LIST OF ENTRIES For facility of Encyclopaedia use, since headings of entries there are generally in Arabic, Per- sian or Turkish, this list provides English references to either the main article in the Encyclopaedia or to the Index of Subjects proper, which groups all articles concerned with the subject under one heading. The main Encyclopaedia article is given here in bold type, the Subject Index heading is in capitals preceded by an arrow (e.g. Clove Karanful; but Spices -> CUISINE.FOOD). The Index of Subjects follows the List of Entries on p. 19. Countries and names of dynasties or caliphates, which are included in extenso in the Index of Subjects, are not given in the following list. A Abbreviations [in Suppl.] Abbreviations Amulet Tamima Ablution -> ABLUTION Analogy Kiyas Abridgement Mukhtasar Anatomy -> ANATOMY Abstinence Istibra3 Anecdote Nadira Academy Madjmac cllmi Anemone Shakikat al-Nucman Accident cArad Angel -> ANGELOLOGY Accounting -> FINANCE Animal -^ ANIMALS Acquisition Kasb Ant Naml Acrobat Djanbaz Antelope -^ ANIMALS Act cAmal; Ficl Anthology Mukhtarat Addax Mahat Anthropomorphism ->• ANTHROPOMOR- Administration -> ADMINISTRATION PHISM Admiral Kapudan Pasha Antinomianism Ibaha (II) Adoption -> ADOPTION Antithesis Tibak Adultery ->> ADULTERY Aphrodisiacs [in Suppl.] Mukawwiyat Advance guard Talica Apostasy -> APOSTASY Adverb Zarf Appeal Isti'naf Aesthetics cllm al-Djamal Apple Tuffah Agency Wakala Apricot Mishmish Agriculture -> AGRICULTURE Aqueduct -+ ARCHITECTURE.MONUMENTS Aims (of the law) [in Suppl.] Makasid al- Arabian peninsula ->• ARABIAN PENIN- Sharica SULA Album Murakka' Arabic -^ ALPHABET; LANGUAGES.AFRO- Alchemy -> ALCHEMY ASIATIC; LINGUISTICS Alfa-grass Haifa' Arabicisation Tacrlb Algebra ->> MATHEMATICS Arabism -> PANARABISM Almanac Takwim Arachnoids -> ANIMALS Alms -> ALMS Arbitration Tahkim Aloe Sabr Arbitrator Hakam Alphabet -> ALPHABET Archaeology -^ ARCHAEOLOGY Amazement Tacadjdjub Architecture -> ARCHITECTURE Amber Kahruba Archives -^ ADMINISTRATION Ambergris cAnbar Arithmetic -^ MATHEMATICS Americas -> NEW WORLD Armour [in Suppl.] Silah Amplification (of poetry) Takhmis Army -> MILITARY 2 LIST OF ENTRIES Arsenal Dar al-Sinaca Association Andjuman; Djamciyya Art -> ART Associationism Shirk Artemisia Shih Astrolabe Asturlab Article Makala Astrology -» ASTROLOGY Articulation [in SuppL] Lafz.l Astronomical handbook Zidj Artisans -> PROFESSIONS.CRAFTSMEN AND Astronomy -> ASTRONOMY TRADESMEN Atheism Kafir Ascendent al-Talic Atomism Djuz5 Ascension to Heaven, Prophet's Mi'radj Attributes Sifa Ascensions al-Matalic Autobiography -> LITERATURE.AUTO- Asceticism -> ASCETICISM BIOGRAPHICAL Assignation Hawala Avarice Bukhl B Babism ->> SECTS Biography -> LITERATURE.BIOGRAPHICAL Bacchism -> WINE.BACCHIC POETRY Bird -^ ANIMALS Backgammon Nard Birth control -> LIFE STAGES. Bahais -> BAHAIS CHILDBIRTH.PREGNANCY Balance al-Mizan Bitumen Mumiya' Balance of powers Tawazun al-Sulutat Blacksmith Kayn Bamboo sugar Tabashir Blasphemy [in SuppL] Shatm Band -> MILITARY.BAND Blessing Baraka Banking -> FINANCE Blockprinting -> WRITING.MANUSCRIPTS Barber [in SuppL] Hallak AND BOOKS Bargaining Sawm Blood [in SuppL] Dam Barley Shacir Blood-letter [in SuppL] Fassad Barracks Tabaka Blood-vengeance Kisas; Tha'r Barter Mucawada Boar, wild Khinzir Basques -> BASQUES Boat Safma Bat Watwat Body Djism Bath -> ARCHITECTURE.MONUMENTS Book Kitab Battalion Tabur Bookbinding -> WRITING.MANUSCRIPTS Battle ->" MlLITARY.BATTLES AND BOOKS Beard, the Prophet's Lihya-yi Sherif Bookseller Warrak Beauty cllm al-Djamal Booktitle cUnwan.2(=3) Bedding Mafrushat; Mifrash Boon-companion Nadim Bedouin -> BEDOUINS Booty -> MILITARY Bee Nahl Botany -> BOTANY Beggar Sasan Boundaries Takhtit al-Hudud Belles-lettres -> LITERATURE Bow Kaws Belomancy Istiksam Bowing -> PRAYER Ben-nut Ban Brand Tamgha; Wasm Bequest Wasiyya Bread Khubz Berbers -> BERBERS Breadwinner [in SuppL] Mucinsiz Betrothal Khitba Bribery ->• PAYMENTS Bible -^ BIBLE Brick Labin Bibliography -^ LITERATURE.BIBLI- Bridal gift see Dower OGRAPHICAL Bridge -> ARCHITECTURE.MONUMENTS Bier Djanaza Brigand Sucluk LIST OF ENTRIES 3 Broadcasting Id ha'a Building Bina' Broker Dallal Butcher [in Suppl.] Djazzar Buddhism -> BUDDHISM Butter al-Samn Buffalo [in Suppl.] Djamus Byzantines -» BYZANTINE EMPIRE Calendar -> TIME Chintz Kalamkar! Caliph Khalifa Chirognomy al-Kaff Caliphate -> CALIPHATE Christianity ->• CHRISTIANITY Call to prayer Adhan Christians Nasara Calligraphy -> ART; WRITING.SCRIPTS Chronogram Ta'rikh.III Camel -* ANIMALS Church Kanisa Camel-driver [in Suppl.] Djammal Cinema Cinema Camomile [in Suppl.] Babunadj Cinnamon [in Suppl.] Dar Sini Camphor Kafur Circumcision ->• CIRCUMCISION Canal Kanat Cistern Hawd Candle Sham'a Citizen Muwatin Candle-maker Shammac Citrus fruits Narandj Canines -> ANIMALS City (planning) [in Suppl.] Madina Cannon Top Civilisation Medeniyyet Cap [in Suppl.] Kalansuwa Clan Al Capitulations Imtiyazat Clay Tin Caravan -> TRANSPORT Cleanliness Tahara Carmathians -> SHIITES.BRANCHES Clime Iklim Carpet -> ART.TAPESTRY; PRAYER Cloak Khirka Cart cAdjala; Araba Cloak, the Prophet's Khirka-yi Sherif Cartography -> CARTOGRAPHY Clock Saca Cattle Bakar Clothing -^ CLOTHING Cause Ilia Clove Karanful Cedar-oil Katran Cock Dik Cemetery Makbara Codes -> CRYPTOGRAPHY Ceramics -> ART.POTTERY Codification (of the law) Tashric Cession Hawala Coffee Kahwa Chair Kursi Coinage -> NUMISMATICS Chamber, underground Sardab Coitus Bah Chamberlain Hadjib Coitus interruptus cAzl Chameleon Hirba5 Colour -> COLOUR Chancellery -> DOCUMENTS Column cAmud Charity -^ ALMS Comedians -> HUMOUR Charms -> CHARMS Commanding right see Forbidding wron£ Cheetah Fahd Commentary Sharh Cheiropters Watwat Commentary (Qur'anic) ->• QUR'AN Chemistry -^ ALCHEMY Commerce ->• FINANCE Chess Shatrandj Communications -+ COMMUNICATIONS Chest -> ANATOMY Communism -> COMMUNISM Child -> LIFE STAGES Community, Muslim Umma Childbirth -^ LIFE STAGES Companions (of the Prophet) -> Childhood -> LIFE STAGES MUHAMMAD, THE PROPHET 4 LIST OF ENTRIES Compass Maghnatis.2; al-Tasa Court (of law) Mahkama Concealment (of belief) Takiyya Court ceremony -> COURT CEREMONY Concubinage -> WOMEN Court hierarchy [in SuppL] Martaba Conference Mu'tamar Courtier Nadim Confessionalism Ta'ifiyya Couscous Kuskusu Confinement (of Ottoman princes) [in Cowrie Wadac SuppL] Kafes Craftsmanship -> PROFESSIONS Congress Mu'tamar Creation -> CREATION Conjunction Kiran Creditor Gharim Constellation -> ASTRONOMY Creed cAkida Constitution Dustur Crescent Hilal Consul Consul Criticism, literary ->• LITERATURE Consultation Shura Crocodile Timsah Contraception Tanzim al-Nasl Cross al-Salib Contract ->> LAW.LAW OF OBLIGATIONS Crow Ghurab Cook Tabbakh Crown Tadj Cooking -> CUISINE Crucifixion Salb Cooperatives Ta'awun Crusades -> CRUSADE(R)S Copper Nuhas; and see Malachite Crustaceans -> ANIMALS Copts -> CHRISTIANITY.DENOMINATIONS Cryptography -> CRYPTOGRAPHY Copyist Warrak Crystal see Rock-crystal Coral Mardjan Cubit Dhirac Cornelian cAkik Cuckoo Wakwak.4 Corpse Djanaza Cuisine -> CUISINE Corpse-washer [in SuppL] Ghassal Cumin Kammun Corsair -> PIRACY Cupper [in SuppL] Fassad Corundum Yakut Currants Zabib Cosmetics -> COSMETICS Custody Hadana Cosmography -> COSMOGRAPHY Custom -> CUSTOM Cotton Kutn Customary law ->• LAW Country Watan Cymbal Sandj D Dactylonomy Hisab al-cAkd Deer Ayyil Dam -> ARCHITECTURE.MONUMENTS Definition TaVif Dance Raks Delegations Wufud Dandy Zarif Delusion Wahm Date Nakhl Demography [in SuppL] Demography Day Yawm Demon Djinn Death -> DEATH Dentistry -> MEDICINE Debt [in SuppL] Dayn Deposit Wadica Debtor Gharim Deposition [in SuppL] Khalc Deception (in law) Taghrir Deputisation Wakala Declension Trab Dervish -> MYSTICISM Declination al-Mayl Description Wasf Decoration -^ ARCHITECTURE; ART. Desert -> DESERTS DECORATIVE; MILITARY Devil Iblis; Shaytan Decree, divine al-Kada5 wa '1-Kadar Devotions Wird Decree of ruler Tawkic Dialect -+ LANGUAGES.AFRO-ASIATIC. ARABIC LIST OF ENTRIES 5 Diamond Almas Drama -> LITERATURE Dictionary -> DICTIONARY Drawing ->• ART Dill Shibithth Dreams -> DREAMS Diplomacy -> DIPLOMACY Dress -» CLOTHING Disease -> ILLNESS Dressmaker Khayyat Disputation -> THEOLOGY Drinks -> CUISINE Dissolution Faskh Dromedary -> ANIMALS.CAMELS Ditch Khandak Druggist al-c Attar Divination -> DIVINATION Drugs -> DRUGS Divorce -> DIVORCE Drum Darabukka; Tabl Documents ->> DOCUMENTS Drummer Tabbal Dog Kalb Druze -> DRUZES Donative coins Yadgar Dualism -> RELIGION Donkey Himar Dulcimer Santur Double entendre Tawriya Duress [in Suppl.] Ikrah Doubt Shakk Dwelling Bayt; Dar Dove Hamam Dye -> DYEING Dower -> MARRIAGE Dyer -» DYEING Dragoman Tardjuman Dynasty -> DYNASTIES Dragon al-Tinnin E Eagle cUkab Epistolography -> LITERATURE. Earthquakes -> EARTHQUAKES EPISTOLARY Ebony Abanus Epithet -> ONOMASTICS Eclipse Kusuf Equation (astronomical) al-Tacdil; Tacdil Ecliptic Mintakat al-Burudj al-Zaman Economics -> ECONOMICS Equator Istiwa3 Edict Farman Equines -> ANIMALS Education -> EDUCATION Eroticism -+ LOVE.EROTIC Elative Tafdil Error Khata3 Elegy Marthiya Error, writing see Mistakes Elephant Fil Eschatology -> ESCHATOLOGY Elixir al-Iksir Esoteric sense al-Zahir wa '1-Batin Eloquence Balagha; Bayan; Fasaha Espionage see Spy Emancipation -> EMANCIPATION Estate Dayca Embalming Hinata Eternity -> ETERNITY Emblem of sultan Tughra Ethics -> ETHICS Emerald Zumurrud Ethnicity -> ETHNICITY Emigration -> EMIGRATION Ethnography -> TRIBES Emphatic phonemes Tafkhim Etiquette ^ ETIQUETTE Encyclopaedia Mawsuca Etymology Ishtikak Endive [in Suppl.] Hindiba' Eulogy Madih Endowment, charitable Wakf Eunuch -> EUNUCH Enjambment Tadmin Europeanisation Tafarnudj Ephemeris Takwim Evidence Bayyina Epic Hamasa Ewer [in Suppl.] Ibrik Epidemic Waba> Exception Istithna3 Epigraphy -> EPIGRAPHY Executor Wasiyya 6 LIST OF ENTRIES Exegesis Tafsir Expedition -» MILITARY Existence Wudjud Expiation Kaffara Exoteric sense Zahir; al-Zahir wa '1- Extremism Tatar ruf Batin Eye -> ANATOMY; EVIL EYE F Faculty, university Kulliyya Fly Dhubab Faience Kashi Folklore ->• FOLKLORE Faith -> FAITH Food -> CUISINE Faith, profession of see Profession of faith Fools, wise [in Suppl.] cUkala? al- Falconry -> FALCONRY Madjanin Family cA5ila Footprint, the Prophet's Kadam Sharif Family planning Tanzim al-Nasl Forbidding wrong [in Suppl.] al-Nahy can Fan Mirwaha al-Munkar Farming -+ AGRICULTURE Forest Ghaba Fasting -> FASTING Foreword Mukaddima Fate -» PREDESTINATION Forgery (of coins) Tazyif Fauna -> ANIMALS Forgery (of writings) Tazwir Felines -> ANIMALS Form, legal Wasf.2 Felt Lubud Form, linguistic [in Suppl.] Lafz.l Female circumcision Khafd Formulas -> ISLAM Fennec-fox Fanak Fornication Zina Fennel [in Suppl.] Basbas Fortress -> ARCHITECTURE.MONU- Festival -> FESTIVAL MENTS.STRONGHOLDS Fief Iktac Foundling Lakit Fifth, one- [in Suppl.] Khums Fountain Shadirwan Fig Tin Fowl Dadjadja Film Cinema Fox Thaclab; and see Fennec-fox Finance -> FINANCE Fraction Kasr Fine Djurm Frankincense Luban Fire Nar Fraud Taghrir Firefighter Tulumbadji Free will ->> PREDESTINATION Fiscal system -> TAXATION Freedom Hurriyya; [in Suppl.] Azadi Fish -> ANIMALS Freemasonry [in Suppl.] Faramush- Fishing Samak.3 khana; Farmasuniyya Five Khamsa Fruit -> CUISINE.FOOD Flag cAlam; Sandjak Fundamentalism -^ REFORM. Flamingo Nuham POLITICO-RELIGIOUS.MILITANT Flax Kattan Funeral Djanaza Fleet, naval Ustul Fur Farw Flora -> FLORA Furnishings -> FURNISHINGS Flower poetry Zahriyyat Furniture [in Suppl.] Athath Flowers -> FLORA Fiirstenspiegel Nasihat al-Muluk Flute [in Suppl.] Nay LIST OF ENTRIES 7 G Gain Kasb Goats [in SuppL] Ghanam Gambling -> GAMBLING God Allah; Ilah Games -> RECREATION Gods, pre-Islamic -> PRE-!SLAM Garden -> ARCHITECTURE.MONUMENTS Gold Dhahab Gate -> ARCHITECTURE.MONUMENTS Goldsmith Sa'igh Gazehound Saluki Gospels Indjil Gazelle Ghazal Government Hukuma Gemstones -> JEWELRY Grains -> CUISINE.FOOD Gender studies -> WOMEN Grammar Nahw Genealogy -> GENEALOGY Gratitude Shukr Generation, spontaneous Tawallud Greeks Yunan Generosity [in SuppL] Karam Greyhound see Gazehound Geography -> GEOGRAPHY Grocer Bakkal Geometry -> MATHEMATICS Guardianship Hadana Gesture Ishara Guild ~> GUILDS Gift -> GIFTS Gum resins Samgh Giraffe Zarafa Gunpowder Barud Girdle Shadd Gymnasium Zurkhana Glass -> ART Gynaecology -* LIFE STAGES Gloss Hashiya Gypsies -> GYPSIES H Hadith -> LITERATURE.TRADITION- Hempseed Shahdanadj LITERATURE Henbane Bandj Hagiography -> HAGIOGRAPHY Henna Hinna3 Hair -> ANATOMY Heraldry -> HERALDRY Hair, the Prophet's Lihya-yi Sherif Herbs ^ CUISINE.FOOD Hairdresser [in SuppL] Hallak Hereafter -> ESCHATOLOGY Hamito-Semitic Ham Heresy -> HERESY Hand, right Yamin Hippopotamus [in SuppL] Faras al-Ma5 Handbook Tadhkira Hire, contract of -> LAW.LAW OF Handbook, astronomical Zidj OBLIGATIONS Handicrafts -> ART Historiography -> LITERATURE. Handkerchief Mandil HISTORICAL Harbour Mina3 Holiness Kadasa Harbourmaster Shah Bandar (and [in Holy places -> SACRED PLACES SuppL] Shahbandar) Holy War Djihad Hare [in SuppL] Arnab Homeland Watan Headware -> CLOTHING Homicide Katl Health ~> MEDICINE Homonym Addad Heart Kalb Homosexuality Liwat Heaven Sama3 Honour clrd Hedgehog Kunfudh Hoopoe Hudhud Hell -> HELL Horn Buk Hemerology Ikhtiyarat Horse Faras Hemp Hashish Horseback rider Faris 8 LIST OF ENTRIES Horseback riding Furusiyya Hydrology -+ HYDROLOGY Horticulture -» ARCHITECTURE. Hydromancy Istinzal MONUMENTS.GARDENS; FLORA Hyena [in Suppl.] Dabuc Hostelry -> HOSTELRY Hymn Nashid Houris Hur Hyperbole Mubalagha House see Dwelling Hypnotism Simiya'. 1 Humour -> HUMOUR Hypocrisy Riya5 Hunting ->> HUNTING I Ice-seller Thalladj Insignia -> MILITARY.DECORATIONS; Iconography -> ART MONARCHY.ROYAL INSIGNIA Idol -> IDOLATRY.IDOLS Inspection (of troops) IstiVad Idolatry -> IDOLATRY Instrument Ala Illness -> ILLNESS Instrument, musical -> Music Illumination -> ART Insulting the Prophet [in Suppl.] Shatm Image Sura Insulting verse Hidja5 Imagination [in Suppl.] Wahm.2 Intellect cAkl Impurity Djanaba; Hadath Intercession Shafa'a Incubation Istikhara Intercourse, sexual Bah Independence Istiklal Intercourse, unlawful sexual Zina Indigo Nil Interdiction Hadjr Individual Shakhs Interest, bank Riba Industry -> INDUSTRY Interpolation (astronomical) al-Tacdil Infanticide Wa'd al-Banat bayn al-Satrayn Infantryman Yaya Interpreter Tardjuman Infidel Kafir Interrogation Istifham Inflection Imala Interruption Katc Inheritance -> INHERITANCE Introduction Ibtida5; Mukaddima Inimitability (of Qur'an) I'djaz Inventions -+ INVENTIONS Injustice Zulm Invocation Duca5 Ink Midad Ipseity Huwiyya Ink-holder [in Suppl.] Dawat Iris Susan Inner dimension al-Zahir wa '1-Batin Iron al-Hadid Innovation Bidca Irrigation -> IRRIGATION Inscriptions -> EPIGRAPHY Islam ->• ISLAM Insects -> ANIMALS Ivory cAdj Jackal Ibn Awa Jews Band Isra'il; Yahud Jade Yashm Journalism -> PRESS Janissaries Yeiii Ceri Judaism -+ JUDAISM Japan(ese) al-Yabani Judge Kadi Jasmine Yasamin Jujube cUnnab Javelin Djerid Juncture Wasl Jerboa Yarbuc Jurisconsult -> LAW.JURIST Jewelry -> JEWELRY Jurisprudence ->• LAW LIST OF ENTRIES 9 Jurist LAW Justice cAdl K King Malik; Shah Knowledge cllm; MaVifa Kingdom Mamlaka Kohl al-Kuhl Kinship Karaba Koran ->• QUR'AN Kitchen Matbakh Kurdish -+ KURDS L Labour see Trade union Lexicography -> LEXICOGRAPHY Labourers -+ PROFESSIONS.CRAFTSMEN Library -> EDUCATION.LIBRARIES AND TRADESMEN Lice Kami Lakes -> GEOGRAPHY.PHYSICAL Licorice Sus GEOGRAPHY.WATERS Life -> LIFE STAGES Lamentation ->> LAMENTATION Light Nur Lamp Siradj Lighthouse -^ ARCHITECTURE.MONU- Land -> LAND MENTS Landowner Zamindar Lily Susan Language -> LANGUAGES Linen Kattan; Khaysh Largesse coins Yadgar Linguistics -> LINGUISTICS Law -> LAW Lion al-Asad Leader Za'im Literature ->• LITERATURE Leasing Kira' Lithography Matbac a Leather Djild Liver Kabid Legacy Wasiyya Lizard Dabb Legatee Wasi Locust Djarad Legend -> LEGENDS Lodge Zawiya Lemon Narandj Logic -> PHILOSOPHY Lemon balm Turundjan Longevity Mucammar Leprosy [in Suppl.] Djudham Louse see Lice Lesbianism Sihak Love -> LOVE Letter(s) Harf; Huruf al-Hidja5; and for Lute Saz; cUd letters of the alphabet -> ALPHABET Lyre Kithara M Mace Durbash Mandrake Siradj al-Kutrub; Yabruh Madman Madjnun Manichaeism -> RELIGION.DUALISM Magic -> MAGIC Manifestation Tadjalli Magnet Maghnatis.l Manners -> CUISINE; ETIQUETTE; VIRTUES Maintenance [in Suppl.] Nafaka AND VICES Make-up ~> COSMETICS Manumission -> SLAVERY Malachite al-Dahnadj Manuscript Nuskha Malaria Malarya Map Kharita Man Insan Marble [in Suppl.] Rukham Man-of-war Ustul Marches al-Thughur; Udj 10 LIST OF ENTRIES Market Suk Millet [in Suppl.] Djawars Market inspector Hisba Minaret Manara Marquetry Zalidj Mineralogy -> MINERALOGY Marriage -> MARRIAGE Miniatures -> ART.PAINTING Martyr Shahid Mint [in Suppl.] Fudhandj Martyrdom -> MARTYRDOM Mint (money) Dar al-Darb Marxism Mark(i)siyya Miracle ->- MIRACLES Masonry Bina° Mirage Sarab Mathematics -> MATHEMATICS Mirror Mir'at Matter Hayula; Tina "Mirror for princes" see Ftirstenspiegel Mausoleum -> ARCHITECTURE. Misfortune Shakawa MONUMENTS.TOMBS Misrepresentation (in law) Tadlis. 1 Maxims, legal [in Suppl.] Kawacid Mistakes, writing Tashif Fikhiyya Modernism -> REFORM Mayor Ra'is "Moderns", the [in Suppl.] Muhdathun Measurements -> WEIGHTS AND Modes, musical Makam; [in Suppl.] Lahn MEASUREMENTS Molluscs -> ANIMALS Mechanics -> MECHANICS Monarchy -> MONARCHY Mediation Shafa'a Monastery -> CHRISTIANITY; MYSTICISM Medicine -> MEDICINE Monasticism Rahbaniyya Melilot [in Suppl.] Iklil al-Malik Money -> NUMISMATICS Melissa Turundjan Money-changer [in Suppl.] Sarraf Melody [in Suppl.] Lahn Money-changing [in Suppl.] Sarf Memorandum Tadhkira Mongols -> MONGOLIA Menstruation Hayd Mongoose Nims Merchants -> PROFESSIONS.CRAFTSMEN Monk Rahib AND TRADESMEN Monkey Kird Mercury ZPbak Monogram, imperial Tughra Messenger Rasul Monotheism Tawhid Messiah al-Masih Months -> TIME Metallurgy -> METALLURGY Moon Hilal; al-Kamar Metal ware -* ART Morphology Sarf; Tasrif Metamorphosis -* ANIMALS.TRANS- Mosaics -^ ART FORMATION INTO Mosque -> ARCHITECTURE.MONUMENTS Metaphor Isti'ara Mountain -> MOUNTAINS Metaphysics -+ METAPHYSICS Mountain goat Ayyil Metempsychosis Tanasukh Mulberry Tut Meteorology -> METEOROLOGY Mule Baghl Metonymy Kinaya Municipality Baladiyya Metre Wazn.2 Murder Katl Metrics -> METRICS Music -^ Music Migration -> EMIGRATION Musk Misk Militancy -> REFORM.POLITICO- Mussel Sadaf RELIGIOUS.MILITANT Myrobalanus [in Suppl.] Haliladj Military -> MILITARY Myrtle [in Suppl.] As Military rule [in Suppl.] Nizam 'Askari Mystic -> MYSTICISM Milky Way al-Madjarra Mysticism -> MYSTICISM Mill Tahun Myths -^ LEGENDS Miller Tahhan