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BB. Lipids and Lipid Metabolism Vol. 1128, Nos. 2/3; 30 October 1992 Contents Review Mammalian lipoxygenases: molecular structures Effect of interleukin-1 alpha on lipoprotein lipids and functions in cynomolgus monkeys: Comparison to tumor S. Yamamoto (Japan) necrosis factor W.H. Ettinger, L.A. Miller, T.K. Smith and J.S. Regular Papers Parks (USA) Hypertriglyceridemia is exacerbated by slow lipol- Effects of 2-tetradecylglycidic acid on rat platelet ysis of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins in fed energy metabolism and aggregation but not fasted streptozotocin diabetic rats H. Ishikura, N. Takeyama and T. Tanaka J.C.L. Mamo, T. Hirano, A. Sainsbury, A.K. (Japan) Fitzgerald and T.G. Redgrave (Australia, Japan) Lipid composition, phospholipid profile and fatty Time-dependent utilization of platelet arachi- acid of rat caecal mucosa donic acid by the neutrophil in formation of V. Ruiz-Gutierrez, C.M. Vazquez and F.J. Quin- 5-lipoxygenase products in platelet-neutrophil tero (Spain) co-incubations Hypoxia increases stimulus-induced PAF produc- C. Antoine, R.C. Murphy, P.M. Henson and J. tion and release from human umbilical vein Maclouf (USA, France) endothelial cells Antioxidant activities of probucol against lipid M.S. Caplan, L. Adler, A. Kelly and W. Hsueh peroxidations (USA) N. Gotoh, K. Shimizu, E. Komuro, J. Tsuchiya, Inhibition by serum components of oxidation and N. Noguchi and E. Niki (Japan) collagen-binding of low-density lipoprotein Characterization of three arylsulfatases in semen: N. Kalant and S§. McCormick (Canada) seminolipid sulfohydrolase activity is present Isolation and properties of y-tocopherol methyl- in seminal plasma transferase in Euglena gracilis B.M. Gadella, B. Colenbrander, L.M.G. S. Shigeoka, H. Ishiko, Y. Nakano and T. Mit- Van Golde and M. Lopes-Cardozo (Nether- sunaga (Japan) lands) Black lipid membranes of tetraether lipids from Oxidized HDL are much less cytotoxic to lym- Thermoplasma acidophilum phoblastoid cells than oxidized LDL J. Stern, H.-J. Freisleben, S. Janku and K. Ring Y. Alomar, A. Négre-Salvayre, T. Levade, P. (Germany) Valdiguié and R. Salvayre (France) Phospholipid modifications during conversion of Modified apolipoprotein pattern after irradiation hepatic myofibroblasts into lipocytes (Ito-cells) of human high-density lipoproteins by ultravio- R.M. Guaragna, L. Trugo and R. Borojevic let B (Brazil) S. Salmon, R. Santus, J.C. Maziére, M. Aubailly Interaction between high-density lipoprotein sub- and J. Haigle (France) populations in apo B-free and abetalipopro- Combined action of paraquat and superoxide on teinemic plasma the peroxidation of detergent-dispersed linole- M.C. Cheung, A.C. Wolf and D.R. Illingworth nic acid (USA) M. Tomita, T. Okuyama, A. Ueki, H. Watanabe The phosphonic acid analog of phosphatidyl- and S. Kawai (Japan) glycerol phosphate: influence on Escherichia Opposite regulation of hepatic lipase and coli growth and physiology lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase by gluco- L. Ke, R. Engel and B.E. Tropp (USA) 250 corticoids in rats continued H. Jansen, A. Van Tol, J. Auwerx, G. Skretting and B. Staels (Netherlands, Belgium, Norway) BB. Lipids and Lipid Metabolism Vol. 1165, 1993 Cumulative Contents Review Oxylipin pathway to jasmonates: biochemistry and Protein transfer between A-I-containing lipopro- biological significance tein subpopulations: evidence of non-transfer- M. Hamberg and H.W. Gardner (Sweden, USA) able A-I in particles with A-II M.C. Cheung, A.C. Wolf, R.H. Knopp and D.M. Regular Papers Foster (USA) Mevinolin, a competitive inhibitor of hydroxy- Enhancement of platelet functions by low density methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, sup- lipoproteins presses enterocyte esterification of exogenous LI. Surya, G. Gorter, M. Mommersteeg and but not endogenous cholesterol J.W.N. Akkerman (Netherlands) K. Fellermann, F.M. Reimann, G. Herold and E.F. Stange (Germany) Activation of phospholipases in platelets by poly- clonal antibodies against a surface membrane Analysis of the binding and association of human protein intermediate density lipoproteins to HepG2 K. Hashimoto, F. Sekiya, J. Takagi, T. Tsukada, cells F. Sato and Y. Saito (Japan) L. Brissette and L. Falstrault (Canada) Changes of membrane phospholipid composition Regulation of intestinal apo A-[V mRNA abun- of human erythrocytes in hyperlipidemias. I. dance in rat pups during fasting and refeeding Increased phosphatidylcholine and reduced M. Sato, K. Imaizumi, H. Mori and M. Sugano (Japan) sphingomyelin in patients with elevated levels of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins Effects of mevinolin treatment on tissue dolichol B. Engelmann, S. Streich, U.M. Schénthier, W.O. and ubiquinone levels in the rat Richter and J. Duhm (Germany) P. Low, M. Andersson, C. Edlund and G. Dall- Changes of membrane phospholipid composition ner (Sweden) of human erythrocytes in hyperlipidemias. II. Studies on the chemical structure of neutral gly- Increases in distinct molecular species of phos- cosphingolipids in eggs of the sea hare, Aplysia phatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine juliana containing arachidonic acid Y. Yamaguchi, K. Konda and A. Hayashi (Japan) B. Engelmann, U.M. Schénthier, W.O. Richter Differential effect of subspecies of lipoprotein and J. Duhm () containing apolipoprotein A-I on cholesterol Synthesis, characterization and some properties efflux from cholesterol-loaded macrophages: of dideoxynucleoside analogs of cytidine functional correlation with lecithin : cholesterol diphosphate diacylglycerol acyltransferase T. Ohta, R. Nakamura, Y. Ikeda, M. Shinohara, G.M.T. Van Wijk, K.Y. Hostetler, C.N.S.P. Suurmeijer and H. Van den Bosch (Netherlands, A. Miyazaki, S. Horiuchi and I. Matsuda (Japan) USA) A new glycolipid from Mycobacterium avium— Rapid Report Mycobacterium intracellulare complex M. Watanabe, S. Kudoh, Y. Yamada, K. Iguchi Homology-derived three-dimensional structure and D.E. Minnikin (Japan, UK) prediction of Candida cylindracea \ipase Identification and characterization of apolipo- S. Longhi, M. Lotti, F. Fusetti, E. Pizzi, A. protein(AII-E2-AII) complex in human plasma Tramontano and L. Alberghina (Italy) lipoprotein M. Tozuka, H. Hidaka, M. Miyachi, K.-i. Furi- hata, T. Katsuyama and M. Kanai (Japan) continued 344 Regular Papers T. Dudler, W.-Q. Chen, S. Wang, T. Schneider, R.R. Annand, R.O. Dempcy, R. Crameri, M. Injury of mouse lymphocytes caused by exoge- Gmachl, M. Suter and M.H. Gelb (Switzerland, nous methyl linoleate hydroperoxides in vitro USA, Austria) M. Oarada and K. Terao (Japan) Acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase and 3-hy- Comparison of the molecular species patterns of droxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase in carp- phosphatidic acid, CDP-diacylglycerols and liver microsomes: effect of cold acclimation on phosphatidylinositol in potato tuber, pea leaf enzyme activities and on hepatic and plasma and soya-bean microsomes: consequences for lipid composition the selectivity of the enzymes catalyzing phos- T. Teichert and E. Wodtke (Germany) phatidylinositol biosynthesis Metabolism of intravenously administered 7a-hy- A.-M. Justin and P. Mazliak (France) droxycholesterol-3B-stearate in the hamster Analysis of the binding of polymyxin B to endo- M. Kishinaka, K. Kosahara, S. Okamoto, H. toxic lipid A and core glycolipid using a fluo- Oda, H. Ichimiya, K. Chijiiwa and S. Kuroki rescent displacement probe (Japan) S.A. David, K.A. Balasubramanian, V.I. Mathan Isolation and characterization of three lysophos- and P. Balaram (India) pholipases from the murine macrophage cell Persistence of increased cholesteryl ester in hu- line WEHI 265.1 man skin fibroblasts is caused by residual ex- D.E. Garsetti, L.E. Ozgiir, M.R. Steiner, R.W. ogenous sphingomyelinase and is reversed by Egan and M.A. Clark (USA) phospholipid liposomes Elevated glucose alters A23187-induced release O. Stein, K. Oette, Y. Dabach, G. Hollander, M. of arachidonic acid from porcine aortic en- Ben Naim and Y. Stein (Israel, Germany) dothelial cells by enhancing reacylation Structural elucidation of a novel phosphonogly- M.L. Brown, C.A. Clark, R. Vaillancourt and D. cosphingolipid in eggs of the sea hare Aplysia Deykin (USA) juliana Y. Yamaguchi, M. Ohta and A. Hayashi (Japan) Regular Papers Multiple phospholipase A, activities in canine vascular smooth muscle The effect of compounds associated with cigarette R. Miyake and R.W. Gross (USA) smoking on the secretion of lipoprotein lipid Structural characteristics of the ceramides of by HepG2 cells neutral glycosphingolipids in the human fe- W.Y. Craig (USA) male genital tract—their menstrual cycle-asso- Elevated N-myristoyl transferase activity is re- ciated change in the cervical epithelium and versed by sodium orthovanadate in streptozo- uterine endometrium, and their dissociation in tocin-induced diabetic rat the mucosa of the fallopian tube with the M.J. King, S. Pugazhenthi, R.L. Khandelwal and menstrual cycle R.K. Sharma (Canada) K. Takamatsu, M. Mikami, K. Kiguchi, S. Tissue-specific changes in lipid composition and Nozawa and M. Iwamori (Japan) lipoprotein lipase activity during the develop- Reversibility of the reactions catalyzed by ment of the chick embryo cholinephosphotransferase and ethanolamine- B.K. Speake, R.C. Noble and R.J. McCartney phosphotransferase solubilized from rat-brain (UK) microsomes A postulated phylogenetic tree for the human R. Roberti, A. Mancini, L. Freysz and L. Bi- apolipoprotein B gene: unpredicted haplotypes naglia (Italy, France) are associated with elevated apo B levels In vivo phospholipid modification induces changes A.M. Dunning, H.-H. Renges, A. Hamsten, P. in microsomal A5-desaturase activity Talmud and S. Humphries (UK, Sweden) A.I. Leikin and R.R. Brenner (Argentina) Determination of lipid hydroperoxides in native Influence of an increased intake of linoleic acid low-density lipoprotein by a chemiluminescent on the incorporation of dietary (n — 3) fatty flow-injection assay acids in phospholipids and on prostanoid syn- L.. Cominacini, A.M. Pastorino, A. McCarthy, thesis in rat tissues M. Campagnola, U. Garbin, A. Davoli, A. D. Raederstorff and U. Moser (Switzerland) De Santis and V. Lo Cascio (Italy, UK) High-level expression in Escherichia coli and Isolation of pigment-free bulk lipids from thy- rapid purification of enzymaticaily active honey lakoids 5 bee venom phospholipase A, C.E. Bratt and H.-E. Akerlund (Sweden) Effect of dietary a-linolenic acid on functional Effects of high-density lipoprotein particles con- characteristic of Na*/K*-ATPase isoenzymes taining apo A-I, with or without apo A-II, on in whole brain membranes of weaned rats intracellular cholesterol efflux A. Gerbi, M. Zerouga, M. Debray, G. Durand, S. Oikawa, A.J. Mendez, J.F. Oram, E.L. Bier- C. Chanez and J.-M. Bourre (France) man and M.C. Cheung (USA) An enzymatic explanation of the differential ef- fects of oleate and gemfibrozil on cultured hepatocyte triacylglycerol and phosphatidyl- Rapid Report choline biosynthesis and secretion R.G. Lamb, J.C. Koch and §.R. Bush (USA) Hepatic monoacylglycerol acyltransferase activity Simvastatin inhibits the oxidation of low-density in HA1 and HA7 hepatoma/hepatocyte hy- lipoproteins by activated human monocyte-de- brid cells: regulation by insulin and dexa- rived macrophages methasone and by cell density L.M. Giroux, J. Davignon and M. Naruszewicz R.A. Coleman (USA) (Canada) Characterization of the neutral pH-optimum sphingomyelinase from rat brain: inhibition by copper II and ganglioside GM3 Erratum M.D. Lister, C.L. Crawford-Redick and C.R. Loomis (USA) Reversible and irreversible inactivation of pre- Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1165 formed pulmonary surfactant surface films by changes in subphase constituents J.D. Amirkhanian and H.W. Taeusch (USA) Author Index

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