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Preview Linear Response Theory and the Universal Nature of the Magnetic Excitation Spectrum of the Cuprates

Linear Response Theory and the Universal Nature of the Magnetic Excitation Spectrum of the Cuprates M. R. Norman Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 (Dated: February 4, 2008) 7 0 Linear response theory,commonly knownas therandom phase approximation (RPA),predictsa 0 rich magnetic excitation spectrum for d-wave superconductors. Many of the features predicted by 2 suchcalculations appeartobereflected in inelastic neutronscattering dataofthecuprates. Inthis n article, I will present results from RPAcalculations whose input isbased on angle resolved photoe- a mission data, and discuss possible relevance to inelastic neutron scattering data of La2−xSrxCuO4 J (LSCO), YBa2Cu3O6+x (YBCO), and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x (Bi2212) in their superconducting and 9 non-superconductingphases. In particular, the question of the universality of themagnetic excita- 2 tion spectrum will be addressed. ] PACSnumbers: 25.40.Fq,74.25.Ha,74.25.Jb,74.72.-h n o c I. INTRODUCTION II. METHODOLOGY - r p The RPA expression for the interacting susceptibility u The natureofthe magneticexcitationspectrumofthe s cuprates is an important topic in its own right. But it is . t has many implications beyond this as well. It is of spe- χ (q,ω) a χ(q,ω)= 0 (1) m cialrelevanceto thosetheoriesthatproposea‘magnetic’ 1−Uχ0(q,ω) origin for cuprate superconductivity1. And it is of par- - In this equation, χ is the polarization bubble con- d ticular interest to the current debate whether magnetic 0 structed from bare Greens functions, and U is the effec- n excitations or phonons are responsible for certain strong o couplingfeaturesobservedintunnelling,infraredconduc- tive Hubbard interaction which results from projection c tivity, and angle resolved photoemission spectra2,3,4. onto the single band subspace (that is, the band that is [ Although there are a large number of theories for ex- gtheenapntaibnodndpinogrbcoitmalbsi9n)a.tion of copper dx2−y2 and oxy- 1 x y plainingtheobservedmagneticexcitationspectrum,toa v It is often stated that RPA is a weak coupling ap- first approximation, these theories can be collapsed into 0 proach, applicable only to heavily overdoped materials 2 two groups. The first are linear response calculations which exhibit Fermi liquid like behavior10. But it was 7 based on a two dimensional Fermi surface and the pres- shown by Schrieffer, Wen, and Zhang11 that RPA repro- 1 ence of a d-wave energy gap. In this group are included duces the superexchange J and the resulting spin wave 0 calculationswhichgobeyondRPA(suchasFLEX5)and dispersionofthe undoped material. Obviously,there are 7 the generalization to the particle-particle channel of the importantquantumcorrectionstotheseresults,butthese 0 SO(5) approach6. The other group are those based on / do not impact the overall correctness of the approach. t coupled spin ladders7,8. They assume phase segrega- a One importantpointto remarkis that the calculationof tion of the material into undoped antiferromagnetic do- m Ref. 11 was self-consistent in the sense that the gapless mains separated by one-dimensional ‘stripes’ containing nature of the spin excitations at q = (π,π) is a direct - d thedopedholes. Theyhavetheadvantageoftreatingthe consequence of the mean-field equation for the Hubbard n full quantum mechanical nature of the spins, but have gap. Suchself-consistencyisdifficulttoimplementinthe o the disadvantage that fermionic degrees of freedom are doped case because of the added complication of having c neglected. to calculate the screening caused by the doped holes. : v It is not the intent here to discuss the relative merits There are two ways to proceed for the doped case. i X of one approach versus the other. In some sense, both Continue to use bare Greens functions and replace U by theories are different limits of a more complex theory an effective U which accounts for screening12,13. Or r eff a whichproperlytreatsspinandchargedegreesoffreedom. take the infinite U limit, replace the Greens functions Rather, I wish to discuss what success linear response by those of the t-J model, and replace U by J where eff calculations have in regards to describing magnetic exci- J takes into account the reduction of J by the intro- eff tationpropertiesofthecuprates,butaswelldiscusstheir ductionofdopedholes(inthet-Japproach,oneisforced limitations. In particular, I wish to address the question to scale J down to prevent a magnetic instability from ofwhetherthereisa‘universal’behaviorofthespinexci- occurring14). Animportantadditionalremarkisthatthe tation spectrum basedon the RPA results. Ultimately, I screenedinteractionis now dependent on transferedmo- hope these results will havesomerelevanceto afinalun- mentum, q. This is particularly clear in the t-J model, derstandingofthemagneticbehaviorofthesefascinating whereJ(q)=−J(cos(q a)+cos(q a))/2duetoexchange x y materials. between near neighbor copper sites. 2 One limitation of the RPA approachis the use of bare forsomecalculationsthephasedisorderedapproximation Greens functions as opposed to dressed ones. But it is was invoked as well. well known that using dressed Greens functions means Finally, some technical remarks. Eq. 2 is solvedby re- that vertex corrections must be included13. The neglect placing δ by some finite Γ and doing a simple sum over ofsuchvertexcorrectionstypicallyleadstoworseresults the Brillouin zone. The smaller Γ is, the more k points than the RPA. areneededinthesum. ResultshavebeengeneratedforΓ The approach taken in this paper will be somewhat ranging between 0.1 and 2 meV, with zone meshes rang- more phenomenological. The bare Greens functions will ing from 400 by 400 to 4000 by 4000, but in this pa- be basedondispersionsderivedfromangleresolvedpho- per, results are shown for Γ=2 meV (400 by 400 mesh). toemission. The resulting U will be taken as an ad- All calculations were performed for a temperature of 1 eff justable constant, designed to reproduce the location of meV. All susceptibilities quoted here are states per eV theS=1resonancemodeatq =(π,π). Calculationshave per CuO formula unit and should be multiplied by the 2 beenperformedaswellassumingU hasthesameqde- matrix element g2µ2hσ|S |σi2 =2µ2 to compare to eff Pσ B z B pendence as J(q). In a more complete theory, one might experiment. work instead within the context of dynamical mean field theory and its cluster generalization15. The heart of the RPA calculation turns out to be the III. RESULTS - NORMAL STATE structure of the bare polarization bubble, χ . For a su- 0 perconductor this is16 The most important input into the RPA calculations is the assumed form of the fermionic dispersion. For in- χ (q,ω)= 0 stance, a well studied case is a tight binding model with 1 ǫkǫk+q+∆k∆k+q f(Ek+q)−f(Ek) just near neighbor hopping6. When considering the re- X{ (1+ ) 2 EkEk+q ω−(Ek+q −Ek)+iδ sponse at q = (π,π), the threshold for the polarization k bubble corresponds to exciting from the node of the d- 1 ǫ ǫ +∆ ∆ 1−f(E )−f(E ) k k+q k k+q k+q k + (1− ) waveorderparameter,k ,toanunoccupiedstate,k +q, N N 4 E E ω+(E +E )+iδ k k+q k+q k along the zone diagonal. As such, the threshold is inde- 1 ǫkǫk+q+∆k∆k+q f(Ek+q)+f(Ek)−1 pendent of the d-wave energy gap. The Fermi surfaces + (1− ) }(2) 4 E E ω−(E +E )+iδ observed by angle resolved photoemission, though, dif- k k+q k+q k fer considerably from those predicted by a near neigh- where Ek = pǫ2k+∆2k. The coherence factors play a bor tight binding model. In particular, the observed critical role in the results17. For an s-wave supercon- Fermi surfaces are characterized by ‘hot spots’, that is, ductor, the coherence factor (in term 3 of Eq. 2) van- points on the Fermi surface which satisfy the condition ishes on the Fermi surface. The net result is that there ǫk = ǫk+q = 0. In this case, the threshold of the bubble are no spin collective modes in this case. On the other at q = (π,π) is determined by twice the energy gap at hand, for an order parameter satisfying the condition the hot spots. ∆(k+q) = −∆(k), the coherence factor becomes maxi- When considering the response for a general q, there malontheFermisurface(equalto2). Asaconsequence, is evenmoresensitivity to the assumedfermionic disper- theimaginarypartofthebubblehasastepdiscontinuity sion. To illustrate this point, in Fig. 1, I show the real atthreshold,andthus the realparthasalogarithmicdi- part of the normal state (∆ = 0) bubble at ω = 0 for vergence. This divergence guarantees the appearance of four different dispersions along the three symmetry axes a collective mode below threshold. This collective mode ofthe2DBrillouinzone. Thefirstdispersion(tb1)isthat energy at q = (π,π) will be denoted as the resonance basedonan earlytight binding fit to ARPESspectra on energy. Bi221219. Twoprominentfeaturesareobserved(Fig.1a). Thereisacommonmisconceptionthattheappearance First, there is a broadmaximum aroundq =(π,π). Sec- of the collective mode requires the presence of a d-wave ond,thereareincommensuratepeaksalongthebondand superconducting gap. In fact, the only requirement is diagonal directions which correspond to scattering be- thatthecoherencefactorsdonotvanishontheFermisur- tweentheantinodalsectionsoftheFermisurfacenearthe face. As an example, imagine that the pseuodgap phase (π,0)points. Ascanbeseenfromthe2DplotinFig.2a, is a phase disordered version of a superconductor. To a this scattering forms a square box around the zone cen- first approximation, we can then set < ∆ ∆ >=018. ter, with maximum intensity at the box corners. These k k+q In this case, the coherence factor is now unity on the peaks inthe zeroΓ limit are logarithmicallydivergent20. Fermi surface independent of the value of k, and one Although potentially important for the charge response, finds a collective mode below threshold as in the case theyareprobablynotsoforthespinresponse(sinceJ(q) of a d-wave superconductor. As the coherence factor is has opposite sign in this region of the zone). nowhalfthatofthesuperconductor,thenlargervaluesof The other noticeable feature of Fig. 1a is the broad U are needed to obtain similar collective mode ener- maximum around q = (π,π). As a consequence, in the eff gies. Inthispaper,ad-waveorderparameteroftheform gappedcase,thedominantbehaviorbelowtheresonance ∆(k)=∆ (cos(k a)−cos(k a))/2 is assumed, although energy is commensurate21,22. But this behavior is actu- 0 x y 3 3.0 (a) 1.8 (b) (a) (b) 2.5 1.6 0 0 χe 2.0 χe 1.4 R R 1.2 1.5 1.0 (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (0,0) (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (0,0) 4.5 (c) (d) 2.5 (c) (d) 4.0 χ03.5 χ02.0 e e R 3.0 R 2.5 1.5 2.0 (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (0,0) (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (0,0) FIG. 1: Re χ0 in the normal state at zero energy along the symmetryaxesofthezonefor(a)tb1(b)tb2(c)tb3and(d) FIG. 3: Fermi surfaces corresponding to Fig. 1. The lower tb4. The zone notation is in π units. left corner is at (0,0) and theupperright corner is at (π,π). (a) (b) (π,0),(5)the curvatureofthe dispersionat(π,0)(along the k direction), and (6) the energy at (π,π) (this last x condition is simply for stability of the fit). The behavior around q = (π,π) in Fig. 1a is largely a consequence of the fact that the saddle point energy at (π,0), -34 meV, is close to the Fermi energy. For dispersions where this is displaced deeper in energy, a minimum is found in Re χ at q =(π,π) rather than a maximum. 0 To illustrate this, a tight binding analysis has been (c) (d) performedonthelatesthighresolutionARPESmeasure- ments on optimal doped Bi221223. These data revealan isotropic Fermi velocity with a value of 1.5 eV˚A. Fixing this condition forces the energy at (π,0) to lie at -119 meV, as compared to -34 meV in the earlier fit24. This difference (dispersion tb2) has a profound effect on the real part of the bubble, as can be seen in Fig. 1b. Now, incommensuratepeaksareobservedaroundq =(π,π)as well,andas canbe seeninFig.2b, they formadiamond shaped pattern. This structure is actually discernible in FIG. 2: 2D zone plots of Fig. 1. The lower left corner is at Fig.1aaskinks,butitisobscuredbythedominantmax- (0,0) and the upper right corner is at (π,π). The dynamic imum around q =(π,π). The behavior of Fig. 1b is also range is the same as in Fig. 1. found for the t,t′ dispersionusedin Ref. 25, as the (π,0) point in that case is at -129 meV. The incommensurate effects can also be strengthened ally the exception, rather than the rule. At this point, a by flattening the Fermi surface around the node14,21. A discussiononhowthe fermionicdispersionischosenisin dispersion which incorporates this effect, as well as the order19. A fit is performed using a six parameter tight presence of a flat quasiparticle band near (π,0), has the binding model which includes real space lattice vectors FermisurfaceillustratedinFig.3c(this isdispersiontb3 of type (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (2,0), (2,1), and (2,2). In the of Ref. 22, and is denoted as tb3 here as well). In this original analysis, the fitting variables were (1) the posi- case, the effect of the enhanced incommensurability and tion ofthe Fermi surface along(0,0)−(π,π) (the node), thetendencytohaveamaximumatq =(π,π)duetothe (2) the Fermi velocity at the node, (3) the Fermi surface smallenergyofthe(π,0)point(-10meV)approximately along (π,0) − (π,π) (the antinode), (4) the energy at balance,leadingtoanetflatbehavioraroundq =(π,π), 4 as can be seen in Fig. 1c. TABLE I: Tight binding dispersions based on angle resolved One issue is that there is not much inelastic neutron photoemission data. The first four columns list the coeffi- scattering data on Bi2212 because of the small sample sizes,thoughthisisstartingtochange.26 Alargeamount cient, ci, of each term (eV), that is ǫ(~k) = Pciηi(~k). The last column lists thebasis functions(thelattice constant ais of data is present for YBCO, but the electronic struc- set to unity). Below this are several properties of these dis- ture of this material is complicated because of its strong persions - thenode, (kN,kN), the antinode, (1,kAN) (in π/a orthorhombicity and the presence of metallic chain lay- units),thenodalvelocity,vN,theantinodalvelocity,vAN (in ers. Instead, I consider LSCO. This material has the eV˚A),theenergyat(π,0),ǫM (eV),thebandwidth,W(eV), advantage of having extensive inelastic neutron scat- and the value of U needed for resonance at 40 meV in the tering data and a simpler electronic structure (no bi- superconductingstate. layer splitting). Recently, Tranquada and co-workers27 have pointed out that the inelastic magnetic response tb1 tb2 tb3 tb4 2ηi(~k) 0.1305 0.1960 0.1197 0.0801 2 of non-superconducting La Ba CuO (LBCO) is 1.875 0.125 4 very similar to that of superconducting YBCO28, which -0.5951 -0.6798 -0.5881 -0.7823 coskx+cosky makes this material of particular interest. Extensive 0.1636 0.2368 0.1461 0.0740 2coskxcosky ARPESdataexistonLSCO.Recently,anindepthstudy -0.0519 -0.0794 0.0095 -0.0587 cos2kx+cos2ky was done on underdoped LSCO29 and revealed a quite -0.1117 0.0343 -0.1298 -0.1398 cos2kxcosky+coskxcos2ky striking Fermi surface (Fig. 3d). The Fermi surface 0.0510 0.0011 0.0069 -0.0174 2cos2kxcos2ky is characterized by two straight sections, one centered 0.365 0.365 0.414 0.440 kN aboutthenode,theotherabouttheantinode. ThisFermi surface, and the observeddispersion (denoted as tb4), is 0.180 0.180 0.100 0.180 kAN fit using the condition (1) node at (0.44,0.44)π, (2) ve- 1.63 1.50 1.14 1.77 vN locity at the node (1.8 eV˚A), (3) curvature of the Fermi 0.48 1.50 0.24 0.91 vAN surface at the node (zero), (4) antinode at (1,0.18)π, (5) -0.034 -0.119 –0.010 -0.070 ǫM (π,0) energy at -70 meV, and (6) (π,π) energy at 1 eV 1.414 1.291 1.436 1.844 W (for fit stability). The result for the zero frequency real 0.274 0.563 0.214 0.332 U response is shown in Figs. 1d and 2d. Again, note the strong “box-like” structure around the zone center, and the pronounced incommensurate behavior around (π,π) due to the flat Fermi surface near the node. In this con- also has a strong q dependence. This continuum edge is text, it should be noted that the box-like structure near plotted along the zone symmetry axes in Fig. 4 for the q = (0,0) is due to nesting of the antinodal regions, but four dispersions studied here. The threshold at (π,π) thediamond-likestructurenearq =(π,π)isduetonest- corresponds to twice the energy gap at the hot spots. ing of the nodal regions. This is in contrast with the As one moves away from this wavevector, the threshold alternate stripes model, where the incommensurability splits25,32 into several ones: two for ~q along (π,x), and around these two q vectors have the same origin. three for ~q along (x,x). Along (x,x), the zero threshold Asummaryofthepropertiesofthesefourtightbinding at ~qN =2~kN obviously corresponds to two nodal points, dispersionsarelistedinTable1. Anumberofothertight the analogous minimum along (π,x) involving only one bindingdispersionshavebeenanalyzedaswell,including nodal point (the other being at~k +(π,x)). N some that account for bilayer splitting30. The results As briefly discussed above, the effect of an energy gap fall within the range of behavior discussed for the four has a profound impact on the polarization bubble. The dispersions here. In addition, bilayer splitting leads to presence of an energy gap, along with the fact that the someextradetailsintheeven(optic)spinresponsedueto coherencefactors at thresholddo not generallyvanish in differing momentum locations of features from bonding- the d-wave case, leads to a step jump in the imaginary bonding and antibonding-antibonding responses31. For part of the bubble at threshold. By Kramers-Kronig, simplicity,thesedetailsarenotdiscussedhereastheydo such a step jump causes a logarithmic divergence in the not occur in the dominant odd (acoustic) spin channel real part of the bubble at threshold. As a consequence, which involves only the bonding-antibonding response. any finite value of U will lead to the presence of a col- lective mode below threshold. The exception is in those cases where ∆ and ∆ have the same sign, which in k k+q IV. RESULTS - SUPERCONDUCTING STATE the d-wave case can occur for q vectors significantly dis- placed from (π,π). In addition, for a pole to occur, then The presence of a d-wave energy gap leads to a po- U must have a positive sign (this is relevant to near- larization bubble which now becomes gapped for all q neighbor exchange models, where the positive sign only vectors in the first zone but two (these vectors being occurs for qx+qy >π). the ones that connect the nodes of the d-wave order The value of U needed to have a pole at q = (π,π) parameter). Because of the strong anisotropy of the d- at a particular energy varies significantly among the dis- wave gap, the lower edge of the particle-hole continuum persions looked at here (the values for 40 meV are also 5 100 100 (a) (b) (a) (b) 80 80 V) 60 V) 60 e e m m E ( 40 E ( 40 20 20 0 0 (1,0.5) (1,1) (0.5,0.5) (1,0.5) (1,1) (0.5,0.5) 100 100 (c) (d) (c) (d) 80 80 V) 60 V) 60 e e m m E ( 40 E ( 40 20 20 0 0 (1,0.5) (1,1) (0.5,0.5) (1,0.5) (1,1) (0.5,0.5) FIG. 4: Particle-hole continuum edge along the symmetry FIG. 5: 2D zone plots of Imχ for tb1 at (a) 10 meV (b) 30 axes of the zone. The maximum d-wave gap is 30 meV. The meV(c)40meVand(d)50meV.Themaximumd-wavegap dashed line in (d) corresponds to the process involving kN is30 meV,andU (0.274 eV)is chosen togivearesonance at and kN +q. The zone notation is in π units. 40 meV. In Figs. 5-8, the lower left corner is at (π/2,π/2), thecenterat(π,π). Scaleissuchthatthelowest is0andthe highest is (a) 0.7 (b) 4.4 (c) 112 and (d) 21.3 listed in Table 1). This is a combination of the different Fermi surfaces shown in Fig. 3, the different energies of the van Hove singularity at (π,0) for these dispersions, in magnitude (but the response decreasing in strength) andthedifferentoverallbandwidths. ThisvariationofU withincreasingenergy. Forarangeofenergiesaboveres- involvesarathersubtleissueconcerningwhetheroneuses onance(∼12meV),theincommensurateresponsecorre- a bare dispersion based on band theory, or a renormal- sponds to damped poles, and mostly has maxima along ized (quasiparticle) dispersion, for ǫk in Eq. 2 (and also along(π,x), butfor someenergiesthe maximaarealong the issue of bilayer splitting). Again, the purpose here (x,x). This is due to the anisotropy of the splitting of is to simply look at a range of dispersions and contrast theparticle-holethresholdasonemovesawayfrom(π,π). their behaviors. The overall response is best appreciated by plotting the Figs. 5-8 show the variation of the imaginary part of intensityasafunctionofenergyalongthe(x,x)direction the RPA susceptibility (Eq. 1) with U tuned to yield a in momentum space as shown in Fig. 10a. In the pole poleatq =(π,π)at40meV(50meVfordispersionstb2 region(40-52meV),oneseesamagnon-like(quadratic) and tb4 - the reason for this difference will be discussed dispersion. Above this region, the response rapidly loses below). U wastreatedasaconstant,thoughcalculations strength and the dispersion becomes more steep. were also performed for U = J(q). A maximum energy I now contrast this behavior with that from the next gap of 30 meV was assumed. dispersion,tb2. Thisdispersion,basedonARPESfitsto Fig. 5 shows results for tb1. At low energies, one sees thebondingFermisurfaceinBi2212,has(1)anisotropic weak intensity near ~q corresponding to the nodes. As velocity around the Fermi surface and (2) an energy for N the energy is raised to exceed the minimum threshold the (π,0) point which is much deeper than for tb1 (-119 along (π,x), this incommensurate pattern rotates 45 de- meV as compared to -34 meV). As a consequence, this grees. The preference for this rotated pattern was dis- dispersion yields a bubble whose real part has a rela- cussed by Schulz14,33 and is a consequence of the fact tively weak momentum dependence, and is very typical that translation by (x,x) only brings the Fermi surface of many of the dispersions used in the theoretical liter- intocoincidenceinonequadrantofthezone,buttransla- ature. In fact, the momentum dependence is so weak, tionby (π,x) bringsitinto coincidence intwoquadrants that with a constant U, the condition to yield a reso- (Fig. 9). In addition, though, one sees a global maxi- nance at 40 meV at (π,π) implies the presence of long mum at q = (π,π) which is a consequence of the global range order (that is, there is a q value at zero energy maximum seen in the normal state response at zero en- where the real part of the bubble exceeds 1/U). This ergy discussed earlier. Above the resonance energy (40 forces us to move the resonance condition close to the meV), the response becomes incommensurate, with the edgeofthecontinuum(wherethe realpartofthe bubble displacement of the maxima away from (π,π) increasing has a peak) in order to avoid this problem. And obvi- 6 (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (d) (c) (d) FIG. 6: 2D zone plots of Imχ for tb2 at (a) 10 meV (b) 30 FIG. 7: 2D zone plots of Imχ for tb3 at (a) 10 meV (b) 30 meV(c)50meVand(d)100meV.Themaximumd-wavegap meV(c)40meVand(d)50meV.Themaximumd-wavegap is30 meV,andU (0.508 eV) ischosen togivearesonance at is30 meV,andU (0.214 eV)is chosen togivearesonance at 50 meV. Scale is such that the lowest is 0 and the highest is 40 meV. Scale is such that the lowest is 0 and the highest is (a) 6.3 (b) 20.6 (c) 22.6 and (d) 7.0 (a) 4.0 (b) 101 (c) 112 and (d) 10.6 ously, because of the weak momentum dependence, the that is a result of the enhanced Fermi surface nesting in value of U needed to obtaina resonancecondition is sig- the nodalregion. The evolutionofthe patternis againa nificantly larger than for tb1. The results are plotted in diagonalresponse at very low energies due to node-node Figs. 6 and 10b. Below resonance, despite the lack of a processes, a rotation by 45 degrees to a bond centered commensurateresponse,theincommensurateresponseis patternoncethethresholdalong(π,x) isexceeded,com- similar to tb1, being dominated by node-node processes mensurability at resonance (40 meV), and then again a atlow energies,andthen rotatingto a bond centeredre- complicated incommensurate response above resonance sponse once the minimum of the continuum edge along due to the anisotropicsplitting ofthe continuumedge as (π,x) is exceeded. The response becomes commensurate one moves away from (π,π). The overall dispersion of at resonance (50 meV), then one has a weak incommen- the magnetic response is most visible in Fig. 10c. Note surateresponseaboveresonancewhosemaximagenerally the pronounced downward dispersion of the resonance sitalongthe diagonals. Althoughthis 45degreerotation which represents a true pole in the RPA susceptibility of the incommensurate maxima is indeed what is seen in this case (this response is below the continuum edge). in YBCO28 and LBCO27, the incommensurate response One then sees a weak intensity gap near the node-node above resonance still has an overall diamond shape to it vector due to crossing into the continuum (the so-called unlike experiment. This shape is a consequence of 2k silentband34). Beyondthis,anewpoleappears25 onthe F scattering which can be seen as well in the normal state other side of the continuum (the edge of which is again (Fig. 2b). The overall behavior is best appreciated in controlled by the high Fermi velocity along the nodal Fig.10b,whereincontrasttodispersiontb1,averyclear direction). Onethenreentersthe continuum,andthe re- ‘reverse magnon’ dispersion is evident for the resonance sponse rapidly loses intensity and the damped pole-like mode. Above resonance, the incommensurate response response is lost above 55 meV. is almost dispersionless, and seems to follow the steep I now turn to the last dispersion, tb4. This is based particle-holeresponseinvolvingscatteringalongthezone on a fit to underdoped LSCO ARPES data29. The diagonal (dashed line in Fig. 4d). This steepness is due Fermisurfaceinthiscaseischaracterizedbystrongnest- to the high Fermi velocity along the nodal direction and ing, both in the nodal region, and also the antinodal unliketherestofthecontinuumresponse,isindependent one. Putting the resonance condition at 40 meV yields of the energy gap. the same reversed magnon dispersion, silent band effect The next dispersion, tb3, had been designed to en- aroundq (node-nodevector),andsecondmodebehav- N hance the incommensurability by flattening the Fermi ior for q <q that was so prominent for tb3 (Fig. 11a). N surfacearoundthenode. InFig.7,onecanseethestrong The one contrast is at higher energies, the incommensu- diamond-shapedincommesuratepatternbelowresonance rability is much better defined than for the other disper- 7 100 100 (a) (b) (a) (b) 80 80 V) 60 V) 60 e e m m E ( 40 E ( 40 20 20 0 0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 (x,x) (x,x) (c) (d) 100 100 (c) (d) 80 80 V) 60 V) 60 e e m m E ( 40 E ( 40 20 20 0 0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 (x,x) (x,x) FIG. 8: 2D zone plots of Imχ for tb4 at (a) 10 meV (b) 30 FIG. 10: Plots of Imχ versus energy and (x,x)π for (a) tb1 meV(c)50meVand(d)100meV.Themaximumd-wavegap (b)tb2(c)tb3and(d)tb4. SameconditionsasFigs.5-8. The is30 meV,andU (0.276 eV) ischosen togivearesonance at intensity is on a logarithmic grid ranging from 0.1 to 100. 50 meV. Scale is such that the lowest is 0 and the highest is (a) 1.4 (b) 10.6 (c) 27.1 and (d) 5.5 100 100 (a) (b) 80 80 (a) (b) V) 60 V)60 e e m m E ( 40 E (40 20 20 0 0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 (x,x) (x,x) FIG.11: PlotsofImχversusenergyand(x,x)πfortb4for(a) superconducting state with resonance at 40 meV (U=0.332 FIG.9: Fermisurfacefortb4(dashedline)anditsqtranslated eV) and (b) pseudogap state with resonance at 50 meV image(solidline)for(a)q=(1,.76)π and(b)q=(.88,.88)π. (U=0.343 eV). The intensity is on a logarithmic grid rang- Lower left corner is at (−π,−π) and upperright at (π,π). ing from 0.1 to 100. sions due to the strong nesting (this high energy disper- maxima along the (π,x) direction once the continuum sionfollowsthesteepdispersionalongthenodaldirection edge energy along this direction is exceeded, with x at shown in Fig. 4d). the lowest energies being given by the condition ~k = N But for most of the results presented here, I choose (π/2−x/4,π/2−x/4). One again sees a clear rotation to show instead the case where the resonance condition of the pattern by 45 degrees as one crosses through the is at 50 meV. This is interesting for two reasons: (1) commensurateresonanceenergy,butaswith tb2,the re- this energy is where the maximum response was seen in sponse above resonance has an overall diamond shape. LBCO27, and (2) this energy corresponds to the contin- Unlike the other dispersions, a well defined incommen- uum edge at (π,π) (and thus where there is a maximum suratepatternwithmaximaalongthe diagonaldirection inthe realpartofthe bubble). U inthis caseisadjusted persiststomuchhigherenergies,remainingclearlyvisible so that it is equal to the inverse of this maximum value. up to 140 meV. Above this energy, the response is less The results are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 10d. In well defined, but still incommensurate. Note the very this case (as well as when the resonance is at 40 meV), well defined incommensurability at 100 meV, which is the incommensurate response below resonance is much similar to that of the real part of the bubble (indicat- cleaner than for the other dispersions, with very clear ing pole-like behavior). The interesting point about this 8 100 100 (a) (b) (a) (b) 80 80 V) 60 V)60 e e m m E ( 40 E (40 20 20 0 0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 (x,x) (x,x) (c) (d) FIG. 12: Plots of Imχ versus energy and (x,x)π for tb4 for (a) superconducting state and (b) normal state. U is 0.276 eV. The intensity is on a logarithmic grid ranging from 0.02 to 20. dispersion, as commented above, is that the high energy responsetypicallyfollowsthe outerbranchofthe disper- siveresponsecorrespondingtoscatteringprocessesalong the nodal direction (dashed line in Fig. 4d). This nodal velocity is set by the renormalized Fermi velocity along FIG.13: 2D zoneplots of Imχfor tb4in thenormal state at the node, which in RVB type models is proportional to (a) 10 meV (b) 30 meV (c) 50 meV and (d) 100 meV. U is 0.276 eV.Scaleis suchthatthelowest is0andthehighest is the superexchange, J. This velocity is also essentially (a) 4.8 (b) 6.8 (c) 7.2 and (d) 3.8 constantwithdoping35,suggestingaconnectionbetween theuniversalbehaviorobservedinbothARPESandINS data. theparticle-holecontinuumedgeduetotheanisotropyof For this dispersion, calculations have also been per- the energy gap. There is a striking similarity of many of formed in the pseudogap approximation. This is shown thesefindingstoexperimentalINSdatainLSCO,YBCO, in Fig. 11b, and as can be seen, are virtually identical andBi2212- inparticularthe reversedmagnonbehavior to the superconducting results shown in Fig. 10d. This of the resonance mode, and the finding for several dis- indicates that the d-wave phasing relation is not neces- persions of a rotation by 45 degrees of the incommensu- sary to obtain the results shown in this paper (just an rateresponsewhenpassingthroughtheresonanceenergy, energygap-thoughweagainnotethatforthes-wavesu- which argue for universality in the magnetic response as perconducting case,there is no resonance effect). In this has been commented on in regards to experimental INS connection,mostofthedramaticfindingsinINSdataare data. in the underdoped regime where a pseudogappersists to Ontheotherhand,therearesomedifferencesthatneed very high temperatures. tobekeptinmind. Forinstance,theincommensuratere- It is also amusing to presentresults for this dispersion sponse above resonance is generally more variable in the when the energy gap is set to zero. This is shown in calculationsthanindicatedbyexperiment. Thefactthat Fig. 12b for the same U as used in the superconduct- this is apparent as well in calculations where the bare ing case in Fig. 10d. The response is always incommen- Greens functions are replaced by experimental Greens surate, and is bond oriented for ω < ωc and diagonal functions36 indicatesthatthis isageneralissue. Theau- oriented for ω > ω (Fig. 13). ω is the energy where c c thor speculates that the RPA calculations and alternate the constant energy contour for the dispersion switches ones basedoncoupled spinladders aredifferentlimits of from being hole-like to electron-like. Besides the lack of a more complete theory that properly includes the full a commensurate resonance response, and a spin gap due quantum mechanical nature of both the spin and charge to the energy gap, there are interesting similarities with degrees of freedom. The development of such a theory the superconducting results. should help shed more light on the relation of the mag- netic fluctuation spectrum and the existence of d-wave superconductivity. V. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, RPA calculations show a remarkably Acknowledgments rich behavior, in particular in the evolution of the mo- mentum response as a function of energy. This behavior I would like to thank Andrey Chubukov, Steve Hay- becomes even richer in the superconducting and pseu- den, and John Tranquada for discussions, and a special dogapphasesduetothestrongmomentumanisotropyof thanks to Herb Mook for his encouragement to initiate 9 thisprojectbackin1999. Theworkwassupportedbythe No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. U. S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science, under Contract 1 A.V.Chubukov,D.Pines,andJ.Schmalian,The Physics 23 A.Kaminski,H.M.Fretwell,M.R.Norman,M.Randeria, of Superconductors, Vol. 1, ed. K. H. Bennemann and J. S.Rosenkranz,U.Chatterjee,J.C.Campuzano,J.Mesot, B. 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