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Litt's Drug Eruption & Reaction Manual 24E PDF

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24 th EDITION Jerome Z. Litt Neil H. Shear Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2018 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Printed on acid-free paper International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-8153-6699-7 (Pack – Paperback and eBook) International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-138-49097-0 (Hardback) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. While all reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, neither the author[s] nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publishers wish to make clear that any views or opinions expressed in this book by individual editors, authors or contributors are personal to them and do not necessarily reflect the views/opinions of the publishers. The information or guidance contained in this book is intended for use by medical, scientific or health-care professionals and is provided strictly as a sup- plement to the medical or other professional’s own judgement, their knowledge of the patient’s medical history, relevant manufacturer’s instructions and the appropriate best practice guidelines. Because of the rapid advances in medical science, any information or advice on dosages, procedures or diagnoses should be independently verified. The reader is strongly urged to consult the relevant national drug formulary and the drug companies’ and device or material manufacturers’ printed instructions, and their websites, before administering or utilizing any of the drugs, devices or materials mentioned in this book. This book does not indicate whether a particular treatment is appropriate or suitable for a particular individual. Ultimately it is the sole responsibility of the medical professional to make his or her own professional judgements, so as to advise and treat patients appropriately. The authors and publishers have also attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright mate- rial has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Dan- vers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users. For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com CONTENTS Introduction v Drug profiles: generic names A–Z 1 Descriptions of important reactions 305 Drugs that cause important reactions 311 Main classes of drugs 345 Classes of drugs that can cause important interactions 351 Class reactions 353 ACE inhibitors 353 Antiarrhythmics 355 Antibiotics, macrolide 357 Anticonvulsants 358 Antidepressants, tricyclic 361 Antihistamines (H1) 362 Antimalarials 363 Antipsychotics 365 Benzodiazepines 367 Beta blockers 368 Biologics 369 Bisphosphonates 374 Calcium channel blockers 375 Cephalosporins 377 Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDS) 378 DPP-4 inhibitors 383 Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors 384 Fluoroquinolones 387 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) 389 Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) 392 Statins 394 TNF inhibitors 395 Tyrosine-kinase inhibitors 398 Concordance of synonyms and trade names with generic names 403 iii To Vel – my Muse JZL Editors’ introductory notes Anydrughasthepotentialtocauseanadversereaction.Anadversedrugreaction(ADR)isanunwanted,unpleasant,noxious, orharmfulconsequenceassociatedwiththeuseofamedicationthathasbeenadministeredinastandarddosebytheproper route, for the purpose of prophylaxis, diagnosis, or treatment. Death is the ultimate adverse drug event. ADRsareamajorproblemindrugtherapy.Theyarethemostcommonofalliatrogenicillnessesthatcomplicateupto15% oftherapeuticdrugcourses,andarealeadingcauseofmorbidityandmortalityinhealthcare.ADRsshouldthereforebecon- sideredinthedifferentialdiagnosisofawidevarietyofmedicaldisorders.Manymorepeople–particularlytheelderly–are takingmoreandmoreprescriptionandover-the-countermedications.Inaddition,newdrugsareappearinginthemedical marketplaceonanalmostdailybasis.Itisunsurprising,then,thatmoreandmoredrugreactionsandcutaneouseruptionsare emerging. Prevention,diagnosisandtreatmentofadversedrugeventsarebecomingincreasinglycomplex,anditistobeexpectedthat physiciansinallspecialtiesareoftenperplexedbythenatureofADRs.Tothisend,Inowofferanewandimprovededition thathasevolvedfromthetreasuredDrugEruptionReferenceManualofpreviouseditions.Ihopethatyouwillfindthisnew edition informative and valuable. Enjoy! Jerome Z. Litt, M.D. “Is it safe?” Iamfrequentlyaskedthatbigquestionfromapatient:"Isitsafe?"Thistextismeanttohelpallprescribers,dispensersand patientsunderstandwhattheriskofharmmightbe;whetheritisfromadrugreactionorinteraction,Litt'sisthego-toinfor- mationsource.Howdoesthisinformationhelpanswertheunanswerable?Simplyput,safetyisaprocess,notaquestion.With therightinformationathandasafeenvironmentcanthrive;themostup-to-daterelevantdatahelppeelawaybackground noisefromaseeminglyinfinitenumberofsources.Thisneweditionaddsadditionalsupporttoariskmanagementenviron- ment,andwewillcontinuetoprovidethemostup-to-dateandrelevantinformation.Ilookforwardtofeedbackandsugges- tions. I thank Jerry Litt for this great opportunity and the awesome work of the team at T&F to keep on top of all new medications that are making the landscape even more complex. Neil H. Shear, M.D., F.R.C.P.C., F.A.C.P. Litt’s Drug Eruption & Reaction Manual – at a glance This 24th edition has been revised and updated throughout to present a quick clinical reference guide to adverse drug reactions(ADRs),sideeffects,druginteractionsandothersafetyinformationforprescriptionandover-the-countermedica- tions.Thereisalsomaterialonreactionscausedbyclassesofdrugs,enablingyoutoseeataglancewhether areactionis common to all the drugs in that particular class, or to a majority of them, or only to a significant few. The aims of this edition remain: 1. To help medical practitioners make informed and safe decisions when diagnosing and prescribing, and also when generally seeking information. 2. To help healthcare professionals remain pharmacovigilant. 3. Toprovideallphysicians,lecturers,educatorsandpharmacistswithaneasy-to-useandreliablequickreferencetool. Thefullandcomprehensivepictureforalldrugs–fromwhichourinformationderives–canbefoundatourwebsitedatabase (www.drugeruptiondata.com),whichisupdatedcontinually.Spaceinthemanualis,unfortunately,constrained,sofullprofiles forvariousgenericdrugshavebeeneliminatedfromthisprintmanualbecauseeithertheyhavebeenwithdrawnfromthe marketplaceortheyarerarely,ifever,prescribedtoday;newtothiseditionarelinkstotheirbasicprofilesinthewebsite database. Important new drugs added to this edition of the manual are noted with an asterisk. v A note on ADRs The incidence and severity of ADRs are influenced by a number of factors: 1. Patient-related factors: (cid:127) Age – geriatric, pediatric, adolescent . . . older patients are taking more medications—hence more of a possibility of developing reactions; pediatric patients have more delicate skins; hormonal changes occur in adolescents . . . All these factors play roles in the development of possible adverse reactions. (cid:127) Gender – male or female – and if the latter, then pregnant/breast-feeding/menopausal . . . (cid:127) Disease – not only the disease being treated, but also other pre-existing health conditions and comorbid diseases. For example, atopic patients are at increased risk for serious allergic reactions. Also, there would be an increased risk for hypersensitivity drug reactions if the patient has asthma or lupus erythematosus. (cid:127) Genetics – a patient could have abnormal drug metabolism by cytochrome P450 due to inheriting abnormal alleles. (cid:127) Geography – patients living in sunny climes could develop photoxicities from photosensitizing drugs more readily than those who inhabit cooler, less sunny climates. 2. Drug-related factors: (cid:127) Type/classofdrug–forexample,thereisaheightenedriskofhypersensitivitywiththeuseofbeta-blockers(seefurtherthe tables on class reactions). (cid:127) Durationoftherapy–thelongerapatientmaintainsthetherapy,thegreaterthepossibilitythathe/shecoulddevelopa reaction. (cid:127) Dosage – the greater the dosage, the more likely an adverse side effect. (cid:127) Bioavailability – the extent to and rate at which the drug enters systemic circulation, thereby accessing the site of action. (cid:127) Interactionswithotherdrugs–forexample,synergisticQTprolongationcanoccurwhentwoQTprolongingagents,such as erythromycin + ritonavir, are used together. (cid:127) Routeofadministration–intramuscular,intravenous,subcutaneous,andtopicaladministrationsaremorelikelytocause hypersensitivity reactions; oral medications are less likely to result in drug hypersensitivity. Theterms“drugallergy,”“drughypersensitivity,”and“drugreaction”areoftenusedinterchangeably.Drugallergyspecific- allyreferstoareactionmediatedbyIgE;drughypersensitivityisanimmune-mediatedresponsetoadrugagentinasensitized patient; and drug reactions comprise all adverse events related to drug administration, regardless of etiology. Vigilance at point of care: Whilethepossibilitiesforadversedrugreactionsseemendless,wemustbeonthelookoutforanynewmedication(s)the patientmightbetaking.Athorough,detailedhistoryofallmedicationsmustbemadeinordertoelicitanyremotepossibility that the drug in question might be the culprit for the side effect. People do not often realize that the common over-the- counteranalgesics– aspirin,Tylenol,Advil,Motrin, Naprosyn,andothers – are actuallymedications.Herbals andsupple- ments such as St. John’s wort, ginkgo biloba, and echinacea can be responsible for various hypersensitivity reactions. For example, St. John’s wort, in particular, interacts adversely with SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants. Contents of the book, and how to use them 1. TheA–Z Themajorportionofthemanuallistsinalphabeticalorderthe900+genericdrugs,biologics,andsupplements,and theadversereactionsthatcanarisefromtheiruse.Anasteriskagainsttheentrytitleindicatesthisdrugisnewtothis edition.IfyoudonotfindadruginthemainA–Zlistingunderthenameyouknowitby,youcanturntotheconcord- ance of synonyms and trade names to find the generic name it will be listed under. Occasionally a drug has been omitted from the listing but a cross-reference will link to the profile found in our website database (www.drugeruptiondata.com). vi Trade (Brand) name(s) are then listed alphabetically. When there are many trade names, the ten (or so) most commonly recognized ones are listed. Followingthetradenamesis–inparentheses–thelatestnameofthepharmaceuticalcompanythatmarketsthedrug. Many of the names of the companies have changed from earlier editions of this manual because of acquisitions, mergers, and other factors in the pharmaceutical industry. Next appear the Indication(s), the Class in which the drug belongs, and the Half-life of each drug, where known. Druginteractions:manysevere,hazardousdrug–druginteractionsarerecorded.Onlyclinicallysignificantdruginter- actionsthathavebeenreportedtotriggerpotentialharmandthatcouldbelifethreateninghavebeenincludedherein the profile. These interactions are predictable and well documented in controlled studies; they should be avoided. Pregnancycategory:fornewdrugsapprovedonorafter30June,2015thisfieldgives(whereavailable)abriefsum- maryofthefullstatementreflectingtheriskforpregnantwomenasgivenintheprescribingguidelines;healthcare providers are advised to check the individual label where necessary. An explanation of the categories for older drugs (A, B, C, D and X) can be found on our website www.drugeruptiondata.com. AdverseDrugReactions:undereachdrugprofileisalistofrelatedADRs.Theseadverseeventshavebeenclassified under the following categories: Skin, Hair, Nails, Mucosal, Cardiovascular, Central Nervous System, Neuromuscular/Skeletal, Gastrointestinal/Hepatic, Respiratory, Endocrine/Metabolic, Genitourinary, Renal,Hematologic,Otic,Ocular,Local,Other. Within each category, the reactions are listed alphabetically.Thus, the order of listing does not reflect severity or frequency in any way. Theterminologyusedtolistreactionpatternshasbeensimplifiedasfaraspossiblebyeliminating,forthemostpart, tags such as “like” (as in “-Psoriasis-like”), “-reactivation,” “-syndrome,” “-dissemination,” “-iform,” etc. Thenumberofreportsisgivenforeachreactioninsquarebrackets.Theincidenceofthemostimportantreactionsis given in parentheses where indicated (usually from the full prescribing information for the relevant drug). For example, the profile for Amoxicillin begins: Skin AGEP [28] Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis [15] Angioedema (<10%) [5] This means that we have 28 journal articles referring to occurrence of AGEP (acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis);15articlesmentioningtheoccurrenceofanaphylaxis;and5articlesdiscussingangioedema,asreactionsto AmoxicillinwithintheSkincategory.Allthesearticlesappearonthewebsitewww.drugeruptiondata.comtogether with links to the article abstracts on PubMed®. Additionally, the incidence of angioedema as a reaction has been reported as up to 10%. On some occasions, there are very few adverse reactions to a specific drug. These drugs are still included in the manual as there is a positive significance in negative findings. 2. Importanteruptions/reactions i) This section of the manual includes a listing of descriptions of important eruption and reaction patterns. Over 40 eruptions/reactions are described here in alphabetical order, from Acanthosis nigricans to Xerostomia. ii) Followingthissectionarelistsofalldrugsthathavebeenfoundtocausetheseimportanteruptions/reactions.This section is a quick look-up tool for drugs that cause important reaction patterns. (Descriptions of several other reactions, and lists of drugs associated with these reactions, can be found on our website –www.drugeruptiondata.com.) iii) Wethenhavealistofthemainclassesofdrugs,from5-HT1agoniststoXanthinealkaloids,asaquickreferenceguide. iv) Therefollowlistsoftheclassesofdrugsmostlikelytocauseimportantinteractionswithotherdrugs,withthedrugsin those classes. v) Wethenhaveanenlargedsectionoftablesofclassreactions,enablingyoutoseeataglancewhetherareactionis common to all the drugs in that particular class, or to a majority of them, or only to a significant few. vii 3. TheConcordance Thefinalpartofthemanualisaconcordancetomatchsynonyms(notedinitalic)andtradenameswiththegeneric drugname.Ifyouknowonlythesynonymortradename,youcanusethislisttofindthecorrespondinggenericname to look up in the main A–Z listing section of the book. viii Hypertriglyceridemia(2–6%) ABACAVIR ABATACEPT Renal Fanconisyndrome[2] Tradenames:Epzicom(ViiV),Triumeq(ViiV), Tradename:Orencia(Bristol-MyersSquibb) Trizivir(ViiV),Ziagen(ViiV) Hematologic Indications:Rheumatoidarthritis,juvenile Indications:HIVinfectionsincombinationwith Agranulocytosis[3] idiopathicarthritisinpediatricpatients6yearsof otherantiretrovirals Neutropenia(2–5%) ageandolder Class:Nucleosideanalogreversetranscriptase Other Class:Disease-modifyingantirheumaticdrug inhibitor Adverseeffects[4] (DMARD),T-cellco-stimulationmodulator Half-life:1.5hours Infection(5%) Half-life:1223days Clinicallyimportant,potentiallyhazardous Clinicallyimportant,potentiallyhazardous interactionswith:alcohol,arbutamine, interactionswith:adalimumab,anakinra, argatroban,arsenic,darunavir,ganciclovir, ABALOPARATIDE * certolizumab,denosumab,echinacea,etanercept, lopinavir,methadone,phenobarbital,phenytoin, golimumab,infliximab,lenalidomide,livevaccines, proteaseinhibitors,ribavirin,rifampin,tipranavir, natalizumab,pimecrolimus,sipuleucel-T, Tradename:Tymlos(RadiusHealth) valganciclovir tacrolimus,TNFantagonists,trastuzumab Indications:Osteoporosisinpostmenopausal Pregnancycategory:C Pregnancycategory:C women Importantcontra-indicationsnotedinthe Importantcontra-indicationsnotedinthe Class:Parathyroidhormoneanalog prescribingguidelinesfor:nursingmothers prescribingguidelinesfor:nursingmothers; Half-life:<2hours Note:Epzicomisabacavirandlamivudine; pediatricpatients Clinicallyimportant,potentiallyhazardous Triumeqisabacavir,dolutegravirandlamivudine; interactionswith:noneknown Trizivirisabacavir,lamivudineandzidovudine. Skin Pregnancycategory:N/A(Notindicatedfor Warning:HYPERSENSITIVITYREACTIONS, Basalcellcarcinoma[3] useinfemalesofreproductivepotential) LACTICACIDOSISandSEVERE Eczema[2] Importantcontra-indicationsnotedinthe HEPATOMEGALY,andEXACERBATIONSOF Herpessimplex(<5%)[3] prescribingguidelinesfor:pediatricpatients HEPATITISB Herpeszoster[3] Warning:RISKOFOSTEOSARCOMA Hypersensitivity[2] Skin Malignancies[10] Cardiovascular Anaphylactoidreactions/Anaphylaxis(3%) Psoriasis[13] Orthostatichypotension(<4%) [3] Rash(4%)[6] Palpitation(5%) Exanthems[2] Sjo¨gren’ssyndrome[4] Tachycardia(2%) Hypersensitivity(8–9%)[69] Squamouscellcarcinoma[5] Lipoatrophy[2] Central NervousSystem Vasculitis[2] Rash(5–7%)[17] Headache(8%) Mucosal Stevens-Johnsonsyndrome[2] Vertigo(dizziness)(2–10%) Stomatitis[3] Toxicepidermalnecrolysis[2] Neuromuscular/Skeletal Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Asthenia(fatigue)(3%) Hypertension(7%)[4] Myocardialinfarction[9] Gastrointestinal/Hepatic Hypotension[2] CentralNervous System Abdominalpain(3%) CentralNervousSystem Abnormaldreams(10%)[2] Nausea(8%) Fever(5%)[2] Anxiety(5%) Endocrine/Metabolic Headache(5–18%)[6] Chills(6%) Hypercalcemia(3%)[2] Vertigo(dizziness)(9%)[3] Depression(6%) Hyperuricemia(25%) Neuromuscular/Skeletal Fever(6%)[2] Headache(7–13%)[4] Genitourinary Asthenia(fatigue)[2] Insomnia[2] Hypercalciuria(11%) Backpain(7%)[2] Migraine(7%) Urolithiasis(2%) Paininextremities(3%) Neuropsychiatricdisturbances[3] Local Gastrointestinal/Hepatic Sleeprelateddisorder(10%) Injection-siteedema(10%) Abdominalpain(5%) Vertigo(dizziness)(6%)[3] Injection-siteerythema(58%) Diarrhea(5%)[3] Neuromuscular/Skeletal Injection-sitepain(9%) Dyspepsia(6%) Asthenia(fatigue)(7–12%)[2] Gastroenteritis[5] Boneorjointpain(5–6%) Nausea(5%)[2] Myalgia/Myopathy(5–6%)[2] ABARELIX Vomiting[2] Gastrointestinal/Hepatic Respiratory Abdominalpain(6%) See:www.drugeruptiondata.com/drug/id/1011 Bronchitis(<13%)[4] Diarrhea(7%)[2] Cough(5–8%) Gastritis(6%) Influenza(5–13%)[2] Hepatotoxicity[4] Nasopharyngitis(12%)[6] Nausea(7–19%)[5] Pharyngitis[3] Vomiting(2–10%) Pneumonia(<5%)[7] Pulmonarytoxicity[2] Respiratory Rhinitis(<5%)[2] Bronchitis(4%) Sinusitis(5–13%)[3] Cough[2] Tuberculosis[2] Pneumonia(4%) Upperrespiratorytractinfection(>10%) Endocrine/Metabolic [9] ALTincreased(6%) Genitourinary ASTincreased(6%) Urinarytractinfection(5–13%)[10] Hyperamylasemia(2–4%) Litt’s Drug Eruption & Reaction ManualB 2018 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 1

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