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Linear Optimal Control of Bilinear Systems with Applications to Singular Perturbations and Weak Coupling PDF

115 Pages·1995·4.623 MB·English
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Preview Linear Optimal Control of Bilinear Systems with Applications to Singular Perturbations and Weak Coupling

Chapter 1 Introduction In between of linear and nonlinear systems lies a very large class of so called bilinear systems. They represent an enormous number of the real world phenomena (Mohler, 1970, 1973, 1974, 1991; Mohler and Chen, 1970; Mohler and Kolodziej, 1980; Bmni et al., 1974; Bahrami and Kim, 1975; Sundareshan and Fundkowski, 1985, 1986; Williamson, 1977; Espana and Landau, 1978). The bilinear control systems are described by the following evolution equation ~ = A + ~_Nkuk x + Bu (1.1) k=l where x E ~'R is the state vector and u E ~m is the control vector. The matrices A,B, and Nk E R~ ''×n, k = 1, .... m are of appropriate dimensions. The product of state and control variables, that is ukx, distinguishes these classes of systems from the linear ones, but at the same time makes bilinear systems so general such that "every input-output map ~ can be approximated as closely as desired by maps which arise from bilinear systems, provided that ~ certain continuity satisfies and causality conditions" (Sussmann, 1976; Lo, 1975). That is why A. Balakrishnan raised an important question: "Are all nonlinear systems bilinear," (Balakrishnan, 1976). 2 NOITCUDORTNI Very often in the literature on the bilinear control systems, the mathe- matical model (1.1) is recorded as = Ax + B + Mjxj u (1.2) j=l with Mj E ~r, .mx A general block diagram for a bilinear control system, represented by (1.1) is given in Figure 1.1. u(t) f II )t(x: > ! Figure 1.1: Block diagram for a general system bilinear control The importance of bilinear systems has been recognized since the work of (Wiener, 1948), who believed that they are the essence of understanding the behavior of neural and biological computing networks. Bilinear systems were brought to attention of control engineers due to work of R. Mohler in the early seventies. Originally they were introduced in the study of nuclear reactors (Mohler, 1970, 1973; Mohler and Chen, 1970; Mohler and Kolodziej, 1980), where the bilinearity of state andc ontrol variables appears naturally in the reactor kinetic equation. Relatperdo blems such as nuclear fission, reactor NOITCUDORTNI 3 shut down, reactor control and thermal processes are described by bilinear dynamic equations also. During the seventies and the first part of the eighties the bilinear control systems were the subject of very extensive research. In the last decade they become an integral part of the modem nonlinear trend in control and system theory so that no too many research studies dealt strictly with the bilinear systems. However, many important results obtained for the nonlinear control systems can be specialized and used for the bilinear control systems. The major importance of bilinear systems indeed lies in their applications to the real world systems as demonstrated in the following paragraphs. Bilinear systems naturally represent many physical processes, for example: the basic law of mass action (Mohler, 1970, Bruni et al., 1974), dynamics of heat exchanger with controlled flow (Bruni et al., 1974); distillation columns (Espana and Landau, 1978); some processes in elasticity (Slemrod, 1978); dc motor (Bruni et al., 1974); induction motor drives (Figalli et al., 1984); mechanical brake system (Mohler, 1970, 1973); aerial combat between two aircrafts and missile intercept problem (Wei and Pearson, 1978); modeling and control of a small furnace, (Baheti and Mohler, 1981); control of hydraulic rotary multi-motor systems, (Guo et al., 1994). Many biological processes, such as the population dynamics of biological species (Mohler, 1970; Bruni et al., 1974); water balance and.temperature regulation in human body (Mohler, 1970, 1973, 1974); control of carbon dioxide in lungs (Mohler, 1970); blood pressure (Mohler, 1991); immune system (Mohler, 1991); cardiac regulator (Mohler, 1970); circulation of thy- roxin in human body (Mohler, 1970b)e;h avior of sense organ (Bruni et al., 1974); biological control (Williamson, 1977); growth of cancer cell popula- tion and finding the optimal therapy (Bahrami and Kim, 1975; Sundareshan and Fundkowski, 1985, 1986); respiratory chemostat, hormone regulation, kidney water balance, (Mohler, 1991); dissolved oxygen process (Ko et al., 1982); cell mass concentration in continuous culture (Yi et al., 1989) -- all of them are described by bilinear models. Some economic processes (a growth of a national economy (Bruni et al., 1974), processes in ecology and socioeconomics (Mohler, 1973) may be studied by the use of bilinear models. The bilinear systems are the adaptive ones (Mohler, 1970). They have the variable structure strongly dependent 4 N O I T C U D O R T N I on the control vector (1.1). Thus, the study of bilinear systems might bring some interesting results in the field of adaptive systems as well (Ionesku and Monopoli, 1975). Despite vast applications of bilinear systems, they have not been studied extensively in the domain of singular perturbations and weacko uplienxgc ept for a few minor results (Guillen and Armada, 1980; Tzafestas and Anagnos- tou, 1984a, 1984b; Asamoah and Jamshidi, 1987). In this book we will pay special attention to the singularly perturbed and weakly coupled bilinear control systems and derive techniques for decompositions of these systems into subsystems. This simplifies implementation of the control algorithms, speeds up real-time control and signal processing (filtering), and introduces parallelism in the design procedures. The above features will be facilitated by exploiting the presence of a small perturbation parameter, which in the case of singularly perturbed systems introduces numerical ill-conditioning. However, having obtained the system decomposition into subsystems (cor- responding to the slow and fast time scales) the numerical ill-conditioning is removed. 2.1 Singularly Perturbed and Weakly Coupled Bilinear Control Systems The application of bilinear systems is very well documented. A little bit is known about the fact that a large number of these systemsd isplay the multi time scale property or the singularly perturbed structure. In this section we present some real world bilinear singularly perturbed and weakly coupled control systems. The theory of singular perturbations has been a rapidly developing and highly recognized research area of control engineering in the last twenty five years. Almost all important control aspects for linear systems have been studied so far and valuable and practically implementable results have been obtained. The extension of these results to nonlinears ystems happened to be a difficult task. Only under very restrictive conditions and for very limited classes of nonlinear systems some results were obtained (O'Malley, 1974; INTRODUCTION 5 Chow and Kokotovic, 1978a, 1978b, 1981; Suzuki, 1981; Saberi and Khalil, 1984, 1985). The singularly perturbed bilinearc ontrol system consistent with (1.1) is described by the following differential equation a'AA[=]~[ A4][~]+[B2j + ku' ]zY[ (1.3) N, ,,,:, where y 6 ~nl is the slow state vector, z 6 ~'~ is the fast state vector, u 6 ~m is the control input and e is a small positive parameter. Constant ,iA ;~N matrices i = 1,2,3,4, and B1 and B2 are of appropriate dimensions. In the following some important bilinear systems in biological and physical sciences that display singularly perturbed structure will be introduced. The neutron level control problem in a fission reactor (Mohler, 1970, 1973; Mohler and Chen, 1970) is described by the following equation [7] = [--! --aa] [7] +u[~ ]00 [7] (1.4) where n is neutron population, e is precursor population, u is reactivity (it represents a control input), and a, ,3/ and ~) are known constants. It is important to point out that A takes very small values. Typical values for these constants clearly show the singularly perturbed structure of (1.4), (Quin, 1980), ), = 0.00001,/3 = 0.0065, and a = 0.4. Introducing a transformation zl = n~) and x2 = c one gets ];:[]00 <,,, z2 J -a that is, a singularly perturbed bilinear form. The mathematical model of a dc-motor (Bruni et al., 1974) has a bilinear form ]:~[ = 0-'[ - - R L ]O 1:~[ ]~[lU~ O[2z~u3" (/ , 0][::] ,,6, where l~: and x2 are the rotor current and the axis speed (state variables), ul and u2 are the stator current and the rotor voltage (control variables), R 6 INTRODUCTION and L are electric parameters of rotor. F and J are mechanical parameters of the load and K is the torque constant. Since L << J is a well known fact, the singularly perturbed structure of (1.6) is obvious. The singularly perturbed bilinear control system consistent with form (1.2) is represented :A[=]+:[ by A2 A4][zY] + [BB:] u+ {[zY][MM~]} u (1.7) with initial conditions y(to) yo J = z(to) [z ] ° where y E ,-'++'~ z E ~'~ are, respectively, slow and fast state variables, e is a small positive parameter, and 1 rM~j + ~"~+zrM+jlr {[y][M+]} --r+~l (1.8) Ms yIML j '[M]jJ j=l j:nl+l The following notation is used in order to relate (1.2) and (1.7) A= A1 B1 Ms [y(t) ~4_cA[ - A4] B= [B_a] M= ]_~.M[ x(t)= ] (1.9, ' ' ' )t(~L The bilinear model of induction motor drives is given by a fourth-order differential equation (Figali et al., 1984). This frequency controlled two phase induction motor can be put in the singularly ]lU[ perturbed ]+vr form (1.7) as given below. The state and control variable are ] I legs 2Y t¢+ + X "- Zl = ,+d. ' u = 2U -- IVqs /- 3U L ws 2Z L sq~ where sdC and sqC -- projections of the stator flux sdi and sqi -- projections of the stator current sdV and sqV -- projections of the supply voltage ws -- slip angular frequency. NOITCUDORTNI 7 The problem matrices have the following values 0 321.57 -0.312 0 ] -0.07] J -312.57 0 0 -0.312 A = , x(to) = 98.87 27059 -44.93 2.57 -27059 98.87 -2.57 -44.93 47 J o ]o 1 -7.3 MI= 0 0 -1 B = 87.3 0 87.8 ' 0 0 87.3 -53 0 0 ]i°i[ ]!°il ]!°i[ M2= 0 0 0 0 0 0 , M3= 0 ' M4= 0 0 1 0 It can be easily seen (big entries in the last two rows) that zl and 2z are fast variables and lY and 2Y are slow variables; that is, this system displays two time scale property also. Many other real world biological systems either have or can be brought in the singularly perturbed form. For example, regulation of carbon dioxide in the respiratory system (Mohler, 1970, 1991), where time constants corre- sponding to two time scales are determined by the lung and tissue reservoir volumes, respectively denoted by 1V and .2V The corresponding mathemat- ical model is given by (1.10) ~2 = ~[c5 - c2(x~ - ~zx - c4)] where ei, i = 1 .... ,5, are known parameters. The state variables xl and x2 respectively represent the rates of change of the lung and tissue concentration of .2OC 8 NOITCUDORTNI The mechanical portion of the cardiovascular system is described by the following singularly perturbed bilinear control system (Mohler, 1991) A1~1 = Ul(X 2 -- Xl) + lV ~2X2 = Ul(Xl -- Z2) --?)2 (1.11) a3~3 = u2(z2 - z3) + v2 ~4~4 = u2(x3 - z4) -Vl where , Xl,X2,x;3 and 4 are compartmental X pressures in the arteries filled from the left heart, veins to the right heart, arteries from the right heart, and veins to the left heart, respectively; vl and 2v are cardiac outputs from the left and right heart, respectively; )q, ,2A ,3A and 4A are corresponding compartmental capacities (assumed to be constan0. In addition, the mechanical brake system (Mohler, 1970), which is in fact a system of bilinear differential equations with a huge parameter (car mass) multiplying some derivatives (Desoer and Shena, 1970), can be put in the singularly perturbed bilinear form. The distillation columns (Espana and Landau, 1978) are described by three time scale bilinear models involving huge parameters also. In (Cronin, 1987), it has been shown that the singu- lar perturbation theory is the most efficient tool in the study of the famous Hodgkin-Huxley model of nerve conductionl Due to very complex and non- linear structure of this equation it is hard to believe that its linearized model will produced satisfactory results. However, the bilinearization procedure will considerably improve the approximation and it might result in a better understanding of the neural conductivity. The weakly coupled bilinear control system, in the representation con- sistent with form (1.2), is represented by "' )21.1( )[::] .o,.r + {[:,] )o,(,,,r ' Ly~(~o)J - Ly~ J NOIr'CUDORTNI 9 where lY E ~nl, 2Y C ~n2, iU E ~m,, i = 1,2, and e is a small coupling parameter, with the following notation (1.13) 2,r+,n )aM[ jbM ] + Z ),~,-j(2Y i,eM i~M j=n, l + where M.i E ~n, xml, ibM ~n, E ,~mx Md E ~n2xm,, iaM E t~ ~mx~n The weakly coupled bilinear control systems are either naturally weakly coupled or they can be obtained in the process of bilineadzation of nonlinear weakly coupled control systems. The natural bilinear weakly coupled control system is for example the problem of a paper making machine as given in (Ying et al., 1992). The bilinear mathematical model of this system is formulated according to (I.12) and (l.13) as [ "-1.93 0 0 0 ] "1.274 1.~74 ] 493.0 -0.426 0 0 A= , B= 0 j560°- 0 0 -0.63 0 43.1 590.0 -0.103 0.413 -0.426 ll] 0 (1.14) 0 0 0 0 M, = 557.D 663.0 0 0 li] 0 = 0 ° 0 1 817.0- -0.718 ' 0 0 Note that for this model only the matrix A is weakly coupled, whereas the matrices B, M1, and 2M have no weakly coupled forms. Since in this book we developed the linear approach to almost all bilinear-quadratic control problems, we can use the results from (Skataric et al., 1991), in which, it 10 NOITCUDORTNI has been shown that the classes of linear-quadratic optimal control problems having weakly coupled system matrix and strongly coupled input matrix (quasi weakly coupled systems) can be studied as the weakly coupled linear- quadratic optimaclo ntrol problems by assuming the special form for the state penalty o[matrix. T0] hi001 s can be achieved, in this particular ] example, by using the following weighting matrices Q and R 1 0 0.09 Fo(1) o(,) LO( ) R Q = 0.13 0 0.1 0 = ' = (1.15) 0.09 0 0.2 Small perturbation parameter is c = 0.1. Many other nonlinear singularly perturbed systems can be brought into the singularly perturbed bilinear form by performing bilinearization (Schwartz, 1988). 1.2 Book Organization This book consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 comprises an introduction on the general bilinear control systems and presents several examples of the real world singularly perturbed and weakly coupled bilinear control systems. After the introductory chapter, in the first part of this book, in Chapters 2, and 3, we study the linear optimal control of singularly perturbed and weakly coupled bilinear control systems. In Chapter 4 we consider new techniques for optimization of bilinear control systems, and in Chapter 5 some future research directions are outlined. In Chapter 2 we study the optimization of singularly perturbed bilinear control systems. A sequence of linear state and costate equations is con- structed, and the open-loop solution of the optimization problem is obtainiend terms of the reduced-order slow and fast subsystems. The ill-defined numeri- cal problem is completely decomposed into slow and fast time scales, leading to the reduction in the size of the requirecdo mputations and allowing parallel processing of information. In addition, the near-optimal "closed-loop" con- trol is obtainedi n the form of a linear approximate "feedback" control law as

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