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Living Gluten and Dairy-Free with French Gourmet Food A practical guide PDF

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Living Gluten and Dairy-Free with French Gourmet Food A practical guide By Chef Alain Braux C.E.P.C., C.M.B. B.S. Holistic Nutrition Copyright © 2010 by Alain Braux International Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any form of information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author except where permitted by law. ISBN-13: 978-0-9842883-1-1 ISBN-10: 0-9842883-1-7 Living Gluten and Dairy-Free with French Gourmet Food is a trademark of Alain Braux, Alain Braux International Publishing, LLC. Disclaimer: This book has been written as an educational tool only. It is not a substitute for the informed medical recommendations of your personal physician or other qualified healthcare provider. The information within these pages is designed to help you learn about and understand what can be a very confusing illness. I hope that this book will allow you to have a better dialogue with your healthcare providers and make your life easier. The publisher and the author of this book are not responsible for any products and services mentioned or referred to in this book, and disclaim any liability regarding the information offered in this book. They also disclaim any responsibility for any damage, loss, or expense to property arising out of, or relating to the text in this book. If you have any doubts as to the validity of the information given, please do not purchase this book. Thank you for your understanding. Real people, who were gracious enough to share their stories with you, wrote all the stories contained in this book. They agreed to have their real names published. I thank them in the back of the book. They, as well as the author and publisher, are not legally responsible to you or anyone related to you for telling you their stories. They offer them only as a way to help you understand that you are not alone, and that you can live happily and healthfully with this difficult condition. Before starting a new diet plan or lifestyle change, or beginning or modifying an exercise program, please check with your personal physician to make sure that the changes you plan to make are right for you. Sincerely, Alain Braux. For information regarding this and other Alain Braux International Publishing, LLC books and speaking engagements, please contact Alain Braux through AlainBraux.com or TABLE OF CONTENTS Living Gluten and Dairy-Free with French Gourmet Food ............................... 3 FOREWORD ........................................................................................................ 11 What is Happening To You? .............................................................................. 13 Paula T—Austin, TX ..................................................................................... 16 Liz M—Dallas, TX ......................................................................................... 21 Annie P - Durango, CO ................................................................................. 25 Jeff W—Austin, TX ........................................................................................ 31 How To Live GFCF at Home .............................................................................. 34 Getting Started ................................................................................................. 35 Karen M - Austin, TX .................................................................................... 41 Shopping and Eating GFCF in the Real World ................................................. 42 How to Handle Your GFCF Social Life ............................................................. 47 Can You Have a GFCF Social Life? Absolutely! ........................................... 48 Maggie T – Austin, TX .................................................................................. 51 What is Your Responsibility as a GFCF Patient? .............................................. 52 Dawn A – Austin, TX .................................................................................... 55 Special Foods to Consider ............................................................................... 55 Other Products That Could Possibly Contain Gluten .................................. 58 Not Feeling Better Yet? Could There Be Another Cause? ................................ 60 Jocelyne V – Austin, TX ................................................................................. 61 What Other Health Issues Could Be Created by Gluten Intolerance? ........ 64 Anemia, Iron Deficiency, and Fatigue ........................................................... 64 Kelly F – Austin, TX ...................................................................................... 66 Osteoporosis ..................................................................................................... 69 Low Thyroid Functions (Hypothyroidism) ................................................... 74 Kim S – Austin, TX........................................................................................ 74 Your New Gluten and Dairy-Free Diet ............................................................. 76 Jessica M – Austin, TX................................................................................... 80 Time to Heal That Gut ........................................................................................ 81 6 Living Gluten and Dairy-Free with French Gourmet Food For a Healthy Diet, All You Need is Love… and The Following Ingredients 87 Trish B – Austin, TX...................................................................................... 94 Living With Autism ............................................................................................ 98 Kecia J – Austin, TX..................................................................................... 100 Meagan M – Austin, TX .............................................................................. 108 Nicole D – Austin, TX ................................................................................. 112 Appendix A ........................................................................................................ 114 Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease Organizations ............................... 114 Appendix B ........................................................................................................ 118 Living with Autism Information .................................................................. 118 Information about Autism Agencies, Organizations and Foundations 118 Suggested Autism Reading List ............................................................... 120 Appendix C ........................................................................................................ 122 Hidden Sources of Gluten and Dairy........................................................... 122 First, the Good News: What You Can Still Eat ........................................ 122 SAFE – Grains, Flours, Starches (Gluten-Free/Wheat-Free) ................... 122 SAFE – Other Foods Allowed ................................................................... 123 A Word About Wine and Spirits .............................................................. 123 Alcohol Products That Are Usually Safe: ................................................ 123 Products That May Contain Gluten (gliadin) and Dairy (casein).......... 124 The NO-NO Lists! .......................................................................................... 128 NO-NO Grains and Flours ........................................................................ 128 NO-NO Products Made From Wheat & Flour ........................................ 129 CAUTION: Suspicious Foods and Food Products..................................... 130 The Following Foods and Food Products MAY Contain Wheat or Gluten ..................................................................................................................... 130 The Following Foods and Food Products Contain or MAY Contain Dairy and Casein .................................................................................................. 134 Mysterious Ingredients Listed on the Nutritional Labels of Prepared Foods: What you need to know ................................................................ 135 Appendix D: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Shopping List .................................... 149 Table of Contents 7 Recettes. Recipes ................................................................................................. 184 Recipes Introduction ..................................................................................... 185 Pains. Breads ....................................................................................................... 193 Mélange de Farine a Pain Sans Gluten. Gluten-Free Bread Flour Mix ......... 193 Boule de Pain à la Provençale. French Provencal Boule ................................ 194 Pain Sans Gluten a la Farine de Sarasin. Gluten-Free Buckwheat Bread ..... 197 Pain au Quinoa. Quinoa Bread ....................................................................... 198 Brioche au Chocolat et a l’Orange en Casserole. Chocolate and Orange Brioche in French Oven Pot .............................................................................. 199 Pain de Mais aux Herbes de Provence. Corn Bread with Provencal Herbs .. 200 Pain Brioché aux Amandes. Brioche-Style Almond Bread ............................. 201 Pain d’Epices de Mamie. Mamie’s Spiced Bread............................................ 202 Petit Déjeuner. Breakfast .................................................................................... 203 Mélange de Farine de Pâtisserie Sans Gluten. Gluten-free Pastry Flour Mix ......................................................................................................................... 203 Petit Déjeuner A Votre Santé. A Votre Santé Healthy Home-made Breakfast Cereal ............................................................................................................... 204 Crêpes Petit Déjeuner au Quinoa. Quinoa Pancakes .................................... 206 Gaufres de Bruxelles. Brussels Waffles .......................................................... 207 Biscuits aux Canneberges et Noix. Cranberry Walnut Scones ...................... 208 Petits Gâteaux aux Bluets et Citron. Blueberry Lemon Muffins.................... 210 Petits Gâteaux d’Automne aux Fruits Rouges. Autumnal Red Fruit Muffins ......................................................................................................................... 211 Petits Gâteaux a la Noix de Coco et Graines de Pavot. Coconut Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins .................................................................................................... 212 Gâteaux pour le Goûter. Tea Time Poundcakes ................................................. 213 Gâteau Moelleux aux Bananes et Noisettes. Moist Banana and Hazelnut Pound Cake or Muffins .................................................................................... 213 Quatre-Quarts au Citron. Lemon Pound Cake or Muffins ............................. 214 Gâteau a la Noix de Coco and aux Canneberges. Coconut Cranberry Walnut Bread ................................................................................................................ 215 Petits Gateaux Secs. Cookies .............................................................................. 216 8 Living Gluten and Dairy-Free with French Gourmet Food Cookies au Chocolat et Pecans. Chocolate Chip and Pecan Cookies ........ 216 Brownies à la Farine de Coco. Coconut Flour Brownies ............................... 217 Petits Gâteaux Secs à la Noix de Coco et au Citron et Citron Vert. Lemon- Lime Coconut Flour Cookies ............................................................................. 218 Sablés Diamants. Shortbread Cookies with Raspberry Dots ............................ 219 Macarons Meringues à la Noix de Coco. Coconut Macaroon Meringues .... 220 Biscuits Croquants au Chocolat et Amandes. Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Crisps ............................................................................................................... 221 Biscuits Quinoa aux Chocolat, Pecans et Orange. Chocolate-Pecan-Orange Quinoa Cookies ................................................................................................ 222 Langues de Chat. Cat’s Tongue Cookies ......................................................... 223 Escargots à la Pate d’Amandes. Almond Paste Snails .................................. 224 Hors D’Œuvres. Appetizers ............................................................................... 225 Tapenade. Tapenade ....................................................................................... 225 Crêpes aux Courgettes. Zucchini Appetizer Crepes ....................................... 226 Socca de Nice. Socca from Nice ...................................................................... 227 Trempette Arzu aux Epinards et Artichauts. Arzu Spinach and Artichoke Dip ......................................................................................................................... 228 Soupes. Soups ..................................................................................................... 230 Soupe de Santé Verte d'Alain. Alain's Healthy Green Soup ......................... 230 Soupe Gaspacho. Gazpacho Soup ................................................................. 231 Soupe de Légumes au Bœuf. Beef Vegetable Soup ........................................ 232 Soupe de Courgettes. Zucchini Soup ............................................................. 234 Soupe de Tomates à la Niçoise. Niçoise-style Tomato Soup .......................... 235 Soupe aux Lentilles et à la Tomate. Lentil Tomato Soup .............................. 236 Soupe de Poix Chiches à la Sauge. Garbanzo Bean Soup with Sage ............. 237 Salades. Salads .................................................................................................... 238 Vinaigrette de Santé d’Alain. Alain’s Healthy Salad Dressing ..................... 238 Taboulé de Quinoa. Quinoa Tabouleh ........................................................... 239 Salade Niçoise. Niçoise Salad ......................................................................... 240 Salade aux Petits Poix et Poivrons. Peas-full Egg Salad ............................... 242 Salade de Pâtes au Thon. Garden Pasta Tuna Salad ...................................... 243 Table of Contents 9 Viandes et Œufs. Meats and Eggs ...................................................................... 244 La Daube a la Niçoise. Niçoise-style Daube ................................................... 244 Le Ragout de Porc aux Câpres. Pork Stew with Capers ................................ 246 Cotes d’Agneau au Romarin. Rosemary Lamb Chops ................................... 247 Poulet Farci aux Riz et Figues. Roasted Chicken Stuffed with Rice and Figs . 248 La Polenta de Ménage au Poulet. Family-Style Polenta with Chicken .......... 250 Tian de Courgettes au Riz. Zucchini and Rice Egg Dish ............................... 251 Galettes de Sarasin Complete. Brittany-Style Savory Crêpes ....................... 252 Poissons et Fruits De Mer. Fish and Seafood ..................................................... 254 Ma Façon Rapide de Préparer des crevettes ou Coquilles de St. Jacques. Alain’s Quick Way to Prepare Poached Shrimp or Scallops .............................. 254 Le Rouget a la Niçoise. Red Mullet a la Niçoise ............................................. 255 Thon Façon Côte d’Azur. Tuna Côte d’Azur-style ........................................ 256 Risotto aux Crevettes. Shrimp Risotto ........................................................... 258 Accompagnements. Side Dishes ........................................................................ 259 Les Macaronis à La Provençale. Provencal-Style Macaroni .......................... 259 Ratatouille. Ratatouille ................................................................................... 260 Epinards aux Raisins et aux Pignons. Spinach with Raisins and Pine Nuts . 262 Les Tomates au Four a la Provençale. Oven-Baked Tomatoes Provençale .... 263 Risotto de Quinoa aux Poivrons Rouges. Quinoa Risotto with Red Bell Peppers ............................................................................................................. 264 Tomates Farcies à la Viande de Bœuf. Beef-Stuffed Tomatoes ...................... 265 Purée de Pommes de Terre a l’Ail. Mashed Potatoes with Garlic ................. 266 Haricots Verts avec sa Vinaigrette et Amandes. Haricots Verts in Almond- Garlic Vinaigrette ............................................................................................. 267 Riz Sauvage au Romarin et Baies de Goji et Noix. Rosemary Wild Rice with Goji Berries and Walnuts ................................................................................. 268 Desserts. Desserts ............................................................................................... 269 Classique Mousse au Chocolat. Classic French Chocolate Mousse................ 269 Soufflé aux Framboises Léger comme un Nuage. Light as a Cloud Raspberry Souffle .............................................................................................................. 270 Crème Brulée à la Lavande. Lavender Crème Brulée ..................................... 272 10 Living Gluten and Dairy-Free with French Gourmet Food Ma Marquise Préférée au Chocolat. My Favorite Chocolate Marquise ......... 274 Pots de Cocos. Coconut Pots .......................................................................... 275 GF Beignets aux Pommes. Apple Fritters ...................................................... 276 Ganses Légères à la Niçoise. Light Niçoise-Style Beignets ............................ 278 Crêpes a l’Orange et au Grand Marnier. Orange Grand Marnier French Crepes .............................................................................................................. 279 Glace au Chocolat. Chocolate « Ice Cream » ............................................... 280 Gateaux et Tartes. Cakes and Tarts .................................................................... 281 Clafoutis aux Cerises. Cherry Flan ................................................................ 281 Gâteau au Chocolat Sans Farine. Flourless Chocolate Cake .......................... 282 Gâteau Exotique Aux Carottes. GF Exotic Carrot Cake ................................ 284 Gâteau au Chocolat à la Farine de Noix de Coco et à la Ganache. Gluten- Free Coconut Flour Chocolate Cake with Ganache Filling and Icing ................. 286 Ganache au Chocolat Noir. Dark Chocolate Ganache .................................... 287 Gâteau Leger au Champagne et Cointreau. Champagne-Cointreau Chiffon Cake ................................................................................................................. 288 Glaçage a l’Orange. Orange Frosting ............................................................. 289 Poire Bourdaloue. Pear Tart with Almond Cream ......................................... 290 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................. 292 Do you want to know more about Chef Braux? ......................................... 295

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