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BB Lipids and Lipid Metabolism Y a Biochimica Vol. 1215, 1994 % SA y U et Biophysica Acta EL= SREAVT IaEl y R Author Index Aihara, N., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Gong, E.L., see Luna-Chavez, C. (1215) 141 Ankrapp, D.P., see Keon, B.H. (1215) 327 Gonzales, J., see Gonzales, L.W. (1215) 49 Arnhold, J., see Panasenko, O.M. (1215) 259 Gonzales, L.W., Ballard, P.L. and Gonzales, J. Arnold, K., see Panasenko, O.M. (1215) 259 Glucocorticoid and cAMP increase fatty acid synthetase mRNA in human fetal lung explants (1215) 49 Ballard, P.L., see Gonzales, L.W. (1215) 49 Gonzalez-Crussi, F., see Tan, X. (1215) 157 Barrow, S.E., see Lloyd-Evans, P. (1215) 291 Gonzalez-Crussi, F.X., see Tan, X. (1215) 157 Bartolini, G., see Orlandi, M. (1215) 285 Groot Wassink, M., see Van den Boom, M.A.P. (1215) 314 Belletti, B., see Orlandi, M. (1215) 285 Bindra, A., see Giri, S. (1215) 337 Hara, A., see Ohara, H. (1215) 59 Bittman, R., see Rhodes, D.G. (1215) 237 Harii, K., see Kagehara, M. (1215) 183 Borensztajn, J., see Chang, S. (1215) 205 Hashimoto, T., see [Jlst, L. (1215) 347 Botham, K.M., see Bravo, E. (1215) 93 Hatsushika, S., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Bottoms, M.A., see Marchant, C.E. (1215) 267 Hauksson, J.B., Lindblom, G. and Rilfors, L. Bowden, L.A., see Lloyd-Evans, P. (1215) 291 Structures of glucolipids from the membrane of Acholeplasma laid- Braidot, E., see Macri, F. (1215) 109 lawii strain A-EF22. Il. Monoacylmonoglucosyldiacylglycerol (1215) Bravo, E., Botham, K.M., Mindham, M.A., Mayes, P.A., Marinelli, T. 341 and Cantafora, A. Hayata, C., see Sugita, M. (1215) 163 Evaluation in vivo of the differential uptake and processing of high- Hennecke, T., see Rose, H. (1215) 321 density lipoprotein unesterified cholesterol and cholesteryl ester in the Herrera, E., see L6pez-Luna, P. (1215) 275 rat (1215) 93 Hill, D.J., see Lloyd-Evans, P. (1215) 291 Bremer, J., see Wu, P. (1215) 87 Hirano, N., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Byers, D.M., see Palmer, F.B.St.C. (1215) 190 Hori, H., see Miyatake, A. (1215) 176 Byun, H.-S., see Rhodes, D.G. (1215) 237 Hori, T., see Sugita, M. (1215) 163 Horikawa, K., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Cantafora, A., see Bravo, E. (1215) 93 Hoy, C.-E., see Christensen, M.S. (1215) 198 Chang, S., Zhang, S.H., Maeda, N. and Borensztajn, J. Hsueh, W., see Tan, X. (1215) 157 Hepatic clearance of chylomicron remnants in mice lacking apopro- Huang, L., see Winkler, J.D. (1215) 133 tein E (1215) 205 Hui, S.W., see Rhodes, D.G. (1215) 237 Chen, J., Engle, S.J., Seilhamer, J.J. and Tischfield, J.A. Hunt, J.V., see Marchant, C.E. (1215) 267 Cloning, expression and partial characterization of a novel rat phos- Hutson, J.L., see Thelin, A. (1215) 245 pholipase A, (1215) 115 Chilton, F.H., see Winkler, J.D. (1215) 133 Ichikawa, Y., see Miyatake, A. (1215) 176 Christensen, M.S., H@y, C.-E. and Redgrave, T.G. Lymphatic absorption of m—3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from IJlst, L., Wanders, R.J.A., Ushikubo, S., Kamijo, T. and Hashimoto, T. marine oils with different intramolecular fatty acid distributions (1215) Molecular basis of long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase 198 deficiency: identification of the major disease-causing mutation in the Conventz, M., see Rose, H. (1215) 321 a-subunit of the mitochondrial trifunctional protein (1215) 347 Cook, H.W., see Palmer, F.B.St.C. (1215) 190 Ikeda, Y., Ohta, T. and Matsuda, I. Interaction between apo A-I-containing lipoproteins and Dallner, G., see Thelin, A. (1215) 245 lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (1215) 307 D’Arcy-Lameta, A., see Sahsah, Y. (1215) 66 Iwamori, M., see Kagehara, M. (1215) 183 Day, C.P. and Yeaman, S.J. The biochemistry of alcohol-induced fatty liver (1215) 33 Jauhiainen, M., see Pursiainen, M. (1215) 170 De Fouw, N.J., see Van den Boom, M.A.P. (1215) 314 Jiingling, E., see Rose, H. (1215) 321 Deyashiki, Y., see Ohara, H. (1215) 59 Kagehara, M., Tachi, M., Harii, K. and Iwamori, M. Ehnholm, C., see Pursiainen, M. (1215) 170 Programmed expression of cholesterol sulfotransferase and transglu- Engle, S.J., see Chen, J. (1215) 115 taminase during epidermal differentiation of murine skin development Ericsson, J., see Thelin, A. (1215) 245 (1215) 183 Kajiyama, G., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Fischer, Y., see Rose, H. (1215) 321 Kamijo, T., see [lst, L. (1215) 347 Forte, T.M., see Luna-Chavez, C. (1215) 141 Kammermeier, H., see Rose, H. (1215) 321 Giri, S., Mago, N., Bindra, A. and Khuller, G.K. Kanno, T., see Kotani, K. (1215) 121 Possible role of calcium in phospholipid synthesis of Microsporum Kawajiri, K., see Kobayashi, Y. (1215) 280 gypseum (1215) 337 Keenan, T.W., see Keon, B.H. (1215) 327 Author Index / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1215 (1994) 354-356 Keon, B.H., Ankrapp, D.P. and Keenan, T.W. Nichols, A.V., see Luna-Chavez, C. (1215) 141 Cytosolic lipoprotein particles from milk-secreting cells contain fatty Noguchi, M., Miyano, M., Matsumoto, T. and Noma, M. acid synthase and interact with endoplasmic reticulum (1215) 327 Human 5-lipoxygenase associates with phosphatidylcholine liposomes Khuller, G.K., see Giri, S. (1215) 337 and modulates LTA, synthetase activity (1215) 300 Knight, J., see Lloyd-Evans, P. (1215) 291 Noma, M., see Noguchi, M. (1215) 300 Kobayashi, Y., Shimazaki, T., Kawajiri, K., Shimizu, T., Seyama, Y. and Sato, F. Ochi, H., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Important contribution of the methylene part of LTB, toward binding Ohara, H., Nakayama, T., Deyashiki, Y., Hara, A., Miyabe, Y. and affinity to the LTB, receptors and rise in intracellular-free calcium Tsukada, F. concentration (1215) 280 Reduction of prostaglandin D, to 9a,11-prostaglandin F, by a Kondo, A., see Kotani, K. (1215) 121 human liver 3a-hydroxysteroid /dihydrodiol dehydrogenase isozyme Kotani, K., Maekawa, M., Kanno, T., Kondo, A., Toda, N. and Manabe, (1215) 59 M. Ohta, T., see Ikeda, Y. (1215) 307 Distribution of immunoreactive malondialdehyde-modified low-den- Ohya, T., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 sity lipoprotein in human serum (1215) 121 Oida, K., see Shimada, A. (1215) 126 Olea, J., see Lépez-Luna, P. (1215) 275 Lagrost, L. Op den Kamp, J.A.F., see Van den Boom, M.A.P. (1215) 314 Regulation of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity: re- Orlandi, M., Bartolini, G., Belletti, B., Spisni, E. and Tomasi, V. view of in vitro and in vivo studies (1215) 209 Thromboxane A, synthase activity in platelet free human monocytes Law, N., see Marchant, C.E. (1215) 267 (1215) 285 Leake, D.S., see Wilkins, G.M. (1215) 250 Lindblom, G., see Hauksson, J.B. (1215) 341 Pace-Asciak, C.R. Liu, M., see Subbaiah, P.V. (1215) 150 Hepoxilins: a review on their cellular actions (1215) 1 Lloyd-Evans, P., Barrow, S.E., Hill, D.J., Bowden, L.A., Rainger, G.E., Palmer, F.B.St.C., Cook, H.W. and Byers, D.M. Knight, J. and Rowley, A.F. Thapsigargin selectively stimulates synthesis of phosphatidylglycerol Eicosanoid generation and effects on the aggregation of thrombocytes in N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells and phosphatidylinositol in C6 glioma from the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (1215) 291 cells (1215) 190 Lépez-Luna, P., Olea, J. and Herrera, E. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Schiller, J., Arnold, K. and Sergienko, V.I. Effect of starvation on lipoprotein lipase activity in different tissues Peroxidation of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine liposomes by during gestation in the rat (1215) 275 hypochlorous acid (1215) 259 Luna-Chavez, C., Gong, E.L., Forte, T.M. and Nichols, A.V. Peterson, E., see Thelin, A. (1215) 245 Sodium oleate-facilitated reassembly of apolipoprotein A-I with phos- Petrussa, E., see Macri, F. (1215) 109 phatidylcholine (1215) 141 Pham Thi, A.T., see Sahsah, Y. (1215) 66 Prinsen, C.F.M., Werten, P.J.L., Maassen, J.A. and Veerkamp, J.H. Maassen, J.A., see Prinsen, C.F.M. (1215) 103 No significant tyrosine phosphorylation of muscle fatty acid-binding Macri, F., Braidot, E., Petrussa, E. and Vianello, A. protein (1215) 103 Lipoxygenase activity associated to isolated soybean plasma mem- Pritchard, P.H., see Subbaiah, P.V. (1215) 150 branes (1215) 109 Pursiainen, M., Jauhiainen, M. and Ehnholm, C. Maeba, R., Shimasaki, H. and Ueta, N. Low-density lipoprotein activates the protease region of recombinant Conformational changes in oxidized LDL recognized by mouse peri- apo(a) (1215) 170 toneal macrophages (1215) 79 Maeda, N., see Chang, S. (1215) 205 Rainger, G.E., see Lloyd-Evans, P. (1215) 291 Maekawa, M., see Kotani, K. (1215) 121 Redgrave, T.G., see Christensen, M.S. (1215) 198 Mago, N., see Giri, S. (1215) 337 Repellin, A., see Sahsah, Y. (1215) 66 Manabe, M., see Kotani, K. (1215) 121 Rhodes, D.G., Hui, S.W., Xu, Y.H., Byun, H.-S., Singh, M. and Bittman, Marchant, C.E., Bottoms, M.A., Law, N., Mitchinson, M.J. and Hunt, R. JV. Structure of polymerizable lipid bilayers VII: lateral organization of Lipid oxidation, lipoprotein cell-association and ceroid accumulation diacetylenic phosphatidylcholines with short proximal acyl chains in P388D1 macrophage-like cells (1215) 267 (1215) 237 Marinelli, T., see Bravo, E. (1215) 93 Rilfors, L., see Hauksson, J.B. (1215) 341 Matsuda, I., see Ikeda, Y. (1215) 307 Roelofsen, B., see Van den Boom, M.A.P. (1215) 314 Matsumoto, T., see Noguchi, M. (1215) 300 Rose, H., Conventz, M., Fischer, Y., Jiingling, E., Hennecke, T. and Mayes, P.A., see Bravo, E. (1215) 93 Kammermeier, H. McCarthy, A.D., see Thelin, A. (1215) 245 Long-chain fatty acid-binding to albumin: re-evaluation with directly Mindham, M.A., see Bravo, E. (1215) 93 measured concentrations (1215) 321 Mitchinson, M.J., see Marchant, C.E. (1215) 267 Rowley, A.F., see Lloyd-Evans, P. (1215) 291 Miura, H., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Roy-Macauley, H., see Sahsah, Y. (1215) 66 Miyabe, Y., see Ohara, H. (1215) 59 Miyabo, S., see Shimada, A. (1215) 126 Sahsah, Y., Pham Thi, A.T., Roy-Macauley, H., D’Arcy-Lameta, A., Miyano, M., see Noguchi, M. (1215) 300 Repellin, A. and Zuily-Fodil, Y. Miyatake, A., Tsubaki, M., Hori, H. and Ichikawa, Y. Purification and characterization of a soluble lipolytic acylhydrolase Purification and comparative characterization of cytochrome P-450scc from Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) leaves (1215) 66 (CYP XIA1) from sheep adrenocortical mitochondria (1215) 176 Sasaki, M., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Sato, F., see Kobayashi, Y. (1215) 280 Nakai, T., see Shimada, A. (1215) 126 Schiller, J., see Panasenko, O.M. (1215) 259 Nakatani, F., see Sugita, M. (1215) 163 Seilhamer, J.J., see Chen, J. (1215) 115 Nakayama, T., see Ohara, H. (1215) 59 Senz, J., see Subbaiah, P.V. (1215) 150 356 Author Index / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1215 (1994) 354-356 Sergienko, V.I., see Panasenko, O.M. (1215) 259 Teramen, K., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Seyama, Y., see Kobayashi, Y. (1215) 280 Thelin, A., Peterson, E., Hutson, J.L., McCarthy, A.D., Ericsson, J. and Shimada, A., Tamai, T., Oida, K., Takahashi, S., Suzuki, J., Nakai, T. Dallner, G. and Miyabo, S. Effect of squalestatin 1 on the biosynthesis of the mevalonate path- Increase in neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase activity produced by way lipids (1215) 245 extralysosomal hydrolysis of high-density lipoprotein cholesteryl es- Tischfield, J.A., see Chen, J. (1215) 115 ters in rat hepatoma cells (H-35) (1215) 126 Toda, N., see Kotani, K. (1215) 121 Shimasaki, H., see Maeba, R. (1215) 79 Tomasi, V., see Orlandi, M. (1215) 285 Shimazaki, T., see Kobayashi, Y. (1215) 280 Tsubaki, M., see Miyatake, A. (1215) 176 Shimizu, T., see Kobayashi, Y. (1215) 280 Tsukada, F., see Ohara, H. (1215) 59 Singh, M., see Rhodes, D.G. (1215) 237 Sparks, C.E., see Sparks, J.D. (1215) 9 Ueta, N., see Maeba, R. (1215) 79 Sparks, J.D. and Sparks, C.E. Ushikubo, S., see LJIst, L. (1215) 347 Insulin regulation of triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein synthesis and secretion (1215) 9 Van Deenen, L.L.M., see Van den Boom, M.A.P. (1215) 314 Spisni, E., see Orlandi, M. (1215) 285 Van den Boom, M.A.P., Groot Wassink, M., Westerman, J., De Fouw, Subbaiah, P.V., Liu, M., Senz, J., Wang, X. and Pritchard, P.H. N.J., Roelofsen, B., Op den Kamp, J.A.F. and Van Deenen, L.L.M. Substrate and positional specificities of human and mouse lecithin- In vivo turnover of phospholipids in rabbit erythrocytes (1215) 314 cholesterol acyltransferases. Studies with wild type recombinant and Veerkamp, J.H., see Prinsen, C.F.M. (1215) 103 chimeric enzymes expressed in vitro (1215) 150 Vianello, A., see Macri, F. (1215) 109 Sugita, M., Hayata, C., Yoshida, T., Suzuki, M., Suzuki, A., Takeda, T., Hori, T. and Nakatani, F. Wanders, R.J.A., see UJlst, L. (1215) 347 A novel fucosylated glycosphingolipid from the millipede, Para- Wang, X., see Subbaiah, P.V. (1215) 150 fontaria laminata armigera (1215) 163 Werten, P.J.L., see Prinsen, C.F.M. (1215) 103 Sun, X., see Tan, X. (1215) 157 Westerman, J., see Van den Boom, M.A.P. (1215) 314 Sung, C.-M., see Winkler, J.D. (1215) 133 Wilkins, G.M. and Leake, D.S. Suzuki, A., see Sugita, M. (1215) 163 The effects of free radical scavengers on the oxidation of low-density Suzuki, J., see Shimada, A. (1215) 126 lipoproteins by macrophages (1215) 250 Suzuki, M., see Sugita, M. (1215) 163 Winkler, J.D., Sung, C.-M., Huang, L. and Chilton, F.H. CoA-independent transacylase activity is increased in human neu- Tachi, M., see Kagehara, M. (1215) 183 trophils after treatment with tumor necrosis factor a (1215) 133 Takahashi, S., see Shimada, A. (1215) 126 Wu, P. and Bremer, J. Takeda, T., see Sugita, M. (1215) 163 Activation of alkylthioacrylic acids in subcellular fractions of rat Tamai, T., see Shimada, A. (1215) 126 tissues: a new spectrophotometric method for assay of acyl-CoA Tan, X., Sun, X., Gonzalez-Crussi, F.X., Gonzalez-Crussi, F. and Hsueh, synthetase (1215) 87 W. PAF and TNF increase the precursor of NF-kappa B p50 mRNA in Xu, Y.H., see Rhodes, D.G. (1215) 237 mouse intestine: quantitative analysis by competitive PCR (1215) 157 Tao, S., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Yamashita, Y., see Tazuma, S. (1215) 74 Tazuma, S., Ochi, H., Teramen, K., Yamashita, Y., Horikawa, K., Miura, Yeaman, S.J., see Day, C.P. (1215) 33 H., Hirano, N., Sasaki, M., Aihara, N., Hatsushika, S., Tao, S., Ohya, Yoshida, T., see Sugita, M. (1215) 163 T. and Kajiyama, G. Degree of fatty acyl chain unsaturation in biliary lecithin dictates Zhang, S.H., see Chang, S. (1215) 205 cholesterol! nucleation and crystal growth (1215) 74 Zuily-Fodil, Y., see Sahsah, Y. (1215) 66

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