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L I V I N G I S L A M LIVING ISLAMIC HISTORY I C Studies in Honour of Professor Carole Hillenbrand H I S Edited by Yasir Suleiman T O The publication of this book honours Professor Carole Hillenbrand’s R Y outstanding achievements in and service to Islamic and Middle Eastern S Scholarship. It gathers original research from a range of leading t u international scholars from the UK, Europe and the USA, whose chapters d i e throw new light on a set of topics in medieval Islamic history, Islamic s i n doctrine and practice, and the interaction between Islam and the modern H world. Seeking to present fresh evidence and engaging ways of looking at o n old and new material, the authors contribute to a richer understanding of o u r the interaction between historical events, social trends, religious practices o f and lived experiences in medieval Turkey and Central Asia, Iran and the P r Arabic-speaking lands. The book also discusses how some of the most o f e abiding themes in the Arab–Islamic tradition continue to resonate in the s s o modern world. r C a Living Islamic History features contributions from Adel Al-Abdul Jader, r o C. Edmund Bosworth, Julia Bray, Farhad Daftary, Anne-Marie Eddé, Hugh le LIVING ISLAMIC H Kennedy, Remke Kruk, Gary Leiser, Charles Melville, James E. Montgomery, i lle A. H. Morton, Ian R. Netton, Andrew Newman, A. Kevin Reinhart, Chase F. n b Robinson and Yasir Suleiman. r a n HISTORY d Yasir Suleiman is the first holder of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Sa’id Chair of Modern Arabic Studies and a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. E d it e d b Studies in Honour of y Y a s ir Professor Carole Hillenbrand ISBN 978 0 7486 3738 6 S u Edinburgh University Press le im 22 George Square a Edinburgh EH8 9LF n www.euppublishing.com Jacket image: Earthenware bowl, Iran (Nishapur), ED 11th century. Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art. IN B Edited by Yasir Suleiman POT 1492 © Nour Foundation. Courtesy of the Khalili Family Trust. U R G Jacket design: Michael Chatfield H L I H IVING SLAMIC ISTORY MM22005500 -- SSUULLEEIIMMAANN PPRREELLIIMMSS..iinndddd ii 2255//33//1100 1111::0011::1144 Professor Carole Hillenbrand MM22005500 -- SSUULLEEIIMMAANN PPRREELLIIMMSS..iinndddd iiii 2255//33//1100 1111::0011::1144 L I H IVING SLAMIC ISTORY STUDIES IN HONOUR OF PROFESSOR CAROLE HILLENBRAND Edited by Yasir Suleiman Edinburgh University Press MM22005500 -- SSUULLEEIIMMAANN PPRREELLIIMMSS..iinndddd iiiiii 2255//33//1100 1111::0011::1144 © editorial matter and organisation Yasir Suleiman, 2010 © the chapters their several authors Edinburgh University Press Ltd 22 George Square, Edinburgh www.euppublishing.com Typeset in 10/12 Islamic TM by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Stockport, Cheshire, and printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham and Eastbourne A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 0 7486 3738 6 (hardback) The right of the contributors to be identifi ed as authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. MM22005500 -- SSUULLEEIIMMAANN PPRREELLIIMMSS..iinndddd iivv 2255//33//1100 1111::0011::1144 Contents Acknowledgements vii Professor Carole Hillenbrand: List of Publications viii Preface xiii 1. The Origin of Key Shi(cid:2)ite Thought Patterns in Islamic History 1 Adel S. al- Abdul Jader 2. Additions to The New Islamic Dynasties 14 C. Edmund Bosworth 3. Al- Tha(cid:2)alibi’s Adab al- muluk, a Local Mirror for Princes 32 Julia Bray 4. Religious Identity, Dissimulation and Assimilation: the Ismaili Experience 47 Farhad Daftary 5. Saladin’s Pious Foundations in Damascus: Some New Hypotheses 62 Anne- Marie Eddé 6. The Coming of Islam to Bukhara 77 Hugh Kennedy 7. A Barmecide Feast: the Downfall of the Barmakids in Popular Imagination 92 Remke Kruk MM22005500 -- SSUULLEEIIMMAANN PPRREELLIIMMSS..iinndddd vv 2255//33//1100 1111::0011::1144 contents 8. The History of the Patriarchs of the Egyptian Church as a Source for the History of the Seljuks of Anatolia 107 Gary Leiser 9. Genealogy and Exemplary Rulership in the Tarikh- i Chingiz Khan 129 Charles Melville 10. Vikings and Rus in Arabic Sources 151 James E. Montgomery 11. Qashani and Rashid al-D in on the Seljuqs of Iran 166 Alexander H. Morton 12. Exile and Return: Diasporas of the Secular and Sacred Mind 178 Ian Richard Netton 13. Clerical Perceptions of Sufi Practices in Late Seventeenth- Century Persia, II: Al-H urr al- (cid:2)Amili (d. 1693) and the Debate on the Permissibility of Ghina 192 Andrew J. Newman 14. On Sunni Sectarianism 209 A. Kevin Reinhart 15. The Violence of the Abbasid Revolution 226 Chase F. Robinson 16. Nationalist Poetry, Confl ict and Meta- linguistic Discourse 252 Yasir Suleiman Bibliography 279 List of Contributors 309 Index 313 vi MM22005500 -- SSUULLEEIIMMAANN PPRREELLIIMMSS..iinndddd vvii 2255//33//1100 1111::0011::1144 Acknowledgements As editor I would like to offer my thanks to the contributors for their patience and cooperation. My thanks go to Robert Hillenbrand for his help behind the scenes, and to Nicola Ramsey and James Dale at EUP for their patience and support. Shahla Suleiman helped in many ways. To her I owe a debt of gratitude. My sincerest thanks go to Saeko Yazaki who helped in editing this book. Saeko’s contribution to bringing this book to conclusion is enor- mous. She pursued the contributors for information, responded to their queries, liaised with EUP and produced the draft of the manuscript. I am hugely indebted to her for these reasons, as well as for her unfailing courtesy, great sense of humour and boundless patience. Yasir Suleiman King’s College, Cambridge July 2009 vii MM22005500 -- SSUULLEEIIMMAANN PPRREELLIIMMSS..iinndddd vviiii 2255//33//1100 1111::0011::1144 Professor Carole Hillenbrand: List of Publications Books 1. The Waning of the Umayyad Caliphate, 1989, State University of New York Press, Albany, 273pp. 2. A Muslim Principality in Crusader Times: the Early Artuqid State, 1990, The Netherlands Historical and Archaeological Institute for the Near East in Istanbul, Leiden, 266pp. 3. The Crusades: Islamic Perspectives, 1999, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 647pp. 4. Turkish Myth and Muslim Symbol: the Battle of Manzikert, 2007, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 320pp. This book has been translated into Russian and Indonesian. Books Edited 5. Qajar Iran: Political, Social and Cultural Change, 1800–1925, 1984, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 414pp. Co-e dited with C. Edmund Bosworth. 6. The Sultan’s Turret: Studies in Persian and Turkish Culture in Honour of Professor Edmund Bosworth, 1999, Brill, Leiden, 544pp. Articles Published as Sole Author 7. ‘The career of Najm al- Din Il- Ghazi’, 1981, Der Islam 58/2, 250–91. 8. ‘Some Mediaeval Islamic approaches to source material’, 1981, Oriens 27–8, 197–225. viii MM22005500 -- SSUULLEEIIMMAANN PPRREELLIIMMSS..iinndddd vviiiiii 2255//33//1100 1111::0011::1144 prof. carole hillenbrand’s publications 9. ‘The establishment of Artuqid power in Diyar Bakr in the twelfth century’, 1981, Studia Islamica LIV, 129–53. 10. ‘Medieval Islamic geography: the case of Merv’, 1983, Proceedings of the International Conference on Science in Islamic Polity (sic) II, Islamabad, 338–41. 11. ‘The history of the Jazira: a short introduction’, 1985, in The Art of Syria and the Jazira, 1100–1250, ed. J. Raby, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 9–19. 12. ‘The Islamic world and the Crusades’, 1987, Scottish Journal of Religious Studies VIII, 150–7. 13. ‘Malazgird’, 1987, Encyclopedia of Islam (2nd edn), Brill, Leiden, cols 243a–244b. 14. ‘Marwanids’, ibid. cols 626a–627b. 15. ‘Mayyafarikin’, ibid. cols 930a–932b. Note: These three articles (items 13–15), which total some 8,000 words, constitute the outline of a history of eastern Turkey in the tenth and eleventh centuries. 16. ‘Islamic orthodoxy or Realpolitik?: Al- Ghazali’s views on govern- ment’, 1988, Iran XXVI, 81–94 (13,000 words). 17. ‘A Muslim success in the Second Crusade’, 1989, in Mélanges Dominique Sourdel, ed. L. Kalus, Geutner, Paris, 165–71. 18. ‘Mu(cid:2)in al-D in Sulayman Parwana’, 1992, Encyclopedia of Islam (2nd edn), Brill, Leiden, cols 479a–480b. 19. ‘Al- Mustandjid’, ibid. cols 726a–727a. 20. ‘Al- Mustansir’, ibid. cols 727a–729a. 21. ‘Al- Mustarshid’, ibid. cols 733a–735b. 22. ‘Al- Mustazhir’, ibid. cols 755a–756a. Note: These four articles (items 19–22), which total well over 8,000 words, together represent an attempt to establish for the fi rst time the history of the revived caliphate in the twelfth century. 23. ‘Mu(cid:2)in al- Din Parwana: the servant of two masters?’, 1993, in Miscellanea Arabica et Islamica, ed. F. de Jong, Peeters, Leuven, 267–75. 24. ‘Aspects of Jihad propaganda: the evidence of 12th century inscriptions’, 1993, Proceedings of the Conference on the History of the Crusades, University of Bir Zeit, Bir Zeit, 53–63. 25. ‘Al- Ghazali on beauty’, 1994, Festschrift Professor Annemarie Schimmel, ed. J. C. Bürgel, Peter Lang Verlag, Bern, 249–65. 26. ‘Ibn al- (cid:2)Adim’s biography of the Seljuq Sultan, Alp Arslan’, 1995, Actas XVI Congreso Union Européene des Arabisants et Islamisants, Salamanca, 237–42. 27. 1092: A murderous year’, 1995, Proceedings of the 14th Congress ix MM22005500 -- SSUULLEEIIMMAANN PPRREELLIIMMSS..iinndddd iixx 2255//33//1100 1111::0011::1144

The publication of this book honours Professor Carole Hillenbrand's outstanding achievements in and service to Islamic and Middle Eastern Scholarship.It gathers original research from a range of leading international scholars from the UK, Europe and the USA whose chapters throw new light on a set of
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