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Local Circumnuclear Magnetar Solution to Extragalactic Fast Radio Bursts PDF

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Preview Local Circumnuclear Magnetar Solution to Extragalactic Fast Radio Bursts

Draftversion May22,2015 1 3 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.01/23/15 2 4 LOCAL CIRCUMNUCLEAR MAGNETAR SOLUTION TO EXTRAGALACTIC FAST RADIO BURSTS Ue-Li Pen1,2 Liam Connor1,3,4 (Dated: May 22, 2015) Draft version May 22, 2015 5 ABSTRACT 1 0 We synthesize the known information about Fast Radio Bursts and radio magnetars, and describe 2 an allowed origin near nuclei of external, but non-cosmological,galaxies. This places them at z ≪1, within a few hundred megaparsecs. In this scenario, the high DM is dominated by the environment y of the FRB, modelled on the known properties of the Milky Way Center, whose innermost 100pc a provides 1000 pc/cm3. A radio loud magnetar is known to exist in our galactic centre, within ∼2 arc M secondsofSgrA*. Basedonthe polarization,DM, andscatteringpropertiesofthis knownmagnetar, we extrapolate its properties to those of Crab-like giant pulses and SGR flares and point out their 0 consistency with observed Fast Radio Bursts. We conclude galactic center magnetars could be the 2 sourceofFRB’s. This scenariois readilytestable with VLBI measurementsaswellaswith flux count statistics from large surveys such as CHIME or UTMOST. ] E Subject headings: FRB, magnetars, galactic center, giant pulse H . h 1. INTRODUCTION or outbursts from magnetars in the nuclear regions p The phenomenon of Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s) has of external galaxies. The idea that FRB’s could be - radio-emitting magnetars was explored by Lyubarsky generated excitement in the astronomical community as o (2014)andKulkarni et al.(2014),wherethehighbright- r well as speculation regarding the origin of the events t (Lorimer et al. 2007; Thornton 2013). FRB’s are mil- nesstemperaturesareexplainedbyshock-inducedmaser s emission. In our letter we do not focus on the emission a lisecond radio transients with flux densities between [ 0.2−1.5 Jy. They are also highly dispersed, with DM’s mechanism nor do we favour pulsar-like emission (giant pulses) vs. SGR flares; we are simply putting forth an far exceeding the expected contribution from our own 4 galaxyintheirdirection(DM∼500−1200pc/cm3). The- explanationforFRB’s basedonmagnetarsnearthe cen- v tersofexternalgalaxiesthatisconsistentwiththeexist- oriesoftheirdistancevaryfromatmospherictosolarsys- 1 ing data, which makes falsifiable predictions. The non- tem, galactic and cosmological, however the high DM’s 4 cosmological (i.e. local) extragalactic nuclear FRB can have lead a number of people to believe they are ex- 3 naturallyexplainthe observedlargedispersionmeasures tragalactic. This is also partly due to their location on 1 (DM) and scattering (SM) and could help explain their the sky, since the high galactic latitudes cast doubt on 0 polarization properties. . a galactic or solar system origin (Thornton 2013). If 1 the extragalactic dispersion is caused by the intergalac- 2. GALACTICCENTERPULSARS 0 5 ticicalm, feoduinudmb(eItGwMee)ntrheednshthifetss0o.u4r5c−es1.woHuolwdebveercoitsmisoploogs-- 2.1. Nuclear Properties 1 Our own galactic center region has a high measured sible that the dispersion could be due to dense regions : electron density, and the recently discovered pulsar and v in more nearby galaxies, as noted by Thornton (2013) magnetar SGR J1745-2900 has a measured DM=1778 i and Luan & Goldreich (2014). These galaxies would be X (Eatough 2013), most of which is thought to originate within a few hundred megaparsecs, which we will con- r sider non-cosmological. from the inner few parsecs of the galaxy. Seen from a a typicalextragalacticviewing angle,this magnetarwould Perhaps more mysterious than their location are have a DM ∼1000. It is scattered by a few seconds at their progenitors and emission mechanism. A wide ∼ GHz, which is a thousand times longer than the ob- range of ideas have been proposed, from Blitzars served scattering time scales of FRB’s. However VLBI (Falcke & Rezzolla 2014) to superconducting cosmic measurements indicate that this scattering is dominated strings (Yu et al. 2014), compact object mergers by a screen closer to our sun than the galactic center (Kashiyama et al.2013))tonearbyflaringmainsequence (Bower et al.2014),inwhichcaseatypicalextragalactic stars (Loeb et al. 2014). line of sight would see a much smaller scattering time, In this letter we provide yet one more allowed in- perhaps a few ms. terpretation consistent with current data: giant pulses It had been thought that the GC harboured a large 1 1 Canadian Institute forTheoretical Astrophysics, University number of pulsars but that they were difficult to ob- ofToronto,M5S3H8Ontario,Canada serveatlowfrequenciesduetoascatteringscreenwithin 2 2 CanadianInstituteforAdvancedResearch,PrograminCos- ∼200pcofSgrA*(Wharton et al.2012;Lazio & Cordes mologyandGravitation 3 3 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of 1998). However after the discovery of the radio-loud Toronto,M5S3H8Ontario,Canada magnetar J1745-2900 just ∼2 arcseconds from Sgr A* 43DunlapInstituteforAstronomyandAstrophysics,University it now seems there really is a dearth of regular pulsars ofToronto,M5S3H8Ontario,Canada and an over-representation of magnetars. Though hun- 2 dredsto thousandsofordinarypulsarswerepredictedto episodic outbursts emitting 1046 erg in a fraction of a existswithin∼.02pcofthegalacticcentre,nonehasyet second. At distances of ∼100 Mpc, the inferred energy to to be found (Pfahl & Loeb 2004). Dexter & O’Leary of an FRB is ∼ 1036 erg, a tiny fraction of known SGR (2014) show that this implies the region is an effective burstenergies. Magnetarsthatemitintheradiocanalso environment for magnetar formation, whose short lives havenon-negligiblecircularpolarizationandthe GC ob- could explain the lack of such radio-loud objects in the ject J1745-2900seems to have a typical circular fraction central parsec. The GC would then be a graveyard of of 20%, though this increases when the pulsar flares up highly-magnetized massive stars, some of which became (Lynch et al. 2014). magnetars and emitted in the radio for ∼ 104 years be- Onlya tiny fractionofthe burstenergyneeds to come fore spinning down sufficiently to cross the death line. out to power a fast radio burst. In order to explain the It is worth pointing out that J1745-2900is one of just common large DM of FRB’s, these GP’s would have to four known radio-loud magnetars. Within 2.2 arcsec- be preferential properties of circumnuclear magnetars. onds of Sgr A* it occupies volume that is ∼10−9 of our Events would be expected to repeat after years, making galaxy’s volume and ∼5×10−5 of its mass, and where adirectsearchchallenging. Anallskysearchwithatele- there is an anomalous absence of ordinary pulsars. This scope such as CHIME (Bandura 2014) over a year could suggests to us that radio-loud magnetars not only can discover ∼ 105 events, of which ∼ 104 would repeat in form in such environments, but preferentially do. Ex- a year and a few would be lucky enough to be caught ternal nuclear regions could therefore also harbour mag- in the same CHIME beam a second time. The long in- netars and could provide both the dispersion and the tegrations at known FRB locations have not resulted in scattering observed in FRB’s. repeat events, which is consistent with this picture. In the cosmological picture it is difficult to explain Giventhesmallnumberofradioloudmagnetarsinthe the scattering tails seen in several bursts from the IGM. MilkyWay,onecannotcommentontheirdistributionin Luan & Goldreich (2014) point out that if it is due to other galaxies. However in this picture there could be turbulence then the length scale of plasma scattering in a sizeable fraction of sources that exist outside of their the IGM at a distance of 1 Gpc for ∼ms tails is im- galaxy’snuclear regions,in whichcase there shouldbe a possibly small. In other models the IGM is an equally commensurate number of FRB’s with modest dispersion unlikely place for the scattering to occur (Pen & Levin measures,perhaps 70−100pc cm−3 for an object at 100 2014). However we do point out that McQuinn (2014) Mpc. TheapparentlackofsourceswithsuchDMs could have shown cosmological FRB’s could be scattered at be explained by a selection effect: radio bursts whose ∼msby interveninggalacticdisksif theirelectrondistri- dispersion measures are not extraordinary may simply bution were more extended than is currently believed. not get identified as FRB’s. These may be missed or ignoredgiventhe largeensembleofradiotransientswith an apparentν−2 sweep, including RRAT’s and perytons 2.2. Possible Sources (Bagchi et al. 2012). Adozenorsopulsarsareknowntoexhibitgiantpulses (GP’s), which are of very short duration and can be 3. PREDICTIONS many orders of magnitude brighter than their average Thisscenariois readilytestable: Atredshifts lessthan pulse flux (Mickaliger et al. 2012). A rare tail of super- unityz ≪1,thefluxdistributionisgivenbyaEuclidean giantpulses(Cordes et al.2004)hasalsobeenidentified, universe, with N(> S)∝ S−3/2, only weakly dependent with brightness temperatures reaching up to 1032−37K on DM, assuming the bursts are standard candle-like. (Hankins et al. 2003). They tend to be short enough Thisisnotnecessarilyexpectedforhighredshiftobjects, (<16ns)thattheirpulseisconsistentwithapurescatter- wherecosmologicalexpansionandsourcepopulationevo- ingprofile,whichisalsothecasefortheobservedFRB’s. lution are expected to change. It is worth noting that the only FRB for which there A VLBI detection would find a spatial coincidence to is polarization information is FRB 140514, which was withinafewparsecsofagalacticnucleus,whichis∼milli found to have ∼20%circular polarization and very little arcseconds at distances of ∼100 Mpc. The current non- linear polarization < 10% (Petroff 2014). Considering coincidence with nearyby galaxies constrains the typical the rotation measure of the GC magnetar, J1745-2900, distance to be larger than ∼100 Mpc. This is still an is RM=-6.7×104 rad m−2, if other galactic centers were order of magnitude closer than if the DM is primarily like our own then nuclear pulsars and magnetars could accounted for by the intergalactic medium. become linearly depolarized due to multi-path Faraday The galactic center magnetar is linearly depolarized rotation from a scattering screen (Petroff 2014). It is at frequencies below ∼4 GHz, consistent with multi- also possible that the sources themselves are circularly path Faraday depolarization from the scattering screen polarized. At 2 GHz, J1745-2900 is also observed to be (Petroff 2014). Circular polarizationis not affected, and ∼20%circularlypolarized,withnodetectedlinearpolar- has indeed been observed in FRB’s. ization. At higher frequencies, this magnetar is strongly linearly polarized. Giant pulses are known to often be 4. APPLICATIONS highly circularly polarized, for example over half of the Substantial interest has developed for cosmology, peaks from B1937+21are in a pure Stokes V state. shouldFRBbeatcosmologicaldistances. Thesearesum- Though none of the known pulsars that exhibits GP’s marized in (McQuinn 2014). Should the DM be domi- isaradioloudmagnetar,theenergeticsofFRB’sarenot nated by the host galaxy, these applications would be difficult to accommodateandone couldimagine highlu- difficult to materialize. The expected scattering size of minosity radio outbursts from such objects; some mag- such events would be micro arcseconds, which could be netars are soft gamma ray repeaters (SGR), which have detectable with galactic scintillation(Pen et al. 2014). 3 In a large survey, such as CHIME, the closest event four radio loud magnetars is within 2.2” of Sgr A* tells could be at ∼ Mpcs distances. Continuous monitor- us such objects are over represented in these environ- ing of neighboring galactic centers, e.g. M31, for years, ments. There are also physical arguments that could could detect pulses many kJy bright, requiring only a explainthe lackofpulsarsandthe apparenttendency to small receiver to monitor. Similarly, long term contin- form magnetars: Dexter & O’Leary (2014) suggest effi- uous monitoring of the GC magnetar may uncover rare cient formation could be due to highly magnetized pro- super-giantpulses. All-skytelescopes,suchastheFFTT genitors or a top-heavy initial mass function. Given the (Tegmark & Zaldarriaga 2009), may be well suited for large energy released in the episodic outbursts of SGR finding close, bright, sources. magnetarsandthe tendency for somepulsarsto emit gi- Extrapolating from the one known nuclear magnetar, ant pulses, we have shown that FRB’s could be nuclear a sample of 104 as might be found by CHIME, could events. This picture also alleviates the difficulty of pro- result in the closest projected impact angle of ∼7 mas. ducing1 msscatteringtailsfromthe diffuse IGM,which ThiswouldplaceitneartheEinsteinRingradius,within has been shown to be problematic by Luan & Goldreich ∼ 1000 Schwarzschild radii, such that it could be gravi- (2014)andMacquart & Koay(2013). Thoughwedonot tationally lensedby the centralblack hole. Assuming its quantify scattering from galactic nuclei, we think tem- projected proximity to the black hole does not increase poral broadening from such regions at ∼0.1−100 ms is the FRB’s DM or SM too significantly, this would be reasonable. Our explanation is also consistent with the seenasanechoseparatedbytheblackholeSchwarzschild polarizationpropertiesofFRB140514,whichhadnode- time,∼seconds. Theechowouldbefainter,andthecom- tectable linear polarization and ∼20% circular polariza- bination of delay and flux constrains the central black tion. This could be caused by linear depolarization at hole mass. low frequencies due to phase randomization from multi- ple paths through a scattering screen. Such polarization 5. CONCLUSIONS properties are seen in the galactic center magnetar and WehavedescribedaFRBscenariobasedoncircumnu- giant pulses from other pulsars. clear magnetar phenomena. In this scenario FRB’s are Thismodelisreadilytestablewithexpectedupcoming bright bursts or giant pulses from magnetars at the cen- surveys. With either a precise VLBI localization, or a ters of nearby external galaxies, within a few hundred large sample as expected from UTMOST1 and CHIME Mpc. The dominant DM contribution is due to the nu- Bandura (2014), this model makes quantitative predic- clear medium, which is sufficient for galaxies similar to tions. the Milky Way whose innermost 100 pc provides ∼1000 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS pc cm−3. We thank NSERC for support. 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