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LIVING CAMPAIGN GUIDE & SOURCEBOOK Version 0.72 CY 613 October 23, 2013 Creation & Design: Anthony Antonich Allen Davis Dave Guerrieri Anthony Keller Dave Peterson Contents Welcome to Greyhawk Reborn! 1 The Guiding Principles of the Greyhawk Reborn Campaign 1 Post-LG Greyhawk 1 Greyhawk Reborn!! It is time!! 1 Greyhawk Reborn Overview 2 Living Campaigns 2 Greyhawk 2 Central Campaign Rules 2 Other Campaign Rules 2 Ethical Play Guidelines 3 Tell Us What You Think 3 Character Creation 4 Starting Ability Scores 4 Races 4 Languages 4 Classes: 4 Backgrounds & Lores 4 Alignment 4 Hit Points: 5 Equipment 5 Home Region 5 Player Expectations 5 Adventures 5 Adventure Tiers 5 Adventure Types 6 Adventure Category 6 Adventure Setting 6 Adventure Play & House Rules 7 Purpose 7 Challenge Level 7 Playing Outside of Character Level 7 Bloodied 7 Ability Checks 7 Short Rest Duration 7 Masterwork Weapons 7 Combat 7 Critical Hits 7 Two-Weapon Fighting 8 Scroll Levels 8 Selling Items 8 Trading Items 8 House Rule - Spells 8 Cure Wounds 8 Character Death 8 Purchasing a Raise Dead 8 Reducing Cost with Adventuring Units (AU) 8 Reducing Cost with Favors 8 Using the Dead Character’s Equipment 8 Character Advancement 9 Adventure Records 9 Favors and Influence 9 Favor Worth 9 Out Of Region Favors 9 Adventuring Units (AUs) 9 Home Region 9 Travel Between Regions 9 Changing Regions 9 Lifestyle & Upkeep 9 Treasure & Rewards 10 Adventuring Companies 11 Description 11 Sponsorship 11 Petition for Sponsorship 11 Benefits 11 Constraints 11 Organizations 11 Appendix A – Greyhawk Reborn Gods A-1 Baklunish Pantheon A-1 Dwarven Pantheon A-1 Elven Pantheon A-2 Flan Pantheon A-2 Gnome Pantheon A-3 Halfling Pantheon A-3 Oeridian Pantheon A-4 Suloise Pantheon A-5 Common or Unknown Origins A-5 Appendix B - Greyhawk Reborn Campaign Staff, Guiding Principles & Organizational Chart B-1 Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook WELCOME TO GREYHAWK REBORN! The Regulators welcome you to our Greyhawk Reborn Goblin, kobolds and their ilk fill the vast spaces between (GHR) organized play campaign. Our primary goal is towns now, bullied by hobgoblins, and gnolls, and orcs. entertainment for everyone involved, players and DMs It is said that their evil grows stronger each day. There alike, while advocating for the gaming community. are likely fouler, more evil masters above them, such as trolls, and giants, and drow, with even more hideous Greyhawk Reborn is a new type of living campaign, one evil creatures above them. It is even rumored that great in which adventures are created and judged by each fiends and other abyssal creatures now sit at the top individual DM. At the same time, the campaign staff rung of the ladder, with the strong ruling the weak. manages the campaign documents and oversees the campaign story lines. We will be using the D&D Next What were once powerful, unified empires have now playtest rules as a basis for our Greyhawk Reborn become small city-states, barely controlling the campaign. However, where there a differences between territory with a day’s ride of their walls. Kings, lords the D&D Next playtest rules and GHR campaign, the and nobles now clash against one another, trying to rules in this document have precedence. become the one who is able to unite the various small political entities. Some want to do it for the benefit of One of the main goals of the Greyhawk Reborn all, others only to feed their own egos and power. campaign is to bring gamers together. As such, it will primarily be offered at conventions and game days. We No, it is not a safe world anymore, not since The believe that the more often gamers get together, and the Breaking. greater numbers of gamers that get together, the greater the benefits to the gaming community overall. Greyhawk Reborn!! It is time!! Please keep in mind that the Greyhawk Reborn campaign is in its infancy, and that we expect to grow, Once again explore one of the oldest, most beloved adapt, and mature as the campaign grows. Understand campaign worlds of all time. The world of Greyhawk will come alive again as your characters, your HEROES, that the rules in this document, and other Greyhawk wander upon the lands of Oerth, pushing the darkness Reborn documents to follow, may always be changed or back. tweaked, whether to adjust to playtest rule changes, allow for better game balance, or simply to create more Venture forth anew in the realm that brought you player enjoyment. classics such as The Village of Hommlet, White Plume Mountain, Against the Giants, Slavers, and the Living The Guiding Principles of the Greyhawk campaign. Revisit places such as Saltmarsh, Greyhawk City, the Vast Swamp and the Amedio Jungle. Greyhawk Reborn Campaign Create new player characters in your favorite world,  Have fun. Everyone at the table should be a with classic races and classes. Create mighty warriors, part of the enjoyment of everyone else. powerful wizards, saintly clerics and dubious rogues.  Story is king. Your characters have a place in the world and their  PCs actions should have consequences in the actions will help shape the world. campaign.  Players should feel invested in the campaign.  Role-playing and roll-playing are not mutually exclusive.  To involve as many people in the creative process as possible. Post-LG Greyhawk It is no longer safe to be out at night. It is dangerous to travel from town to town, except in groups. The night somehow seems darker, more sinister. Only the very powerful travel alone or after dark. Or the very foolish. What was once thriving farming hamlets are now walled villages. Towns are heavily fortified. Only the desperate are outside the safety of town walls at night; even the farmers travel to the fields to mind their crops during the day, returning to the protection of civilization at dusk. 1 Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook mailed to players, so please make sure when you are GREYHAWK REBORN OVERVIEW done at the table that you have everything you need. As with any game, sometimes people at a table will have Living Campaigns different interpretations of a given rule. We don't want interpretation of the rules to grind the gaming session A “living” campaign comes from the idea that more than to a halt. One of the DM's tasks is to listen to all sides one table, at more than one time, can exist and help and then make a decision. Whenever there is any shape a campaign. A living campaign springs from the confusion or contradiction about a rule, the table DM is idea that a home-style roleplaying campaign can be the final arbiter, using the current version of the rules expanded to include tens, hundreds, or even thousands being used in GHR. of different players and characters. In essence, when you play an adventure, other players with other The campaign staff also believes strongly in both the characters can experience the same adventure, and letter of the rules and the spirit of the rules, balancing maybe have a completely different experience than you. between fair and fun, game balance and individual play So many players (and many characters) can share the styles. same world, and have some shared experiences, and some not-so-shared experiences. Other Campaign Rules One of the main principles of our living campaign is that your characters actions mean something within the Table Size campaign, and can have a lasting impression. For Table size for all normal Greyhawk Reborn adventures instance, during a royal wedding festival, the local at a convention or game day event is 4-6 players and 1 rogues guild has a contest in which a Quall’s Tree Token DM. This gives an optimal game experience for the is to be placed in the most outrageous or inappropriate players and DM alike. location. If you place the Tree Token in the reflection pool in the royal palace, it may show up there in future Player Characters adventures. You (and your characters) actions have All player characters will begin play at level 1. Your meaning!! character will advance a level about every 3 adventures. Play a character that you will enjoy playing, and that other players at the table enjoy interacting with. Greyhawk Greyhawk is one of the first, and therefore one of the Playing Again oldest, published campaign settings. Originally Most adventures can be played again by the same published by TSR, and now owned by Wizards of the player. A character can never play the same adventure Coast/Hasbro, the Greyhawk setting is one of the most again. If playing the adventure again, please don’t ruin loved and deepest detailed settings in the history of the fun or surprises for anyone else that may be playing roleplaying. the adventure for the first time. As the DM is the author, and only the author may DM Central Campaign Rules adventures, the author/DM may not play their own adventure. We are currently considering how to best No matter the specific game or campaign, there are reward DMs for creating and DM’ing missions. always certain rules to follow. These are those rules. Rules Updates and Changes Rule One: Fun & Entertainment We want everyone to enjoy themselves; players and DM Everyone seated at the table is sacrificing time and/or alike. In any shared world campaign, we need a money to be able to play this particular game, including semblance of structure, organization and rules to keep a the DM. Let’s all have fun together, and respect other level playing field. people’s play styles and our DMs. We will be using the D&D Next playtest rules, with some Rule Two: It’s About The Story changes for our campaign. As new options become The campaign staff strongly believes that Greyhawk available, the campaign staff will examine them Reborn is a shared storytelling campaign. We have tales carefully, and adjust the campaign rules accordingly. we’d like to share with you and have you become a part The campaign staff will be weighing fun and enjoyment of. You, and your player character, likely wish to for all, as well as campaign balance. become part of stuff of legends. Together, we strive for The current version of the rules being used in the GHR fun, interactive play opportunities for all involved in the campaign is the: Greyhawk Reborn campaign. October 14, 2013. Rule Three: Things Are Handled At The Table Since the DM is judging their own adventure, the DM If it is not addressed in this document, or other official has final say over all rules decisions at their table. Story campaign record, the rules as written in the version of awards, certificates and the like will not be emailed or the rules above should be used to arbitrate any issues. 2 Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook Please keep in mind that you must have signed up and TELL US WHAT YOU THINK agreed to the Wizards of the Coast D&D Next Playtest Online Agreement to participate in the Greyhawk Please visit the Greyhawk Reborn campaign Yahoo Reborn living campaign. You may verify your playtest Group and let us know what you think. The campaign participation by: staff is always eager to hear what your enjoyed, what  bringing along a copy of the Wizards of the you didn't enjoy, and, most importantly, why. You may Coast D&D Playtest verification email; ask questions of the campaign staff, ask for rules clarification, and offer suggestions on the message  showing us on a computer that you can log in boards. As the campaign grows and matures, we expect to the Wizards of the Coast D&D Next Playtest in the future to have a fully featured website for the Material site on a computer; Greyhawk Reborn campaign.  signing a legal document stating you are legally signed up for the Wizards of the Coast You may contact us at: D&D Next Playtest Program. http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/ghr The Greyhawk Reborn campaign will not be distributing You may also visit us at our Facebook page at: any D&D Next playtest materials at any time. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Greyhawk- Reborn/508697515838073 We expect there to be significant changes at times especially through the playtest phase of the D&D Next rules. As changes occur, there will be instances where All Greyhawk Reborn campaign announcements will be the changes in the rules significantly change the way made on the above places. characters play. When changes occur, the campaign staff will allow characters to be tweaked so that they can remain within the rules of the game, and so that they are true to your original character concept. Guidance for those changes will be provided when needed, usually with a window of opportunity to make those changes. ETHICAL PLAY GUIDELINES In the Greyhawk Reborn living campaign, we expect all of our players, DM's, and staff to conduct themselves with integrity and in a manner compatible with group cooperation and everyone's enjoyment of the game, including the DM. Specifically:  Be considerate of the fun of everyone at the table, and be understanding of all variety of play styles.  Remember it is a game of heroes, and requires group cooperation to be successful, both in- character and out-of-character.  Play fair and honestly, and stay away from "Shadyville" in rules interpretations.  Follow both the spirit and the letter of the rules.  You cannot intentionally damage or hinder other player characters without their permission.  Respect the authority and decisions of your DM.  Play adventures for the story and challenges, not for specific rewards.  Please stay focused on the game. We understand that smart phones and tablets are often part of a gamer’s arsenal today, but be polite to everyone around the table. Please be conscious that continuous texting and web surfing pulls your attention away from the game at hand. 3 Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook CHARACTER CREATION Before you can play, you need a player character. To create a Greyhawk Reborn character, you will need the GREYHAWK REBORN HUMAN SUB-RACES following: Baklunish: +1 Str, +1 to two other abilities; gain  D&D Next Playtest materials advantage on checks to gather rumors and ride;  A character sheet of some sort gain advantage on saving throws vs. charms;  Some type of writing and marking device proficient with katana, scimitar and short bow.  Dice  A miniature to represent your PC is suggested Flannae: +1 Con, +1 to two other abilities; gain advantage on lore-nature and handle animal The following rules are for character creation and checks; proficient with the bola, hand axe and advancement. All GHR PCs must conform to the longbow; +5 bonus to speed. following rules Oeridians: +1 Wis, +1 to two other abilities; gain All PCs start at 1st level with zero XP. advantage on checks to intimidate; gain advantage on saving throws vs. frightened; proficiency with STARTING ABILITY SCORES flail, long sword and heavy crossbow; +1 HP bonus when regaining hit points. You may use either the standard set of scores (16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8), or the 30 point buy ability score system. Suloise: +1 Int, +1 to two other abilities; gain advantage on lore-forbidden checks; gain RACES advantage on saving throws vs. necrotic damage; gain one additional language; you know the read All standard demi-human races and sub-races are magic cantrip. allowed for play. Greyhawk has traditionally had several human sub-races, such as Baklunish, Flannae, Greyhawk Reborn Half-Orc Modifications Oeridian and Suloise. Greyhawk Reborn human PCs may be either a standard human as described in the playtest The only change from the half-orc as listed in the packet, or one of the following sub-races as listed in the June 2013 playtest packet is that the starting races sidebar. A standard human is considered to be a Strength score for a half-orc only increases by one, mix of several races, with no discernible dominant race. and they get a +1 to two other ability scores. All Each of the human sub-races have distinguishing other traits stay the same. physical features, and PCs will have physical traits denoting their main heritage. Other human sub-races, as well as other races, may become available in the campaign at a later date. In addition, half-orcs also have a minor modification as indicated in the GHR Racial Modifications sidebar. BACKGROUNDS & LORES You may choose any of the sample backgrounds listed in LANGUAGES the Backgrounds and Lores section of the rules. If you choose a background, you may choose the suggested The following are languages that can be learned in the equipment for that background as a part of your GHR campaign: Ancient Baklunish, Draconic, Dwarvish, starting equipment. Other backgrounds may be Elvish, Flan, Giant, Gnomish, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, developed in the future. Keolandish, Old Oeridian, Olman, Orc, Suloise, Sylvan, and Undercommon. Other languages may become available later in the campaign. ALIGNMENT You may choose any non-evil alignment for your PC. CLASSES: You are not required to choose a deity, however any PC that casts a divine spell must have a deity and the PC’s All of the classes in the current playtest packet are alignment must be within one step of that deity's available for play in the Greyhawk Reborn campaign. alignment. You may choose the suggested background, suggested specialty, or suggested equipment listed in each classes Deities worshipped in the campaign, as well as other description, or you may make your own choices. information regarding deities, their clerics, and their worshippers, maybe found in Appendix A. Deities may be added as the campaign matures. 4 Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook HIT POINTS: by the DM, not by the player of the dominated character. At first level, a PC receives maximum hit points for its class. For each additional level, they receive half the  When the rules are updated, use the latest maximum value for its new class + 1 + CON modifier. version. D&D next is an evolving game at this For example, when a fighter gains a level, it will gain time, so be aware of changes when they occur. 6+CON modifier to its current hit point maximum. Also make sure your characters meet the current rules guidelines EQUIPMENT You may choose the suggested equipment listed in class and/or background descriptions, or you may choose ADVENTURES your own equipment. To begin play a PC starts with 175 Each time you sit down at a Greyhawk Reborn total gold pieces and subtracts the value of all adventure it will be a unique experience, one created by equipment purchased from this number. the particular combination of players around the table Only armor, weapons and adventuring gear of 75 gold as well as the individual DM. Some adventures may be a pieces or less will be available for purchase during classic dungeon crawl; others may require you to solve normal game play. Other items may be available at a mystery. Some will be combat intensive; others will other times with campaign documentation. focus upon character interactions with NPCs. Many more will be some combination of the above. HOME REGION You could be hired as guards for a caravan carrying something vitally important or you could be sent to Every player character hails from somewhere, whether investigate why an ore shipment is overdue from a it is a specific village or town or simply a country. Every silver mine. You could be sent to rescue a princess, a PC must choose a home region from the areas listed on merchant, or another adventurer. Or you could be sent a Greyhawk map. It could be a hamlet or large city, a to deal with a group of bandits, eliminating the threat country, or even a mountain range or forest. This may once and for all. have an impact upon your use of Adventuring Days or it could help or hinder you during and adventure. Most adventures will be planned to play in about a three to four hour time frame, from the time everyone sits down at the table to the time everyone leaves after the adventure is wrapped up and paperwork completed. PLAYER EXPECTATIONS This would be considered a one-round adventure and most of our adventures will fall into this category. It Each Greyhawk Reborn player will have a different play may be possible that some adventures will be longer, style, and that is a part of what make a living campaign and become two-round or three-round adventures, but interesting to play. In a shared-world campaign, we all these would be rarer. need to agree on some ground rules. The following are some general guidelines that in which our campaign It is possible that there may be encounters in staff strongly believe: adventures that you are not meant to fight. Not all encounters are meant to be solved by battle. There may  We are all here to have fun! This is the most even be some encounters that retreat is the best option fundamental rule; after all, it is called a game. for survival. Please try not to take things personally, or become antagonistic or abusive. Have a hearty As the campaign grows, it is possible other types of rules discussion, but don't let it slow the game adventures and events could be created. down. Try to find compromises so that all can enjoy themselves, including the DM. When the Adventure Tiers DM makes a final decision, respect the decision and move on. In Greyhawk Reborn, your heroes will begin their adventuring careers on the local level, helping out  Remember that it is a team game. Even the towns and villages. They are not yet well known, and gloomy outsider character should be able to are not very powerful. As they continue to adventure, function well in the team environment. D&D has they will become more well known, and more powerful. always been about shared storytelling and overcoming obstacles as a team. Role-play how The adventure tiers for Greyhawk Reborn will reflect you wish, but support your fellow heroes. that concept. Characters will at first influence Greyhawk at the local level, and as they increase in power, so will  You cannot intentionally hurt, damage or their influence. The PCs will progress through the local hamper other PCs without that player's level to where they are now dealing with nobles that permission. Obviously, sometimes PCs can be rule a city or province. From there, they will deal with forced to attack other PCs, such as when the problems of kingdoms, and eventually the PCs will dominated. In that case, those attacks are chosen 5 Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook be involved with Oerth-shattering events. Our tiering Adventure Category system is as follows: We realized our players come in all shapes, sizes, and  Local tier adventures are the lowest level in GHR, style. As such, we plan to let them know what each and will involve the PCs in events at the town adventure is about so that they may make intelligent and village level. These adventures will be of choices as to which adventures to play and with which levels 1 through 5. character.  Regional tier adventures will bring the heroes into conflicts that involved provinces and Adventures will fall under one of three categories: baronies, and possibly even kingdoms. These tactical, social, or universal. A tactical adventure will adventures will be of levels 6-10. have more of an emphasis on combat and tactical  Multi-Regional tier adventures will concern the situations. The use of combat and brute force is likely PCs in the events of kingdoms and empires. necessary to be successful in this type of adventure. It These adventures will be of levels 11-15. could include scenarios such as a classic dungeon  Global tier adventures will engage the heroes in crawls, mass combat scenarios, and the like. struggles against threats to all of the Flanaess, A social adventure will have more of an emphasis on the Oerth and planar menaces. These adventures roleplaying. It will be more focused on character will be of levels 16-20. interaction and the use of social skills to be successful. Each adventure would be written for a specific tier, for Samples would be a classic murder investigation, instance, local (1-5) or Regional (6-10). Each adventure negotiating diplomatic relations, and so forth. would have 2 sets of monsters, one for low level and A universal adventure would be one somewhere in the one for high level. As an example, a Local Tier mod middle. It may have alternate paths to success or it may would have monsters for levels 2 and 4, allowing for an have some combat and some role-playing necessary to easy adjustment to any level. This will allow us to keep be successful. Or the DM may create a more freeform the challenges faced by the PCs appropriate, and will adventure and allow the heroes to find their way make adventure creation much easier to the through it. DM/author. Adventures will be noted as follows: Local – low, Local – Adventure Setting high, Regional –low, Regional – high, etc. Certain adventures may be playable in more than one tier, Adventures will also be noted as set in urban, dungeon, though each adventure is playable only once by a player wilderness, or planar settings. As play numbers and character. interest dictates, it is possible that other types of adventures and events could be offered. Every PC playing at the table must be playing at the same tier and level. So a Local-low table would have all An urban adventure will take place in a city or large PCs at levels 1, 2 or 3. We would add the total levels of town, and the majority (or all) of the adventure will the PCs at the table, divide by the number of players at take place within that setting. the table, and that would be our level of play for the A dungeon adventure will take place in a smaller space, adventure. In the event of a fractional level, the players likely in a series of connected or interconnected rooms, at the table may choose up or down. such as a dungeon or a mine. It would likely be underground, though adventuring through a wizard’s Adventure Types tower or evil temple would also fall under this category. Adventures will be designated as either stand-alone A wilderness adventure would take place in the great adventures or story arc adventures. What type of outdoors. You could be trying to find ancient ruins or adventure it is will be noted in the adventure blurb. acting as caravan guards for a long trek. Or you could be sent on a discovery and exploration mission to a A stand-alone is a separate adventure all unto itself, to sparsely populated area. be played completely in one session. The story will have a beginning, middle, and an end. No other adventures A planar adventure would take place on other planes of will directly relate to a stand-alone adventure. existence. It would likely involved strange beings and surviving adverse condition. It could involve aspects of Story arc adventures will be a connected series of other adventures, but in a landscape foreign to your adventures that will be told over time through several characters. adventures. It may be composed of as little as two adventures, or a series of six or more, depending upon We currently have five regions in which adventures will the author/DM. It will likely be beneficial for you to play be occurring: Geoff, Gran March, the Hold of the Sea a story arc adventure with the same character for each Princes, Keoland, and the Yeomanry. All adventures at as well as to play them in the intended order. The story this time will be occurring in one of those regions. As arc, and each adventure’s place in it, will be noted in play increases, and more people wish to become each adventure’s blurb. involved in the campaign, it is likely that adventures will be created for other countries and areas. 6 Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook ADVENTURE PLAY & HOUSE Ability Checks Take 10: When your character is not beings threatened RULES or distracted, you may choose to Take 10. Instead of 0rolling an ability check, calculate your result as if you Purpose had rolled a 10. Once you decide to Take 10, you must abide by the results. You may not Take 10 on ability The purpose of house rules is to tailor a specific subset checks that carry a penalty for failure. You may not Take of rules released by Wizards of the Coast to best meet 10 on ability checks for Fields of Lore. the intended play experience for the Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign. Take 20: When you have plenty of time and you are faced with no threats or distractions, and the ability While the administration recognizes there are many check carries no penalties for failure, you may Take 20. additional rules that could benefit from tailoring for the Instead of rolling an ability check, calculate your result Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign, it is the position of as if you had rolled a 20. Taking 20 takes two (2) the campaign administration that the Campaign House minutes of game time. You may not Take 10 on ability Rules remain limited to the minimal number of required checks that carry a penalty for failure. You may not Take house rules. 10 on ability checks for Fields of Lore. Limitations have been applied on the number of published house rules to avoid establishing a Short Rest Duration cumbersome reference guide or to introduce additional campaign paperwork that players are required to stay Change the duration required for a Short Rest from “1 current with. hour” to “10 minutes.” The campaign intends to draft and release a more Concentration for spells ends upon the start of a short complete and comprehensive set of house rules upon rest. the completion of the D&D Next Playtest and Wizards of the Coast releases a formal set of rules. Masterwork Weapons When a group of characters participate in an adventure, A masterwork weapon is a superbly constructed a difficulty level must be selected for play in the module. version of a normal weapon, which provides a +1 bonus on attack rolls only. A weapon cannot be upgraded to Challenge Level masterwork quality after it is created; it must be crafted as a masterwork weapon. Creating a masterwork The Challenge Level for an adventure is established by weapon costs 100 gold pieces plus the cost of a normal determining the average character level of the weapon of the same type. A weapon must be characters at the table. (Sum each character’s level and masterwork quality before it can become a magic divide by the total number of characters participating in weapon, but the +1 bonus to attack rolls does not stack the adventure.) with the magic bonus. Masterwork weapons are only available for purchase with Adventure Record Playing Outside of Character Level documentation. A character may play in an adventure with a Challenge Combat Level set to up to two (2) levels higher or lower than the character’s level without penalty. CRITICAL HITS A character may play in an adventure with a difficulty level set to up to four (4) levels higher or lower than the Replace the current Critical Hit rules with the following: character’s level, however the character will only gain When a character rolls a “natural 20” on an attack roll, half experience points and gold for the adventure. In the weapon damage is maximized, and the character addition, the character will not receive access to any adds one additional die of the weapon damage type. found magical items during the adventure. Note: Only weapon damage is maximized on a critical A character may not play in an adventure with a hit, unless a specific class feature (i.e., the Rogue style difficulty level set to five (5) or more levels higher or feature Assassinate) allows. lower than the character’s level. Example: An Orc with a Greataxe attacks a PC. Normal Bloodied damage for this Orc is 1d12+2 (avg 8). The Orc rolls a “natural 20” on its attack roll which becomes a critical You have a bloodied value equal to half your hit point strike. The damage becomes maximum damage (14) maximum. When your hit points are equal to or less plus an additional die of the weapon damage type than your bloodied value, you are bloodied. We find this (+1d12). a good house rule to represent damage levels in the game without using hit point numbers. 7

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