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Linear dependence of peak width in χ(q,ω) vs Tc for YBCO superconductors A.V. Balatsky(1) and P. Bourges (2) (1) T-Div and MST-Div, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA (2) Laboratoire L´eon Brillouin, CE Saclay, 91191 Gif/Yvette ,France (February 1, 2008) 9 9 It is shown that the momentum space width of the peak in the spin susceptibility, Imχ(q,ω), is 9 linearly proportional to the superconducting Tc: Tc = ¯hv∗∆q with ¯hv∗ ≃ 35meV˚A. This relation 1 is similar to the linear relation between incommensurate peak splitting and Tc in LaSrCuO super- n conductors, as first proposed by Yamada et al (Phys. Rev. B57,6165,(1998)). The velocity ¯hv∗ is a smallerthanFermivelocityorthespin-wavevelocityoftheparentcompoundandremainsthesame J for a wide doping range. This result points towards strong similarities in magnetic state of YBCO 6 and LaSrCuO. 2 PACS numbers: 74.20.-z,78.70.Nx, 61.12.-q n] Recent progress in neutron scattering in high-Tc su- at the commensurate in-plane wavevector qAF = (h2,k2) o perconductors system, YBa2Cu3O6+x (YBCO), allowed (withh,keveninteger),referredtoas(π,π)[1-12,16-24]. c to gather a wide variety of inelastic neutron scattering This generic rule is found to be violated in two cases. - r data which reveal a nontrivial structure of the antiferro- First, in the underdoped YBCO6.6, Dai et al [13] re- p magnetic susceptibility χ(q,ω) in both the energy and ported low temperature q-scans at h¯ω= 24 meV which u momentum spaces[1-24]. Using these data one can try display well-defined double peaks [15]. Recent measure- s . to understand what is the relation between the super- ments with improved q-resolution confirm this observa- t a conductingandmagneticpropertiesofhigh-T supercon- tion [14]. However, this behavior is mostly observed at c m ductors. Anontrivialfeature thathaveattractedalotof temperatures below T . In the normal state, a broad C - attentionistheso-calledresonancepeakappearinginthe commensurate peak is restored in the same sample (un- d superconductingstateandseemstobedirectlyrelatedto ambiguously above 75 K) [9]. n o the formation of the superconducting state[1-12]. The other case where the spin susceptibility was not c Here, we will focus on the completely different fea- found maximum at (π,π) is above ∼ 50 meV in the [ tureofImχ(ω,q),namelyontheoff-resonancespectrum. weakly doped YBCO [18]. Dispersive quasi-magnons 6.5 1 Substantial interest has been recently devoted to that behavior is observed in this high energy range. Most v contribution as incommensurate peaks have been ob- likely, this is reminiscent of spin-waves observed in the 4 servedawayfromtheresonancepeakinYBCO [13,14]. undoped AF parent compound YBCO . 6.6 6 9 However, it was observed so far in limited doping, en- Therefore, concentrating on the low energy spin ex- 2 ergy and temperature ranges. Generally, in the normal citations (below 50 meV), Imχ(q,ω) is characterized in 1 0 state χ(ω,q) is peaked at the commensurate wavevector the normal state by a broad maximum at the commen- 9 (π,π). This contributionis then simply characterizedby surate wavevector. This justifies an analysis in terms of 9 a q-width in momentum space, ∆q (HWHM). a single peak centered around q . However, the shape AF / t Considering the neutron scattering data in YBCO for in q-space is systematically found to be sharper than a a oxygen concentrations between x = 0.45−0.97 with re- Lorentzianshapeusuallyassumedtodescribesuchadis- m spective T up to 93 K, we find a surprisingly simple ordered magnetic system. The neutron scattering func- c - linear relation between superconducting transition tem- tionisthenempiricallyfoundtobewellaccountedforby d n perature Tc and HWHM ∆q for the whole doping range: a Gaussian line-shape [2,8,16] such as o c Tc =h¯v∗∆q, ¯hv∗ =35meV˚A (1) S(Q,ω)=I (ω)exp −log2(q−qAF)2 (2) v: max (cid:16) ∆2q(ω) (cid:17) This observationis based on analysis of the data and we i X usedno theory assumptions inextracting the velocityv∗ where ∆q(ω) is the half width at half maximum r from the data. The left-hand side of the above equation (HWHM). In principle, ∆q(ω) is an increasing function a has dimension of energy, ∆q has an inverse distance di- of energy. However, a rather weak energy dependence mension, hence the coefficient relating them should have is found for ∆q(ω) with only a slight increase with the dimension of velocity. A priori, it is not clear that this energy [2,16,19]. Furthermore, this energy dependence relation implies the existence of the mode with such a becomes less pronounced for the higher doping range. velocity. We believe it does: the magnetic properties of The situation is even more subtle for x ≥ 0.6 as the YBCO are described by two velocities v and v∗. Imχ(q,ω) is characterized by two distinct (although SW Below, we explain how the Eq.(1) is obtained. The inter-related) contributions: one occurs exclusively in spin susceptibility in the metallic state of YBCO is ex- the superconducting state, the resonance peak, the sec- perimentally found to have a maximum at any energy ond one appears in both states and is characterized by 1 a broad peak (around ∼ 30 meV). They mainly differ the low energy results for each oxygen content, where by their energy dependences as the resonance peak is ∆q is weakly energy dependent. The energy range of basically resolution limited in energy [1,5,8–11]. With interest is indicated in Table I. The ∆q value reported increasingdoping,theoff-resonancespectrumiscontinu- here has been mostly taken along the [110] reciprocal ouslyreduced(becomingtooweaktobemeasuredinthe direction. Other data have been also taken along the overdopedregimeYBCO [5,7,12])whereasthe resonant [310]reciprocaldirection[13,18,21]whichbasicallyagree 7 peak becomes the major part of the spectrum [12]. The with the hypothesis of an isotropic q-width. recent incommensurate peaks measured below the reso- ∆qversustheoxygencontentdisplaysadoubleplateau nance peak in YBCO [13,14]confirms the existence of shape[6]whichremindsthestandardxdependenceofT 6.6 C twocontributions[20]asthelowenergyincommensurate in YBCO. For the 90-K phase, ∆qHWHM = 0.22 ˚A−1 excitations cannot belong to the same excitation as the yielding a very shortAF correlationlength within CuO 2 commensurate resonance peak. planes ξ ≃1.1. a At each doping, the peak intensity at the resonance energyis characterizedby a striking temperature depen- (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:18)(cid:21) (cid:17)(cid:16)(cid:16) denceeitherresemblingtoanorderparameter-likedepen- q-width (Å-1) dence for the higher doping range (x>0.9) [2,3,8] or just (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:18) (cid:24)(cid:16) displaying a marked kink at T [4,9,10,21]. Therefore, C tshhtoailsteempianoidrtheperisocduaupcrnatoitovenes,laascnirgdonsamstouthsrteelsoikufeplteyhrecisosndudupueecrttcoionnegldeeucntcertroingnyg- (cid:13)(cid:17)7(-(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:8)…(cid:9) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:14)(cid:21)(cid:17) TC (K) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:16)(cid:16) #4(cid:0)(cid:8)+(cid:9) gap [5,12]. In contrast, a much smoother temperature ( dependence is observed for the off-resonance spectrum (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:16)(cid:21) 9"A #U / (cid:18)(cid:16) [10,12]. This ”normal” contribution has not received (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:22)(cid:11)X much attention so far. However, the knowledge of the (cid:16) (cid:16) non resonant peak in the normal state is important and (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:20) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:21) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:22) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:23) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:24) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:25) (cid:17) is crucialfor some proposedmechanisms for the high-T OXYGEN(cid:0)CONTENT(cid:0)(cid:13)(cid:0)X superconductivitybasedonantiferromagnetism,e.g.[25C]. FIG. 1. Q-width (closed circles) and TC (open squares) versusoxygen content. The resonancepeak isrelatedtosmallerq-values(and hencelargerrealspacedistance)as∆q(ω)exhibitsamin- imum at the energy of the resonance peak [6,8,10]. Fur- (cid:17)(cid:16)(cid:16) thermore, its q-width remains almost constant whatever the doping, ∆qreso = 0.11±0.02 ˚A−1 [6]. Recent data 9"A #U / (cid:24)(cid:16) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:22)(cid:11)X [9,10,21]agreewiththatconclusion. Applyingthesimple relationξ =1/∆q,ityieldsacharacteristiclengthforthe resonance peak, ξ ≃ 9 ˚A which might be related to the (cid:22)(cid:16) +(cid:9) superconducting coherence length as the resonance peak (cid:0)(cid:8)# is intimatelylinkedtothe high-T superconductivity. In 4 C (cid:20)(cid:16) contrast,the”normal”contributionischaracterizedbya doping dependent q-width which in terms of the Nearly ν(cid:10) (cid:18)(cid:16) (cid:29)(cid:0)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:0)ME6(cid:14)… AF Liquid approach [25] would yield surprisingly small (cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:19) correlation length ξ ≃1−2 (for x≥0.6). a Moreover, in all inelastic neutron scattering experi- (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:16)(cid:21) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:17) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:17)(cid:21) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:18) (cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:18)(cid:21) ments(seee.g.[2,7,16,22]),theq-widthisfoundtempera- tureindependentatanydoping. Thisfindingisespecially Q(cid:13)WIDTH(cid:0)(cid:8)(7(-(cid:0)(cid:13)(cid:0)…(cid:13)(cid:17)(cid:9) FIG. 2. Superconducting transition versus q-width [26]. clear for x≃0.5 where the q-width at low temperature is The full square corresponds to locus of the maximum of in- smallenoughto increaseupon heating. But, in contrast, commensuratemagneticexcitationsδrecentlyreportedbelow noevolutionisseenwithinerrorbars(about10%)upto TC [14]. room temperature [22]. For larger doping, the low tem- perature q-width is already large and the AF intensity SummarizingthedatainthisTable,weplotbothT (x) c vanishes without any signof q-broadening when increas- and∆q(x) inFig. 1,andfindthelinearrelationbetween ing temperature [2]. Therefore, these q-widths might be T and∆q(Fig. 2)inthewholeoxygendopingrange,Eq. c related to new objects essentially dependent on the dop- (1),whereT istherespectivesuperconductingtransition c ing level. temperature at a given oxygen concentration x and ∆q Toemphasizetheprecisevalueoftheq-width,wehave is the corresponding half-width of the peak at (π,π) in summarizedinTableItheneutrondataobtainedoverthe χ”(q,ω). Thevelocityh¯v∗ =35meV.˚Aisaboutafactor last decade by few different groups. We consider only 2 of two larger than the equivalent velocity in LaSrCuO, 3D antiferromagnetic state occurs at finite temperature. ¯hv∗ = 20 meV.˚A, inferred from T vs δ plot (Fig. 3), Thesecondcriticalpointwithcharacteristicv∗ alongthe 214 c seebelow. The Eq.(1)doesimply thatthe magnetic cor- dopingaxisisclosetotheoptimallydopedcompoundand relations, as measured by χ(q,ω), and superconducting might be determined by some density wave or ”stripe” transition are closely related. instability. BasedontheneutronscatteringdataforLaS- The recent incommensurate splitting δ of the peak at rCuO system this point was emphasized by Aeppli et.al. (1/2+δ,1/2)=(1/2,1/2+δ), observed by Dai et al [13] [33]. and subsequently by Mook et al [14] in YBCO have Within the simple model, say t-J, the energy scales 6.6 been included in Fig. 2 (full square). Interestingly, the areset by t, whichdetermines v and by J, determining F incommensurationδ byMooketalfallonthesamelinear v . Hence one generally would not expect any excita- SW ∗ plot. tions in this model with v . One possibility to generate First, we can make few comments on what one can a new energy scale in the problem is to allow some (mi- extract from such a simple relationship as Eq. (1) re- croscopic) inhomogeneities. Phase separation into hole- ∗ gardless of the particular mechanism responsible for v : rich and antiferromagnetic regions with fluctuations of a) Proportionality between the width of the peak and theboundariesbetweenregionswilloccurwithsomesoft ∗ thecriticaltemperatureimpliesthatthereisacharacter- velocity that might be related to v . ∗ isticvelocity¯hv whichisthesame(withinexperimental Finally,wewouldliketo relatethe abovediscussionto resolution) for a wide range of oxygen doping in YBCO. the other well studied system: LaSrCuO. Inelastic neu- b)Velocityh¯v∗istwoordersofmagnitudesmallerthan tron scattering data by Yamada et al [34] on LaSrCuO typicalFermivelocityh¯v ∼1eV.˚Ainthesecompounds (La214)compoundsshowtheexistenceoftheincommen- F [28]. Thisperhapsisnotsurprisingasweareconsidering surate peaks at (π±δ,π) and (π,π±δ) [34]. Plotted vs the magnetic response where localized Cu spins provide δ,T (δ)wasfoundtobealinearfunctionofδ inthewide c the main contribution. range of Sr doping, see Fig. 3, as appear in [34]. Using ∗ c) More importantly, v << v is about an or- the same reasoning as for Eq.(1) from the data [34] we SW der of magnitude smaller than the spin wave velocity, find the characteristic velocity, ¯hv ≃ 0.65 eV.˚A [27], of the parent compound but alsSoWmuch smaller than the spin velocity in the metallic Tc =h¯v2∗14δ, ¯hv2∗14 =20meV.˚A (3) state ¯hv ≃ 0.42 eV.˚A [18]. This is a nontrivial fact. spin Thus inferred velocity is much smaller that the Fermi It may suggestthat some magnetic soft mode is present. velocity on La214 h¯v ∼ 1−0.5 eV.˚A and smaller than We do not have a model to explain the data presently. F the measuredspinwavevelocity h¯v ∼0.85 eV.˚A [29]. On the other hand ongeneralgroundsfor any approach, SW We should again emphasize that the linearity T vs δ based on the simple spin-wave theory, one would expect c is an experimental fact. The coefficient relating energy the typical spin-wave velocity to characterize the width in χ′′(q,ω). scale Tc to the inverse length scale δ has a dimension of velocity. This result is similar to the small velocity we d) If, as we are proposing, the characteristic veloc- ity h¯v∗ does correspondto somepropagatingordiffusive find for the ∆q vs Tc plots in YBCO, except in YBCO ∗ the velocity v is about a factor of two larger than in mode than there should be a way to directly observe it LaSrCuO. in other experiments. ∗ Nowwewouldliketodiscussthepossibleoriginofh¯v . It is likely caused by some phase fluctuation mode asso- ciatedwiththeslowmotionofdensityexcitations. These could be causedby ”stripe” fluctuations. Recent tunnel- ing and photoemission studies indicate that the gap in the SC state increases as Tc decreases on underdoping [30]. The T would then been determined by phase fluc- c tuations,asemphasizedbyEmeryandKivelson[31]. Re- cently, based on phase fluctuations model, the similarly small velocity (60meV˚A for LaSrCuO) was obtained by Casto Neto [32]. It is therefore natural that phase mode velocitywilldeterminethesuperconductingtemperature. ∗ The existence of the second magnetic velocity v we interpret as a closeness to the quantum critical point (QCP),controlledbysomedensityinstabilitywithstrong couplingtothespinchannel. Theantiferromagneticinsu- latingcompoundwithcharacteristicv determinesthe SW critical point at zero doping, where the transition into 3 FIG.3. Linearrelationbetweentheincommensuratepeak tronScatteringinLayeredCopper-OxideSuperconductors splitting δ and Tc for the LaSrCuO superconductors. The , Edited by A.Furrer, 85 (Kluwer, Amsterdam, 1998). linear slope of the curve means that Tc = ¯hv2∗14δ. We find [13] P. Dai, H.A. Mook, and F. Dogan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, v∗ =20meV.˚A.Notethatthelineardependenceisviolated 214 1738, (1998) (cond-mat/9707112). in the overdoped regime. The figure is taken from Yamada [14] H.A. Mook, P. Dai, S.M. Hayden, G. Aeppli, T.G. Per- et.al. (Fig. (10)) [34] ring and F. 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Rev. B 57, 6165, (1998) 4 x 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 TC (K) 25 45 47 50 52 53 63 Energy range (meV) 3-15 3-15 4-15 2-15 4-15 6-15 24∗ ∆mes (˚A−1) 0.075 0.08 0.12 0.115 0.115 0.14 0.18 q ∆resol (˚A−1) 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.05 0.05 0.035 0.07 q ∆q (˚A−1) 0.07 0.075 0.115 0.11 0.1 0.14 0.17 Refs. [23] [23] [2,7] [18,21] [22] [16,17] [9] x 0.69 0.7 0.8 0.83 0.92 0.97 TC (K) 59 67 82 85 91 92.4 Energy range (meV) 15-20 15-25 20-25 15-25 28-38 33-37 ∆mes (˚A−1) 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.23 0.25 0.25 q ∆resol (˚A−1) 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.11 q ∆q (˚A−1) 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.23 0.23 Refs. [24] [21] [10] [4] [1,7] [8] TABLE I. Q-widths (HWHM) of the AF intensity as a function of the oxygen content at energies corresponding to the non-resonant contribution. Q-widths have been mostly determined along the [110] direction (see text). ∆resol denotes the q HWHM of the Gaussian resolution of the spectrometer. The intrinsic q-widths have been then obtained after deconvolution from thespectrometerlinewidth assumingaGaussian shapewavevectordependenceforImχ(q,ω)(Eq. 2). Energyrangefrom where the q-width has been taken is given (∗ only reported value). Fully oxidized YBCO is not quoted in this table as the 7 normal AF contribution is not detectable in thisoverdoped regime [7,5,12]. 5

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