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Liparis purpureovittata (Orchidaceae) : a New Species from Japan PDF

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by  TsutsumiChie
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Preview Liparis purpureovittata (Orchidaceae) : a New Species from Japan

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7565 Acta Phytotax .Geebot, 59 C]) 7:3-77 (2008) Liparispurpureovittata(Orehidaceae)-aNew Speciesfrom Japan CHIE TSUTSVMI, TOMOHISA YUKAWA and MASAHIRO KATO DepartineroetfBotanIgVLdtionaMluseum St,ience4"1TfAmakubo,Tlsukuba, qf'Nbture and thavak3e05"OO05J,?rpan A new species, Lipari spuilputeovitt (aOt'rachidac eisa dee)s,crib efrdom central and northern Japan on the basi sofboth morphologioal and rnolecular characters. This species is distinguisha fbrloem the close- ly related Lipari skuinoldr iin the abruptly dilate ldabellu m(vs t,he graduall dyilate dlabellu min L. kumokeri) t,he labellu mrecurved strongly in the rniddle (vs t,he labellu mstrengly recurved in both the middl ¢ and dista plart) a,nd the coluinn with rounded rnarginal wings (vs a.ngu]ar margina] colurnn wings), Key words: Japan, Liparispuipitreovittata n,ew species, Orchidaceae Lipari sL. C. Rich. (Orchidac eias ea )cos- suggested a specific status for this entity, exam- mopolitan genus comprising ca. 42e species (Cribbined two samples 'from Hekkaido (No .24) and a cul- & Govaert s2005) ,Sectio nLipari so,ne of 19 sec- tivate dstock ofuncertain origin (No ,27) for it .In tion sin the gemis ,is characterized by a smali, unde- this study we anaiyzed DNA sequences of two veloped pseudobul bat floweri ntgime and subfleshM additional samples of the same plan tfrom Niigata non-ri'bbed ieaves arising frQm the apex of the Pref., Minami-uonuma-gun, Yuzawa-cho (C pseudobul b(Gara &y Gonzalez 1999), In Japan, Zsutsumi ,T Kizha"u & A( [SZit oC71I089 )a,nd from eight speeies ef sect. Lipayis are reeognized, but Nagano Pref. ,Saku, Mt. [lateshin a(At ZMatsui several materjals do not coincide with the described C7YJ45). Procedures for extraction, arnplification species (Ffakah als9h8i7, Hashimoto 1990) .One and sequenelng of DNA fbllowe tdhose describ eidn 'E ofthern, related to L. kumokiri Maek., has been Tsutsumi et al, (2007 T)h,e regions we exarnined called "Azumi-kumokiri;' "Chikumajigabachi;' were the intern atlranscribe dspacer regions ef the "Fugaku-kumokiri" or "Nambu-kumokiri" 18S"26S nuc!ear ribosofnal DNA (ITS a)nd three (fakaha s1h9i85, 1987 ,Okuhara 1992, Kurihara plasti rdegions, trnL with trnL-trnF spacer, trnSu et al. I993), In this pErpe wre desc・ri tbhee entity as a trnG spacer and a part of the inaturase-encoding new species, Liparis puTlpureovitt aandta d,iscus ists gene (matK ()GenBan akccession Nos, ofITS, trnL morphological and mo}ecaiar characters. "iith tsnL-mtF spacer, trnS-trnG spacer, and matK are AB366610, AB36661 1, AB366612, AB366613 Materials and Methods fo rthe Niigata sarnple, and AB3666l4, AB3666l 5, AB366616, AB366617 for the Nagano sample), A previou smolecular phylogenet isc£udy of Primer sfor PCR amplification and sequencing were Lipari ssect, Lipari s(Tsutsu emt ial. 2007) ,which the same as those in Tsutsumi et al. (2007), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 74 Acta Phytotax .Geobot. VbL 59 Vbuchers are deposited in the Herbarium of the plicat eg,lossy ,glabrous, green; petiole 2-6 cm Nationa lMuseum ofNature and Scienc e(TNS). long ,winged nearly as long as blade .Inj7orescenee terminal ,racemose, 1O-25 em long ,bearin g4m14 Taxonomy fiowers a;xis glabrous ,rjdgect green. Bract ovate, acute, 2-5 mm leng ,green .PediceUate ovary Liparis purpureoyitta tTasutsumi, T, Yukawa & clavate, twisted 8-11 mm long ,green, sometimes M, Kato, sp. nov. (Fig s1, .2) with purplish tint at base ,Dorsal sepat linear- Difier ta L, kumokir ilabel lvieridi, supra basin abrupte lanceolat seub,acute, occasionally glightly revolute, 8-9 long,2u2,5 dilatat osu,lco medio et labell boasi atropurpureo; a L, erect or somewhat recurved mm koieana et L. .tiofisane nssepialis lateralib luasti srevo- mm broad, greenish purplish ,Lateral sepals lutisque. ebliquely ovate or obliquely lanceolat esu,bacute, 7]ipus .JAPAN, Honshu: Niigat aPref, Minami- revolute, distal ltwyisted ,partial elnfyolding lip ,7- uonuma-gun, Ylizawa-cho, alt, ca, 1 340 m, terrestri aoln 9 mm long ,3-3.5 rnm broaq greenis hpurplish. dKuahmapr agr&ounMd uSnddetro CbTuIs0h8ePs ,1(7h Joully oT2N-0S0)6, C, 73'utsumi ,T R7tals falcat 1ei,nea rob,tuse, strongly revelute, pen- dulous ,sometimes slightly twisted 8-9 mm long, Rgeudobulb ovoid, 1 rr 2cm long ,Leaves 2, ovate- O,5 mm broad purplis hL,abellum entire or minute- elliptic ,maTgin entire or somewhat undulate, obtuse ly erose, ovate-oblong, shortly clawed strongly or subacute, 5-13 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, condu- recurved at middle, margins sometimes slightly FJG. 1. LiparispuFr?utuovit Ttsauttasumi, Z YUkawa & M. Kato at thc type lecalit Myilzawa-cho, Niigat aPref, Japan (A'C). Habit. B: Infiorescenc eC,: Flowcr ,fton tvlew. Photographs taken by C, Tsutsumi in A, and by K. Suzuki in B and C,A: NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March 2008 TSUTSUM1 & AL.: A New Liparis from Jap an 75 kg}・}k.・ i v I .e:e uta..,:I, l j ()(P K Yssi t? c H sj ! s '・,k g・ EAX F G 1'Xk,,,fl/f,) / ' / ・1 1,,("k..tl".i.P .・v--・11 FIG. 2. Liparispurpureovitt aAt:a H.abit .B: Floweg side viexM C: Floweg fron tviex- D/ Labellum. E: Dorsal sepal. F: Petal. G: Latera] sepal. H: Celumn frem below, I :Column, side view. J: Anther cap. K: Pollmia .Drawn by M. Nakajima frem thc holotype CC, 73Jutsum iT, Ktthare &i M: Stit oCTf089). Scale bars = 3 cm (A) ,3 rnm (B'G )or 1 :nm (H'K). revolute, base subtruncate and abruptly dilated vernacular name, from the purpl emark on the lip ,is above the base ,obtuse or apiculate, 8-9 mm long, proposed fbr Liparis pumpureovittata ,It has previ- 6-7 mm broaa dul lyellowish green, base and cen- ously been given several provisiona nlarnes based on tra lgroove ligh tto dark purple. Column terete, the placcs where loca lpopulations were found, incurved basedilateq apically with rourided wings, Aclditio nsapleeimen sexamined. JAPAN. Hokkaido, 4-5 mm long ,ventral surface pale green ,other Esashi-gunN,akatonbetsu-choC,.TlsutsutLn2i7 (TNS). parts green ;pollini a4, in 2 pairs ,waxM yellow; Henshu. Gunma Pref, :Minakami, Mt. Tanigaw'a-dake, anther cap ovoid, mucronate, green. Shirakaba-geya, 2 July 1953, Z latnczzak (eTI )-.Nagano H o nsDhius.tributi oJnA,RAN: Hokkaido and central P-rPerfe, c:Siaskeu ,l oMcta. lTiatt yuenskhnionwna, M (McIiutlsuti iCv71 a1att1 e4T5d s(uTkuNbSa). pmanesenam eS.hiten-kumokiri (noM) .The BSoctiaenniccea)l C,G,aTrldseunt,s NuaitniioLn2(a4Tl NMuSs)e.urn of Nature and NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 76 ActaPhytotax.Geobot, M)1.59 TABLE1. Number ofsubstitutions (bp i)n nuclear ribosomal ITS region and tlife eplasti rdegions among Liparisptvpureovitt aatnda closely related species (L .kemoldri ,L..fiij'isan eLn. skiosi.eana .L. mainnoana). Nloucher asnd GenBank accession nuinbers are shown in this study and Tsutsumi ei al. (2007).L.ptirpz{reovittataL, kumokiri L,Jlijisanen sisL. koreana L. makinoana ' ITS (abov deiagonal) matK (belo dwiagonal) L,puilpureovittata 10 ]22 122o 15799 L.kumokiri ]133 L,Jitl'isanertsis e22 L.koreana 22 L, makenoana 4 trnLF (abodvieagonal/)trnSG (belodiwagonal) L.purpuieovittata 6-7 72-3 7-g2-42-3 9g-g88-9 L,kumoldri 2-44-64-510-11 L.,fitfisanensis 2-42-38-9 L.koreana 4-510-11 L. makinoana 10 IVbtes .Liparispuilpttreovitt iast maorpho]og- fbr a single double-peaked site in the nuclear ribo- icall cylosely related to L. fiijisan Ee nMaseiks. ex somal ITS regions ofthe Niigata material, and a sin- Konta & S. Matsurnot oL,. kumokir iandL. koieana gle autapomorphic substitution in the trnS-trnG (Naka Nia)kai ex W rll Lee. Lipari spuilpureovitta- spacer of the Nagano sample. Lipari psuFlpuieovit- ta can be distinguish ferdom L. kt{mokir hif,fwever,tata therefor eshows litt lientraspeci vfariication in by the fo11owin tghre echaracters; 1) the labellu mis the sequenccs we examined. The sequences of abruptly dilate adbove the base (gradua dlillayte idn Lipari spuF;puneovitta taare distin cftrom those of kumokiri); L, 2) the labellu ims strongly recurved in closely related species (Tab l1e), the middle and slightly or not recurved dista]ly Our molecular phy]ogenet iacnalysis revealed (stron rgeclurvyed both at the base and apex in L. that L. pui7)uieovitta toaccupies a separate, inde- kumokiri )3;) the column wing is rounded (angularpendent phylogenetic position and is sister to a in L, kumokiri )L,iparisputlpureovi tcatna tbae also clade consisting ofL. .liEiisanens Li.. gk,orean aand L, distinguis hfeid:o mL. ,fitiisanensis and L, koreana by kumokiri a,nd together they form a sistergroup with having wider (c a3 .mm), strongly rcvolute laterala clade of L. makinoana Schlt ra.nd L. ]'apenica sepals. The latera lsepals ofL. and L. (Miq .M)axim. (Tsutsu emt ial, 2007) ,These phy- .fiijisanensis koreana are narrower (ca 2,.5 mm) and not strong- logenet ircelationships are endorsed by a character ly revolute. Additienal lLya,bellu mcolor can dis- of the anther cap. The mucronate apex of the anther tinguish those species: green with purplish middle cap characterizes L. ,fiijisanensis, L. koreana, L. groove in L, put:puneovittat pa,urplis hin L. .fiijisa-kumokir iand L, purpureovitta twhai,le the anther nensis and L, koreana ,and unifbtmiy pale yellowish cap is beaked in L, makinoana and L. ]'aponica. greeninL,kumokiri. The molecular analysis showed that the two We thank H, Hongo, T. Knhara ,M. Matsui ,S. Mitsuhashi, additional samples from Niigat aand Nagano ofL. T, Nagai, H. Nakayama, K. Oikawa, K. Sakamoto, M. pofuNro;.pu r2e4o avnidtt Nao th.a a2v7e (nTo ssuubtstsitu uettmi oainls. 2 0f07r)o,m extcheopste SsHaiamprtleaos y,Ma,m a an1df[ obhkreaDlsNphAeimd uas adndur iKn. gfWiaetMl at.dnraiNbpase k,W,a ewjh ioamlsa oc fotblhlreaicnltke ldYus- sequencing, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March2008 TSUTSUMI & AL.:A New Liparist'rorJnapan 77 tratio nasnd helpfu 1advice, K. Suzuki fbr cultivating the Kurihara ,H., H. Hara, K, Hirabayash i& K. Oikawa. liv pe!ant asnd for photograph san,d H. Nagamasu for use- I993, Kita-Alps-noLipaf fttens-'n:o-aru-kumokirisou fu Icomments to the manuscript. :'hi sstudy was sup- [Lipa riin nsorthern Japanes eAlps; purple spotted ported by Grants-Ai dfbr Scientif iRcesearch fror nthe Lipa}'i, gSih,izen-to-yaseira (nle )9:6-104. (in Japan Societ yfor the Promotion ofScience (t oM, K. and Japanese ,titl etranslat ebdy C. Z) [[ 1Y) and by the Fiijiwa rNaatura lHister yFoimdatio n(to Okuhara, ", ,l992, Shinshu-no-mezurashii-shokubut$u C, T.). [Iconogra opfh rayre plants in Shinshu] .Shinano- mainichishinbunsha, Nagano. (i nJapanese ,title References translate dby C, T.) [lakahashi,K. I985. Yaseiran-omoshiro-koza [Thefun Cribb ,R & R. Govaert 2s0.05, Jus thow maMy orchids are oJfa pwailnde soe r,tchiitdl set].ra nMsaliantie cdbhyi Cs.h iZn)bunsh a1,ibkye .(in tPhreart e( ?eidns: I .Ptr)ao,ycneaedli-nRgosg uofe tsAhe,., Al.8 Rtoh gWburelnda nOt r&c hDi.d T a ka hwialsdh i oKr,c.h iId9s8 7i ,nN Jiahpoann-] y.iafso1e. i3r. aMna-ikn ai[fcIuhcisohniengburn aosfphah,y G ar a CMoLn.fAe.re&ncGe., pAp.. R1o 6m1e-ro 1-7G2o.n Fzraalnecze. Or1c9h9i9d.eSesc,h eDldjuolna.e Tbkyo. (i nJapanese ,titl etranslate dby C. Z) Tsutsumi,C,,YUkawa,N.S,Lee,C.S.Lee & M, Kato. H a s hOirmcohitdoTu,Lm1 I99l 0.H.aNviahrodn -Panpo.L iBpoatr, 4i:s[ 4J7a5rp4a8n8Le.ispearis], 2007 . Pt Tylogen a yndi com parat ive seed mom phole gy Strhainzselna-tet dob-y yCa.s Tesi ut(ta5snu0m )i2:)7-29. (i nJapanese ,title o<fO repciphhyitidcac aeinnda je atp)earnr.e sJt. rPilaaln ts Rpeecise.s 12 0of: L4ip0a]5"-is41 2, ReceivedAugrt s2t5, 2007y aecqptedDecember I. 2007 NII-Electronic Library Service

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