List Building Secrets Revealed By Alex Jeffreys 1 I want to tell you about how to quickly build a profitable mailing list of very highly responsive subscribers, who literally put money in the bank day in, day out on complete autopilot. In fact, I say this that you could smash up my computers, you could crash my websites, you could burn down my office, you could literally delete all of my product lines, just leave me with my mailing list and I will make significant amounts of money every single day. 2 What I want to talk about is something very powerful. I’m going to talk you through the process of how I’ve built and run my business and that should excite. But you’ve heard of this before right? I’m sure you’ve heard of Push Button Riches in the past, push a button to make money. It floats around on the internet a lot Push button to make money, well normally, and I want to make a differentiation here of normally. You would see websites selling you some sort of software, just claiming Push Button Riches where you install the software and it makes you money, without doing anything. I’m sure you’ve seen these kinds of adverts first before where people say, “The last 10 weeks, using our software has made our customers millions of dollars in home profits. Push Button Software on complete autopilot.” Well, you’ve mostly seen ads like this, “$1,232,383 in just three months from a standing part on Push Button autopilot with a 100% free traffic.” Well, I have to tell you, it sounds exciting, but when I see any websites that claim this Push Button Money like that, my scam alert rate that comes up and so should with yours. 3 Here’s a saying I heard recently that I really liked from a friend of mine, “Push Button doesn’t exist without a list.” He’s right. You see, with a profitable mailing list, you can make thousands of dollars anytime you like simply by pushing the button. I didn’t say push a button to make money, I said this, “With a profitable mailing list, you can make thousands of dollars anytime you like simply by pushing the button.” 4 The Problem? Now, the problem for the most people is, not that they don’t know where to get started when it comes to building a profitable mailing list. It’s actually, they don’t know what a list building machine looks like. A list building machine that actually generates cash like we’re talking about, which is even worse because they don’t know the outcome they’re looking for. They’re always looking for different things, but they don’t know the outcome. Meaning they certainly don’t know how to make cash on demand. 5 The Trend Want I’ll be sharing with you is a huge list building secret to most people out there. People look for the wrong things and I want to share that with you. Survey results show a direct trend and I want to share this trend with you before we get started to really drill in how powerful a mailing list is to making money on the internet. Because if you look from a recent survey, I asked, “Do you already make money online?” You can notice the blue section is people saying no. Now, if we look at the next survey, how many subscribers do you have on your profitable mailing list? You could see almost exactly the same amount of area covered by orange, which is zero. Blue means no, they do not already make money, zero is orange. 6 So, I could take this a lot deeper, but as a layer, I want you to understand that there’s a direct correlation there that people who do not have a profitable mailing list are not making money on the internet. Now, I’m going to show you some stuff and by the end of this, you’re going to know what a list building machine looks like. You’re going to learn some amazing stuff. I’m going to teach you about my list building machines. This survey really shows you what’s going on. No money, no list, no list, no money. 7 The Good News The good news for you is I’m going to share a story with you how I discovered the secrets to making money on demand. I’m going to share the secrets of how I learnt to build mailing lists. I’m going to share the secrets of how to build list building machines and I’m going to share with you how simple it is to get up and running right away. It’s actually not as difficult as you may be thinking right now. I’m going to share with you after years of failing on the internet myself. I actually discovered a formula for making cash on demand, literally making thousands of dollars per week whilst living anywhere in the world. This doesn’t take long to implement. In fact, you’re about to discover how I went from failing for years and making zero amounts of dollars to making almost $30,000 the first month of trying this and thousands of dollars every single week ever since. 8 The Lifestyle The money that you can make with a mailing list can actually give you a great lifestyle and what I love about the lifestyle is you could actually work from anywhere you like. I went to Florida for three months last year. I stayed in this house and if we count the balconies, there’s like 16 balconies on this house. In fact, it was crazily way too big for me, my wife and my two children, but I liked the house. It’s a beautiful house. I’ve shown you this to really let you understand about the power of the mailing list, because I’ll quickly tell you a story about arriving at this house and what I did whilst I was there. -- So, we got off the plane, we arrived at this house, we had champagne reception waiting for us. My two children were jetlagged so they went to sleep and my wife and I started drinking the champagne and really enjoying it. The next day, I woke up and was inspired to jump on the computer. 9 So, you can actually see my son there sitting in his perch, this was our balcony that we picked. Next to him is where I sat with the pillow for my legs. I put my legs up, laptop on my lap and send emails out -- this is where I would be making money. My wife actually liked being indoors more, she liked being inside with the air- conditioning so would send her emails from there. But, the fact is -- the reason we picked Florida and the reason we spend so much time a year in Florida is I love the views. For me it’s very inspirational -- Right now here in the U.K. the weather is terrible. Here’s my son Cameron and you will see the car behind him. Do you know what car that is? It’s an Audi R8 Spyder. I’m showing you this picture because that car actually costs a thousand dollars per day. I love that car, but my son loved it even more than me especially taking the roof off like transformers and going to pick up the Starbucks in the morning. But here is the thing, that money came from the list. Does that make sense? We could just send an email and make that much money and more every single day. 10