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Homology, Homotopy and Applications, vol.11(1), 2009, pp.219–260 LOCAL AND STABLE HOMOLOGICAL ALGEBRA IN GROTHENDIECK ABELIAN CATEGORIES DENIS-CHARLES CISINSKI and FRE´DE´RIC DE´GLISE (communicated by Brooke Shipley) Abstract Wedefinemodelcategorystructuresonthecategoryofchain complexes over a Grothendieck abelian category depending on the choice of a generating family, and we study their behaviour with respect to tensor products and stabilization. This gives convenient tools to construct and understand triangulated cat- egories of motives. Contents 1 Introduction 219 2 Model category structures on complexes 220 3 Derived tensor product 229 4 Localization of derived categories 234 5 Presentations of the derived category 240 6 How to get compact generators 243 7 Stabilization and symmetric spectra 245 1. Introduction This paper is an attempt to apply the general techniques of abstract homotopical algebra to describe derived categories of Grothendieck categories. Our motivation is to describe model categories of complexes of sheaves “as locally as possible”, so that we can easily get total left derived functors (like the tensor product). The formalism we propose is made to stay close to something that looks like descent theory. Even though the results proved here are just applications of a general theory (Bousfield ThisworkispartiallysupportedbyANRgrantno.ANR-07-BLAN-0142. ReceivedJanuary14,2008,revisedNovember21,2008;publishedonJune12,2009. 2000MathematicsSubjectClassification:18G55,18G35,18E15,14F42. Keywordsandphrases:stablemodelcategories,Grothendieckabeliancategories,derivedfunctors, motiviccomplexes. Thisarticleisavailableathttp://intlpress.com/HHA/v11/n1/a11 Copyright(cid:176)c 2009,InternationalPress.Permissiontocopyforprivateusegranted. 220 DENIS-CHARLESCISINSKIandFRE´DE´RICDE´GLISE localization, symmetric spectra), our contribution describes these model structures withanemphasisonthespecificpropertiesinthesettingofGrothendieckcategories. Asanexampleofpropertiesthatarenotknownforgeneralmodelcategories,wegive explicit descriptions of fibrations after Bousfield localizations and prove that passing to symmetric spectra can preserve the monoid axiom of Schwede and Shipley. We also prove that any derived category of a Grothendieck category can be obtained as a localization of the derived category of modules over an additive category. This is usedtogiveasufficientconditionforthederivedcategoryofaGrothendieckcategory to be compactly generated. As an illustration, we give the construction of the categories of motivic complexes and motivic spectra over a regular base scheme together with their natural struc- tures: derived inverse and direct image functors, derived tensor product, and twisted exceptionaldirectimagefunctors forsmoothmorphisms.Inthisconstruction,smooth alwaysmeansabusivelysmoothoffinitetype.Thisconstructionwillbeamplifiedand generalizedintheforthcomingpaper[6].Theresultsofthispaperarealsowidelyused tounderstandthenotionofmixedWeilcohomology,whichisintroducedandstudied in [7]. We wish to thank Marc Levine and the anonymous referee for useful comments and suggestions. 2. Model category structures on complexes 2.1. LetAbeanabeliancategory.IfEisanobjectofAandnaninteger,thenwedefine SnE (resp. DnE) as the acyclic complex concentrated in degree n with (SnE)n =E (resp.indegreesnandn+1with(DnE)n =(DnE)n+1 =E andasonlyanontrivial differential the identity of E). We then have canonical inclusions Sn+1E −→DnE induced by the identity of E. The complex DnE represents the functor Comp(A)op −→Ab, C 7−→Hom (E,Cn), A and the complex SnE represents the functor Comp(A)op −→Ab, C 7−→Hom (E,ZnC), A whereZnC =ker(d: Cn −→Cn+1)denotestheobjectofn-cocyclesofthecomplexC. Weshallreferourselvesto[12]forgeneralresultsanddefinitionsonmodelcategories, andto[11]forthedefinitionofcellularmodelcategories1 andforresultsonBousfield localizations. Theorem 2.1 (Beke). Let A be a Grothendieck abelian category. The category of complexes Comp(A) is a proper cellular model category with quasi-isomorphisms as weak equivalences and the monomorphisms as cofibrations. 1This notion is useful to ensure the existence of left Bousfield localizations. For such a purpose, we can work instead with Jeff Smith’s notion of combinatorial model category [3]. The notion of combinatorial model category might be seen as slightly simpler than the notion of cellular model category, but it is very easy to check that the model structures considered in these notes are both cellularandcombinatorial,soweinvitethereadertoconsiderhis/herfavouritenotion. LOCALANDSTABLEHOMOLOGICALALGEBRA 221 Proof. See[3,Proposition3.13]fortheconstructionofthismodelcategorystructure. The fact that this model category is cellular comes from the fact that any monomor- phism in a Grothendieck category is effective, and that any object in a Grothendieck category is compact (in fact accessible according to [1]). Remark that fibrations are, in particular, epimorphisms. This is proved as follows: For any object E in A and any integer n, the complex DnE is acyclic. Hence any fibration has the right lifting property with respect to the inclusions 0−→DnE. This lifting property for a map p: C −→D is equivalent to saying that for any object E of A and any integer n, the map Hom (E,Cn)−→Hom (E,Dn) is surjective. This implies, in particular, that A A p is degreewise split, hence that p is an epimorphism. Properness now comes from classical homological algebra as follows. Let i (cid:47)(cid:47) A B p q (cid:178)(cid:178) (cid:178)(cid:178) (cid:47)(cid:47) C D j beapushout(resp.apullback)squareofcomplexesinA.Supposethati(resp.q)isa cofibration(resp.fibration).Asi(resp.q)isamonomorphism(resp.anepimorphism), the same is true for j (resp. for p). Moreover, it is obvious that the cokernels of i andj (resp.thekernelsofpandq)arecanonicallyisomorphic,whichimpliesthatwe have a long exact sequence of shape: Hn(A)−→Hn(B)⊕Hn(C)−→Hn(D)−→Hn+1(A). We deduce then immediately that if p (resp. j) is a quasi-isomorphism, then so is q (resp. i), which is what we wanted to prove. 2.2. The above model category structure will be called the injective model structure. The fibrations of this model structure will be called the injective fibrations, and the fibrant objects the injectively fibrant objects. The injective model structure gives a powerful tool to construct right derived functors (well defined on unbounded complexes). To define left derived functors on unbounded complexes, we have to consider other model structures depending on the choice of a set of generators of A. We shall restrict ourselves to a special situation that will occur in the cases we are interested in. This can be well formulated using the intuition of descent theory. Definition 2.2. Let A be a Grothendieck category. If G is an essentially small set of objects of A, then we define a morphism in Comp(A) to be a G-cofibration if it is contained in the smallest class of maps in Comp(A) closed under pushouts, transfinite compositions and retracts, generated by the inclusions Sn+1E −→DnE, for any integer n and any E in G. A chain complex C isG-cofibrant ifthemap0−→C isaG-cofibration.Forexample,ifC isabounded above complex such that for any integer n, Cn is a direct sum of elements of G, then C is G-cofibrant. 222 DENIS-CHARLESCISINSKIandFRE´DE´RICDE´GLISE A chain complex C in A is G-local, or simply local if no confusion can arise from the context, if for any E in G and integer n, the canonical map Hom (E[n],C)−→Hom (E[n],C) K(A) D(A) is an isomorphism. IfHisasmallfamilyofcomplexesinA,thenanobjectC ofComp(A)isH-flasque (orsimplyflasque)ifforanyintegernandanyH inH,thegroupHom (H,C[n]) K(A) vanishes. A descent structure on a Grothendieck category A is a couple (G,H), where G is an essentially small set of generators of A, and H is an essentially small set of G-cofibrant acyclic complexes such that any H-flasque complex is G-local. Example 2.3. LetS beanessentiallysmallGrothendiecksiteandRasheafofringson S.ThenthecategoryR-ModofsheavesofR-modulesisaGrothendieckcategory.For an object X of S, denote by R(X) the free sheaf of R-modules generated by X. The family G of the R(X)’s form a generating set for R-Mod. If X is a hypercover of X, S then the simplicial R-module R(X) can be seen as a complex of R-modules with the differentials given by the alternating sum of the face operators. For a hypercovering X of an object X, denote by R(cid:101)(X) the cone of the structural map R(X)−→R(X). The complexes R(X), R(X) and R(cid:101)(X) are then G -cofibrant. Let H be the family S S of all the complexes of the form R(cid:101)(X) for any hypercover X of an object X of S. Then the couple (G ,H ) is a descent structure on the category R-Mod. One way to S S prove this comes from Verdier’s computation of hypercohomology; see [1, Expos´e V] and [4]. If X is an object of S and C is a complex of R-modules, then we have the formula lim Hom (R(X),C)=Hom (R(X),C), −→ K(R-Mod) D(R-Mod) X∈HX where H denotes the filtering category of hypercoverings of X up to simplicial X homotopy (and Hom (R(X),C) is nothing else but the hypercohomology of D(R-Mod) X withcoefficientsinC).WededucethatifC isH -flasque,aswehavedistinguished S triangles in K(R-Mod) of shape R(X)−→R(X)−→R(cid:101)(X)−→R(X)[1] for any X in H , then we have the isomorphisms X Hom (R(X),C)=Hom (R(X),C). K(R-Mod) K(R-Mod) As H is filtering, we deduce that the canonical map X Hom (R(X),C)−→ lim Hom (R(X),C) K(R-Mod) −→ K(R-Mod) X∈HX is an isomorphism. Hence C is G -local. S This example generates new ones: let A be a Grothendieck abelian category en- dowed with a functor U: A−→R-Mod which preserves colimits and limits, and which is conservative. Then the functor U LOCALANDSTABLEHOMOLOGICALALGEBRA 223 has a left adjoint F: R-Mod−→A, and we can see that (F(G ),F(H )) is a descent structure on A. S S A natural example of this shape is the following: Let S =X be the small Zar Zariski site of a quasi-separated and quasi-compact scheme, and let R=O be X the structural sheaf of rings on X. We can consider the Grothendieck abelian cate- gory A=QCoh(X) of quasi-coherent O -modules and see that the forgetful functor X U: QCoh(X)−→O -Mod preserves colimits and limits, and is conservative. X Another example which fits in this kind of presentation comes from the theory of algebraic cycles. Example 2.4. Let S be a noetherian regular scheme, and Ntr be the category of S Nisnevich sheaves with transfers over S defined in [8, 4.2.3]. Let G be the category S of sheaves with transfers of type L (X) for any smooth S-scheme X. Then it follows S from Proposition 4.2.8 of loc. cit. that A is a Grothendieck abelian category and S that G is a set of generators. We denote by H the set of complexes obtained as the S S conesofthemapsL (X)−→L (X),whereX isanysmoothS-schemeandX isany S S Nisnevich hypercovering of X. From the example above and from Propositions 4.2.5 and 4.2.9 of loc. cit., it follows that (G ,H ) is a descent structure on Ntr. S S S Theorem 2.5. Let A be a Grothendieck category endowed with a descent structure (G,H). Then the category Comp(A) is a proper cellular model category with quasi- isomorphisms as weak equivalences, and G-cofibrations as cofibrations. Furthermore, for a complex C in A, the following conditions are equivalent: (i) C is fibrant; (ii) C is H-flasque; (iii) C is G-local. This model structure on the category Comp(A) will be called the G-model structure. Remark 2.6. It is possible to give a nice description of the fibrations for this model category structure; see Corollary 5.5. 2.3. The proof of this theorem will be completed by the results below. We first have to fix some notation. WedefineI tobethesetofinclusionsoftheformSn+1E −→DnE foranyinteger n and any E in G. If C is a complex, then Cyl(C) is the complex defined by Cyl(C)n =Cn⊕Cn+1⊕Cn with the differential d(x,y,z)=(dx−y,−dy,y+dz). Theprojectionσ: Cyl(C)−→C,definedbytheformulaσ(x,y,z)=x+z,isaquasi- isomorphism. We also have a canonical inclusion (i ,i ): C⊕C −→Cyl(C) defined 0 1 byi (x)=(x,0,0)andi (z)=(0,0,z),sothatthecompositeσ(i ,i )isequaltothe 0 1 0 1 224 DENIS-CHARLESCISINSKIandFRE´DE´RICDE´GLISE codiagonal from C⊕C to C. It is an easy exercise to check that to define a chain homotopy between two maps of complexes u and u from C to C0 is equivalent to 0 1 defining a map h from Cyl(C) to C0 such that hi =u for e=0,1. e e We define at last J =J0∪J00, where J0 is the set of maps 0−→DnE for any integer n, any E in G, and J00 is the set of maps H ⊕H[n]−→Cyl(H)[n] for any H in H and any integer n. To prove Theorem 2.5, we are going to verify the conditions of [12, Theorem 2.1.19] for I and J. We adopt the notation of [12]: I-cof (resp. J-cof) is the class of G-cofibrations (resp. the smallest class of maps closed under pushouts, transfinite compositions and retracts which contains J), and I-inj (resp. J-inj) is the class of maps which have the right lifting property with respect to I (resp. J). We will prove that I-cof, J-cof, I-inj and J-inj are respectively the class of cofibrations, the class of trivial cofibrations, the class of trivial fibrations and the class of fibrations for this model structure. Lemma 2.7. For any E in G and any integer n, the complexes SnE and DnE are G-cofibrant. For any G-cofibrant complex C, the inclusion C⊕C −→Cyl(C) is a G- cofibration. Furthermore, if C is acyclic, then this map is also a quasi-isomorphism. Proof. The pushout square SnE (cid:47)(cid:47)0 (cid:178)(cid:178) (cid:178)(cid:178) Dn−1E (cid:47)(cid:47)Sn+1E implies the first assertion. Remember that the cone Cone(p) of a morphism of complexes p: X −→Y is definedbyCone(p)n =Yn⊕Xn+1,withthedifferentialsgivenbytheformulad(y,x) =(dy+px,−dx). We then have an obvious short exact sequence 0 (cid:47)(cid:47)Y u (cid:47)(cid:47)Cone(p) v (cid:47)(cid:47)X[1] (cid:47)(cid:47)0, where u(y)=(y,0), and v(y,x)=x. Consider an element E of G and an integer n. One checks Cone(1 )=DnE Sn+1E and the inclusion of Sn+1E in Cone(1 ) is the canonical inclusion of Sn+1E in Sn+1E DnE. The complex Cone(1 ) is the split acyclic complex DnE 0−→E −→E⊕E −→E −→0, where E⊕E is placed in degree n+1. One deduces that the canonical map DnEq Cone(1 )−→Cone(1 ) Sn+1E Sn+1E DnE is a G-cofibration: it corresponds to the obvious inclusion of the complex 0−→0−→E⊕E −→E −→0 inCone(1 ).Inparticular,themapCone(1 )−→Cone(1 )isaG-cofibra- DnE Sn+1E DnE tion. Let C be the class of maps A−→B such that the map Bq Cone(1 )−→Cone(1 ) A A B LOCALANDSTABLEHOMOLOGICALALGEBRA 225 induced by the commutative square A (cid:47)(cid:47)Cone(1A) (cid:178)(cid:178) (cid:178)(cid:178) B (cid:47)(cid:47)Cone(1B) is a G-cofibration. This class of maps is stable by pushouts, transfinite compositions and retracts (the exercise is left to the reader). As C contains I, it has to contain all of I-cof. Hence, if C is G-cofibrant, as the map 0−→C is in C, then the map C −→Cone(1 ) is a G-cofibration. We deduce, for any G-cofibrant complex C, that C thecanonicalinclusionC −→Cone(1 )isaG-cofibration.Indeed,wehaveapushout C square of the following form: C (cid:47)(cid:47)C⊕C (cid:178)(cid:178) (cid:178)(cid:178) Cone(1 ) (cid:47)(cid:47)Cyl(C) C and the G-cofibrations are stable by pushout. If moreover C is acyclic, then so is C⊕C. As the map Cyl(C)−→C is always a quasi-isomorphism, the complex Cyl(C) is acyclic as well. Hence the inclusion C⊕ C −→Cyl(C) has to be a quasi-isomorphism. Lemma 2.8. Any element of J-cof is both a G-cofibration and a quasi-isomorphism. Proof. AnyG-cofibrationisamonomorphismandtheclassofmapswhicharemono- morphisms and quasi-isomorphisms is stable by pushouts, transfinite compositions and retracts. Hence the class of G-cofibrations, which are quasi-isomorphisms is also stable by any of these operations. It is then sufficient to check that any map in J is a G-cofibration and a quasi-isomorphism. This follows from Lemma 2.7. Lemma 2.9. Let C be a complex in A. Then the map C −→0 is in J-inj if and only if C is H-flasque. Proof. Let H be in H, and u a map from H to C[n]. The data of a chain homotopy betweenuandthezeromapisequivalenttothedataofaliftingkinthecommutative square below. H ⊕H (u,0) (cid:47)(cid:47)C[n] (cid:58)(cid:58) k (cid:178)(cid:178) (cid:178)(cid:178) Cyl(H) (cid:47)(cid:47)0. As the right lifting property of C −→0 with respect to maps of shape 0−→A is always verified, this proves the assertion. Lemma 2.10. A H-flasque complex C is acyclic if and only if the map C −→0 has the right lifting property with respect to I. 226 DENIS-CHARLESCISINSKIandFRE´DE´RICDE´GLISE Proof. For any complex C in A, as the cohomology group Hn(Hom (E,C)) is the A cokernel of the map Hom (Dn−1E,C)−→Hom (SnE,C), Comp(A) Comp(A) itisclearthatC −→0isinI-inj ifandonlyifthecomplexesHom (E,C)areacyclic A for any E in G. If C is H-flasque, then for any E in G and integer n, we have the canonical isomorphisms Hn(Hom (E,C))=Hom (E,C[n])=Hom (E,C[n]). A K(A) D(A) To finish the proof, it is then sufficient to say that a complex C in A is acyclic if and only if for any E in G and integer n, the group Hom (E,C[n]) vanishes. D(A) Lemma 2.11. A map in J-inj is a quasi-isomorphism if and only if it is in I-inj. Proof. Let p: X −→Y be map in J-inj. We can see that it is an epimorphism: for any element E of G and any integer n, the map Hom (E,Xn)=Hom (DnE,X)−→Hom (DnE,Y)=Hom (E,Yn) A Comp(A) Comp(A) A issurjective.AsG isasetofgeneratorsofA,thisimpliesthatpisanepimorphism.In particular,kerpisacyclicifandonlyifpisaquasi-isomorphism.IfpisinI-inj,then themapkerp−→0isalsoinI-inj.ButJ ⊂I-cof (see2.8),whichby,byLemma2.9, implies that kerp is H-flasque. Hence by Lemma 2.10, the complex kerp is acyclic, and p is a quasi-isomorphism. Consider now a quasi-isomorphism p in J-inj. As p is then an epimorphism, kerp is acyclic, and as right lifting properties are stable by pullback, the map kerp−→0 is in J-inj. One deduces from 2.9 and 2.10 that the map kerp−→0 is in I-inj. Let Sn+1E x (cid:47)(cid:47)X p (cid:178)(cid:178) (cid:178)(cid:178) DnE (cid:47)(cid:47)Y y be a commutative square in Comp(A) where E is in G, and n is an integer. It cor- responds to the maps x: E −→Xn+1 and y: E −→Yn such that px=dy. To show that the square above admits a lift is equivalent to showing that there is a map ξ: E −→Xn such that dξ =x and pξ =y. As p has the right lifting property with respecttoJ,Hom (E,pn)issurjective,andsothereexistsamapx0: E −→Xn such A that px0 =y. We know that pdx0 =dpx0 =dy =px, so that x−dx0 factors through kerp. As the map kerp−→0 has the right lifting property with respect to I, this implies that there is a map x00: E −→Xn such that px00 =0 and dx00 =x−dx0. We can now set ξ =x0+x00. We have that pξ =px0+px00 =y and dξ =dx0+dx00 =x. Hence the desired lift. Proof of Theorem 2.5. One deduces from 2.8 and 2.11 that all the conditions of [12, Theorem 2.1.19] are satisfied. In particular, we obtain that we have defined a cofi- brantlygeneratedmodelcategorywithquasi-isomorphismsasweakequivalencesand withI (resp.J)asasetofgeneratorsforthecofibrations(resp.forthetrivialcofibra- tions).Toseethatthisstructureiscellular,itissufficienttosaythatanyG-cofibration LOCALANDSTABLEHOMOLOGICALALGEBRA 227 isamonomorphismandthatanymonomorphisminaGrothendieckcategoryiseffec- tive.Propernesscomesfromthefactthatcofibrations(resp.fibrations)aremonomor- phisms(resp.epimorphisms)andstandardresultsofhomologicalalgebra(seetheend of the proof of 2.1). It remains to prove the equivalence of conditions (i)–(iii). Using the above defini- tionsand2.9,itissufficienttoshowthat(iii)implies(ii).LetC beaG-localcomplex. One can prove that the full subcategory of K(A) made of G-cofibrant complexes is containedinthelocalizingsubcategoryofK(A)generatedbyG (inthesenseof[19]). Then for any G-cofibrant complex A, the map below is an isomorphism. Hom (A,C)−→Hom (A,C) K(A) D(A) In particular, for any H in H and integer n, we have Hom (H,C[n])=0. Hence K(A) C is H-flasque. Remark 2.12. ThemodelstructureofTheorem2.5dependsonlyonG andnotonthe wholedescentstructure(G,H).ThedataHisonlyatooltogetanicecharacterization of the fibrant objects in terms of flasque properties (as we will see below, that will be useful to construct total left derivedfunctors). One can provedirectly by abstract nonsense that for any Grothendieck category A with a choice of an essentially small set of generators G, there is a Quillen model category structure on Comp(A) with quasi-isomorphismsasweakequivalencesandG-cofibrationsascofibrations.Toprove this,weremarkthattheclassofquasi-isomorphismsisaccessible(seetheproofof[3, Proposition 3.13]), that any map with the right lifting property with respect to G- cofibrationsisaquasi-isomorphism(byvirtueof[13,Proposition1.4]),andapplyJeff Smith’s theorem (see [3, Theorem 1.7 and Proposition 1.15]). In fact one can show that any small set G of generators of A can be completed in a descent structure for A, in such a way that the description of this model category structure given by 2.5 is always available (but in practice, we essentially always have a canonical choice of descent structure). One can proceed as follows: Choose a set J of generating trivial 0 cofibration (with respect to the model structure above). Define H to be the set of the cokernels of the maps in J . Then (G,H) is a descent structure. Note that the 0 model structure of Theorem 2.5 coincides with the model structure of Christensen and Hovey [5] in the particular case where all the elements of G are projective. In general, the model structure of Theorem 2.5 is a left Bousfield localization of the model structure associated to the projective class generated by G. Example 2.13. Consider the notation of 2.4. Let C be a complex of sheaves with transfers over S. For any smooth S-scheme X, we denote by HnC(X) (resp. Hn(X,C)) the n-th cohomologyofthecomplexofabeliangroupsmadebythesectionsofC overX (resp. the n-th Nisnevich hypercohomology of X with coefficients in the complex C where we forget transfers). We will say that C is Nisnevich fibrant if it is fibrant with respect to the descent structure (G ,H ). According to the previous theorem and [8, 4.2.9], this means one S S of the following equivalent conditions are true: 228 DENIS-CHARLESCISINSKIandFRE´DE´RICDE´GLISE (i) For any smooth S-scheme X and any integer n, the canonical map Hn(C(X))→Hn (X;C) Nis is an isomorphism. (ii) For any smooth S-scheme X, any Nisnevich hypercovering X of X, and any integer n, the canonical map Hn(C(X))→Hn(TotC(X)) is an isomorphism. 2.4. LetAandA0 betwoGrothendieckcategories.Supposethat(G,H)(resp.(G0,H0)) isadescentstructureonA(resp.A0).Afunctorf∗: A0 −→Asatisfies descent (with respect to the above descent structures) if it satisfies the following conditions: (i) The functor f∗ preserves colimits. (ii) For any E0 in G0, f∗(E0) is a direct sum of elements of G. (iii) For any H0 in H0, f∗(H0) is in H. ItisastandardfactthatafunctorbetweenGrothendieckcategoriespreservescolimits ifandonlyifithasarightadjoint.Notealsothatanyfunctorwhichpreservescolimits preserves,inparticular,finitedirectsums,sothatanyfunctorwhichsatisfiesdescent is additive. Theorem 2.14. Under the assumptions above, let f∗: A0 −→A be a functor that preserves colimits, and f : A−→A0 be its right adjoint. If f∗ satisfies descent, then ∗ the pair of adjoint functors f∗: Comp(A0)−→Comp(A) and f : Comp(A)−→Comp(A0) ∗ is a Quillen pair with respect to the model structures associated to G and G0 by The- orem 2.5. In particular, the functors f∗ and f have the functors ∗ Lf∗: D(A0)−→D(A) and Rf : D(A)−→D(A0) ∗ as left and right derived functors respectively, and Lf∗ is left adjoint to Rf . ∗ Proof. If f∗ satisfies descent, then one checks easily that it preserves cofibrations; see [12, Lemma 2.1.20]. It is then sufficient to show that it sends trivial cofibrations toquasi-isomorphisms.Asf∗ preservescolimitsandcofibrations,byvirtueofloc. cit, it is sufficient to prove that any element of f∗(J0) is a quasi-isomorphism, where J0 is the set of trivial cofibrations defined as in 2.3. This comes directly from the fact that f∗(H0) is contained in H and that f∗ commutes to the formation of cones and cylinders (just because it is additive). Remark 2.15. Consider three Grothendieck categories endowed with descent struc- turesA,A0,andA00.Letf0∗: A00 −→A0 andf∗: A0 −→Abetwofunctorscommut- ing to colimits and satisfying descent, and denote by f0 and f their corresponding ∗ ∗ right adjoints. Then it follows easily from general abstract nonsense about Quillen adjunctions and the preceding theorem that we havecanonical isomorphisms of total derived functors Lf∗◦Lf0∗ ’L(f∗◦f0∗) and R(f0 ◦f )’Rf0 ◦Rf . ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Homology, Homotopy and Applications, vol.11(1), 2009, pp.219–260 we can easily get total left derived functors (like the tensor product).
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