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Living Standards Improvement Strategy of Tajikistan for 2013-2015 PDF

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REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN LIVING STANDARDS IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY OF TAJIKISTAN FOR 2013-2015 Dushanbe-2013 National economic development and ensuring decent living standards of the people directly depend on effective and timely implementation of national priorities of the country, to ensure sustainable development process of the country in accord- ance with national development strategies, medium-term strategies, sectoral, and lo- cal programs. Under the modern conditions the main goal of our state, first of all, is to ensure sustainable economic development and gradually increase standard and quality of people’s life by reforming public administration, ensure transparency of its struc- tures, creating a favorable environment for business development, investment and import of advanced technologies and on this basis to create new jobs. Emomali Rahmon Approved by regulation of Majlisi namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan on December 26, 2012 under № 1030 Living Standards Improvement Strategy of Tajikistan for 2013-2015 CONTENTS Acronyms and abbreviations .........................................................................................................................7 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................10 Country context ...........................................................................................................................................12 CHAPTER I.ACHIEVEMENTS AND LESSONS LEARNED ............................................................13 1.1. Results from the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy for 2010-2012:poverty reduction trend ........................................................................................................13 Public administration reform .......................................................................................................................14 1.2. Lessons learned during the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy for 2010−2012 .........15 1.3. Objectives and main priorities of the Living Standards Improvement Strategy: ensuring social and economic development and increasing the middle-class population ...........................15 CHAPTER 2.FUNCTIONAL SECTION:STRENGTHENING THE BASIS OF DEVELOPMENT .........................................................................................................18 2.1 Improving public administration ...........................................................................................................18 2.2. Ensuring macro-economic development ..............................................................................................21 2.3. Ensure an improved investment climate, and private sector and entrepreneurship development ........26 2.4. Development of special economic zones: free economic zones and technology parks ........................30 2.5 Enhancing integration with the global economy: the WTO, the development of tourism and cross-border trade ....................................................................................33 CHAPTER III. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY SECTION: STRENGTHENING SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .............................................37 3.1. The development of the energy, industry and other sectors .................................................................37 3.2. Infrastructure development:transportation and communications .........................................................41 3.3. Ensure food security:agriculture development, water supply and land use ..........................................43 CHAPTER 4. THE SOCIAL SECTOR:ENSURE THE DEVELOPMENTOF HUMAN POTENTIAL ..............................................................................46 4.1. Strengthening social protection and creating employment ...................................................................46 4.2 Development of science and education sectors .....................................................................................50 Capacity building ........................................................................................................................................53 4.3 Health care development and ensured improvement in health care ......................................................54 4.4. Provide the population with clean water and utilities services .............................................................56 4.6. Ensure gender equality .........................................................................................................................61 4.7. Improve demographic projection and planning ....................................................................................63 CHAPTER V. MANAGING THE PROCESS OF STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION ...................66 5.1 Funding sources and procedures to implement the Living Standards Improvement Strategy of Tajikistan for 2013-2015 ..................................................66 5.2 Monitoring and Evaluation of the Living Standards Improvement Strategy of Tajikistan for 2013-2015 ...........................................................................................................70 ANNEXES Annex 1. Action Matrix ...............................................................................................................................72 Annex 2. Main monitoring and evaluation indicators for Living Standards Improvement Strategy of Tajikistan for 2013-2015 ................................................117 6 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AASRT Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan AC Acounts Chamber АСМ Agency on Construction and Architecture under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan ADB Asian Development Bank AF Aga-Khan Foundation AKDN Aga-Khan Development Network ALRGC Agency for Land Recreation, Geodesy and Cartography under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan AMS Anti-Monopoly Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan AMST Academy of Medical Science of Tajikistan ASFCFC Agency on State Financial Control and Fight against Corruption ASMCTI Agency on Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Trade Inspection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan ASP Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan ASRT Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan CA Comunication Agency CCBPAT Coordination Council of Business and Public Associations of Tajikistan CCI Chamber of Commerce and Industry CEP Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan CESCD Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defence under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan CFP Central Funding Programme CHC City Health Centre CIS Commonwealth of Independent States CS Communication Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan CS GRT Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan CWFA Committee for Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan CYST Committee for Youth, Sport and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan DCSA Department for Civil Servise Affairs under the President of the Republic of Tajiki- stan DFID UK Department for International Development DHC District Health Centre DIA Dushanbe International Airport DOTS Directly Observed Treatment, Short-Course DP Development Partners DRS Districts of Republican Subordination EAP RT Executive Apparatus of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Comision EurAsEC Euro-Asian Economic Community FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations FDI Foreign Direct Investment FEZ Free Economic Zone FMSA First Medical Sanitary Aid FSD Swiss Foundation for Mine Action 7 GBAO Autonomous Mountainous Badakhshan Province GDP Gross Domestic Product GF Global Fund GoT Government of the Republic of Tajikistan GTC German Technical Centre GTZ German Agency for Technical Cooperation HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus HPP Hydro Power Plant IATPS Institute for Advanced Training of Public Servants ICT Information and communication technologies IMF International Monetary Fund IRI Islamic Republic of Iran IsDB Islamic Development Bank JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KFW German Development Bank KMK SUE “Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali” (housing and utilities service) LSEA Local State Executive Authority MNMO RoT Majlisi Namoyandagon of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan MA Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan M&E Monitoring and evaluation MDG Millennium Development Goal MDGG Main Directorate for Geology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan MA Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan ME RT Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan MEDT RT Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan MEI RT Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MFA RT Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan MF RT Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan MH RT Ministry of Health MIA RT Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan MJRT Ministry of Justice MLRWR RT Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan MLSP Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan MBP Medium-term Budget Programme MT Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan NACC National Anti-Corruption Council NBT National Bank of Tajikistan NDS National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan up to 2015 PRC People’s Republic of China PRS Poverty Reduction Strategy PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper RCST Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan PRSD Poverty Reduction Strategy Document RHC Rural Health Centre SCISPM State Committee on Investment and State Property Management SCLMG State Committee on Land Management and Geodesy SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SECO Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency 8 SME Small- and medium-sized enterprise SNPT Special Natural Protected Territories SRW Scientific Research Work SSCAC State Service for Construction and Architecture Control SUAE State Unitary Air Enterprise SUT Sapper Union of Tajikistan TC GRT Tax Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan TMAC Tajikistan Mine Action Centre TPI Treatment and Prevention Institution TR Tajikistan Railways UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA UN Population Fund UNICEF UN Children’s Fund USA United States of America USAID United States Agency for International Development WB World Bank WFP World Food Programme WTO World Trade Organization WUA Water Users Association 9 INTRODUCTION The President of the Republic of Tajikistan has made the following statement in his address to Majlisi Oli (the Parliament): “Along with implementing the national strategic goals of the country on ensuring energy independence, food security and country’s way out of the communication dead- lock, assistance to development of real sector is considered to be one of the main directions of activ- ity of every state agency. Our actual aim is achieving an adequate living standard and favourable social condition for every individual of the society. Ensuring appropriate development and up-to-date level of function- ing of political, economic and social structures is considered to be an extremely important and nec- essary condition in this direction”. The social and economic goals of the global community’s activities reflected in the Millenni- um Declaration arе harmonized with the national development priorities and strategic objectives. As a member of the world community, Tajikistan continues to establish political and econom- ic relations in the international arena in line with mutual partnership principles and bilaterally bene- ficial cooperation. Since Tajikistan’s independence, thePresident of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, has been making continued efforts towards broadening development partner- ships in the global community, thus further increasing the country’s recognition at the global level . The National Development Strategy up to 2015 and the series of mid-term Poverty Reduction Strategies were designed, approved and adopted by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and Parliament. It lays the foundations for national sustainable economic development with the support of the President. With its second 2007−2009 phase completed and its third phase for 2010−2012 nearing its completion, the country is now preparing the next phase, the implementation of the Living Standards Improvement Strategy of Tajikistan for 2013−2015 (“the Living Standards Improvement Strategy”). Transition from poverty reduction strategies to the Living Standards Improvement Strategy fully corresponds to concept of sustainable development of human resources. Even though the “Living Standards Improvement Strategy of Tajikistan for 2013-2015” years is a concluding phase of a decade of implementation of the “National Development Strategy of the Re- public of Tajikistan up to 2015”,considers many issues related to achievement of many strategic ob- jectives, such as reform of public administration, maintaining rule of law, demographic projection and planning, regulation of labour migration, development of private sector, supporting middle class. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has specified its national priorities in these strategic papers and its actions are directed to achieve these strategic objectives as well as the Mil- lennium Development Goals (MDGs). In order to quickly stimulate economic development growth and by this mean to improve the living standards of population within the framework of the “National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan up to 2015”, the Government of Tajikistan strives to:address the issues of sustainable macroeconomic development; improve public administration; promote real economic sectors; diversify production; strengthen its export potential; improve the investment climate; sup- port entrepreneurship; ensure social protection; development of the labour market; and strengthen human resources. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan is planning on further development options and gradually improving the population’s standard of living through ensuring energy independence, food security, and infrastructure and communications development. To this end, according to provisions of the National Development Strategy, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan regularly takes concrete measures aimed at: creating conditions for development; taking into account the public administration reform;strengthening national economic development trends; ensuring sustainable economic development and development of provinces of the country based on developing the private sector and attracting investments; and developing hu- man potential by increasing the middle-class, the driving force of society, and by improving the standards of living of the population. 10

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