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Lloyd, 1941; Preston & Whitlock, 1960, pyramidal pathway in the primate, already established by PDF

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Preview Lloyd, 1941; Preston & Whitlock, 1960, pyramidal pathway in the primate, already established by

J. Physiol. (1962), 161,pp. 91-111 91 With 12 text-ftgures Printedin Great Britain MINIMAL SYNAPTIC ACTIONS OF PYRAMIDAL IMPULSES ON SOME ALPHA MOTONEURONES OF THE BABOON'S HAND AND FOREARM BY S. LANDGREN*, C. G. PHILLIPS AND R. PORTER From the University Laboratory ofPhysiology, Oxford (Received 4October 1961) The method ofdirect electrical stimulation ofpopulations of pyramidal neurones by weak surface-anodal shocks (Hern, Landgren, Phillips & Porter, 1962) creates specially favourable conditions for reinvestigating the questionwhetherpyramidalneurones are connected monosynaptically with alpha motoneurones in the spinal cord. The scope of experiment has been deliberately restricted to the 'arm area'ofthecortexandtothealphamotoneuronesoftheforearmandhand. The arm area was chosen partly because it is more readily exposed than the leg area, and partly because the range and precision of hand move- ments, even in the baboon, would lead one to expect a powerful cortical command of these final common paths. This expectation is supported by the fact that the cortical electrical threshold for hand movements is lower than the threshold for other movements (Liddell & Phillips, 1950, 1951). To detect minimal synaptic transmission by pyramidal impulses and to measure its quantity and timing, we have made intracellular records from alpha motoneurones innervating the forearm and hand. Bythus restricting stimulus andresponse to their minima, and by attend- ing only to the earliest responses, which are, in fact, the only responses to be recorded at all under these conditions, it is possible to be reasonably surethatoneisdealingwithpurepyramidal actions, uncomplicated bythe so-called extrapyramidal effects that would inevitably be stirred up by stronger and more prolonged electrical stimulation. Experience of these delicate methods has justified our beliefthatthe extrahazards of surgical isolation ofthe pyramidalpathway bytransecting the hind brain, sparing only the medullary pyramids (Lloyd, 1941; Preston & Whitlock, 1960, 1961), can be avoided in these special circumstances. Our experiments have confirmed the existence of a monosynaptic pyramidal pathway in the primate, already established by previous work * Onleave ofabsencefromthe Department ofPhysiology, Kungl. VeteriIiarhogskolan, Stockholm 51, Sweden. 92 S. LANDGREN, C. G. PHILLIPS AND R. PORTER which differed from ours instronger corticalstimulationandmoremassive spinal response (Cooper & Denny-Brown, 1927; Bernhard, Bohm & Peter- sen, 1953; Bernard & Bohm, 1954a, b; Preston & Whitlock, 1960, 1961). The occurrence of inhibitory synaptic action at a slightly longer latency (Preston & Whitlock, 1960, 1961) has also been confirmed. We have also found that, when pyramidal impulses are repeated, there is a growth of the transmitting potency ofexcitatory pyramidal synapses. This new fact explains the specially effective motor property of cortical stimulating pulses oflong duration (Wyss & Obrador, 1937; Liddell & Phillips, 1951): such long pulses set up repetitive pyramidal impulses, which depolarize the spinal motoneurones steeply. METHODS The methods ofpreparation, measurement of stimulus parameters, brain charting and recordingfromthelateralcorticospinaltractandfromC7-T1motoneuroneshavebeenfully describedinanotherpaper(Hernetal.1962). Forinvestigatingtheprecisetimingandsequence ofsynapticactions,thatistosay,forstudyingthesimplestcortico-motoneuronalconnexions, briefS+ pulses(0-2msecduration),singly or inshort trains, were most useful. Forunder- standing the conditions in which electrical stimulation ofthe brain can cause movement, however, theactionsofpulses of5-0msecdurationwereofspecialinterest. RESULTS Timing ofarrival ofpyramidal impulses in cervical region Figure 1 shows a tract wave recorded in the dorsolateral white matter at C5-6 level following a short S+ shock to the cortex, and a diagram, on the same scale, showing the times of arrival of impulses in 68 single corticospinal fibres recorded at this level in six experiments. The sharp transition from initial positivity to the main negative-going component of the wave was taken as the sign of first activity at the recording site. The diagram shows that the majority ofimpulses arrive between 1-6 and 2*0 msec from the start of the cortical shock, but that the pyramidal volley is already spreading out in time as it travels through the cervical region. In one experiment the wave was recorded at C7-8 as well as at C5-6; the earliest arrival at C7-8 junction was 0 2 msec later than at C5-6 junction. More waves are illustrated in Fig. 5. Their time course was remarkably similar in all six experiments. The actual level at which pyramidal axons destined for C7-T1 segments enter the grey matter is not known, nor the length oftheir tapering intramedullary branches and presynaptic arborizations. These uncertainties, together with the tem- poral scatter of impulses (Fig. 1), make it impossible to state the exact time of arrival of pyramidal impulses at their synaptic terminals from measurements made from the dorsolateral white matter. MINIMAL PYRAMIDAL ACTIONS 93 The onset of synaptic action on sample motoneurones, however, is abrupt (Fig. 2), and can be precisely timed in relation to the start of a short S+ cortical shock. In 49 out of 66 motoneurones of C7-T1 seg- ments the delay was 2-5-2-7 msec; in 16 out of 66, 3 0 msec, and in 1 it was 3-5 msec. Intwelve oftheserecordsaverysmall deflexionwas clearlyvisible inthesuperimposed traces, betweentheendoftheshock artifact andthestart ofthesynaptic potential. Such deflexions are distinctly seen inthe records onthe left ofFig. 2, and in Fig. 6; one isjust visible in the top record ofFig. 11. Measured from their point ofreversal frompositivity tonegativity, theyprecededthestartofthesynaptic potentials by 0.5-0-8msec. In some experiments records were taken after withdrawal of the micro-electrode from the cell; thesamesmalldeflexionswerethenrecordedextracellularly. Thenatureofthesedeflexions isuncertain; they may be smallpresynaptic spike potentials, or attenuated records ofthe tract wave in the adjacent lateral column. Their absence from records obtained from the samemotoneuronesbystimulatingGroupIafibres(Fig.2b),andtheintervalof0-50-08msec, whichislong forsynaptic delay, areinfavourofthe secondexplanation. @10: 0 0 z0 5 _ 0 1 2 3 msec Fig. 1.Above: WaverecordedfromlateralcorticospinaltractatC5-6inresponseto cortical stimulation, S+, 2-8mA, 0-2msec, at 1.0c/s (about 20 superimposed records). Downward deflexion indicates negativity of micro-electrode. Below: diagram shows times of arrival of impulses at C5-6 in 68 corticospinal fibres inresponse to S+ shocksto cortex. The fact that the majority of pyramidal impulses arrive at C5-6 only 0S6-08 msec before the start of the majority of synaptic potentials at C7-T1 establishes that these are monosynaptically generated. Further evidence comes from the form of the synaptic potentials and fromtheir abilitytofollowhighratesofpyramidalstimulation. 94 S. LANDGREN, C. G. PHILLIPS AND R. PORTER Excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSP) set up bypyramidal volleys in motoneurones of C7-T1 segments Strong, brief cortical shocks can cause prolonged depolarization of spinal motoneurones (Preston & Whitlock, 1961). To avoidthis complica- tion we have deliberately used weak shocks and have found that these cause brief synaptic actions ofthe type seen in Fig. 2. Figure 2a shows the EPSPs set up in a radial motoneurone by pyramidal volleys; Fig. 2b shows, for comparison, EPSPs of similar small amplitude set up by Group Ia volleys in the central end of the cut radial nerve, by shocks belowthreshold forthemotoraxon. Thetime courses aresimilar, showing thatthere was a well-synchronized synaptic impact in each case. a b *.... ....................... Fig. 2. Radial motoneurone, K2S04 electrode, membranepotential 63mV. Note similarity between Group Ia monosynaptic EPSP, elicited by weak stimulation ofradialnerve, andEPSPevokedbybriefS+ cortical pulse. a, EPSPevoked bybriefS+ cortical pulse, 1-25mA, appliedto best point on lipofRolandicfissure; b, GroupIamonosynapticEPSP;c,cortexstimulatedata point 3mm from best point; note inhibitory notch following excitatory peak; d, rectangular 1-5mVstep applied to input. Time, 1000c/s. Figures 3 and 4 show that short trains ofrepetitive pyramidal volleys, even at 400 c/s (the highest frequency tested), cause repetitive synaptic potentials at the same frequency, and that after the last response of the series the motoneurone repolarizes smoothly. The high rate of driving andtheabsenceofpersistingsynapticaction,indicativeofsynapticstimula- tion by stirred-up spinal interneurones, are again in favour ofmonosyn- aptic action. The remarkable growth in synaptic action with repetitive stimulation at 400 c/s (Fig. 3) requires an explanation. The upper record of Fig. 3 shows that the amplitude of the successive EPSP upstrokes increases; thus the general upward trend is not to be explained merely by the fact that at 200 c/s each wave begins before repolarization from the previous wave has finished. In Fig. 4 the dotted curves are obtainedby adding the MINIMAL PYRAMIDAL ACTIONS 95 appropriate number of single-volley curves at 5 msec intervals. The responses actually elicited by repetitive volleys at 200 c/s were always largerthanthecurvesexpectedbymereaddition,thedisparitybeinglarger insome motoneuronesthaninothers. Therefore, the quantity of synaptic action set offby the successive cortical shocks increasedprogressively. This might have been due to recruitment of pyramidal neurones at the cortex, forexample, as aresultoffacilitation ofneighbouringneurones 3 - 2- 0 2- /% E ~~~~~~~~~~~1 LI~~I 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 3. Medianmotoneurone, toshowrepetitiveEPSPsfollowingcorticalstixnula- tion with 02msec pulses, S+, 045mA, at 200c/s (above) and 400c/s (below). Membranepotential -60to -66mV, calibration 3mV, KG1electrode. Fig. 4. Each set oftracings, from superimposed sweeprecords fromsingle moto- neurones, shows, below (full line) monosynaptic potential evoked by single S+ 0-2msec cortical pulse; above (full line), series of monosynaptic potentials evoked by same pulses repeated at 200c/s. Interrupted line shows response expected from mere addition of monosynaptic curves. Time: 5msec separates shockartifacts. Above,medianmotoneurone,membranepotential-70mV,shocks 1-3mA; centre, median motoneurone, membrane potential -72 mV, shocks 1-9mA;noteinhibitoryactionfollowing crestofexcitatoryactioninlastresponse of repetitive series. Below, ulnar motoneurone, membrane potential -63mV, shocks 1-3mA. 96 S. LANDGREN, C. G. PHILLIPS AND R. PORTER by the recurrent axon collaterals of the discharging population (Phillips, 1961). In that case the sizeofthepyramidal volleys shouldincreasewith repetitive stimulation. Figure 5, which shows repetitive waves in the lateralcorticospinaltract,showsnoappreciablechangeinsizeofthevolleys with repetition, although the volleys were submaximal and could readily be enlarged by increasing stimulus strength (Fig. 5a, b). Thus the in- creasing EPSPs are due to an increasing transmitting potency of the to a _ ; ; W0 b i > > C Fig. 5. Superimposed records ofwaves in lateral corticospinal tract, caused by single and repetitive surface-anodal shocks (duration 0-2msec), to pre-central gyrus near central fissure and about equidistant between superior and inferior pre-centralfissures;negativedeflexiondownwards;voltagescale,05mV.a,stimulus 2*0mA, single and repetitive, 250c/s; b, same experiment, stimulus 3-25mA; time marker, msec for fast and slow sweeps for a and b; c, another experiment, C7-8level; singles 2-9mA, tetani 2-8mA; 250c/s; timemarker, msec. pyramidal synapses with repetition. In this property they resemble the Group Ib synapses applied to the cells of origin of the ventral spino- cerebellar tract (Eccles, Hubbard & Oscarsson, 1961). Small, smooth delayedwaves ofdepolarization have beeninfrequently seentowardsthe end ofa train offour or five volleys at 200c/s, when we were stimulating cortical points afew millimetres awayfrom those from which the monosynaptic potentials were elicited. These are presumably due to interneuronal activity and have not been systematically investigated. They could, however, contribute, in an unknown degree, to the increasing discrepancy betweenthe dotted curves andthefullcurves ofFig. 4. Butsuchbackground depolarization would not account for the increasing amplitude of the successive mono- synapticupstrokes. For, given a constant quantity ofsynaptic actionpervolley, thesuc- cessive upstrokes should become 8maller as the membrane potential is driven towards the equilibriumpotentialforexcitatorysynapticaction.Thisprovesthatthequantityofmono- synaptic actiondoes, infact, increase withsuccessive pyramidalvolleys. MINIMAL PYRAMIDAL ACTIONS 97 Inhibitory synaptic actions ofpyramidal volleys Minimal inhibitory post-synaptic actions are evident in the records ofFigs. 2 and4. InFig. 2athepost-synapticpotentialelicitedbystimula- tionofthebestpointonthecortexisapureEPSP,resemblingtheGroupIa EPSP shown in the same figure. Record c, however, elicited by shocks applied to a cortical point 3 mm away from the best point, is impure. The rising phase of the EPSP is similar, but descent from the summit is notched by inhibitory synaptic action. Inhibitory action is favoured by repetition of the pyramidal volleys, and K2SO4-filled micro-electrodes favour its detection. In Fig. 3 the synapticpotentialsshownoevidenceofit,andtheupperandlowertracings Fig. 6. Ulnar motoneurone, showing pyramidal inhibitory action. Above, anti- dromic impulse; initial membrane potential -57mV, spike peak +11 mV. Below,high-gainrecordofresponsetofivecorticalshocks,S+,0-2msec,3-2mA,at 200c/s.Membranepotentialinitially -57mV. Inlastresponseexcitatorysynaptic action begins at 2-6msec, inhibitory action at 40msec after last shock. Time marker, msec; voltage scale, 30mV. ofFig. 4 are pure EPSPs. The fourth response ofthe middle record, how- ever, shows inhibitory erosion ofits repolarizing phase. Such sharpening ofthelaterpeaksinarepetitiveseriesofsynapticactionsiscommon, andis assumedto indicate an inhibitory component. Figure 6 shows an example in which inhibitory synaptic action is revealed against a background of low membrane potential. The timing of events is best seen after the last shock of the series. The EPSP begins at 2-6 msec after the beginning of the stimulus, and at 4 0 msec the peak ofthe EPSPis abruptly cut short by the steep onset of the IPSP. Figure 7 shows that in the depolarized stateresultingfromgrossinjurytoamotoneurone, theinhibitorysynaptic component is displayed to advantage, as if, by deliberate passage of depolarizing current, the membrane potential had been driven away fromtheequilibriumlevelforinhibition (Coombs,Eccles& Fatt, 1955).The progressive increase in the size ofthe successive IPSPs is obvious, and is 7 Physiol. 161 98 S. LANDGREN, C. G. PHILLIPS AND R. PORTER illustrated also in Figs. 6 and 8. In every experiment in which IPSPs have been evoked, their latency has been longer than that of the mono- synaptic EPSPs. The values of 2-6 msec for the EPSP and 4-0msec for the IPSP seen in Fig. 6 are typical. Thus, either the inhibitory actions are due to a delayed component of the pyramidal volley, or there is an interneurone in the inhibitory pathway (Eccles, 1957). If the former explanation were correct, the histogram ofFig. 1 and the waves ofFigs. 1 and 5 would be expected to show evidence oftwo volley components. +15 Eirk~~~~~~~~~~~~ O , , -o~- 6 i _ -~~~39 -61 b cd Fig. 7. Median motoneurone, to show exaggeration ofcortically-evoked IPSPs indepolarizedstate. a,antidromicimpulse;b,c,d,responsestocorticalstimulation, S+, 0-75mA, 0-2 rmsec, at 170c/s; simultaneous low-gain d.c. records (above) and higher-gain a.c. records (below). b, membrane potential -61mV; last two shocks give excitatoryfollowed byinhibitory synaptic action. c, micro-electrode dislodged during Isec interval between this sweep and the previous sweep; membrane potential neax zero (see upper trace). d, injured cell re-entered spon- taneouslybetween this sweep andthelast; membranepotential-39mV, IPSPs exaggerated. K2SO4electrode. Our cortical maps give abundant evidence of different topographical localization of the optimal points for evoking excitatory and inhibitory synaptic sections on a test motoneurone. An instance has been given in Fig. 2. Figure 8 shows two more, one with repetitive stimulation, the other with a longpulsewhich presumably caused asynchronous repetitive. firing in a population ofpyramidal neurones (see below). Since we have MINIMAL PYRAMIDAL ACTIONS 99 not, in these first experiments, subdivided the peripheral nerves in order toidentifyantidromicallythemotoneurones ofspecificmuscles,wecannot, as yet, interpret our findings in terms of reciprocal innervation (cf. Bernhard & Bohm, 1954b). The areas from which different motoneurones can be affected by minimal stimulation overlap freely in every brain. Ifinhibition ofa median motoneurone is found from an area from which a radial motoneurone is excited, this need not imply a reciprocal morpho- logical pattern, since, for example, the dorsiflexors of the wrist are used as fixators in voluntary flexion ofthe fingers (Beevor, 1904): thus not all radial motoneurones need be antagonists of all ulnar and median moto- neurones in all cortically-initiated actions. For the present, the point to be taken is that a test motoneurone may be optimally excited from one e .0~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I - .LLLLJ r Fig. 8. Two experiments illustrating different proportions ofexcitatory and in- hibitorysynaptic actionfromstimulating differentcorticalloci. Above, median motoneurone, K2S04 electrode, membrane potential -66mV; S+ pulses, 6msec, 035mA. Map (left) showspre-centralexcitatoryfield (dotted outline). Upper record, superimposed sweeps showing response to stimulating point e. Lowerrecord, response to stimulating point i, near edge of pre-central field. Mapalsoshowspartofapost-central inhibitoryfield. Below, radial motoneurone, K2S04 electrode, membrane potential -63mV, S+ pulses, 0-2 msec, 0-75 mA, at 200 c/s. Map (left) shows central triangle for optimal EPSPs with small IPSPs (right, lower record); x, best IPSPs, with small initial EPSPs (right, upperrecord); 0,noresponse. Fulloutline, edge offield for minimal excitatoryactiondottedoutline,edgeof fieldforminimalexcitatoryfollowed byminimalinhibitoryaction. Time marker, msec; calibration, 3mV. 7-2 100 S. LANDGREN, C. G. PHILLIPS AND B. PORTER cortical focus and optimally inhibited from another focusgradingintoit. Thus different populations of pyramidal neurones exert, on any moto- neurone, a varying mixture ofexcitatory and inhibitory synaptic action. The inhibitory action may be virtually pure, as in the long-pulse experi- ment ofFig. 8. Commonly the excitatory action has seemed to be pure, but this may have been favoured by the use of KCI-filled electrodes in many experiments. Systematic employment of depolarizing and polar- izing currents, as well as ofsulphate-filled electrodes, would be necessary to unmask small inhibitory components in mixed responses. Interpretation ofexcitatory synaptic actions generated by 5msec S+ corticalpulses in terms ofthe monosynaptic pyramidalpathway It has long been known that, for eliciting movements by electrical stimulation of the cortex, the optimal shocks are of longer duration thanthe 0x2 msecpulses usedinthis paperforinvestigation ofthe cortico- motoneuronal pathway (Wyss & Obrador, 1937; Liddell & Phillips, 1950, 1951). It is therefore interesting to analyse the effects of such pulses at minimal effective strengths. Figure 9 shows the full range of responses of a single pyramidal fibre to surface-anodal stimulation ofthe cortex. The fibre was tapped at C5-6 level. The right-hand column shows its responses to stimulation at its best corticalfocus (point o onmap). Thethresholdfor abriefpulseis 0 35 mA. It is shown at 0 4 mA following repetitive shocks at 200 c/s with unvary- ing latency. It is thus more likely that the shocks are directly stimulating some part ofthe pyramidal cell membrane than that they are exciting it indirectly via cortical interneurones (Hern et al. 1962). The action of long pulses (7 msec) on this neurone is shown in the remaining records ofFig. 9. The threshold was somewhere below 0*15 mA, for at this strength two impulses were usually discharged, reaching C5-6 level about 5-5 and 8-5 msec after the start of the pulse. Increasing the current to 0-22mA produced four impulses, advanced them in time and reduced the variation oflatency. Reasons have already been given (Hern et al. 1962) for supposing that such records show the rhythmic response of the pace-maker membrane of the pyramidal neurone (cf. Phillips, 1961) to a steady depolarizing current, anodal at the cortical surface but acting as a virtual cathode in the region of origin of the pyramidal axon. It should benoted that the optimal point forffick movement ofthumb and index is at m,Fig. 9. Atthethresholdformovement, 1.8mA,thestimulusatmexcitesthispyramidal neuronetorepetitivefiring, withapreference forthreeparticularlatencies. Theneuroneis likelytobesomewherenearthelowest-thresholdpointo, whichis 9-5mmdistantfromm. There is of course no evidence that this pyramidal neurone makes any connexions with thumb-indexmotoneuronesinthecord. Butthedifficultiesinherentintheuseofelectrical

only the medullary pyramids (Lloyd, 1941; Preston & Whitlock, 1960, . Small, smooth delayed waves of depolarization have been infrequently seen
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