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Liquid-gas phase transition and Coulomb instability of asymmetric nuclear systems PDF

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by  P. Wang
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ADP-04-19/T601 JLAB-THY-04-26 Liquid-gas phase transition and Coulomb instability of asymmetric nuclear systems 5 0 P. Wanga, D. B. Leinwebera, A. W. Thomasa,b and A. G. Williamsa 0 2 aSpecial Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM) and Department n of Physics, University of Adelaide 5005, Australia a J bJefferson Laboratory, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606 USA 7 2 We use a chiral SU(3) quark mean field model to study the properties 2 of nuclear systems at finite temperature. The liquid-gas phase transition of v 7 symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter is discussed. For two formulations 5 of the model the critical temperature, T , for symmetric nuclear matter is 0 c 7 found to be 15.8 MeV and 17.9 MeV. These values are consistent with those 0 derived from recent experiments. The limiting temperatures for finite nuclei 4 0 are in good agreement with the experimental points. / h t PACS number(s): 21.65.+f; 12.39.-x; 11.30.Rd - l c u Keywords: Liquid-gas Phase Transition, Coulomb Instability, Chiral Symmetry, n Nuclear Matter, Quark Mean Field : v i X I. INTRODUCTION r a The determination of the properties of hadronic matter at finite temperature and den- sity is a fundamental problem in nuclear physics. In particular, the study of liquid-gas phase transition in medium energy heavy-ion collisions is of considerable interest. Many intermediate-energy collision experiments have been performed [1] to investigate the un- known features of the highly excited or hot nuclei formed in collisions [2,3]. Theoretically, much effort has been devoted to studying the equation of state for nuclear matter and to discussing the critical temperature, T . The calculated critical temperature of symmetric c nuclear matter lies in the range 13 - 24 MeV for various phenomenological models [4]- [12]. Glendenning [13] first discussed the phase transition with more than one conserved charge and applied the method to the possible transition to quark matter in the core of a neu- tron star. Mu¨ller and Serot [14] discussed asymmetric nuclear matter using the stability conditions on the free energy, conservation laws and the Gibbs criterion for the liquid-gas phase transition. The liquid-gas phase transition of asymmetric nuclear matter has also 1 been discussed in effective chiral models [15,16]. It was found that the critical temperature decreases with increasing asymmetry parameter, α. For finite nuclei, there is another temperature which is called the limiting temperature, T , as pointed out by Levit and Bonche [5]. Below the limiting temperature, nuclei can lim exist in equilibrium with the surrounding vapor. When the temperature is higher than T lim the nuclei are unstable and will fragment. This is called Coulomb instability. The size effect and Coulomb interaction are important in the determination of the limiting temperature, resulting in a lower limiting temperature compared with that for infinite nuclear matter [17]. Recently, Natowitz et al. obtained the limiting temperature by using a number of different experimental measurements [18]. From these observations the authors extracted the critical temperature ofinfinite nuclear matterT = 16.6 0.86 MeV [19]. Their results show that the c ± limiting temperature is in good agreement with the previous calculations employing either a chiral symmetric model [20] or the Gogny interaction [8]. To study the properties of hadronic matter, we need phenomenological models since QCD cannot yet be used directly. The symmetries of QCD can be used to determine largely how the hadrons interact with each other. On this basis, models based on SU(2) SU(2) L R × symmetry and scale invariance were proposed. These effective models have been widely used in recent years to investigate nuclear matter and finite nuclei, both at zero temperature and at finite temperature [20]- [22]. Papazoglou et al. extended the chiral effective models to SU(3) SU(3) including the baryon octets [23,24]. As well as the models based on the L R × hadron degrees of freedom, there are additional models based on quark degrees of freedom, such as the quark meson coupling model [25,26], the cloudy bag model [27], the NJL model [28] and the quark mean field model [29]. Recently, we proposed a chiral SU(3) quark mean field model and applied to investigate hadronic matter and quark matter [30]- [33]. This model is very successful in describing the properties of nuclear matter [30], strange matter [31,32], finite nuclei and hypernuclei [33] at zero temperature. A successful model should describe well the properties of nuclear matter, not only at zero temperature but also at finite temperature. In this paper, we will apply the chiral SU(3) quark mean field model to study the liquid-gas phase transition and Comloub instability of asymmetric nuclear system and compare our results with the recent experimental analysis. The paper is organized as follows. The model is introduced in section II. In section III, we apply it to investigate nuclear matter at finite temperature. The numerical results are discussed in section IV and section V summarises the main results. II. THE MODEL Our considerations are based on the chiral SU(3) quark mean field model (for details see Refs. [31,33]), which contains quarks and mesons as basic degrees of freedom. Quarks are confined into baryons by an effective potential. The quark meson interaction and meson self-interaction are based on SU(3) chiral symmetry. Through the mechanism of sponta- neous chiral symmetry breaking, the resulting constituent quarks and mesons (except for the pseudoscalars) obtain masses. The introduction of an explicit symmetry breaking term in the meson self-interaction generates the masses of the pseudoscalar mesons which satisfy the partially conserved axial-vector current (PCAC) relation. The explicit symmetry break- ing term of the quark meson interaction leads in turn to reasonable hyperon potentials in 2 hadronic matter. For completeness, we introduce the main concepts of the model in this section. In the chiral limit, the quark field q can be split into left and right-handed parts q and L q : q = q + q . Under SU(3) SU(3) they transform as R L R L R × q = Lq , q = Rq . (1) L′ L R′ R The spin-0 mesons are written in the compact form 1 8 M(M+) = Σ iΠ = (σa iπa)λa, (2) ± √2 ± a=0 X where σa and πa are the nonets of scalar and pseudoscalar mesons, respectively, λa(a = 1,...,8) are the Gell-Mann matrices, and λ0 = 2 I. The alternatives, plus and minus signs 3 correspond to M and M+. Under chiral SU(3q) transformations, M and M+ transform as M M = LMR+ and M+ M+′ = RM+L+. In a similar way, the spin-1 mesons are ′ → → introduced through: 1 1 8 l (r ) = (V A ) = va aa λa (3) µ µ 2 µ ± µ 2√2 µ ± µ aX=0(cid:16) (cid:17) with the transformation properties: l l = Ll L+, r r = Rr R+. The matrices Σ, µ → µ′ µ µ → µ′ µ Π, V and A can be written in a form where the physical states are explicit. For the scalar µ µ and vector nonets, we have the expressions 1 (σ +a0) a+ K + 1 8 √2 0 0 ∗ Σ = √2 σaλa =  a−0 √12 (σ −a00) K∗0 , (4) aX=0  K∗− K¯∗0 ζ      1 ω +ρ0 ρ+ K + 1 8 √2 µ µ µ µ∗ Vµ = √2 vµaλa =  ρ−µ (cid:16) (cid:17) √12 ωµ −ρ0µ Kµ∗0 . (5) aX=0  Kµ∗− (cid:16)K¯µ∗0 (cid:17) φµ    Pseudoscalar and pseudovector nonet mesons can be written in a similar fashion. The total effective Lagrangian has the form: = + + + + + + ,+ , (6) Leff Lq0 LqM LΣΣ LVV LχSB L∆ms Lh Lc where = q¯iγµ∂ q is the free part for massless quarks. The quark-meson interaction q0 µ qM L L can be written in a chiral SU(3) invariant way as = g Ψ¯ MΨ +Ψ¯ M+Ψ g Ψ¯ γµl Ψ +Ψ¯ γµr Ψ qM s L R R L v L µ L R µ R L − g(cid:16) 8 8 (cid:17) (cid:16) g 8 (cid:17) 8 = s Ψ¯ σ λ +i π λ γ5 Ψ v Ψ¯ γµvaλ γµγ5aaλ Ψ. (7) √2 a a a a ! − 2√2 µ a − µ a! a=0 a=0 a=0 a=0 X X X X In the mean field approximation, the chiral-invariant scalar meson and vector meson ΣΣ L self-interaction terms are written as [31,33] VV L 3 1 2 σ4 = k χ2 σ2 +ζ2 +k σ2 +ζ2 +k +ζ4 +k χσ2ζ ΣΣ 0 1 2 3 L −2 2 ! (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 χ4 δ σ2ζ k χ4 χ4ln + χ4ln , (8) − 4 − 4 χ4 3 σ2ζ 0 0 0 1 χ2 = m2ω2 +m2ρ2 +m2φ2 +g ω4 +6ω2ρ2 +ρ4 +2φ4 , (9) LVV 2 χ2 ω ρ φ 4 0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) where δ = 6/33; σ , ζ and χ are the vacuum expectation values of the corresponding mean 0 0 0 fields σ, ζ and χ. The Lagrangian generates nonvanishing masses for the pseudoscalar χSB L mesons χ2 m2 = m2F σ + √2m2 F πF ζ , (10) LχSB χ20 " π π K K − √2 π! # leading to a nonvanishing divergence of the axial currents which in turn satisfy the relevant PCAC relations for π and K mesons. Pseudoscalar and scalar mesons as well as the dilaton field, χ, obtain mass terms by spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in the Lagrangian (8). The masses of the u, d and s quarks are generated by the vacuum expectation values of the two scalar mesons σ and ζ. To obtain the correct constituent mass of the strange quark, an additional mass term has to be added: = ∆m q¯Sq (11) L∆ms − s where S = 1 I λ √3 = diag(0,0,1) is the strangeness quark matrix. Based on these 3 − 8 mechanisms, th(cid:16)e quark co(cid:17)nstituent masses are finally given by g s m = m = σ and m = g ζ +∆m , (12) u d −√2 0 s − s 0 s where g and ∆m are chosen to yield the constituent quark mass in vacuum – we use s s m = m = 313 MeV and m = 490 MeV. In order to obtain reasonable hyperon potentials u d s in hadronic matter, it has been found necessary to include an additional coupling between strange quarks and the scalar mesons σ and ζ [31]: = (h σ + h ζ)s¯s. (13) h 1 2 L In the quark mean field model, quarks are confined in baryons by the Lagrangian = c ¯ L Ψχ Ψ (with χ given in Eq. (14), below). The Dirac equation for a quark field Ψ under c c ij − the additional influence of the meson mean fields is given by iα~ ~ +χ (r)+βm Ψ = e Ψ , (14) − ·∇ c ∗i ij ∗i ij h i where α~ = γ0~γ, β = γ0, the subscripts i and j denote the quark i (i = u,d,s) in a baryon of type j (j = N,Λ,Σ,Ξ); χ (r) is a confinement potential, i.e. a static potential providing c confinement of quarks by meson mean-field configurations. The quark effective mass, m , ∗i and energy, e , are defined as ∗i m = giσ giζ +m (15) ∗i − σ − ζ i0 4 and e = e giω giφ giρ, (16) ∗i i − ω − φ − ρ where e is the energy of the quark under the influence of the meson mean fields. Here i m = 0 for i = u,d (nonstrange quark) and m = ∆m = 29 MeV for i = s (strange i0 i0 s quark). Using the solution of the Dirac equation (14) for the quark energy e it has been ∗i common to define the effective mass of the baryon j through the ans¨atz: M = E 2 < p 2 >, (17) j∗ j∗ − ∗jcm q where E = n e +E is the baryon energy and < p 2 > is the subtraction of the j∗ i ij ∗i jspin ∗jcm contribution to the total energy associated with spurious center of mass motion. In the P expression for the baryon energy n is the number of quarks with flavor ”i” in a baryon ij with flavor j, with j = N p,n ,Σ Σ ,Σ0 ,Ξ Ξ0,Ξ ,Λ and E is the correction to ± − jspin { } { } { } the baryon energy which is determined from a fit to the data for baryon masses. There is an alternative way to remove the spurious c. m. motion and determine the effective baryon masses. In Ref. [34], the removal of the spurious c. m. motion for three quarks moving in a confining, relativistic oscillator potential was studied in some detail. It was found that when an external scalar potential was applied, the effective mass obtained from the interaction Lagrangian could be written as M = n e E0, (18) j∗ ij ∗i − j i X where E0 was calculated to be only very weakly dependent on the external field strength. j We therefore use Eq. (18), with E0 a constant, independent of the density, which is adjusted j to give a best fit to the free baryon masses. Using the square root ans¨atz for the effective baryon mass, Eq. (17), the confining po- tential χ is chosen as a combination of scalar (S) and scalar-vector (SV) potentials as in c Ref. [31]: 1 χ (r) = [χS(r)+χSV(r)] (19) c 2 c c with 1 χS(r) = k r2, (20) c 4 c and 1 χSV(r) = k r2(1+γ0). (21) c 4 c Ontheotherhand,usingthelineardefinitionofeffectivebaryonmass, Eq.(18),theconfining potential χ is chosen to be the purely scalar potential χS(r). The coupling k is taken as c c c k = 1 (GeV fm 2), which yields root-mean-square baryon charge radii (in the absence of a c − pion cloud [35]) around 0.6 fm. 5 III. NUCLEAR MATTER AT FINITE TEMPERATURE Based on the previously defined quark mean field model the Lagrangian density for nuclear matter is written as 1 1 1 1 1 = ψ¯(iγµ∂ M )ψ + ∂ σ∂µσ + ∂ ζ∂µζ + ∂ χ∂µχ F Fµν ρ ρµν L µ − N∗ 2 µ 2 µ 2 µ − 4 µν − 4 µν g ψ¯γ ψωµ g ψ¯ γ τ ψρµ + , (22) ω µ ρ B µ 3 M − − L where F = ∂ ω ∂ ω and ρ = ∂ ρ ∂ ρ . (23) µν µ ν ν µ µν µ ν ν µ − − The term represents the interaction between mesons which includes the scalar meson M L self-interaction , the vector meson self-interaction and the explicit chiral symmetry ΣΣ VV L L breaking term , all defined previously. The Lagrangian includes the scalar mesons σ, ζ χSB L and χ, and the vector mesons ω and ρ. The interactions between quarks and scalar mesons result in the effective nucleon mass M , The interactions between quarks and vector mesons N∗ generate the nucleon-vector meson interaction terms of equation (22). The corresponding vector couplingconstantsg andg arebaryondependent andsatisfytheSU(3)relationship: ω ρ gp = gn = 1gp = 1gn. ρ − ρ 3 ω 3 ω At finite temperature and density, the thermodynamic potential is defined as k T Ω = B ∞d3−→k ln 1+e−(EN∗(k)−νN)/kBT +ln 1+e−(EN∗(k)+νN)/kBT M, (24) −(2π)3 −L NX=p,nZ0 (cid:26) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:27) 2 where EN∗ (k) = MN∗2 +−→k . The quantity νN is related to the usual chemical potential, µ , by ν = µ qgNω gNρ. The energy per unit volume and the pressure of the system N N N − ω − ρ are respectively ε = Ω 1 ∂Ω +ν ρ and p = Ω, where ρ is the baryon density. − T ∂T N N − N The mean field equation for meson φ is obtained by the formula ∂Ω/∂φ = 0. For i i example, the equations for σ, ζ are deduced as: 2δ χ2 k χ2σ 4k σ2 +ζ2 σ 2k σ3 2k χσζ χ4 + m2F 0 − 1 − 2 − 3 − 3σ χ2 π π 0 (cid:16) (cid:17) 2 2 χ ∂m χ ∂m ∂M m ω2 ω m ρ2 ρ + N∗ < ψ¯ψ >= 0, (25) ω ρ − χ0! ∂σ − χ0! ∂σ ∂σ δ χ2 1 k χ2ζ 4k σ2 +ζ2 ζ 4k ζ3 k χσ2 χ4 + √2m2F m2F = 0 (26) 0 − 1 − 2 − 3 − 3ζ χ20 k k − √2 π π! (cid:16) (cid:17) where 1 k2M < ψ¯ψ >= ∞dk N∗ [n (k)+n¯ (k)+n (k)+n¯ (k)]. (27) π2 E (k) n n p p Z0 ∗ In the above equation, n (k) and n¯ (k) are the nucleon and antinucleon distributions, re- q q spectively, expressed as 6 1 n (k) = (28) q exp[(E (k) ν )/k T]+1 ∗ q B − and 1 n (k) = (q = n,p). (29) q exp[(E (k)+ν )/k T]+1 ∗ q B The equations for the vector mesons, ω and ρ, are: χ2 m2ω +4g ω3 +12g ωρ2 = gN(ρ +ρ ), (30) χ2 ω 4 4 ω p n 0 χ2 1 m2ρ+4g ρ3 +12g ω2ρ = gN(ρ ρ ), (31) χ2 ρ 4 4 3 ω p − n 0 where ρ and ρ are the proton and neutron densities, expressed as p n 1 ρ = ∞dkk2[n (k) n¯ (k)] (q = p,n). (32) q π2 q − q Z0 Inorder todescribe asymmetric nuclear matter, onecanintroducetheasymmetry parameter α which is defined as ρ ρ n p α = − , (33) ρ N where ρ = ρ +ρ . For symmetric matter α = 0, while for neutron matter α = 1. N n p Let us now discuss the liquid-gas phase transition. For asymmetric nuclear matter we follow the thermodynamic approach of Refs. [13] and [14]. The system will be stable against separation into two phases if the free energy of a single phase is lower than the free energy in all two-phase configurations. This requirement can be formulated as [14] F(T,ρ) < (1 λ)F(T,ρ)+λF(T,ρ ), (34) ′ ′′ − with ρ = (1 λ)ρ +λρ , 0 < λ < 1, (35) ′ ′′ − where F is the Helmholtz free energy per unit volume. The two phases are denoted by a prime and a double prime. The stability condition implies the following set of inequalities: ∂p ρ > 0, (36) ∂ρ! T,α ∂µ ∂µ p n < 0 or > 0. (37) ∂α ! ∂α ! T,p T,p Ifoneofthestabilityconditionsisviolated, asystemwithtwophasesisenergeticallyfavored. The phase coexistence is governed by the Gibbs conditions: µ (T,ρ) = µ (T,ρ ), (q = n,p), (38) ′q ′ ′q′ ′′ p(T,ρ) = p (T,ρ ), (39) ′ ′ ′′ ′′ where the temperature is the same in the two phases. 7 IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Liquid-gas phase transition The parameters in this model are determined by the meson masses in vacuum and the properties of nuclear matter which were listed in table I of Ref. [36]. We first discuss the liquid-gas phase transition of symmetric nuclear matter. In Fig. 1, we show the pressure of the system versus nucleon density at different temperatures using the square root ans¨atz for the effective nucleon mass (Eq. (17)). At low temperature, the pressure first increases and then decreases with increasing density. The p ρ isotherms exhibit the form of two N − phase coexistence, with an unphysical region for each. At temperature T = 15.82 MeV, there appears a point of inflection, where ∂p/∂ρ = 0, ∂2p/∂ρ2 = 0. This temperature is N N called the critical temperature. Symmetric nuclear matter can only be in gas phase above this temperature. The pressure versus nucleon density with the linear definition of effective nucleonmass(Eq. (18))isshowninFig.2. Inthiscase, thecriticaltemperatureis17.9MeV. In bothcases, the calculated critical temperature is close to the recent result T = 16.6 0.86 c ± MeV, which was obtained by Natowitz et al. [19]. The critical temperature calculated with the Walecka model is larger than 20 MeV. This large T is partially caused by the large c incompressibility modulus K ( 540 MeV). For the same reason the stiff Skyrme interaction ≃ SK1 gives a largeT , which is close to 20 MeV, while the soft Skyrme interaction SKM gives c ∗ a small T [7]. The QMC model and the effective model based on SU(2) chiral symmetry c provide reasonable values of T , around 15-16 MeV [15,37]. c 2.0 1.5 -3Vfm ) 1.0 2 0 M e V e M p ( 0.5 15.8 2 0.0 10 5 -0.5 T = 0 -1.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 r ( fm-3 ) N FIG. 1. The pressure of symmetric nuclear matter p versus nucleon density, ρ , at different N temperatures with the square root ansa¨tz of effective nucleon mass. For the asymmetric case, the situation is more complicated. One cannot get the crit- ical temperature from the p ρ isotherms. The chemical potentials of the proton and N − neutron are different. We show the chemical potential versus asymmetric parameter α at 8 temperature T = 10 MeV and pressure p = 0.12 MeVfm 3 with the square root definition − of effective nucleon mass in Fig. 3 (For convenience, we use the reduced chemical potential which is defined as µ = µ M .) The solid and dashed lines are for proton and neu- N N N − tron respectively. The Gibbs equations (38) and (39) for phase equilibrium demand equal pressure and chemicael potentials for two phases with different concentrations. The desired solution can be found by means of the geometrical construction shown in Fig. 3, which guarantees the same pressure and chemical potentials for protons and neutrons in the two phases with different asymmetry parameter α. 1.0 T = 2 0 M e V 0.5 17.9 -3m ) 1 5 Vf Me 0.0 p ( 10 -0.5 0 -1.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 r ( fm-3 ) N FIG. 2. The pressure of symmetric nuclear matter p versus nucleon density ρ at different N temperatures with the linear definition of effective nucleon mass. The pairs of solutions foundusing the method just described, yield a binodal curve which is shown in Fig. 4. There is a critical point where the pressure is about 0.205 MeV-fm 3 and − the corresponding asymmetry parameter is around 0.7. The two phases have the same α and therefore the same density at this point. The binodal curve is divided into two branches by the critical point. One branch corresponds to the high density (liquid) phase, the other corresponds to the low density (gas) phase. Assume the system is initially prepared in the low density (gas) phase with α = 0.55. When the pressure increases to some value, the two-phase region is encountered at point A and a liquid phase at B with a low α begins to emerge. As the system is compressed, the gas phase evolves from point A to C, while the liquid phase evolves from B to D. If the pressure of the system continues to increase, the system will leave the two-phase region at point D. The gas phase disappears and the system is entirely in the liquid phase. This kind of phase transition is different from the normal first order phase transition where the pressure remains constant during phase transition. If the initial asymmetric nucleon gas is larger than some value, the system enters and leaves the two phase region on the same branch. For example, the system becomes unstable at point A and a liquid phase with a higher nucleon density begins to emerge at B. The system is ′ ′ compressed at a fixed totalα, with the gas phase evolving from A to C and the liquid phase ′ ′ from B to D.The system leaves the two-phase region point C which is still in the original ′ ′ ′ 9 gas phase. Therefore, for a given temperature, if the total asymmetry parameter of the system is larger than a critical value, the system cannot change completely into the liquid phase, however large the pressure. In other words, for a system with a fixed asymmetric parameter α, there exists a critical temperature, above which the system can only be in the gas phase at any pressure. 0 -10 -20 ) V e M ~ ( n -30 ~m, p m -40 -50 -60 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 a FIG. 3. Geometrical construction used to obtain the chemical potentials and asymmetric pa- rameters in the two-phase coexistence at temperature T = 10 MeV and p = 0.12 MeVfm 3. − 0.24 0.20 D' C' D C -3m ) 0.16 Vf e M p ( 0.12 B' A' 0.08 B A 0.04 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 a FIG. 4. Binodal curve at temperature T = 10 MeV. The points A through D and A through D ′ ′ denote two kinds of phase transition. The α dependence of the critical temperature is shown in Fig. 5. The solid and dashed lines correspond to the square root ans¨atz and the linear definition of effective nucleon mass, 10

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