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Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions:Self Management of Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema and others ( PDF

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Living a Healthy Life Chronic with Conditions Self-Management of Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema and others Third Edition Kate Lorig, RN. DrPH, Halsted Holman, MD David Sobel, MD, Diana Laurent, MPH Virginia González, MPH, and Marian Minor, RPT, PhD Contributor: Peg Harrison, MA, MSW, LCSW Copyright©2006BullPublishingCompany BullPublishingCompany P.O.Box1377 Boulder,CO80306 Phone(800)676-2855 Fax(303)545-6354 PrintedintheUnitedStates.Allrightsreserved. FirstPrinting Supported by AHCPR Grant HSO 6680 and California State Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program Award1RT156 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Livingahealthylifewithchronicconditions:self-managementof heartdisease, arthritis,diabetes,asthma,bronchitis,emphysema&others/KateLorig...[etal.].; contributor,PegHarrison.—3rded. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN-13:978-1-933503-01-1 ISBN-10:1-933503-01-7 1.Chronicdiseases—Popularworks.2.Medicine,Popular.I.Lorig,Kate II.Title. RC108.L5652006 616’.044—dc22 Publisher:JamesBull CoverDesign:LightbourneImages InteriorDesignandComposition:ShadowCanyonGraphics Illustrations,Editing,andProofreading:PublicationServices Index:EmilyPlantSewell Chapter-openingIllustration:CatherineMulligan Note: Information about medications for chronic conditions is provided throughout this text. However, becauseresearchaboutmedicationsischangingrapidly,wesuggestthatyouconsultyourphysician,phar- macist,and/orarecentdrugreferencebookforthelatestinformation. Foradditionalcopiesof thisbookandforcopiesof theaudiorelaxationrecording TimeforHealing,pleasecalloursalesdepartmentat800-676-2855. Quantitydiscountsareavailableforordersof 10copiesormore;callfordetails. BullPublishingCompany,P.O.Box1377,Boulder,CO80306 800-676-2855•303-545-6350•303-545-6354(fax) [email protected] To David Bull, who made this book possible TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii CHAPTER 1 Overview of Self-Management 1 CHAPTER 2 Becoming an Active Self-Manager 17 CHAPTER 3 Finding Resources 31 CHAPTER 4 Understanding and Managing Common Symptoms 39 CHAPTER 5 Using Your Mind to Manage Symptoms 71 CHAPTER 6 Exercising for Fun and Fitness 93 CHAPTER 7 Exercising for Flexibility and Strength: Warm-Up/Cool-Down 109 iv CHAPTER 8 Exercising for Endurance: Aerobic Activities 131 CHAPTER 9 Exercising Tips for People with Specific Chronic Illnesses 149 CHAPTER 10 Communicating 159 CHAPTER 11 Sex and Intimacy 183 CHAPTER 12 Making Your Wishes Known: Advance Directives for Health Care 191 CHAPTER 13 Healthy Eating 201 CHAPTER 14 Managing Your Medicines 239 CHAPTER 15 Making Treatment Decisions 255 CHAPTER 16 Managing Chronic Lung Disease 259 CHAPTER 17 Managing Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure 287 v CHAPTER 18 Managing Arthritis 307 CHAPTER 19 Managing Diabetes 317 CHAPTER 20 Planning for the Future: Fears and Reality 341 CHAPTER 21 200+ Helpful Hints 357 INDEX 375 vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many people have helped us write this book. Among the most important are the first 1,000 participants of the Stanford University Chronic Disease Self- Managementstudy.Thesehavebeenfollowedbythousandsof othercoursepar- ticipants in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, Holland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Mexico,and Japan.All of these people,along with our wonderful course leaders,have told us what information they needed and helped us make adjustments as we went along. Therearealsomanyprofessionalswhohaveassistedus:SusanKayman,SuephyChen, Sandra Wilson, Margo Harris, Nancy Brannigan, Jim Phillips, Jean Thompson, Lynne Newcombe,JohnLynch,MaryHobbs,MartyKlein,NazaninDashtara,VivianVestal,María Hernández-Marin, Richard Rubio, John S. Golden, Donna Schaffer, Michelle Wong, and Laurie Doyle. To all of you, your help has been gratefully received. A special thanks to GloriaSamuel,whokeptusallontrack.WewouldalsoliketothankourT-trainers,Master Trainers,leadersandparticipants.Therearenowtensof thousandsof you.Youhavemade many suggestions that have helped us with this new edition. If you would like to learn more about us, see our website: patienteduca- tion.stanford.edu. To contact us,email [email protected]. Finally,thankstoDavidBulltowhomthisbookisdedicated.Davidwasourfirstpub- lisher and had faith in this project that allowed us to proceed. Without him, there may never have been a book.His son Jim has continued the family tradition with support and encouragement for this third edition. vii This page intentionally left blank

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