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Preview Local and Nonlocal Strain Rate Fields and Vorticity Alignment in Turbulent Flows

Local and Nonlocal Strain Rate Fields and Vorticity Alignment in Turbulent Flows Peter E. Hamlington1∗, J¨org Schumacher2†, and Werner J. A. Dahm1‡ 1 Laboratory for Turbulence & Combustion (LTC), Department of Aerospace Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140, USA 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universit¨at Ilmenau, D-98684 Ilmenau, Germany (Dated: February 2, 2008) Local and nonlocal contributions to the total strain rate tensor Sij at any point x in a flow are formulated from an expansion of the vorticity field in a local spherical neighborhood of radius R centered on x. The resulting exact expression allows the nonlocal (background) strain rate tensor SiBj(x)tobeobtainedfromSij(x). Inturbulentflows,wherethevorticitynaturallyconcentratesinto 8 relatively compact structures,thisallows thelocal alignment of vorticitywith themost extensional 0 principal axis of the background strain rate tensor to be evaluated. In the vicinity of any vortical 0 structure,therequiredradiusRandcorrespondingorderntowhichtheexpansionmustbecarried 2 are determined by the viscous lengthscale λν. We demonstrate the convergence to the background n strain rate field with increasing R and n for an equilibrium Burgers vortex, and show that this a resolves the anomalous alignment of vorticity with the intermediate eigenvector of the total strain J rate tensor. We then evaluate the background strain field SB(x) in DNS of homogeneous isotropic ij 8 turbulencewhere,evenforthelimitedRandncorrespondingtothetruncatedseriesexpansion,the resultsshowanincreaseintheexpectedequilibriumalignmentofvorticitywiththemostextensional ] principal axis of the background strain rate tensor. n y PACSnumbers: 47.27.-i,47.32.C-,47.27.De d - u l I. INTRODUCTION A key to understanding this result is that, owing to f . the competition betweenstrainanddiffusion, the vortic- s c Vortex stretching is the basic mechanism by which ki- ity in turbulent flows naturally forms into concentrated i netic energyis transferedfromlargerto smallerscalesin vortical structures. It has been noted, for example in s y three-dimensional turbulent flows [1, 2, 3, 4]. An under- Refs. [7, 13, 14], that the anomalous alignment of the h standing of how vortical structures are stretched by the vorticity with the strain rate tensor Sij(x) might be ex- p strainratefieldS (x)isthusessentialtoanydescription plained by separating the local self-induced strain rate ij [ oftheenergeticsofsuchflows. Overthelasttwodecades, field created by the vortical structures themselves from 1 direct numerical simulations (DNS) [5, 6, 7] and experi- the background strain field in which these structures re- v mentalstudies[8,9,10,11,12]ofthefine-scalestructure side. The total strain rate tensor is thus split into 8 of turbulence have revealed a preferred alignment of the 4 vorticity with the intermediate eigenvector of the strain Sij(x)=SiRj(x)+SiBj(x), (2) 2 rate tensor. This resulthas been widely regardedassur- .1 prising. Indeedtheindividualcomponentsoftheinviscid where SiRj is the local strain rate induced by a vortical 1 vorticity transport equation, in a Lagrangianframe that structure in its neighboring vicinity, and SB is the non- ij 0 remains aligned with the eigenvectors of the strain rate local background strain rate induced in the vicinity of 8 tensor, are simply the structure by allthe remainingvorticity. The vortical 0 structurewouldthenbeexpectedtoalignwiththeprinci- : v Dω1 Dω2 Dω3 palaxiscorrespondingtothemostextensionaleigenvalue Xi Dt =s1ω1, Dt =s2ω2, Dt =s3ω3, (1) of the background strain rate tensor SiBj(x). In the following, we extend this idea and suggest a ar where s1, s2 and s3 are the eigenvalues of Sij. For in- systematic expansion of the total strain rate field S (x) compressible flow, s1 +s2 +s3 ≡ 0, and then denoting that allows the background strain rate field SB(xij) to s1 s2 s3 requires s1 0 and s3 0. As a con- ij ≥ ≥ ≥ ≤ be extracted. Our approach is based on an expansion sequence, (1) would predict alignment of the vorticity of the vorticity over a local spherical region of radius R with the eigenvector corresponding to the most exten- centered at any point x. This leads to an exact opera- sional principal strain rate s1. Yet DNS and experimen- tor that provides direct access to the background strain tal studies have clearly shown that the vorticity instead rate field. The operator is tested for the case of a Burg- is aligned with the eigenvector corresponding to the in- ers vortex, where it is shown that the local self-induced termediate principal strain rate s2. strainfieldproducedbythevortexcanbesuccessfullyre- moved,andtheunderlyingbackgroundstrainfieldcanbe increasinglyrecoveredashigherorderterms areretained in the expansion. The anomalous alignment of the vor- ∗email: [email protected](correspondingauthor) †email: [email protected] ticity with respect to the eigenvectors of the total strain ‡email: [email protected] field is shown in that case to follow from a local switch- 2 From (5) and (6), S (x) can be expressed [15] as an ij integral over the vorticity field as 3 r S (x)= (ǫ r +r ǫ ) kω (x′)d3x′. (7) ij 8π ZΛ ikl j i jkl r5 l AsshowninFig.1,thetotalstrainratein(7)isseparated intothelocalcontributioninducedbythevorticitywithin a spherical region of radius R centered on the point x and the remaining nonlocal (background) contribution induced by all the vorticity outside this sphericalregion. The strain rate tensor in (7) thus becomes 3 3 S (x)= [ ]d3x′+ [ ]d3x′,(8) ij 8π Z ··· 8π Z ··· r≤R r>R SR(x) SB(x) | ≡{zij } | ≡ {izj } FIG. 1: Decomposition of the vorticity field in the vicinity where [ ] denotes the integrand in (7). The nonlocal of any point x into local and nonlocal parts; the Biot-Savart backgro·u·n·dstrain tensor at x is then integral in (8) over each part gives the local and nonlocal (background)contributionstothetotalstrainratetensorSij SB(x)=S (x) SR(x). (9) at x. ij ij − ij The total strain tensor S (x) in (9) is readily evaluated ij via (6) from derivatives of the velocity field at point x. ing of the principal strainaxeswhen the vortex becomes Thus all that is requiredto obtainthe background(non- sufficiently strong relative to the background strain. Fi- local) strain rate tensor SB(x) via (9) is an evaluation nally, the operator is applied to obtain initial insights ij ninetoousthiseotbraocpkicgrtouurnbdulesntrcaei,nanSdiBju(xse)dintoDcoNmSpaorfehtohmeovgoer-- ovfortthiceitloycfiaellsdtrωali(nxi′n)twegitrhailnSriRj(x)Rinin(8F)igp.r1o.duced by the ≤ ticity alignment with the eigenvectors of the total strain field and of this backgroundstrain field. A. Evaluating the Background Strain Rate Tensor II. THE BACKGROUND STRAIN FIELD The vorticity field within the sphere of radius R can be represented by its Taylor expansion about the center The velocity uatanypoint x inducedby the vorticity point x as field ω(x) is given by the Biot-Savart integral ∂ω ω (x′) = ω (x)+(x′ x ) l (10) u(x)= 41π ZΛω(x′)× xx−xx′′3d3x′, (3) l |r≤R + 1l(x′ xm)−(x′m x∂x)m(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)x∂2ωl + . | − | 2 m− m n− n ∂x ∂x (cid:12) ··· wherethe integrationdomainΛistakentobe infinite or m n(cid:12)(cid:12)x periodic. In index notation (3) becomes Rtoecaablblirnegvitahtaettxhme −voxrt′mici≡tyrmandanidtsudsienrgivaatl,ivbelms,a(cid:12)ctlmxn,,.w.e. 1 (x x′) can write (10) as u (x)= ǫ ω (x′) k− k d3x′, (4) i 4π ZΛ ilk l |x−x′|3 ω (x′) a r b + 1r r c . (11) where ǫ is the cyclic permutation tensor. The deriva- l |r≤R ≡ l− m lm 2 m n lmn−··· ilk tive with respect to x gives the velocity gradient tensor j Substituting (11) in the SR integral in (8) and changing ij the integration variable to r = x x′, the strain tensor ∂ u (x)= 1 ǫ ω (x′) δkj 3rkrj d3x′, (5) at x produced by the vorticity in−R is ∂xj i 4π ZΛ ilk l (cid:20) r3 − r5 (cid:21) 3 r rgwarhtaeedriteeennrts,o≡nraSm|ixjel−aytxx′|isatnhde srymmm≡etxrmic−paxrt′mo.ftTheheveslotrcaitiny SiRj(x) = 8aπlZr≤rmRb(lǫmik+lrjr+mrrniǫcjlkml)nrk5 d3r.(12) × h − 2 −···i S (x) 1 ∂ui + ∂uj . (6) This integral can be solved in spherical coordinates cen- ij ≡ 2(cid:18)∂xj ∂xi(cid:19) tered on x, with r1 = rsinθcosφ, r2 = rsinθsinφ, and 3 r3 = rcosθ for r [0,R], θ [0,π], and φ [0,2π). To B. Practical Implementation ∈ ∈ ∈ integrate (12) note that r r 4π R 1 Whenusing(20)toexaminethelocalalignmentofany Zr≤R kr5jd3r= 3 δjkZ0 rdr, (13a) cthoencbeanctkrgartoedunvdorsttircaainlsrtartuectfiuerldewSBith(xt)hienpwrhinicchipiatlraexsiedseosf, ij rkrjrmd3r=0, (13b) the radius R must be taken sufficiently large that the Z r5 spherical region x′ x R encloses essentially all the r≤R | − | ≤ r r r r 2π vorticity associated with the structure, so that its local Z k jr5m nd3r= 15R2(δmnδjk+ (13c) induced strain rate field is fully accounted for. Gener- r≤R ally,as R increasesitis necessaryin (20) to retainterms δ δ +δ δ ) . mj kn mk jn of increasingly higher order n to maintain a sufficient The resulting local strain rate tensor at x is then representation of ω(x′) over the spherical region. Thus for any vortical structure having a characteristic gradi- R2 SiRj(x)= 40clmn(ǫijlδmn+ǫjilδmn+ǫinlδmj (14) ethnet loerndgetrhsocfaλle ,λνa,nidt cnanwiblletehxepnecnteeeddthtoatbRe smuuffisctiebnetolyf 4 ν +ǫjnlδmi+ǫimlδnj +ǫjmlδni)+O(R ), large to adequately represent the vorticity field within thissphere. However,sincethelocalgradientlengthscale where the contribution from the a term in (12) is zero l in the vorticityfield ina turbulentflow is determinedby sinceǫ = ǫ . Forthesamereasonthefirsttwoterms ijl jil − an equilibrium between strain and diffusion, the vortic- in (14) also cancel, giving ityfieldoverthelengthscaleλ willberelativelysmooth, SR(x)= R2c (ǫ δ +ǫ δ (15) and thus relatively low valuesνof n may suffice to give a ij 40 lmn inl mj jnl mi usable representation of ω(x′). This is examined in the +ǫ δ +ǫ δ )+O(R4). following Section. iml nj jml ni Recalling that c = c ∂2ω /∂x ∂x , and con- lmn lnm l m n ≡ tracting with the δ and ǫ in (15), gives III. TEST CASE: BURGERS VORTEX R2 ∂ ∂ω SR(x)= ǫ l (16) ij 20 (cid:20)∂x (cid:18) iml∂x (cid:19) The equilibrium Burgers vortex [1, 3, 9, 16] is formed j m from vorticity in a fluid with viscosity ν by a spatially ∂ ∂ω l 4 + ǫ +O(R ). uniform, irrotational, axisymmetric background strain jml ∂x (cid:18) ∂x (cid:19)(cid:21) i m ratefieldSB thathasasingleextensionalprincipalstrain ij Note that ǫ ∂ω /∂x ( ω) and rate S directed along the z axis, as shown in Fig. 2. iml l m ≡ ∇× i zz This simple flow, often regarded as an idealized model ω = ( u)= ( u) 2u, (17) ∇× ∇× ∇× ∇ ∇· −∇ ofthe mostconcentratedvorticalstructures in turbulent so for an incompressible flow ( u 0) the local strain flows, provides a test case for the result in (20). The rate tensor at x becomes ∇· ≡ combined strain rate field S (x) produced by the vor- ij R2 ∂u ∂u texandthe backgroundstrainflowshould,whenapplied SR(x)= 2 i + j +O(R4). (18) ij −20∇ (cid:18)∂x ∂x (cid:19) j i From (9), with SR from (18) we obtain the background ij strain tensor as 2 R SB(x)=S (x)+ 2S (x)+O(R4). (19) ij ij 10∇ ij Theremainingtermsin(19)resultfromthehigher-order terms in (11). The contributions from each of these can be evaluated in an analogous manner, giving 2 4 R R SB(x)= 1+ 2+ 2 2+ (20) ij (cid:20) 10∇ 280∇ ∇ ··· + 3R2n−2 2 n−1+ S (x), (2n 2)!(4n2 1) ∇ ···(cid:21) ij − − (cid:0) (cid:1) wherethetermsshownin(20)correspondton=1,2,.... The final result in (20) is an operator that extracts the nonlocal background strain rate tensor SB at any point ij x from the total strain rate tensor S . For the Taylor FIG. 2: Equilibrium Burgers vortex with circulation Γ and ij expansion in (10), this operator involves Laplacians of strain-limited viscous diffusion lengthscale λν in a uniform, the total strain rate field S (x). irrotational,axisymmetricbackgroundstrainratefieldSiBj(x). ij 4 in (20), produce the underlying background strain field S ,andthecorrespondingprincipalstrainaxiswillpoint zz (SB,SB,SB) = ( 1, 1,1)S at all x when R in the zˆ direction. The vorticity is then aligned with the rr θθ zz −2 −2 zz → ∞ and all orders n are retained. For finite R and n, the most extensional eigenvector of S . This remains the ij resultingSB(x)willreflectthe convergencepropertiesof case until the vortex becomes sufficiently strong relative ij (20). to the background strain rate that s>S , namely zz 3 Sv S , (27) A. Strain Rate Tensor | rθ|≥ 2 zz which from (25) occurs wherever TheequilibriumBurgersvortexalignedwiththeexten- sional principal axis of the background strain rate field 2 −1 1 1 3π Γ/λ has a vorticity field α+ exp( αη2) ν . (28) (cid:18) η2(cid:19) − − η2 ≥ 2 (cid:18) S (cid:19) zz α Γ ω(x)=ω (r)ˆz= exp αη2 ˆz, (21) z πλ2 − Atany η forwhich (28) is satisfied,the mostextensional ν (cid:0) (cid:1) principal axis of the combined strain rate tensor S (x) ij where Γ is the circulation, λν is the viscous lengthscale will switch from the ˆz direction to instead lie in the r- that characterizes the diameter of the vortex, η r/λν θ plane. Since the vorticity vector everywhere points in ≡ is the radial similarity coordinate, and the constant α the zˆ direction, wherever (28) is satisfied the principal reflects the chosen definition of λν. Following [9], λν is axis of Sij that is aligned with the vorticity will switch taken as the full width of the vorticalstructure at which fromthemostextensionaleigenvectortotheintermediate ωz has decreasedto one-fifth of its peak value, for which eigenvector. This alignment switching is purely a result α = 4ln5. When diffusion of the vorticity is in equilib- of the induced strain field Sv(x) locally dominating the ij rium [9] with the background strain, then backgroundstrain field SB(x). ij The dimensionless vortex strength parameter 1/2 ν λ =√8α . (22) ν (cid:18)S (cid:19) Γ/λ2 πω zz Ω ν = max (29) ≡(cid:20) S (cid:21) α S Thecombinedvelocityfieldu(x)producedbythevortex zz zz and the irrotational background strain is given by the on the right-hand side of (28) characterizes the relative cylindrical components strengthofthe backgroundstrainandtheinducedstrain fromthevorticalstructure,whereω is obtainedfrom S max zz ur(r,θ,z) = r, (23a) (21) at η =0. For − 2 Γ 1 u (r,θ,z) = 1 exp αη2 , (23b) Ω<Ω∗ 2.45, (30) θ 2πλ η − − ≈ ν (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) u (r,θ,z) = S z. (23c) the backgroundstrainrateS iseverywherelargerthan z zz zz the largest s in (26), and thus no alignment switching The combined strain rate tensor for such a Burgers occurs at any η. For Ω > Ω∗, alignment switching will vortex is thus occuroverthelimited rangeofη valuesthatsatisfy(28). S /2 Sv 0 With increasing values of Ω, more of the vorticity field Sij(x)= −Szrvzθ −Szrzθ/2 0  , (24) wthiellcboemabilnigendedstrwaiitnhrtahtee tinentesromr,eedviaetnetphroiungchipaalllaoxfisthoef 0 0 S zz   vorticity field remains aligned with the most extensional where Sv is the shear strainrate induced by the vortex, principal axis of the background strain rate tensor. rθ given by Figure 3 shows the vorticity ωz and the induced shear straincomponent Sv asafunctionofη. Thehorizontal Sv (x)= Γ α+ 1 exp αη2 1 . (25) dashed lines corre−spornθd to three different values of Ω, rθ πλ2 (cid:20)(cid:18) η2(cid:19) − − η2(cid:21) and indicate the range of η values where the alignment ν (cid:0) (cid:1) switching in (28) occurs for each Ω. Wherever Sv is From (24), Sij(x) has one extensional principal strain above the dashed line for a given Ω, the vorticity−wirllθbe rate equal to Szz along the zˆ axis, with the remaining aligned with the local intermediate principal axis of the two principal strain axes lying in the r-θ plane and cor- combined strain rate field. responding to the principal strain rates In principle, regardlessof the vortex strength parame- terΩ,atanyηtheresultin(20)canrevealthealignment 1 s=−2Szz ±|Srvθ|. (26) of the vorticity with the most extensional principal axis ofthebackgroundstrainfieldSB. However,thisrequires ij As long as the largest s in (26) is smaller than S , the Rtobesufficientlylargethataspherewithdiameter2R, zz most extensional principal strain rate s1 of Sij will be centered at the largest η for which −Srvθ in Fig. 3 is still 5 1 the approximation becomes increasingly poorer, but the (cid:58)=(cid:58)*=2.45 0.3 1/r2 decrease in the Biot-Savart kernel in (3) neverthe- 0.9 lessrendersitadequatetoaccountformostofthevortex- 0.8 (cid:358)Sr(cid:84) 0.25 induced strain rate field. At the largest radial location, 0.7 correspondingtothebottomrightpanelofFig.4,theap- 0.2 proximation becomes relatively poor, however at large η 0.6 ωz −Srθ valuesthe vortex-inducedstrainis sufficiently smallthat ωmax 0.5 2(cid:58)* 0.15 ωmax itis unlikely to leadto alignmentswitching for typicalΩ 0.4 values. 0.3 3(cid:58)* 0.1 Figure 5 shows the shear component SrBθ(η) of the background strain rate tensor obtained via (20) for var- 0.2 (cid:90) 0.05 ious n and R˜ as a function of η. In each panel, the z 0.1 blackcurveshowsthetotalstrainrateS (η)andthecol- ij 0 0 oredcurvesshow the backgroundstrainrateSB(η) from (cid:358)1.5 (cid:358)1 (cid:358)0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 ij η (20) for the (n,R˜) combinations listed. The horizontal dashedlinecorrespondingtoΩ=(3/2)Ω∗reflectstherel- FIG. 3: Similarity profiles of ωz(η) and Srθ(η) for any equi- ativevortexstrength,andshowstherangeofηwherethe libriumBurgersvortex;wherever−S exceedsthehorizontal anomalousalignmentswitchingoccursduetothevortex- rθ line determined by the relative vortex strength parameter Ω inducedstrainfield. Whereverthe SB curvesareabove − rθ in (29) the most extensional principal axis of thetotal strain thisline,thevorticitytherewillbealignedwiththeinter- rate Sij(x) switches from thezˆ-axis to lie in ther-θ plane. mediateprincipalaxisofthecombinedstrainratetensor S . Figure 5(a) examines the effect of increasing the ij radius R˜ of the spherical region for fixed order n = 6. above the horizontal dashed line, will enclose essentially It is apparent that with increasing R˜ the resulting SB allofthe vorticityassociatedwiththe vorticalstructure. − rθ converges toward the correct background strain field in As Ω increases, the required R will increase accordingly (31). For the value of Ω shown, it can be seen that for as dictated by (28), and as R is increasedthe required n R&0.5λ theresultingSB iseverywherebelowthehor- in (20) also increases. ν rθ izontal dashed line, indicating that the vorticity every- Irrespective of the value of Ω, when (20) is applied to whereis alignedwith the mostextensionalprincipalaxis the combined strain rate field Sij(x) in (24) and (25), oftheresultingbackgroundstrainratetensorSB(x)from if R˜ (R/λν) and all orders n are retained then (20). ij there≡sultingSB→(x)∞shouldrecoverthebackgroundstrain ij field, namely SB 0 (31) 1.25 1.25 rθ → 1 1 for all x, and the vorticity should show alignment with themostextensionalprincipalaxisofSiBj. ForfiniteR/λν ωz 0.75 0.75 andvariousordersn,theconvergenceofSB from(20)to ωmax 0.5 0.5 ij this background strain field is examined below. 0.25 0.25 0 0 (cid:358)1 (cid:358)0.5 0 0.5 1 (cid:358)1 (cid:358)0.5 0 0.5 1 B. Convergence of the Background Strain 1.25 1.25 The accuracy with which (20) can recover the back- 1 1 ground strain field SB(x) that acts on a concentrated ij ω 0.75 0.75 vortical structure depends on how well the expansion in z ωmax 0.5 0.5 (10) representsthe vorticityfieldwithin the localspheri- calneighborhoodR. Figure4showstheresultsofalocal 0.25 0.25 sixth-order Taylor series approximation for the vorticity 0 0 in(21)atvariousradiallocationsacrosstheBurgersvor- (cid:358)1 (cid:358)0.5 0 0.5 1 (cid:358)1 (cid:358)0.5 0 0.5 1 η η tex. In each panel, the blue square marks the location x atwhichthesphereiscentered,andthereddashedcurve shows the resulting Taylor series approximation for the FIG.4: AccuracyoftheTaylorexpansionforthelocalvortic- vorticity. On the axis of the vortex, the approximated ityin (10)foraBurgersvortex,showingresultsfor6thorder vorticity field correctly accounts for most of the circula- approximation. Ineach panel,solid black curveshows actual tioninthe vortex,andthusthe induced strainfieldfrom vorticity profile, and red dashed curve gives approximated thevortexwillbereasonablyapproximated. Offtheaxis, vorticity from derivativesat location marked by square. 6 most extensional principal axis of the background strain tensor throughout the entire field. 0.30 (a) Figure 5(c) shows the combined effects of increasing 0.25 both R˜ and n, in accordance with the expectation that 3π 2αΩ larger R˜ should require a higher order n to adequately 0.20 −SB represent the vorticity field within the spherical region. ω rθ 0.15 The shear strainrate field shows convergenceto the cor- max (cid:358)S r(cid:84) rect background strain field in (31). The convergence of 0.10 (6, 0.20) the shear strain rate SB(x) to zero in the vicinity of the (6, 0.35) rθ 0.05 (6, 0.50) vortex core is of particular importance. The systematic (6, 0.65) reduction in the peak remaining shear stress indicates 0 (cid:358)1.5 (cid:358)0.75 η0 0.75 1.5 that, even for increasingly stronger vortices or increas- ingly weaker backgroundstrain fields as measured by Ω, the resulting SB(x) from (20) will reveal the alignment 0.30 (b) rθ of all the vorticity in such a structure with the most ex- 0.25 3π tensional principal strain axis of the background strain 2αΩ 0.20 field. −SB rθ ω 0.15 max 0.10 (cid:358)S r(cid:84) IV. VORTICITY ALIGNMENT IN TURBULENT 0.05 (3, 0.65) FLOWS (4, 0.65) 0 (5, 0.65) (6, 0.65) (cid:358)0.05 Having seen in the previous Section how (20) is able (cid:358)1.5 (cid:358)0.75 0 0.75 1.5 η to reveal the expected alignment of vortical structures with the most extensional eigenvector of the background strainrate in which they reside, in this Section we apply 0.30 (c) it to obtain insights into the vorticity alignment in tur- 0.25 3π bulent flows. In particular,we examine the alignmentat 2αΩ every point x of the vorticity ω relative to the eigenvec- 0.20 −SB tors of the total strain rate tensor field Sij(x) and those ω rθ 0.15 of the backgroundstrain field data SB(x). This analysis max ij 0.10 (cid:358)S uses data from a highly-resolved, three-dimensional, di- r(cid:84) rect numerical simulation (DNS) of statistically station- (2, 0.45) 0.05 (4, 0.55) ary, forced, homogeneous, isotropic turbulence [17, 18]. 0 (6, 0.65) Thesimulationscorrespondtoaperiodiccubewithsides (cid:358)1.5 (cid:358)0.75 η0 0.75 1.5 oflengthof2π resolvedby20483gridpoints. TheTaylor microscale Reynolds number R is 107. λ The DNS data were generated by a pseudospectral FIG.5: ConvergenceofbackgroundstrainratefieldSB(x)for method with a spectralresolutionthat exceeds the stan- ij a Burgers vortex, obtained from total strain rate field Sij(x) dard value by a factor of eight. As a result, the highest using (20) for various (n,R˜) combinations, where R˜ ≡R/λν. wavenumber corresponds to kmaxηK = 10, and the Kol- Shown are effects of increasing R˜ for fixed n = 6 (top), in- mogorov lengthscale ηK = ν3/4/ ǫ 1/4 is resolved with h i creasing n for fixed R˜ =0.65 (middle),and increasing n and three grid spacings. This superfine resolution makes it R˜ simultaneously (bottom). The dashed horizontal lines fol- possible to apply the resultin (20) for relativelyhighor- low from (27) and (29). ders n, which require accurate evaluation of high-order derivatives of the DNS data. In Schumacher et al. [17] it was demonstrated that derivatives up to order six are statistically converged. More details on the numerical In Fig. 5(b) similar results are shown for the effect of simulations are given in Refs. [17, 18]. increasing the order n of the expansion for the vorticity Figure6givesarepresentativesampleoftheDNSdata, field for fixed R˜ = 0.65. It is apparent that the effect of wheretheinstantaneousshearcomponentS12ofthetotal nissomewhatsmallerthanforR˜ inFig.5(a). Moreover, strain rate tensor field S (x) is shown in a typical two- ij the results suggestthat the seriesin (20)alternates with dimensional intersection through the 20483 cube. The increasing order n. For this Ω and R˜, even n = 3 is datacanbeseentospannearly700η ineachdirection. K seentobesufficienttoremovemostofthevortex-induced The 5122 box at the lower left of Fig. 6 is used here to shearstrain,andthusreduceSB(x)belowthehorizontal obtain initial results for alignment of the vorticity with rθ dashed line. For these parameters, the SB field from the eigenvectors of the backgroundstrain rate tensor. rθ (20)wouldthusrevealalignmentofthevorticitywiththe The background strain rate tensor field SB(x) is first ij 7 numerous other DNS studies [5, 6, 7] and experimental studies [8, 9, 10, 11, 12], which show the vorticity to be predominantly aligned with the eigenvector correspond- ing to the intermediate principal strain rate. However, the resultsfor the Burgersvortexinthe previous section show that such anomalous alignment with the eigenvec- tors of the total strain rate tensor is expected when the local vortex strength parameter Ω is sufficiently large to cause alignment switching. By comparison, the results in Fig. 8 (b) and (c) ob- tained for the alignment cosines of the vorticity vector with the background strain rate tensor SB from (20) ij show a significant decrease in alignment with the inter- mediate eigenvector, and an increase in alignment with the most extensional eigenvector. While data in panel (b) show only a slight change compared to those in (a), the resultsinpanel(c)demonstratethatourdecomposi- FIG. 6: Instantaneous snapshot of total strain rate com- tioncanindeeddiminishtheanomalousalignmentsignif- ponent field S12(x) in a two-dimensional slice through a highly-resolved three-dimensional (20483) DNS of homoge- neous, isotropic turbulence [17, 18]. Axes are given both in grid coordinates (i = 1...2048) and normalized by the Kol- mogorovlengthηK. Boxindicatesregioninwhichbackground strain rate field SB(x) is computed in Fig. 7. ij extracted via (20) from S (x) for n = 3 and vari- ij ous (R/η ). Higher-order evaluation of the background K strainrate is notfeasible,as the results inRef. [17]show that only spatial derivatives of the velocity field up to order six can be accurately obtained from these high- resolutionDNSdata. Forn=4,theexpansionin(20)in- volvesseventh-orderderivativesof the velocity field, and thebackgroundstrainevaluationbecomeslimiteddue to the gridresolution. Theresultsareshownandcompared inFig.7,wheretheshearcomponentS12ofthefullstrain rate tensor is shown at the top, and the corresponding nonlocal (background) component SB and local compo- 12 nent SR are shown, respectively, in the left and right 12 columns for (R/η ) = 2.5 (top row), 3.5 (middle row), K and 4.5 (bottom row). Consistent with the results from the Burgers vortex in Fig. 5, as (R/η ) increases the K magnitude of the extracted local strain rate in the right columnincreases. However,forthe largest(R/η )=4.5 K case, n = 3 appears to be too small to adequately rep- resent the local vorticity field. This leads to truncation errorswhicharemanifestedasstrongripplesintheback- ground and local strain fields (see panels (f) and (g)). The results in Fig. 7 thus indicate that radii up to (R/η )=3.5 in combination with n=3 can be used to K assessalignmentofthevorticityvectorwiththeeigenvec- tors of the background strain rate field. Figure 8 shows the probability densities of the alignment cosines for the vorticityvectorwiththetotalstrainratetensorandwith the background strain rate tensors from (20). We com- FIG.7: TotalstrainratecomponentfieldS12(x)(a),withcor- pareS (Fig.8a) with SB for(R/η )=2.5,n=3(Fig. ij ij K responding results from (20) for nonlocal (background) field 8b) and SiBj for (R/ηK) = 3.5,n = 3 (Fig. 8c). The re- S1B2(x) (left) and local field S1R2(x) (right) for (R/ηK)=2.5 sults for alignment with the total strain rate tensor are (b,c), (R/ηK) = 3.5 (d,e), and (R/ηK) = 4.5 (f,g), all with essentially identical to the anomalous alignment seen in n=3. 8 5 (a) 5 (b) 5 (c) e1·eω e2·eω 4 4 4 e3·eω )|) θ( 3 3 3 s o c (| 2 2 2 P 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 |cos(θ)| |cos(θ)| |cos(θ)| FIG. 8: Probability densities of alignment cosines for the vorticity with the eigenvectors of the strain rate tensor, showing results for Sij (a) and for SiBj using (R/ηK)=2.5 with n=3 (b) and (R/ηK)=3.5 with n=3 (c). icantly. ThisisconsistentwiththeresultsfortheBurgers anomalousalignmentswitchingthroughouttheflowfield. vortex in the previous Section, and with the hypothesis This conclusionis expected to alsoapply to the morere- thatthealignmentswitchingmechanismduetothelocal alistic case of a non-uniformly stretched vortex where contributionSR to the totalstrainrate tensoris the pri- S =f(z) [16, 19, 20, 21]. ij zz mary reasonfor the anomalous alignment seen in earlier Consistent with the results for the Burgers vortex, studies. It is also consistent with the expected equilib- when (20) was used to determine the background strain riumalignmentfrom(1). While a moredetailedstudy is ratetensorfieldSB(x)inhighly-resolvedDNSdatafora neededtoexaminepossiblenonequilibriumcontributions ij turbulentflow,theanomalousalignmentseeninprevious to the alignment distributions associated with eigenvec- DNSandexperimentalstudieswassubstantiallyreduced. tor rotations of the background strain field, as well as Weconcludethat(20)allowsthelocalbackgroundstrain to definitively determine the R and n convergenceof the rate tensor to be determined in any flow. Furthermore, backgroundstrainrate tensor in Fig.7, the presentfind- we postulate that the vorticity vector field in turbulent ings support both the validity of the result in (20) for flows will show a substantially preferred alignment with extracting the backgroundstrain rate tensor field SB(x) ij the most extensional principal axis of the background fromthe totalstrainratetensorfieldS (x), andthe hy- ij strain rate field, and that at least much of the anoma- pothesis that at least much of the anomalous alignment lous alignment found in previous studies is simply a re- ofvorticityinturbulentflowsisduetothedifferencesbe- flection of the alignment switching mechanism analyzed tween the total and background strain rate tensors and in Section III and conjectured by numerous previous in- the resulting alignment switching noted herein. vestigators. Lastly,theresultin(20)isbasedonaTaylorseriesex- pansion of the vorticity within a spherical neighborhood V. CONCLUDING REMARKS ofradiusRaroundanypointx. Suchanexpansioninher- ently involves derivatives of the total strain rate tensor We have developed a systematic and exact result in field,whichcanleadtopotentialnumericallimitations. If (20)thatallowsthelocalandnonlocal(background)con- largerR andcorrespondinglyhigher ordersn are needed tributions to the totalstrainratetensorS atanypoint to obtain accurate evaluations of backgroundstrain rate ij xinaflow tobe disentangled. The approachis basedon fields, then otherwise identical approaches based on al- aseriesexpansionofthevorticityfieldinalocalspherical ternative expansions may be numerically advantageous. neighborhood of radius R centered at the point x. This Forinstance,anexpansionintermsoforthonormalbasis allows the background strain rate tensor field SB(x) to functions allows the coefficients to be expressed as inte- ij be determined via a series of increasingly higher-order gralsoverthevorticityfieldwithinr R,ratherthanas Laplacians applied to the total strain rate tensor field derivatives evaluated at the center p≤oint x. (For exam- S (x). For the Burgers vortex, with increasing radius ple, wavelets have been used to test alignment between ij R relative to the local gradient lengthscale λ and with the strain rate eigenvectors and the vorticity gradient in ν increasing order n, we demonstrated convergence of the two-dimensionalturbulence [22].) This wouldallowa re- resulting background strain tensor field to its theoreti- sultanalogousto(20)thatcanbecarriedtohigherorders cal form. We also showed that even with limited R and withless sensitivity to discretizationerror. The key con- n values, the local contribution to the total strain rate clusion,however,ofthepresentstudyisthatitispossible tensor field can be sufficiently removed to eliminate the to evaluate the background strain tensor following the 9 general procedure developed herein, and that when such CAS),andbytheNationalAeronautics&SpaceAdmin- methodsareappliedtoassessthebackgroundstrainrate istration (NASA) Marshall and Glenn Research Centers fieldsinturbulentflowstheyrevealasubstantialincrease and the Department of Defense (DoD) under the NASA intheexpectedalignmentofthevorticityvectorwiththe Constellation University Institutes Project (CUIP) un- most extensional principal axis of the backgroundstrain der Grant No. NCC3-989. JS acknowledges support by rate field. the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grant SCHU 1410/2. 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