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Linear and nonlinear Stark effect in triangular molecule Bogdan R. Bul ka1, Tomasz Kostyrko2 and Jakub L uczak1 1Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Science, ul. M. Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznan´, Poland and 2Faculty of Physics, A. Mickiewicz University, ul. Umultowska 85,61-614 Poznan´, Poland (Dated: January 18, 2011) Weanalyze changes of theelectronic structureof atriangular molecule undertheinfluenceof an electric field (i.e., theStark effect). The effectsof thefield are shown to beanisotropic and include 1 both a linear and a nonlinear part. For strong electron correlations, we explicitly derive exchange 1 couplings in an effective spin Hamiltonian. For some conditions one can find a dark spin state, 0 for which one of the spins is decoupled from the others. The model is also applied for studying 2 electronic transport through a system of three coherently coupled quantum dots. Since electron n transfer rates are anisotropic, the current characteristics are anisotropic as well, differing for small a and large electric field. J 7 PACSnumbers: 73.23.-b,71.10.-w,73.63.Kv,75.50.Xx,33.57.+c 1 ] I. INTRODUCTION leads to splitting of energy levels as well as to breaking l l of the symmetry of the system and changes the symme- a try of wave functions. We demonstrate that the electric h In this paper we investigate electronic properties of - a model of a triangular molecule in a presence of an field can induce significant changes in a spin arrange- s ment. It also results in changes of coupling between e electric field. Recently, similar models were considered m for systems of three coherently coupled quantum dots spins and different characteristics of spin-spin correla- tion functions with respect to an angle the electric field . (QDs),1–8, for magnetic interactions in molecules,9–12 as t forms with the median of the triangle. In particular we a well as for complex phase orderings in strongly corre- will show conditions for the appearance of the dark spin m lated electronic materials with a triangular lattice (e.g., state. SecondwewillshowhowtheStarkeffectmanifests - multiferroics13, cobaltates14, or organic compounds15). d Thesesimplemodelsexhibitplentyofinterestingphysics. itselfinelectronictransport. We confine ourselvesto the n caseinwhichatequilibriumthegroundstateissingletor For example, in the system of quantum dots, one finds o tripletandforanappliedbiasvoltageexcitedstateswith complex charge and spin arrangements1, which can be c threeelectrons(doublets andquadruplets)participatein [ classified according a set of topological Hunds rules. For some interference conditions a so-called dark state transport. 2 can occur, for which one of the QDs is decoupled from v the reservoirs and an electron can be trapped.4 Con- 4 2 sequently, electronic transport is changed; one can ob- 9 servearectificationeffect,negativedifferentialresistance, II. INFLUENCE OF ELECTRIC FIELD ON 5 and an enhancement of the shot noise.5 Moreover, one SPIN STATES . can expect the Aharonov-Bohm effect, when a magnetic 2 1 flux penetrates the triangle. Moreover, one can expect 0 theAharonov-Bohm effect, when a magnetic flux pen- 1 etrates the triangle. The effect leads to a crossover : from the singlet to the triplet ground state, which man- v i ifests itself in spin blockade in transport2 and interest- X ing spin dynamics under two-electron-spin-resonance3. r For the regime of coherent transport one can expect the a very rich phase diagram with many types of the Kondo resonances8. Our studies concern the Stark effect in the system of strongly correlated electrons and they are addressed mainly to coherently coupled quantum dots. For a small number of electrons (n = 1 and n = 2 in the triangle) the electric field induces a large polarization, and many FIG. 1: (Color online) The considered model of a triangular aspects were already considered1–8. In this paper we fo- molecule placed in an electric field E. cus on the situation with n = 3 electrons, for which the induced polarization is minor, because the Coulomb in- teractionsdominateandhinderapossibleshiftofanelec- A model of a triangular molecule in the presence of tronic charge. First we will show that the electric field an electric field E is shown in Fig.1. The corresponding 2 Hamiltonian can be expressed as H =t (c† c +h.c.)+U n n M iσ jσ 0 i↑ i↓ iX<j,σ Xi 2π +U1 niσnjσ′ +Eer cos[(θ+(i 1) ]niσ,(1) − 3 i<Xj,σ,σ′ Xi,σ where the first term describes electron hopping between nearestneighborsites. Forthesakeofgeneralitywecon- sidert<0aswellast>0,forwhichthemodeldescribes the system of QDs with electrons or holes, respectively. The secondandthe third terms correspondto insite and intersite Coulomb interactions. The last term takes into account the influence of the electric field E on the elec- tronic polarization Pˆ = e r n , where r denotes i,σ i iσ i the vector pointing to the sPite i, e - a charge of an elec- tron, θ - the angle between r and E, d - the length 1 of the arm of the triangle and r = d/√3. One can see FIG. 2: (Color online) Expectation values of the spin corre- that the electric field modulates the local site energies: lators S1·S2,S2·S3 and S3·S1 (black,redand bluecurves, ǫ =g cos[θ+(i 1)2π/3]. In further considerationswe respectively) calculated for the ground state as a function of i E − take g =Eer as a coupling parameter. the angle θ of the electric field with respect to the triangle. E For n = 3 electrons in the system the wave functions TheplotsareobtainedfortheHubbardmodel(1)withalarge are constructed from the singlet and the triplet states U0 = 30, U1 = 2, t = 1, gE = 0.3 (a), gE = 2.5 (b), gE = 5 by adding an electron (see [16]). There are quadruplet (c) and gE =10 (d). For comparison the dashed curves rep- resent the spin correlators for the Heisenberg model (4) with states(3/2Q )withS =3/2,S = 3/2, 1/2,andthe Sz z ± ± the modulated exchange couplings Jij given by Eq.(5) – [for corresponding wave functions are constructed from the smaller gE ≤5 the dashed curves cover thesolid ones within triplet states by adding an electron. The ground state theplot resolution]. is, however, the doublet state (1/2D ) with S = 1/2, Sz S = 1/2, which can be formed from the states z ± QD2(3)andthesingletstateisatthe12(31)bond(the 1 D = c† (c† c† c† c† ) vac ,(2) electric field is then perpendicular to the bond). The | Szi1 √2 1σ 2σ 3σ− 2σ 3σ | i situationismorecomplexforalarge g >4t,whenthe E 1 | | | | D = [2c† c† c† c† (c† c† +c† c† )] vac (3) quadratic Stark effect begins to dominate and gradually | Szi2 √6 1σ 2σ 3σ− 1σ 2σ 3σ 2σ 3σ | i changestheperiodofoscillationof S S aswellasthe i j h · i configuration of the dark spin states. andthestateswithdoublesiteoccupancyc†1σc†1σc†2σ|vaci, In order to understand the crossover from small to c† c† c† vac , etc. The function D and D are largefields,weperformtheperturbativecanonicaltrans- 2σ 2σ 3σ| i | Szi1 | Szi2 constructed respectively from the singlet and the triplet formation of the Hubbard Hamiltonian (1) to an effec- state at the 23–bondby adding anelectronto the QD 1. tiveHeisenbergHamiltonian,treatingtheintersiteterms Fig.2presentsanevolutionofthe spin-spincorrelation (both the hopping andthe intersite Coulombinteraction functions when the electric field increases, it manifests a terms) as small ones.17 To take into account both the transition from the linear to the quadratic Stark effect. linear and non-linear Stark effect the perturbation ex- For small fields the spin-correlation functions oscillate pansionshould be carriedout to the third order (see the with the period 2π. At an intermediate value g =4t Appendix for details). For n = 3 electrons the effective E acrossoveroccurs,andforalargergthefunctio|ns |S S| | Hamiltonian reads i j h · i show new components due to the quadratic Stark effect. 1 One can see in Fig.2a and 2b that at θ = 0 (where the H˜ = 3U + J S~ S~ , (4) 1 ij i j electric field is perpendicular to the 23-bond and points (cid:18) · − 4(cid:19) Xi<j tothe1-stsite)thespincorrelators S S = S S = 1 2 3 1 0 and S2 S3 0.75. This mehans·thait thhe s·piniat with the exchange coupling h · i ≈ − QD1 is uncoupled from the spins forming the singlet at the 23-bond, and the corresponding state is D . We 4t2 4t2(ǫ ǫ )2 8t3(2ǫ ǫ ǫ ) | Szi1 J = + j − i + m− i− j , (5) call such a configuration the dark spin state, in contrast ij U U3 U3 0 0 0 to the dark states for n = 1 and n = 2 electrons in the triangle molecule, when their properties are connected wheretheindicesi,j,mdenotethreedifferentsites. Here, to a specific charge distribution.4,5 With rotation of the we also assumed that the on-site Coulomb interactions electric field, the dark spin state occurs at θ = 2π/3 are stronger than the electric field, i.e. U ǫ . It is 0 i ≫ (θ = 4π/3), when the uncoupled spin is located at the seen that for the weak field the third order term [the 3 third term in Eq.(5)] depends linearly on the electric for which the corresponding wavefunctions are: D | Szi1 field E, whereas the second order term behaves like a and D [given by Eq.(2) and (3)], respectively. Fig.3 | Szi2 second power of E and its period of oscillations is twice presents the plot of these eigenenergies as a function of as large as the linear term. This result presents one of the electric field. In this case D is the dark spin | Szi1 the main differences between the Stark effect in the sys- state, but its energy E < E for g <4t only. Fig.3 D1 D2 E tem of strongly correlated electrons and that in atomic also shows the eigenergies ED1′ and ED2′ for the case physics21. θ = π/3 (when the electric field is perpendicular to the For a very large g , when the quadratic term domi- 13 bond and its direction is opposite to the 2-nd site). E nates, the dark spin state can occur for E parallel to a Now the corresponding eigenstates are bond ofthe triangle. Thenthe singlet state is formed on 1 tInhisthbiosnldimaintdththeereuniscoaupdlierdecstpeinxcihsaantgteheproopcpeosss,itewQhiDch. |DSzi1′ = √2 c†2σ(c†3σc†1σ−c†3σc†1σ)|vaci(,10) is symmetric with respect to exchange of spins between 1 QDs, and it does not depend on the orientation of the |DSzi2′ = √6 [2c†2σc†3σc†1σ−c†2σ(c†3σc†1σ+c†3σc†1σ)]|vaci(.11) dipole (it is a quadratic dependence on E). Since the exchange coupling Jij depends on the difference of site However in this case the dark spin state |DSzi1′ is the energies [see Eq.(5)], its maximal value is at the elec- excitedstate(ED1′ >ED2′). Inthe bothpresentedcases tric field parallel to the bond. For this case two other thestates|DSzi1,|DSzi1′ areconstructedfromthesinglet exchange couplings are equal, and the dark spin state states, whereas |DSzi2, |DSzi2′ are constructed from the appears. triplet states. III. TRANSPORT IN SEQUENTIAL TUNNELING REGIME Letusnowanalyzeelectronictransportinasequential tunneling regime through our system with the left and the rightelectrode connected to the QD 1 and2, respec- tively. In our calculations we need transfer rates from the L (R) electrode to the molecule18 ΓL(R)+ =γ ν c† ν 2f(∆E µ ), ν2→ν3 L(R) |h 3| 1(2)σ| 2i| ν2ν3 − L(R) Xσ (12) where ν denotes the initial state for n electrons, n | i ∆E = E E is the corresponding energy dif- FIG.3: (Coloronline)Splittingofstatesbytheelectricfieldin ν2ν3 ν3 − ν2 ference,γ isanettransferratethroughthepotential theeffectiveHeisenbergmodel(4). Thesolidcurvesrepresent L(R) barierbetweentheelectrodeandthemolecule,f denotes thestatesED1 andED2 forθ=0,whereasthedashedcurves represent ED1′, ED2′ for θ=π/3 (t=1, U0 =30, U1 =2). the Fermi distribution function, the chemical potentials are taken as µ = E , µ = E +eV, E is the Fermi L F R F F energy and V is a bias voltage. Similarly, one can write The eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian (4) can be readily obtained as ΓνL3(→R)ν−2 for the reverse tunneling process when the elec- tron leaves the molecule. EQ =3U1, (6) Since the quadruplet functions |QSzi are constructed ED1,2 =3U1−(6J ±2∆)/4 (7) mfroamtrixtheeletmriepnletstsar|TeSoznil,y:therefore, the nonzero transfer for quadruplet and doublet, respectively. Here, J = (J + J + J )/3 and ∆ = Q c† T =√2 Q c† T 12 23 31 |h ±3/2| 1(2)σ| ±1i| |h ±1/2| 1(2)σ| 0i| J2 +J2 +J2 J J J J J J . If the pelec1t2ric fie23ld is3p1e−rpe1n2di2c3ul−ar 1t2o 3t1he−ij2-3bo3n1d, ǫi = ǫj, =√3|hQ±1/2|c†1(2)σ|T±1i|=|xT2(1)3| (13) the exchange couplings J =J and we have the dark im jm for σ = 1/2. Here, we use T (the singlet solution spin state. In particular for θ = 0, J12 = J31 and the S )asa±linearcombinationof|triSpzliets(singlets)localized eigenvalues are |onithe ij bonds, and xT (xS) denote the corresponding ij ij 3J coefficients. The doublet wavefunction is a linear com- ED1 =3U1− 34J−J23, (8) banindatxiD2on]aosfw|DelSlzais1thaendsta|DteSszwi2it[hwditohubtlheesictoeeofficcciuepnatnxcD1y. ED2 =3U1− 4 −J12, (9) We have checked that for a large U0 the transfer matrix 4 elements for the states with double occupied sites play theelectricfieldparameterg canbecontrolledindepen- E a minor role in electronic transport, and thus they are dently of the bias voltage, e.g. by means of application ignored. The corresponding elements are: of additional lateral or back gate electrodes. For small fields (g = 0.1) one can see negative differential resis- E |hD±1/2|c†1σ|T±1i|=√2|hD±1/2|c†1σ|T0i| tance(NDR)(anincreaseandnextadropofI withV)at θ 0 and θ π. The NDR effect is due to charge accu- ≈ 2/3|xD2 xT23|, (14) m≈ulationon≈thedarkstateandtheinterchannelCoulomb |hD±1/2|c†2σ|T±1i|=√2|hpD±1/2|c†2σ|T0i| blockade5. We have also analyzed all current contribu- ≈|(xD1 /√2+xD2 /√6)xT13|, (15) ttihoenscuIrνr2e,νn3ttflhorwousgvhiavatrhieoussinegnleertgaynldevtehlse. bAotshexdpoeucbtleedt |hD±1/2|c†1σ|Si|≈|xD1 xS23|, (16) states for t = −1 (top plots in Fig.4). Although the D c† S 1/2(xD √3xD)xS . (17) otherstatesareinthevoltagewindow,theyplayaminor |h ±1/2| 2σ| i|≈ | 1 − 2 13| roleandthe correspondingI areexponentially small ν2,ν3 Next, we solve the corresponding master equation18 (these processesarethermally activated only). The situ- ationforg =0.8(Fig.4b)isdifferent. Oneseesthatthe E dPνn = Γℓ+ P + Γℓ− P values of I are higher and the θ dependence is different. dt νn−1→νn νn−1 νn+1→νn νn+1 At θ π/3 a new minimum appears. It is an evidence ℓ,Xνn−1 ℓ,Xνn+1 ofthe≈Starkeffect, whichis alsomanifestedin activation P ( Γℓ− + Γℓ+ ) (18) of the triplet and the quadruplet states. The transfer − νn νn→νn−1 νn→νn+1 ℓ,Xνn−1 ℓ,Xνn+1 of electrons via the quadruplet state is now substantial and its contribution I is larger than those from the T,Q to find the occupation probability Pνn of the eigenstates other states. This situation can be explained by ana- |νniinthesteadylimit,i.e. fordPνn/dt=0. Thecurrent lyzing the activation energies ∆Eν2,ν3 in Fig.5a and the in this limit reads corresponding transfer rates ΓL+ . Since the singlet is ν2→ν3 the nondegenerate ground state, it shows the quadratic I =e ΓL+ P ΓL− P . (19) ν2→ν3 ν2 − ν3→ν2 ν3 Stark effect and∆ESD is a parabola. In contrastto that νX2,ν3(cid:0) (cid:1) the activation energies from the triplet state ∆E and TD ∆E show, for θ = 5π/3, a linear and a parabolic de- TQ pendence. For this case the triplet levels can be derived explicitly as: g E E =U +t , T 1 − 2 1 E =U + (g 2t 9g2 +12g t+36t2). (20) T 1 4 E − ±q E E We took the Fermi energy as E =5.1, thus, for a small F g , ∆E <∆E <E and the corresponding trans- E TD TQ F ferratesΓL+ andΓL+ [seeEq.(12)]areexponentially T→D T→Q small. For larger fields (g > 0.2) these energies are E above E and the transfer rates ΓL+ and ΓL+ are F T→D T→Q activated together with ΓL+ (the currentstarts to flow S→D through all these levels at a threshold voltage). ThebottomrowofFig.4presentsthecurrentmapsfor the case t = 1, for which the triplet is the ground state at equilibrium. For a bias voltage larger than a thresh- old one (for eV > 0.7), electrons are transferred via the triplet and the d∼oublet states as well as the quadruplet state. We can clearly see (at eV 0.9) the second step FIG.4: (Coloronline)Mapsofthecurrentasafunctionofthe ≈ inthecurrent,whenthequadrupletstateisactivated. In biasvoltageV andtheangleθoftheelectricfieldwithrespect this case, the current maps are also different for a small tothetriangleforgE =0.1(left column)andgE =0.8(right and large g . This results from the dependence of the column). TheFermilevelistakenEF =5.1,soatequilibrium E activation energies ∆E (and the transfer rates) on thesystemcontainstwoelectronsinthesinglet(triplet)state ν2,ν3 fort=−1(t=1)-top(bottom)plots, respectively. Wealso the electric field. Fig.5b shows that ∆ESD (almost) lin- assumed that U0 = 30, U1 = 2, the temperature T = 0.05, early increases with gE and for large gE ∆ESD > EF. γL=γR =γ0, and thecurrent is in units of eγ0. Therefore, the transfer rate ΓLS→+D is activated. It is worth noticing that the degenerate states (the The results of numerical calculations are presented in triplet E for t = 1 as well as the singlet E for t = T S − Fig.4 as a map in the V-θ space. Here we assumed that 1) have different dependences on the electric field [see 5 doublet states: D and D . Moreover, we pre- | Szi1 | Szi2 dict that the anisotropic Stark effect should be seen in electronic transport. The studied model is general and can be applied to real molecules with the triangular symmetry, to study their magnetic and optical features of interestfor molec- ular spintronics. For example, we predict that spacial anisotropy induced by the electric field in the effective Heisenberg model will be manifested in molecular mag- netism (e.g. in magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, or ESR spectra)9,10,12. Moreover, the model can be the paradigmformaterialswithstronglycorrelatedelectrons on triangular lattices13–15. In our opinion multiferroics FIG.5: (Coloronline)Electricfielddependenceoftheenergy are the best candidates to observe the Stark effect, be- difference ∆Eν2ν3 for the most relevant states participating cause in such materials local ferroelectric orderings can in electronic transport. The plots a) and b) are for the case t = −1 and t = 1, which correspond to the current maps in modifyexchangecouplingsbetweenspinsaswellasmag- Fig.4 for the top and the bottom panels at θ = 5π/3 and netic orderings. EF =5.1,whenatequilibriumthegroundstateisthesinglet and thetriplet, respectively. Here, weomit theindices1 and 2for thedoubletstates, becausetheiractivation energies are Acknowledgments very close toeach other. We would like to thank Arturo Tagliacozzo for stimu- lating discussions. This workwassupportedby Ministry Eq.(20), the plots for ∆TD and ∆TQ in Fig.5a as well as of Science and Higher Education (Poland) from sources for ∆SD in Fig.5b]. One of them is linear vs gE, whereas for science in years 2009-2012 and by the EU project the second one is nonlinear. This is in contrast to the Marie Curie ITN NanoCTM. Stark effect inatomic physics21, forwhich alldegenerate states show a linear field dependence in a wide range. Here we analyzed the electronic transport, in which Appendix: Canonical transformation of the Hubbard two- and three-electron states (with transitions ν model with modulation of site energy 2 | i ↔ ν ) participated. By using the electron-hole symmetry 3 | i of the model (1) one obtains the same results for tran- Here we apply a canonicalperturbation theory for the sitions |ν3i ↔ |ν4i (between the states with three and Hamiltonian (1) for U1 =0, which we rewrite here as: four electrons) - provided that one changes the sign of the hopping t. H =W +T +T +T (A.1) 0 −1 +1 where W represent the sum of all the single site terms, andT isacontributiontothehoppingpartoftheHamil- IV. CONCLUSIONS n tonian which increases by n the number of the double occupiedsitesinthesystem. UsingHubbardoperators22 Summarizing, we considered the influence of the elec- Xαα′ α α′ (definedinterms ofthe exacteigenstates tricfieldonstronglycorrelatedelectronsinthetriangular αi for≡a|niishola|ted site i) the contributions to the model molecule(thelinearandthequadraticStarkeffect). The |(Ai.1) can be represented by: orientation θ of E with respect to the molecule is im- portant, because the electric field breaks the symmetry W = E Xαα iα i of the system and changes the symmetry of wave func- Xi,α tions. For some θ one finds the dark states, responsible T = t (Xσ0X0σ+X2σXσ2), for negative differential resistance. For n = 3 electrons 0 ij i j i j wederivedthekineticexchangecouplingJ betweenthe iX<j,σ ij spins, which showedquadratic and linear dependence on T = σt X2,−σX0σ, T =T† (A.2) E. The spin-spin correlation functions exhibit different +1 iX<j,σ ij i j −1 +1 angleθ characteristicsforasmallandlargeE. Inpartic- ular, we studied the dark spin states and their evolution The site energies: E 0,ǫ ,2ǫ +U correspond to iα i i 0 withE. Themodelcanbeappliedtostudiesofentangle- the eigenstates α 0,∈, {,2 . The follo}wing analysis is ment of three spin qubits19 with the electric field in its validfora limitof∈th{e s↑ma↓ll T} ,whenthe differencesbe- n specificrole. Inparticular,itcanbeappliedtoadescrip- tween energies E for single and double occupied sites iα tionofanexperimentjustrecentlyperformedinasystem are much larger than the hopping parameters. In the of three QDs,20 which presented coherent spin manipu- derivationofthe effective Hamiltonianwe applythe per- lation in a qubit with the logical basis formed from the turbationtheorywithrespecttothehoppingpart,which 6 can be formulated in terms of the recursive canonical where transformation.17 With the use of the Hubbard opera- torsthemethodcanbeeasilygeneralizedtoanarbitrary J(2) =2t2(∆−1+∆−1). (A.7) formoftheon–sitezero–orderHamiltonian,includingthe ij ij ij ji site–dependent terms.23 The effective Hamiltonian can be rewritten in a more familiar form with a help of the spin operators 1. The effective second order spin Hamiltonian 1 Up to the second order with respect to the hopping H˜ = W + J(2) S~ S~ . (A.8) |C00 ij (cid:18) i· j − 4(cid:19) part the transformed Hamiltonian reads Xi<j 1 H˜ =e−iSHeiS H + [iS,H ]. (A.3) 0 1 ≈ 2 where H = W +T and H = T +T . Here, it is 0 0 1 +1 −1 2. The effective third order spin Hamiltonian assumed that in the expansion the linear term with re- specttotheoff–diagonalpartofhoppingvanishes,which is guaranteed by a condition: Aderivationofthehigherordertermsinageneralcase isbasedontherecursiveprocedure,17howeveritisrather [iS,H ]= H . (A.4) involved and will be discussed in a separate paper. Here 0 1 − weonlypresenttheextra3rdordertermprojectedtothe From this condition we can derive in the explicit form C subspace 00 the transformation matrix iS = iSij, H˜(3) = J(3) S~ S~ 1 . (A.9) Xi<j (cid:12)(cid:12)C00 Xi<j ij (cid:18) i· j − 4(cid:19) σt σt (cid:12) iS = ijX−σ2Xσ0 ijXσ0X−σ2 ij (cid:18)∆ i j − ∆ i j Xσ ij ji The exchange parameter reads: σt σt ijX0σX2−σ+ ijX2−σX0σ . (A.5) −∆ji i j ∆ij i j (cid:19) J(3) =2t t t ∆−1∆−1+∆−1∆−1 ij ji im mj ij im ji jm where ∆ij = ǫi +U0 −ǫj. After inserting the operator +∆−im1∆−jm1 −∆−ji1∆−m1i −∆(cid:0)−ij1∆−m1j −∆−m1i∆−m1j .(A.10) S (A.5) into (A.3) we obtain the effective Hamiltonian (cid:1) validuptosecondorderperturbationwithrespecttothe Here,theindicesi,j,mdenotethreedifferentsites. Note, hopping part. In a form projected to the subspace C , 00 that the extra term vanishes for the uniform case ǫ = definedassubspaceofmany-electronstateswithallsites 1 ǫ =ǫ . singly occupied, i.e. for n = 3 electrons in the triangle, 2 3 the Hamiltonian reads: By expanding J(2) and J(3) [Eqs.(A.7) and (A.10)] in ij ij a series with respect to ǫ U we ontain the exchange H˜ = W + 1 σαJ(2)X−σαXσ,−α (A.6) coupling Eq.(5). i ≪ 0 |C00 2 ij i j i<Xj,σ,α 1 L. Gaudreau, S. A. Studenikin, A. S. Sachrajda, P. Za- (2000); T. Brandes, Phys. Rep. 408, 315 (2005); B. wadzki, A. Kam, J. Lapointe, M. Korkusinski, and P. Michaelis, C. Emary and C. 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