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Linearized SQUID Array (LISA) for High Bandwidth Frequency-Domain Readout Multiplexing T. M. Lanting,1,2,∗ M. Dobbs,1 H. Spieler,3 A.T. Lee,4 and Y. Yamamoto1 1Physics Department, McGill University, Montreal, Canada H2T 2Y8 2D-Wave Systems Inc., 100-4401 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, Canada, V5C 6G9 3Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 4Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 We have designed and demonstrated a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) array linearized with cryogenic feedback. To achieve the necessary loop gain a 300 element series array SQUID is constructed from three monolithic 100-element series arrays. A feedback resistor completes the loop from the SQUID output to the input coil. The short feedback path of this Linearized SQUID Array (LISA) allows for a substantially larger flux-locked loop bandwidth as 9 comparedtoaSQUIDflux-lockedloopthatincludesaroomtemperatureamplifier. Thebandwidth, 0 linearity, noise performance, and 3 Φ dynamic range of the LISA are sufficient for its use in our 0 0 target application: the multiplexed readout of transition-edge sensor bolometers. 2 n a INTRODUCTION technology. Furthermore, because of its simple design J thatiseasilyimplementedonasinglechip,itslowpower 4 dissipation, and its low input noise current, the LISA is 1 A new generation of fully lithographed Transition- an excellent general purpose cryogenic transimpedance EdgeSensor(TES)bolometershasbeendevelopedforas- ] amplifier. tronomicalobservationsinthefar-IRtomillimeterwave- M Inthispaperwedescribethedesignandtestingofa length range. These devices allow for large arrays of prototypeLISA,utilizingseveral(three,inthisexample) I 103−104 or more bolometers([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), providing a h. substantialstepforwardinsensitivity. Asignificantchal- 100-SQUID arrays connected in series with a cryogenic p feedback resistor connecting the combined output of the lengeforscalingarraysisreadoutmultiplexing. Wehave - SQUIDs to the input coil. The dynamic range, linear- o developedthesuperconductingquantum-interferencede- ity, and input noise of the LISA meet the fMUX design r vice (SQUID) based frequency-domain readout multi- t specifications across a readout bandwidth of 10 MHz. s plexer (fMUX) [6, 7, 8, 9]. The fMUX is currently de- a [ ployed on two active experiments [2, 5] and will be used 1 for a number of experiments in the near future [4, 10]. PRIMARY APPLICATION A digital implementation of the room temperature com- v ponents of the fMUX [6] system is being integrated with 9 Our target application for the LISA is the multi- 1 these experiments. The digital electronics has sufficient plexed readout of transition edge sensor (TES) bolome- 9 capacity to extend the multiplexed channel count. A 1 complementarySQUID-basedreadoutmultiplexingtech- ter arrays for the detection of mm-wavelength radiation. . These cryogenic detectors employ a ∼3 mm metal ab- 1 nique is time domain multiplexing ([11, 12, 13]). sorber that is weakly coupled to a ∼250 mK thermal 0 With the fMUX system, the number of detectors 9 bath. Radiation incident on the absorber induces a tem- that can be instrumented with a single SQUID-based 0 peraturerise. Thistemperaturechangeismeasuredwith : cryogenic amplifier is proportional to the readout band- a TES thermistor coupled to the absorber. The TES v width. FortheexistingfMUXsystem,thereadoutband- i thermistor is operated in the transition between its su- X width of ∼ 1 MHz allows multiplexing of 8-16 chan- perconducting state and its normal state where a small r nels. The readout bandwidth is fundamentally limited changeintemperatureyieldsalargechangeinresistance. a bytheSQUIDfeedbackelectronicswhichincludeastage Large arrays of these TES bolometers can be manufac- at room temperature. In this paper we report on the turedphotolithographicallymakingpossiblethenewgen- design and performance of the Linearized SQUID Array eration of mm-wavelength observations listed above. (LISA) in which the first stage of the feedback electron- In the fMUX readout system, the TES devices are ics is moved to the cryogenic stage. This configuration biased into their superconducting transitions with high- allows for an increase in readout bandwidth and thus a frequency (0.3 – 1 MHz) sinusoidal bias voltages. A correspondingincreaseinthenumberofmultiplexedpix- change in the incident radiation power induces a change els by more than an order of magnitude. in the TES resistance that amplitude modulates its bias The LISA provides the cryogenic amplification nec- carrier. This translates the signal to sidebands above essary to increase the channel count of the fMUX sys- and below the carrier frequency. Each TES bolometer temandcoupledwiththedigitalroomtemperatureelec- is biased at a different frequency, so the signals are now tronics,thisdevicerepresentsanewgenerationinfMUX uniquely positioned in frequency space and the currents 2 from the individual thermistors can be summed into one LINEARIZED SQUID ARRAY wire. The summed currents are fed to the input of a transimpedance amplifier utilizing a DC SQUID operat- TheresponseofaSQUIDhastraditionallybeenlin- ing in a flux-locked loop (FLL) configuration (see Fig. earized with a feedback loop that includes a transistor 1). The TES thermistor typically has an impedance of √ amplifieroperatingat300K.Thebandwidthofthisflux- ∼ 0.5−2 Ω, a noise current of 10-50 pA/ Hz, and re- lockedloopcircuitislimitedbypropagationdelaysalong quires a bias voltage of ∼5 µV . RMS the wires connecting this amplifier to the SQUID which The SQUID electronics performance requirements operates at the cold stage temperature (∼4K). The cur- for this application are: (1) white noise lower than the √ rentfMUXbandwidthof1MHzisachievedbyconstrain- TES noise (< 10 pA/ Hz), (2) sufficient bandwidth((cid:29) ingthewirelengthbetween300Kand4Ktobe<0.15m. 1 MHz) to accommodate many carriers, (3) input Further reductions in wire length are not cryogenically impedance much lower than the TES impedance ((cid:28) feasible. 0.5Ω) across the entire bandwidth to maintain constant- A significant increase in bandwidth can be achieved voltage bias, (4) sufficient transimpedance (Z > √ LISA byeithermovingthetransistoramplifiertothecoldstage 150Ω) to override the 1 nV/ Hz noise of a warm am- oreliminatingitentirelyfromthefeedbackloop. Thelat- plifier which follows the system, (5) large (>10 µA ) RMS ter is preferable, since a transistor amplifier would dissi- dynamic range in order to accommodate a single carrier patesignificantpoweronthecoldstage. Withtheampli- signal,and(6)sufficientlinearitytoamplifylargecarrier fier removed from the circuit, a configuration of SQUID signals and to reduce intermodulation between multiple devices can be used to produce the necessary loop gain carriers. LowfrequencynoiseintheSQUIDelectronicsis while maintaining the circuit’s transimpedance. notanissueasthesignalsofinteresthavebeentranslated to frequencies above 0.3 MHz. One such configuration, referred to as the ‘SQUID Thedynamicrangerequirementallowsthesystemto op-amp’, has been demonstrated [14]. That device uses handle at least one full sized carrier. This allows a user a parallel cascade of SQUIDs to increase the loop gain to tune the system in a straight forward manner (tuning of the circuit. While each of the SQUIDs in the parallel typically involves choosing the appropriate bias voltage cascade contributes to the loop gain and linearizes the level for a particular sensor). After tuning a single sen- circuit,thedynamicrangeofthecircuitislimitedbythe sor,thecarrierisnulledwitha180◦ unmodulatedcopyof finalstageSQUIDs. ForthemultiplexedreadoutofTES thecarriersignalinjectedattheinputcoiloftheSQUID. bolometers,werequireaconfigurationthatextendsboth Thisdoesnotaffecttheoriginalsignals,asalloftheirin- the linearity and dynamic range of the SQUID system. formation is in the sidebands. Once the first carrier is To meet our requirements, we have developed and nulled,asecondonecanbeaddedwithoutincreasingthe testedtheLinearizedSQUIDArray(LISA)concept(Fig- dynamic range requirement. Thus, the number of chan- ure 2). The LISA eliminates the warm transistor ampli- nels that can be multiplexed with a single set of SQUID fier from the flux locked loop by using a series configu- electronics is fundamentally limited by the bandwidth of ration of SQUIDs to simultaneously linearize the circuit these electronics and not by the dynamic range. and extend the dynamic range. The LISA prototype we discuss in this paper consists of three monolithic series array SQUID chips [15], each consisting of 100 series- connectedSQUID,themselvesconnectedinseriestoform a 300 element series array. The output voltage of the LISA is coupled back to the input coil with a feedback resistor to complete the feedback loop (see figure 2) and reduce the input impedance to meet the requirements of constant voltage bias to the thermistor. In designing and testing any SQUID FLL, we focus on four figures of merit: the closed loop gain A , the LISA forward gain, or transimpedance, Z , the input noise LISA currenti , andtheclosedloopbandwidthofthesystem. n Theclosedloopgainquantifiestheabilityofthefeedback electronics to extend the dynamic range and linearity of the SQUIDs that form the LISA. The transimpedance measures the ratio of the LISA’s output voltage to the input current. The input noise current determines the sensitivity with which currents can be read out with the FIG. 1: Schematic of eight-channel fMUX system. [7] LISA.Theclosedloopbandwidthdeterminesthenumber of sensors that can be multiplexed. 3 Equations1and3showafundamentallimitationon performance that depends on the properties of the indi- vidual SQUIDs that form the LISA. The output equiv- alent circuit is a voltage source with a series impedance R inherent to the SQUIDs. The feedback current is 0 then determined by the series combination of R and FB R while the output voltage of the LISA depends on the 0 voltage divider formed by the output resistance R and 0 the parallel combination of the feedback resistance R FB and the load presented by the capacitance of the cable connectingtothesubsequentelectronicsatroomtemper- ature (assuming the warm amplifier’s input impedance is sufficiently to be negligible). Thus, for large output resistances R (cid:29) R the loop gain approaches the 0 FB limit Z /R and the transimpedance approaches zero. 0 0 In choosing or designing SQUIDs for the LISA, the ra- tio R /Z should be chosen to be as small as possible 0 0 while maintaining the required overall transimpedance, Z . For a given load capacitance, R also limits the LISA 0 achievable bandwidth. FIG.2: SchematicofLinearizedSQUIDArray(LISA).Three one hundred element series array SQUIDs are connected in series. AfeedbackresistorconnectstheSQUIDoutputtothe PERFORMANCE input coil, completing the feedback loop. As previously mentioned, our prototype LISA was If the system consists of only an input-coil coupled designed with three SQUID array chips wired in series. SQUID-likecomponentandafeedbackresistorR ,the TheSQUIDarrayoneachchiphasaninpu√tinductanceof FB loop gain will be: 160 nH, an input current noise of 2.5 pA/ Hz, a mutual inductance M =80 pH, a maximum transimpedance Z 0 Z A = 0 (1) of 450±50 Ω, and an output impedance R0 of 80±5 Ω. LISA RFB +R0 We chose a feedback resistance of RFB =230 Ω. where Z and R are the transimpedance and output 0 0 impedance, respectively, of the series array SQUID com- Tuning bination shown in figure 2. The transimpedance is the product of the mutual inductance between the input coil and the SQUID inductance and the slope of the voltage TuningatraditionalSQUIDdevicethatincludesroom response to applied flux: temperature feedback electronics typically involves first choosing a SQUID Josephson junction current bias that maximized the amplitude of the voltage-flux relation, ∂V Z =M | (2) then choosing an appropriate flux bias to maximize the 0 ∂φ max SQUID transimpedance. Finally, a switch is closed, con- A current supplied to the input coil of the LISA pro- nectingtheroomtemperatureelectronicsoutputthrough ducesanoutputvoltagev =−i Z . TheLISA afeedbackresistortotheinputcoiloftheSQUIDdevice, LISA coil LISA transimpedance is then enabling the flux-locked loop. The operating point of a flux-locked loop will jump by a single flux quantum if an input signal is applied that exceeds its dynamic range. ZLISA = (RFB +R0) Traditional flux-locked loops are restored to their origi- (cid:18) R (cid:19) nal operating point by resetting the feedback either by || Z 1− 0 . 0 R +R interrupting the feedback signal momentarily and then FB 0 re-locking or by turning the SQUID bias current to zero The expected current noise is a quadrature sum of the and then restoring it. intrinsic noise from the component SQUID arrays, i , 0 Because of its design, the cryogenic connection be- and the Johnson noise of the feedback resistor, i : FB tweentheLISAoutputandinputisinconvenienttoopen and close during the tuning process. However, tuning is (cid:113) very straightforward for the LISA. First we varied the i = i2+i2 (3) n 0 FB SQUIDJosephsonjunctioncurrentbiasandforeachbias 4 currentsettingwemeasuredtheDCvoltage-fluxrelation of the LISA. We chose the current bias that maximizes (cid:18) (cid:19) Φ 1 2A the dynamic range of the LISA (this ensures that we i = o + LISA , (4) pp M 2 2π are biasing the constituent SQUIDs at a point close to themaximumoftheirindividualvoltage-fluxresponses). where Φ is the quantum of magnetic flux, M is the mu- 0 Then we used the measured optimum voltage-flux rela- tual inductance between the input coil and each one of tiontodeterminethefluxbiassignalthatmovestheLISA theconstituentSQUIDs,andA istheclosedloopout- loop to the middle of its dynamic range and applied this flux putimpedanceofthecoldFLLasdefinedinsection. For tothedevice. IftheoperatingpointoftheLISAjumped the demonstration, we wired three 100-element series ar- in response to a signal that exceeded its dynamic range, ray SQUID chips in series. For an arbitrary number, n, the LISA was reset by momentarily interrupting its cur- of series array SQUID chips, the loop gain becomes: rent bias. nZ A = single (5) LISA R +nR Dynamic Range and Linearity FB single whereZ andR arethetransimpedanceandout- single single Once the LISA is tuned, we measure its dynamic put resistance of the individual series array SQUID de- range (maximum peak-to-peak applied signal) by apply- vices. As mentioned in section , for a large number of ing a series of DC currents to the input coil and measur- devices in series, the loop gain approaches the limiting ing the output voltages (voltage-current or voltage-flux value of Z /R =6.2. single single relation). Figure3showsthismeasuredrelationforthree Using the properties of the individual LISA compo- SQUID devices in series without feedback, and the same nents used in this demonstration, we expect A =3.2. loop relationfortheLISA.Thesimulatedresponseisalsoplot- This loop gain predicts, using equation 4, a dynamic ted in figure 3 [16]. The intrinsic sinusoidal response range of 39 µA in good agreement with measurement. pp has been linearized over a dynamic range of 37±1 µA pp and agrees well with the simulated response. Note that this measurement of dynamic range with a direct input current does not exactly apply to the high frequency re- sponsebecauseofthe160nHinductanceoftheinputcoil of each SQUID array. At 10 MHz, this corresponds to a reactance of 10 Ω from each SQUID array which slightly lowers the closed loop gain. FIG. 4: Measured LISA transimpedance (using sinusoidal input of 2 µA ) over three decades of frequency. RMS TheLISAhashighlinearityacrossmostofitsdynamic range,butexhibitsgainsuppressionforlargesignals. We measurecompressionof0.3±0.1dBat±19µAwithmuch smaller deviations from linearity for smaller signals. FIG. 3: LISA response to applied input current with and without application of cold feedback. Bandwidth WeexpectthatthedynamicrangeoftheLISA,mea- We measured the bandwidth of the LISA with a net- suredasapeak-to-peakcurrentappliedtotheinputcoil, work analyser [17]. We applied a current of 2 µA at RMS will be [8] the LISA input and measured the output voltage across 5 three decades of frequency (0.1 MHz to 100 MHz). The current was applied differentially to the input coil of the LISA and the output voltage was amplified with room temperature electronics and then measured with a net- work analyser. We measure a small-signal bandwidth of 14±1 MHz (see figure 4). We measure the large-signal bandwidth by recording the size of input current signal needed to induce flux jumping in the LISA as a func- tion of frequency. The large-signal bandwidth achieved with the prototype setup is 10 MHz. For our setup, the measuredbandwidthiscurrentlylimitedbyseveralroom temperature components: a stray capacitance of 50 pF at the input of the room temperature amplifier and the room temperature amplifier itself. Using a well-matched room temperature amplifier with low input capacitance and a larger designed bandwidth will increase the avail- able LISA bandwidth. FIG.5: MeasuredoutputvoltagenoiseoftheLISAwithand without junction bias current. Noise ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We coupled the output voltage of the LISA to a spec- trumanalyserandmeasuredthenoisefrom1to100MHz withthejunctionbiascurrentonandoff. Thenoisemea- We thank J. Clarke, D. Doering, and P. Richards for √ sured with the bias current off, 1.3 nV/ Hz, measures useful discussions. We also thank LBNL engineers John the baseline noise of the room temperature readout elec- Joseph and Chinh Vu for their work on the room tem- tronics. With the bias current on, the noise increases by perature electronics. Work at LBNL is supported by the √ 25%to1.65nV/ Hz. Figure5showsthemeasurednoise Director,OfficeofScience,OfficeofHighEnergyandNu- spectra with the LISA bias current on and off. The ex- clear Physics, of the U.S. Department of Energy under pectedcombinationoftheNyquistcurrentnoisefromthe Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. feedbackresistorandtheintrinsiccurrentnoisefromthe individual SQUID devices predicts a total input voltage √ noise of 1.55 nV/ Hz, which is in agreement with the measured noise level. Referred to the input of the LISA, √ ∗ Electronic address: tlanting@dwavesys.com this measured noise is 8.25 pA/ Hz. This noise is cur- [1] M.D.Audley,W.Holland,D.Atkinson,M.Cliffe,M.El- rently dominated by the room temperature electronics lis, X. Gao, D. Gostick, T. 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