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7 Linear Connections on Light-like Manifolds 0 0 2 n T. Dereli1∗, S¸. Koc¸ak2†, M. Limoncu2‡ a J 1 1Department of Physics, Koc¸ University, 34450 Sarıyer-I˙stanbul, Turkey 3 2 Department of Mathematics, Anadolu University, 26470 Eski¸sehir, Turkey ] G D February 2, 2008 . h t a m Abstract [ 1 It is well-known that a torsion-free linear connection on a light-like v manifold (M,g) compatible with the degenerate metric g exists if and 4 3 only if Rad(TM) is a Killing distribution. In case of existence, there 9 is an infinitude of connections with none distinguished. We propose 1 a method to single out connections with the help of a special set 0 7 of 1-forms by the condition that the 1-forms become parallel with 0 respect to this connection. Such sets of 1-forms could be regarded / h as an additional structure imposed upon the light-like manifold. We t a consideralsoconnectionswithtorsionandwithnon-metricityonlight- m like manifolds. : v i X r a ∗E.mail: [email protected] †E.mail: [email protected] ‡E.mail: [email protected] 1 1 Introduction In the following we will adopt the terminology of the book Duggal-Bejancu [1]. A light-like manifold (M,g) is a smooth manifold M with a smooth symmetric tensor field of type (0,2) with constant index and nullity-degree (co-rank) on M. There are half a dozen other names for such manifolds, “degenerate manifolds” being maybe one of the most popular terms. There are some scattered (and only partly related and sometimes duplicated) works of mathematical and physical origin in the literature about connections on light-like manifolds (see [1] and references therein and also [2], [3], [4],[5]). It is an important result (it could be called the fundamental theorem of connections on light-like manifolds) that a torsion-free linear connection ∇ on M compatible with g (∇g = 0) exists if and only if Rad(TM) is a Killing distribution ([DB]). Here Rad(TM) denotes the radical of g, that is the sub-bundle of TM with (Rad(TM)) = Rad(T M) = {ξ ∈ T M|g(ξ,v) = x x x 0∀v ∈ T M} for x ∈ M. Rad(TM) is a distribution of rank equal to the x constant nullity-degree (co-rank) of g . A distribution D on M is called a x Killing distribution if L g = 0 for each vector field X ∈ Γ(D) (Γ section X space), L being the Lie derivative. To motivate our approach we first consider a light-like manifold (M,g) with nullity degree 1. In this case , Rad(TM) is a 1-dimensional distribution (a line bundle) on M. We assume this line bundle to be trivial and choose a nowhere vanishing vector field ξ ∈ Γ(Rad(TM)), i.e. a trivialization of this line bundle. (Such a vector field is regarded by physicists to be a “time- vector field”.) Additionally, we consider a 1-form field τ ∈ Γ(T∗M) such that τ(ξ) = 1, i.e. τ (ξ ) = 1 for all x ∈ M. It can easily be seen that x x g¯ := g+τ⊗τ is a non-degenerate symmetric (0,2)-tensor field so that (M,g¯) becomes a semi-Riemannian manifold. Proposition 1.1 i) Let ∇ be a torsion-free linear connection on M with ∇ g = 0 and ∇ τ = 0 for all X ∈ Γ(TM). Then, L g = 0, dτ = 0 and ∇ X X ξ is the Levi-Civita connection on (M,g¯). ii) Assume L g = 0 and dτ = 0. If ξ ∇ is the Levi-Civita connection on (M,g¯), then ∇ g = 0 and ∇ τ = 0 for X X all X ∈ Γ(TM). We give below a proof of this proposition independently of the above referred fundamental theorem. The following corollary illustrates our view- point: Selection of a unique connection from the infinitude of connections compatible with g with the help of an appropriate 1-form. 1 Corollary 1.2 Let L g = 0 and let there exist a closed 1-form field τ with ξ τ(ξ) = 1. Then there exists a unique torsion-free linear connection ∇ on M with ∇ g = 0 and ∇ τ = 0 for all X ∈ Γ(TM). X X Proof (of corollary) By part ii) of the proposition, at least one connection of the desired properties exists: The Levi-Civita of g¯ = g + τ ⊗ τ. On the other hand, if any torsion-free ∇ satisfies ∇ g = 0 and ∇ τ = 0, then X X ∇ g¯ = ∇ g +∇ τ ⊗τ +τ ⊗∇ τ = 0, so that ∇ is necessarily the Levi- X X X X Civita of g¯. Proof(oftheproposition)i)ItisobviousthatΓistheLevi-Civitaconnection on (M,g¯) (as seen in the proof of the corollary). First we show dτ = 0: (∇ τ)(Y) = ∇ (τ(Y))−τ(∇ Y) = 0 X X X (∇ τ)(X) = ∇ (τ(X))−τ(∇ X) = 0 Y Y Y for X,Y ∈ Γ(TM) by assumption. Subtracting these equalities we get X(τ(Y))−Y(τ(X)) = τ(∇ Y −∇ X) = τ([X,Y]) X Y which means (dτ)(X,Y) = 0. Next we will show L g = 0, but we first remark that ∇ ξ = 0 for X ∈ ξ X Γ(TM): g¯ = g + τ ⊗ τ gives g¯(ξ,Y) = τ(Y) for Y ∈ Γ(TM). Then ∇ (g¯(ξ,Y)) = ∇ (τ(Y)), X X (∇ g¯)(ξ,Y)+g¯(∇ ξ,Y)+g¯(ξ,∇ Y) = (∇ τ)(Y)+τ(∇ Y). X X X X X ∇ g¯ = 0, ∇ τ = 0 and g¯(ξ,∇ Y) = τ(∇ Y) imply g¯(∇ ξ,Y) = 0 which X X X X X gives ∇ ξ = 0 by non-degeneracy of g¯. X Now, (∇ g)(Y,Z) = ∇ (g(Y,Z))−g(∇ Y,Z)−g(Y,∇ Z) = 0 X X X X by assumption. X(g(Y,Z))−g([X,Y]+∇ X,Z)−g(Y,[X,Z]+∇ X) = 0 Y Z X(g(Y,Z))−g(L Y,Z)−g(Y,L Z)−g(∇ X,Z)−g(Y,∇ X) = 0. X X Y Z If we now take X = ξ, the last two terms vanish and we get ξ(g(Y,Z))−g(L Y,Z)−g(Y,L Z) = 0 ξ ξ 2 which means (L g)(Y,Z) = 0 ξ ii) It will be enough to show ∇ τ = 0 as ∇ g = 0 is then a consequence X X of ∇ g¯ = 0. X We have (∇ τ)(Y) = ∇ (τ(Y))−τ(∇ Y) X X X for Y ∈ Γ(TM) and (∇ τ)(Y) = X(g¯(ξ,Y))−g¯(ξ,∇ Y)) X X since g¯(ξ,Y) = τ(Y) for any Y. From the Koszul formula 2g¯(∇ Y,Z) = Xg¯(Y,Z)+Yg¯(Z,X)−Zg¯(X,Y) X −g¯(X,[Y,Z])+g¯(Y,[Z,X])+g¯(Z,[X,Y]) we can write 1 (∇ τ)(Y) = (Xg¯(ξ,Y)−Yg¯(ξ,X)−g¯(ξ,[X,Y])) X 2 1 + (ξg¯(X,Y)−g¯(X,[ξ,Y])−g¯(Y,[ξ,X])). 2 The first term vanishes because of dτ = 0: (dτ)(X,Y) = Xτ(Y)−Yτ(X)−τ([X,Y]) = 0 = Xg¯(ξ,Y)−Yg¯(ξ,X)−g¯(ξ,[X,Y]) = 0. For the second term, it will be enough to show L g¯ = 0: ξ (L g¯)(X,Y) = ξg¯(X,Y)−g¯(L X,Y)−g¯(X,L Y). ξ ξ ξ To show L g¯ = 0, we first see L τ = 0: ξ ξ (L τ)(X) = L (τ(X))−τ(L X) ξ ξ ξ = ξ(τ(X))−τ([ξ,X]) = X(τ(ξ)) = 0 by dτ = 0 and τ(ξ) = 1. Now, L g¯ = L g +(L τ)⊗τ +τ ⊗(L τ) = 0. ξ ξ ξ ξ 3 This proposition can beextended in several directions. The nullity degree (co-rank) of g can be higher (multi-time models in physics), the connection can have torsion and/or non-metricity Q. We give below a theorem compris- ing all these cases. Recallthataconnection∇issaidtohavenon-metricityQ,if(∇ g)(X,Y) = Z Q(Z,X,Y) for X,Y,Z ∈ Γ(TM) It follows from the Koszul-method that for a given non-degenerate metric onM, ananti-symmetric (1,2)-tensorT(X,Y) and a (0,3)-tensor Q(Z,X,Y) symmetric in X and Y, there exists a unique linear connection on TM having torsion T and non-metricity Q. Theorem 1.3 Let (M,g) be a light-like manifold with constant index and nullity degree r (Rad(TM) is an r-distribution). Assume Rad(TM) to be a trivial bundle with everywhere independent vector fields ξ ∈ Γ(Rad(TM)), i i = 1,...,r. Let τ (i = 1,...,r) be a set of 1-form fields satisfying τ (ξ ) = δ , i i j ij r i,j = 1,...,r. g¯ := g + Xτk ⊗τk is then a non-degenerate metric on M. k=1 i) Let ∇ be a linear connection on M with torsion T (T(X,Y) = ∇ Y − X ∇ X − [X,Y] for X,Y ∈ Γ(TM)) and with non-metricity (0,3)-tensor Q, Y i.e. (∇ g)(X,Y) = Q(Z,X,Y). Assume additionally that the 1-forms τ are Z i parallel with respect to ∇: ∇ τ = 0 for X ∈ Γ(TM) and i = 1,...,r. X i Then the following relationships hold: (dτ )(X,Y) = τ (T(X,Y)) (1) i i (L g)(X,Y) = g(X,T(ξ ,Y))+g(Y,T(ξ ,X))+Q(ξ ,X,Y) (2) ξi i i i −Q(X,Y,ξ )−Q(Y,X,ξ ) i i for X,Y ∈ Γ(TM), i = 1,...,r. ii) Let T be an anti-symmetric (1,2)-tensor field and Q a (0,3)-tensor field (symmetric in the last two variables) satisfying (1) and (2). If ∇ is the connection on (M,g¯) with torsion T and non-metricity Q (i.e. (∇ g¯)(X,Y) = Q(Z,X,Y)), then ∇ has also non-metricity Q with respect Z to g (i.e. (∇ g)(X,Y) = Q(Z,X,Y)) and the 1-forms τ are parallel with Z i respect to ∇ for i = 1,...,r. Corollary 1.4 In the setting of the above theorem, given any torsion tensor T and non-metricity tensor Q on M satisfying (1) and (2), there exists a unique linear connection on M having torsion T, non-metricity Q for g and making τ (i = 1,...,r) parallel. i 4 It might be useful to re-word the corollary for the metric-compatible case also: Corollary 1.5 In the setting of the above theorem, given any torsion tensor T satisfying (dτ )(X,Y) = τ (T(X,Y)) i i and (L g)(X,Y) = g(X,T(ξ ,Y))+g(Y,T(ξ ,X)) ξi i i for i = 1,...,r, there exists a unique linear connection on M compatible with g, having torsion T and making τ (i = 1,...,r) parallel. i As a last corollary, we note the torsion-free case also: Corollary 1.6 In the setting of the above theorem, assume the 1-forms τ to i be closed and L g = 0 for i = 1,...,r. Then there exists a unique torsion-free ξi and g-compatible connection ∇ with ∇τ = 0 (i = 1,...,r). i Proof (of the theorem) i) From the equalities (∇ τ )(Y) = Xτ (Y)−τ (∇ Y) = 0 X i i i X (∇ τ )(X) = Yτ (X)−τ (∇ X) = 0 Y i i i Y we get Xτ (Y)−Yτ (X)−τ ([X,Y]+T(X,Y)) = 0 i i i which means (dτ )(X,Y) = Xτ (Y)−Yτ (X)−τ ([X,Y]) = τ (T(X,Y)) i i i i i so that the first relationship (1) holds. Now, let us start with (∇ g)(X,Y) = Zg(X,Y)−g(∇ X,Y)−g(X,∇ Y) = Q(Z,X,Y) (3) Z Z Z and insert ξ for Z (using torsion): i ξ g(X,Y)−g(∇ ξ +[ξ ,X]+T(ξ ,X),Y) i X i i i −g(X,∇ ξ +[ξ ,Y]+T(ξ ,Y)) = Q(ξ ,X,Y), Y i i i i 5 ξ g(X,Y)−g([ξ ,X],Y)−g(X,[ξ ,Y]) = Q(ξ ,X,Y)+g(∇ ξ ,Y)+g(X,∇ ξ ) i i i i X i Y i +g(T(ξ ,X),Y)+g(X,T(ξ ,Y)). i i As (L g)(X,Y) equals the left-hand side, it is enough to see ξi g(∇ ξ ,Y) = −Q(X,Y,ξ ) X i i for any X,Y ∈ Γ(TM) for the second relationship to hold. Now, inserting ξ i for Y in (3), we get Zg(X,ξ )−g(∇ X,ξ )−g(X,∇ ξ ) = Q(Z,X,ξ ) i Z i Z i i which reduces to −g(X,∇ ξ ) = Q(Z,X,ξ ) for any X,Z ∈ Γ(TM) since Z i i ξ ∈ Γ(Rad(TM)). i ii)We first note g¯(ξ ,Y) = τ (Y) for Y ∈ Γ(TM) by definition of g¯. i i The following equations can be verified by direct computation using (1) and (2): 1 Xτ (Y)−τ (∇ Y) = (Xg¯(ξ ,Y)−Yg¯(ξ ,X)+ξ g¯(X,Y) i i X i i i 2 +g¯(X,[Y,ξ ])−g¯(Y,[ξ ,X])−g¯(ξ ,[X,Y]) i i i +Q(X,Y,ξ )+Q(Y,X,ξ )−Q(ξ ,X,Y) i i i +g¯(X,T(Y,ξ ))+g¯(Y,T(X,ξ ))−g¯(ξ ,T(X,Y))) i i i 1 = (Xτ (Y)−Yτ (X)−τ ([X,Y]) i i i 2 +ξ g¯(X,Y)−g¯([ξ ,X],Y)−g¯(X,[ξ ,Y]) i i i +Q(X,Y,ξ )+Q(Y,X,ξ )−Q(ξ ,X,Y) i i i +g¯(X,T(Y,ξ ))+g¯(Y,T(X,ξ ))−τ (T(X,Y))) i i i 1 Xτ (Y)−τ (∇ Y) = ((dτ )(X,Y)−τ (T(X,Y))+(L g¯)(X,Y) i i X 2 i i ξi +Q(X,Y,ξ )+Q(Y,X,ξ )−Q(ξ ,X,Y) i i i +g¯(X,T(Y,ξ ))+g¯(Y,T(X,ξ ))). i i Thus we get 1 (∇ τ )(Y) = ((L g¯)(X,Y)+Q(X,Y,ξ )+Q(Y,X,ξ ) (4) X i 2 ξi i i −Q(ξ ,X,Y)+g¯(X,T(Y,ξ ))+g¯(Y,T(X,ξ ))). i i i 6 r Let us now compute Lξig¯ using g¯ = g + Xτk ⊗τk: k=1 r (Lξig¯)(X,Y) = (Lξig)(X,Y)+ X((Lξiτk)(X)τk(Y)+τk(X)(Lξiτk)(Y)) k=1 (L τ )(X) = ξ τ (X)−τ ([ξ ,X]) ξi k i k k i = ξ τ (X)−Xτ (ξ )−τ ([ξ ,X]) i k k i k i = (dτ )(ξ ,X) k i = τ (T(ξ ,X)) k i since τ (ξ ) = δ and the last equality by assumption (1). Thus we obtain k i ki r (Lξig¯)(X,Y) = (Lξig)(X,Y)+ X(τk(T(ξi,X))τk(Y)+τk(X)τk(T(ξi,Y))) k=1 r r = (Lξig)(X,Y)− Xτk(X)τk(T(Y,ξi))− Xτk(Y)τk(T(X,ξi)) k=1 k=1 r r = (Lξig)(X,Y)− X(τk ⊗τk)(X,T(Y,ξi))− X(τk ⊗τk)(Y,T(X,ξi)) k=1 k=1 = −Q(X,Y,ξ )−Q(Y,X,ξ )+Q(ξ ,X,Y) i i i −g(X,T(Y,ξ ))−g(Y,T(X,ξ )) i i r r −X(τk ⊗τk)(X,T(Y,ξi))− X(τk ⊗τk)(Y,T(X,ξi)) k=1 k=1 = −Q(X,Y,ξ )−Q(Y,X,ξ )+Q(ξ ,X,Y) i i i −g¯(X,T(Y,ξ ))−g¯(Y,T(X,ξ )). i i Inserting this into the equation (4) we get (∇ τ )(Y) = 0 X i The other assertion, (∇ g)(X,Y) = Q(Z,X,Y) is now a consequence of Z r ∇Zg¯ = ∇Zg +∇Z(Xτk ⊗τk) = ∇Zg. k=1 7 References [1] Duggal, K. L., Bejancu, A., Lightlike Submanifolds of Semi- Riemannian Manifolds and Applications, New York, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1996) [2] Dombrowski, H. D., Horneffer, K., Die Differentialgeometrie des Galileischen Relativ¨atsprinzips, Math. Zeitschr., 86, 291 (1964) [3] Crampin, M., On differentiable manifolds with degenerate metrics, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 64, 307 (1968) [4] Ku¨nzle, H. P., Galilei and Lorentz structures on space-time: Comparison of the corresponding geometry and physics, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar`e, XVII, 337 (1972) [5] Kozlov, S. E., Levi-Civita Connections On Degenerate Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds, J. Math. Scie., 104, No. 4,(2001) 8

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