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Listbuilding Masterclasses Report: Module 1: Traffic PDF

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Listbuilding Masterclasses Report: Module 1: Traffic DISCLAIMER AND TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT The author and publisher of this Ebook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this Ebook. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this Ebook. The information contained in this Ebook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this Ebook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. EVERYEFFORTHASBEENMADETOACCURATELYREPRESENTTHISPRODUCT ANDIT'SPOTENTIAL.EVENTHOUGHTHISINDUSTRYISONEOFTHEFEW WHEREONECANWRITETHEIROWNCHECKINTERMSOFEARNINGS,THEREIS NOGUARANTEETHATYOUWILLEARNANYMONEYUSINGTHETECHNIQUES ANDIDEASINTHESEMATERIALS.EXAMPLESINTHESEMATERIALSARENOT TOBEINTERPRETEDASAPROMISEORGUARANTEEOFEARNINGS.EARNING POTENTIALISENTIRELYDEPENDENTONTHEPERSONUSINGOURPRODUCT, IDEASANDTECHNIQUES.WEDONOTPURPORTTHISASA“GETRICHSCHEME.” ANYCLAIMSMADEOFACTUALEARNINGSOREXAMPLESOFACTUALRESULTS CANBEVERIFIEDUPONREQUEST.YOURLEVELOFSUCCESSINATTAININGTHE RESULTSCLAIMEDINOURMATERIALSDEPENDSONTHETIMEYOUDEVOTETO THEPROGRAM,IDEASANDTECHNIQUESMENTIONED,YOURFINANCES, KNOWLEDGEANDVARIOUSSKILLS.SINCETHESEFACTORSDIFFER ACCORDINGTOINDIVIDUALS,WECANNOTGUARANTEEYOURSUCCESSOR INCOMELEVEL.NORAREWERESPONSIBLEFORANYOFYOURACTIONS. MATERIALSINOURPRODUCTANDOURWEBSITEMAYCONTAININFORMATION THATINCLUDESORISBASEDUPONFORWARD-LOOKINGSTATEMENTSWITHIN THEMEANINGOFTHESECURITIESLITIGATIONREFORMACTOF1995. FORWARD-LOOKINGSTATEMENTSGIVEOUREXPECTATIONSORFORECASTS OFFUTUREEVENTS.YOUCANIDENTIFYTHESESTATEMENTSBYTHEFACT THATTHEYDONOTRELATESTRICTLYTOHISTORICALORCURRENTFACTS. THEYUSEWORDSSUCHAS“ANTICIPATE,”“ESTIMATE,”“EXPECT,”“PROJECT,” “INTEND,”“PLAN,”“BELIEVE,”ANDOTHERWORDSANDTERMSOFSIMILAR MEANINGINCONNECTIONWITHADESCRIPTIONOFPOTENTIALEARNINGSOR FINANCIALPERFORMANCE. ANYANDALLFORWARDLOOKINGSTATEMENTSHEREORONANYOFOUR SALESMATERIALAREINTENDEDTOEXPRESSOUROPINIONOFEARNINGS POTENTIAL.MANYFACTORSWILLBEIMPORTANTINDETERMININGYOUR ACTUALRESULTSANDNOGUARANTEESAREMADETHATYOUWILLACHIEVE RESULTSSIMILARTOOURSORANYBODYELSES,INFACTNOGUARANTEES AREMADETHATYOUWILLACHIEVEANYRESULTSFROMOURIDEASAND TECHNIQUESINOURMATERIAL. The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this Ebook. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. This Ebook is © copyrighted by Alex Fields and Red Point Profits No part of this may be copied, or changed in any format, sold, or used in any way other than what is outlined within this Ebook under any circumstances. Dear reader, Like 98% of all internet marketers out there I had the same problem like most of you when starting out with online marketing. It was so bad that I spend almost four years online and did not make more the $500 online. This is not a story. This is the truth. The worst thing was that I spend more than $5000 dollars in products and fancy software. Sadly I never made any money using them. Did all of the products I bought didn't work? No I did not focus enough to stay with one method earning money online. The big change came for me in late 2010. After leaving Internet Marketing for six months I decided to zoom out and see the big picture. In that period I decided to do some research on the Internet Marketing guru`s. I wanted to know who were the mentors who taught our guru`s about Info- marketing. For the first time in my life, I heard names like Dan Sullivan. He charges $100K a year for his disciples. Let's not forget about Rich Shefren. individuals like Eban Pagan and Frank Kern all study the genuine masters of marketing. Whilst I studied the giants, I saw all the time what I was doing wrong. Instead of designing strategies and systems, I was using get rich quick schemes. Marketers call it the one-button solution to your dilemma. All the years I had been fooled by the product creators on topics like. How to get 10000 Visitors in one hour and how to earn one million dollars in 10 minutes. What if I tell you that the most well-known online entrepreneurs only use one tactic to launch their products. They sell other affiliate's products, and make money at the same time doing nothing. In this document I will teach you the only system that is needed to really enjoy a life without a 9 to five boss. You already heard off this method a thousands time. However, nobody really explains it in details. Why is this? We are all marketers (product creators). And the way we benefit is to sell you methods not strategy, that is the problem of this sleazy marketing way of getting peoples hard earned cash. Think a second about a course you invested in a large sum of money. Only to discover that the creator of that product explains the whole system but not the strategy on how to do it. I purchased products about article marketing. Where “everything” is described. However the fact is the strategy is not explained. For example: The creator tells write five articles a day, post it on article directories and wait for traffic to come in. Nevertheless, he does not explain how to do proper back-linking and where to send the traffic. To a Squeeze page, a direct offer, etc. The list can go on and on. In this report, I will expose the method and names of some big marketers and the strategy they use to earn a lot of money. You cannot get wealthy overnight. The truth is that people like Frank Kern are on-line since 1998, and they worked crazy hours the initial years off their on-line lives. Internet marketing is a business similar to every other business. The elements are identical. Every business needs a client/prospect/patient, And it is correct that to be good at your business you have to build some skills that you need to succeed in your business. These are skills that you will not learn at any educational institution, so you have to invest your own time and money and learn them yourself. Before I end this introduction, please imprint the following sentence in your head. In every business, the most important aspect is to create long lasting relationships with your customers and joint-venture partners, industry-related people. Head on to the next page and let me start opening your eyes! Alex Fields, RedPointProfits.com The Secret To Making Money Online So what is this so called secret I am talking about. I am sure that you have heard this a gazillion time but no-one ever explained to you how the system really works. Let me start with an example. A product creator decides to create a high-quality product that he will sell at $2000. Note that the product creator needs about six months full time 15-hour work days to create his product. Ok? However, then where the hell he is going to get his traffic that is needed to sell his creation. He is not going to use twitter because twitter leads suck. He needs people he needs the list. And that is the secret. You have heard it thousands times before: “The money is in the list” this is very true. individuals with mailing lists swap lists with each other, and so they are able to do seven figure launches. If you don`t see the whole picture yet that is not a problem I will explain it in details in the upcoming chapters. Back to the example: The product creator buys solo`s spots or offers an affiliate program for his product. That way affiliates will sell his products because he does not have a list and in turn affiliates will make promote the product for you. Where is our place in all of this? You have three choices in this game that is called internet marketing. The first choice is that you become a product creator. The second choice is that you start to create your own list. And the third is that you do both. In this report, I will suggest that you start by building your list. I am so confident that I can make the promise that if you have 10K people on your mailing list, I know for sure you can quit your job, or I will give you double the money of what this report is worth. Note: This is just a part of the system that will truly open your eyes, the whole system consists of 12-week coaching program. Ok so you know now that list building is the way to generate money online. However, the thing about list building is that is not as easy like writing five articles a day and post them on a website. Their are strategies to follow automated systems that you have to create. If all is set up it will become the easiest method for making money and really valuable relationships with other people that will help you earn more and more money online. The 4 Pillars Of List building To successfully start building your list and earning money from it. You need to build four pillars. In the picture below you see what is requiredrequired for building and making money using your list. Take a look at the diagram beneath. Figure 1 Take a peek at figure 1. You will see that list building uses four pillars to be successful. The First pillar is the traffic layer and the most difficult layer for a lot of marketers. In this report, I will tell more about the traffic layer. Some things will seem really basic. However, before you judge to soon consider if you are doing it now, and if you are doing it the right way. Let's start with the traffic layer. There are various traffic methods needed to build your list. Some are far better methods than other. I will describe every traffic approach and will show you an illustration about the quality of traffic. If you think high quality list building is for you then send me an e-mail at [email protected] for my 12 week coaching program Social Media Social media otherwise called the Web 2.0 revolution is great for building a big list of people whom you can advertise your product to. Social media has a lot of advantages but also a lot of disadvantages. The problem with social media is that the qualities of the leads are not so high in quality when compared to, for example: a pay per click lead. Another disadvantage off social media is that it takes time to build a good and big network of relations, plus there are several different social media platforms and which you have to operate. Some of the most popular platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Linked In. Some benefits of social media are that it is free and very easy to set up. If you start thinking in systems and strategies, you could hire somebody for social media relationship building only. This will take out all the hours you have to do it so you can invest your time on what you do best. List building. Blogs Blogging is very common for a couple of years now. Blogging is a great way to get quality traffic to your list. Let me explain it in details. You write an article which contains a lot of value. Always make sure that you write content with a lot of value. People trade value for money in the end of the sales funnel. If you supply them with high-quality content, they will buy faster from you because they think when they buy from you, they will get even more high- quality content. If you created an article, and you get featured on a blog. This then happens. People who visit blogs are regular readers, just like the newspaper. You or your guardians read the same newspaper for virtually your entire lifetime You build a relationship with your daily paper. The same is true for blog subscribers, When they read an article of yours on a trusted high-quality blog, they will visit your site faster. Why is that? Because they see you faster as an authority in your niche. Some disadvantages of blogging are: you have to find high-quality blogs and ask the owners of the blog if they want to publish your article. Especially if you are new to the game, it can be quite difficult to succeed at this. The second disadvantage is that you have to write high-quality articles which you can publish exclusively on one blog only. Keep in mind in order to get thousands of people on your list, I use all the strategies to attract prospects from free to paid services. Later I will teach in details the quality of prospects with a illustration. Article Marketing Article marketing is the oldest method used online to get prospects to your page. There is several discussions going on, experts are saying that article marketing is dying. In my opinion, I think it is true that article marketing has lost some of its powers to web 2.0 services, but it is also a fact that article marketing is a must to build some trustworthiness and make yourself look like an expert in your field. That said let's look at some of the disadvantages that article marketing has. First, it takes a lot of time to produce and post articles. This can be outsourced but it costs money, and you don’t know if the quality of the article is as good as you expected it. Tracking traffic is very difficult to. I mean that it is strenuous to see what type of article is converting into prospects, etc. Article marketing is outdated when it comes to supplying you with the right metrics you need for your business. The quality of leads you get from article marketing is not the best out there. Article marketing leads can be compared to social media leads. I will not go into depth about article marketing because most of you know what this is and how it works.

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