Local Area Network Interconnection Local Area Network Interconnection Edited by Raif O. Onvural IBM Research Triangle Park, North Carolina and Arne Nilsson North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Librar y o f Congress Cataloglng-in-PublIcatio n Data Local are a networ k Interconnectio n / edite d by Raif 0. Onvural, Arne Ni1sson. p. cm . "Proceedings o f th e Firs t Internationa l Conference on Local Are a Network Interconnection , hel d October 20-22, 1993, i n Research Triangl e Park , North Carolina" — Includes bibliographica l reference s and index . ISBN 978-1-4613-6282-1 ISBN 978-1-4615-2950-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-2950-7 1. Local are a network s (Computer networks)—Congresses . I. Onvural, Rai f 0. , 1959- . II . Nüsson , Arne . III . Internationa l Conference on Local Are a Network Interconnectio n (1st : 1993 : Research Triangl e Park, N.C. ) TK5105.7.L582 199 3 004.6' 8—dc20 93-637 0 CIP Proceedings of the First International Conference on Local Area Network Interconnection, held October 20-22, 1993, in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina ISBN 978-1-4613-6282-1 © 1993 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Plenum Press, New York in 1993 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1993 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher COMMITTEES Conference Co-Chairs R.O. Onvural, IBM, ResearchTrianglePark A. A. Nilsson, NCSU Organizing Committee J.Fjeld, IBM J.Hart,3Com L. Kleinrock, UCLA F. Marshall, CISCO H. Salwen, Proteon M. Schwartz, Columbia University G. C. Stone, NetworkSystems Program Committee P. Baker, England H. Perros, USA S. Bradner, USA G. Pujolle. France W. Bux, Switzerland D. Roffinella, Italy A. Danthine, Belgium O. Spaniol, Germany S. Fdida, France D. Stevenson, USA L. Fratta, Italy H.Takagi, Japan B. Gavish, USA K. Tolly, USA J.Gray,USA K. Trivedi. USA U. Korner, Sweden Y. Viniotis, USA J-Y. LeBoudec, Switzerland H. Yamashita.Japan P. Martini. Germany Conference Secreteriat Y.C. Liu, IBM Local Arrangements M. Hudacko, NCSU B. Sampair, IBM Sponsored by IEEEComm. Soc. Eastern NCChapter IBM·Research Triangle Park The Centerfor Communications and Signal Processing In cooperation with Interlab IFIPTC6TaskForceonthe PerformanceofComputerNetworks IFIPWorking Group 7.3 IFIPWorkingGroup6.4 PREFACE There are many exciting trends and developments in the communications industry, several ofwhich are related to advances in fast packet switching, multi media services, asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) and high-speed protocols. It seems fair to say that the face of networking has been rapidly changing and the distinction between LANs, MANs, and WANs is becoming more and more blurred. It is commonly believed in the industry that ATM represents the next generation in networking. The adoption of ATM standards by the research and development community as a unifying technology for communications that scales from local to wide area has been met with great enthusiasm from the business community and end users. Reflecting these trends, the technical program of the First International Conference on LAN Interconnection consists of papers addressing a wide range of technical challenges and state of the art reviews. We are fortunate to have assembled a strong program committee, expert speakers, and panelists. We would like to thank Professor Schwartz for his keynote speech. We would liketo thank ProfessorYannis Viniotis and his studentsforthe preparation ofthe index. We gratefully acknowledge the generous financial support of Dr. Jon Fjeld, Mr. Rick McGee, and Mr. David Witt, all of IBM-Research Triangle Park. We also would like to thank Ms. Mary Safford, our editor, and Mr. John Matzka, both at Plenum Press, for the publication ofthe proceedings. RaifO. Onvural Arne A. Nilsson vii CONTENTS QoSEnhancementsandthe NewTransportServices 1 A. Danthine, O. Bonaventure, Y. Baguette, G. Leduc, and L. Leonard Performance Evaluation and Monitoringof HeterogeneousNetworks 23 J. Neuman, S. Lalanne, F. Georges, andJ. P. Claude Application ofHigh Speed Networksin Hospital Environment... 39 J.R. Rao On Allocation Schemes for the Interconnection of LANs and Multimedia SourcesoverBroadbandNetworks .47 M. Mateescu ASuperposition of Bursty Sources in aLAN Interconnection Environment.......65 J. M. Karlsson Interconnecting LANsfor RealTimeTrafficApplication 79 I. Chlamtac An Analytical Model for ATM Based Networks which Utilize Look·Ahead ContentionResolution Switching 93 J. V. Luciani and C. Y. RogerChen Transient Analysis of Nonhomogenous Continuous Time Markov Chains Describing RealisticLAN Systems 109 A. Rindos, S. Woolet, and I. Viniotis Closed Queueing Network Modeling for End-to-End Performance Analysis of ISO LLC and Transport Protocolsover BridgedNetworks 125 T.lkegawa APreviewofAPPN HighPerformanceRouting 139 J.P. Grayand M. L. Peters Analysis of the Spanning Tree and Source Routing LAN InterconnectionSchemes 161 M. Munafo, F. Neri, C. S. Cioffari, and A. Vasco Efficient, Real-TimeAddress Resolution in Backbone Networks 183 W.A. Doeringer, H.D. Dykeman, M. L. Peters, H. J. Sandick, and K. V. Vu ix Architecture and Performance Evaluation for High Speed LAN InternetworkingProcessors 193 K. Taniguchi, H. Suzuki, and T. Nishida Implicationsof Internet Fragmentation and Transit Network Authentication 209 R.L. Popp Local Area Network Traffic Locality: Characterization and Application 233 N. Gulati, C. L. Williamson, and R. B. Bunt Characterizationofthe TrafficattheOutputofaDODBMAN 251 M. A. Marsan, G. Albertengo, R. Lo Cigno, M. Munafo, F. Neri, and A. Tonietti Interworking Functions Effect on Bandwidth Allocation for LAN-BISON Interconnection 269 I.S. Venieris, J.-A. Sanchez-Papaspiliou, and M. E. Anagnostou Multi-ChannelToken Ring, Introduction and Throughput Analysis 287 K. J. Christensen and F. E. Noel Parallel Networking: Improving Capacity and Multi-Traffic Performance Together 297 E.C. Foudriat, K. Maly, R. Mukkamala, and C. M. Overstreet TheJourneyofSMDS--ALAN InterconnectSolution 313 M. Joshi and F. Lai InterworkingofB-ISDN and DODB--ASimulation Study 327 P. Martini and M. ROmekasten Performance Evaluation of aBuffered ATM Connectionless Server 343 K. Kvols and E. Vazquez Index 355 x QoS ENHANCEMENTS AND THE NEW TRANSPORT SERVICES AndreDanthine,OlivierBonaventurel,YvesBaguette2, GuyLeduc3andLucUonard2 1 ResearchAssistantoftheUniversitedeLiege 2 ResearchAssistantoftheEN.R.S. (NationalFundfor Scientific Research,Belgium) 3 ResearchAssociateoftheEN.R.S. Institutd'ElectriciteMontefiore,B28 UniversitedeLiege, B-4000,LIEGE,Belgium E-mail:[email protected] INTRODUCTION The transportprotocolsTCPandTP4havebeendesignedin thelateseventiesatatime whenthenetworkenvironmentwasessentiallybasedontheswitchedtelephonenetworkand onleased-linesandwhenthepacketswitchingwasanemergingconcept. In ISO, the transport service was seen at the beginning as a unique service basedon connectionmodeand, inthisframework, oneprotocolclass,TP4,wasdesignedforthepoor network serviceenvironment [Dan 90]. TP4, as well as TCP, were designed to be able to recoverfromtheworstsituationintermsofpacketlossesandpacketdisorders. In the last ten years, we have seen a tremendous change in the communication environment. TheLANs havedrasticallychangedthesceneandthe high-speedLANs have acceleratedthetrend. Morerecently,theMANshaveopenednewpossibilitiesnottomention thebroadbandISDNwhichisexpectedtobedeployedstartinginthemiddleofthisdecade. Notonlythe communicationenvironmenthasdrasticallychangedduring the eighties, butwehavealsofacedadrasticchangeinapplicationrequirementsofwhichwewillmention onlytheclient-serverparadigmandthemultimedia-basedapplications. In thispaperwewillfirstjustifythe needofnewtransportservicesandprotocolsbased ontheanalysisoftheconsequencesofthechangeswehavebeenfacing innetworkperformance innetworkservices inapplicationrequirements. We will,inthesecondpart,presentanenhancementoftheQoS semanticsinordertobe able to specify the new transport service in a way compatible to the requirements ofthe transportserviceusers. Inourproposed semantics, aQoS parameteris seenas astructureof threevalues,respectivelycalled "compulsory", "threshold" and "maximalquality",all these values being optional. Each one expresses a contract between the service users and the serviceprovider. This means, and this is the mostfundamental difference with the present situation,thattheserviceproviderisnowsubmittedtosomewelldefinedduties. Thelastpartofthepaperwill beabriefpresentationofexamplescomingfrom theOSI 95transportservices. LocalAreaNetworkInterconnection, EditedbyR.O.Onvural andA.A.Nilsson,PlenumPress, NewYork, 1993 CHANGE IN NETWORK PERFORMANCE LetusfirstpointouttherobustnessoftheOSIReferenceModelwhichhasbeenableto integratethe LANsinitslayeredarchitecture [Dan 89] andisverylikely tointegratetheB ISDN. The basiccontributionsoftheLANs have been adrasticimprovementofthe network performancein termsofdatarateaswellasin termsofbiterrorrate(BER)andpacketerror rate. TheerrorrecoverywasnotanymoreabasicgoaloftheDLlayerandthisexplainedthe tremendoussuccessoftheconnectionless-mode. TheLANs havenotonlyintroducedanincreaseoftheglobalcommunicationcapability due to the highvalueoftheirdatatransmission rate but,moreimportant, they haveoffered the user an access data rate several orders ofmagnitude greater than what was available before. If, as usual, thefirst implementationsofthe LANcontrollerswere not always able to offer the maximum access rate theoretically available at the MAC level [DRR 88a], the market, in about five years, was able to offer well-designed and well-implemented LAN interfaces. ItdidnottakelongtorealisethatanaccessrateavailableattheMACorLLClevelswas farfrom beingavailableabovethe transportlayer[DHH 88a][Svo89a, 89b][ReS 89][CCC 91]. Thisis notsurprising,becauseopeningahighwaydoes notby itselfchangedrastically thespeedofthebicycles. How to Improve ? From the observations made in the second half of the eighties about the transport performanceontopofLANs,detailedstudiesofmechanismsandimplementationshavebeen done [CJR 89], [GKW 89], [Mei 91], [JSB 90], [Zitt 91] and ended up in two different schoolsofthought. Thefirst schooladvocatedthedesignofnewtransportprotocolssuchasNETBLT[CLZ 87],VMTP[Che 88],[ChW89],SNR[NRS 90] andXTP [Ches 89], [Wha 89], [PE91]. The second school is putting the burden ofthe poortransport performance to the bad implementationqualityandisclaimingthecapabilityofexistingorslightlymodifiedtransport protocolstobetterhandletheperformanceavailableattheMAClevel [CJR89]. Bothschoolshaveargumentsandwewouldlikeheretodiscussthem,keepinginmind thatthese LANsdo notonlyofferabetteraccessrate, they arealsocharacterisedbyavery lowprobabilityofcorruptedpacketsbytransmissionerrors. Mechanisms and Implementations We claimthat there is abasic interest to adaptorto modify the protocol mechanisms when the network service is drastically changing. The following example will supportour claim. NetworkServiceProvider Figure1.ThebasicOSIreference model 2 The figure 1represents a simplified view ofthe basic OSI reference model and we assume,on theNSAP-to-NSAPassociation, aguaranteedthroughputandafixed roundtrip time. On top of such an well-definedN-service, weassumean idealimplementationofthe transportentitieswhichdoesnotintroduceanylatencytoprocessTSDUsintoNSDUs. This does notmeanhoweverthatthe throughputand theround-tripdelayon theTSAP-to-TSAP association,sayatransportconnection,willbeequivalenttothevaluesatthenetworklevel. Theproductof"throughputxround-trip delay" -alsocalled"bandwidth xdelay" -is becoming,with highspeednetworks,animportantcharacteristictobedealtwith.Thevalue ofsuch aproduct has evolved from 1Kb (2 Kbps x500 msec) to 600 Kb (10 Mbps x60 msec), not to mention the very high speed environment. Ifthe window associated with a transportconnectiondoes notallow the pipeliningofenoughmegabits, thetransportentity willbeobligedtostoptransmittingbylackofacknowledgementsandofflow controlcredits. Thereforetheperformanceatthetransportlevelwillbemuchlowerthantheperformanceat thenetworkleveleven with an ideal implementation of the transport layer. On the other hand, if protocol mechanisms may have such an influence on the performanceeven with an ideal implementation, it is also true that somemechanisms may induce very poor implementations. For instance a time-out per packet is not the best mechanismfromanimplementationpointofview. With a transport entity trying to send as many packets as possible, alot ofACKs to handlerepresentsaburdenandtheclassicalARQmechanismhasthereforetobereviewedto reducethepenaltiesonperformance. Lastbutnotleast,thereremainimplementationproblemswhichareindependentofany protocolmechanismsuchasbufferhandlingandinteractionwiththeoperatingsystem[CJR 89], [MaB91]. There exist ofcourse many choices ofimplementation from VLSI to pure software, moreorlessintegratedin theoperatingsystem,usingadditionaldedicatedcomputingpower ornot [GKW89], [JSB 90], [Zitt91] . The syntaxes ofthe PDU are not neutral with respect to the implementation results. Variable fields may save bandwidthbutare moredifficult to"siliconize".The placeofthe CRC field in the PDU is also important if hardware implementation with insertion and removal"onthefly"isenvisaged. With the availabilityofmicroprocessorsofmore than 10Mips, with thepossibility to use parallelism in the implementation of the transport entities, with the possible use of dedicatedchips,wehaveawidevarietyofpossibleimplementationsofthetransportentities, all of them attempting to offer a transport service with a minimum drain on the host capabilities. Theconclusiontothissectiononthelinkbetweenmechanismsandimplementationsis thatevenifitis true that the implementationofthe protocol mechanisms is notalways the most timeconsumingpartofthe transport activity, it will not be bad to have mechanisms which are well-alignedwith theobjectivesand servicesofthe protocol and which willease theimplementationproblems.Thisdoesnotpreventofcourseacarefulchoiceofthesyntaxes ofthePDUsandanin-depthanalysisofthememorymanagement. The Congestion Problem During the eighties, we have not only seen the widespread usage ofthe LANs and recentlyofthehigh-speedLANs. We havealsoseenthe buildingofvery biginternet-based networksfollowing theeffortssupportedbytheUS DoD. Suchan internetnetworkmaygiverisetoverydifficultproblemsofcongestionwhich arealmostimpossibletotacklewiththeerrorrecoverymechanismwhichhasbeenintroduced inTCPandTP4. Thecorrectingaction ofthe transportprotocolin ordertorecoverthe lost packetsdue tothecongestionis basedonretransmissionontime-out.Theseretransmissions contribute to an increase of the offered load and therefore to increase the congestion problems. Thisis whycongestionavoidance mechanisms which try tooperatethenetworkatthe kneeofthe response timecurve [Raj 88], [ChJ 89] have to be preferred to thecongestion controlapproach.Time-outretransmissionmustbeassociatedwithareductionoftheloadon thenetwork[Jai86]. In the congestion problems, we have also two possible viewpoints. Either the mechanismsareaimingattheprotectionoftheprovideroftheservice,Le. thenetworkitself, inordertoavoidacompletecollapseofcommunicationcapability.Either,theyareaimingat 3