenorthcentralUnitedStatesbetweentheyears1981and2010(National OceanicandAtmosphericAdministration2012).Approximatelocationsofsitesareindicatedwithcorrespondingnumbersoneachmap:15Aurora,SD;25Ithaca, NE;35Manhattan,KS;45Savoy,IL;55EastLansing,MI;65St.Charles,MI;and75Wooster,OH. site-years. At 2 to 4 wk after planting, maize and fallow plots (collected near Dekalb, IL; latitude 41.929u, longitude were fertilized with granular ammonium nitrate or urea 288.740u) and HELAN (collected near Manhattan, KS; fertilizer at locally recommended rates for optimal maize latitude 39.183u, longitude 296.572u). Common seed lots growth.Throughoutthegrowingseason,studysiteswerekept were utilized to eliminate variation expected among local free of unwanted vegetation with various herbicides (depend- weed biotypes, shifting the study focus solely on the role of ing on site) and hand-weeding. environmental variation on weed species demography. Seeds Theexperimentaldesignwasanestedhierarchicaldesignwith were buried between October 1 and December 1 of the same the following structure: year{site{weed species{crop environ- year of collection. Demographic parameters Sw (the propor- ment}}}. However, within a given site-year, individual field tion of buried seed surviving winter) and Ss (the proportion experiments were designed as randomized complete block with of buried seed surviving summer) were determined through four replications. Experimental units comprised two adjacent burial-and-recoveryofseedbatches(100seedsbatch21)buried quadrats (1.32 by 0.76 m) designated to either belowground 2.5 cm within trays (12.5 by 12.5 cm, 6 cm depth) that were demographic parameters (overwinter seed survival, oversummer fabricated from 1-mm2 wire mesh screen and incorporated in seed survival, and seedling recruitment) or aboveground soiltoadepthof5cm.Asdiscussedabove,recoveryofburied demographic parameters (seedling survival to reproductive seeds was accomplished with mechanical elutriation, and maturity and fecundity). For each experimental unit, starting viability of recovered seeds was determined with tetrazolium ambient densities of viable AMBTR and HELAN seeds were assays. Sw and Ss were calculated as: determinedbyexcavatingsoilblocks(12.5by12.5cmby5cm Sw(orSs)~R=(½BzA(cid:2){½G(cid:2)) ½1(cid:2) depth) and recovering seeds with mechanical elutriation (Wiles etal.1996).Recoveredseedsweresubjectedtotetrazoliumassays where R 5 number of recovered viable seeds in March (or using1%(v/v)aqueoussolutionsof2,3,5-triphenyl-tetrazolium the following October), B 5 number of viable seeds buried chloride to determine viability (Peters 2000). Seed survival and in October, A 5 number of viable ambient seeds, and seedlingrecruitmentdatawereadjustedforambientdensitiesof G 5 number of seeds emerged. Seed batches for Ss were also eachweedspecies. used in the determination of demographic parameter G (the proportion of buried seed producing a seedling) by counting SeedBurialandMeasurementofDemographicParameters. and removing seedlings from mesh trays at 7-d intervals Common seed lots were used across sites for both AMBTR beginning late March and continuing until emergence was no Table 1. Soilseries,classification,percentorganiccarbon(%OC),andpHforthesevenexperimentalsitesinthenorthcentralregion,UnitedStates. Location Soilseries Soilclassification %SoilOC SoilpH Savoy,IL Catlinsiltloam fine-silty,mixed,mesicOxyaquicArgiudoll 4.2 7.2 EastLansing,MI Capacfinesandyloam fine-loamy,mixed,mesicAquicGlossudalfs 2.5 6.9 St.Charles,MI Zilwaukeesiltyclay fine,mixed,mesicFluvaquenticEndoaquolls 3.9 7.4 Manhattan,KS Wymoresiltyclayloam fine,smectitic,mesicAquerticArgiudolls 2.5 5.9 Ithaca,NE Sharpsburgsiltyclayloam fine,smectitic,mesicTypicArgiudoll 3.3 6.1 Aurora,SD Brandtsiltyclayloam fine-silty,mixed,frigidCalcicHapludoll 3.5 6.5 Wooster,OH Woosterloam fine,mixed,TypicFragiaqualf 2.9 6.5 442 N Weed Science 60, July–September 2012 longer observed. G was calculated as: several bioclimatic models of plant distribution (e.g., Pearson etal.2002;PearsonandDawson2003;Thuiller2003).Daily G~E=(BzA) ½2(cid:2) averageairtemperatureandtotalprecipitationdataforwinter where E 5 number of emerged seedlings, B 5 number of (October 1 to March 31) and summer (April 1 to September viable seeds buried in October, and A 5 number of viable 30) periods for all site-years are reported in Table 2. ambient seeds. GDDs were calculated continuously throughout the Seed enrichment zones were established in aboveground calendaryear andusedasanenvironmental predictorvariable quadratsbyspreading100seedsevenlyacrossthe1-m2areaof for each of the five time periods outlined above. Thus, the appropriate plots and mixing these seeds to a depth of 2.5 cm GDD ‘‘clock’’ was reset at the beginning of each specified using landscape rakes. These seed enrichment zones were time period. For Sw, GDDs accumulated beginning the day surveyed for emerged plants at weekly intervals beginning late after fall seed burial until the day of seed recovery in the Marchandcontinuingthroughoutthesummer.Emergedplants spring. Similarly, GDDs for Ss began accumulating 1 d after were counted but not removed. In August, reproductively spring seed recovery and concluded on the day of fall seed matureindividualsinseedenrichmentzoneswerecounted.The recovery.Thespecificdatesforseedburialandrecoveryvaried demographic parameter SSDL (the proportion of seedlings among site-years. In the case of seedling recruitment (G), surviving toreproductivematurity) wascalculatedas: GDDs accumulated beginning on the day of first weed seedling emergence and concluded on the day of last weed SSDL~(F=E) ½3(cid:2) seedling emergence specific to each site-year. Lastly, GDDs whereF 5 numberofreproductiveindividuals,andE 5 num- during weed growth (the SSDL life-stage transition) accumu- lated from the time of preplant burndown herbicide ber of emerged seedlings. At seed maturity but prior to seed dispersal, all reproductively mature plants within the 1-m2 application (2007 and 2008) until the time of weed harvest. GDDs for the SSDL life stage transition began accumulating aboveground quadrats were clipped at the soil surface, bagged, 1 d following the last weed seedling emergence in 2006. and oven-dried. Seeds were harvested from a subset of GDDs for each of the previous four time periods were reproductively mature plants representative of the range in summed to determine GDDs for the entire calendar year. plant biomass, and regressions for response of seed output to increasingoven-dryplantbiomasswereusedtodetermineseed outputfor allreproductively mature plants ofa givensite-year, Data Analysis. Linear mixed model analyses were conducted providing an estimate of the demographic parameter F (seed using PROC MIXED in SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, output plant21). NC) to accomplish objective 1 and determine the effect of site, year, and crop on each demographic parameter. Fixed Environmental Variables. For each site-year, data were effects in the model included crop, site, year, and all possible collected for the following environmental variables: latitude, interactions of these factors, while the random effect in the longitude, elevation, daily total precipitation, and daily modelwasreplicationnestedwithinyear.However,themodel minimum andmaximum temperatures.Thesedata wereused to test for effects on Sw excluded the crop effect and all to derive daily growing degree units based on several interactions with crop, as Sw should be unaffected by the temperature thresholds (base 2 C, 3.2 C, 4.4 C, and 10 C) presence of a crop in the subsequent growing season. Prior to previously reported for weed emergence and growth (Weed- analysis, all proportion data (Ss, Sw, G, and SSDL) were Cast, version 4, North Central Soil Conservation Research arcsine(x)0.5–transformed (Hogg and Craig 1995), while data Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture–Agricultural for F was log-transformed to correct for overdispersed Research Service, Morris, MN; Schutte et al. 2008). Daily residuals. Mean data for site-crop-years was used for weatherdataweresummarizedacrossfivespecifictimeperiods subsequent multivariate analysis to avoid pseudo-replication that corresponded to specific demographic parameters or of environmental data within sites. As a complementary calendar breaks including: winter seed survival, summer seed approach to addressing the first objective, we constructed a survival, seedling recruitment, weed growth, and the entire fully random hierarchical linear mixed model using the lme4 calendar year. Time periods for winter and summer seed library of the open source statistical software program R survival were similar across site-years, with the winter seed v.2.10.1 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, http:// survival period typically running from October 1 through www.r-project.org). This analysis identified spatial (site), March 31 and the summer seed survival period typically temporal (year), and biological (crop environment) contribu- running from April 1 to September 30. Periods for seedling tions to the variance. Variance in individual demographic recruitment and weed growth were dependent on the timings parameters for both weed species was partitioned into of these life-stage transitions in particular site-years. The orthogonal components according to the nested hierarchical following environmental factors were calculated within each experimental design by year, year{site}, year{site{crop}}, and of these specific time periods: mean daily average air pure error (Gotelli and Ellison 2004). temperature ([maximum temperature + minimum tempera- For each demographic parameter and their corresponding ture]/2), standard deviation of mean daily average air time period, there were a total of nine measured environ- temperature, cumulative growing degree days (GDDs) base mental predictor variables: latitude, longitude, elevation, 2 C (GDD ; cumulative GDDs base 3.2 C, 4.4 C, and 10 C mean daily air temperature, standard deviation of mean daily 2 were eliminated in favor of base 2 C after preliminary data air temperature, cumulative GDD , precipitation, number 2 reduction step using PLSR analysis), total precipitation, of rain days, and actual length of the specific period (i.e., and number of rain days. These environmental factors are summer, winter, seedling recruitment period, weed growth). consideredessentialtothephysiologicalsuccessofherbaceous There were strong correlations among these environmental weedy species and have been used in the development of variables and also among the individual demographic Wortman et al.: Regional variation in weed demography N 443 ntral ure pshaorawmne).teErsnvinirdoincamtienngtaml ufalctitcoorlslidnoearniotyt ainctthineddepateand(denattalynoont northce pt.30 emperat 18.217.617.518.814.719.416.2 pdleamntogtrraaiptsh,icwhpicahrammaekteeras pdositfefirciourlitpwarhtietnionuinsignogfvtararidainticoenianl mentalsitesinthe 008 April1–Se PrecipitationT 843451444888398714537 uanPconuLlnimaSvdrRagbureeciart(netaedoufsmttmaombtuieeasrlatctincicovoafamlorpimbparstleeeeidtrshvhicoastttodoiabosrt.jniesMvstcaitcrofiaivoraleerbol2evmeaseucerh,atshintnhodwgidse)atedhdareaetanslpapasltesleiycvtlsieiieeblnssyr;calsrutwmyhdeuaeorsdlef,l peri 2 ure the open source statistical software program R v.2.12.1. thesevenex March31 Temperat 0.520.120.40.928.221.40.8 tdchoeemtPerLrbemSilnaRitanitoeiisdonnaswhnsiiptehbxbetelteawnttwseeineeonetnnvoappfrrrimeeaddbuiilcceltttsioo,prrwleahanrinecdghdrreeassrrspeeisoopdnnoesfnaeinnsveaealdyrivsaaiabssrliwelaisbnhleaeearrseer. 0)periodsfor Oct.1– Precipitation 4202532531271980357 Tvc(Coahreaeifrafrbiraclesielecsanatltiosceanatnsnhadilpt.hthe2bne0e0trw9ebes)ep.enoWinntshhteeielrvepalrarletiataemenbdltbedvsiaanimri(ampibloaulprelsutilptaaoltneidorrneerggegrrseerpossosswiinootsnnhe 3 ber ure rate) is often used as an integrative measure of demographic eptem 30 mperat 20.216.416.020.916.119.717.4 sthuecceassn,atlhyseisuseproofvPidLeSsRinissiagdhvtanatabgoeuotuscionntthriibsuctaiosensbecfaroumse (April1throughS April1–Sept. PrecipitationTe 467523428860498732544 ioAtmnhfdoitrtdirdhvaeeiioldnslfuiantatfheoglnerstddebevtamoat(arttohiwasgebortAla-)eptMwhhloieBiracrdTdesiRpunoasgfersaadtnm(htHdeoetodeeHrsravtsEtiaatLbztlhAsiaesrNntho)du.aagnSnThdcdhhveietnameltsnietdsurkapsmeterete1btP9e(aoLrt9inS5ooeR)n-f. mer 07 components used in the PLSR models was determined andsum 20 31 mperature 1.320.721.32.625.420.31.2 btmhyoredssehelloeflcodtri;nteghacuh.s,stp8we0oc%iecso.amspoannenatcscewpetraeblienceluxdpeladiniendthvearPiaLnScRe ch31) March Te Mar 1– n Results and Discussion o hrough Oct. ecipitati 3642072610654150275 Ganidant20R0a8g,weweidnteDremseoegdraspuhrivcivPalar(aSmwe)terosf. BAeMtwBeTenR20w0a6s 1t Pr influenced by the site*year interaction (Table 3), and Sw C)forwinter(OctoberClimateCenter2012). 1–Sept.30 nTemperature 18.515.315.8 rM(i2sneSa0entsa0)edgnr8eahsdoctauotftirtfov8arniAon5vm,%MaalKnBa1rdStaT4,tA%Rerisuannroaowg2tbrea0asdSse,0rtS8.vfDareoCld(s,mFohiianagcru0ir2lnero.08esfs0l,%su28Me)an.(lalFIctS,eisgudiSiutmnetr.-emby2Cye20ear)h0r.as6tsThrelweehteodsae,ssr8siaMtug7nerr%*Igevy,aeievtioaeaanrrtfl Table2.Totalprecipitation(mm)andaveragedailyairtemperature(uregion,UnitedStates,between2006and2008(HighPlainsRegional 2006 Oct.1–March31April LocationPrecipitationTemperaturePrecipitatio Savoy,IL2482.0465EastLansing,MI2820.25572St.Charles,MI560.7538Manhattan,KSAurora,SDIthaca,NEWooster,OH tAdho1daUsS(rsSA1srhiFipeensfa99eietzMMcgnsaaievpmde99Stgrinwtit*ooeoue22tiBBuhayoAanyereeni;)nreeTTvglitd,dr.due.cHamdaerlRRiarrdBanlSinI2uolanbepiLotllog)isrnreoyuagahs.rs,trtasttwnoetrrhii,ShermhsciiednrieoebasoiiSdna)mcosslobupnstDtctrbdraseeyoteueiseeei2scseleerrniuoiaertrdfn(aip0trcvtrrornocimraart0nlovveasr*syhalnaaiid7mlms.eclo,zvl.gnttnry2esaihfHTimaoboUit0lntemtnapeoyndhea0(gonncarG-wsreeo1nedasiyHrfmit4rt)))neriyaeneee,sbois5aeragoodnortwtvuemraar%eneegfnrasrbrredrtri.Si*Aliarnhusanuea1scectIoMpenitlaaecrfn9ttnprohtisotddgeaeooeoBtcpinrleafasoncme.oreoWpnT(ssttias(Snirtttni4(sp2RtohtBtoatSea9t(0.e0rren.leBosnwra%ar.wn0trAisfCsndradot7tot(atiailocge,2dghfstdnr)nstwrihme0gvaoeini,tdrsoon3raei0phMeugtallnsu4fpS7eeOehtunalhgn%saasou)newcf,n,Hnnhedtr(resedhataoaodhniwMeA,fssneramacoapdttBBhfgMttecrhIoitethpodaarn)seaxroSoeeuuBor6tcnpnbewsfiwmmre%Tr,ooes2dytn1ehscinu0lRaaaKsoetittteunnnn0rneehhnoySraailnndddd8geeerssttfl, 444 N Weed Science 60, July–September 2012 Table 3. Results of F-tests for fixed effects in linear mixed effects models of remaining site-years were generally unaffected by the demographic parameters for Ambrosia trifida across the north central region, competitiveenvironment (Figure 2). While the crop environ- United States. Demographic parameters include: Sw5winter seed survival; ment did influence values for SSDL, the direction of the Ss5summerseedsurvival;G5seedlingrecruitment;SSDL5seedlingsurvival toreproductivematurity;andF5fecundity. response was not always consistent with our prediction that values for SSDL would decrease in the interspecific compet- DemographicParameter itive environment (maize habitat). Effect Sw Ss G SSDL F Fecundity(F)ofAMBTRwasinfluencedbytheinteraction --------------------------------------------------------P-value------------------------------------------------------ ofsite*year*crop(Table 3)andFrangedfrom0seedsplant21 Site ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 inthebarefallowhabitatatSt.Charles,MI,in2008to8,227 Crop 0.0641 0.0566 0.0142 0.0214 seeds plant21 in the bare fallow habitat at East Lansing, MI, Site*crop 0.1642 0.5072 ,0.0001 0.0876 Year ,0.0001 0.0294 0.0002 0.0002 0.0155 in2007(Figure 2).Harrisonetal.(2001)reportedmaximum Site*year ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 AMBTR fecundity in maize to be 3,500 seeds m22, while Year*crop 0.6892 0.0032 0.0043 0.0004 Baysinger and Sims (1991) reported fecundity as high as Site*year*crop 0.2258 0.1902 0.0253 ,0.0001 7,979seedsm22insoybean.Asexpected,Fvariedbysite-year and was generally greater in the bare fallow compared to of increased values for G in the bare fallow environment in the maize habitat. The interspecific competition occurring 2007 but not 2006 or 2008. Warmer soil temperatures in a betweenmaizeandindividualweedspecieshasbeenshownto bare fallow environment without a dense crop canopy may reducevegetative and reproductivebiomassthatcontributeto have contributed to increased values for G in 2007 relative to weed fecundity (Wortman et al. 2011). the maize environment. While G was affected by site-year characteristics,theapparentinfluenceofcropenvironmenton Common Sunflower Demographic Parameters. Between this belowground demographic parameter is contradictory to 2006 and 2008, winter seed survival (Sw) of HELAN was the prediction in hypothesis 1. SSDL of AMBTR was influenced by the site*year interaction (Table 4) and ranged influenced by the site*year*crop interaction (Table 3) and from 11% at Ithaca, NE, in 2007 to 91% at Manhattan, KS, ranged from 0% in the bare fallow environment at Ithaca, in 2008 (Figure 3). Similarly, summer seed survival (Ss) of NE, in 2007 to 100% in the bare fallow environment at HELAN was influenced by the site*year interaction and Wooster, OH, in 2007 (Figure 2). The interaction was the ranged from 4% at Ithaca, NE, in 2007 to 89% at Aurora, result of high values for SSDL at four site-years (Savoy, IL, SD,in2008(Figure 3).Meanrateofseedsurvivalacrosssite- 2007 and 2008; St. Charles, MI, 2007 and 2008) in the bare years(52%combinedmeanforSwandSs)wasslightlygreater fallow habitat and a low value for SSDL in one site-year than the predicted values provided by Bauer and Mortensen (Ithaca, NE, 2007) in the bare fallow habitat, whereas the (1992),whoestimateda 40%HELANseedbank survivalrate Figure 2. MeasureddemographicparametersforAMBTRacross34site-year-cropcombinationsforeachexperimentalreplication(therearefourreplicationspersite- year-crop). Symbols and demographic parameters include: (+)5maize; (o)5bare soil; Sw5winter seed survival; Ss5summer seed survival; G5seedling recruitment;SSDL5seedlingsurvivaltoreproductivematurity;F5fecundity.Siteabbreviationsinclude:OH5Wooster,OH;MI15St.Charles,MI;IL5Savoy, IL;KS5Manhattan,KS;NE5Ithaca,NE;MI25EastLansing,MI;andSD5Aurora,SD. Wortman et al.: Regional variation in weed demography N 445 Table 4. Results of F-tests for fixed effects in linear mixed effects models of for SSDL highlights the change in experimental protocol demographic parameters for Helianthus annuusacross the north central region, between 2006 and 2007. In 2006, a burndown herbicide was United States. Demographic parameters include: Sw5winter seed survival; not applied prior to planting, as was the case in 2007 and Ss5summerseedsurvival;G5seedlingrecruitment;SSDL5seedlingsurvival toreproductivematurity;andF5fecundity. 2008. Therefore, if no new weedy individuals emerged after the burndown application then SSDL rates were calculated as DemographicParameter zero(zeroseedlingrecruitssurvivedtoreproductivematurity). Effect Sw Ss G SSDL F Thus,thelowervaluesforSSDLin2007and2008compared --------------------------------------------------------P-value------------------------------------------------------ to the rates in 2006 can be attributed to the inclusion of a Site ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 preplant burndown herbicide application. Crop 0.8621 0.5519 0.0990 0.0783 F of HELAN was also influenced by the interaction of Site*crop 0.6174 0.5409 0.0809 0.0029 Year ,0.0001 0.0048 0.0070 ,0.0001 0.0007 site*year*crop(Table 4).Frangedfrom0seedsplant21inthe Site*year ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 maize habitat at East Lansing, MI, in 2007 and in the bare Year*crop 0.2307 0.9117 0.9986 0.0102 fallow habitat at St. Charles, MI, in 2007 to 80,017 seeds Site*year*crop 0.1366 0.2235 0.0005 0.0012 plant21 in the bare fallowhabitat at St. Charles, MI, in 2008 (Figure 3).Snowetal.(2003)reportedamuchlowerrangeof based on seedbank longevity and the physical and chemical HELAN fecundity of approximately 400 to 2,000 seeds makeup of the seedcoat. plant21 in Nebraska and Colorado. Bauer and Mortensen Seedlingrecruitment(G)ofHELANwasinfluencedbythe (1992) reported that the expected fecundity of HELAN site*yearinteractionandrangedfrom7%atEastLansing,MI, in competition with soybean is approximately 7,750 seeds in 2006 to 57% at Savoy, IL, in 2006 (Figure 3). Forcella plant21,whichismoreconsistentwiththeresultsofthisstudy et al. (1997) reported a 5% mean rate of HELAN seedbank where meanfecundity forbothcropand fallowenvironments emergence across 22 site-years in the central United States, across 15 site-years was 9,900 seeds plant21. In competition which is substantially lower than the mean rate of 30% with maize, fecundity of HELAN was lower (5,334 seeds seedling recruitment observed across 15 site-years in this plant21)thanwhengrowninthefallowenvironment(14,466 study. Seedling survival to reproductive maturity (SSDL) of seeds plant21). The higher F observed here compared to the HELAN was influenced by the site*year*crop interaction results of Snow et al. (2003) may be due to inherent (Table 4), and SSDL ranged from 0% in the maize habitat at differences in the fertility of the growing environment. The EastLansing,MI,in2007andinthebarefallowhabitatatSt. observations of Snow et al. (2003) were based on sunflower Charles,MI,in2007to95%atEastLansing,MI,in2006in populationsgrowingnearroadwayscomparedtotherelatively thebarefallowhabitat(Figure 3).Theupperandlowerrange fertile cropping environments utilized in this study. The Figure 3. MeasureddemographicparametersforHELANacross30site-year-cropcombinationsforeachexperimentalreplication(therearefourreplicationspersite- year-crop). Symbols and demographic parameters include: (+)5maize; (o)5bare soil; Sw5winter seed survival; Ss5summer seed survival; G5seedling recruitment;SSDL5seedlingsurvivaltoreproductivematurity;F5fecundity.Siteabbreviationsinclude:MI15St.Charles,MI;IL5Savoy,IL;KS5Manhattan, KS;NE5Ithaca,NE;MI25EastLansing,MI;andSD5Aurora,SD. 446 N Weed Science 60, July–September 2012 Figure 4. Variancecomponentsfortherelativeeffectsofyear,year{site},year{site{crop}},andrandomerrorforthedemographicparametersofAmbrosiatrifida(left)and Helianthus annuus (right). Demographic parameters include: Sw5winter seed survival; Ss5summer seed survival; G5seedling recruitment; SSDL5seedling survivaltoreproductivematurity;andF5fecundity. interactionofsite*year*cropwastheresultofgreaterFratesin in Sw, Ss, G, and SSDL for HELAN, respectively (Figure 4). most but not all site-years in the bare fallow environment. In The large amount of variation explained by the year{site} some cases, greater weed density during reproductive growth effect for these demographic parameters for both species stages (greater SSDL) in the bare fallow environment may indicates the importance of environmental factors that have reduced fecundity (Harrison et al. 2001). However, conditioned each site-year (e.g., crop management, precipita- fecundity was generally greatest in the fallow environment tion, soil moisture, and temperature; Davis et al. 2005). regardless of seedling survival and final weed density. Similar The effect of year{site{crop}} was less important in to the results for AMBTR, increased values for F were explaining the variation in measures of seed survival (Ss and attributed to the lack of interspecific competition in the bare Sw) and seedling recruitment (G) but instead helped to fallow habitat. The effect of crop on the aboveground explain variation in seedling survival (SSDL) and especially demographic parameters (SSDL and F) for both AMBTR fecundity (F). Specifically, year{site{crop}} explained 27 and HELAN suggests the competitive environment is more and 6% of variation in SSDL for AMBTR and HELAN, influential than weather in later life-stage transitions, while respectively. This effect also explained 42 and 39% of weather factors associated with site-years explain the most variationinfecundityforAMBTRandHELAN,respectively. variation in early life-stage transitions (Sw, SS, and G). These results indicate the importance of the competitive All individual demographic parameters for AMBTR and environment (e.g., crop habitat) for postemergence weed HELAN were influenced by the effect of site. Moreover, site performance, especially with regard to the proliferation of was often a more important predictor variable than crop weedseeds.Indeed,theinfluenceofcompetitiveenvironment habitat or the interaction between site and crop habitat. This on weed seedling survival and fecundity has been widely result is congruent with many previous studies that have demonstrated(e.g.,Brainardetal.2005;Grundyetal.2004). successfully used site as a predictor of plant distribution and Unfortunately, the apparent influence of biotic factors like performance(ByersandQuinn1998;Davisetal.2005;Joshi competitive environment can limit the accuracy and predic- et al. 2001;Santamaria et al. 2003). Because the climatic and tivepower of bioclimatic plant demographic models (Pearson environmental properties associated with individual locations and Dawson 2003). areabundant,unique,andoftenhighlycorrelated,sitemaybe The relative importance of biotic factors (i.e., plant the most effective predictor of plant distribution (Andreasen competition) on plant growth and reproduction, and abiotic et al. 1991; Byers and Quinn 1998; Dale et al. 1992). factors (e.g., precipitation, temperature) on seed survival and However, the on-going change in global climate demands emergence highlight the difficulty of identifying one single an increased understanding of the complex weather factors factor contributing to overall demographic performance characterizing individual sites that may be responsible for (Walther et al. 2002). Depending on the life stage transition variation in the demography of dominant weed species across oftheindividualweed,itwillbeinfluencedtovaryingdegrees regions. by any one or combination of abiotic and biotic factors. However, these results clearly indicate that the competitive Variance Partitioning. Variance partitioning within individ- environment is most important in explaining weed fecundity ual demographic parameters and weed species provided a whiletheabiotic site characteristics willbemostimportant in valuable comparison of the relative effects of year, year{site}, explaining seed and seedling life stages. Because seed survival year{site{crop}}, and unexplained random error sources on strongly influences long-term population growth rates of plant performance and regional-scale distribution (Figure 4). annual weeds (Davis 2006; Jordan 1993), precipitation and In explaining variation in winter and summer seed survival, temperature differentials may be useful in the explanation of and seedling recruitment and survival to reproductive distribution for these two species. maturity, year{site} was the most important factor. This For both species and across demographic parameters, the factor explained 56, 26, 45, and 48% of the variation in Sw, unexplainedrandomerrorrepresentedasubstantialportionof Ss, G, and SSDL for AMBTR, respectively. Similarly, the the variance. For AMBTR, the random error ranged from 23 year{site}effectexplained66,63,64,and51%ofthevariation to 60% across demographic parameters, and for HELAN the Wortman et al.: Regional variation in weed demography N 447

Variation of Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) and Common Sunflower (Helianthus .. subsequent multivariate analysis to avoid pseudo-replication.
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