Living and Ageing Well Week 2 - 6 October 2017 Improving the health and well being of our older residents Find out more at: ageingwell Welcome to our fifth year, and I am delighted that our ageing well services are making a real difference to our older residents. This year we are focusing on keeping people healthy and active, so this is a good time to start or come and have a go at something new. You will meet people and make new connections with the many activities and groups available across the week. The 55+ clubs at all our leisure centres and the local YMCA offer a friendly encouraging environment for you to start being active or for those returning to activity try walking football or basketball where you can go at your own pace and make some new friends along the way. In some of our allotments we now have raised beds, especially for those who don’t have a garden or Councillor Ros Mill for those that can no longer manage a full plot - Executive Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Wellbeing enquire at Banstead Age Concern have established a ‘new’ Community Allotment for the elderly at Green Acres Care Home in The Horseshoe and a Men’s Club see pages 5 and 6. Staywell now manage our three community centres, at Woodhatch, Banstead and Horley. This year, customers will see improvements to the centres and new activities introduced. If you are looking for a particular service or you need specialist staff, please have a look at Pathway for Care, a new company supported by the Council, offering care and support with personal assistance or technology to help you remain independent, see page 15. Become a Dementia Friend, the council are working hard to encourage all staff, local businesses and residents to become e m Dementia Friends. For more information and to find a local course please contact us on 01737 276430. o c For those that can’t make the week, please take l e advantage of the free guest pass on the back page. W Check the schedules at the Community and Leisure Centres to find out what’s on. See page 3 for Helen Dredge contact details. Heath & Wellbeing Manager 1 Local Dementia Action Alliances - to make the local community more dementia friendly by improving support networks, raising awareness about dementia. To find out more, please use the contacts below: Apurva Sharma 07859 895996 Redhill and Reigate Sue Martin Banstead Tracey Burrows 07974 325279 Merstham Mandy Jenkins 07522 922124 "Taking part in social activities is important for good health, including spending time with friends and peers, maintaining employment or volunteering, as well as undertaking education, arts, hobbies, physical activity and other activities. Being involved has benefits for mental and emotional health and health behaviours. It helps provide a sense of purpose and security, as well as hope for the future. Living and Ageing Well Week gives residents a chance to try new activities. It shows the wide range of ways people can get involved in their community, and in turn improve their health and well-being." Helen Atkinson, Strategic Director, Adult Social Care & Public Health Your community centres - join the conversation We want to make sure our three community centres at Banstead, Woodhatch and Horley, provide what you, the community, want to see in your neighbourhood. Please use this special week to try something new, take a look round our centres, and feed back to us on your l experience. We want to develop services and activities that people a want both now and for the future, so this is a great opportunity to help r e shape the services of tomorrow. n Contact us: e Staywell, Raleigh House, 14 Nelson Road, G New Malden, KT3 5EA Registered Charity No. 299988 2 Your local leisure centres and community centres Community centres The Woodhatch Centre Whitebeam Drive, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7LS 01737 221030 The Banstead Centre The Horseshoe, Bolters Lane, Banstead, Surrey SM7 2BQ 01737 361712 The Regent House Community Centre Albert Road, Horley, Surrey RH6 7JA 01293 774770 Leisure centres Donyngs Leisure Centre Linkfield Lane, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1DP 01737 764732 Tadworth Leisure & Community Centre Merland Rise, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5JG 01737 361933 l a Horley Leisure Centre r e Anderson Way, Horley, Surrey RH6 8SP n 01293 784075 e G YMCA East Surrey : please find activities listed in this booklet Princes Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6JJ 01737 779979 3 What’s on during Living & Ageing Well Week? 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session Mon 1 - 2pm : 60+ pilates 2 Oct 1 - 4pm : multi sport drop-in Free access & e 6.30 - 7.30pm : walking football to existing e tr 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session and bespoke rn Tue ue 1 - 3pm : table tennis activities at sC 3 Oct eiy 10 - 10.45am : water workout (all) our leisure h Lnit Wed 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session centres for ortmu 4 Oct the over 60’s wm 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session during Living do Thu 1 - 1.45pm : water workout class open session & Ageing Well TaC 5 Oct 1 - 3pm : table tennis week Fri 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session 6 Oct 1 - 4pm : badminton drop-in 9am - 4pm : swimming & gym open session Free trials Mon 1.30 - 3.30pm : badminton, short tennis & 2 Oct table tennis open session of new e r 1.30 - 2.15pm : 60+ body conditioning activities t n e Tue 9am - 4pm : swimming & gym open session C e 3 Oct 10.30am - 12 noon : walking basketball r u 9am - 4pm : swimming & gym open session s ei Wed 1.30 - 3.30pm : badminton, short tennis & L 4 Oct table tennis open session s 1.30 - 2.30pm : 60+ total body conditioning Free of g n charge y Thu 9am - 4pm : swimming & gym open session n o 5 Oct 1.30 - 2.30pm : 60+ pilates D 9am - 4pm : swimming & gym open session Fri 12.30 - 2pm : lunch buffet 6 Oct Members from all centres also invited 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session To book call Mon 9.15 - 10am : aqua aerobics the relevant 2 Oct 10.30 - 11am : walking basketball Centre on the 12.30 - 2.30pm : pickle-ball and short tennis re opposite page .. nt 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session . e Tue 9.15 - 10am : group cycle n C e 3 Oct 10 - 11am : 60+ circuits o r 12 - 1pm : walking football u s s ei Wed 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session t’ L 1.30 - 2.30pm : 60+ pilates y 4 Oct 2.35 - 3.20pm : 60+ gym circuits a e h orl Thu 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session W H 5 Oct 9.30 - 11am : table tennis & badminton drop-in 9am - 5pm : swimming & gym open session Fri 2 - 2.45pm : 60+ aerobics taster session 6 Oct 3 - 3.30pm : aqua taster session 4 Age Concern Banstead Banstead Centre Banstead Banstead The Horseshoe Banstead Ageing Well Day Surrey Ageing Well Day Mon—Fri 10am—3pm SM7 2BQ 01737 352 156 To celebrate your older years! We are a local charity whose aim is to support older people in their own To celebrate your older years! Friday 6 October at St. Mark’s Church, homes. Great Tattenhams, KT17 5RD from 12.30F -r 3id.3a0pym 6th October at St. Mark’s Church, In addition to our services which include: Free information and Signposting Free admissiGonreat Tattenhams, KT17 5RD Domiciliary Visiting Service Free lunch, coffee andF craokme 12.30 — 3.30pm Transport for medical appointments (provided by Rosebery Manor, Sunrise of Banstead Free admission and Age Concern Banstead) Lunch and Social Clubs Befriending elderly, lonely people Programme oFf reeveent slunch, coffee and cake Hearing aid clinic 12.30 - 1.30pm Lunch (provided by Rosebery Manor, Sunrise of Banstead, We have three new projects this year: 1.30 - 2pm “Making the most of your later years” A talk by Age Concern Bansteaadnd Age Concern Banstead) Men’s Club . 2 - 2.45pm “Fraud awareness” . . Programme of Events First Friday of each month 12.30—2.30pm at Bansntead Day Centre A talk by Surrey Police o Bereavement Café 2.45 - 3.30pm Sing f1or2 j.o3y0 w—ith1 .V3iv0ie n TurnLeurnch s ’ t Many local service and activity providers will be present. a Second Thursday of each month 11.00—12.30pm at Banstead Day 1.30—2.00 “Making the most of your later years”. A talk by Age h So please come along to find out what services and Centre W activities are available to you in youCr oolndecre yrena rBs.anstead Community Allotment for the Elderly If you need help with transport, contact us on 01737 352156. 2.00—2.45 “Fraud Awareness”. A talk by Surrey Police 5 Tuesdays 10.30—12.30 and Thursdays 2.30—4.30pm throughout the 2.45—3.30 Sing for Joy with Vivien Turner Summer at Greenacres Care Home, The Horseshoe, Banstead. Community Allotment Summer Open Afternoon Many local service and activity providers will be present. So please Thursday 7th September 2—4 pm. Produce and plants for sale, come along to find out what services and activities are available to you in your older years. Tea and cake. If you need help with transport contact us on 01737 352 156 Please pop in and visit us. We are a local charity whose aim is to support older people in their own homes. In addition to our services which include: • free information and • lunch and social clubs signposting • befriending elderly, lonely • domiciliary visiting service people • transport for medical • hearing aid clinic appointments We have three new projects this year: Men’s Club First Friday of each month 12.30 - 2.30pm The Banstead Centre Bereavement Café Second Thursday of each month 11am - 12.30pm The Banstead Centre Community Allotment for the Elderly Tuesdays 10.30am - 12.30pm and Thursdays 2.30 - 4.30pm Throughout the summer Greenacres Care Home, The Horseshoe, Banstead Community Allotment Summer Open Afternoon Thursday 7 September from 2 - 4pm . . . Produce and plants for sale Tea and cake n Please pop in and visit us o s ’ t a h Age Concern Banstead W Banstead Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey SM7 2BQ 01737 352156 Open Monday to Friday 10am - 3pm 6 Keep active in body and mind! Living life to the full is important, whatever age you are. As we get older, there are often more opportunities to do the things we love, including discovering new hobbies and interests, seeing our friends and relatives, and taking care of ourselves. All these things boost our mental and physical health and can lead to a healthier and happier life. Living and Ageing Well Week is a great opportunity to try out a new activity, go somewhere different, or revisit an old pastime. Staywell events and activities Staywell’s three community Simply call our bookings line centres in Banstead, Woodhatch 01737 221030 or email bookings_ and Horley are offering a fantastic woodhatch@staywellservices. range of activities and events to reserve your place. throughout the week, open to all Enjoy a FREE cup of tea, coffee or over 60s living in Reigate and juice, with our compliments. Banstead borough. ‘Extend’ chair-based exercises for beginners : Class one 9.30 - 10.30am Class two 10.45 - 11.45am Please wear comfortable clothing and footwear. Book in advance - £2, payable on the day. Yoga Remedease 10am Information about local support services 10am - 1pm Chat to local charities and organisations about how they can help, pick up information or find out about volunteering. FREE - just drop in. e, Community Indoor Golf 11am - 12 noon Why not come to this fun ntrLS session and check out your putting skills? No experience necessary. e7 Book in advance - £2, payable on the day. ctober unity Ce, RH2 Bacutsivyit iHesa ncdans hCarvaeft sth 9e.r3a0paemut i-c 1b2e nneofiotsn fKonr ibttointhg tahned m oitnhde ra cnrda ftthse body. O mv If you would like to learn or share craft skills, why not join our friendly ... ay 2 Comm Dri gthreo uype afor.r aB omookr ninin agd?v aTnhcee B- uFsRyE HEa.nds group meets weekly throughout on Mond atch ebea Lcouunrcshe sluenrcvhe.d Cfrhoomos 1e2 f.r1o5mp mou Jr omine nuus foofr h ao mdeelimciaodues saenads hoenaallt hsyo utwp oo r s odhWhit cthaes sdearyo.le and autumn fruit desserts. Book in advance - £6, payable on ’ o t W a Painting for Pleasure 1.30 - 4pm We’re a sociable self-help painting h group, meeting weekly. Pop in and see if you’d like to join us - please bring your own equipment and materials. Book in advance - FREE. W A talk on Internet Safety 2 - 3pm Technology to make life more comfortable in partnership with local firm Sweethaven Computers. Whist 1.30 - 4.30pm Enjoy a little friendly competition? Try your hand 7 at Whist and stimulate your brain cells with our sociable group. Book in advance - FREE. Introduction to Short Mat Bowls 9.30 - 10.15am Join in and learn this indoor game with our friendly leader, Irene. No experience necessary. Book in advance - FREE. Community Indoor Golf 11am - 12 noon Why not come to this fun session and check out your putting skills? No experience necessary. Book in advance - £2, payable on the day. e, r Meet Pathway for Care drop-in between 10am and 12 noon Helping tA n eJ people live as independently as possible in their own homes. Pathway C7 ctober munity ey RH6 iC‘sB oaau csnkoc ciiln.ia Tl cimaree’ cqoumizp 1a0n.y3 0o w- n1e1da mby H Raevieg afuten &a nBda pnustt eyaodu rB moreomugohry to O mrl the test with our informal memory quiz. Book in advance or just drop uesday 3 ouse CoRoad, Ho iLanti v-1 i1FnaRgm EW Ewe.iltlh l ulonccahl bwainthd Benatcekr ttoa iBnmacekn -t lsifte yrvoeudr sfproirmits 1b2y. 1s5inpgmin gS taanrdts T Ht dancing along to some great music of your choice - or just come and nt ber listen. Join us for a delicious and healthy two course lunch. Choose geAl from our menu of homemade seasonal soup or casserole and autumn Re fruit desserts. Raffle tickets on sale all day - great prizes to be won. Book in advance. Tickets cost £8 and will be on sale from 10 September. Regent Beauty Room 9am - 3pm : Toning Tables sessions £3; 9.30am - 1pm:Beauty Treatments with Hannah. Mini manicure, file and paint £5; mini pedicure, file and paint £7; eyebrow shape £5; mini facial £10. For all beauty treatments, please book in advance on 01293 774366. Information about local support services 10am - 12 noon Come e, BQ and meet Pathway for Care and Surrey Choices and find out how they ber ntr7 2 can help. FREE - just drop in. y 5 Octo Com. Cehoe, SM GjLoieivnni niengr aa Wln Kde lnel oxluewnrlcecisdheg w eyi otqhuur e ibzn rftareionrtm.a i Bn1o0mo.3ek0 niant m 1a2d F vnraioenoncndel y-o r3a pjnumds ti nJdforooinrpm uiansl -fqo Fur iRzC,Eh Ee.f hursda nstead Horses Koan ed isetham’lseo hnaesllat rdlatahtiyyo ,n- h gforromemaet m opuarirdz eeL,sin steeo a Dbsaeon nwcaeolr ntsw.. o ET nchoteeunrrt saoeiun rlmu sneucnphte .w r bRil ll aifvofflelle os wtinic gwkeeitrth s ... T ae will encourage you to sing and dance the afternoon away, to some n Bh T wonderful live music. Book in advance. Tickets cost £10 and will be on o sale from 11 September. s ’ t a Other events to be added nearer the time. h Check our website W Can’t make Living and Ageing Well Week? Call or email us to receive your voucher for a £2 taster session 8 and free drink. Use any time up to 31 March 2018. Men in Sheds, Merstham Based at the Merstham Centre in Weldon Way, the Men’s Shed offers an alternative to the traditional, female orientated activities offered at the day centre. It is a fully fitted, heated and supervised workshop equipped with all the tools and timber required to tackle a wide range of projects. The Men’s Shed represents an opportunity for men in our community to come together to develop their skills and interests. At Age Concern Merstham, Redhill and Reigate, we think this is important not only as a way of combatting the social isolation that some of our clients face following retirement, or the death of their spouse, but also for the proven health and well-being benefits that result when men come together in this way. The shed is a place for men to be together, do some woodwork, make things for the centre and the community and generally have a good time. The emphasis is on make and mend. Many projects come from reclaimed timber and we sell finished items to make money to fund new projects. The shed is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am - 4pm. Please call the number below for further information or to arrange a time to come and visit the shed. l a r e n e G 01737 645636 9