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발 간 등 록 번 호 51-6110000-001180-10 Living in Seoul Living in Seoul Guide for Living in Seoul SEOUL GLOBAL CENTER | Tel_ 82-2-2075-4180 Fax_ 82-2-723-3205 http://global.seoul.go.kr Living in Seoul English Edition 2016 English Edition AlAl alAlb allo bauobtuo Stue Sto eSuoelu oLlui Lvli iLvniigvn?ign ?g ? AsAkA stlhAkle sta khS ebeth oSeoue lSou Gueolto Gu bSla oGleb lCoaoelb Cnaulte eCnlr etLenritevring? Ask the Seoul Global Center contents Immigration 08 Visa 09 Stay 13 Foreign Registration 16 Overseas Koreans 18 Re-entry Permission T TThThhehe Se SSe Seeoeoououulu lGl lG GlGololbobabbala alC lCle CCenenetnetnetrte re r r 19 Departure hhahasa sas an ansnwssweweresr srts ot ot ao al lal tll hlt htehe qe qu queuesetsistoitonionsnss 20 Q&A has answers to all the questions inintinetetrenrnranatiatoitonionanal arl elr erseisdsideidenentnst sths ha havaveve e international residents have Transportation Accommodation aababobououtu tli tlv ilvinvinging ign i n iSn Se Seoeououl.ul.l. about living in Seoul. 22 Using Public Transportation 38 Types of Accommodation 22 Subway 40 Types of Lease Contracts 25 Intra-city Buses 43 Real Estate Agents 27 Taxis 46 International Districts 29 Transit Cards 48 Purchase Procedures for Foreigners 외외국외국인국인주인주민주민의민의 서의 서울 서울생울생활생활 궁활 궁금 궁금증금증, 증, , 31 Express Buses 49 Making the Move 외국인주민의 서울생활 궁금증, 서서울서울글울글로글로벌로벌센벌센터센터에터에서에서 서 O On Oen-enS-etSo-tSpotpo 으p 으로 으로 해로 해결 해결해결해 드해 드립 드립니립니다니다!다! ! 31 Trains & Planes 51 Electricity 서울글로벌센터에서 One-Stop 으로 해결해 드립니다! 34 Q&A 51 Gas 서울서시울서는시울 서는시 울는서 글울서로글울벌로글센벌로터센벌 터센외 에터외도 에외 서도에 울도서 울서시 울내시 내시곳 내곳 에곳 에곳외 에국외 인국외 인국지 인원지 기원지관기원을관기 을관설 을치설 하치설여하치 여하 여 52 Water Service 서울시는 서울글편로리편벌하리편게센하리 게서터하 비게서 외스 비서에를스비 도를받스 으서를받실 으울받 실수으 시 실수있 내 도수있록 도있곳 록하도곳 고록하 에 고있하 습 고있외니 습있국다니습. 인다니.다 지. 원기관을 설치하여 53 Q&A 자세자한세 자정한편세보 리정한는보 하 정h는t보게t ph는: t/서t/ pgh:lt비/ot/pbg:스al/ol/.bg를saleolo .bsu받aell.o.g으suoel.o.실kgurol/ .nkg수ero/t. wnk있ero/trnw도keo에tr록w서ko에 r하확k서에인고 확서하 인 있세확하요인습세.하니요세.다요. 자세한 정보는 http://global.seoul.go.kr/network에서 확인하세요. CouCnosCueonluisnenglsi neglin g OnO-snitO-es niCt-oes niCtseou nCltsoiunlgstiu nlgti ngB usBiunBseiusnsse isnse ss CulCturCltaull rtaulr al MuMltiulMilntuigliluntiaglilnu galu al SeCroSveuicrSnveesircevelicneg SerSOveincrSev-esicriteveic CeonsultingS upSpuBopSuruptspoiprntoersts ExcEhxacEnhxCgacuenhlgatunergael SerSveicrSveeircMveiuceltilingual 노무S,e노 법r무률v,노 ,법 i교무c률육,e ,법 ,교 주률육거, ,교 ,주 의육거료, ,주 ,의 거료, ,의 일료요, 일S,요 외e일r국,요v 인외i일 c국밀, e인외집 국지밀인역집 으지밀로역집 으지로역 으로 인큐베인이큐션S베인 이u큐오션베피p 이스오p션,피 o창 스오r업,피t 상창스담업, ,상 창담업,상 한담국, 어한교국실어한,교 국E글실어x로,교c 벌글실h콘로,a 서벌글n트콘로,g서 벌트e콘,서 트, Service 출입노국무출 ,입등 법국출 생률 입등활,국 교생상 등육활담 ,생 상주활담거 상, 담의료, 직접 직찾일접아요 직가일찾접는아, 외가찾상국는아담인 가서상 는비담밀 스서상집비담지스서역비으스로 외국인외 국창인인외업큐 국대창베인학업이 대창등션학업 대오등학피 스등, 창업상벼담룩,시 벼장룩,시 벼서장룩한울,시국 타서장어운울, 미교타서팅실운울 ,미타등 글팅운로 미등벌팅콘 등서트, 출입국 등 생활 상담 직접 찾아가는 상담서비스 외국인 창업대학 등 벼룩시장, 서울타운미팅 등 서울 종서로울구 서종 울종로 로구종 로3종8구로(서 종3린8로동(서 )3서린8(울동서글)린서로동울벌)글서센로울터벌글빌센로딩터벌 5빌센층딩터 지 빌5하층딩철 지5 1층하호 철지선 1하 종호철각선 1역 호종 선6각번 역종출 각6구번역출 6구번출구 httph:t/t/phg:t/lto/pgb:/lao/lgb.slaoelbo.sauel.o.sgueolo.gkuorl.gkor. Tkerl T.0e2 lT.-0e22l0.-702520-742510-874051-8401Jo8n0gJgoankgJ Sgotan서akgt울 igSota na종k,t SiS로outn구ab,t w iSo종uan로yb, wSL 3uian8bye(w 서 L1ia린,n yEe동 xL 1i)tn,서 NEe울x o1i.t글, 6EN로xoi벌t. 6N센o터. 6빌딩 5층 지하철 1호선 종각역 6번출구 http://global.seoul.go.kr Tel.02-2075-4180 Jonggak Station, Subway Line 1, Exit No. 6 Garbage Disposal Communication Education Driving 56 Preparations for Garbage Collection & Banking 104 Education System 130 Driving in Seoul 57 General Waste 104 Educational Options 135 Penalty Points for Traffc Violations 57 Food Waste 66 Communication Facilities 105 Preschools 136 Penalty Points from Traffc Accidents 58 Recycling 70 Postal Services 106 Foreign Schools 137 Purchasing a Vehicle 59 Large Waste Matter 74 Telephone Services 111 Korean Language Education 142 Resident Prioritized Parking System 61 Recycling Centers and Flea Markets 77 Banking 113 Libraries & Book Stores 142 Rental Cars 63 Q&A 82 Q&A 117 Q&A 143 Motorcycles 144 Traffc Accidents 145 Q&A Employment Medical Services 84 Employment for Foreigners 120 Korean Medical System 84 Employment Procedures by Visa Status 121 Medical Services for Foreigners 87 Visa Statuses That Can Seek Employment With Approval 125 Medical Insurance 88 Labor Laws (Main Regulations) 127 Other Medical-related Information 93 Support Centers and Information Bureaus for Foreign Workers 128 Q&A 94 Four Social Insurance Programs 99 Recruiting and Employment Sites 101 Q&A 01 Leisure 148 Sports 154 Culture 159 Seoul Travel Administration 164 Shopping 172 International Marriage 168 Volunteer work 173 International Divorce 170 Q&A 175 Birth Report 175 Death Report 175 Seal Registration 176 Tax 180 Q&A Immigration Directory 182 Public Offces 190 Hospitals 191 Banks Visa 192 Culture and Tourism Stay 199 Media 200 Accommodation Foreign Registration 207 Libraries Overseas Koreans Re-entry Permission Departure Q&A Immigration Living in Seoul English Edition 01 Visa Multiple entry visas Overseas Koreans (F-4), Marriage Immi- ·M ultiple entry visa : amount equivalent gration (F-6), Others (G-1) to $90 An y visito r hw o enters oK er a needs to An individual acn ente r the countr y tow o r hva e a vis a hw ethe r his/he r up r pose o f entr y more times within the term of the visa. 3_Visa issuance procedure 4_Visa-free entry is to work, travel or study. A visa is affxed An individual hw o alf ls unde r one o f the to the apssport . Those hw o alf l unde r one 2_V isa types according to P lace of Visa Application & Issu- of llowing conditions acn ente r the countr y of the special cases specifed in the Immi- status of stay ance without a visa gration Control Act are exempt from visa The embassy or consulate of the Republic of ·Countries under visa waiver agreements requirements. However, having a visa does Diplomacy/Official Mission Status oK er a ·Designta ed visfer-a e entr y not necessarily mean anyone with a visa can Diplomacy (A-1), Offcial Mission (A-2), ※ rP iort ovi sai saus nrf c e oma co nlaus t e ·Frequent visitors enter the Republic of Korea. In Korea, a visa Agreements (A-3) orev seai s, n f e c e s sara , y nI mmigrationO f - ·ranT sit tourists bound of r anothe r countr y indicates a consul’s recommended action fce or a branch offce (only Sejong-ro, Ulsan, ·apanJ ese touristsv/ isitors of r a of reignes’r ent . r y Thus , during the en - Employment Visas Donghae, Sokcho Branches) can conduct a ·Europe-bound Chinese transit tourists try inspection, if immigration offcers fnd preliminary inspection on the application of that a foreigner does not meet the require- Temporary Employment (C-4), Professor a foreigner entering Korea and a domestic ·T hose with special entry arrangements for ments of entry, the foreigner’s entry may be (E-1), Foreign Language Teaching (E-2), inviter, and issue a certifcate for recogni- Jeju Island rejected at the discretion of the immigration Research (E-3), Technological Guidance tion of visa issuance (or Visa Issuance Con- ·Re-entry permit holders offcer. (E-4), Profession (E-5), Arts/Entertain- frmation Number). The visa can be issued ·International treaty organization issued ment (E-6), Specially Designated Activities conveniently by submitting the ”Certifcate passport holder (LAISSEZ-PASSER) (E-7), Non-professional Employment (E-9), of Visa Issuance” to a consulate overseas. ·A PEC Business Travel Card holders Labor The valid term of the certifcate is 3 months. Ch( e kc lpa ilbac e countries and fer e- Aboard (E-10), Working Holiday (H-1), entry qualifcations on the following Working Visa(H-2) Documents to Submit website: www.hikorea.go.kr) ·Passport N on-profit & Short-term Stay Visas ·V isa issuance application Stay Temporary Press Coverage (C-1), Tempo- form Foreigners who intend to stay in Korea rary Visiting(C-3) ·R equired documents for should hva e a er levant stta us o f st ya of r the ehac stta us o f st ya ( Detailed period and up r pose o f thei r st. y a Long-term Stay Visas information can be checked 1_Types of visas Culture/Arts (D-1), Study (D-2), Industrial at www.hikorea.go.kr ) 1_Period of stay Training (D-3), General Training (D-4), ·Short-term stay: 90 days or less Single entry visas Press Coverage (D-5), Religious Work Visa Issuance Fee ·Long-term stay: 91 days or more Only one entry is allowed within the term (D-6), Supervisory Chairmanship (D-7), ·S ingle entry visa (90 days or less): ·P ermanent Residence: unlimited o f the vis a S( ingle visas aer valid of r ther e Business Investment (D-8), Trade Manage- amount equivalent to $40, (91 days or Foreigners with long-term stay or perma- months from the date of issue). ment (D-9), Visit & Stay with Family (F-1), more): amount equivalent to $60 nent resident status should complete Residency (F-2), Family Dependency (F-3), ※ F or inquiries about immigration-related information, Please call 1345 or visit www.hikorea.go.kr 8 Living in Seoul 9 Immigration Living in Seoul English Edition 01 registration as a foreigner and/or Domestic Working Holiday (H-1), Working Visa (H- 4_Changing Stay Status ·If activities beyond the status of stay be- Residency Report within 90 days of entry. 2), Marriage Immigration (F-6) come the main purpose of stay, foreign- When a foreigner staying in Korea wishes ers aer not alloew d to get involved in said toaprtiic tap e in ne w atc ivities not er lta ed to 2_S cope of Activities and Do- or permitted within their current status, he/ activities. Under these circumstances, the mestic Employment of For- she must request permission to change the of er igne r should leva e oK er a and ente r the country with a new visa or get permission eigners Staying in Korea stta us o f his/he r st . y a As a general rule , he/ of r hc ange o f vis a stta us , hw ihc allosw she must depart and re-enter Korea with a ·F oreigners are allowed to stay in Korea ne w stta us thta corer sponds to the desier d suhc atc ivities. within the scope o f thei r stta us and the qualifcation. However, if he/she meets the · Aof er igne r with a single entr y vis a t( he granted period of stay. Foreigners cannot requirements for the new status without maximum period of stay: 90 days) is not be involved in an y politialc atc ivities un - having to depart Korea, a limited change of alloew d to aprtiic tap e in atc ivities beoy nd less the law specifcally permits their po- status can be made upon passing a strict ex- the uc rer nt vis a stta us . litialc ap rtiic tap ion. amination. ·If the foreigner’s working hours for the ac- 3_Extension of Stay ·F oreigners who wish to obtain employ- tivities beoy nd stta us o f st ya aer longe r o r ment in Korea should have a status that A of er igne r hw o intends to continue his/he r Application Period the salar y is highe r than the original ow kr - is eligible for employment. Foreigners are stay in Korea beyond the permitted period of eB of er starting the atc ivities o f the hc ange lp aec , the atc ivities beoy nd stta us o f st ya alloew d to ow kr onl y ta ow lkr p aec s thta stay should receive permission for the exten- of stay qualifcation, a permission of change aer not alloew d. sion o f thei r st. y a hva e been er ported to , o r designta ed , y b a of visa status must be obtained from the Im- ·W hen a foreigner wants to learn Korean at local or district immigration offce. migration Offce. a of er ign languga e institute o r college , o r Application Period ·T o change the company of employment, awnts to er ec ive edutac ion on traditional foreigners should get permission from Application for an extension of stay is avail- How to Apply to Change Status oK er an uc ltuer o r a rt within the period o f t fhoereir m juarkisindgic thioen cahl ainmgme.igration offce be- da Ifba alten ofirfno dsmtiav yitdw tuhoar lom auopgnphtl hitehss e b feeoxfro ppriera rtmthioeins es dixoapntie rf.aotri oann Tohef rpiSnic talp ao yr the rpinic alps’ ga ent should stioayn, of t rhatc eiv itfioerse ibegoy nnedr sdtota euss noo f st t.nya eed permis- Status of Stay That Allows ehxets/ ehnes iwioll nbe ohc fagr esdta peyn altfiteesr. the expiration date, sgurabtmioint tOheff rceeq uoifr ethde diro jcuurmisednictsti oton .the Immi- Application for Permission for Ac- Employment tivities Beyond the Current Status Temporary Employment (C-4), Professor How to Apply for Permission for 5_A ctivities Beyond the Given of Stay (E-1), Foreign Language Teaching (E-2), Extension of Stay Status of Stay A foreigner should receive permission for Research (E- 3), Technological Guidance atc ivities beoy nd the uc rer nt stta us o f st ya The principal or his/her agent should submit ·W hen a foreigner staying in Korea intends (E-4), Journalism (E-5), Arts/Entertainment rpio r to acr r ying out these atc ivities. required documents according to status of to acr r y out atc ivities beoy nd his/he r given (E-6), Specially Designated Activities (E-7), stay to the Immigration Offce of their ju- status of stay while maintaining the cur- Nonprofessional Employment (E-9), Labor risditc ion. er nt stta us o f st , y a hes/ he should get per - How to Apply for Permission for Aboard (E-10), Residency (F-2), Overseas mission in advance. Activities Beyond the Current Koreans(F-4), Permanent Residency (F-5), 10 Living in Seoul 11 Immigration Living in Seoul English Edition 01 Status of Stay Application Period nent residence status of stay (F-5) who at- Control Act 27 obliges foreigners over the The principal or his/her agent should submit An individual eligilb e of r lpa itac ion should tained his/he r spouses’ nta ionalit y and lost age of 17 staying in Korea to carry an alien the required documents according to status apply for a status of stay within 30 days from oK er an nta ionalit y is granted er sidenec registration card at all times and present it of stay to the Immigration Offce of their the date when one of the aforementioned status of stay (F-2). when requested by immigration offcers or uj risditc ion. uac ses teak s lp aec . ·A person who is discharged from the U.S. other public offcers. Individuals in violation of this requirement military stationed in Korea is granted one 6_C hange or Add a Company aer suejb tc to penalties . A of er igne r hw o is of the following visa statuses: Agreements 1_Applicant of Employment olb igta ed to otb ain a stta us o f st ya acn de - (A-3), Temporary Visitor (C-3), Visit · A of er igne r hw o intends to st ya in oK er a ap rt oK er a without acuq iring a stta us o f st ya &Stay with Family (F-1), Residency (F-2), for more than 91days mA a p eflnoatrc eieni g oKnf eoerrm ewap ilwtohyh msot aewtnuits swh oeifst h stiotna cythh faeon grg iev meonrp lsaotdyad- owf r gitranhtinin g3 0o f d a satyta su sf roo f mst ya othcuc ers .date when a cause · AOoK ter haneb-orsrn (Fhc -il1d) .o f a of er igne r with ·erA nan i nndta iivoidnualital y hw anod ggivainess a uof p erhiigsn/h en r aoK - tus of stay should obtain permission prior to one o f the of llowing vis a stta uses eR siden - tionality How to Apply cy (F-2), Industrial Training (D-3) or Non- changing or adding a company of employ- · A oK er anb-orn of er igne r hw o aws born ment. Please confrm with the Immigration The rpinic alp o r rpinic alps’ ga ent should pa - professional Employment (E-9) is granted in oK er a and intends to st ya in oK er a of r Offce for details to avoid any possible dis- ply by submitting the required documents Visit & Stay with Family (F-1). more than 91 days from the date of receiv- advantga es . for status of stay to the presiding Immigra- ing er sidenec stta us tion Offce. Foreign Registration ※ Exemption from Alien Registration 7_Granting Status of Stay The Criteria of Permission for ·I ndividuals engaged in Diplomacy (A-1), Of- Granting of Status of Stay fcial Missions (A-2) and Agreements (A-3) and their families ·oK er anb-orn hc ilder n o f of er ign nta ional · Citizens of Canada intending to stay in Korea aper nts hw o hva e one o f the of llowing vis a for less than 6 months and fall under one of statuses Diplomatic (A-1), Offcial Mis- the following statuses: Culture/Arts (D-1), Reli- sion (A-2), or Agreements (A-3) are grant- gious Work (D-6), Visit & Stay with Family (F-1), ed the same status of stay as their parents. Family Dependency (F-3) and Others (G-1) · A er gisteer d of er ignes’r hc ild hw o aws ·I ndividuals undertaking diplomatic, indus- For those who have lost Korean nationality, born in Korea is granted a family depen- According to the Immigration Control trial, or other important duties for national o r of reigners hw o aer born in oK er a o r those dency status of stay (F-3). tc ofA er ig ,noef ers ighw no ierngteisntdrta i otno sist y a inre uq oK ierer d a of r of r eseigcnuerritsy ,w ahnods eth eexire mfapmtiiolyn m ise dmebeemrse,d a nnedc feosr- hw o st ya in oK er a without hva ing a stta us o f ·A child under the age of 20 of a foreigner more than 90 days after their arrival date. sary by the Minister of Justice. st ya owing to othe r er asons , getting a new holding a permanent residence status of Childer n o f a er gisteer d of er igne r in oK er a qualifcation of stay is called granting a sta- stay (F-5) is granted a permanent resi- acn ta tend eithe r oK er an o r of er ign shc ools . 2_Registration Period tus of stay. Permission for granting a status dence status of stay (F-5). In addition, registered foreigners can receive ·F oreigners who intend to stay in Korea for of stay is affxed in the passport. ·T he spouse of an individual with perma- medical insurance benefts. Immigration more than 90 days: within 90 days of entry 12 Living in Seoul 13 Immigration Living in Seoul English Edition 01 ·F oreigners who received permission for ·F oreigners planning to leave the country ·W hen the name, sex, date of birth or na- Reporting Obligation of Change status of stay or change of status: upon re- of r good should er turn thei r alien er gistra - tionalit y o f a of er igne r hc anges ; or of Place of Stay ceiving permission\ tion acdr s upon deaprtuer . ·W hen the passport number, date of issu- When a registered foreigner changes his/ ·W hen a foreigner gains Korean nation- ance or expiration date changes; or 3_Registration Procedure alit , y the person should er turn the alien ·W hen the organization of foreigners with hite t r olp aec toh fes tj , y autrhiesd peicrstoionn aslh oImuldm erigporrta tion Offce Applicants should submit the following registration card within 14 days of his/her one o f the of llowing visas Cultuer A rt/ s within 14 days of the foreigner’s change in documents to the Immigration Offce or a acquisition of Korean nationality. When (D-1), Study (D-2), General Training (D- residence. Penalties are imposed in breach of branchoffce of the jurisdiction concerned. er turning the alien er gistrta ion acdr , the 4) changes its name; or the olb igta ion. ·F oreign registration application, passport, foreigner should submit a Korean nation- ·W hen the organization of foreigners under a color photo (3 cm x 4cm), fee of 30,000 ality verifcation certifcate and give up the one of the following visas Press Coverage Required Documents won and other required documents ac- foreign nationality verifcation certifcate. (D-5), Religious Work (D-6), Supervisory ·Passport and alien registration card codr ing to a stta us o f stya ·U pon Death : Chairmanship (D-7), Business Investment ·R eport form of change of place of resi- ·F oreign registration is valid for one year. T he alien er gistrta ion acdr should be er - (D-8), Trade Management (D-9) changes denec Renewal must be done before the card ex- turned within 14 days of the acknowledge- its name. ·D ocumentations proving residence ip rta ion dta e. ment of death or within 30 days of death. A medical report, inquest report, or other Reporting Period Employer’s Declaration of Obliga- 4_ CR aertudrsning Alien Registration sduebatmh ittveedr iwfcitahti othne daoliceunm rengtis trsahtioounl dc abrde Wtheit herp ivnio 1u4s duac asyess ftreakosm lp aec t h. Thee d eragteis when one o-f tions n tUeidiogenn r ecanrsa y or sd f htsh oteou lofdthl lero wtiInumgrn m cotnhigderiat r ofitoier onigns n , Oof er ffgicset.ra - ※[c qPt 3rue]a.intrieaodlnt i epcsea rwidoisdll sab.re inmopt orseetudr n[ce4d] wif itahlienn t hre gries- tm Reerendpt ofwreriiltgli nbeeg r cinMh averiogtlehta dioo nad poe f nthailsty er. uq ier - aeApinnmicegcsp so lhoroodyef uierinnrldgsg odtofofe er cftoilgharenree eiIg rstmno e mitnrhsdieg uo rIsram ttrihalmo etni raihg nCeraotdniost rnoo fOl cAfofcmct- e, ·O n the fnal departure date of a registered within 14 days of the date when they know ·W of er higenne a ;r o rr egistered foreigner abandons his/ 5_F oreigners’ Reporting Obli- Tthhee r perqiunicriepda ld oorc huims/ehnetrs atgoe tnht es hIomumldi gsruabtmioint afrbionugte moneen ot fo tfh teh fiso lolobwliginagti ocnau, speesn. aFlotire sth we iln- l her foreign citizenship and acquires Ko- gations Offce of the jurisdiction concerned. be imposed on employers or the head of the er an nta ionalit ;y or Reporting Obligations of Chang- Required Documents company. ·poU [cn2 ]t; hoer deta h o f a er gisteer d of er igne r es of Particulars of Foreigners ·P assport and alien registration card Conditions to Declare ·W hen a registered foreigner becomes ex- Registration ·A pplication form of report on changes of ·In the case of hiring, retirement or death of empt from foreign registration. A er gisteer d of er igne r should er port hc anges aprtiuc lars o f alien er gistrta ion acdr a foreign employee; or of information on alien registration card to a ·D ocumentations proving residence ·W hen a hired foreigner’s place of stay is Return Period of Alien Registra- local immigration offce of the jurisdiction unec rtain ; or concerned in one of the following circum- tion Cards stanec s; ·W hen important information in employ- 14 Living in Seoul 15 Immigration Living in Seoul English Edition 01 ment contracts changes riod is terminated for a foreign student Residence Reporting are recommended to the country without a re-entry permit within : w hen the contract period, name or loca- because of expulsion or withdrawal, or report their domestic residence. the period o f st . y a Also , those hw o hva e er - tion of the company, or employer changes, hw en the hw eer boa uts o f the student aer ported domestic residence are permitted em- when the company sends the employee to unknown 2_R eport period ployment in almost every industrial feld in anothe r ow lkr p aec , o r hw en the of er ign Korea except Domestic Residence Reporting is not man- employee violates Immigration Control Overseas Koreans datory, so there are no defnite periods for simple labor and speculation. tcA ando/ r othe r er lta ed er gulta ions. Overseas oK er ans inlc udes all o“K er an reporting. However, foreign nationality Ko- Nationals Residing Abroad” and “Foreign reans who have not reported Domestic Resi- 4_R eporting Method Reporting Obligations of Foreign Nationality Koreans.” Korean nationals re- dence and intend to stay for more than 90 & Required Documents Students siding orba ad aer those hw o hva e ta tained days should register as a foreigner within 90 The principal should submit the required Change of matters to be registered, exten- permanent foreign residency status or lived dsya o f ent. r y document to the jurisdictional immigration sion o f st , y a and hc ange o f er sidenec acn be in of er ign countries on the up r pose o f per - Those hw o er ec ived overseas oK er an sta - offce of his/her place of residence. done yb an internta ional student o r an ga ent. manent settling. Koreans of foreign nation- tus (F-4) or permission for change of status alit y aer those hw o had a oK er an nta ionalit y should report domestic residence upon re- Common Documents to be Sub- Reporting Period or their immediate descendents acquired ceiving permission. If one of the following grounds for reporting of er ign nta ionalities . Those styia ng orba ad mitted arises, foreign students must declare it with- temporarily are not considered overseas Ko- 3_B enefits of Domestic ·P assport or foreigner entry permit and in 15 days of that date, or they will be fned. er ans. Residence Reporting copy of passport (page with photo) When reporting domestic residence, a ·O ne photo (3.5cm x 4.5cm) er sidenec er port acdr of r oK er ans styia ng ·F ee: 30,000 won overseas and oK er ans with of er ign nta ional - it y will be issued to overseas oK er ans . The Korean Nationals Residing Domestic Residence Card can be used as Abroad Alien eR gistrta ion aCdr . coA dr ing to the Overseas oK er ans tcA , overseas oK er ans ·D omestic residence report for Korean na- who have reported domestic residence have tionals er siding orba ad the same rights as native Koreans with re- ·aB si c er gistr y 1_O verseas Koreans’ Report- gadr to deaprtuer and ent , r y st , y a er al estta e ·F amily relation registry (for those required A Principal's Duty to Report ing of Domestic Residence transactions, fnancial transactions, foreign to verify family relation) ·W hen a foreign student admitted to a exchange transactions, medical insurance, school or permitted to train does not regis- Domestic residence indicates a place where pension and indemnity payments for per- ·C ertifcate of cancellation of resident reg- te r o r is sba ent within the designta ed er g - an individual stsya with the up r pose o f er si - sons o f distinguished serviec to the stta e istry (those born outside of Korea are ex- istrta ion period ; or dence for more than 30 days. Domestic Res-i and persons o f distinguished serviec to in - empt) ·W hen the overseas study or training pe- dKeonrecea eR nposr twinhgo i sw oatpniot ntoal . Thbuesn ,eofvte frsreoasm Domestic d oveeprseenasd eoKnercean sa nacnd dtheeaprti ran fda mer -eilnietse. r In addition, ·C reosipdyi nogf pcoerumntarnye onrt roetshiedre dnocycu cmeretniftsc avteer io- f 16 Living in Seoul 17

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