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Linear and Nonlinear Non-Fredholm Operators: Theory and Applications PDF

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Messoud Efendiev Linear and Nonlinear Non-Fredholm Operators Theory and Applications Linear and Nonlinear Non-Fredholm Operators Messoud Efendiev Linear and Nonlinear Non-Fredholm Operators Theory and Applications 123 MessoudEfendiev Institute of Computational Biology Helmholtz Zentrum München Neuherberg, Bayern,Germany ISBN978-981-19-9879-9 ISBN978-981-19-9880-5 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-9880-5 ©TheEditor(s)(ifapplicable)andTheAuthor(s),underexclusivelicensetoSpringerNature SingaporePteLtd.2023 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsaresolelyandexclusivelylicensedbythePublisher,whether thewholeorpartofthematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseof illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmissionorinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilar ordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors, and the editorsare safeto assume that the adviceand informationin this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained hereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregard tojurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore This book is dedicated to the memory of the late Heydar Aliyev, on the 100th anniversary of his birth, who played an important role both in educational and scientific careers of a whole generation and beyond. Preface This book is devoted to linear and nonlinear non-Fredholm operators and their applications. Fredholm operators are named in honour of Erik Ivar Fredholm and constitute one of the most important classes of linear maps in mathematics. They were introduced around 1900 in the study of integral operators and, by definition, they share many properties with linear maps betweenfinitedimensionalspaces(i.e.matrices).TheFredholmpropertyim- pliesthesolvabilitycondition:thenonhomogeneousoperatorequationLu=f issolvableifandonlyiftheright-handside f isorthogonaltoallsolutionsof the homogeneous adjoint problem L∗v =0. The orthogonality is understood in the sense of duality in the corresponding spaces. Indeed, solvability con- ditions play an important role in the analysis of nonlinear problems.These properties of Fredholm operators are widely used in many methods of linear and nonlinear analysis. At present linear and nonlinear Fredholm operator theory and solvability of corresponding equations are quite well understood (see the book of [20] and the references therein). However, in the case of non-Fredholm operators the usual solvability con- ditions may not be applicable and solvability relations are, in general, not known. In spite of some progress on linear/nonlinear non-Fredholm operator theory these questions and related topics are not systematically studied in the mathematical literature and to the best of our knowledge are not well understood. The aim of this book is to attempt to close such a gap and ini- tiate as well as stimulate readers to make contributions to this fascinating subject. My work on this subject, that is on solvability and well-posedness of a lin- ear/nonlinear non-Fredholm operator equation, started in 2015 during my visit to York University (Canada) as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow for experienced scientists. One of the seminars there was given by Dr. V. Vougalther (University of Toronto). Both during the talk and afterwards, I asked him many questions to most of them I received the answer either not knownornotstudied.Thiswasapointofdepartureformystudyofthisand vii viii Preface relatedquestions.Indeed,Ifoundthissubjectveryfascinatingandtakinginto account my ”alte liebe” on Fredholm operator theory (see my book [20]), I started with much enthusiasm to work on this topic. Later in my visit to the Fields Institute and the University of Toronto as a Deans Distinguished Vis- iting Professor (2018) and as a James D. Murray Distinguished Professor at theUniversityofWaterloo(2019)togetherwithmycolleaguesoftheUniver- sitiesmentionedaboveworkingon”WhathasBiologyandMedicinedonefor Mahematics”, I also continued to work with Dr.V. Vougalther on linear and nonlinear non-Fredholm operators and its applications to the various classes of non-Fredholm elliptic equations. One of the main question which will be considered in this book is the solv- ability of linear and nonlinear equations related to non-Fredholm operators. We present the explicit form of the solvability conditions and establish the existenceofsolutionsofthenon-Fredholmequationsconsideredinthisbook. In particular, we address it in the following setting. Let A : E → F be the operatorcorrespondingtotheleftsideofequation Au=f.Assumethatthis operatorfailstosatisfytheFredholmproperty(throughoutthisbookineach chapter starting from the second one we will present a quite large class of pseudo-differential elliptic equations for which this will be the case). Let f be a sequence of functions in the image of the operator A, such that n f → f in F as n → ∞. Denote by u a sequence of functions from E such n n that Au = f , n ∈ N. Since the operator A does not satisfy the Fredholm n n property, the sequence u may not be convergent. Let us call a sequence u n n the solution in the sense of sequences of the equation Au=f if Au →f. If n such a sequence converges to a function u∗ in the norm of the space E, then u∗ is a solution of this equation in the usual sense. A solution in the sense of sequencesinthiscaseisequivalenttotheusualsolution.However,inthecase of non-Fredholm operators, this convergence may not hold or it can occur in some weaker sense. In such a case, a solution in the sense of sequences may not imply the existence of the usual solution. In this book we find the sufficient conditions for the equivalence of solutions in the sense of sequences and the usual solutions, that is, the conditions on sequences f under which the corresponding sequences u are strongly n n convergent. In the case of elliptic integro-differential equations that fail to satisfy the Fredholm property (which can also be formulated in term of the locationoftheessentialspectrum),weproveexistenceofsolutioninthesense of sequences in terms of the kernel of the given integro-differential elliptic operator. Thisbookconsistsoffivechaptersandinparticularincludesourresultsthat have been published in the leading journals of mathematical societies of the world. Chapter 1 has more of a teaching aid character and consists of eight sections and is dedicated, in particular, to some basic concepts concerning Sobolev Preface ix spacesandembeddingtheorems,linearellipticboundaryvalueproblems,lin- ear Fredholm operators and its properties, properties of superposition oper- ators in Sobolev and H¨older spaces, the Fourier transform and related quan- tities, fractional Laplacian as a pseudo-differential operator, as well as the properties of generalized Fourier transform in terms of the functions of con- tinuous spectrum of the Schr¨odinger operators with shallow and short-range potential. Chapter 1 is not self-sufficient, since it is intended as auxiliary material for other chapters. Chapter 2 is devoted to the well-posedness of a class of stationary nonlinear integro-differential equations containing the classical Laplacian and a drift term for which the Fredholm property may not be satisfied. Here we formu- late solvability conditions in terms of iterated kernels of a nonlinear integral operator which is related to the equation under consideration. Chapter 2 consists of four subsections. In sections 2.1 and 2.2 we consider a class of stationary nonlinear integro-differential scalar equation containing classical Laplacian and drift term on the whole line and on a finite interval respectively. In sections 2.3 and 2.4 we consider the same questions for sys- tems of integro-differential equations containing classical Laplacian and drift term.Weemphasizethatthestudyofthesystemcase(sections2.3and2.4)is moredifficultthanofthescalarcase(sections2.1and2.2)andrequiressome more cumbersome technicalities to be overcome. In population dynamics the integro-differential equations describe models with intra-specific competition and nonlocal consumption of resources. On the other hand the studies of the solutionsoftheintegro-differentialequationswiththedrifttermarerelevant to the understanding of the emergence and propagation of patterns in the theory of speciation. Chapter 3 deals with the existence in the sense of sequences of solutions for some integro-differential type equations containing the drift term and the square root of the one dimensional negative Laplacian (so-called super- diffusion)onthewholerealline,andonafiniteintervalwithperiodicbound- ary conditions in the corresponding H2 spaces. The argument for proving existence of solutions in the sense of sequences in this chapter relies on fixed point techniques when the elliptic equations involve first order pseudo- differential operators (nonlocal) with and without the Fredholm property. Chapter 3 consists of four subsections. Sections 3.1 and 3.2 deal with scalar equations on the whole real line and a finite interval respectively. In sections 3.3 and 3.4 we consider the analogous problem for a system of equations, the study of which has additional difficulties and needs new ideas compared with the scalar case. Superdiffusion can be described as a random process of particle motion characterized by the probability density distribution of the jumplength.Themomentsofthisdensitydistributionarefiniteinthecaseof the normal diffusion, but this is not the case for superdiffusion. Asymptotic behavior at infinity of the probability density function determines the value of the power of the negative Laplace operator (for the details see chapter 3). x Preface In chapter 4 we establish the existence in the sense of sequences of solutions for certain nonlinear integro-differential type equations in two dimensions involving normal diffusion in one direction and anomalous diffusion in the otherdirectioninH2(R2)viathefixedpointtechnique.Theellipticequation contains a second order differential operator without the Fredholm property. Itisprovedthat,undersomereasonabletechnicalconditions,theconvergence in L1(R2) of the integral kernels implies the existence and convergence in H2(R2) of the solutions. Such anisotropy in the diffusion term (local versus nonlocal)makeouranalysisextremelydifficultbecauseinordertoderivethe desired estimates requires new ideas and cumbersome techniques. Chapter 4 consists of two sections. Section 4.1 is devoted to scalar nonlinear equationsinthepresenceofthemixed-diffusiontypementionedabove.These models are new and not much is understood about them, especially in the context of the integro-differential equations. We use the explicit form of the solvabilityconditionsandestablishtheexistenceofsolutionsofsuchnonlinear equation. In section 4.2 we consider the analogous problem for a system of equations. The novelty of this section is that in each diffusion term we add the standard negative Laplacian in the x variable to the minus Laplacian 1 in the x variable raised to a fractional power. Such anisotropy coming from 2 a different fractional order in each equation of the system make our analysis more difficult than in scalar case and requires both new ideas and requires rathersophisticatedtechniques.Itisimportanttostudytheequationsofthis kind in unbounded domains from the point of view of the understanding of the spread of the viral infections , since many countries have to deal with pandemics. In chapter 5 we consider two classes of non-Fredholm (4th and 2nd order) Schr¨odinger type operators and establish the solvability conditions in the sense of sequences for the equations involving them. To this end, we use the methodsofthespectralandscatteringtheoryforSchr¨odingertypeoperators, the potential functions V(x) of which are assumed to be shallow and short- range with a few extra regularity conditions. In this chapter, in contrast to previous ones, the coefficients of the operators are no longer constants and we cannot use the Fourier transform directly to obtain solvability conditions similar to those for the operators considered in a previous chapters. Instead we use the generalized Fourier transform which is based on replacing the Fourierharmonicsbythefunctionsofthecontinuousspectrumoftheoperator −∆+V(x),whicharethesolutionsoftheLippmann-Schwingerequation(for the details see chapter 5). Chapter 5 consists of four sections: 5.1-5.4. In section 5.1 we consider prob- lems which contain the squares of the sums of second order non-Fredholm differentialoperatorsofSchr¨odingertype,thatis4thorderoperators.Insec- tions 5.2 and 5.3 we deal with the solvability in the sense of sequences of the operator equation consisting of the squares of the sums of second order non- Fredholm differential operators of Schr¨odinger type with a single potential Preface xi both in the regular and singular cases. The sum of free negative Laplacian andtheSchr¨odingertypeoperatorhasthemeaningofthecumulativeHamil- tonian of the two non-interacting quantum particles, one of these particles moves freelyand theother interactswith anexternal potential.Thelast sec- tionofchapter5,thatissection5.4,isdevotedtothesolvabilityofgeneralised Poisson type equations with a scalar potential. I would like to thank many friends and colleagues who gave me helpful sug- gestions, advice and support. In particular, I wish to thank G. Akagi, H. Berestycki, N. Dancer, Y. Du, Y. Enatsu, F. Hamel, F. Hamdullahpur, M. Otani, S. Sivagolonathan, C.A. Stuart, E. Valdinochi, V. Vougalther, J.R.L. Webb,W.L.Wendland,J.Wu,A.Zaidi.Furthermore,Iamgreatlyindebted to my colleagues at the Institute of Computational Biology in the Helmholtz Center Munich and Technical University of Munich, Marmara University in Istanbul, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, as well as the Springer book series for their efficient handling of publication. I started to write this book when I visited the Fields Institute with a Fields ResearchFellowship.IwouldliketoexpressmysinceregratitudetotheFields Institute for providing an excellent and unique scientific atmosphere. In par- ticular, my thanks go to my colleagues, friends and staffs in the Fields Insti- tute, namely to Kumar Murthy, Esther Berzunza, Miriam Schoeman, Bryan Eelhart and Tyler Wilson. Last but not least, I wish to thank my family for constantly encouraging me during the writing of this book.

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