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The Lit Interior This Page Intentionally Left Blank The Lit Interior William J. Fielder PE, m. IESNA With contributions by Frederick H. Jones PhD OXFORD AUCKLAND BOSTON JOHANNESBURG MELBOURNE NEW DELHI Architectural Press An imprint of Butterworth-Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 225 Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801-2041 A division of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd A member of the Reed Elsevier plc group First published 2001 © William J. Fielder and Frederick H. Jones 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1P 0LP. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publishers British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Fielder, William J. The lit interior 1. Interior lighting 2. Lighting, architectural and decorative I. Title II. Jones, Frederick H. (Frederick Hicks), 1944– 747.9'2 Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Fielder, William J. The lit interior/William J. Fielder; with contributions by Frederick H. Jones. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-7506-4890-2 1. Interior lighting. 2. Electric lighting. 3. Lighting, architectural and decorative. I. Jones, Frederick H. (Frederick Hicks), 1944– TH7703.F54 2001 621.32'2–dc21 2001053540 ISBN 0 7506 4890 2 Composition by Scribe Design, Gillingham, Kent, UK Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall Contents Preface ix Chapter 1. The design medium 1 The process of vision 1 Light mechanics 4 Transmission 5 Refraction 6 Reflection 6 Absorption 7 Physical factors 8 Size 8 Contrast 8 Luminance 8 Time 8 Light quantity 9 Light quality 11 Glare 11 Brightness ratio 12 Diffusion 12 Color rendition 12 The psychology of lighting 13 Summary 16 Exercises 17 Chapter 2. The design tools 19 Lamps – the light source 19 Lamp theory 19 Incandescence 20 Photoluminance 20 Color temperature 22 Color rendering index 23 vi Contents Lamp – major types 24 Incandescent lamps 24 Standard incandescent lamps 24 Tungsten halogen lamps 26 Infrared reflecting lamps 27 Incandescent lamp benefits 27 Incandescent lamp drawbacks 27 Incandescent lamp uses 28 Fluorescent lamps 28 Rapid start fluorescent lamps 29 Instant start fluorescent lamps 29 High output and very high output fluorescent lamps 30 Compact fluorescent lamps 30 Other fluorescent lamps 30 Fluorescent lamp advantages 31 Fluorescent lamp drawbacks 31 Fluorescent lamp uses 31 High intensity discharge (HID) lamps 32 Mercury vapor lamps 34 Metal halide lamps 35 High pressure sodium lamps 37 Low pressure sodium lamps 39 Ballasts 40 Fluorescent ballasts 40 Magnetic fluorescent ballasts 40 Hybrid fluorescent ballasts 40 Electronic fluorescent ballasts 40 High intensity discharge (HID) ballasts 41 Reactor ballast 41 High reactance autotransformer ballast 42 Constant wattage 42 Constant wattage autotransformer ballast 42 Luminaires 43 Reflectors 43 Shielding and diffusion devices 44 Baffles 45 Diffusers 45 Luminaire housings 46 Luminaire classification 46 Direct illumination 46 Semi-direct illumination 48 Semi-indirect and indirect illumination 48 Luminaire photometric data 49 Lighting calculations 49 Contents vii Zonal cavity calculations 50 Computerized calculations 55 Controls 58 Standards, codes, and design guidelines 58 NFPA-70, The National Electric Code 59 NFPA-101, The Life Safety Code 59 ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 59 EPACT 92 62 IES recommended illumination levels 63 Exercises 65 Chapter 3. The design process 67 Ambient lighting 68 Luminaire selection 68 Energy code compliance 80 Task lighting 82 Luminaire selection 83 Accent lighting 87 Lighting for life safety 90 Exercises 93 Chapter 4. Powering and controlling the system 94 Power 94 System voltage 94 Wire sizing 95 Panelboards 95 Load calculations 98 Wiring and raceways 98 Lighting controls 100 Switches 100 Dimmers 102 Contactors 103 Photocells 104 Timers 104 Occupancy sensors 105 Light-sensitive controls 106 Example 106 Exercises 110 Chapter 5. The contract documents 111 The project plans 113 Project specifications 116 Section 16510 – Interior lighting 118 Part 1. General 118 viii Contents Part 2. Products 120 Part 3. Execution 124 Exercises 125 Chapter 6. The second time around – retrofitting 127 The problem 127 The solution 128 Improving luminaire optics 128 Upgrading the ballast 129 Upgrading the lamps 129 Glossary 134 Index 145 Preface This book is intended as a design guide for those individuals in the fields of electrical engineering, architecture, and interior design who will one day design lighting systems for others to build. The book is organized so that an individual with little or no training in lighting design will become familiar with the basic principles and psychology behind good lighting before design proce- dures are addressed. Discussions on the process of vision and the properties of light set the stage for exploring the various tools at the designer’s disposal for creating and manipulating light to provide a desired effect in an architectural space. The reader is then led through the conceptual design process, which entails the use of manufacturer’s offerings, codes and guide- lines for space lighting, as well as calculation methods to predict the performance of a design. The conceptual design is rounded out by exploring methods for powering and controlling a lighting system. A realistic design problem is begun early in the journey, and is completed, bit-by-bit, as each new concept is explored and applied to the design. Documentation of the design is the final stage of the process, which culminates in a finished set of plans and detailed specifications for the project. A final segment of the book, called ‘The Second Time Around’, is devoted to retrofitting existing ineffi- cient lighting systems with new, energy-efficient components to improve light quality and reduce the energy consumption of older systems. Extensive use of the Internet is used throughout the design process. Instructions for downloading and using manufacturer’s data, calculation engines, and other tools are included in the text and put to use in the exercises. In the interest of continuity, Inter- net information for this book is almost exclusively that of Litho- nia Lighting Co., a lighting equipment manufacturer. Other

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