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Contributors to Volume 71 Article numbers are ni parentheses following the names of .srotubirtnoc snoitailiffA listed are .tnerruc V. P. AGRAWAL (50), Department of JUDITH F. KCOTSNIB (49), Department of Chemistry, Tribhuvan University, Kirfipur Chemistry, Manhattan College, River- Kathmandu, Nepal dale, New York 17401 FAZAL AHMAD (2), Papanicolaou Cancer DRAWOH L. NAMKCORB (72), The Hormel Research Institute, Miami, Florida 10133 Institute, University of Minnesota, Austin, Minnesota 21955 PATRICIA M. AHMAD (2), Papanicolaou Cancer Research Institute, Miami, J. S. RENKCUB (13), Metabolism and Radia- Florida 10133 tion Research Laboratory, Fargo, North Dakota 20185 DRANREB AXELROD (53), Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University, West THOMAS M. HGUORBSEEHC (53), Depart- Lafayette, Indiana 47907 ment of Biochemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 YRRET A. BAKER (55), Lipid Metabolism Laboratory, William S. Middleton Memo- PATRICK C. CHOY (68), Department of Biochemistry, University of Manitoba, rial Veterans Hospital, Madison, Wiscon- Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E OW3, Canada sin 53705 CLINTON E. BALLOU (29), Department of PHILIP COHEN (3), Biochemistry Depart- ment, Dundee University, Dundee DDI Biochemistry, University of California, 4HN, Scotland Berkeley, California 02749 TREBOR S. CONWAY (51), Department of C. J. BEDORD (27), Syntex Corporation, Microbiology, Emory University, Atlanta, 3401 Hillview Avenue, PaiD Alto, Califor- Georgia 22303 nia 40349 R. C. LLERTTOC (80), The British Industrial PEa BELFRAGE (74, 75), Department of Biological Research Association, Carshal- Physiological Chemistry, University of ton, Surrey SM5 4DS, England Lund, S-220 70 Lund, Sweden JOHN E. CRONAN, JR. (18, 21, 41), Depart- WILLIAM R. BENSCH (56), Lilly Research ment of Microbiology, University of Laboratories, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 10816 ROLF KRISTIAN BERGE (28), Laboratory of MAILLIW C. DEAL, JR. (10), Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Ber- Biochemistry, Michigan State University, gen, 5016 Haukeland Sykehus, Norway East Lansing, Michigan 42884 BRADLEY BERGER (58), University of DNOMYAR A. DEEMS (81), Department of Chicago Medical School, Chicago, Chemistry, University of California, San Illinois 21606 Diego, La Jolla, California 39029 JOHN T. BERNERT, JR. (30), United States EDWARD A. DENNIS (81), Department of Department of Health, Education and Chemistry, University of California, San Welfare, Center for Disease Control, Diego, La Jolla, California 39029 Atlanta, Georgia 33303 DNOMYAR DILS (26), Department of Phys- L. L. BIEBER (42), Department of iology & Biochemistry, University of Biochemistry, Michigan State University, Reading, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 East Lansing, Michigan 48824 2A J, England xiii xiv CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 17 PETER F. DODOS (11), Department of tory, University of Texas Health Science Chemistry, Georgetown University, Wash- Center at Dallas, Southwestern Medical ington, D.C. 20057 School, Dallas, Texas 75235, and Vete- rans Administration Medical Center, Dal- YUKlO DOl (87), Burnsides Research Labo- las, Texas 61257 ratory, Department of Food Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois JEANIE FRYE (78), Life Sciences Division, 10816 Meloy Laboratories Inc., 6715 Electronic Drive, Springfield, Virginia 15122 MAILLIW NAI-lWOD (65, 66), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ADNIL L. GALLO (77), Department of University of Texas Medical School, Biochemistry, George Washington Uni- Houston, Texas 52077 versity, Washington, D.C. 20037 REGOR F. DRONG (36), Lipid Metabolism R. E. GARCIA (88), Department of Laboratory, William S. Middleton Memo- Biochemistry, University of California, rial Veterans Hospital, Madison, Wiscon- Riverside, California 12529 sin 53705, and Department of Physiologi- NOMIHS GATT (60), Laboratory of Neuro- cal Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, chemistry, Department of Biochemistry, Madison, Wisconsin 60735 The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medi- DRAHCIR E. DUGAN (55), Lipid Metabolism cal School, Jerusalem, Israel Laboratory, William S. Middleton Memo- rial Veterans Hospital, Madison, Wiscon- J. G. SENAL1VAG (17), Department of sin 53705 Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Com- plutensis University, Madrid 3, Spain PAUL C. ENGEL (43), Department of Biochemistry, University of Sheffield, JAMES L. GAYLOR (32), Department of Biochemistry, University of Missouri, Sheffield SIO 2TN, England Columbia, Missouri 21256 YRAM LOU GREBNOF-TSNRE (8, 22), De- partment of Biochemistry, College of DAVID M. GIBSON (57), Department of Medicine, East Tennessee State Univer- Biochemistry, Indiana University School sity, Johnson City, Tennessee 10673 of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana 46223 R. RAY FALL (91, 92), Department of RAMAT GOLDFLAM (19), Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado, Boul- Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve der, Colorado 80309 University, Cleveland, Ohio 60144 LEAKIM DATSRAF (28), Laboratory of Clini- ALAN G. EGDIRDOOG (19), Department of cal Biochemistry, University of Bergen, Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve 5016 Haukeland Sykehus, Norway University, Cleveland, Ohio 60144 JIM C. FONG (47), Department of Psychi- YRRAH GRIFFIN (78), Agricultural Research atry, New York University Medical Council, Poultry Research Centre, Edin- Center, New York, New York 61001 burgh EH9 3JS, Scotland RICHARD FRANSON (78), Department of LEAHCIM J. GRIFFITH (37), Dental Research Biochemistry, Medical College of Vir- Center, The University of North Carolina, ginia, Richmond, Virginia 23219 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 41572 GUDRUN NOSKIRDERF (74), Department of DENNIS W. GROGAN (18), Department of Physiological Chemistry, University of Microbiology, University of Illinois, Lund, S-220 70 Lund, Sweden Urbana, Illinois 10816 EUGENE P. FRENKEL (38), Department of INGER GRUNNET (26), Institute of Internal Medicine, Evelyn L. Overton Biochemistry, University of Odense, Hematology-Oncology Research Labora- DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 7 1 xv PAUL S. GUY (3),Biochemistry Department, TATSUYUKI KAMIRYO (5, 39), Department Dundee University, Dundee DDl 4HN, of Medical Chemistry, Kyoto University Scotland Faculty of Medicine, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Jupan CAROLE L. HALL (45, 46), School of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technol- J. N. KANFER (70, 86), Department of ogy, Aflanta, Georgia 30332 Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Uni- versity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba D. GRAHAME HARDIE (3), Biochemistry De- R3E OW3, Canada partment, Dundee University, Dundee DDl 4HN. Scotland HIDEO KANOH (62), Department of Biochemistry, Niigata University School TAKASHI HASHIMOTO (I), Department of of Medicine, Niigata 951, Japan Biochemistry. Shinshu University Faculty of Medicine, Asahi, Matsumoto 390, SARVAGYA S. KATIYAR (36), Department of Japan Physiological Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 EDWARD HAWROT (67), Department of Pharmacology, Yale University School of AKIHIKO KAWAGUCHI (15, 16), Institute of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06510 Applied Microbiology, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Jupan TAKASHI HIRABAYASHI (65), Central Re- search Institute, Suntory Limited, Osaka, JOHN C. KHOO (73), Department of Medi- Japan cine, Division of Metabolic Disease, Uni- KOHEI HOSAKA (39, 40, 61), Department of versity of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Biochemistry, Gunma University School California 92093 of Medicine, Showa-cho, Maebashi 371, I. C. KIM (IO), Department of Biochemistry, Japan Michigan State University, East Lansing, ANTHONV H. C. HUANG (93), Department of Michigan 48824 Biology, University of South Carolina, Yu SAM KIM (20), Vepartment of‘ Bio- Columbia, South Carolina 29208 chemistry, College of Medicine, Yonsei HIROH IKEZAWA (84), Faculty of Phar- University. Seoul, Korea maceutical Sciences, Nagoya City Uni- RICHARD L. KITCHENS (38), Department of v’ersity , 3-I Tanabedori, Mizuhoku, Internal Medicine, Evelyn L. Overton Nagoya 467, Japan Hematology-Oncology Research Labora- THOMAS S. INGEBRITSEN (57), Biochemistry tory, University of Texas Health Science Department, Medical Sciences Institute, Center at Dallas, Southwestern Medical Dundee University, Dundee DDI 4HN, School, Dallas, Texas 75235, and Vete- Scotland runs Administration Medical Center, Dal- las ) Texas 752 16 ROBERT A. JENIK (IZ), Lipid Metabolism Laboratory, William S. Middleton Memo- DON A. KLEINSEK (55), Department of riul Veterans Hospital, Madison, Wiscon- Physiologicul Chemistry, University of sin 53705, and the Department of Physio- Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 logical Chemistry, University of Wiscon- JENS KNUDSEN (26), Institute of Biochemis- sin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 try, University of Odense. DK-5230 DEAN P. JONES (32), Department of Odense M, Denmark Biochemistry, Emory University School of P. E. KOLATTUKUDY (13,20,27,33,50,76), Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322 Institute of Biological Chemistry and VASUDEV C. JOSHI (3 I), Marrs McLean De- BiochemistrylBiophysics Program, Wash- partment of Biochemistry, Baylor College ington State University, Pullman, Wash- of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030 ington 99164 xvi CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 71 RUTH REMARK (79), 15 Park Street, Brook- OKURAH MEYER (7), Department of Mi- ,enH Massachusetts 64120 crobiology, College of Medicine, State University of New York, Upstate Medical AMOS KUMAR (11), Department of Chemis- Center, Syracuse, New York 01231 try, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057 FRANZ MEYER (7), Department of Mi- SIMO OSKAAL (53), Department of Biochem- crobiology, College of Medicine, State istry, University of Turku, SF-20500 University of New York, Upstate Medical Turku ,05 Finland Center, Syracuse, New York 01231 J. D. LARSON (33), Institute of Biological UBONmSOY MIKI (61), Department of Med- Chemistry, Washington State University, ical Chemistry, Kyoto University Faculty Pullman, Washington 46199 of Medicine, Yoshida, Salcyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan TIMOTHY LARSON (66), Fachbereich Biologie, University of Konstonz, CRAIG MILLER (78), Department of Bio- Konstonz, Federal Republic of Germany chemistry, Bowman Gray School of Medi- cine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina DRAWDE P. LAU (92), Department of 30172 Chemistry, University of Colorado, Boul- der, Colorado 80309 IHSOYASAM MISHINA (5, 39), Department of Medical Chemistry, Kyoto University CLIVE LITTLE (83), Institute of Medical Bi- Faculty of Medicine, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, ology, University of Troms¢, N-9001 Kyoto 606, Japan Tromso, Norway T. MIURA (70), The National Institute for KNARF A. OZTINROL (36), Lipid Metabolism Environmental Studies, Yatabe-machi, Laboratory, William S. Middleton Memo- Tsukuba-gun, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan rial Veterans Hospital, Madison, Wiscon- sin 53705 T. S. MOORE, JR. (71), Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, Laramie, MARTIN G. Low (85), Department of Wyoming 17028 Biophysics, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, TREBOR A. MOREAU (93), Department of Richmond, Virginia 89232 Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, Davis, California 61659 RODOEF LYNEN* (90), Max-Planck lnstitut fffr Biochemie, 8033 Martinsried, Federal YENDIS M. ,SIRROM JR. (19),Department of Republic of Germany Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 60144 MOT MCKEON (23, 34), Department of Veg- etable Crops, University of California, J. B. MUDD (88), Department of Biochemis- Davis, California 61659 try, University of California, Riverside, California 12529 I. B. MAITI (76), Department of Microbiol- ogy, Sherbrooke University, Sherbrooke, A. M. MUNICIO (17), Department of Quebec JIH 5N4, Canada Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Com- PAUL MANDEL (60), Centre de Neurochimie plutensis University, Madrid 3, Spain du CNRS, Universit~ Louis Pasteur, ADATEGIHS NAKANISHI (l), Department of Strasbourg, France Medical Chemistry, Kyoto University M. A. K. LLEWKRAM (42), Molecular Biol- Faculty of Medicine, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan ogy Institute, University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 42009 NENAD M. NESKOVIC (60), Centre de Neurochimie du CNRS, Universitd Louis * Deceased. Pasteur, Strasbourg, France CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 71 xvii YRAG NEUDAHL (10), Department of Bio- IHSOTAS 0MURA (15), School of Phar- chemistry, Michigan State University, maceutical Science, Kitasato University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan NIELS C. NIELSEN (6), USDA-SEA, Ag- STEVEN D. PELECrt (68), Department of ronomy Department, Purdue University, Biochemistry, University of British Co- lumbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 I WS , Canada JUN-IcHI NIKAWA (1), Department of DAVID O. NOSRETEP (14), Department of Biochemistry, Gunma University School Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Medicine, Showa-cho, Maebashi 371, of California, San Francisco, California Japan 34149 NILS ~3TEN NILSSON (74), Department of ANIGER OKZSURTEIP (89), Center of Alcohol Physiological Chemistry, University of Studies and Department of Biochemistry, Lund, S-220 07 Lund, Sweden Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 30980 AYNAKUS NIMMANNIT (54), Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical LEAHCIM R. POLLARD (35), Biochemistry Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Department, Dundee University, Dundee Bangkok 5, Thailand DDI 4HN, Scotland ORIHSOT NISHIDA (87), Burnsides Research JOHN W. RETROP (12, 36, 54, 55), Lipid Me- Laboratory, Department of Food Science, tabolism Laboratory, William S. Middle- University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois ton Memorial Veterans Hospital, Madi- 10816 son, Wisconsin 53705, and the Department of Physiological Chemistry, University of NAHTANOJ S. NISHIMURA (37), Department Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 60735 of Biochemistry, The University of Texas A. J. ESOLUOP (13, 20, 27),Institute of Bio- Health Science Center at San Antonio, logical Chemistry, Washington State Uni- San Antonio, Texas 48287 versity, Pullman, Washington 46199 UKASOHS NUMA (1, 5, 39, 40, 61, 64), De- M. RENUKA PRASAD (31), Department of partment of Medical Chemistry, Kyoto Biological Chemistry, University of University Faculty of Medicine, Yoshida, Illinois Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan 21606 HIDEO OGIWARA (1), Department of R. E. PUaDY (76), Environmental Sciences, Biochemistry, Gunma University School Chesapeake Bay Program, 2083 West of Medicine, Showa-cho, Maebashi 371, Street, Annapolis, Maryland 10412 Japan NILOFER QURESHI (54), Mycobacteriology KIMIYOSm OHNO (62), Department of Laboratory, William S. Middleton Memo- Biochemistry, Sapporo Medical College, rial Veterans Hospital, Madison, Wiscon- Chuo-Ku, West-17, South-I, Sapporo 060, sin 53705, and the Institute for Enzyme Japan Research, University of Wisconsin, Madi- son, Wisconsin 60735 A. AKASHO (82), The Second Department of R. AHTNAMUNAH OAR (78), Department of Bacteriology, National Institute of Health, Chemistry, Rust College, Holly Springs, 10-35 Kamiosaki-2-Chome, Shinagawa- Mississippi 53683 ku, Tokyo 141, Japan SAMUEL M. TROPOPAR (52), Institut fiir UBONEGIHS OKUDA (15, 16), Institute of Physiologische und Biologische Chemie, Applied Microbiology, The University of Humboldt Universitiit, DDR- I040 Berlin, Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan German Democratic Republic xviii CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 71 SELRAHC O. ROCK (21, 41), Department of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Biochemistry, St. Jude Children's Re- Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 search Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee HOWARD SPRECHER (30), Department of 10183 Physiological Chemistry, Ohio State Uni- ROTCIV W. RODWEEL (56), Department of versity, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Biochemistry, Purdue University, West K. SREEKRISHNA (31), Department of Lafayette, Indiana 47907 Biochemistry, University of Kentucky Col- LINDA SREGOR (27, 33), Institute of Biolog- lege of Medicine, Lexington, Kentucky ical Chemistry, Washington State Univer- 60504 sity, Pullman, Washington 46199 HAROLD STAACK (48), American Minitor DANIEL A. K. RONCAR! (9), Institute of Company, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 Medical Science and Department of Med- DANIEL STEINBERG (73), Department of icine, Toronto Western Hospital, Univer- Medicine, Division of Metabolic Disease, sity of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A8, Canada University of California, San Diego, La TANKRED SCHEWE (52), Institut fiir Jolla, California 39029 Physiologische und Biologische Chemie, PETER SROFL,~RTS (74), Department of Humboldt Universitdt, DDR-I040 Berlin, Physiological Chemistry, University of German Democratic Republic Lund, S-220 07 Lund, Sweden ULRICH SCHIELE (90), Hormon Chemie PAUL K. STUMPF (23, 34), Department of Miinchen GmbH, 8 Munich 45, Federal Biochemistry and Biophysics, University Republic of Germany of California, Davis, California 61659 GNAGFLOW J. REDIENHCS (69), Department T. ARAHAGUS (82), The Second Department of Molecular Genetics, University of of Bacteriology, National Institute of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, Health, 10-35 Kamiosaki-2-Chome, Texas 53257 Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan ANN W. ALLAGNOHCS (22), College of Med- MANFRED SUMPER (4), lnstitut fffr icine, Cornell University, New York, New Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie, kroY 12001 Lehrstuhl Biochemie, Universitiit TSROH SCHULZ (47, 48, 49), Department of Regensburg, 8400 Regensburg, Federal Chemistry, City College of the City Uni- Republic of German), versity of New York, New York, New York Rvo TAGUCHI (84), Faculty of Pharma- 13001 ceutical Sciences, Nagoya City Uni- EKUSUOY SEYAMA (16), Department of versity, 3- I Tanabedori, Mizuhoku, Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, The Nagoya 467, Japan University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo ,311 Japan T. TAKAHASHI (82), Department of Mi- crobiology, Hoshi College of Pharmacy, AICIRTAP SISSON (78), Department of Ebara-2-Chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Biochemistry, Bowman Gray School of ,241 Japan Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 30172 T. TAKI (70, 86), Department of Biochemis- try, Shizuoka College of Pharmacy, 2-2-1, TRAUTS SMITH (24, 25), Bruce Lyon Memo- Oshika, Shizuoka-Shi 422, Japan rial Research Laboratory, Children's Hospital Medical Center of Northern Cal- TADASHI TANABE (1), Department of ifornia, Oakland, California 90649 Biochemistry, National Cardiovascular NITRAM D. SNIDER (63), Center for Cancer Center Research Institute, Fufishiro-dai, Research and Department of Biology, Suita 565, Japan CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 17 xix OAKAT TANAKA (40), Third Division, De- TREBOR M. NOSRETAW (51), Department of partment of Internal Medicine, Osaka Microbiology, Emory University, Atlanta, Medical College, 'Daigaku-cho, Takatsuki Georgia 22303 569, Japan RAINER WIESNER (52), Institut ffir KCIREDERF R. ROLYAT (18), Department of Physiologische und Biologische Chemie, Microbiology, Oregon State University, Humboldt Universitiit, DDR-I040 Berlin, Corvallis, Oregon 13379 German Democratic Republic NILOC THORPE (44), Department of Chemis- KCAJ S. WOLPERT (8), Department of try, University of Delaware, Newark, Biochemistry, College of Medicine, East Delaware 11791 Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee 10673 IHSORIH ADOMOT (15), Institute of Applied Microbiology, The University of Tokyo, WILLIAM I. WOOD (14), Laboratory of Mo- Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan lecular Biology, National Institute of Ar- HANS TSlVQNROT (75), Department of Clini- thritis, Metabolism and Digestive Dis- cal Chemistry, University of Lund, Malm6 eases, National Institutes of Health, General Hospital, S-214 1O Malm6, Swe- Bethesda, Maryland 50202 den KENICHI K. !KASUBAY (29), Hana Biologics DENNIS E. VANCE (68, 69), Department of Inc., 1400 53rd Street, Emeryville, Cali- Biochemistry, University of British -oC fornia 80649 lumbia, Vancouver, British Columbia TAMIO YAMAKAWA (16), Department of V6T, IW5, Canada Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, The I. NAV NED BOSCH (59), Laboratory of University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Biochemistry, State University of Utrecht, ,311 Japan 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands !HSOTAS ATIHSAMAY (61, 64), Department G. P. H. NAV HEUSDEN (59), Laboratory of of Biochemistry, Gunma University School Biochemistry, State University of Utrecht, of Medicine, Showa-cho, Maebashi 371, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands Japan G. M. VIANEN (59), Laboratory of Bio- IHSAKAT YONETANI (89), Department of chemistry, State University of Utrecht, Biochemistry and Biophysics, University 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania 47191 YELESOM WAITE (78), Department of Bio- chemistry, Bowman Gray School of Medi- YCNAN L. YOUNG (58),Department of Med- cine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina icine, Cornell University Medical College, 30172 New York, New York 12001 ASEREHT A. WALKER (22), Department of PETER ZAHLER (79), Institute of Biochemis- Biology, Yale University, New Haven, try, University of Berne, 3012 Berne, Swit- Connecticut 02560 zerland Preface Let me haue men about me, that are fat Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep a'nights Julius Caesar Act I, Scene II* Fat people are no longer the preferred stereotype of placidity and health, and sleep is a somewhat overestimated commodity. Fat books, on the other hand, proliferate. A single volume was planned originally to cover recent developments in the biochemistry of lipids. It would have been too obese for comfort, so it was decided to divide the book into two volumes. If only obesity could be controlled so easily in the real word! Volume 17 deals with enzymes while Volume 72 covers methods useful to the lipid biochemist. Each section starts with a list of related articles previously published in the Methods ni Enzymology series. In general, the enzymes included have been purified highly. A notable exception are enzymes of lipid metabolism from plants, a number of which are included even though they have only been purified partially. It is hoped that their inclusion will provide a stimulus to their isolation in homogeneous form. The borderline between fatty acid and sterol metabolism has been set at/3-hydroxy-fl-methylglutaryl-CoA. The inclusion of some enzymes may strike the reader as odd, but there was in each case good reason. For example, 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase is included because of its relation to acetyl-CoA carboxylase and its ability to carboxylate free biotin, a valuable property for understanding acetyl-CoA carboxylase. I welcome suggestions for future volumes. Please do not hesitate to draw my attention to errors of omission or commission. JOHN M. LOWENSTEIN * H. M. Furness, Jr. (ed.). (1913). J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia and London, p. 45. xxi METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EDITED BY Sidney .P Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE AT SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA I. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes II. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes III. Preparation and Assay of Substrates .VI Special Techniques for the Enzymologist .V Preparation and Assay of Enzymes VI. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes )deunitnoC( Preparation and Assay of Substrates Special Techniques VII. Cumulative Subject Index xxiii METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Sidney P. Colowick Nathan O. Kaplan VOLUME VIII. Complex Carbohydrates Edited by HTEBAZILE F. NEUFELD AND VICTOR GINSBURG VOLUME IX. Carbohydrate Metabolism Edited by WILLIS A. DOOW VOLUME X. Oxidation and Phosphorylation Edited by RONALD W. ESTABROOK AND MAYNARD E. PULLMAN EMULOV XI. Enzyme Structure Edited by C. H. W. HIRS EMULOV XII. Nucleic Acids (Parts A and B) Edited by LAWRENCE NAMSSORG AND KIVIE MOLDAVE EMULOV XIII. Citric Acid Cycle Edited by J. M. NIETSNEWOL VOLUME XIV. Lipids Edited by J. M. NIETSNEWOL EMULOV XV. Steroids and Terpenoids Edited by DNOMYAR B. NOTYALC VOLUME XVI. Fast Reactions Edited by HTENNEK NITSUK EMULOV XVII. Metabolism of Amino Acids and Amines (Parts A and B) Edited by HERBERT TABOR AND CELIA WHITE TABOR EMULOV XVIII. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Parts A, B, and C) Edited by DONALD B. McCORMICK AND LEMUEL D. WRIGHT XXV

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