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Linear and nonlinear information flow in spatially extended systems Massimo Cencini (a) and Alessandro Torcini(b),(c) (a) Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Physik komplexer Systeme, N¨othnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany (b) Physics Department, Universit´a “La Sapienza”, piazzale Aldo Moro 2, I-00185 Roma, Italy (c) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, UdR Firenze, L.go E. Fermi, 3 - I-50125 Firenze, Italy Infinitesimalandfiniteamplitudeerrorpropagationinspatiallyextendedsystemsarenumerically and theoretically investigated. The information transport in these systems can be characterized in terms of the propagation velocity of perturbations Vp. A linear stability analysis is sufficient to capturealltherelevantaspectsassociatedtopropagationofinfinitesimaldisturbances. Inparticular, 1 thisanalysisgivesthepropagationvelocityVLofinfinitesimalerrors. Iflinearmechanismsprevailon 0 the nonlinear ones Vp =VL. On the contrary, if nonlinear effects are predominant finite amplitude 0 2 disturbances can eventually propagate faster than infinitesimal ones (i.e. Vp > VL). The finite size Lyapunovexponentcan besuccessfully employed to discriminate thelinear or nonlinear origin n of information flow. A generalization of finite size Lyapunov exponent to a comoving reference a frame allows to state a marginal stability criterion able to provide Vp both in thelinear and in the J nonlinearcase. Stronganalogiesarefoundbetweeninformationspreadingandpropagationoffronts 9 connecting steady states in reaction-diffusion systems. The analysis of the common characteristics 1 of these two phenomena leads to a better understanding of the role played by linear and nonlinear mechanisms for theflow of information in spatially extended systems. ] D PACS numbers: 05.45.-a,68.10.Gw,05.45.Ra,05.45.Pq C . n I. INTRODUCTION stable chaos, has been reported in [9]: the authors ob- i l servedthatevenalinearlystablesystem(i.e. withλ<0) n [ It is well recognized that chaotic dynamics generates can display an erratic behavior with Vp >0. a flow of information in bit space: due to the sensitive The first attempts to describe nonlinear perturbation 2 dependence on initial conditions one has an information evolution have been reported in [13]. However, in these v 4 flowfrom“insignificant”digitstowards“significant”ones studies the analysis was limited to the temporal growth 4 [1]. In spatially distributed systems, due to the spatial rate associated with second order derivatives of one di- 0 coupling, one has an information flow both in bit space mensionalmaps. A considerableimprovementalong this 1 and in real space. The flow in bit space is typically char- direction has been recently achieved with the introduc- 1 acterized in terms of the maximal growth λ rate of in- tion of the finite size Lyapunov exponent (FSLE) [14]: a 0 finitesimal disturbances (i.e. of the maximal Lyapunov generalization of the maximal Lyapunov exponent able 0 exponent),whilethespatialinformationflowcanbemea- to describe also finite amplitude perturbation evolution. / n sured in terms of the maximal velocity of disturbance In particular, the FSLE has been already demonstrated li propagationVp [2–5]. useful in investigating high dimensional systems [12]. n The evolution of a typical infinitesimal disturbance in The aim of this paper is to fully characterize the in- : v low dimensional systems is fully determined once the finitesimalandfiniteamplitudeperturbationevolutionin i maximal Lyapunov exponent is known. The situation spatio-temporal chaotic systems. Coupled map lattices X is more complicated in spatio-temporal chaotic systems, (CML’s) [15] are employed to mimic spatially extended r a whereinfinitesimalperturbationscanevolvebothintime chaotic systems. The FSLE is successfully applied to and in space. In this case a complete description of the discriminate the linear or nonlinear origin of informa- dynamics in the tangent space requires the introduction tion propagation in CML’s. Moreover, a generalization of other indicators, e.g.: the comoving Lyapunov expo- of the FSLE to comoving reference frame (finite size co- nents [6]andthe spatialandthe specific Lyapunovspec- moving Lyapunov exponent) allows to state a marginal tra [7]. stabilitycriterionable topredictVp inboth cases: linear Nevertheless, the complete knowledge of these Lya- or nonlinear propagation. A parallel with front prop- punov spectra is not sufficient to fully characterize the agation in reaction-diffusion [16,17] (non-chaotic) sys- irregular behaviors emerging in dynamical systems, this tems is worked out. The analogies between the two isparticularlytruewhentheevolutionoffiniteperturba- phenomena authorize to draw a correspondencebetween tionsisconcerned. Indeed,finite disturbances,whichare “pulled” (“pushed”) fronts and linear (nonlinear) infor- notconfinedinthetangentspace,butaregovernedbythe mation spreading. completenonlineardynamics,playafundamentalrolein The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. II the the erratic behaviors observed in some high dimensional FSLE is introduced and applied to low dimensional sys- system [8–12]. A rather intriguing phenomenon, termed tems (i.e. to single chaotic maps). Sect. III is devoted 1 to the description and comparison of linear and nonlin- typically depend on the considered point along the tra- ear disturbance propagation observed in different CML jectory and on the threshold δ . The two averages are n models. The finite size comoving Lyapunov exponent linked (at least in the continuous case) via the following is introduced in Sect. IV and employed to introduce a straightforwardrelationship [18] generalized marginal stability criterion for the determi- nation of Vp. A discussion on information propagation A(t) = 1 T dtA(t)= hAτie (1) in non chaotic systems conclude Sect. IV. The analogies h it T τ Z0 h ie between disturbance propagationin chaotic systems and front propagation connecting steady states are analyzed where T = i=1,N τi(δn,r) and hτ(δn,r)ie =T/N. inSect. V.TheAppendixisdevotedtotheestimationof A natural definition of the Finite Size Lyapunov Ex- P finite time corrections for the computation of the FSLE ponent λ(δn) is the following [14]: in extended systems. Finally, some conclusive remarks 1 1 are reported in Sect. VI. λ(δ ) lnr lnr. (2) n ≡ τ(δ ,r) ≡ τ(δ ,r) (cid:28) n (cid:29)t h n ie The last equality stems from the relationshipamong the II. FINITE SIZE LYAPUNOV EXPONENT: two averagesreported in (1). LOW DIMENSIONAL MODELS Inthelimitofinfinitesimalperturbationδ andofinfi- n nite T (or ) the FSLE convergesto the usual maximal Let us introduce the FSLE by consideringthe dynam- N Lyapunov exponent ical evolution of the state variable x=x(t) ruled by lim lim λ(δ )=λ. (3) n x˙(t)=f[x(t)], N→∞δn→0 where f represents a chaotic flow in the phase space. In practice, at small enough δn, λ(δn) displays a plateau λ. Moreover,one can verify that λ(δ ) is independent In order to evaluate the growth rate of non infinitesi- ∼ n of r, at least for not too large r [14]. mal perturbations one can proceed as follows: a refer- ence, x(t), and a perturbed, x′(t), trajectories are con- In Eq.(2) continuous time has been assumed, but dis- crete time is the most natural choice when experimental sidered. The two orbits are initially placed at a dis- datasets(typicallysampledatfixedintervals)areconsid- tance δ(0) = δ , with δ 1, assuming a cer- min min tain norm δ(t) = x′(t) x(t)≪. In order to ensure ered. In order to generalize the FSLE’s definition to the || − || case of discrete time dynamical systems, let us consider that the perturbed orbit relaxes on the attractor a first the following map scratch integration is performed for both the orbits un- til their distance has grown from δmin to δ0 (where x(t+1)=F(x(t)), 1>>δ >>δ ). Thistransientensuresalsothealign- 0 min ment of the perturbation along the direction of maximal where x is a continuous variable, and t assumes inte- expansion. Then the two trajectories are let to evolve ger values. In this case τ(δ ,r) = τ has simply to be n and the growth of their distance δ(t) through different interpreted as the minimum “integer” time such that pre-assigned thresholds (δn = δ0rn, with n = 0,...,N δ(τ) δn+1, and, since now δ(τ)/δn is a fluctuating ≥ and typically 1<r 2) is analyzed. quantity, the following definition is obtained ≤ After the first threshold, δ , is attained the times 0 τ(δ ,r) required for δ(t) to grow from δ up to δ are 1 δ(τ) n n n+1 λ(δ ) ln . (4) registered. Whenthe largestthresholdδ (whichshould n ≡ τ(δ ,r) δ N h n ie (cid:28) (cid:18) n (cid:19)(cid:29)e be obviously chosen smaller than the attractor size) is reached, the perturbed trajectory is rescaled to the ini- A theoretical estimation of (4) is rarely possible, and in tial distance δ from the reference one. most cases, one can only rely on a numerical computa- min By repeating the above procedure times, for each tion of λ(δn). However, in the following we will report threshold δ , one obtains a set of “douNbling” times (this two simple cases for which an approximate analytic ex- n terminology is strictly speaking correct only if r = 2) pression for the FSLE can be worked out. τi(δn,r) i=1,...,N and one can define the average of any Let us first consider the tent map { } observable A=A(t) on this set of doubling times as: 1 F(x)=1 2 x N − − 2 1 (cid:12) (cid:12) A A , (cid:12) (cid:12) h ie ≡ i wherex [0:1]. This is aone d(cid:12)imens(cid:12)ionalchaoticmap, N Xi=1 since λ=∈ln2 is positive. (cid:12) (cid:12) where A =A(τ (δ ,r)). The average does not coin- Due to the simplicity of this map, one can estimate i i n e h·i cide with an usual time average along a considered the expression (4) analytically obtaining the following t h·i trajectory in the phase space, since the doubling times approximation 2 λ(δ) ln2 δ, (5) whichagaincorrectlyreproducesthenumericaldata(see ≃ − Fig. 1 (b) ) and in the limit δ 0 reduces to the cor- valid for not too large δ values. The maximal Lyapunov → responding maximal Lyapunov exponent λ = lnβ. As exponent is correctly recovered in the limit δ 0 and → expected, finite amplitude disturbances can grow faster theaboveexpressionreproducesquitewellthenumerical than infinitesimal ones : estimate of the FSLE (see Fig. 1 (a) ). An important point to stress is that for this map the finite amplitude λ(δ)>λ(δ 0)=λ for 0<δ δsat, (7) perturbations grow with the same rate or slower than → ≤ the infinitesimal ones. The contraction of perturbations where δsat indicates the threshold at which saturation at large scales is due to saturation effects related to the effects set in. An even more interesting situation is attractor size. A similar dependence of the FSLE on represented by the circle map F(x) = α + x mod 1. the considered scale is observed for the majority of the This map is marginally stable (i.e. λ =0), but it is chaotic maps (logistic, cubic, etc.), as we have verified. unstable at finite scales. Indeed, the FSLE is given by λ(δ)=δ/(1 δ)ln[(1 δ)/δ], which is positive for 0.8 0 < δ < 1/2. T−herefore −at small, but finite, perturba- 0.7 tions a positive growth rate is observed in spite of the a (marginal) stability against infinitesimal perturbations. 0.6 As a consequence, the circle map can exhibit behaviors 0.5 1 that can be hardly distinguished from chaos under the δ) 0.4 0.8 influenceofnoise,sincesmallperturbationsmaybeocca- λ( x) 0.6 sionally driven into the nonlinear (unstable) regime and 0.3 f( 0.4 therefore amplified. Of course, the role of noise can be 0.2 played by coupling with other maps, e.g. it has been 0.2 0 found that coupled circle maps display behavior resem- 0.1 bling (for some aspects) that of a chaotic system [11]. x 0 This phenomenon becomes even more striking in certain 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 coupled stable maps where, even if the maximal Lya- δ punov exponent is negative [9], one can have a strong sensitivity to non infinitesimal perturbations [19] (see 11 Sect. IVB for a detailed discussion). The two maps here examined for which (7) holds have b 00..88 a common characteristic: they are discontinuous. How- ever, in order to observe similar strong nonlinear effects, 00..66 11 it is sufficient to consider a continuous map with high, δ)δ) 00..88 butfinite, first-derivative F′ values [10]. Inthis respect λ(λ( 00..44 x)x) 00..66 a simple example, that w|ill b|e examined more in detail f(f( 00..44 in Sect. IV, is represented by the map: 00..22 00..22 00 0000..2200..4400..6600..8811 bx 0 x<1/b ≤ xx F(x)= 1 c(1 q)(x 1/b) 1/b x< b+c 00  −q+d−(x b+−c) b+c≤ x 1bc; 1100--77 1100--66 1100--55 1100--44 1100--33 1100--32 1100--11 11  − bc bc ≤ ≤ δδ (8)  FIG. 1. λ(δ) versus δ for the tent map (a) and the shift with b=2.7, d=0.1, q =0.07 and c =500. For c mapwithβ=2(b). Thecontinuouslinesaretheanalytically →∞ the map (8) reduces to the one studied in [9]. For the computedFSLEandtheboxesthenumericallyevaluatedone. map (8) the FSLE dependence on δ is similar to that The two maps are displayed in theinsets. observed for the shift map. One can wonder if there are systems for which, at variance with the behavior (5), the finite size correc- tionsleadstoanenhancementofthegrowthrateatlarge III. INFORMATION SPREADING IN SPATIALLY scales. As shownin[11],the shift mapF(x)=βxmod1 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS representsa goodcandidate. Alsointhis caseitis possi- bletoobtainananalyticalexpressionfortheFSLE,when Inthissectionwewillexaminethemechanismsbehind δ <[1/(r+β)], the information flow in spatially distributed systems. In 1 1 βδ particular, the influence of linear and nonlinear effects λ(δ)= (1 2δ)lnβ+δln − , (6) 1 δ − δ on information (error) spreading will be analyzed. As a − (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) 3 prototype of spatially distributed system Coupled Map The velocity V can be directly measured by detect- p Lattices (CML’s) [15] are considered : ing the leftmost, i (t), and the rightmost, i (t), sites for l r whichattime t the perturbation∆x (t) exceedsa preas- i x (t+1)=F(x˜ (t)) signed threshold. The definition of V is the following i i p ε x˜i(t)=(1−ε)xi(t)+ 2(xi−1(t)+xi+1(t)) (9) V = lim lim ir(t)−il(t), (12) p t→∞L→∞ 2t where t and i are the discrete temporal and spatial in- where the limit L has to be taken first to avoid dices, L is the lattice size (i= L/2,...,L/2), xi(t) the boundarieseffects. →The∞velocity(12)doesnotdependon − state variable, and ε [0 : 1] measures the strength of the chosen threshold values [2,4,10]. ∈ the diffusive coupling. F(x) is a nonlinear map of the Since the dynamics of the difference field (11) is not interval ruling the local dynamics. confined in the tangent space, non linearities can play a In order to understand how the information spreads crucial role in the information propagation. Indeed, we along the chain, let us consider two replicas of the same will see that the evolution of the disturbances strongly system, x(t)={xi(t)} and x′(t)={x′i(t)}, that initially dependonthe consideredmapF(x) andinparticularon differ only in a single site of the lattice (e.g. i = 0) of a the shape of λ(δ). In the next subsection propagationin quantity d0, i.e. CML’swithlocalchaoticmapsforwhichλ(δ) λ δ is ≤ ∀ discussed. Local maps for which the condition (7) holds ′ |xi(0)−xi(0)|=∆xi(0)=d0δi,0, (10) will be the subject of Sect. IIIB. where δ is the Kronecker’s delta. In a chaotic system i,0 the perturbation will typically grow locally and spread A. Linear Mechanisms along the chain. These phenomena can be studied by considering the difference field Since in this subsection we consider CML’s for which the local instabilities are essentially dominated by the ∆x (t)= x′(t) x (t) = F(x˜′(t 1)) F(x˜ (t 1)) . behavior of infinitesimal perturbations, most of the fea- i | i − i | | i − − i − | tures can be understood by limiting the analysis to the (11) tangent space. The evolutionintangentspaceisobtainedbylineariz- It has to be stressed that the full nonlinear dynamics ing Eq. (9), i.e. contributes to the evolution of ∆x (t). i ′ Thespreadingofthisinitiallylocalizeddisturbancecan δxi(t+1)=F (x˜i(t))[δxi(t)+ be characterized in terms of the velocity of information ε (δxi+1(t) 2δxi(t)+δxi−1(t))], (13) propagation V [2,4]. As shown in Fig. 2, ∆x (t) can 2 − P i growonlywithin alight-cone,determinedbyVp. Forve- where F′ is the first derivative of a one dimensional locitieshigherthanV thedisturbanceisinsteaddamped. p chaotic map. Let us again consider as initial condition This individuates a sort of predictability “horizon” in for the evolution of (13) a localized perturbation as (10) space-time: i.e. an interface separating the perturbed with d infinitesimal. The spatio-temporal dynamics of 0 from the unperturbed region. the tangentvector δx (t) is determinedbythe interac- i { } tionandcompetitionoftwodifferentmechanismspresent in Eq. (13): the chaotic instability and the spatial diffu- sion. As a first approximation, the effects of the two mech- anisms can be treated as independent. The chaotic in- stability leads to an average exponential growth of the ∆xi(t) infinitesimal disturbance: |δx0(t)| ≈ d0exp[λt]. On the otherhand,thespatialdiffusion,duetothecoupling,ap- 1 300 10-3 250 proximately leads to a spatial Gaussian spreading of the 10-6 200 disturbance : |δxi(t)| ≈ |δx0(t)|/√4πDtexp(−i2/4Dt) 10-9 150 t whereD =ε/2. Combiningthesetwoeffects oneobtains 100 1 i2 -250-200-150-100-50i0 50100150200250050 |δxi(t)|≈d0√2πεtexp(cid:18)λt− 2εt(cid:19) . (14) Sincethechaoticnatureofthephenomenonwilltypically FIG. 2. Evolution of ∆xi(t), for a chain of coupled tent inducesfluctuations,Eq.(14)canonlydescribetheaver- map lattices with a coupling ε = 2/3. The initial perturba- age shape of the disturbance. Moreover, Eq. (14) holds tion is taken as in (10) with d0 =10−8. only when the perturbation is infinitesimal, since when 4 the disturbance reaches finite values a saturation mech- an intially localized (infinitesimal) disturbance (10) in a anism (due to the nonlinearities) sets in preventing the reference frame moving with velocity v can be expressed divergence of δx (t). as i | | To verify the validity of (14), we studied the evolu- δx (t) d eΛ(v)t, (15) tion of localized perturbations of a homogeneous spatio- | i |∼ 0 temporalchaoticstate,inparticularcoupledlogisticand by following the perturbationalongthe worldline i=vt tentmapshavebeenconsideredintheregimeof“fullyde- onecaneasilymeasuresthecorrespondingcomovingLya- veloped turbulence” [2]. Firstly, the system is randomly punov exponent Λ(v) (for more details see [6,22]). The initialized and let to relax for a relatively long transient. informationpropagationvelocityisthemaximalvelocity At this stage two replicas of the same system are gener- for which a disturbance still propagates without being ated and to one of the two a localized perturbation (like damped. Therefore it can be defined throughthe follow- (10))isadded. Theevolutionofthedifferencefield(11)is ing marginal stability criterion [6]: thenmonitoredatsuccessivetimes. Inordertowashout thefluctuations,theshapeofthedisturbanceisobtained Λ(V ) 0, (16) L averaging over many distinct realizations. ≡ wherethevelocityhasbeennowindicatedwithV inor- L der to stress that it has been obtained via a linear anal- 1 ysis. Forthe maps consideredinthis sectionthe identity V =V is always fulfilled. 10-2 p L a b 10-4 1 10-6 0.8 > x(t)i 10-8 0.6 ∆< 10-10 Vp 0.4 0.2 (c) (d) 10-12 0 10-14 1 10-16 0.8 0 400 800 0 200 400 0.6 i2 i2 Vp 0.4 FIG. 3. Average evolution of perturbations for a CML of logistic maps (f(x) = 4x(1 x)) for (a) ε = 1/3 and (b) 0.2 (a) (b) ε=1/10. h∆xi(t)i is reporte−d as a function of i2 in a lin-log 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 scaleatdifferenttimes(frombottomtotopt=10,20,30,40). ε ε Deviations from a straight line correspond to deviation from FIG. 4. Comparison between the directly measured prop- 1th0e3 Greaauliszsaitainonssh,afpoer.eah∆chxoi(nte)i∆isxio(b0t)ahinaesdbaesenanchaovseernagaeso(1v0er) (abgoaxtieosn) fvoerloaciCtiMesLVopf=logVisLti(ccimrcalpess)wainthd(tah)eapr=ed3i.c9tiaonnd(1(b8)) with d0 = 10−7. For comparison the prediction (14) is also a=4, and of tent maps with (c) a=2 (d) a=1.8. Lattices reported (dashed lines). of 4 104 maps has been used. · As one can see from Fig. 3 Eq. (14) is fairly well veri- Asshownin[6],inaclosedsystemwithsymmetriccou- fiedforlargeenoughcouplingwhileitfailsatsmallε[20]. pling Λ = Λ(v) has typically a concave shape, with the These discrepancies are due to the finite spatial resolu- maximum located at v =0 (in particular λ=Λ(v =0)). tion (that in CML’s is always fixed to 1), since for small An approximate expressioncanbe obtained for Λ(v), by diffusivity constant the discretization of the Laplacian substitutingi=vtin(14)andbycomparingitwith(15) becomes inappropriate. The expression (14) for distur- : bance evolution has been already proposed in Ref. [21] Λ(v)=λ v2/2ε . (17) for CML’s in two dimensions. Deviations from(14) have − been observed also in [21], but attributed to anomalous This parabolic expression for Λ(v) suffers of the same diffusive behaviors. It has to be remarked that expres- limits mentioned for the Gaussian approximation (14) sion(14)isvalidonlyatshorttimes,sinceasymptotically for the disturbance evolution. Anyway, from (17) an an- (t )theinfinitesimalleadingedgeofthepropagating fro→nt∞δx (t) assumes an exponential profile [11]. alytical prediction can be obtained for VL : i | | For what concerns the propagation velocity, an esti- V =√2ελ, (18) A mation of V can be obtained for infinitesimal perturba- p tions by the evaluation of the so-called maximal comov- which,asshowninFig.4,isindeedverygoodapartfrom ing Lyapunov exponents Λ(v) [6]. The time evolution of some deviations for ε 0 and ε 1. In Sect. V we will ≈ ≈ 5 rederive (18) by assuming that the chaotic perturbation reported. As shown in [24], when the coupling ε 1/2 ≤ behaves as a front connecting a stable and an unstable the maximal Lyapunov exponent for such model coin- (metastable) fixed point in a non-chaotic reaction diffu- cides with that of the single map (namely, λ = ln(β)) sion system. and if β > 1 the system is chaotic. Initially the pertur- Let us briefly recall that another method (not suffer- bation, that is still infinitesimal, spreads with the linear ing for boundary problems) to determine the comoving velocity V above defined. At later time it begins to L Lyapunov exponent has been introduced in [22]. The propagate faster with a velocity V > V . Comparing P L method relies on the computation of specific Lyapunov Fig. 5 with Fig. 2, one can see that the second stage of exponents λ(µ) associated to an exponentially decaying the propagation sets in when the bulk of the perturbed perturbation (with spatial decay rate µ). In other words region reaches sufficiently high values. As a matter of one assumes thatthe spatio-temporalevolutionofanin- fact the initial stage of propagation disappears if we ini- finitesimal disturbance can be written as tialize the two replicas with a disturbance of amplitude (1). From these facts it is evident that the origin of |δxi(t)|∼d0eλ(µ)t−µi. (19) Othe information propagation characterized by Vp > VL should be due to the strong nonlinear effects present in Since the asymptotic leading edge of the front separat- this type of CML. ingperturbedfromunperturbedpartofthe chainhasan exponential shape, the above assumption (19) is appro- priate to study its evolution. It is straightforward to show that the comoving Lya- punov exponents are related to the specific ones via a Legendre transform [22], all the data concerning comov- ing exponents reportedin this paper havebeen obtained with such a method. Moreover, a further results con- ∆xi(t) cerns the linear velocity VL, it can be shown [11] that 1 1400 its value corresponds to the minimal propagation veloc- 10-3 1200 ity V(µ) = λ(µ)/µ associated with perturbations of the 10-6 1000 800 form (19), i.e. 10-9 600 t 400 VL =mµinλ(µµ) ≡ µλLL (20) -300 -200 -100 i0 100 200 3000200 where µL and λL = λ(µL) represent the spatial decay FIG. 5. The same of Fig. 2 for a lattice of coupled shift rate and the temporal growth rate of the leading edge, maps with β=1.03, ε=1/3. respectively. The expression (20) for the linear velocity is identical to the one derived for propagation of fronts The behavioratlong times canbe understoodby con- connecting a stable to an unstable steady state [23]. sidering the dependence of λ(δ) on the disturbance am- plitude as shown in Fig. 1b: actually the figure refers to the single map with β = 2, but the shape of λ(δ) is B. Non Linear Mechanisms qualitatively the same also for the coupled system and for other β-values. Inthis sectionweinvestigatethe caseofcoupledmaps Until the perturbation is infinitesimal λ(δ) λ and ≃ forwhichλ(δ)>λ(0)insomeintervalofδ. Asnoticedin thelinearanalysisapplies,whenthedisturbancebecomes Sect. II, this behavior can be observed in chaotic (abso- biggerthanacertainamplitude, δNL, the growthwillbe lutelyunstable)maps,aswellasinstableandmarginally faster, since now λ(δ) > λ. As it can be clearly seen in stable maps. Let us first analyze chaotic maps, non- Fig. 6, the perturbation is well reproduced by the linear chaotic ones will be discussed in Sect. IVB. approximation (14) until the amplitude of the perturba- For these systems it is possible to have V > V , this tion reachesa critical value δNL O(10−4) abovewhich p L ∼ means that the disturbance can still propagate also in the nonlinear effects set in. At this stage the nonlinear the velocity range [V ,V ], even if the corresponding co- instabilitiesbegintopushthefrontleadingtoanincrease L p movingLyapunovexponentsarenegative. Therefore,the of its velocity and deforming the profile of the perturba- linearmarginalstabilitycriterion(16)doesnotholdany- tion. This becomes exponential at much shorter times more. We want to stress that the condition (7) is neces- than in the linear situation discussed in previous sub- sary, but not sufficient to ensure that V > V , since all section. Moreover, when the propagation is dominated p L the details of the coupled model play also an important by nonlinear mechanisms the spatial decay rate µ of NL role. the asymptotic leading edge will be greater of the linear In Fig. 5 the spatio-temporal evolution of an initially expectedvalueµ : this resultcanbe explainedagainin- L localized disturbance of a chain of coupled shift maps is vokingtheanalogywithpropagationoffrontsconnecting 6 steady states [11]. exhibits strong fluctuations. These features suggest that in order to generalize the criterion (16) to nonlinear driven information spreading 1 thegrowthoffinite amplitude perturbationsinamoving reference frame should be analyzed. 10-2 10-4 10-6 IV. FINITE SIZE LYAPUNOV EXPONENT: x(t)i 10-8 EXTENDED SYSTEMS ∆ 10-10 In this section we introduce the Finite Size Comov- ing Lyapunov Exponent (FSCLE) that is a generaliza- 10-12 tion of the FSLE to a moving reference frame. First of 10-14 all let us define the FSLE for an extended system: in 10-16 this case exactlythe same definition givenin Sect.II ap- 0 50 100 150 200 plies, apart from some ambiguities in the choice of the i norm to employ for measuring the distance δ(t) of the FIG.6. Evolutionoftheperturbation∆xi(t)foraCMLof perturbed,x′(t)= x′(t) ,fromtheunperturbedreplica, shift mapswith ε=1/3 and β=1.04 at four differenttimes, x(t)= x (t) . An{atuiral}choicecouldbetoperturbran- i t=250,450,650,1000. ThesolidlinesaretheexpectedGaus- domlyx{(t) an}dtolook forthe doublingtimes associated sianshape(14). Thedecayrateoftheasymptoticexponential to the evolution of the distance profileisµNL 1.47,noticeablygreaterthanthelinearvalue ∼ µL =0.42. L/2 1 ∆˜(t)= x′(t) x (t) ; (21) L | i − i | i=X−L/2 1 an alternative choice consists in perturbing a single site 10-2 ofthechain,let’ssayi=0,attimet=0andtoevaluate 10-4 the “single site” norm 10-6 ′ ∆x (t)= x (t) x (t) . (22) ∆x(t)i 1100-1-80 We have verified0that t|h0e tw−o no0rm|s (21) and (22) give equivalent results for what concerns the evaluation of 10-12 λ(δ). In this paper we will limit to consider the norm 10-14 (22). 10-16 In order to measure the FSCLE in a reference frame moving with velocity v, we have simply measured the 10-18 0 200 400 600 800 100012001400160018002000 difference (22) along a world line i=vt; i.e. t ′ FIG. 7. Time evolution of ∆x0(t) (solid line) and ∆xi(t) ∆xic+[vt](t)=|xic+[vt](t)−xic+[vt](t)| . (23) (dashed line), for i = V2t with V2 = 1/3. In this last case the data for two different chain configurations are reported. where [ ] denotes the integer part and i is introduced c The map used is the shift map with β = 1.1, ε = 1/3 and below. · L = 2·103. For these parameters one has VL = 0.250 and The FSCLE is then estimated as in Sect. II. Once a Vp =0.342. Notethatbetweent=200andt=500for∆xi(t) set of thresholds δ =rnδ , with n=0,...,N, is chosen n 0 thenumerical precision is reached. and the perturbation is initialized as ∆x (0) = δ δ i min i,0 withδ δ . Apreliminarytransientevolutionisper- min 0 To better clarify the difference between the linear and formed in≪order to allow to the perturbed orbit to relax non linear mechanisms we show the behavior of ∆xi(t) on the attractor. At the end of this short transient the along the world line i = Vt for two different velocities: position i where the perturbation reaches its maximum c V1 = 0 and VL < V2 < Vp. From Fig. 7, one observes is detected, this point is taken as the vertex of the light for the zero-velocity situation an exponential increase of cone from which all the considered world lines i = vt theperturbationwithrateλuntiliteventuallysaturates. depart. For the case corresponding to velocity V2 an initial ex- The FSCLE is then defined as ponentialdecaywithrateΛ(V )is seen,followedatlater 2 times by a resurgenceof the disturbance. The successive 1 ∆ Λ(δ ,v)= log , (24) evolutionofthe perturbationisnomoreexponentialand n τ(δ ) δ h n ie (cid:28) (cid:18) n(cid:19)(cid:29)e 7 where the dependence on the velocity v derives from the In the interval V v V (see Fig. 8(b)), Λ(δ,v) L p ≤ ≤ employednorm(23). NotethatwehaveusedEq.(4)due is still positive and its maximal value decreases for in- to the discreteness of the temporal evolution. creasing v. The FSCLE vanishes for v = V as Fig. 9 p In the limit of very small perturbation the FSCLE re- (a)shows. Inthis velocityrangeΛ(v)is alwaysnegative, duces to the comoving Lyapunov exponent therefore the instabilities observed in a reference frame moving with velocity higher than V have a fully non- L limΛ(δ,v)=Λ(v), (25) linear origin. The residualfluctuations presentin Λ(δ,v) δ→0 are essentially due to the limited statistics. Indeed the and, for v =0 one has the FSLE λ(δ). nonlinear growth as shown in Fig. 7 is extremely fluctu- Actually there are finite time effects which prevents ating. the limit (25)to be correctly attained. This is related to thefactthattheFSCLE’scanbeobtainedonlyviafinite 0.5 time measurements. In the Appendix we show how one 0.45 can include such finite time corrections. Inthe next subsectionswe willgive evidences thatthe 0.4 a marginallinearstabilitycriterion(16)canbegeneralized 0.35 with the aid of the FSCLE in the following way: 0.3 v) max Λ(δ,v) =0 forv Vp, (26) Λ(δ, 0.25 δ { } ≥ 0.2 where V can be either V , if the information propaga- 0.15 p L tion is due to linear mechanisms, or greater than V , 0.1 L when nonlinear mechanisms prevail on the linear ones. 0.05 For v > V one has Λ(δ,v) = 0, since due to the defi- p 0 nition of the FSCLE negative growth rate appear to be 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 0. δ 0.25 A. Chaotic Systems 0.2 b LetusfirstconsiderchaoticsystemsforwhichV V , p L in this case ≡ 0.15 v) δ, max Λ(δ,v) =Λ(v) Λ( 0.1 δ { } and the generalized criterion (26) reduces to the linear 0.05 one (16). As already stressed in Sect. IIIB, shift coupled maps represent a prototype of the class of chaotic models for 0 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 which V can be eventually bigger than V . For this p L δ model the behavior of Λ(δ,v) for various velocities is re- FIG.8. Λ(δ,v) as a function δ for various velocities. The ported in Fig. 8. datarefertothecoupledshiftmapswithβ=1.1andε=1/3, For v < VL, we observe that Λ(δ,v) Λ(v) up to a with these parameters VL 0.250 and Vp 0.342. In (a) re- ∼ ∼ ∼ certain value of the disturbance amplitude δNL, above sults for velocities v <VL are reported, namely (from top to which the FSCLE increases and exhibits a clear peak at bottom) v = 0, v = 0.10 and v = 0.16. The straight lines some higher δ-value. From Fig.8 (a) it is clear that δNL indicate Λ(v). In (b) velocities in the range [VL : Vp] are re- (which denotes the set in of the regime dominated by ported, from the top v=0.25, v=0.286, v=0.30, v=0.33, nonlinearmechanisms)decreasesforincreasingvelocities v = 0.34. Chains of lengths from L = 104 up to L = 105 and finally vanishes at v = V . This behavior is reason- havebeenemployedandthestatistics isover2 103 doubling L · times. able since, as shown in Fig. 5, initially the disturbance evolves along the chain following the linear mechanism characterized by Λ(v), but as soon as in the central site In Figure 9(a) the dependence of max Λ(δ,v) on v δ δ > δNL the nonlinear mechanism begins to be active. forcoupledshiftmapsisreported,asexpec{teditva}nishes Thus a nonlinear front is excited and this invades the exactlyforv =V . Forv <V anon-monotonousbehav- p L linearregionpropagatingwithavelocityhigherthanV , ior of max Λ(δ,v) is observable, this is probably due L δ { } therefore the higher is v the smalleris the scaleatwhich to the complex interplay of linear and nonlinear effects. nonlinear effects are observed. For v >V , the behavior is smoother and a monotonous L 8 decrease is observed. As discussed in Sect. II, the dis- limit v V Λ(δ,v) 0, as shown in Fig. 9 (b). At p → → continuity present in the shift map is not necessary in variance with the shift map (that is an everywhere ex- orderto observenonlinear mechanisms prevailing onlin- pandingmap)theconsideredmapshowscontractingand ear ones. expanding intervals. Therefore the disturbances during their spatio-temporal evolution can be alternatively ex- As an example of continuous map exhibiting an in- panded or contracted. This leads to strong fluctuations formation propagation velocity V > V the map (8) is p L in the FSCLE-values, that are difficult to remove. considered. This type of CML has been already studied in [10]: it has been observedthat in a certain parameter As a matter of fact we observed that even for veloci- range Vp can be finite even if the map is non chaotic. ties slightly larger than Vp Λ(δ,v) can be non zero. But Moreover,alsointhechaoticregimethereisawindowof thestatisticsoftheseanomalousfluctuationsisextremely parameters where V > V , with our parameters choice low,referringtotheparametersreportedinFig.9(b)for p L λ 0.182>0. v = 0.6 > Vp = 0.59 we observed an expansion (instead ≈ of the expected contraction) of disturbances in the 0.5% of the studied cases. For higher velocities Λ(δ,v) is zero 0.5 for any considered δ. 0.4 a 0.3 B. Non Chaotic Systems δ,v)] 0.2 Λ( x[δ 0.1 On the basis of the linear analysis discussed in ma Sect. IIIA the propagation of disturbances should be 0 present only in chaotic systems. For non chaotic ones λ 0 and from Eq. (16) one trivially obtains V = 0. L -0.1 V V On≤the other hand, in the class of systems for which L p λ(δ) λ there are also stable and marginally stable sys- -0.2 ≥ 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 tems. Therefore, a propagation due solely to non linear v terms can still be present[9–11]. In this section we want to discuss the possible employ of the FSLE to character- 0.7 ize these maps. 0.6 Before entering into the description of the FSLE com- b putation in such systems, it is of interest to recall an 0.5 importantphenomenonwhichappearsinstablesystems: 0.4 the so-called “stable chaos” [9]. Stable systems asymp- δ,v)] 0.3 totically evolve towards trivial attractors (i.e. fixed Λ( points, periodic or quasi-periodic orbits). However, in ax[δ 0.2 spatially extended systems it may happen that the time m 0.1 needed to reach the asymptotic state is very long: it has been found that in certain stable CML the transient 0 time divergesexponentiallywiththe numberofelements -0.1 VL Vp of the chain [8]. Moreover, this transient is character- -0.2 ized by a quasi-stationary behavior allowing for the in- 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 vestigationofthepropertiesofthe modelwithstatistical v consistency. In Ref. [9] it has been shown that a chain FIG. 9. maxδΛ(δ,v) (dashed line with points) versus v of coupled maps of the type (8), considered in their dis- comparedwithΛ(v)(continuousline). (a)Resultsforcoupled shift maps with the same parameters as Fig. 8, the vertical continuous limit (i.e. for c ), is non chaotic but → ∞ linesindicatesVL 0.250andthemeasured(12)propagation still exhibits erratic behaviors. This is associated to a ≈ velocity Vp 0.342. (b) Data for the coupled maps (8) with non-zero information spreading within the system. ≈ parameters b = 2.7, d = 0.1, q = 0.07 and c = 500 and with As far as the computation of the FSLE for these sys- coupling ε = 2/3, the vertical lines indicates VL 0.39 and tems is concerned, some remarks are worth to be done. Vp 0.59. In this second case chains of length L≈= 2 104 The definition of the FSLE in term of error doubling hav≈ebeenconsideredandthestatisticsisover2 104 doub·ling times cannot be used in a straightforward manner to · times. The reported values for maxδΛ(δ,v) refer to an aver- determine negative expansion rates. Another important age overfivevalues of δ around thepeak position of Λ(δ,v). point is that, at variance with the case of chaotic maps, finiteperturbationsshouldbenowconsideredinorderto Alsointhepresentcaseweobserveanoverallbehavior observe an expansion. ofthe FSCLEresemblingthatofthe coupledshift maps. These two points impede a straightforwardimplemen- The main point that we want to remark is that in the tation of our method to study these systems. Indeed, if 9 one starts with too small perturbations the propagation resultis in goodagreementwith the oneobtainedin [19] doesnotmanifest,whileifoneinitializesthesystemwith andconfirmsthatatthe originoftheperturbationprop- a finite perturbation λ(δ) cannot be estimated with the agationinthis systemthere shouldbe amechanismvery requiredaccuracy. Indeed, theonlywaytohaveaninde- similar to the one discussed for the shift map. Further pendenceofλ(δ)fromtheinitialconditionsistoinitialize studies related to the “stable chaos” phenomenon have the system with infinitesimal perturbations and then to been recently performed [26]. followthemuntiltheybecomefiniteduetothedynamics of the system (see Ref. [14] for a detailed discussion). The coupled (8) maps for c have been recently V. ANALOGIES WITH FRONT PROPAGATION analyzed by Letz & Kantz [19]→in∞term of an indicator IN REACTION DIFFUSIONS SYSTEMS similartotheFSLE(i.e. abletoquantifythegrowthrate of non infinitesimal perturbations). This indicator turns Theperturbationevolutioninspatiallydistributedsys- outtobenegativeforinfinitesimalperturbationsandbe- tems can be described as the motion of an interface sep- comespositiveforfiniteperturbations. Thismeansthata arating perturbed from unperturbed regions. In this finite perturbation of sufficient amplitude can propagate spirit,onecanwonderifandtowhatextentitispossible along the system due to nonlinear effects. This confirms to draw ananalogybetweenthe evolutionof this kind of what was previously observedin Ref. [11] for marginally interfaceandthepropagationoffrontsconnectingsteady stable systems. states in reaction diffusion systems. As already noticed in Ref. [11], the two phenomena display many similari- ties. In the following we will discuss the similarities and 1 differences, in particular we will introduce a simple phe- 1 nomenological model which can help us in highlighting 0.8 0.8 the analogies. 0.6 f(x) 00..46 Let us start by recalling the basic features of fronts 0.2 propagation in reaction diffusion systems with reference δ) 0.4 0 to the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov(FKPP) Ι( equation [16] 0.2 x ∂ θ(z,t)=D∂2 θ(z,t)+G(θ(z,t)), (27) t zz 0 where θ(z,t) represents the concentration of a reactants -0.2 which diffuses and reacts, the chemical kinetics is given 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 by G(θ). Typically the function G(θ) C1[0,1] (with δ G(0) = G(1) = 0) exhibits one stabl∈e (θ = 1) and one unstable (θ = 0) fixed point. Once the system is FIG.10. I(δ) as a function of the amplitude perturbation prepared on the stable state (θ(z) = 0 z), an initial inalin-logscaleforthediscontinuouscoupledmaps(8),inthe ∀ (sufficiently steep) perturbation (e.g. a step function limit c , with ε=1/3 and L=35. The map is reported →∞ θ(z,t=0)=Θ(z z ) ) will give rise to a smooth front in the inset. The negative maximal Lyapunov λ= 0.105 is 0 recoveredatsmallscales. Forthecomputationdetai−lsseethe movingwithavelo−cityVp,thatwillconnecttheunstable text. In theinset thesingle map is shown. and the stable fixed points: as a result the stable state willinvadetheunstableone. Thisequationadmitsmany In Fig. 10 we show the behavior of a quantity I(δ ) different traveling solutions that are typically character- n similar to λ(δ ) which has been obtained as follows. We ized by their propagation velocities, however for a suffi- n considered two trajectories at an initial distance δ , af- cientlysteepinitialperturbationoftheunstablestatethe n ter one time step evolution the distance δ between the selected front is unique and its velocity Vp is bounded in trajectory is measured. Then one of the two trajectory the interval [Vmin,Vmax], where is rescaled at a distance δ from the other, keeping the n direction of the perturbation unchanged, and the proce- V =2 DG′(0) (28) min dure is repeated several times and for several values of q δ . Thenweaveragedln(δ/δ )overmanydifferentinitial and n n conditions obtaining I(δ ). For δ 0, this is nothing n n butthe usualalgorithmforcomputin→gthe maximalLya- G(θ) V =2 D sup . (29) max punov exponent [25]. s 0<θ<1(cid:26) θ (cid:27) As discussed in Ref. [14] this method suffers of the problem that when δn is finite one is not sure to sam- IfG(θ)isconcavesup0<θ<1{′G(θ)/θ}isattainedatθ =0 ple correctly the measure on the statistically stationary (i.e. sup G(θ)/θ =G (0)) and the selected veloc- 0<θ<1{ } state. Indeed a finite perturbation will generically bring ity is always the minimum one: the front is “pulled” by thetrajectoryoutfromthe“attractor”. Neverthelessthe the growthof infinitesimal perturbations of the unstable 10

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