Preface The origins of liposome research can be traced to the contributions of Alec Bangham and colleagues in the mid 1960s. The description of lecithin disper- sions as containing ‘‘spherulites composed of concentric lamellae’’ (A. D. Bangham and R. W. Horne, J. Mol. Biol. 8, 660, 1964) was followed by the observationthat‘‘thediffusionofunivalentcationsandanionsoutofspontan- eouslyformedliquidcrystalsoflecithinisremarkablysimilartothediffusionof such ions across biological membranes (A. D. Bangham, M. M. Standish and J. C. Watkins, J. Mol. Biol. 13, 238, 1965). Following early studies on the biophysicalcharacterizationofmultilamellarandunilamellarliposomes,inves- tigators began to utilize liposomes as a well-defined model to understand the structure and function of biological membranes. It was also recognized by pioneers,includingGregoryGregoriadisandDemetriosPapahadjopoulos,that liposomes could be used as drug delivery vehicles. It is gratifying that their effortsandtheworkofthoseinspiredbythemhaveledtothedevelopmentof liposomalformulationsofdoxorubicin,daunorubicin,andamphotericinB,now utilizedintheclinic.Othermedicalapplicationsofliposomesincludetheiruse as vaccine adjuvants and gene delivery vehicles, which are being explored in thelaboratoryaswellasinclinicaltrials.Thefieldhasprogressedenormously since1965. This volume describes methods of liposome preparation, and the physico- chemicalcharacterizationofliposomes.Ihopethatthesechapterswillfacilitate theworkofgraduatestudents,post-doctoralfellows,andestablishedscientists entering liposome research. Subsequent volumes in this series will cover additionalsubdisciplinesinliposomology. The areas represented in this volume are by no means exhaustive. I have tried to identify the experts in each area of liposome research, particularly thosewhohavecontributedtothefieldoversometime.ItisunfortunatethatI was unable to convince some prominent investigators to contribute to the volume. Some invited contributors were not able to prepare their chapters, despite generous extensions of time. In some cases I may have inadvertently overlookedsomeexpertsinaparticulararea,andtotheseindividualsIextend myapologies.Theirprimarycontributionstothefieldwill,nevertheless,notgo unnoticed,inthecitationsinthesevolumesandintheheartsandmindsofthe manyinvestigatorsinliposomeresearch. ix x preface Inthelastfiveyears,theliposomefieldhaslostsomeofitsmajormembers. DemetriosPapahadjopoulos(oneofAlec Bangham’sprotegesandoneof my mentors)wasasignificantmoverofthefieldandaninspirationtomanyyoung scientists.Heorganizedthefirstconferenceonliposomesin1977inNewYork. Hewasalsoaco-founderofacompanytoattempttocommercializeliposomes for medical purposes. Danilo Lasic brought in his sophisticated biophysics background to help understand liposome behavior, wrote and co-edited nu- merousvolumesonvariousaspectsofliposomes,andhelpedtheirwidespread appreciation with short reviews. David O’Brien was a pioneer in the field of photoactivatable liposomes, most likely inspired by his earlier work on rhod- opsin.Hewastohavecontributedachaptertothelastvolumeof‘‘Liposomes’’ inthisseries.Foralltheircontributionstothefield,thisvolumeisdedicatedto thememoriesofDrs.Papahadjopoulos,LasicandO’Brien. I would like to express my gratitude to all the colleagues who graciously contributedtothesevolumes.IwouldliketothankShirleyLightofAcademic Press for her encouragement for this project, and Noelle Gracy of Elsevier Scienceforherhelpatthelaterstagesoftheproject.Iamespeciallythankfulto my wife Diana Flasher for her understanding, support and love during the endless editing process, and my children Avery and Maxine for their unique curiosity,creativity,cheer,andlove. Nejat Du¨zgu¨nes Mill Valley METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF John N. Abelson Melvin I. Simon DIVISIONOFBIOLOGY CALIFORNIAINSTITUTEOFTECHNOLOGY PASADENA,CALIFORNIA FOUNDING EDITORS Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan Contributors to Volume 367 Articlenumbersareinparenthesesandfollowingthenamesofcontributors. Affiliationslistedarecurrent. Patrick Ahl (80), Bio Delivery Sciences Wilson Capparo´s-Wanderley (70), International, Inc., UMDNJ-New Jersey School of Pharmacy, Lipoxen Technolo- Medical School, 185 South Orange gies Ltd., University of London, 29-39 Avenue, ADMC4, Newark, New Jersey Brunswick Square, London WC1N 1AX, 07103 England Juha-Matti Alakoskela (129), Institute Laurie Chow (3), Inex Pharmaceutical ofBiomedicine,P.O.Box63,Biomedcum Copre, Glenlyon Business Park1, 100- Haartmaninkatu 8, University of 8900GlenlyonParkway,Burnaby,British Helsinki,Helsinki,FIN00014,Finland Columbia,CanadaV5J5J8 MiglenaAngelova(15),InstituteofBio- Joel A. Cohen (148), Department of medicine, P.O. Box 63, Biomedicum Physiology, University of the Pacific Haartmaninkatu 8, University of SchoolofDentistry,2155WebsterStreet, Helsinki,Helsinki,FIN00014,Finland SanFrancisco,California94115 KlausArnold(253),InstituteforMedical Rivka Cohen (270), Laboratory of Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Membrane and Liposome Research, Medicine, University of Leipzig, Hebrew Univeristy-Hadassah Medical D-04103Leipzig,Germany School,Jerusalem91120,Israel Jesus Arroyo (213), Facultad Farmacia y E.AnibalDisalvo(213),FacultadFarm- Bioqu´ımica, Universidad de Buenos aciayBioqu´ımica,UniversidaddeBuenos Aires,Junin9562P,BuenosAires11113, Aires,Junin9562P,BuenosAires11113, Argentina Argentina AndrewBacon(70),SchoolofPharmacy, Lipoxen Technologies Ltd., University Nejat Du¨zgu¨nes (23), Department of of London, 29-39 Brunswick Square, Microbiology, University of the Pacific LondonWC1N1AX,England SchoolofDentistry,2155WebsterStreet, SanFrancisco,California94115 Luis A. Bagatolli (233), MEMPHYS- Center for Biomembrane Physics, Simcha Even-Chen (270), Laboratory of DepartmentofBiochemistryandMolecu- Membrane and Liposome Research, lar Biology, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Hebrew Univeristy-Hadassah Medical OdenseM,Denmark School,Jerusalem91120,Israel YechezkelBarenholz(270),Laboratory Gregory Gregoriadias (70), School of of Membrane and Liposome Research, Pharmacy, Lipoxen Technologies Hebrew Univeristy-Hadassah Medical Ltd.,UniversityofLondon,29-39Bruns- School,Jerusalem91120,Israel wick Square, London WC1N 1AX, England DeliaL.Bernik(213),FacultadFarmacia y Bioqu´ımica, Universidad de Buenos SadaoHirota(177),TokyoDenkiUniver- Aires, Junin 956 2P, Buenos Aires sity, 6-6-18 Higashikaigan-Minami, 11113,Argentina Chigasaki-Shi253-0054,Japan vii viii contributors to volume 367 Juha M. Holopainen (15), Institute of WalterR.Perkins(80),Transave,Inc.,11 Biomedicine, P.O. Box 63, Biomedicum Deerpark Drive, Suite 117, Monmouth Haartmaninkatu 8, University of Junction,NewJersey08552 Helsinki,Helsinki,FIN00014,Finland Gertrud Puu (199), Swedish Defense Re- ReumaHonen(270),LaboratoryofMem- search Agency, NBC Defence, SE 90182 brane and Liposome Research, Hebrew Umei,Sweden Univeristy-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem91120,Israel RamonBarnadasiRodrı´guez(28),Uni- tat de Biofisica, Facultat de Medicine, Michael Hope (3), Inex Pharmaceutical Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona, Copre, Glenlyon Business Park1, 100- Catalonia, 08193 Cerdanolya del Valle`s, 8900 Glenlyon Parkway, Burnaby, Spain BritishColumbia,CanadaV5J5J8 Rolf Schubert (46), Pharmazeutisches Jana Jass (199), The Lawson Health Re- Institut, Lehrstuhl fu¨r Pharmazeutische search Institute, 268 Grosvenor Street, Technologie,Albert-Ludwigs-Universita¨t- London,Ontario,CanadaN6A4U2 Freiburg, Hermann-herder Strasse 9, Andrea Kasˇna´ (111), Veterinary D-79104Freiburg,Germany Research Institute, Department of Im- Hilary Shmeeda (270), Shaare Zedek munology, Hudcova 70, 62132 Brno, Medical Center, Department of CzechRepublic Experimental Oncology, POB 3235, PaavoK.J.Kinnunen(15,129),Institute Jerusalem91031,Israel of Biomedicine, P.O. Box 63, Torbjo¨rn Tja¨rnhage (199), Swedish De- Biomedicum Haartmaninkatu 8, Univer- fense Research Agency, NBC Defence, sity of Helsinki, Helsinki, FIN 00014, SE90182Umei,Sweden Finland Peter Laggner (129), Institute of Bio- Jaroslav Tura´nek (111), Veterinary Re- search Institute, Department of Immun- physics and X-Ray Structure Research, ology, Hudcova 70, 62132 Brno, Czech AustrianAcademyofSciences,Schmiedl- Republic strasse6,A-8042Graz,Austria BrendaMcCormack(70),SchoolofPhar- Carmela Weintraub (270), Laboratory of Membrane and Liposome Research,- macy, Lipoxen Technologies Ltd., Hebrew Univeristy-Hadassah Medical- University of London, 29-39 Brunswick Square,LondonWC1N1AX,England School,Jerusalem91120,Israel Barbara Mui (3), Inex Pharmaceutical EwoudC.A.VanWinden(99),Regulon Copre, Glenlyon Business Park1, Gene Pharmaceuticals A.E.B.E., 100-8900 Glenlyon Parkway, Burnaby, Auxentiou Grigoriou 7, Alimos, 17455 BritishColumbia,CanadaV5J5J8 Athens,Greece Jirˇı´Necˇa(111),VeterinaryResearchInsti- Manuel Sabe´s i Xaman´ı (28), Unitat de tute, Department of Immunology, Biofisica, Facultat de Medicine, Hudcova70,62132Brno,CzechRepublic Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona, Catalonia, 08193 Cerdanolya del Valle`s, Shinpei Ohki (253), Department of Physi- Spain ology and Biophysics, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, DanaZa´luska´ (111),VeterinaryResearch StateUniversityofNewYorkatBuffalo, Institute, Department of Immunology, Buffalo,NewYork14214 Hudcova70,62132Brno,CzechRepublic [1] extrusion technique 3 [1] Extrusion Technique to Generate Liposomes of Defined Size By Barbara Mui, Laurie Chow and Michael J. Hope Introduction Liposome extrusion is a widely used process in which liposomes are forced under pressure through filters with defined pore sizes to generate a homogeneous population of smaller vesicles with a mean diameter that reflects that of the filter pore.1 This technique has grown in popularity andhasbecomethemostcommonmethodofreducingmultilamellarlipo- somes, usually called multilamellar vesicles (MLVs), to large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) formodelmembraneanddrugdelivery research. TheextrusionconceptwasinitiallyintroducedbyOlsonetal.,2whode- scribed the sequential passage of a dilute liposome preparation through polycarbonate filters of decreasing pore size, using a hand-held syringe and filter holder attachment, in order to produce a homogeneous size dis- tribution. This procedure was further developed and made more practical by the construction of a robust, metal extrusion device that employed medium pressures (800 lb=in2) to rapidly extrude MLV suspensions dir- ectly through polycarbonate filters with pore diameters in the range of 50 to200 nmtogenerateLUVs.1Atthetimethisprocessrepresentedamajor advance for those routinely preparing LUVs. Other size reduction methods, such as the use of ultrasound or microfluidization techniques, tendtogeneratesignificantpopulationsof‘‘limitsize’’vesiclesthataresub- ject to lipid-packing constraints3 and also suffer from lipid degradation, heavy metal contamination, and limited trapping efficiencies. Reversed phase evaporation (REV) methods were also common in the 1980s and usually involved the formation of aqueous–organic emulsions followed by solvent evaporation to produce liposome populations with large trapped volumesandimprovedtrappingefficiencies.4However,thesemethodsare restricted by lipid solubility in solvent or solvent mixtures; moreover, 1M.J.Hope,M.B.Bally,G.Webb,andP.R.Cullis,Biochim.Biophys.Acta812,55(1985). 2F.Olson,C.A.Hunt,F.C.Szoka,W.J.Vail,andD.Papahadjopoulos,Biochim.Biophys. Acta557,9(1979). 3M.J.Hope,M.B.Bally,L.D.Mayer,A.S.Janoff,andP.R.Cullis,Chem.Phys.Lipids40, 89(1986). 4F. Szoka, F. Olson, T. Heath, W. Vail, E. Mayhew, and D. Papahadjopoulos, Biochim. Biophys.Acta601,559(1980). Copyright2003,ElsevierInc. Allrightsreserved. METHODSINENZYMOLOGY,VOL.367 0076-6879/03$35.00 4 methods of liposome preparation [1] removal of residual solvent can be tedious. Detergent dialysis tech- niques are also subject to similar practical difficulties associated with lipid solubilityand completeremovalof detergent. Consequently,theconvenienceandspeedofextrusionbecameamajor advantageoverothertechniques.Extrusioncanbeappliedtoawidevariety oflipidspeciesandmixtures,itworksdirectlyfromMLVswithouttheneed forsequentialsizereduction,processtimesareontheorderofminutes,and it is only marginally limited by lipid concentration compared with other methods.Manufacturingissuesrelatedtoremovaloforganicsolventsorde- tergentsfromfinalpreparationsareeliminatedandtheequipmentavailable for extrusion scales well from bench volumes (0.1 to 10 mL) through pre- clinical(10 mLto1liter)toclinical(>1liter)volumesemployingrelatively low-costequipment,especiallyattheresearchandpreclinicallevels. Extrusion and Extrusion Devices MLVsformspontaneouslywhenbilayer-forminglipidmixturesarehy- drated in excess water, but they exhibit a broad size distribution ranging from 0.5 to 10 (cid:3)m in diameter and the degree of lamellarity varies dependingonthemethodofhydrationandlipidcomposition.Thesefactors restrictseverelythepracticalapplicationofMLVsformembraneanddrug delivery research, as discussed in detail elsewhere.3 In general, <10% of the total lipid present in a normal multilamellar liposome is present in the outer monolayer of the externally exposed bilayer compared with 50%intheoutermonolayerofalargeunilamellarsystem.1Consequently, the LUV better reflects the bilayer structure of a typical plasma or large organellemembrane.OtherlimitationsofMLVsincludetheirlargediam- eter,sizeheterogeneity,multipleinternalcompartments,lowtrapvolumes, and inconsistencies from preparation to preparation. Therefore, sizing MLV preparations by extrusion is an effective way to overcome some of these problems and to generate reproducible model membrane systems forbasic research, applied research, and clinicalapplications. Only moderate pressures (typically 200–800 lb=in2) are required to force liquid crystalline MLVs through polycarbonate filters with defined pore sizes. The majority of laboratories specializing in liposome research, particularly as applied to drug delivery, use a heavy-duty device com- mercially available from Northern Lipids (Vancouver, BC, Canada; The Lipex extruder is an easy-to-use, robust stainless steel unit, which can operate up to pressures of 800 lb=in2 (Fig.1). Aquick-fitsampleport assembly allows forrapid and convenient cycling of preparations through the filter holder. The sequential use of large to small pore filters2 to reduce back pressure is not necessary for [1] extrusion technique 5 Fig. 1. A research-scale extrusion device (Lipex extruder) manufactured by Northern Lipids(Vancouver,BC,Canada)hasa10-mLcapacityandcanbeoperatedoverawiderange oftemperatureswhenusedincombinationwithacirculatingwaterbath.Thequick-release sampleportatthetopoftheunitallowsforrapidcyclingofsamplethroughthefilters. 6 methods of liposome preparation [1] the majority of lipid samples, and large multilamellar systems can be ex- truded directly through filter pore sizes as small as 30 nm. The equipment is also fitted with a water-jacketed, sample-holding barrel that enables the extrusion of lipids with gel–liquid crystalline phase transitions above room temperature, an important feature as gel-state lipids will not extrude (see Effect of Lipid Composition on Extrusion, later). Extrusion can also be performed with a hand-held syringe fitted with a standard sterilization filter holder or purpose-built hand-held units, such as those supplied by Avanti Polar Lipids (Alabaster, AL; www.avanti- and Avestin (Ottawa, ON, Canada; These devicesare suitable only forsmall-volumeapplications (typically <1 mL); oneexampleconsistsoftwoHamiltonsyringesconnectedbyafilterholder, allowingforback-and-forthpassageofthesample.5Usingthistechnique,a dilutesuspensionofliposomes(composedofliquidcrystallinelipid)canbe passed through the filters to reduce vesicle size. This method, however, is limitedbythebackpressurethatcanbetoleratedbythesyringeandfilter holder, as well as the pressure that can be applied manually. Gener- ally, phospholipid concentrations must be less than 30 mM in order to comfortably extrude liposomesmanually. Avarietyoffilterssuitableforreducingthemeandiameterofliposome preparations are available from scientific suppliers. The most commonly used are standard polycarbonate filters (with straight-through pores). Other filter materials can be used, but the polycarbonate type has proved to be reliable, inert, durable, and easy to apply to filter supports without damage. Pore density influences extrusion pressure. In our experience thereisusuallylittlevariationbetweenfiltersfromthesamemanufacturer. However, on occasion users may notice changes in vesicle diameter pre- pared when using filters from different batches from the same supplier or when using filters in which the pores are created by different manufactur- ing processes. Tortuous path type filters do not have well-defined pore diameters like the straight-through type, and back pressure tends to be higherwhenusingthesefiltersforliposomeextrusion.However,adequate size reduction canstill be achieved. Mechanism of Extrusion and Vesicle Morphology As the concentric layers of a typical MLV squeeze into the filter pore under pressure during extrusion, a process of membrane rupture and resealingoccurs.Thepracticalconsequenceofthisisthatanysolutetrapped 5R. C. MacDonald, R. I. MacDonald, B. P. Menco, K. Takeshita, N. K. Subbarao, and L.R.Hu,Biochim.Biophys.Acta1061,297(1991). [1] extrusion technique 7 insideanMLVorlargeliposomebeforesizereductionwillleakoutduring theextrusioncycle.Therefore,whenspecificsolutesaretobeencapsulated, extrusionisnearlyalwaysperformedinthepresenceofmediumcontaining thedesiredfinalsoluteconcentrationandexternal(unencapsulated)solute is removed only when sizing is complete. In a study on the mechanism of liposome size reduction by extrusion, Hunter and Frisken6 demonstrated thatthe pressureneeded toreduce theparticlesize ofvesiclesduring pas- sage through a 100-nm pore correlated with the force needed to rupture thelipidmembraneandnottheforcerequiredsimplytodeformthebilayer. Interestingly,theseauthorsalsonotedthatasflowratethroughthefilterin- creasedthemeanvesiclesizedecreased.Thisisattributedtothethicknessof the lubricating layer formed by fluid associated with the sides of the pore from which particles are excluded. As the velocity of the fluid increases the thickness of the lubricating layer also increases, effectively reducing thepore diameter experienced by vesiclestraversing the membrane.6,7 Theruptureandresealingprocesscanalsogiverisetoovalorsausage- shapedvesicles,andMui et al.8showedthat this shapedeformationis dic- tatedlargelybyosmoticforce.Asvesiclesaresqueezedthrough thepores they elongate and lose internal volume through transient membrane rupturetoaccommodatetheincreaseinsurfacearea-to-volumeratioasso- ciated with the nonspherical morphology. On exiting the pore the mem- brane wants to adopt a spherical shape, thermodynamically the lowest energy state for the bilayer, but the required increase in trapped volume is opposed by osmotic force. Therefore, in the presence of impermeable or semipermeable solutes (e.g., common buffers and salts) oval or saus- age-shaped vesicles are produced, whereas vesicles made in pure water arespherical (Fig.2A and B). Sausage-like and dimpled vesicle morphology is observed when extru- sion occurs even in solutions of relatively low osmolarity, such as 10 mM NaCl. It should be noted that these vesicle morphologies have been ob- servedonlywhenemployingcryoelectronmicroscopytechniques,inwhich vesicles are visualized through thin films of ice in the absence of cryopro- tectants. Freeze–fracture methods do not reveal sausage-like morphology under the same conditions, which may be due to the high concentrations of membrane-permeable glycerol (25%, v=v), used as a cryoprotectant, affectingtheosmoticgradient.Roundingupofvesiclesisreadilyachieved bysimplylowering theionicstrength ofthe externalmedium.8 6D.G.HunterandB.J.Frisken,Biophys.J.74,2996(1998). 7G.GompperandD.M.Kroll,Phys.Rev.EStat.Phys.PlasmasFluidsRelat.Interdiscip. Topics52,4198(1995). 8B.L.Mui,P.R.Cullis,E.A.Evans,andT.D.Madden,Biophys.J.64,443(1993).