Contents Subvolume Bl: Linear Triatomic Molecules BCIH+ (HBCl+) .. . COSe (OCSe) Introduction . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . IX I Energy level designations ................................... IX II Effective Hamiltonians .................................... X II.1 Energy matrix ........................................ X II.l.l Diagonal elements ...................................... X 11.1.2 Off-diagonal elements ................................... XII II.2 Energy expressions referred to the ground state. ...................... XII 11.2.1 Vibrational states ...................................... XIII 11.2.2 Rotational states ...................................... XIII II.3 Conversion table for energy-related units and selected fundamental constants ....... XIV III Formulas for determining rotational constants ....................... XV III. 1 Effective parameters ..................................... XV III.2 Band center and band origin ................................ XVI III.3 Comments on BHO (HBO) (see Chap. 6). ......................... XVII III.4 Some specifics related to carbonyl sulfide, COS (OCS) (see Chap. 38) .......... XVIII 111.4.1 Diagonalizing the energy matrix ............................. XVIII 111.4.2 Effective molecular parameters .............................. XVIII 111.4.3 Unperturbed vibrational states ............................... XIX 111.4.4 Effects of perturbations ................................... XIX III.5 Quadrupole coupling .................................... XXI IV Potential energy function (PEF). .............................. XXI IV.1 PEF expanded as a Taylor series .............................. XXI IV.2 Curvilinear valence coordinates and Morse functions .................... XXII IV.3 Dimensionless normal coordinates ............................. XXII IV.4 Specific forms of the PEF. ................................. XXII V Dipole moment ...................................... XXIV v.l General equations. ..................................... XXIV v.2 Specifics related to COS (OCS) (see Chap. 38) ...................... XXV VI Intensities. ........................................ XXVII VI. 1 Intensities of spectral lines ................................ XXVII VI.2 Integrated absorption intensities ............................. XXVII VI.3 Total internal partition sum ................................ XXIX VI.4 F-factors (Herman-Wallis factors) ............................ XXIX VI.5 Intensity expressions ................................... XXX VI.6 Intensity units and conversion table ............................ XXX1 VI.7 Line profiles ..................................... XXXVIII VI.7.1 Lorentz profile .................................... XXXVIII VI.7.2 Doppler profile .................................... XXXVIII v1.7.3 Voigt profile ..................................... XXXVIII VI.7.4 Galatry profile ..................................... XXXIX Contents VI.8 Miscellaneous topics . . . . _ . . . . . . . ................. VI.8.1 Some definitions related to collisions . . . . ................. VI.8.2 Foreign gas broadening . . . . . . . . . . . ................. VI.8.3 Line coupling. . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . ................. VI.8.4 Temperature dependence of broadening . . ................. VI.9 Einstein coefficient of spontaneous emission VI.10 Rotational state transfer. . _ . . . . . . . . VII Renner-Teller effect (some aspects). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XL11 VIII List of symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XLIV Data ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 BClH+ (HBCl+) ....... 1 21 CFN (FCN). . . . . . . . 59 2 BCIH+ (BClH+) ....... 9 22 CFN(FNC). . . . . . . . 76 3 BCIO (OBCl) ........ 10 23 CFP (FCP) . . . . . . . . 78 4 BFH+ (HBF+) ........ 13 24 CHN(HCN) . . . . . . . 79 5 BFO (FBO). ........ 16 25 CHN(HNC) . . . . . . . 183 6 BHO (HBO) ........ 17 26 CHO+ (HCO+) . . . . . . 198 7 BHS (HBS) ......... 26 27 CHO+ (HOC+) . . . . . . 202 8 BOz (OBO) ......... 34 28 CHP (HCP). . . . . . . . 206 9 BeFz (FBeF) ........ 38 29 CHS+ (HCS+) . . . . . . 212 10 CBaN (BaCN) ....... 39 30 CIN (ICN) . . . . . . . . 216 11 CBaN (BaNC) ....... 40 31 CLiN (LiCN) _ . . . . . . 222 12 CBeN (BeCN) ....... 40 32 CLiN (LiNC) . . . . . . . 224 13 CBeN (BeNC) ....... 40 33 CMgN (M&N) . . . . . 226 14 CBrN (BrCN) ....... 40 34 CMgN (MgNC) . . . . . 227 15 CBrN+ (BrCN+) ...... 43 35 CNO- (NCO-) . . . . . . 230 16 CCaN (CaCN) ....... 46 36 CNS (NCS). . . . . . . . 231 17 CCaN (CaNC) ....... 46 37 CNS- (NCS-) . . . . . . 233 18 CClN (ClCN) ........ 46 38 cos (OCS). . . . . . . . 238 19 CClN+ (ClCN+) ...... 51 39 COSe (OCSe) . . . . . . 416 20 CCIP (CICP) ........ 52 References ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Ref. p. 4471 Introduction IX Introduction Molecular parameters of linear triatomic molecules are being presented in three separate volumes. These parameters have been determined by studies made mostly in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this region, the data are mainly concerned with the vibration rotation energy changes of molecules occurring in their electronic ground states. Molecular speciesh ave been listed by adopting the Hill system [OOHil]. I Energy level designations A linear molecule with N atoms has two rotational and (3N - 5) vibrational degrees of freedom, whereas a nonlinear (bent) molecule has three rotational and (3N - 6) vibrational degreeso f freedom. The number of vibrational degreeso f freedom gives the number of normal modes of vibration. In the caseo f linear triatomic molecules (i.e. for N = 3) there are four vibrational degreeso f freedom. Two of these involve only the stretching of the bonds and the remaining two belong to a degenerate pair associatedw ith the bending of the molecule. The stretching fundamentals correspond to what are called the vr and vg states and their associated vibrational quantum numbers are o1 and vg. The doubly degenerate bending fundamental corresponds to the v2 state and its associated vibrational quantum number is v2. In Herzberg’s book on the Infrared and Raman spectra of polyatomic molecules [45Her] the numbering for thesev ibrational modes appears as indicated below in Table 1 by choosing a few specific molecules as illustrations. Table 1. Locations of some vibration rotation fundamentals (in cm-r). Molecular species In the Hill system Commonly used 1o ”o (2I) 01’0 (rI) oo” 1 (E) chemical formulas Vl v2 v3 CHN HCN 2089 712 3312 cos ocs 859 527 2079 NNO N,O 1285 589 2224 As can be seen,t he doubly degenerate v2 state has the lowest wavenumber. Among the remaining two, the higher wavenumber mode is named the v3 state and the one at the lower wavenumber is named the v1 state. In the course of the past many years, investigators have been using this scheme of vibrational numbering. However, in recent years, papers have appeared making use of a notation that interchanges v1 and v3 (also equivalent to interchanging u1 and v3) as compared to what is indicated in the above table. This other schemeo f vibrational numbering corresponds to a recommendation made by the IAU-IUPAP joint commission on spectroscopy [55Mul]. In the tables of parameters of linear triatomic molecules presented in the three volumes of this series, specific mention has been made whenever v1 and v3 are interchanged as compared to the vibrational numbering schemeo f Herzberg’s book [45Her]. The states of the doubly degenerate mode v, are specified not only by the vibrational quantum number v (v2 in this case)b ut also by 1,t he quantum number for vibrational angular momentum. For a certain u2, the quantum number 1 (1, in this case) assumest he values u2, r2 - 2, r2 - 4, , . . 1 or 0 depending on whether v is odd or even. Each vibrational state of a linear molecule is represented by Landolt-BGmstein New Series 11/20bl X Introduction [Ref. p. 447 the designation (uluZ1~J. In this scheme the vi, v2 and v3 states correspond to the vibrational levels denoted by (10’ 0), (0 1’ 0) and (0 0’ l), respectively as indicated in Table 1. Levels with 1= 0, 1,2,3,. . . are referred as C, II, A, 0, . . . states. A vibrational state is composed of one or more I substates,e ach of which contains rotational levels, labelled by the quantum number of the overall angular momentum J > 1.T hese 1s ubstatesa re coupled with each other by vibration-rotation interactions, called I-type resonance. For I= 1, this resonance causes the removal of the degeneracy of the levels. This splitting of the 1= 1 levels is called Z-type doubling. The I-doublet components are labelled e and f adopting the recommendations of Brown and coworkers [75Bro]; see the comments following Eq. II.9 for further information pertaining to this notation. Sometimes,e specially when using computers, the capital letters E and F are being used instead of e and f for labelling the l-doublet components. Also, it may be recalled that prior to the recommenda- tions in [75Bro], the letters c and d were used instead of e and f. II Effective Hamiltonians Vibrational and rotational spectroscopic parameters are defined by effective Hamiltonians, the matrix elementso f which provide the energy expressions suitable for the analysis of experimental spectra. For describing the degeneracy of the v2 state and l-type doubling effectso n the spectra of linear triatomic molecules, the basic theory was developed by Amat and Nielsen [58Amal, 58Ama2,71Ama] (seea lso [42Her]). Subsequently, this theory has been applied and extended by numerous investigators, Maki and Lide [67Makl], Pliva [72Pli], Winnewisser and Winnewisser [72Win], Hietanen [83Hie], Yamada, Birss and Aliev [85Yam], and Herman et al. [91Her]. Aspects of the notations used by all these theorists have slight variations which are mainly a consequence of individual habits and preferences.A ttempts have been made to clarify the various symbolisms used so far. Hopefully, this will enable one to make meaningful comparisons of the molecular parameters generated by the experimen- talists, who in turn showed preference to using one or the other of the Hamiltonian models. II.1 Energy matrix In the Hamiltonian of a linear triatomic molecule, there are diagonal as well as non-diagonal matrix elements. The unperturbed vibration rotation energy E, to a good approximation, is given by: E = Evib+ E,,t> (11.1) the subscripts vib and rot referring to vibration and rotation, respectively. The diagonal matrix elements lead to the following energy expressions (Eqs. 11.2-11.6).T hey are followed by several explanatory notes related to the symbols appearing in them. The matrix elements off diagonal in 1a re summarized in Eqs. 11.7-11.9a ccompanied by a few clarifying comments. 11.1.1 Diagonal elements (11.2) Land&-Bhstein New Series 11/20bl Ref. p. 4473 Introduction XI E,,, = B,[J(J + 1) - I;] - D,[J(J + 1) - 1”,]’ + H,[J(J + 1) - l;]“, (11.3) where (11.4) (11.5) (11.6) Explanatory notes for the above energy expressions Some general comments: (1) The energy expressions are given up to sixth order. The word ‘order’ refers to the highest power of J occurring in E,,,. In this case,t he highest power for v in the expression for Evib is four, two less than for J. Aspects of the notation of Amat and Nielsen [58Amal, 58Ama2], are retained here. For instance, the vibrational indices s, s’, s” and s”’ are used for both non-degenerate and degenerate modes. These vibrational indices assume the values 1,2 or 3. (2) For the symbol d, representing the degeneracy, d, = 1, d, = 2 and d, = 1. In Evib (Eq. 11.2): (3) o, refers to the harmonic oscillator frequency for the sth normal mode. (4) xss,y, ,,,., and z,,, 5s1il1la re anharmonicity constants. (5) gZ2, y,““, zz: and z2222 are anharmonic parameters which describe the contribution of the vibrational angular momentum I, to the vibrational energy. In this notation, the superscript 2 is the same as the vibrational index 2 of the degenerate bending mode v2. The number of times this superscript occurs is the same as the power of 1, which it multiplies. For instance, in z22221,4t,h e power of I, viz. 4 is the number of times 2 is repeated in the superscript of z. In this type of notation, strictly, according to Pliva [72Pli], the commonly used symbol g22 should be written as x22. For this parameter, investigators have also used xII [58Amal, 58Ama2] and more recently xL [85Yam]. In other words, g22,g 22, x22, xI1, and xL all refer to the same parameter. (6) Yamada, Birss and Aliev [85Yam] write G, for the I-independent part of Evib. In E,,, (Eqs. 11.3-11.6): (7) B,, D, and H, are the rotational parameters, v indicating the particular vibrational state.B ,, D, and H, give the values of the same parameters for the equilibrium structure of the molecule. (8) a,, Y,,,a nd Y,,~,i~n ~t he expression for B,; fi, and j?,,,i n the expression for D,; and E, in the expression for H, are rovibration interaction parameters. (9) y22 and y”. m the expression for B, and b”” in the expression for D, describe the contributions of the vibrational angular momentum to the rotational energy. (10) In Eq. II.5 some investigators have been using a minus sign after D; i.e., write D, = D, - C&(vs + d,/2) + . . . . (11) In Eq. II.6 H, has be& used instead of .a,;i .e., write H, = H, + CH,(v, + d,/2). s Landolt-BBmstein New Series 11/20bl XII Introduction [Ref. p. 447 11.1.2 Off-diagonal elements (lJ,,1,,J(A;(u,,z, 22,J) =$q2{(u* f l,)(v, IL 1, + 2)IIJ(J+ l).l,V, 2 111 ’ [J(J + 1) - (1, f lN2 IL 211p2> (11.7) where + q&J(J + 1) + q\(l, ) 1)2+ qy(J + 1)2; (11.8) . [J(J + 1).1,(1,* 111C J(J + 1) - (12t - l)U, IL 91 . [J(J + 1) - (1, L- 2)(12I f: 3)l CJ(J + 1) - (1, -t 3)(1, f 4)1)1’2. (11.9) Comments on off-diagonal matrix elements (1) Matrix element II.7 connects components of vibrational states with a given v2 and different values of the vibrational angular momentum quantum number I, and are responsible for rotational I-type resonance. For 1, = 1 (occurring for odd v,), the element II.7 connects levels (02, 1, = + 1, J) and (v,, 1, = - 1, J) which are degenerate, and thus causes splitting of these levels. For example, for u2 = 1, the split levels are (~1~= 1, 1, = 1, J) f (1/2)q,J(J + 1). This removal of the degeneracy is referred to as (rotational) l-type doubling. The upper sign here referst o the so-called e-levels and the lower sign to the f-levels conforming to the recommendations mentioned earlier [75Bro]. According to this recommendation, the e-levels have parity + (- 1)’ and the f-levels have parity - (- l)J. For a linear triatomic molecule in the ground electronic state, this results in the labelling of the split u2 = 1 levels given here. Obviously, for v2 = 1, the separation between the split levels is given by: Av = q2J(J + 1). (11.10) (2) The term qyJ*(J + 1)2 in Eq. II.8 is, in principle, of higher order than the terms included in Eqs. 11.2-11.5b ut it has been included in the analysis of data by some investigators. Incidentally, q;J is of the same order as E, appearing in Eq. 11.6.A lso, the J(J + 1) term has been used with a negative sign. For instance, the dependence of q, on J has been written as follows [91Makl]: q,;J = 4: - q”JJcJ + l) + qc.JJ52(5 + l)*, or (II.1 1) qDJ= qf - qiJ(J + 1) + qYJ2(J + 1)2. I (3) The matrix element II.9 is also of higher order than the other terms. It can cause splitting of 1, = 2 levels (even u2). (4) The following three expressions used for Av, the separation between the l-type doubling splittings (Eqs. 11.12-11.14)a re being presented to draw attention to the slight variations in the symbolism adopted for the same parameters. In [85Jon]: Av = q,J(J + 1) - q1J2(J + 1)2. (11.12) In [91Fru]: Av = qJ(J + 1) +qD[J(J + l)]” + .... (11.13) In [93Mey]: Av = q,J(J + 1) - qo,J2(J $ 1)2+ qH,J3(J + 1)3. (11.14) II.2 Energy expressions referred to the ground state A majority of the spectra generated in the infrared are absorption spectra originating from the ground vibrational state. The transition wavenumbers of interest would therefore be calculated as differences Landolt-B&stein New Series 11/20bl Ref. p. 4471 Introduction XIII between the energy levels of an excited state and those of the ground state. Therefore, it is useful to work out energy expressions Evib and E,,, relative to the ground state. That is what has been done in Eqs. 11.15-11.19. 11.2.1 Vibrational states Evib- Etib = G(v,,v,“v,) - G(O,O’,O) (11.15) 11.2.2 Rotational states E,,, - EFo,= (B, - B, + 20,1,2 - 3H,ld;) [J(J + 1) - $1 - (D, - Do + 3H,$) [J(J + 1) - l;]” + (H” - H,)[J(J + 1) - lf]” - B,1; +0,1; - H,1,6, (11.16) with B, - B, = - c c~,ov+, c y,oss,v,v+, . ~~~1; + 1 &qvs~vs~~ + c y~~;~v,l;, (11.17) s SSS’ s2 S5’ sfl s D, - Do = c /$I, + c ~,oss.v,v+, . f1221;, (11.18) s SSS’ H, - Ho = c (11.19) E,V,. s Comments on energy expressions 11.15-11.19 (1) The superscript 0 is used to indicate that we are concerned with expressions relative to the ground state. These formulas have to be used when only a subset of vibrational modes is investigated as,f or instance, when a fundamental and its overtones have been studied. In this case,t he summations over the vibrational indices s extend over the subset of modes studied. (2) The parameters wz, x$ etc., are not the same as those appearing in Eq. II.2 (viz. wS,x ,,., etc.). They can be converted into the latter when constants for all three vibrational modes have been determined. This conversion can be achived by using the relations given below (Eqs. 11.20-11.25) which are correct to the 4th order. For more extensive data requiring higher order terms, the energy expressions II.2 referred to the equilibrium state are normally used. Note that in the symbol y$, of Eq. 11.17,t he subscript (0) has the same meaning as the superscript 0 appearing elsewhere. co, = co,”- (x,“, - 2 y,,,,.,d,)d, - 3 C (x,“,, - y,,,.d,)d,. + + c y,s<,..d,tds,,, (11.20) S’fS S’<S”#S x,, = x,“, - $ y,,,d, - : t: y,,,4~ (11.21) s’+ s X ss=’ x,Osa - ( y,,,,d, + y,,.,.d,J- 4 c y,,y d,-> (s’ Z 4 (11.22) S”#S,S’ 922 = s;z - i C y:24, (11.23) (11.24) (11.25) Landolt-BBmstein New Series 11/20bl II.3 Conversion table for energy-related units and selected fundamental constants In the Data part of this volume the units for energy-related quantities are mostly given in cm -I or MHz. Conversion from MHz to cm-’ is obtained by dividing by 29 979.2458 or from cm-l to MHz by multiplying by 29 979.2458. J m-l Hz eV hartree W4 l/W Me> WKmW lJ&l 5.034 112 5(30). 1oz4 1.509 188 97(90).1033 6.241 5064(19).10” 2.293 7104(14) 1or7 WJL) Im-l Jhc) 1 {c> { WeI - 1.9864475(12)~10-25 299 792 458 1.239 84244(37).W6 4.556 335 267 2(54). lo-’ PI4 WLc~ 1Hz-~:260755(40)10-34 :‘!;;64095210-9 ’ 4.135 669 2(12). lo- l5 1.5198298508(18).10-‘6 WQ ~@JLhcl 1 ’ eV G $02 177 33(49)lO-I9 k6+;)54 lO(24) 2.417 988 1Ol4 0.036 749 309( 11) :%463.067(26) 6tw.5m7c9) 683 3869(97 92()7. 8). 1015 2(K7,.h2c1l1e3~9 6 l(81) 1 ’ hartree G &$$2(26).10- l8 1 hartree = 1 a.u. (atomic unit) = 2 Ry (Rydberg) Ref. p. 4471 Introduction xv Selectedf undamental constants *) Quantity Symbol Value Units SI CD - Speed of light C 2.9979 24 58 (exactly) lO*ms-’ 10” cm s-l Fine structure constant CI 7.2973 53 08 (33) 1o-3 10-3 Lx-l 137.0359895 (61) Electron charge e 1.6021 77 33 (49) lo-‘9 c 10m20em u 4.803 206 8 (15) lo-‘Oesu Planck’s constant h 6.6260 75 5 (40) 10-34J.s 1O-27e rg.s k = h/2x 1.0545 72 66 (63) 10-34J.s 1O-27e rg.s Avogadro’s number N 6.022 136 7 (36) 1O23m ol-r 1O23m ol-’ Boltzmann constant k, 1.380658 (12) 1O-23J K-r lo-l6 erg K-l Universal gas constant R 8.314 510 (70) J mol-’ K-l 10’ erg mol-’ K-l Molar volume L 22.414 10 (19) 10m3m 3 mol-i lo3 cm3 mol-’ at T=273.15K and p = 101325 Pa Standard atmosphere 1.0132 5 10’ Pa lo6 dyn cmm2 Atomic mass unit ‘) m,=lu 1.6605402 (10) 1O-27k g 1o-24g Electron rest mass me 9.1093 89 7 (54) 1O-31k g 1o-28g Proton rest mass 1.672623 l(l0) 1O-27k g 10-24g mP Neutron rest mass m, 1.674928 6 (10) 1O-27k g 1o-24g Rydberg constant Rm 1.097373 1534 (13) lo7 m-l 105cm-l Bohr radius 5.291772 49 (24) lo-“m 10eg cm a0 Electron magnetic moment pe/pB 1.001159 652 193 (10) in Bohr magnetons Bohr magneton 9.2740154 (31) 1O-24J T-’ 1O-21e rg Gauss-’ PB Nuclear magneton 5.0507866 (17) 1O-27J T-’ 1O-24e rg Gauss-’ PN Electron magnetic moment ~1, 9.284 770 1 (31) 1O-24J T-l 1O-21e rg Gauss-’ Proton magnetic moment pLp 1.410607 61 (47) lO-=j JT-1 10Wze3r g Gauss-’ *) After E.R. Cohen and B.N. Taylor: CODATA Bulletin No. 63, 1986. ‘) The atomic mass unit is also called 1 amu (= (1/12)m(12C)= 1.6605 40 2 (10).10-27kg). III Formulas for determining rotatiocal constants III.1 Effective parameters From the energy expressions given above, several polynomial relations have been derived and they are presented in Eqs. 111.3-111.6E. xperimental data for the rovibrational lines are fitted to these poly- nomials to determine values for the band origin (vo) and rotational constants, B, D, H and 4. In these polynomials, the single prime (‘) refers to the upper energy state and the double prime (“) to the lower energy state involved in a transition. For developing these formulas, the selection rules applicable for the rovibrational spectra are [45Her]: for vibrational transitions: Al=O, k 1; C++C-; g+g; u+t+u, (111.1) Landolt-Bhstein New Series 11120bl XVI Introduction [Ref. p. 447 for rotational transitions: AJ=J’-J”=O,*l (J=O+J=O); +cf-; sea; AJ#O for &=O+-+l,=O. (111.2) P, Q and R lines correspond to AJ = - 1, 0, and + 1, respectively. In degenerate vibrational states where 1# 0, the levels J = 0, 1,2, . . . , I - 1 do not occur. The formula used for C - C bands is given in Eq. 111.3: v, = v. + (II’ + B”)m + [(B’ - H’) - (II’ - D”)] m2 - [2(D’ + D”) - (H’ + W)] m3 - [(D’ -II”) - 3(H’ - W)]m4 + 3(H’ + H”)m5 + (H’ - H”)m6. (111.3) Here v0 = G’(v) - G”(v); vmi s the wavenumber of the P and R branch lines with m = - J for P-branch lines and m = J + 1 for R-branch lines. Eqs. 111.4I,I I.5 and III.6 give respectively the formulas for II -II, II - C and C - II bands, which seemt o be adequate for most analyses. II - H bands: VW= V. + [(B’ + B”) * +(q’ + 4”) + 2(0’ + II”)] m + [(B’ - I?“) ) +(q’ - 4”) + (D’ - II”)] (m2- 1) - 2(D’ + D”)m3 -(D’ - D”)]m4. (111.4) In II -II bands, Q branches are allowed but they are weak. In the case of II -C and X -II bands, P and R branch lines and Q branch lines are usually analyzed separately. This is becauseP and R lines terminate on one component of the l-doublet levels and the Q lines terminate on the other component. The polynomial expression used to fit the P and R branch lines is: II - X bands, P, R branch lines: v, = v. - (B’ + D’) + [B’ + B” + +q’ + 20’1 m + [(II’ - F) + $4’ + (II’ + II”)] m2 - 2(0’ +D”)m3 - (D’ - D”)m4. (111.5) Q branch lines are fitted to the following polynomial expression: II - C bands, Q branch lines: v= v. -(B’+D’)+ [(B’-IS”)-$q’+2D’]J(J+ l)-(D’-D”)J2(J+ 1)2. (111.6) III.2 Band center and band origin It may be noted that the terms band center, band origin and vibrational band origin have all been used while identifying the symbol vo. Recalling Eq. II.3 which states that E,,, = B[J(J + 1) - Z”] - D[J(J + 1) - Z2]’ + H[J(J + 1) - 1213+ ... (111.7) the wavenumber v of a vibration rotation transition is given by: v = v. + E;,, - E”to t’ (111.8) Making use of these relations, the rotational analysis of a band determines the band center vBc, which is given by: \IBC= v. - gp + B,rp (plus centrifugal terms). (111.9) Here v. would be the band origin. Let us consider an example to show the need to be careful in comparing the v. values quoted by different investigators. In the case of HCN, the grating measure- Land&B&stein New Series II/ZObl