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Lives Changed Customer at the core Annual Report 2016 Annu2al 0Re1po6rt a “ We will continue to focus on our customers, our operating excellence, our technology innovations and digital transformation, and on our growth and profitability pillars, to create and deliver sustained value to Meralco customers and Meralco shareholders.” Meralco: Lives Changed - Customer at the Core b 2016 Annual Report 1 Contents 02 Who We Are 04 Financial and Operating Highlights 06 A View from the Top 12 The Philippine Economy 14 Review of Operations 22 Regulatory Developments 26 Customer Service 30 Human Resources 32 Growth Pillars 38 Corporate Social Responsibility 44 Corporate Governance Report 68 Board of Directors 72 Corporate Offcers and Advisor 76 Subsidiaries 78 Report of the Audit Committee 79 Statement of Management’s Responsibility for Consolidated Financial Statements 80 Independent Auditors’ Report 84 Consolidated Statements of Financial Position 85 Consolidated Statements of Income 86 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 87 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity 88 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 89 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 162 Glossary of Terms 166 Recognitions and Awards IBC Investor Information Meralco: Lives Changed - Customer at the Core 2 Who We Are Who We Are The largest private sector electric distribution utility company in the Philippines covering 36 cities and 75 municipalities, including Metro Manila 114 years in service in 2017 Franchise area of over 9,685 km2, that includes the core of the country’s industrial, commercial, and population centers Serves over 6 million customers Market capitalization of PhP298.7 billion (US$6.0 billion) as at year-end 2016 Committed to being the total energy solutions provider of choice Our Cover In an era of sweeping changes in business, industry, and technology, focus on the customer remains among our top priorities. That being so, we are resolute now more than ever to create and deliver sustained value to Meralco customers and shareholders, and further enrich quality of life for this generation and the next. 2016 Annual Report 3 FINANCIAL AND OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (in Milion Pesos, Except Per Share Data) Revenues Sale of electricity 282,991 294,849 261,740 249,773 249,206 Sale of other services 2,279 3,787 4,596 8,626 7,975 Total 285,270 298,636 266,336 258,399 257,181 Costs and Expenses Purchased power 232,068 238,198 203,242 192,117 189,853 Operating expenses 19,292 19,421 20,187 24,336 24,935 Depreciation and amortization 5,576 6,118 6,093 6,910 7,312 Interest and other fnancial charges (income) - net (1,041) 307 669 (322) (737) Others 7,353 10,265 9,677 10,482 9,125 Total 263,248 274,309 239,868 233,523 230,488 EBITDA 27,690 30,682 32,927 31,124 34,049 Reported net income 17,117 17,211 18,053 19,098 19,176 Core net income 16,265 17,023 18,128 18,887 19,583 Core earnings per share 14.43 15.10 16.08 16.76 17.37 Cash dividends declared per common share 8.10 10.20 12.36 15.25 25.08 Market price per share at end of year 260.60 251.00 256.00 320.00 265.00 Market capitalization 293,722 282,902 288,537 360,672 298,681 Utility plant and others - net 109,312 112,586 120,830 124,913 128,814 Interest-bearing long-term fnancial liabilities 22,826 31,777 29,642 29,265 28,872 Notes payable 1,787 1,814 400 1,043 11,475 Equity attributable to equity holders of parent 67,902 75,162 79,154 80,276 74,417 Capital expenditures 10,321 10,187 12,582 11,303 11,584 OPERATING INFORMATION Customer Acounts (in Thousands) Residential 4,735 4,901 5,097 5,296 5,537 Commercial 440 453 464 474 486 Industrial 10 10 10 10 10 Streetlights 4 4 4 4 5 Total 5,189 5,368 5,575 5,784 6,038 Energy Sales (in GWh) Residential 9,779 10,235 10,364 11,121 12,444 Commercial 12,749 13,302 13,814 14,654 15,867 Industrial 10,111 10,417 10,850 11,216 11,697 Streetlights 132 130 132 133 134 Total 32,771 34,084 35,160 37,124 40,142 System Loss (in %) Meralco 7.04 6.92 6.49 6.47 6.35 CEDC 3.75 4.33 4.37 4.01 3.59 Meralco: Lives Changed - Customer at the Core 4 PhP25.08 Cash Dividends per Share PhP34.0B 40,142GWh EBITDA Energy Sales 6.35% Meralco System Loss 6.0M PhP19.6B Customer Core Net Income Accounts PhP11.6B CAPEX PhP19.2B Reported PhP257.2B Net Income Total Revenues 2016 Annual Report 5 A vIEw FROM THE TOP MANUEL V. PANGILINAN OSCAR S. REyES Chairman of the Board President and Chief Executive Offcer Meralco: Lives Changed - Customer at the Core 6 To Our Fellow Shareholders, A CONDUCIVE ENVIRONMENT FOR Consolidated energy sales reached an GROWTH AND PERFORMANCE all-time high of 40,142 GWh in 2016, The year 2016 witnessed new milestones a growth of 8% over 2015. Total customer achieved by the Philippine economy. base expanded beyond the 6-million GDP soared to 6.9% compared mark, with 6,038,407 customer accounts with 6.1% in 2015. Infation was as at end-2016, 4% higher than in 2015. sustained at sub-2% for the second Peak demand in the Meralco franchise straight year, the lowest in more than area went up by 7% to 6,748 MW, two (2) decades. Interest rates remained registered on May 4, 2016, while peak highly supportive of capital formation, demand in the Luzon Grid hit 9,726 MW investment, and consumer spending, on May 3, 2016, up 9% over 2015. with the average benchmark PDST R2 1-year and 7-year rates lower than in Our 2016 Consolidated Core Net 2015 at 2.2% and 3.9%, respectively. Income (CCNI) reached PhP19.6 billion, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) 4% better than in 2015. Consolidated remittances reached US$27 billion, and Reported Net Income stood at PhP19.2 Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) billion, marginally higher than in 2015. revenues rose to nearly US$23 billion, Core Earnings per Share was PhP17.37, fueling record consumer spending and while Reported Earnings Per Share GDP growth. was PhP17.01. The much warmer weather, election Consolidated Core EBITDA rose expenditures, soft fuel (oil, gas and by 10% over 2015 to PhP34.0 billion, coal) prices, and relatively stable power equivalent to a Core EBITDA margin supply provided an ideal setting for of 13% on consolidated revenues, further growth in energy sales and one percentage point higher customer count, operating excellence, compared with 2015. enhanced proftability, and fnancial strength of our Company. These favorable operating and fnancial Our customers benefted as well, results enabled the Company to maintain as our average 2016 generation charge a strong balance sheet. Cash and cash was at its lowest in 12 years since 2004 equivalents amounted to PhP46.7 billion, and the average retail electricity rate excluding investments in available-for- to customers was at its lowest in 11 years. sale (AFS) and held-to-maturity (HTM) 2016 Annual Report 7 investments, as at end- 2016. Total market capitalization stood at PhP1.7 15.59% recorded in 1993. The benefts interest-bearing debt, all denominated billion. By the end of 2016, our market of achieving a system loss signifcantly in Philippine pesos, was at PhP40.3 capitalization amounted to PhP298.7 lower than the current regulatory cap of billion, including debt of PhP1.6 billion billion. From 2 million customers in 8.5% have accrued to our consumers, at the subsidiary level, at the end of 1991, the customer count has gone who have effectively realized savings 2016. This translates to a Gross Debt past 6 million. From revenues then estimated at PhP26.9 billion or 9 centavos to EBITDA of 1.18x. Total assets of PhP28 billion, and billed volume per kWh, over the period 2008-2016. stood at PhP296.0 billion as at of about 12 billion kWh, our December 31, 2016. consolidated revenues now amount These have been complemented by to PhP257.2 billion and billed volume sustained upgrading in the quality, These also enabled good returns has surpassed 40 billion kWh. competence, performance culture, to Meralco shareholders. Total cash and customer centricity of the Meralco dividends out of 2016 CCNI amounted We have been continuously investing organization and people. We have to PhP13.91 per share, or a payout of in sizable capital expenditures (CAPEX) managed to trim the number of our 80% of 2016 CCNI. Total cash dividends to meet customer and load growth, employees down to 5,569 as at end- consisted of an interim dividend of ensure the robustness, resiliency 2016 from 6,203 in 2010, while achieving PhP4.61 per share and a fnal cash and safety of the electric system signifcantly more electricity sales dividend of PhP9.30 per share that is infrastructure, as well as the automation, and serving signifcantly more made up of a regular cash dividend of innovation and technology for quality customers, indicative of continuous PhP4.08 per share and a special cash customer service. Consolidated CAPEX record productivity. dividend of PhP5.22 per share. in 2016 amounted to PhP11.6 billion, compared with PhP3.0 billion at the Of greater signifcance has been the Meralco shares (Ticker: MER) marked time of listing. outstanding improvement in the service its 25th year of listing at the Philippine to our residential, commercial, and Stock Exchange (PSE) on January 10, Operations-wise, our measures industrial customers over this period, 2017. Our shares were frst traded of performance have consistently in terms of highly reliable, available and on January 8, 1992 at the then outperformed regulatory standards affordable quality power, and faster time Manila and Makati Stock Exchanges, and previous years’ records. System to process new applications and following an initial public offering. loss has dropped to an all-time low to energize new customers. At the time of listing, our Company’s of 6.35% by end-2016 from as high as Meralco shares (“MER”) marked 25 years of listing at the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) with a brief ceremony held on January 10, 2017 at the PSE. Meralco: Lives Changed - Customer at the Core 8

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