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Living Embryos. An Introduction to the Study of Animal Development PDF

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LIVING EMBRYOS AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ANIMAL DEVELOPMENT by JACK COHEN P E R G A M O N P R E S S OXFORD NEW YORK · TORONTO SYDNEY · BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 19a Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © 1967 Pergamon Press Ltd. Al Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior per- mission of Pergamon Press Ltd. First edition 1963 Reprinted 1966 Second edition revised and enlarged 1967 Reprinted 1970 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 67-18959 Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co., Exeter This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise disposed of without the publisher's consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. 08 012316 3 (flexicovcr) 08 012317 1 (hard cover) P R E F A C E THIS second edition has been provoked not only by the somewhat surprising extent of the adoption of this little text, but also by the extensive, and usually contructive, criticism which the first edition evoked from a large number of people. I hope it is a better book for the incorporation of most of these changes; if so, this reflects on these critics. If not, its inadequacies are mine to bear. Most of the book has been changed in detail, and several more plates and text figures have been added. The section on the development of the eye in the first edition was considerably mistaken and has been rewritten. I trust, too, that there will be less in the way of avoidable small errors. In this edition reference has frequently been made to review articles or to learned articles in general, as well as to textbooks which are wider in scope than this one, and will serve to amplify the necessarily brief descriptions here. These are referred to in a new Appendix. Many teachers, and indeed university lecturers, who are them- selves committed to the teaching of embryology find that their own training has biased them against the subject. To most of them, embryology is synonymous with the understanding of sections, and attempts to build up pictures of three-dimensional structural change through time. The intention of the present volume is to divorce elementary embryology from the somewhat mechanical difficulties inherent in this kind of project, and to emphasize living embryos rather than these techniques. Furthermore, all the bias in the past has been towards a study of the embryology of the vertebrates, especially the renowned frog and chick. Undergraduate zoologists in particular, and medical students to a lesser extent, should benefit from a discussion of the processes of development as seen throughout the animal kingdom. There is, therefore, a much fuller treatment of the invertebrates than has hitherto been attempted in elementary vii viii PREFACE textbooks, in the hope that examination syllabuses might some day recognize the existence of development in nine-tenths of the animal kingdom. The form of this textbook has derived mostly from a teaching course in embryology in the Department of Zoology and Comparative Physiology, University of Birmingham. Most of the examples chosen are those which have some particular appeal to me, and there seems no reason for the teacher not to modify his attitude in accordance with his own preferences. Much of the material in the following chapters has not been used before in an elementary textbook; indeed, much of it was reserved for postgraduate courses. This is true not only of the invertebrate embryology, but also of most of the sections on development of the organ systems of vertebrates (pp. 79-119). Both of these sections will enable the student to relate his embryology to his knowledge of the animal kingdom, and to his knowledge of gross anatomy. Too often embryology has been divorced from its parent sciences. The bridge between embryology and adult anatomy is difficult to traverse, simply because animals become more complicated as they develop. Despite the lack of space in this volume, it is hoped that the reader will come to see the chosen examples as a part of the large pattern of life, and not as isolated developmental processes having no link with animal evolution or with "real" ariimals. By the use of living material and films in practical classes (and even during field work) it is anticipated that the more obscure parts of the text will become clear; the interest of the student will then lead him to a true understanding of this most fascinating of sciences. Set of 8-mm. film loops are available for use with this text. (See Appendix IV.) The "types" selected are not meant to be representative either of their phyla or of the wide range of development oddities found through the animal kingdom. The Nematoda have been chosen for the lesson of the eutelic creature, the ultimate in determinate development. A polychaete worm (Pomatoceros) has been chosen because it provides good practical material throughout the year and is cheap. It shows a complicated, but readily understood, cleavage pattern after post-fertilization interactions. Gastropod molluscs show PREFACE ix the same kind of development, and in addition the shell gland shows a post-cleavage induction. No excuse should be needed for inclusion of the Arthropods, but their embryology is difficult to compare with other forms without considerably more space; the section has therefore been kept brief. The Echinoderm serves as a good example of the indeterminate invertebrate, and is additionally both well- documented and good practical material at certain seasons. The Tunicates have been included for two reasons. Firstly, because they demonstrate radial cleavage in a determinate development, and, Secondly, to illustrate the dramatic resemblance between the determined areas of Styela and the frog fate map. This resemblance helps to introduce the vertebrates, and underlines the importance of pre-cleavage events, for example the amphibian grey cres- cent. The vertebrates have been emphasized, partly because man is a vertebrate and partly as a more detailed account was necessary from at least one phylum of the animal kingdom; the vertebrates were an obvious choice. The question of which organ systems to consider is also most important. I am afraid that again my own interests guided me, and I would hesitate to believe that I have made the most logical choice. Again, the teacher must decide for himself in which way he shall teach the subject and I can only trust that this presentation will help him. The author wishes to express his gratitude to all those who have helped in the preparation of this text, especially the students who by their criticisms and comments have unwittingly added so much. Special gratitude is expressed to: Dr. L. H. Finlayson of this Department who was patient enough to read the manuscript and to comment on its suitability for various courses, as were many school teachers; other members of this department, who have borne with me during the preparation of this text. Mr. Owen G. Harry has been consistently most patient with me even in my most unreason- able requests for material and has always produced specimens of perfection; without him no book would have been possible. Miss Kathleen M. Lyons was responsible for some of the diagrams. As the first edition of this text seems to have avoided the cataclysmic χ PREFACE reception which I feared, I would like now to confess my indebted- ness to Paul 'Espinasse, who was entirely responsible for my interest in embryology, and whose guidance in the early stages of my career is responsible for whatever success I may have achieved in the field. Birmingham JACK COHEN I N T R O D U C T I O N The study of embryology is concerned with the process by which the adult arises from the fertilized egg. It encompasses, on the one hand, those processes, which are beginning to be described in chemical terms, by which the genetic material expresses its message in material terms; and on the other hand, many embryologists are working on the maintenance of the adult organism, its progress into senility, and its liability to suffer defects, such as tumours, which may result from developmental accident or design. Until the beginning of this century embryology was essentially descriptive, but the development of experimental techniques has led to many unifying concepts. The two aspects, descriptive and experimental, have usually in the past been considered separately, but it now seems worth while to attempt a synthesis at an elementary level. 1 Let us first consider very briefly the history of the subject. The naïve preformationist view that the egg or even the sperm was a miniature adult, requiring only to grow, was popular among natural philosophers (e.g. the animalculists). Some early drawings of human sperms purported to show a "homunculus" in the sperm head (Fig. 1). This view was current among scholastics until the end of the eighteenth century, when it became obvious that the facts could not be accounted for by such a simple story. Preformationist theories became very much more sophisticated and to account for the observed facts the process of entelechy was imported: the egg contained a "demon" which, during the process of development, organized the egg material in space to form the right kind of animal or plant. It is important to appreciate that neither the preforma- tionist nor the entelechist considered the environment to be a necessary part of the processes of development. During the nine- teenth century, workers began to be impressed by the apparent succession of stages in the life history of many creatures, and those 1 2 LIVING EMBRYOS who were philosophers considered development in terms of a philosophical evolution (Aristotle had considered embryology in these terms): having exhausted the possibilities of each stage, the embryo of necessity progresses to the next stage. This viewpoint is FlG. 1. Early drawing of a human sperm by Hartsoeker (redrawn from Needham 1959). held by many contemporary embryologists in a more or less sophisti- cated form, and human embryology still suffers considerably from the difficulties inherent in a consideration of stages (called horizons) instead of processes. It may well be noted here that the view of DNA as "all of life; the rest is commentary" is a preformationist view with undertones of entelechy. The nucleic acids are an integral part of the structure of the egg, and must not be considered as separate from it. They may play the part of the conductor, or indeed the composer, of the symphony of development; but the orchestra is absolutely necessary for its realization. Another analogy is that of a tape recording. The linear pattern of magnetic variation on the tape must interact with the complex and specific mechanism of the tape recorder for it to appear as a pattern of sound, similarly, the linear code of the DNA INTRODUCTION 3 on the chromosomes must interact with the rest of the egg. The naïve view that the DNA code is comparable to the sequence of frames making up a cine-film, requiring only to be expanded into space as the characters of the organism, shows its absurdity at first inspection. It has had an insidious effect, however, and still appears in many learned treatises as well as in newspaper popularizations. Most contemporary biologists consider development in terms of epigenesis; this is the belief that the observed increase of complexity as an animal develops is due to interaction between its parts, and often between these parts and the physical or chemical environment. It will be seen that the questions asked by entelechists or evolution- ists can usually be answered in purely descriptive terms, whereas those of the epigeneticist require the experimental approach. Throughout the study of embryology the time element must constantly be borne in mind. Even if certain stages in development may be described and recognized, the transition into and from these stages is a gradual process, and indeed many events are occurring during what is apparently one stage. For this reason models of stages of embryological development, which were very popular in the thirties, have only a very limited utility for the modern biologist. Films of the development of a great variety of forms are available on loan from a variety of sources. Some of these, and their sources, are listed in Appendix IV. Appropriate use of film material is often better than the living organisms in inexperienced hands; it always works. Viewing of a good film is also a useful preliminary to labora- tory work. The student should gain some idea of the scale of the events he is to examine, and more important should be able to select those organisms which are behaving normally and may be expected to continue to do so. Animated cartoon films have obvious dangers; the instructor should view them very critically himself before screening them for the students. T H E G A M E T E S Most animal species have two sexes, which are recognized and dis- INTRODUCTION 3 on the chromosomes must interact with the rest of the egg. The naïve view that the DNA code is comparable to the sequence of frames making up a cine-film, requiring only to be expanded into space as the characters of the organism, shows its absurdity at first inspection. It has had an insidious effect, however, and still appears in many learned treatises as well as in newspaper popularizations. Most contemporary biologists consider development in terms of epigenesis; this is the belief that the observed increase of complexity as an animal develops is due to interaction between its parts, and often between these parts and the physical or chemical environment. It will be seen that the questions asked by entelechists or evolution- ists can usually be answered in purely descriptive terms, whereas those of the epigeneticist require the experimental approach. Throughout the study of embryology the time element must constantly be borne in mind. Even if certain stages in development may be described and recognized, the transition into and from these stages is a gradual process, and indeed many events are occurring during what is apparently one stage. For this reason models of stages of embryological development, which were very popular in the thirties, have only a very limited utility for the modern biologist. Films of the development of a great variety of forms are available on loan from a variety of sources. Some of these, and their sources, are listed in Appendix IV. Appropriate use of film material is often better than the living organisms in inexperienced hands; it always works. Viewing of a good film is also a useful preliminary to labora- tory work. The student should gain some idea of the scale of the events he is to examine, and more important should be able to select those organisms which are behaving normally and may be expected to continue to do so. Animated cartoon films have obvious dangers; the instructor should view them very critically himself before screening them for the students. T H E G A M E T E S Most animal species have two sexes, which are recognized and dis

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