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LINEAR TOPOLOGICAL SPACES OF CONTINUOUS VECTOR-VALUED FUNCTIONS Liaqat Ali Khan AP Academic Publications Linear Topological Spaces of Continuous Vector-Valued Functions Authors: Liaqat Ali Khan Address: Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah DOI: 10.12732/acadpubl.201301 Pages: 350 Typesetting system: LATEX (cid:13)cAcademic Publications, Ltd., 2013 Allrightsreserved. Thisworkmaynotbetranslatedorcopiedinwholeorin part without the written permission of the publisher (Academic Publications, Ltd., http://www.acadpubl.eu), except for scientific or scholarly analysis. (cid:13)c Academic Publications, Ltd., 2013 http://www.acadpubl.eu Contents Introduction vi Preface vii Acknowledgements xiii Chapter 1. The Strict and Weighted Topologies 1 1. Strict and related Topologies on C (X,E) 2 b 2. Weighted Topology on CV (X,E) 20 b 3. Notes and Comments 24 Chapter 2. Completeness in Function Spaces 27 1. Completeness in the uniform topology 28 2. Completeness in the Strict Topology 33 3. Completion of (C (X,E),β) 38 b 4. Completeness in the Weighted Topology 41 5. Notes and Comments 43 Chapter 3. The Arzela-Ascoli type Theorems 45 1. Arzela-Ascoli Theorem for k and β Topologies 46 2. Arzela-Ascoli Theorem for Weighted Topology 53 3. Notes and Comments 61 Chapter 4. The Stone-Weierstrass type Theorems 63 1. Approximation in the Strict Topology 64 2. Approximation in the Weighted Topology 72 3. Weierstrass Polynomial Approximation 77 4. Maximal Submodules in (Cb(X,E),β) 79 5. The Approximation Property 82 6. Notes and Comments 87 Chapter 5. Maximal Ideal Spaces 89 1. Maximal Ideals in (C (X,A),β) 90 b 2. Maximal Ideal Space of (C (X,A),β) 94 b 3. Notes and Comments 99 iii iv CONTENTS Chapter 6. Separability and Trans-separability 101 1. Separability of Function Spaces 102 2. Trans-separability of Function Spaces 107 3. Notes and Comments 114 Chapter 7. Weak Approximation in Function Spaces 115 1. Weak Approximation in (C (X,E),β) 116 b 2. Weak Approximation in CV (X,E) 120 o 3. Notes and Comments 126 Chapter 8. The Riesz Representation type Theorems 127 1. Vector-valued Measures and Integration 128 2. Integral Representation Theorems 135 3. Notes and Comments 140 Chapter 9. Weighted Composition Operators 141 1. Multiplication Operators on CV (X,E) 142 o 2. Weighted Composition Operators on CV (X,E) 152 o 3. Compact Weighted Composition Operators 159 4. Notes and Comments 166 Chapter 10. The General Strict Topology 167 1. Strict Topology on Topological Modules 168 2. Essentiality of Modules of Vector-valued Functions 177 3. Topological Modules of Homomorphisms 180 4. Notes and Comments 187 Chapter 11. Mean Value Theorem and Almost Periodicity 189 1. The Mean Value Theorem in TVSs 190 2. Almost Periodic Functions with Values in a TVS 194 3. Notes and Comments 203 Chapter 12. Non-Archimedean Function Spaces 205 1. Compact-open Topology on C(X,E) 206 2. Strict Topology on C (X,E) 214 b 3. Maximal Ideals in NA Function Algebras 222 4. Notes and Comments 227 Appendix A. Topology and Functional Analysis 229 1. Topological Spaces 230 2. Topological Vector Spaces 243 3. Spaces of Continuous Linear Mappings 261 4. Shrinkable Neighborhoods in a TVS 268 CONTENTS v 5. Non-Archimedean Functional Analysis 272 6. Topological Algebras and Modules 275 7. Measure Theory 296 8. Uniform Spaces and Topological Groups 300 9. Notes and Comments 310 Appendix. Bibliography 313 Appendix B. List of Symbols 329 Appendix C. Index 333 vi CONTENTS Introduction This monograph is devoted to the study of linear topological spaces of continuous bounded vector-valued functions endowed with the uni- form, strict, compact-open and weighted topologies. In the past four decades, several major results onvector-valued function spaces have been extended to the non-locally setting. These include generalized versions of some classical results such as the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, the Arzela- Ascoli theorem, and the Riesz representation theorem. These also in- clude maximal ideal spaces of function algebras, separability and trans- separability, weak approximation, composition operators, general strict topology on topological modules, the mean value theorem and almost periodicity for vector-valued functions, and non-Archimedean function spaces. Our main objective is to present recent developments in these areas. Several examples and counter-examples are included in the text. Background material on Topology and Functional Analysis is included in the Appendix. Also, an up-to-date bibliography is included to assist research in further studies. AMS Subject Classification. [2000] Primary 46E10, 46E40; Sec- ondary 46A10, 28A25, 46H25, 47B33 Preface The purpose of this monograph is to present an up-to-date study of linear topological spaces of continuous bounded vector-valued functions endowed withtheuniform, strict, compact-openandweighted topologies. In the past four decades, several new results have had been obtained in this direction. The main topics include generalized versions of some classical results such as the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, the Arzela-Ascoli theorem, and the Riesz representation theorem. These also include the studyofmaximalidealspacesoffunctionalgebras,separabilityandtrans- separability, weak approximation, composition operators, general strict topology on topological modules, the mean value theorem and almost periodicity for vector-valued functions, and non-Archimedean function spaces. Our main objective is to present recent developments in the non- locallyconvexsetting, thatis,intopologicalvectorspaces, notnecessarily locally convex. So it covers both the cases: (a) locally convex spaces, (b) topological vector spaces which are not locally convex. We mention that ”non-convexity” has also been the main theme in the monographs by L. Waelbroeck (1971), N. Adasch, B. Ernst and D. Keim (1978), N.J. Kalton, N.T. Peck and J.W. Roberts (1984), S. Rolewicz (1985) and A. Bayoumi (2003); see also the papers by W. Robertson (1958), V. Klee (1960a, 1960b) and J. Kakol (1985, 1987, 1990, 1992). Our exposition relies mostly on the original papers (published during 1972-2012) with some additional clarifications. We have tried to make the text easily readable and as self-contained as possible. The only pre- requisites for reading the bookare topology, functional analysis andmea- sure theory of the undergraduate level (e.g. the material given in H.L. Royden’s book: Real Analysis). For this purpose, we have included back- ground material on Topology and Functional Analysis (such as topolog- ical spaces, topological vector spaces, non-Archimedean functional anal- ysis, topological algebras and measure theory) in Appendix A. Also, an up-to-date bibliography is included to assist research in further studies. The monograph is intended basically a monograph for researchers work- ing in vector-valued function spaces. However, those working in this and vii viii PREFACE related fields may conveniently choose some topics for a one or two se- mester course work. In fact, the author has been using portions of the text in his lectures to M.Sc./M.Phil. students as a one semester course before initiating their research in a relevant field of function spaces. To introduce the material in its historical perspective, consider a topological space X and a topological vector space E over K (= R or C). Let C(X,E) (resp. C (X,E)) be the vector space of all continuous b (resp. continuous and bounded) E-valued functions on X; if E = K, these spaces are simply denoted by C(X) and C (X). If X is compact, b then C(X,E) = C (X,E) and C(X) = C (X); in this case the uni- b b form topology (i.e. the sup norm topology) u is the appropriate one to study on C(X). After the appearance of M.H. Stone’s paper of 1937, the space (C(X),u) in the case of compact X has been an intensively studied mathematical object. Its interest arises in part from its rich structure: under the uniform topology u, C(X) is a Banach space; under pointwise multiplication, it is an algebra; under the natural ordering, C(X,R) is a lattice (see, e.g., Kakutani (1941), Kaplansky (1947b), Hewitt (1948), Myers (1950), M. and S. Krein (1940), etc.). If X is not compact, the uniform topology u on C(X) is not well-defined since C(X) may contain some unbounded functions. However, in this case, the compact-open topology k is the most useful topology to be considered on C(X) and on C(X,E) with E even a topological space. It has been studied by several authors over the past sixty years and significant contributions have been made in this field, among others, by Fox (1945), Arens (1946), Myers (1946), Hewitt (1948), Warner (1958), Wheeler (1976), McCoy (1980); see also the monographs by Semadeni (1971), Schmets (1983), McCoy and Ntantu (1988), Arkhangel’skii (1992) and Tkachuk (2011). If X is againnon-compact andwe consider thespaces C (X)andC (X,E), then b b both u and k topologies are well-defined and we have k 6 u. In 1958, R.C. Buck introduced the notion of strict topology β on C (X,E) in the case of X locally compact and E a locally convex space. b The problems discussed in the Buck’s paper (1958) are: (1) Relationship between the β,k and u topologies on C (X,E) (e.g. b k 6 β 6 u with k = u iff X is compact; k = β on u-bounded sets); (2) Completeness of C (X,E),β); b (3) Stone-Weierstrass theorems for (C (X),β) and C (X,E ),β); b b n (4) Characterization of maximal β-closed ideals in C (X); b (5) Identification of the β-dual of C (X) with the space M(Bo(X)) b of regular Boreal measures on X, via the integral representations; (6) The open problem whether or not (C (X),β) a Mackey space. b PREFACE ix After the appearance of the Buck’s paper, a large number of pa- pers have appeared in the literature concerned with extending Buck’s results to more general cases or studying further properties of β, and also with obtaining some variants of β. In particular Todd (1965) and Wells (1965)], independently, established the Stone-Weierstrass theorem for (C (X),β). Todd (1965) also characterized the maximal β-closed b C (X)-submodules of C (X,E) while Wells (1965) identified the β-dual b b of C (X,E) with a certain space M(X,E∗) of E∗-valued measures on X. b Conway (1967) and LeCam (1957), independently, proved that, if X is locally compact and paracompact, (C (X,E),β) is a Mackey space but b it is not so in general. Collins and Dorroh (1968) proved that (C (X),β) b has the approximation property. Dorroh (1969) also showed that β is the finest locally convex topology on C (X) which agrees with k on u- b bounded sets. The next major development in the study of β topology on C (X) b has been its extension to the case of a completely regular space X, given, independently, by Van Rooij (1967), Giles (1971), Fremlin, Garling and Haydon (1972), Gulick (1972), Hoffman-Jφregensen (1972), and Sentilles (1972). In fact, Fremlin, Garling and Haydon (1972) and, independently, Sentilles (1972) introduced on C (X) three types of strict topologies: the b substrict topology β , the strict topology β and the superstrict topology o β with β being equivalent to the strict topology ‘β’ of Buck (1958) in 1 the case of X a locally compact space. They also identified the topo- logical duals of (C (X),β ), (C (X),β) and (C (X),β ) with the spaces b o b b 1 M (X), M (X) and M (X) of tight, τ-additive and σ-additive measures, t τ σ respectively, on X (see LeCam (1957), Varadarajan (1965) and Wheeler (1983) for detail of these spaces of measures). Subsequently, several au- thors have further explored the properties of β ,β and β for both C (X) o 1 b and C (X,E), where E is a normed space or a locally convex space; see, b e.g. Mosiman and Wheeler (1972), Wheeler (1973), Summers (1972), Haydon (1976), Cooper (1971), Choo (1979), Fontenot (1974), Katsaras (1975), Khurana (1978a, 1978b), Morishita and Khan (1997), Zafarani (1986, 1988), and also the survey papers by Hirschfeld (1978), Collins (1976) and Wheeler (1983), and monographs by Cooper (1978), Prolla (1977), Schmets (1983), Singh and Manhas (1993). In1967,Nachbinstudiedindetailthemoregeneralnotionofweighted topology ω on certain subspaces CV (X) and CV (X) of C(X) and V b o β,k, and u were shown to be the special cases of ω for suitable choices V of V consisting of non-negative upper-semicontinuous functions on X. Further work on ω has been done by Summers (1969, 1971), Prolla V x PREFACE (1971a, 1971b), Bierstedt (1973, 1975), and others. Singh and Summers (1988) and Singh and Manhas (1991, 1992) made an extensive study of composition and multiplication operators, respectively on CV (X,E). b Another useful topology on C (X) is the σ-compact-open topology σ b whichwasintroducedbyGulick(1972)andfurther studiedbyGulickand Schmets (1972). The strict and related topologies have also been studied on not necessarily ‘function spaces’. For instance, Wiwegar (1961) and Cooper (1971, 1978) defined it in the form of ‘mixed topology’ on a normed space; Busby (1968) considered it on the double centralizer (or multiplier) algebra M (A) of Banach algebra A; Sentilles and Taylor d (1969) defined it on a Banach A-module; Ruess (1977) studied it on an arbitrary locally convex space (see the survey paper by Collins (1976)). In all the above mentioned investigations about C (X,E), E has b been assumed to be the scalar field or a locally convex space. The case of E a general topological vector space has been first considered by Shuchat in(1972a, 1972b)where heestablished several useful approxima- tion results for (C (X,E),u) and characterized the dual of (C (X,E),u), b b with X a compact space and without assuming the local convexity of E (see also Bierstedt (1973) and Wealbroeck (1971, 1973)). In 1979, Khan defined the β and other related topologies on C (X,E), where b X is a Hausdorff space and E any Hausdorff topological vector space, and showed that β has almost all the properties of the “strict topol- ogy” studied by the above authors. Further work in this direction has been done in later years by Khan (1980 through 2011), Khan-Rowlands (1981, 1991), Katsaras (1981, 1983), Kalton (1983), Nawrocki (1985, 1989), Abel (1987, 2004), Prolla (1993b), Khan-Thaheem (1997, 2002), Manhas-Singh (1998), Khan-Mohammad-Thaheem (1999, 2005), Khan- Oubbi (2005), Katsaras-Khan-Khan (2011), Katsaras (2011) and others. The purpose of this monograph is to present some results of these au- thors regarding the strict, weighted, and related topologies on C (X,E) b andCV (X,E)inthenon-locallyconvex setting. Wealsostudy thestrict o and related topologies on any topological modules. Several examples and counter-examples are included in the text. . The monograph consists of twelve chapters which are organized as follows. In Chapter 1, we introduce and study the strict topology β (and the relatedonessuch astheuniformtopologyu, compact-opentopologyk, σ- compact-open topology σ) and also the more general notion of weighted topology ω on the function spaces C (X,E) (resp. CV (X,E)) with E V b b

Contents. Introduction vi. Preface vii . Our exposition relies mostly on the original papers (published during. 1972-2012) with . case of E a general topological vector space has been first considered by. Shuchat in extended by Carneiro [Car79] to weighted function spaces CV (X, E). In his work
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