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LISA data analysis: Source identification and subtraction Neil J. Cornish Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 Shane L. Larson Space Radiation Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 TheLaser Interferometer SpaceAntenna(LISA)will operateas an AM/FMreceiverfor gravita- tional waves. For binary systems, thesource location, orientation and orbital phase are encoded in the amplitude and frequency modulation. The same modulations spread a monochromatic signal overa range of frequencies, making it difficult to identify individual sources. We present a method for detecting and subtracting individual binary signals from a data stream with many overlapping signals. 3 0 0 I. INTRODUCTION detectandstudy gravitationalwavesfromother sources, 2 such as the extreme mass ratio inspiral of compact ob- jects into supermassive black holes [6, 7]. n Estimates of the low frequency gravitational wave a background below 3 mHz [1, 2] have suggested that As will be seen, the problem of subtracting a binary J ∼ outofthedatastreamisintimatelytiedtotheproblemof the profusion of binary stars in the galaxy will be a sig- 8 sourceidentification,whichiscomplicatedbythemotion nificantsourceofnoiseforspacebasedgravitationalwave 2 of the LISA detector. Several authors [8, 9] have previ- observatorieslike LISA [3]. Most of these binary sources are expected to be monochromatic, evolving very little ouslyexaminedtheangularresolutionoftheobservatory 2 as a function of the time dependent orientation. The bi- v over the lifetime of the LISA mission; they will thus be nary subtractionproblemhas receivedsome attention in 8 ever present in the data stream, and data analysis tech- the past[10], but the work was not published. 4 niques will need to be developed to deal with them. 5 This paper examines the problem of binary subtrac- Below 3 mHz, it is expected that there will be more 1 ∼ tion using a variant of the CLEAN algorithm [11] from than one binary contributing to the gravitational wave 0 electromagnetic astronomy as a model for the subtrac- background in a given frequency resolution bin. Predic- 3 tionprocedure. TheCLEANalgorithmmaybeconcisely 0 tions suggest that the population of binaries will be so described in a few steps: / largeastoproduceaconfusionlimitedbackgroundwhich h will effectively limit the performance of the instrument. p Identify the brightest source in the data. - In this regime, it is likely that time delay interferome- • o trytechniquescanbeemployedtocharacterizethe back- Using a model of the instrument’s response func- r • t ground [4]. At higher frequencies, open bins appear and tion, subtract a small portion of signal out of the s individual galactic binaries (in principle) become resolv- data, centered on the bright source. a : able as single monochromatic lines in the Fourier record v (a “binary forest”). Complications arise, however, from Remember how much was subtracted and where. i • X theorbitalmotionoftheLISAdetector,whichwillmod- Iterate the first three steps until some prescribed r ulate the signal froman individual source,spreading the • level in the data is reached. a signal over many frequency bins. A quick method for demodulating the effect of the orbital motion on contin- From the stored record of subtractions, rebuild in- uousgravitationalwavesourceshasrecentlybeendemon- • dividual sources[20]. strated [5]. Unlike sources for ground based observatories, the TheimplementationoftheCLEANalgorithminthispa- gravitational waves from low frequency galactic bina- per is built around a search through a multidimensional ries are expected to be well understood. In principle, template space which covers a binary source’s frequency it should be possible to use knowledge about the ex- andamplitude,skyposition,inclination,polarizationand pected gravitational wave signals to “subtract” individ- orbital phase. ual sources out of the LISA data stream, both at high The format of this paper will be as follows: Section frequencieswhereindividualsourcesareresolvableandat II describes the modulation of gravitational wave sig- lower frequencies where single bright sources will stand nals by the motion of the LISA detector with respect outabovethermsleveloftheconfusionbackground. The to the sky. Sections III and IV outline the description ability to performbinary subtractionin LISA data anal- of the binaries used in this work, and the effect of the ysis is particularly important in the regime of the LISA detector motion on their signals. Section V describes floor (from 3 mHz to the LISA transfer frequency, the template space used to implement the gravitational ∼ f∗ = c/(2πL) 10 mHz), where an overlapping popula- wave CLEAN (“gCLEAN”) algorithm. Section VI re- ∼ tion of galactic binaries will severely limit our ability to views the expected contributions of instrumental noise 2 and the effects on the data analysis procedure. Section The strain produced in the detector is given by VII describes and demonstrates the gCLEAN procedure in detail. Lastly, a discussion of outstanding problems s(t)=A+F+(t)cosΦ(t)+A×F×(t)sinΦ(t), (7) and future work is given in Section VIII. where Φ(t)=2πft+ϕ +φ (t). (8) II. SIGNAL MODULATION 0 D Hereφ (t)describestheDopplermodulationandF+(t), D LISA’s orbital motion around the Sun introduces am- F×(t) are the detector beam patterns plitude, frequency and phase modulation into the ob- served gravitational wave signal. The amplitude mod- F+(t) = 1 cos2ψD+(t) sin2ψD×(t) ulation results from the detector’s antenna pattern be- 2 − ing swept across the sky, the frequency modulation is F×(t) = 1(cid:2)sin2ψD+(t)+cos2ψD×(t)(cid:3), (9) due to the Doppler shift from the relative motion of the 2 detector and source, and the phase modulation results (cid:2) (cid:3) where from the detector’s varying response to the two gravi- tational wave polarizations. The general expression de- √3 scribingthestrainmeasuredbytheLISAdetectorisquite D+(t)= 36sin2θsin(2α(t) 2λ) 64 − − complicated[12],butweneedonlyconsiderlowfrequency, h monochromatic plane waves. Here low frequency is de- +(3+cos2θ) cos2φ(9sin2λ sin(4α(t) 2λ)) − − fined relative to the transfer frequency[13] of the LISA (cid:16) detector, f∗ ≈ 10 mHz. The low frequency LISA re- +sin2φ(cos(4α(t)−2λ)−9cos2λ) sponse function was first derived by Cutler[8], but we (cid:17) 4√3sin2θ sin(3α(t) 2λ φ) shall use the simpler description given in Ref. [12]. − − − AmonochromaticplanewavepropagatingintheΩdi- (cid:16) 3sin(α(t) 2λ+φ) , (10) rection can be decomposed: − − (cid:17)i b h(t,f)=A+cos(2πft+ϕ0)ǫ++A×sin(2πft+ϕ0)ǫ×, and (1) 1 where A+ and A× are the amplitudes of the two polar- D×(t) = 16 √3cosθ 9cos(2λ−2φ) ization states and h (cid:16) cos(4α(t) 2λ 2φ) ǫ+ = pˆ pˆ qˆ qˆ, − − − (cid:17) ǫ× = pˆ⊗qˆ+−qˆ⊗pˆ, (2) − 6sinθ cos(3α(t)−2λ−φ) ⊗ ⊗ (cid:16) +3cos(α(t) 2λ+φ) . (11) are polarization tensors. Here pˆ and qˆ are vectors that − point along the principal axes of the gravitational wave. (cid:17)i Thequantityα(t)=2πf t+κdescribestheorbitalphase For a source located in the nˆ = Ω direction described m − of the LISA constellation, whichorbits the Sun with fre- by the ecliptic coordinates (θ,φ) we can construct the quency f =year−1. The constants κ and λ specify the orthogonaltriad b m initial orbital phase and orientation of the detector[12]. uˆ=cosθcosφxˆ+cosθsinφyˆ sinθzˆ We set κ = 0 and λ = 3π/4 in order to reproduce the − initialconditionschosenbyCutler[8]. TheDopplermod- vˆ=sinφxˆ cosφyˆ − ulation depends on the source location and frequency, nˆ =sinθcosφxˆ+sinθsinφyˆ+cosθzˆ. (3) andon the velocityof the guiding center of the detector: This allows us to write R φ (t)=2πf sinθcos(2πf t φ) (12) D m ǫ+ = cos2ψe+ sin2ψe×, c − − ǫ× = sin2ψe++cos2ψe×, (4) HereRistheseparationofthedetectorfromthebarycen- ter,soR/cisthelighttraveltimefromtheguidingcenter where of the detector to the barycenter. The expression for the strain in the detector can be e+ = uˆ uˆ vˆ vˆ, re-arrangedusing double angle identities to read: ⊗ − ⊗ e× = uˆ vˆ+vˆ uˆ, (5) ⊗ ⊗ s(t)=A(t)cosΨ(t) (13) and the polarization angle ψ is defined by where vˆ pˆ tanψ = · . (6) −uˆ pˆ Ψ(t)=2πft+ϕ0+φD(t)+φP(t). (14) · 3 The amplitude modulation A(t) and phase modulation source,anddependsontheanglebetweenthewaveprop- φP(t) are given by agationdirectionΩandthevelocityvectoroftheguiding center. Pure Doppler modulation takes the form A(t) = (A+F+(t))2+(A×F×(t))2 1/2 (15) b s(t)=Acos[2πft+βcos(2πf t+δ)+ϕ ] , (22) m 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) A×F×(t) where β and δ are constants. Using the Jacobi-Anger φ (t) = arctan . (16) P − A F+(t) identity to write the Fourier expansion as (cid:18) + (cid:19) Eachofthemodulationfunctionsareperiodicinharmon- ∞ ics of fm. To get a feel for how each modulation affects eiβsin(2πfmt) = Jn(β)e2πifmnt (23) thesignal,webeginbyturningoffallbutonemodulation n=−∞ X at a time and look at how each individual term affects allows the signal in Eq. (22) to be written the signal. ∞ s(t)= A J (β)e2πi(f+fmn)teiϕ0ein(δ+π/2) . n A. Amplitude modulation ℜ n=−∞ ! X (24) Amplitude modulation derives from the sweep of the Onceagain,the Fourierpowerspectrumofs(t) willhave detector’s antenna pattern across the sky due to the ob- sidebands about the carrier frequency f, spaced by the servatory’s orbital motion, which for LISA gives a mod- modulating frequency fm. The bandwidth of the signal ulation frequency, f = 1/year. Pure amplitude modu- is given by m lation takes the form B =2(1+β)f (25) m s(t)=A(t)cos(2πft+ϕ ). (17) 0 ForLISA,theparameterβ (calledthemodulation index), whichencodesthedescriptionofthedetectormotionrel- Theamplitude, A(t)ismodulatedbytheorbitalmotion, ative to the source, is given by and may be expanded in a Fourier series: ∞ R β =2πf sinθ. (26) A(t)= a e2πifmnt (18) c n n=−∞ X Sourcesinthe equatorialplanehavebandwidths ranging which allows the signal in Eq. (17) to be written fromB =2.6 10−4mHzatf =1mHztoB =2.1 10−3 × × mHz at f =10 mHz. ∞ s(t)= a e2πi(f+fmn)teiϕ0 . (19) n ℜ n=−∞ ! C. Phase modulation X Thus, the Fourier power spectrum of s(t) will have side- Phase modulation is a consequence of the fact that bandsaboutthecarrierfrequencyf ofthesignal,spaced thedetectorhasdifferentsensitivitiestothetwogravita- by the modulating frequency f . The bandwidth, B, of m tional wave polarization states, + and , characterized the signal is defined to be the frequency interval which by the two detector beam patterns, F×+(t) and F×(t). contains 98% of the total power: The variationofthese beampatterns is a function ofthe B =2Nf , (20) detector motion (see Eq. (9)), and modulates the phase. m Phase modulation takes a similar form to the frequency where N is determined empirically by modulation. Expanding φ (t) in a Fourier sine series P yields a signal N ∞ a 2 0.98 a 2. (21) n n s(t)=Acos(2πft+ϕ + β sin(2πf nt+δ )). (27) | | ≥ | | 0 n m n nX=−N n=X−∞ n X Typical LISA sources give rise to an amplitude modu- Again, the the Fourier power spectrum of s(t) has side- lation with N = 2 and using Eq. (20) a bandwidth of bands about the carrier frequency f, spaced by the B =4fm =1.3×10−4 mHz. modulating frequency fm. The main difference is that the Fourier amplitude of the kth sideband (located at f +kf ) is given by m B. Frequency modulation c =A J (β )eilnδneiϕ0 where k = l . k ln n n Doppler (frequency) modulation of signals occurs be- Yn Xln Xn cause of relative motion between the detector and the (28) 4 Since the β ’sfor LISAareindependent offrequency(at It follows that the Fourier expansion of s(t) is described n least in the low frequency approximationused here), the by the triple sum bandpassofthephasemodulatedsignalisindependentof 1 tBheca1r0r−ie4rmfrHeqzu.ency. Empiricallywefindthebandwidth sq = 2eiϕ0 (A+pl+ei3π/2A×cl) an Jk(β), ≈ Xl Xn Xk (34) whereq =k+l+n. Thelimitedbandwidthofthevarious D. Total modulation modulations allows us to restrict the sums: (1+β) − ≤ k (1+β), 4 l 4 and 10<n int(f/f )<10. m ≤ − ≤ ≤ − − Itis possible tocombine the amplitude, frequency and Using(34)wecancomputethediscreteFouriertransform phase modulations together to arrive at an analytic ex- of s(t) very efficiently. pression for the full signal modulation. The carrier fre- The source identificationandsubtractionscheme used quency f develops sidebands spaced by the modulation in this work depends on the development and use of a frequency f . The total modulation is most easily com- template bank covering a large parameter space. As m puted beginning from (7). One can write such, issues related to efficient computing are of interest in order to make the problem tractable in a reasonable 4 amount of time. A number of simplifying factors allow F+ = p e2πifmnt n the problem to be compactified significantly, with great n=−4 X savings in computational efficiency. 4 The quantities pn and cn only depend on θ, φ, and ψ, F× = c e2πifmnt, (29) so they can be pre-computed and stored. The complete n n=−4 template bank can then be built using (34) by stepping X where the small number of non-zero Fourier coefficients through a grid in f, ϕ0 and the ratio A×/A+. The com- putationalsavingascomparedtodirectlygeneratings(t) can be attributed to the quadrupole approximation for for each of the six searchparameters is a factor of 105 the beam pattern. The coefficients pn and cn can be in computer time. ∼ read off from (9) in terms of (θ, φ) and ψ. Another big saving in computer time is based on the Our next task is to Fourier expand cosΦ(t) and followingobservation: The Fourierexpansionsof sources sinΦ(t), being careful to take into account the fact that a and b with all parameters equal save their frequencies, we aredoing finite time Fouriertransforms,sof willnot whichdifferbyanintegermultiple,m,ofthemodulation be an integer multiple of f . In other words, writing m frequency f , are related: m N e2πift =n=−Nane2πifmnt, (30) saq −sbq+m ≃πmfmRc sinθ(saq+1−saq−1). (35) X we find in the limit N 1 that Thus, so long as m < 104, we have sa sb . This ≫ allows us to use a se∼t of templates genqe≈rateqd+mat a fre- f a sinc(πx )eiπxn where x = n. (31) quency f to coverfrequenciesbetweenf 104f . These n ≃ n n f − ± m m savings mean that our Fourier space approach to calcu- The coefficients are highly peaked about n=int(f/f ), lating the template bank are a factor of 109 times faster m where the function “int” returns the nearest integer to than a direct computation in the time domain! its argument. The maximum bandwidth occurs when the remainder f/f n equals 1/2; the max bandwidth m is equal to 20f for−98% power (36f for 99% power). III. BINARY SOURCES m m Putting everything together we find With the exception of systems that involve super- F+cosΦ(t) = J (β)e2πifmkteik(π/2−φ) massive black holes, all of the binary systems that can k ℜ(cid:18)" k # be detected by LISA are well described by the post- X Newtonian approximation to general relativity. Most eiϕ0 p e2πifmlt a e2πifmnt . (32) of these sources can be adequately described as circu- × " l l #" n n #(cid:19) larNewtonianbinaries,andthe gravitationalwavesthey X X produce can be calculated using the quadrupole approx- and imation. In terms of these approximations, a circular Newtonian binary produces waves propagating in the Ω F×sinΦ(t) = J (β)e2πifmkteik(π/2−φ) direction with amplitudes k ℑ(cid:18)" k # b X A = 1+(L Ω)2 + eiϕ0 c e2πifmlt a e2πifmnt . (33) A · × "Xl l #"Xn n #(cid:19) A× = 2A(cid:16)L·Ωb b (cid:17) (36) b b 5 where IV. BINARY SIGNAL MODULATION 2M M = 1 2. (37) Theeffectsofamplitude,frequencyandphasemodula- A rd tionontwobinarysourceswithbarycenterfrequenciesof 10 and 1 mHz are shownin Figures 1 and2 respectively. Herer isthedistancebetweenmassM andM ,disthe 1 2 Thesourceshaveallparametersequalsavetheirfrequen- distance between the source and the observer, and L is cies, and are located close to the galactic center. We see a unit vector parallelto the binary’sangularmomentum that frequency modulation dominates at 10 mHz, while vector. The gravitationalwaves have frequency b frequency and phase modulation become comparable at 1 mHz. 1 M +M 1 2 f =2f = . (38) orb π r3 0.12 FM PM r 0.1 0.6 The generalization to elliptical Newtonian binaries is 0.08 given in Peters and Mathews[14]. They found that ellip- 0.06 0.4 ticalbinariesproducegravitationalwavesatharmonicsof 0.04 the orbital frequency f . For small eccentricities, most 0.2 orb 0.02 of the power is radiated into the second harmonic, with the portion of the power radiated into higher harmon- 00.009999 0.01 0.010001 00.009999 0.01 0.010001 ics increasing with increasing eccentricity. From a data P(f) AM P(f) TM analysis perspective, an eccentric binary looks like a col- 1.5 0.06 lection of circular binaries located at the same position on the sky, with frequencies separated by multiples of 1.0 0.04 f . One strategy to search for eccentric binaries would orb be to conduct a search for individual circular binaries, 0.5 0.02 then check to see if binaries at a certain location form part of a harmonic series. If they do, the relative am- 0 0 0.009999 0.01 0.010001 0.009999 0.01 0.010001 plitude of the harmonics can be used to determine the f f FIG.1: Powerspectrashowingtheeffectsoffrequency(FM), eccentricity. phase(PM) and amplitude (AM) modulation separately and Thepolarizationangleofacircularbinaryisrelatedto all together (TM). The gravitational wave has frequency 10 its angular momentum vector orientation, L (θL,φL), mHz. → by [12] b cosθcos(φ φ )sinθ cosθ sinθ tanψ = − L L− L , (39) 0.6 FM PM sinθ sin(φ φ ) 0.8 L L − 0.6 0.4 The inclination of a circular binary, ı is given by 0.4 0.2 cosı = L Ω 0.2 − · = cosθ cosθ+sinθ sinθcos(φ φ) (40) b Lb L L− 0.0009999 0.001 0.0010001 00.0009999 0.001 0.0010001 It follows that the amplitude and phase modulation de- 2.0 P(f) AM P(f) TM 0.4 pendonfourparameters. Twoaretheskyposition(θ,φ) 1.5 and the other two are either the the angular momen- 0.3 tum direction (θ ,φ ), or the polarization angle ψ and 1.0 L L the inclination ı. We found (ı,ψ) to be easier to work 0.2 withasthe quadrupoledegeneracybetweensourceswith 0.5 0.1 parameters (ψ,ϕ ) and (ψ +π/2,ϕ +π) is explicit in 0 0 0 these coordinates. The total gravitational wave signal 0.0009999 0.001 0.0010001 0.0009999 0.001 0.0010001 f f from a Newtonian binary depends on seven parameters: FIG.2: Powerspectrashowingtheeffectsoffrequency(FM), ~λ (θ, φ, ı, ψ, ϕ , f, ). The parameter space has phase(PM) and amplitude (AM) modulation separately and 0 top→ology S2 T3 R2.AThe parameters θ and φ range all together (TM). The gravitational wave has frequency 1 over their usu×al in×tervals: θ [0,π] and φ [0,2π]. The mHz. ∈ ∈ inclination and polarization have ranges: ı [0,π] and ∈ ψ [0,π]. Because of the quadrupole degeneracy dis- Oneofthemaineffectsofthemodulationsistospread cus∈sed above, we restrict the range of the orbital phase: the power across a bandwidth B 2(1+2πfRsinθ)f . ≃ c m ϕ [0,π). This,combinedwithLISA’santennapattern,meansthat 0 ∈ 6 The average strain spectral density in the detector, hD, TABLEI:Propertiesofthesixnearestinteractingwhitedwarf f isbetween5andtentimesbelowthestrainspectralden- binaries. Physical data from Hellier [15], periods taken from sity at the barycenter hB. The effect is more significant NSSDC catalog 5509[16]. Spectral amplitudes are computed f at higher frequencies since the bandwidth increases with using themethods of this paper for one year of observations. frequency. ThemassesquotedinunitsofthesolarmassM⊙,theorbital periods are in seconds, the distances are in parsecs and the strain spectral densities are in unitsof 10−19 Hz−1/2. The signalsfromthreeofthese binaries,averagedover their bandwidths,areplotted againstthe standardLISA Name m1 m2 Porb d hBf hDf hDf /hBf noise curve in Figure 3. The complete signals for all six binaries are shown in Figure 4. The strain spectra AM CVn 0.5 0.033 1028.76 100 21.2 2.34 0.111 appear as nearly vertical lines of dots due to the highly compressed frequency scale. CP Eri 0.6 0.02 1723.68 200 5.19 1.06 0.205 CR Boo 0.6 0.02 1471.31 100 11.5 1.63 0.141 GP Com 0.5 0.02 2791.58 200 3.32 0.44 0.133 HP Lib 0.6 0.03 1118.88 100 20.7 4.53 0.219 V803 Cen 0.6 0.02 1611.36 100 10.9 1.89 0.174 the strain in the detector is often considerably less than the strain of the wave. The effect can be quantified in terms of the amplitude of the detector response, A, and the intrinsic amplitude of the source . Suppose that A a source is responsible for a strain in the detector s(t). Defining A as the orbit-averagedresponse: 1 T A2 = s2(t)dt, (41) T Z0 we find from (7) that FIG.3: Thestrainspectraldensitiesofthreenearbyinteract- 1 ing white dwarf binaries plotted against the standard LISA A2 = 2 (1+cos2ı)2 F2 +4cos2ı F2 , (42) 2A h +i h ×i noise curve. (cid:0) (cid:1) wherethe orbit-averageddetectorresponsesaregivenby 1 hF+2i= 4 cos22ψhD+2i−sin4ψhD+D×i+sin22ψhD×2i 1(cid:0) (cid:1) hF×2i= 4 cos22ψhD×2i+sin4ψhD+D×i+sin22ψhD+2i (cid:0)1 (cid:1) hF+F×i= 8 sin4ψ(hD+2i−hD×2i)+2cos4ψhD+D×i (cid:0) (4(cid:1)3) and 243 D+D× = cosθsin2φ(2cos2φ 1)(1+cos2θ) h i 512 − 3 D2 = 120sin2θ+cos2θ+162sin22φcos2θ × h i 512 3 (cid:0) (cid:1) D2 = 487+158cos2θ+7cos4θ h +i 2048 16(cid:0)2sin22φ(1+cos2θ)2 . (44) − FIG. 4: The modulated strain spectral densities of the six TherelativeamplitudeA/ dependsont(cid:1)hesourcedecli- nearest interacting white dwarf binaries plotted against the nationθ,rightascensionφA,inclinationıandpolarization standardLISAnoisecurve. Crosses markstandardestimates angle ψ. for the known binaries, while alternate symbols mark modu- lated Fourier components. Table 1 illustrates the power spreading effect for the six nearest interacting white dwarf binaries. Random numberswereusedforthe unknownparametersı andψ. 7 V. TEMPLATE OVERLAP Here T = 1 year is the observation time. We have to go beyond the Doppler approximation to find metric com- A. Template metric ponentsthatinvolveıandψ. Thecomputationsarecon- siderably more involved, as are the resulting expression. For example, including all modulations we find The templates areconstructed by choosingthe six pa- rameters~λ (f,θ,φ,ı,ψ,ϕ )andformingthe noise-free detector res→ponse correspon0ding to a source with those g = 2hF+2ihF×2isin2ı sin2ı+2cos4ı (52) parameters: ıı (1+cos2ı)2hF+2i(cid:0)+4cos2ıhF×2i(cid:1)2 s(t,~λ)=A(t,~λ)cosΨ(t,~λ) (45) and (cid:0) (cid:1) We need to determine how closely the templates need to g = 2(1+cos2ı)2hF×2i+4cos2ıhF+2i be spaced to give a desired level of overlap. The overlap ψψ (1+cos2ı)2 F2 +4cos2ı F2 of templates with parameters~λ1 and~λ2 is defined: 2hsin+4iı F+F× h ×i h i (53) R(~λ ,~λ )= hs(t,~λ1)|s(t,~λ2)i , − (1+cos2ı)2hF+2i+4cos2ıhF×2i 2 1 2 hs(t,~λ1)|s(t,~λ1)i1/2hs(t,~λ2)|s(t,~λ2)i1/2 Wehavebeenab(cid:0)letoderivedexactexpressionsfo(cid:1)rallthe (46) metric components, but they are cumbersome and not with the inner product very informative. For most purposes the simple Doppler metric is sufficient. T a(t)b(t) = a(t)b(t)dt. (47) h | i Z0 Suppose we have two templates, one with parameters ~λ B. Overlap of parameters and the other with parameters~λ+δ~λ. To leading order in δ~λ the overlapis given by [17] AnimportantapplicationoftheDopplermetricinEq. (51) is the determination of parameter overlap, which R(~λ,~λ+δ~λ)=1 g (~λ)∆λi∆λj (48) has great bearing on the placement of templates. In re- ij − gionswherelargevariationsoftheoverlapcanbeseenfor where g is the template space metric small changes in parameters, templates must be spaced ij closely to distinguish between different realizable physi- ∂ s(t,~λ)∂ s(t,~λ) cal situations. In regions where the change in overlap is g (~λ) = h i | j i smallforsmallchangesinparameters,the templates can ij 2 s(t,~λ)s(t,~λ) be spaced more widely. The Doppler metric depends on h | i s(t,~λ)∂ s(t,~λ) s(t,~λ)∂ s(t,~λ) onlyfourparameters. Takingconstantslicesthroughthe i j h | ih | i.(49) − 2 s(t,~λ)s(t,~λ) 2 parameter space for any two of the four will produce a h | i metricwhichcanbe usedtoplotlevelcurvesoftheover- UsingthefactthatΨ(t,~λ)variesmuchfasterthanA(t,~λ) lap function R(~λ1,~λ2) as a function of two parameters. we find 0.6 ∂ A∂ A + A∂ ΨA∂ Ψ g (~λ) = h i | j i h i | j i ij 2 AA 0.4 h | i A∂ A A∂ A i j h | ih | i. (50) − 2 AA 2 0.2 h | i Ignoring the sub-dominantamplitude and phase mod- ulation allows us to analytically compute the “Doppler (cid:1)'0 0 (cid:25) metric” –0.2 ds2 = g (~λ)∆λi∆λj ij 2π2 1 = T2df2+πTdfdϕ + dϕ2 –0.4 3 0 2 0 R 2πf Tdf(cosθsinφdθ+sinθcosφdφ) − c –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 +π2f2 Rc 2 cos2θdθ2+sin2θdφ2 . (51) FIG.5: Thetemplateoverlapc(cid:1)onft=ofmursonthe(f,ϕ0)cylinder. (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) 8 Setting dθ =dφ=0leavesthetwodimensionalmetric on the (f,ϕ ) cylinder: 0 0.04 2 2 π 3 1 ds2 = df + dϕ + dϕ2. (54) 2 3(cid:18)fm 4 0(cid:19) 8 0 0.02 Using this metric to plot the level sets of the overlap function, the contours for 90%, 80% and 70% overlap 0 (cid:1)(cid:18) are shown in Figure 5. One rather surprising result is that the template overlap drops very quickly with ∆f. AccordingtoNyquist’stheorem,thefrequencyresolution –0.02 observations of time T should equal f = 1/T. But we N seefromFigure5thattheoverlapdropsto90%for∆f f /10. (Since we are using T = 1 year, it so happen∼s –0.04 N that the Nyquist frequency f equals the modulation N –0.04 –0.02 0 0.02 0.04 frequency f .) m (cid:1)(cid:30) FIG.7: Thetemplateoverlapcontoursonthesky2-spherein theneighborhood of θ=π/4. FIG. 8: The overlap of templates with all parameters equal save sky position. The reference template has a frequency of f =10 mHzand a sky location of (θ,φ)=(π/4,0). It is clear from this form of the metric that the angular resolution improves at higher frequencies, and that the FIG. 6: The overlap of templates with all parameters equal savefrequencyandorbitalphase. Thereferencetemplatehas metric is not that of a round 2-sphere. The cos2θ factor (f,ϕ0)=(0.01,π). Thefrequencyresolution wasfoundtobe in front of dθ tells us that the θ resolution drops as we independentof thereference frequency. near the equator. This is might seem counter-intuitive since the Doppler modulation is maximal at the equator Since the metric (51)wasderivedby neglectingampli- (it depends on sinθ). But, the θ resolution depends on tudeandphasemodulation,itonlygivesanapproximate the rate of change of the Doppler modulation with θ, determination of the template overlap. Moreover, the which goes as cosθ. Setting f = 10 mHz, we plot the approximate metric neglects the (ı,ψ) dependence com- template overlap contours in the neighborhood of θ = pletely. In order to have a more reliable determination π/4 and θ =π/2 in Figures 7 and 9 respectively. of the template overlap we generated a large template The template overlaps shown in Figures 8 and 10 (θ bank and studied the template overlap directly. We see vs. φ) agree with those in found in Figures 7 and 9. thatthe template overlapshowninFigure 6for f vs. ϕ The overlaps shown in Figures 11 and 12 (also θ vs. φ) 0 agrees with what was found in Figure 5. confirm our expectation that the angular resolution de- Setting df = dϕ = 0 gives us the metric on the sky creases with decreasing frequency. 0 2-sphere: The template overlap as a function of inclination and polarization angle turns out to be a very sensitive func- R 2 tion of location in parameter space. While independent ds2 =π2f2 cos2θdθ2+sin2θdφ2 . (55) 2 c of frequency and orbital phase, the metric functions gıı (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) 9 0.2 0.1 0 (cid:1)(cid:18) –0.1 FIG. 11: The overlap of templates with all parameters equal save sky position. The reference template has a frequency –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 of f = 1 mHz and is close to the galactic center, (θ,φ) = (1.66742,4.65723). (cid:1)(cid:30) FIG.9: Thetemplateoverlapcontoursonthesky2-spherein theneighborhood of θ=π/2. FIG. 12: The overlap of templates with all parameters equal FIG. 10: The overlap of templates with all parameters equal save sky position. The reference template has a frequency of save sky position. The reference template has a frequency f =1 mHzand a sky location of (θ,φ)=(π/4,0). of f = 10 mHz and is close to the galactic center, (θ,φ) = (1.66742,4.65723). able to distinguish between sources above and below the equator. This strong degeneracy is ameliorated by the andg rangebetween0and326as(θ,φ,ı,ψ)arevaried. ψψ amplitude and phase modulations, which are sensitive Takingauniformsampleof1.6 109pointsin(θ,φ,ı,ψ), × to which hemisphere the source is located in. In the we found that g had a mean value of 0.4664, a median ıı courseofapplyingthegCLEANprocedurewediscovered valueof0.043,andthat90%ofallpointshadg <1.273. ıı several other much stronger non-local parameter degen- Similarly,g hadameanvalueof2.101,amedianvalue ψψ eracies. By far the worst were those that involved fre- of 2.0, and that 90% of all points had g <2.251. The ψψ quency and sky location. The secondary maxima some- analytic expressions for g , g and g were found to ψψ ıı ψı timeshadoverlapsashighas90%. Anexampleofanon- agree with direct numerical calculations of the template local parameter degeneracy in the f - θ plane is shown overlap. in Figure 13. The reference template has f = 4.999873 mHz, θ = 0.5690, φ = 0.643, ı = 1.57, ψ = 0.314, and ϕ = 0.50. The strongest of the secondary maxima is 0 C. Degeneracies located at f = 4.999910 mHz, θ = 0.4615, and has an overlapof90%with the referencetemplate. Inprinciple, What the metric can not tell us about are the non- a sufficiently fine template grid should always find the localdegeneraciesthatoccurinparameterspace. Amild global maxima, but in practice, detector noise and in- example of a non-local degeneracy can be seen in Figure terference from other sources can cause gCLEAN to use 8, where there are secondary maxima in the template templates from secondary maxima. We will return to overlap in the southern hemisphere. Physically this oc- this issue when discussing the source identification and curs because the dominant Doppler modulation is un- reconstruction procedure. 10 VI. INSTRUMENT NOISE Inorderto constructa demonstrationofthe gCLEAN method, it is necessary not only to characterize the bi- nary signals themselves, but also the noise in the detec- tor. Instrumentalnoisecanhaveimportantconsequences for the gCLEAN process, particularly in low signal to noiseratiosituations,whererandomfeaturesinthenoise spectrum of the instrument could conspire to approxi- mate the modulated signal from a binary. The total output of the interferometer is given by the sum of the signal and the noise: h(t)=s(t)+n(t). (56) Assuming the noise is Gaussian, it can be fully charac- terized by the expectation values 1 ∗ ′ ′ n˜(f) =0, and n˜ (f)n˜(f ) = δ(f f )S (f), n h i h i 2 − (57) whereS (f)istheone-sidednoisepowerspectraldensity. n It is defined by FIG. 13: An example of non-local parameter degeneracies in thef, θ plane. ∞ n2(t) = dfS (f) , (58) n h i Z0 D. Counting templates where the angle brackets denote an ensemble average. The one-sided power spectral density is related to the strain spectral density by S (f)= h˜ (f)2. n n Deciding what level of template spacing is acceptable | | Expressing the noise as a discrete Fourier transform: dependsontwofactors: thesignal-to-noiselevelandcom- puting resources. Given a signal-to-noise level of SNR, n(t)= n e2πifmjt, (59) there is no point having the template overlap exceeding j (1 1/SNR) 100%. Forthesearchesdescribedinthe Xj ∼ − × next section we made a trade-off between coverage and arealizationofthenoisecanbemadebydrawingthereal speed,andchosetemplatespacingsthatgaveaminimum and imaginary parts of n from a Gaussian distribution j template overlap of 75% in each parameter direction ∼ with zero mean and standard deviation (i.e. with all parameters equal save the one that is var- ied). We chose to study sources with frequencies near h˜ (f j) n m 5 mHz, and used a uniform template grid with spacings σj = . (60) √2 ∆f = f /5, ∆ϕ = π/4, ∆θ = ∆φ = 3.7o, ∆ı = π/7 m 0 and ∆ψ = π/9. A better approach would be to vary Thesignal-to-noiseratioinagravitationalwavedetec- the template spacing according to where the templates tor is traditionally defined as lie in parameter space. As explained earlier, each set of 5 4 3072 7 9=3,870,720templatescanbeusedto co×ver×afrequ×enc×yrangeof104fm. Atworst,asourcemay SNR(f)= Ss(f) , (61) liehalfwaybetweentwotemplates,soa 75%template sSn(f) ∼ overlaptranslatesintoa 92%sourceoverlap. Afterthe coarsetemplate bankhas∼beenusedto findabestmatch whereSs(f)istheone-sidedpowerspectraldensityofthe with the data, we refine the search in the neighborhood instrumentalsignal[21]. Givenaparticularsetofsources, of the best match using templates that are spaced twice eachwiththeirownmodulationpattern,andaparticular as finely in each parameter direction. realization of the noise, the quantity SNR(f) will vary wildlyfrombintobin. Amoreusefulquantityisobtained To implement the gCLEAN procedure, a template by comparing the signal to noise over some frequency bank was constructed by gridding the sky using the interval of width ∆f centered at f: HEALPIX hierarchical, equal area pixelization scheme [18]. The HEALPIX centers provide sky locations (θ,φ) to build up families of templates distributed across the Ss(f) SNR(f,∆f)= { } , (62) parameters (f,ı,ψ,ϕ0). s{Sn(f)}

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