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Manitoba SELE-DRTERMINATION IN HEALTH CARH (LIVING Wits sD MznLtn Cant PROSIES Jane 1991 Reporiers ng in Publleaton Dat Manitoba, Law Reform Corian ‘Report on Seif Determination in Health Care (ving Wills al Heath Care Powis). repon: #78) pate iblog apical seterencs iSBNOILOebOX |. Right odio Law a eiasion ~ Manitoba, 2, Medical laws and egisioinn — Maiinbs. 2 "Vemualydb—Legal sas ws ee. ania 4. Palms ~ Lee waa, avs. Manimaba Ti. i Sere Report (Masioha Law Reforms Goons: KEM <Q48.EML35 1991 MATIZT UNIT CO.0926565, Son ofthe Commissions euler pur zc noouge in tint. Those ha ae sl in print uy be oneal ome cntons rach, Otie of he Queen's Piste, 200 Vachon Sheet Winepeg, Mane RSC TTS ea eile iin wat sn Te Lan afr Com vn 70 a8 Cit Beat. 0.6, eset Hiner Dass soni Dirt: eget oun su mien cs ta ne Woo Mang. Dab ini Mintin ec 2 et Go isco Pe OHSS : S Min nto emt TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION INCL (CHAPTER 3-TMPLEMENTING HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES B,_QUALIFICATIONS UF MAKER ANDIROSY B, TORMOF HEALTHCARE DIRECTIVE REVOCATION 6. RESUK@TION oF WaLIOMY 1, RELEASE OF MAKER'S MFDICAL.ISTORMATION 2, No Pesan Aout De aber Wises 4 Pomes PARRA endo ExiagLesiaton| (0) Perdana ree Ae MAPTER 4- THE HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES ACT ANNOTATED) CCMAPTIR 5. CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY OF RECOMIENDSTIONS SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS APPRNDI 4 THE HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES ACT APPANULX C- LIST OF PERSONS WHO RUSTONDEDILIST Ok HEAWONS "WHO RECEIVED COPIES OF THE DISCUSSION PAPER. AFFRNDIE I DISCUSSION PAPER ON ADVANCE DIRECTIVES AND DURABLE POWERS ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CARE CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION he Misi Lay Reform Commision underook x projec 0 determine whether te Should recognize ¢ mechans by whist erin! pnt ural pve auctions ts eee ont th net hey ated ord ot watt ested i they Ltr becane unable 0 Sl dete powore of atomey for esi re pee 7 Jol a list upon, we reared 2 Disctsion Paper seine ot hand oe elated sats and disuibue i iuiteolenyzzane who Mtl be interes rive. Oxe seuch far Samick ‘aon files he Wi mya aa verge wach the puterdon of te Duscusinn Paper rsceved in mi fay. 1990, our Eiseulve Duet, Jetey Sehooor, waa 4 guet of Oucsinnnaie, CBC Radi’ ftegon lone'inaeuratunc ara inal the C1 Rana News reponed nine public meteen hich flowed was paving we voeival Inula: of mace pen fe ease Payer. "Tosineapprocimaely 200 copes have been subse fy nly Fehvay, 981, we ad rsived 38 wen respon Dey came fom the anatical community, rious etnias civil ght erwon sort groups and pats Eten, ‘The Comtisnion wo ef thnk he epee fr er ave conseroon ff te sues andthe tine whi fey ek pag ew Pap he subs Me Sanable tour shies Audowl insight on the istoes rte inthe Discusion Raper wat obtained when Me Schnoar and Leg Cours is Alien mast woot to aa at Tonos apes ane for ernie Medsine an he Lahey of Tous Coe fy Bhi In Feb, 1851. We sil keto fink Ds. Michel Sects and eter Slope for held inva, ‘The vii repens pug inert new pespoctesen he bows pee os he Common woud also Li io hush Pos Ramey Saciderinn so Des. Hee Xi, Teel id be Hosea Wang fe stance wh ey ow "his na Report mighe loo unfulia o hog of you who have reat owe Dison Tepees 1 suian roion orn that dacut, night of te con winch an th Ree he tome uatceary aden special each oye ed. Inthe Diseuton Paper Oe usr witch se cused evolved ea result ibe she eenered rom te retponse. tbe cussion in Tene ou hn eles Chaps 2 of this Report foeust on general principle, sets out our cent recupmeaitions lot new igal wochani fo pve eet 1 ascsons respecting Tue sfc reatnent Chapt 3 disuses aes of wnplomceaion, ch ts quien oe ‘ecoang the mv dscument which we envoy, the method of execaing aml the met ‘Seoling i Chapt luc set outa at Act snd aonctaoneokwoy how our ropa ‘Wowie Both sn faces nor aur Room rgeer inst ay rte foun ths ‘RS. Chaptr 3 conlidee our Repet un summarizes ur coments. yy hve aac several appenices: Appenix A neice our at Act, witout myosin Appendie’ B eontane two sample form Append Cet out set fhe ‘nviinds id Ergon tr mhorn wr ene sopler of Oe Discussion Paper ar hens Who sesrondeds and Appends Db coloured page) iS eprint of one Dseuson Pape. CTIAPTER2 GENERAL PRINCIPLES ‘A. TE CASE FOR REFORM jen invasive the ght eden whut ita he done to throw Bois, iocuding bat aed weaunent Wl abwaseea ar np ine pnp (GAGE Spit sl deermon the ght tisha auconoms. AS ne ge of iho ses ‘Danger tae at ale hes ana) ec td ee ce ne tact of ieecal sony. ls ed mn ae 2B Bichon uneswoma ntly evan In gece though. the Tas sx enunciated» comeaponding right fo inet etre inc fave Although there me ecery been srs nvetpent nth a SSremcten india) penclly cane give Bacay Testucins n adeane nut tbe mesial Ucuteet which cor te does er dors nol sh to Rave admnsceed Inthe event of Becoming fnuumpetrt to give snsractons how studcal parrent, tre is no atari hat uch Romulans willbe follow, the. peacoat can To that ater an indivi! Deeomes expe, ether by fsa of widen ines age, fry ir re willy 2 0 ‘Bair Gerancnr decous on he person's ball: In wrinual Cecurlanes, he approval % Sale ofr sneer courage sg [With cach vnc in medical since, this responsiily hooomes more enero for feaity wed Ret nciignle wh vee laced quick mata eat car be kept aive fSracnenerbic pods of tire Many far te the wil languish ‘cons o xe yt tun a vegttve se, wae w Coto her oeial Rettent, ‘They fear ht they wil Pe nubjecred vo peoucthme hich tay ve tr ves fat reduce or Gewoy the gusty of at tic Chokes mop be nae on the bein which hey wilt Rave syrowed. The eu ot Tong of tome once hr metic te conn oe ed paps even sara peop’ deta ‘Tosdress thew: eocers, we abe inoue Discusion Pept: Should He pine of se asermioee wieh goveros copie individ so beefitodvigals who were competent ce hin bo have sebognently Neue ncempetent wn dune ter en medica ete? ‘Fhe reaponses wvened 2 consenmve of epmion on Us ues: respondents garalthat ese ‘wes Sobel fr enextalst perms conpenar indesdie io dette, whi sl CNPC Spteae, Sin th BLK, 2 (LEA eee Com yd lint Si of ora the mnie qeammene 0 be admis should they besa Ensnmgetont ta tke ds Gectens for hemsaves Moen veaxsilets um ie medica eemmenity favoured ‘Soap ota basing mechani We apie hat nahn mln soi De devehped ‘Two mechan have fol fein eh United Secs and Asan. hot, eilaton tute enacted to onab compton isd "0 make‘ dosaments one in hh fan spot esr mses for ute medal teutsen al acts sac oy eno ora ae Indival ur make mecist mesirene decisions on bet belt." Thee aroun hecoae tec nate even ia hele mahere seer toe to make ese deers for emilee Honscser, ie emphisis in tnee jrsd.eunie fae See tema ies i te Jesh ee rth abate ml amon ey whan the person besos trinall "The rervingaeszaptna i hese juicer 0 Me tha inere i a need cy Zr couaols whic eye ee To diet te water oe med rstrmen so terminally pcs con's atv eae Tn cum, i tr Ikuitons, its re plate one “spe of tease over nich snl Sn Me ers an ho cut exeese tse, Tete limita serve to proven the sal of hfe prolonin exaneot in ais sutton, (ur example, nome shies at or completes deny Oe Hoatvness fa refusal ef tain, ys cr pale tres see Ti ey te ‘etivenee of he avarice intncons o's eghant wan, esr y sme seal paren “pl he pug seas ous Gat ns aon tee overleels many wan woud ase Wish to conal sir medic weabuest. A repie ch Seapets the etre ett wishes of te emily gnats pers wo es Fle, cascphfe secon sb jgrmen pets ws wt Inept x conm a eaten, ater tun saris and toge we spl wise expose + peerece for de ora ke sar fur sap Fa apps il easy ha at ely fund inte American and Autudian ods. The Taw prseay aceps ta: indidunse38 ‘Surol thei coment meoicn!eament. itis sonable aed Cowes ay fo the see Dosti, insane svn have te une ont oar ti fant tna! eset ue fey cur pr conzent to testa, fae emer! or eho one ren) rer soe hey {Roald be dle todo the re fn epee ua eae. Jt the panspl of ll sree ‘unl so ape tyenrnat egal ons abel the pepe acl dcoiat ule th law aesptio sue meal cae RECOMMENDATION 7 Pha law should he rforaed to permit the creation of a echanivn which woud ale legally bindlg effect a he wahes aa person, not how competent make ‘evans tows meta! enon whic ere exon whem hor se aa the ‘Spay a muse hvalih sue acne ‘The more Aificalt challenge ie devising a mecheis which i simple ad effective It us be terest fe sere person sal sn eRe care poseable {HE Ropor we ct natn prpesa BR. THE MFCHANISM: TILE MIEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE. ‘We propose st he wy scogrine a pew mth for the expression of beh exe chon, ave we viel oul av inet. Pers pron ho a Ineo 1 mike Fest ew esos for himself or bers’ thouid be aste so wake the doeasr AR Ihdviatat ula const io mate's belt ee Gece (he ter) woul be Ble ose out ie rhe the sespecing ure madi Usaten Haus, seit at ee as He fur co eeibly pie every events fuera ag takers voeuon fay Seton lash clan, Ty err t oder tae pelea, the shes shoud alo he pened i tate inthe health care dctve sno pesom or pesos (whom we wl cul 3 heals ere ry) va re health cage deisiont og his he be Te git evga rw ‘Signi which deleted tthe bel cee proc, we exper hate rosy ml nanaly bepeziog wan te ke kone nel an RECOMMENDATION 2 he bea care dec sand be reaneized wx & mechanism to give lgot {eel tthe exreston a ute heoth cae Whee RECOMMENDATION 3 ‘Boer person who tas te capacty to make Reali care detions shout be Deviled to make a heal care dere RSCOMMENDATION 4 {The healthcare ective shou be @ dome x which the maker ox (ah give or refuse coment to fare medhel rete; andlor (9) appoint one on moce perans (healthcare prize) to mate healt care eesont on sor her behalf fle he or she mtg hs capo ‘ae ease ras Aton individuals Should be fa if thea wit, awe th ee dees fo he sole Bins sein out fte resents ofr the fle porpose ota 2 Heal ee ‘rot, bail cae Gmetvey shouldbe cpa of aseonplishing Pah aa, A Soya Te tc Sepa doer eet fy puposes meld igoze thor clos eats ud ‘oul pate an unneceerly eple eabo ta miN eae the ens ey G.CIVING EFFECT TO BEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES 1 Comag tno Force el care diectives srld Bosome efectse age tne muker hat lst te capacity ta teake and commana hath ete desicans fr healt het wots nn eee {rhe drab ofthat eapiy. Where the wishes of te maker st gute elie ‘Grecdve we relevant io De alt care ein ho be made and ested eal, ey would

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