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Living Presence: A Sufi Way to Mindfulness & the Essential Self PDF

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V N I I PRESENCE LIVING PRESENCE Otherpublications compiledand translatedby KabirHelminski TheRuins oftheHeart: SelectedLyricPoetry ofJelaluddinRumi TheDrop thatBecame the Sea: SelectedLyric Poetry of Yunus Emre With Camille Helminski A Rumi: Daylight. Daybook ofSpiritual Guidance Happiness WithoutDeath: DesertHymns ofAssadAli LIVING PRESENCE A Way Sufi to Mindfulness and the Essential Self Kabir Edmund Helminski JeremyP.Tarcher/Putnam amemberof PenguinPutnamInc. NewYork MostTarcher/Putnambooks areavailableatspecialquantity discountsforbulkpurchasesforsalespromotions,premiums, fund-raising,andeducationalneeds.Specialbooks orbook excerpts also canbecreatedtofitspecific needs. Fordetails,writePutnamSpecialMarkets 375 HudsonStreet,NewYork,NY 10014 JeremyP.Tarcher/Putnam amemberof PenguinPutnamInc. 375HudsonStreet NewYork,NY10014 www.penguinputnam.com Copyright©1992byKabirEdmundHelminski Allrightsreserved.Thisbook,orpartsthereof,maynotbereproducedinany formwithoutpermission.PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Helminski,Kabir,date. Livingpresence:aSufiwaytomindfulnessandtheessentialself/ KabirEdmundHelminski. p. cm. ISBN0-87477-699-6 I.Sufism—Prayer-booksanddevotions—English. I.Title. BP189.62.H45 1992 92-4974 297 .43—dc20 CIP ' DesignbyMaunaEichner PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica II 12 13 1415 1617 18 19 20 Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. 6 Contents Presence: AnIntroduction viii The Cityof Separation: ATale ofTransformation i SoulWork, ReflectingSpirit 6 CreativeEnergyandHuman Capacities 1 Balancingthe Outerandthe Inner 23 ThePowerofBeing 29 VoluntaryAttention 34 Meditation: TheRefinementofAttention 40 TheTyrannyofthe False Self 46 TheEssentialSelf 57 BefriendingtheEgo 63 PolishingtheMirrorofAwareness 67 ListeningWithin 74 TheDance ofPersonality 79 Gatheringthe FragmentedSelf 85 Mysteries oftheBody 92 . Faithfulnessand Gracefulness 100 TheAlchemyofEffort 106 AimandSelf-Knowledge no EmancipationfromFear 115 Suffering: ImaginaryandReal 121 DieBeforeYouDie 125 The Freedomof the Soul 130 WhatWe LoveWeWillBecome 136 Love the Transformer 142 TheReligionofLove 148 Worship: ContactWiththe Infinite 152 RefiningthePsyche 156 ServiceWithintheDivine Unknown 166 WhatSufismIs 171 Glossary 176 Acknowledgments InmyspiritualsearchI oweagreatdebttosomanypeo- plewhohavebeenguidinglights: formyearlyeducation the Jesuits, especially Martin DArcy, SJ.; Shibayama Roshi and Suzuki Roshi, the first Zen masters I ever met; Murshid Samuel Lewis and Ram Das with whom I lived and worked at the Lama Foundation; various students of Gurdjieff, especiallyWilliamSegalandPierreElliot;ReshadFeildforhisin- sights and friendship; Shaikh Suleyman Dede for his immense good will, who guided us on the way of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi; Celalettin Chelebi for his support and guidance; Hasan Shushudforthesweetnessofannihilation; ShaikhTosunBayrak al-Jerrahi forhis steadysupport; MuratYaganforhis unique clar- ity and profoundly positive effect on my thinking; Ilhami Baba, TurgutKoca, OrucGuvenc,Metin, Ihsan,HasanDede,andMu- hittinBaba fortheirspiritual hospitality and conversation; Refik Alganforhisinvaluablefriendship andguidance; Dr. AbdulAziz Said for networking at the highest levels; and Dr. Assad Ali for whatnowords canexpress. Acknowledgments are also due to these people: my wife Camille for her spiritual companionship over more than seven- teenyears; Thomas Goldbergforhiseditorialsuggestions; David andMarionMcClellandwho offeredtheirMauihome,whichbe- came the settinginwhich this book came to completion;Jeremy Tarcher, who generously demonstratedhis appreciation of these ideas; and the very cordial and professional people atJeremy E Tarcher, Inc. vii Presence: An Introduction A common theme runs through all the great spiritual traditions. Itgoesbymanynames—awakening, recollec- tion, mindfulness, dhyana, remembrance, zhikr, pres- ence—andbynonameatall. Thisstateofconsciousnessaddsfur- therdimensions to beingin this world. Beyond the narrowband of awareness that has come to be accepted as the conventional state of consciousness is a faculty that is the master key to un- lockingourlatenthumanpotential. In certain teachings, such as Buddhism, the practice of mindfulpresence is the centralfact. InIslamremembranceis the qualifierof aUactivity. In Christianitywemustlookto the expe- rience of its great mystics and to prayer of the heart. But in aU authentic spiritual psychologies this state of consciousness is a fundamental experience and requirement. For the purposes of ourreflections I shaUcalllipresence. Presence signifies the quality of consciously being here. It is the activation of a higherlevel of awareness that allows aU our other human functions—such as thought, feeling, and action—to be known, developed, and harmonized. Presence is the way in which we occupy space, as well as howwe flow and move. Pres- ence shapes our self-image and emotional tone. Presence deter- viii

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