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Limits on the LyC signal from z~3 sources with secure redshift and HST coverage in the E-CDFS field PDF

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Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.LGuaita˙LyC (cid:13)c ESO2016 January14,2016 Limits on the LyC signal from z ∼ 3 sources with secure redshift and HST coverage in the E-CDFS field (cid:63) L.Guaita1,L.Pentericci1,A.Grazian1,E.Vanzella2,M.Nonino3,M.Giavalisco1,5,G.Zamorani2,A.Bongiorno1, P.Cassata7,M.Castellano1,B.Garilli8,E.Gawiser4,V.LeBrun6,O.LeFe`vre6,B.C.Lemaux6,D.Maccagni8,E. Merlin1,P.Santini1,L.A.M.Tasca6,R.Thomas6,7,E.Zucca2,S.DeBarros2,N.P.Hathi6,R.Amorin1,S. Bardelli2,andA.Fontana1 (Affiliationscanbefoundafterthereferences) Accepteddate:January5th,2016 6 1 ABSTRACT 0 2 Context.DeterminingthestrengthoftheLymancontinuum(LyC)andthefractionofLyCescapehaveimplicationsforthepropertiesofthe n emittingsourcesatanyredshift,butalsoforthere-ionizationoftheUniverseatz>6. a Aims.WeaimtomeasuretheLyCsignalfromasampleofsourcesintheChandradeepfieldsouth.Wecollectstar-forminggalaxies(SFGs)and J activegalacticnuclei(AGN)withaccuratespectroscopicredshifts,forwhichHubbleSpaceTelescope(HST)coverageandmulti-wavelength 2 photometryareavailable. 1 Methods.Weselectedasampleofabout200sourcesatz ∼ 3.TakingadvantageofHSTresolution,weappliedacarefulcleaningprocedure and rejected sources showing nearby clumps with different colours, which could be lower-z interlopers. Our clean sample consisted of 86 ] SFGs(including19narrow-bandselectedLyαemitters)and8AGN(including6detectedinX-rays).WemeasuredtheLyCfluxfromaperture A photometryinfournarrow-bandfilterscoveringwavelengthsbelowa912Årestframe(3.11 < z < 3.53).Weestimatedtheratiobetween G ionizing(LyCflux)and1400Ånon-ionizingemissionsforAGNandgalaxies. Results. Byrunningpopulationsynthesismodels,weassumeanaverageintrinsicL (1400Å)/L (900Å)ratioof5astherepresentativevalue . ν ν h foroursample.Withthisvalueandanaveragetreatmentofthelinesofsightoftheinter-galacticmedium,weestimatetheLyCescapefraction p relativetotheintrinsicvalue(fescrel(LyC)).WedonotdirectlydetectionizingradiationfromanyindividualSFG,butweareabletoseta1(2)σ - upperlimitoffescrel(LyC)<12(24)%.Thisresultisconsistentwithothernon-detectionspublishedintheliterature. o Nomeaningfullimitscanbecalculatedforthesub-sampleofLyαemitters.WeobtainonesignificantdirectdetectionforanAGNatz=3.46, tr withfescrel(LyC)=(72±18)%. s Conclusions. Ourupperlimitonfescrel(LyC)impliesthattheSFGsstudiedheredonotpresenteitherthephysicalpropertiesorthegeometric a conditionssuitableforefficientLyC-photonescape. [ Keywords.Techniques:imaging–Galaxies:Star-FormingGalaxies,LymanAlphaEmitters,ActiveGalacticNuclei 1 v 7 5 1. Introduction only theLyC signal coming from2.5 < z < 4 sourcescan be 0 detectedfromtheground. 3 Theradiationatwavelengthsshorterthan912Å(Lymancon- Theoretically, the production, propagation, and escape of 0 tinuum, LyC) is produced by massive OB-type stars in young LyCphotonsarerelatedtothephysicalpropertiesofthegalax- . star clusters (e.g. Avedisova, 1979) and by active galactic nu- 1 ies. Firstly, the production of LyC radiation implies the pres- clei (AGN). At z > 2.5, it is redshifted into the optical light 0 ence of young, massive stars, and therefore of on-going star 6 spectralregionand,inprinciple,itcouldbedetectedfromthe formation.Becauseofthefastrecombinationtimescaleofthe 1 ground. HI atoms, previous episodes of star formation have no signif- v: Stellar models (e.g. Bruzual & Charlot, 2003; Leitherer icantimpactontheproductionofionizingphotonseventually i et al., 1999) predict that the intrinsic ratio between ionizing escapingthegalaxy(e.g.Paardekooperetal.,2015).Secondly, X and non-ionizing radiation from star-forming galaxies is less the propagation of LyC photons within the ISM is favoured r than0.2-0.5(dependingonthestellarpopulationage,metallic- by a negligible amount of dust and low column density of a ity,AGN-galaxyfraction).Asaresultofitsenergy,theLyCis HI (N(HI) ≤ 1018 cm−2) in a 10-pc scale region around the verylikelytobeabsorbedbyneutralhydrogen(HI)anddustin emitting star clusters. This could be the case for galaxies em- theinter-stellarmedium(ISM)orbytheHIintheinter-galactic bedded in dark-matter halos with masses less than 108 M (cid:12) medium (IGM). At z >> 4, the IGM is completely opaque to (Yajima et al., 2011; Wise et al., 2014; Paardekooper et al., thisradiation,andthechanceofdetectionfromEarthbecomes 2015).However,evengalaxiesresidinginmoremassivehalos negligible (e.g. Madau, 1995; Inoue et al., 2014). Therefore, can have lines of sight favourable to the propagation and the escapeofLyCphotons(Gnedinetal.,2008;Royetal.,2015). Send offprint requests to: Lucia Guaita, e-mail: Supernova explosions could have cleared their ISM, and star- lucia.guaita@oa-roma.inaf.it formation episodes could occur in their outskirts. In addition, (cid:63) BasedondataobtainedwiththeEuropeanSouthernObservatory ’runaway’OBstarsupto1kpcawayfromtheinitial-originre- Very Large Telescope, Paranal, Chile, under Programs 170.A–0788, gionsareproposedtosignificantlycontributetotheamountof 074.A–0709,171.A–3045,275.A–5060,and185.A–0791. LyCphotonsfinallyemittedintotheIGM(Conroy&Kratter, 1 L.Guaita:LyCsignal 2012). Thirdly, LyC photons emitted into the IGM can affect which can be responsible for a false LyC signal. Siana et al. the galaxy environment, changing the ratio of neutral vs ion- (2015) reached the same conclusion after following up five izedgas,eventuallyfuellingtheISM(e.g.Martinetal.,2012, LyC emitter candidates that were previously photometrically forastudyofionized-metaloutflowsandinflows).Simulations selectedthroughnarrow-bandimaging(seealsoMostardietal., at intermediate redshift have shown that the LyC escape frac- 2015). tion(fesc(LyC))steeplydecreasesasthedark-matterhalomass ThedirectdetectionofLyCphotonsalsohasimplications (M )increasesat3 < z < 6(e.g.Yajimaetal.,2011)andthat thehmedian fesc(LyC) also changes with redshift at z = 4−6 forunderstandingtheoriginofthere-ionizationoftheUniverse at z > 6 and which objects keep it ionized at z ∼ 6. It is still (e.g.,Cen&Kimm,2015).Itisworthstressingthatwhilesome uncertain if galaxies or AGN were the main drivers of the re- authorsfindthattheLyCescapefractiondecreaseswiththein- ionization. The uncertainty depends on the fact that we still creaseinthehalomass(seealsoFerrara&Loeb,2013),other havenotobservedexactlyhowionizingradiationescapesfrom worksfindtheoppositetrend:fesc(LyC)isfoundtorangefrom individualgalaxies.However,theaverageionizationrateofthe a few percent (e.g. Gnedin et al., 2008) up to 20−30% (e.g. UniversehasbeenestimatedbystudyingtheLyαforestonthe Mitraetal.,2013)orevenhigher(e.g.Wise&Cen,2009). line of sight of bright sources and the physical properties of Searches for LyC emission from galaxies have been thehigh-redshiftIGM(e.g.Haardt&Madau,2012;Becker& very difficult so far. In the local Universe, two galaxies Bolton, 2013). Depending on the redshift, either galaxies or have been observed to be ionizing-radiation emitters. One is AGNhavebeenconsideredthemainsourcesoftheionization. Haro11, a blue compact and metal poor (oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H)=7.9)galaxyatz=0.02,characterizedbyM(HI) A Lyman continuum from an AGN is observed in many <108 M (Bergvalletal.,2006).Itiscomposedofthreemain cases (e.g. Cowie et al., 2009; Stevans et al., 2014; Worseck (cid:12) young (< 40 Myr old) star-formation clumps, probably expe- etal.,2014;Lussoetal.,2015;Tiltonetal.,2015),butthenum- riencing a merging event. Leitet et al. (2011) estimated that ber of bright AGN significantly decreases at z > 3 (e.g., Fan ∼ 17% of the intrinsic LyC flux escapes Haro11 (see also et al., 2006). However, Giallongo et al. (2015) evaluated the Bergvalletal.,2013,forthemethod).Acomparablevaluewas luminosityfunctionoffaintAGNatz=4−6.5.Theydemon- estimatedbyLeitetetal.(2013)forasecondbluegalaxy,Tol stratedthattheAGNpopulationintheirsamplecouldproduce 1247-232, which is also characterized by low metallicity and ionization rates comparable with those required to keep the lowdustcontent. IGM as ionized as the observed Lyα forest of similar-redshift Atz ∼ 0.24,Borthakuretal.(2014)discoveredasimilarly quasar spectra. Despite this, the majority of the studies still blue galaxy, J0921+4509, that could have a LyC escape frac- supporttheideathatlow-massstar-forminggalaxies(belowthe tionof(21±5)%.J0921+4509ischaracterizedbyamoderately currentsurveydetectionlimits)arethemostprobablesources highstellarmass(1010.8M ),metallicity(12+log(O/H)=8.67), of the re-ionization (Duncan & Conselice, 2015; Dayal et al., (cid:12) and a moderate star-formation rate, SFR = 55 M yr−1. 2015; Robertson et al., 2015). A few rare cases of more mas- (cid:12) However,theanalysesofhardX-rayandradioemissionsofthis sive galaxies with active phenomena of feedback could also galaxy did not exclude the possible contribution by an AGN contribute, and we may have the chance to find galaxies like (Jiaetal.,2011;Alexandroffetal.,2012). them by exploring large samples at z < 4 (see also Chardin etal.,2015). At0.3≤z≤3,notoneundisputeddetectionofLyCfroma purestar-forminggalaxyexists.Bridgeetal.(2010)foundone Finally,itisimportanttoconsiderthefactthatthephysical LyCleakinggalaxywithanactivegalacticnucleusat z ∼ 0.7 properties of galaxies/AGN and their LyC escape fraction at (∼15%oftheintrinsicLyC),butnoLyCsignalfrompurestar- theepochofre-ionizationinturncouldbedifferentfromthose forminggalaxies.Sianaetal.(2010)searchedforLyCemission at2<z<4.Duncan&Conselice(2015),forinstance,showed instarburstgalaxiesatz∼1.3,butfoundnoemissionfromany thatstar-forminggalaxiesatz>6couldbebluerandtherefore ofthem.Iwataetal.(2009),Nestoretal.(2013),andMostardi able to produce a larger number of ionizing photons than at etal.(2013)compiledsamplesofafewLyCemittercandidates intermediateredshift. among z ∼ 3 UV-continuum-selected star-forming galaxies In this work, we start from sources with secure redshift, andnarrow-band-selectedLymanalphaemitters.ALyCsignal since photometric-redshift samples always contain some in- from individual sources was estimated by measuring the flux terlopers. This can be achieved by starting with large spec- innarrowbands,coveringthe∼900Årestframe.However,the troscopic samples, such as VUDS (the VIMOS Ultra Deep contamination from nearby lower-z neighbours was not con- Survey, Le Fe`vre et al., 2015) and the ESO-GOODS master sideredontheobject-by-objectbasisinthesesamples,andthis catalogue; then we analyse images at the resolution of HST couldhaveledtofalsedetections(Sianaetal.,2015;Mostardi to eliminate close-by possible lower-z contaminants, and take etal.,2015).Vanzellaetal.(2010a),Boutsiaetal.(2011),and advantageofmulti-wavelengthphotometryandHSTimagesto Grazian et al. (2016) analysed large samples of z ∼ 3 star- correlatetheLyCsignalwithphysicalandmorphologicalprop- forming galaxies with secure redshift, without providing any erties(seealsoBogosavljevic´,2010).Thescopeistomeasure significant detection. A promising LyC detection comes from eitheradirectLyCsignalorareliableLyCupperlimitforour Ion2, a galaxy at z ∼ 3.218, studied in Vanzella et al. (2015); sample of star-forming galaxies, free of contamination from deBarrosetal.(2016),Vanzellaetal.inprep. low-zinterlopers. The total number of sources investigated in these high- redshift studies is quite high, but not all of the analysed star- Thepaperisorganizedasfollows.InSect.2wepresentthe forminggalaxieshavehomogeneousarchivaldata.Inparticu- data and the selection of our sample of star-forming galaxies lar, only some of them have Hubble Space Telescope (HST) andAGN,inSect.3wedescribethemethodusedtoestimate coverage and multi-wavelength photometry, which is essen- theLyCsignal,inSect.4wecollectthearchivalpropertiesof tialtoidentifynearbylow-redshiftcontaminants.Asshownby oursample,inSects.5and6weshowourresultsanddiscuss Vanzellaetal.(2012a),oneofthemainlimitationsofLyCstud- them,andwesummarizeourworkinSect.7.Throughoutthe ies is the difficulty of identifying low-redshift contaminants, paperweuseABmagnitudes. 2 filter(FWHM), exp7me, PSF, 3σ,det,limit, op7mal, instrument/telescope, (PSF/2,radius), aperture, NB3727(50,Å), 35.8,h, 1.4”, 26.7, 1.4”, MOSAICII@CTIO4m, NB387(110,Å), 8.5h, 0.7”, 28.8, 0.8”, SuprimeCam@SUBARU, NB388,(37,Å), 16.7h, 0.8”, 29.8, 0.8”, FORS@VLT, NB396,(129,Å), 13h, 0.9”, 27.4, 1.0”, WFI@LaSilla2.2m, L.Guaita:LyCs3ign0al’x30’%ECDFS% ground+based% WFI_U50, MUSYC U 0.5 VVIIMMOOSS__UB NB3727, MOSAICII@CTIO 0.4 NB387, SupCam@SUBARU T()λ0.3 NNBB339868 WFOFRI@S@LaVSLiTlla2.2m 70,spectroscopically,confirmed, 0.2 SFGs,at,3.11<z<3.53,,,0,.1(+,17,LAEs,at,z(cid:1)3.1), 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 λ [Å] in,clean,regions, NB3727,,,,,NB387 0.5 , (NB,PSF!), 0.4 , 0.3 NB388,,,,,,,NB396,, +  about%50%%of%the%sources%are%lost%for%“cleaning”% 0.2 NB3727, MOSAICII@CTIO 0.1 NspBe3c9t6ru WmF aI@t zL=aS3i.l5la32.2m spectrum at z=3.30 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 λ [Å] +  V~25,%mNB~27%(fesc(LyC)=30%,% %% Inoue2014) Fig.1: Upperpanel: Narrow-band filter transmission curves, con- %%%%%%V~27,%mNB~29%% volved with the instrument characteristics. They are not affected by theredleakintheopticalwavelengthcoverage.Lowerpanel:NB3727 andNB396togetherwithtwosyntheticspectraofstar-forminggalax- ies, obtained by running BC03 models at sub-solar metallicity and extractingastellarpopulationof10Myr.Thesolid(dashed)redline correspondstoaspectrumredshiftedtoz=3.30(3.53). Fig.2: Area in E-CDFS covered by the four narrow-band images. TheimageobtainedwithNB3727coverstheentireE-CDFSareaof 30’x30’,theotherimagesapartofit.Theblueandgreensquaresin- 2. Dataandsampleselection dicatetheareaofE-CDFSandarecolouredasthetransmissioncurves inFig.1. WemeasuredtheLyCfluxinnarrow-bandfiltersthatcoverthe rest-framewavelengthrangeof860 < λ < 912Å.Westarted fromasampleofphotometricallyselectedstar-forminggalax- Lyαemissionlinesatz ∼ 2.2.Wefocusedonthecentralarea ies that are spectroscopically confirmed. This ensures that we of NB387 image, where astrometry is of better quality (see avoid the contamination that is often present when only pho- Sec. 2.1.1). This narrow band samples the LyC for sources at tometricredshiftsand/ornarrow-bandselectionsareavailable. 3.33<z<3.43. Withthis,webuiltasampleofstar-forminggalaxiesandAGN The NB388 image was obtained with the FORS1 instru- with accurate redshift, and we required the availability of at ment at the VLT for a total exposure time of 17 hours; the least two HST broad bands to be able to identify low-z inter- NB388 filter was also used by Hayes et al. (2010) to probe lopersbyeye. Lyαemissionlinesatz ∼ 2.2.ItsamplestheLyCforsources at3.28<z<3.49.Theimageareaisabout12arcmin2. The NB396 image was obtained with the WFI instrument 2.1. Narrow-bandfilters attheESO2.2metertelescopeatLaSillaforatotalexposure Thenarrow-bandfiltersweconsideredformeasuringtheLyC time of 13 hours; this filter covers the Lyα emission line at fluxareNB3727,NB387,NB388,andNB396.Theycoverthe z∼2.25(likeinNilssonetal.,2009).Wefocusedonthecentral wavelengthrangebetweentheUandBbands(Table1andFig. area of the NB396 image (see Sect. 2.1.1). This narrow band 1).Fortheimagesobtainedinthesefilters,wemeasuredasee- samplestheLyCforsourcesat3.41<z<3.53. ingPSFbetween0.7”and1.4”,and3σdetectionlimitbetween Theareacoveredbythefournarrow-bandimagesisshown 26.7and29.1magnitudes.ThePSFanddetectionlimitswere inFig.2. obtained by following the prescription described in Gawiser etal.(2006)andGuaitaetal.(2010). 2.1.1. Reductionofarchivalnarrow-bandimages The four narrow-band observations were originally de- signedfordifferentsurveys,asexplainedbelow TherawimagesintheNB387,NB388,andNB396bandswere The NB3727 image was obtained with the MOSAICII processedasdescribed byNoninoet al.(2009).Theonly dif- instrument at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory ference is the final stacking of the individual frames because (CTIO) for a total exposure time of 36 hours (36 exposures we here adopted the SWARP software (Bertin et al., 2002). of 1 hour each); it was reduced and analysed by Guaita et al. Astrometry calibration was performed by considering a cata- (2010). It covers a total area of 31.5’ x 31.5’. The E-CDFS logueofsourcesdetectedintheVIMOSB-bandimage,which was imaged with NB3727 to detect Lyman alpha (Lyα) emit- isavailableaspartofCANDELS. tersatz (cid:39) 2.1.ThisnarrowbandsamplestheLyCforsources Fluxcalibrationwasperformedbyusingasetofstarsfrom at3.11<z<3.30. the CANDELS catalogue (Guo et al., 2013), together with a Fortheotherthreenarrowbands,rawimageswererecov- set of star templates (Pickles, 1998; Gunn & Stryker, 1983). eredfromtelescopearchivesandreducedasexplainedinSect. Thestartemplateswereconvolvedwiththenarrow-bandfilter 2.1.1. transmission curves to obtain their narrow-band magnitudes. The NB387 image was obtained with SuprimeCam at ThespectralenergydistributionsofCANDELSstarswerefit- Subarutelescopeforatotalexposuretimeof8.5hours;NB387 ted with the templates. From the best fit, we inferred the true isthenarrow-bandfilterusedinNakajimaetal.(2012)toprobe narrow-band magnitudes of the stars. We measured observed 3 L.Guaita:LyCsignal Table1:PropertiesofthenarrowbandscoveringLymancontinuumsignalat860<λ<912Å NBfilter INSTR/TEL 3σdetlim 3σdetlim Aperdiam(”) fractionalsignalofPS PSF (FWHM) (1”radius) (PSF/2radius) highestS/NofPS withinAperdiam NB3727 MOSAICII/CTIO4m 26.19 26.71 1.4” 0.390 1.4” (50Å) NB-L-387 SupCam/Subaru 26.90 28.20 0.8” 0.374 0.74” (110Å) NB388 FORS1/VLT 27.64 29.08 0.8” 0.338 0.80” (37Å) NB396 WFI/LaSilla2.2m 26.53 27.43 1.0” 0.398 0.94” (129Å) narrow-band magnitudes of CANDELS stars by running the Table2:Numberofstar-forminggalaxieswithrobustredshift IRAFtaskPHOT(apertureradiusequalto5”)onournarrow- bandimages.Thenarrow-bandzeropointswasthencalculated NBfilter zrange N.galwithin N.galwithin N.galin CDF-S zrangea NBarea cleanregions as the difference between the true and the observed narrow- NB3727b 3.11<z<3.30 88 88 45 bandmagnitudes.WeappliedaGalacticcorrectionoftheorder NB387 3.33<z<3.43 29 21 7 of0.02-0.03magnitudes(Schlafly&Finkbeiner,2011)forthe NB388 3.28<z<3.49 68 22 9 NB396 3.41<z<3.53 59 47 25 reddest and bluest filter, respectively, at E-CDFS coordinates. Thezero-pointerrorisabout10%. Notes. a Some of the sources corresponding to different NB ranges overlap. bThenumberincludescontinuum-selectedstar-forminggalaxiesand 2.2. SpectroscopicsampleandHSTcoverage narrow-bandselectedLAEs(19incleanregions). A large number of measured redshifts is available in the ex- tended Chandra Deep Field South (E-CDFS). We considered previouslystudiedbyVanzellaetal.(2010a,2012b,c),includ- redshiftsofcontinuum-selectedstar-forminggalaxiesfromthe ing the LyC candidate, Ion2 (Vanzella et al., 2015), which is ESOGOODS/E-CDFSmastercatalogue1,includingthecom- at the redshift covered by our shallowest narrow-band image, pilations of ESO-GOODS/FORS2 (Vanzella et al., 2008, and however. referencestherein)andESO-GOODS/VIMOS(Popessoetal., GOODS-SispartofCANDELS3andthuseverysourcehas 2009; Balestra et al., 2010, and references therein). We in- multi-wavelengthphotometry,fromVIMOSU andB,through cludedredshiftsfromtheGOODS-MUSIC(Multi-wavelength HST F435W to F160W, through HUGS (Hawk-I UDS and southern infrared catalog, Grazian et al., 2006; Santini et al., GOODSsurvey)KstoSpitzerIRAC8.0µmbands. 2009),CANDELS(cosmicassemblynear-infrareddeepextra- The HST data in E-CDFS were obtained within GEMS galactic legacy survey, Grazian et al., 2015) surveys, and the (GalaxyEvolutionfromMorphologyandSpectralenergydis- most recent compilation used in this paper. We also incorpo- tributions,Rixetal.,2004)inHST/ACSF606WandF850LP. rateddatafromVUDS(VIMOSUltra-DeepSurvey,LeFe`vre Multi-wavelengthphotometryisalsoavailablefortheextended et al., 2015) using the VUDS Data Release 1 (Tasca et al., in area,anditincludesHSTandground-basedfluxes(Cardamone preparation), which encompasses about one third of the final etal.,2010;Hsuetal.,2014). sample, and a few redshifts from the test run of VANDELS2 InTable2welistthenumberofgalaxiesinitiallyselected (a deep VIMOS survey of the CANDELS UDS and CDFS in the corresponding redshift bin for each narrow-band filter, fields),arecentlyapprovedpublicsurvey(PIL.Pentericciand chosenaccordingtothenarrow-bandfiltertransmissioncurves; R. McLure). In all cases we only considered the most secure thenumberofgalaxieswithintheareacoveredbyeachnarrow redshifts.Forexample,forVUDSweusedthereliabilityflags band; and the number of galaxies in clean regions (see Sect. 3 and 4, corresponding to a probability greater than 95% for 3.1). theredshifttobecorrect,supplementedbyflags2and9,cor- responding to a probability of about 80% for the redshift to becorrect,onlywhenthephotometricredshiftagreeswiththe 3. MeasuringtheLyCsignal:method measured spectroscopic redshift (Le Fe`vre et al., 2015). We finallyaddednarrow-bandselectedLyαemitters,spectroscop- Inthissection,wepresentthemethodusedtoestimatetheLyC icallyconfirmedduringMUSYC(Multi-wavelengthsurveyby escapefraction. Yale-Chile, Gawiser et al., 2006) follow up. Throughout the Vanzellaetal.(2010b)discussedindetailtheroleoffore- paper,weusetheacronymSFGsforcontinuum-selectedstar- ground contamination in estimating the LyC radiation from forminggalaxiesandLAEsforLyαemitters. galaxies at z ≥ 3. To reduce the contamination from nearby ThecataloguesbyXueetal.(2011)andFioreetal.(2012) sources, we performed a cleaning procedure (Sect. 3.1). We wereusedtoidentifyX-raydetectionsandtoisolateAGN. measured LyC fluxes only for sources that passed the three We compiled an initial sample of about 200 sources at stepsoftheprocedure,andweadoptedasnon-ionizingfluxthe 3.11 < z < 3.53inE-CDFS.Afew(∼ 15)ofthesourceswere HST/ACS F606W band flux from the CANDELS and GEMS catalogues. This band covers the UV rest-frame wavelength 1 http://www.eso.org/sci/activities/garching/projects/goods/ of 1400 Å at the redshift considered here. The LyC flux was MasterSpectroscopy.html 2 http://vandels.inaf.it 3 http://candels.ucolick.org/ 4 L.Guaita:LyCsignal measured by running Source Extractor (SExtractor, Bertin & within the size of narrow-band PSF full width at half maxi- Arnouts, 1996) on the narrow bands at pre-defined positions. mum around the centroid of the candidates. In total, this first SExtractor configuration parameters for background, source stepofthecleaningremoved70ofthe178inoursample.An extraction, and optimal photometry were obtained following exampleofasourceremovedduringthisstepisshowninFig Guaitaetal.(2010).Optimalaperturediametersweredefined 3. asthosethatallowedthehighestsignal-to-noiseratioforpoint Becausethesuccessorfailureofthefirststepforourpur- sources, and the corresponding fractional-to-total signal was posesdependssensitivelyonthedeblendingthatissettogen- calculatedfromthecurveofgrowthofbrightstars. eratethevariouscatalogues,thesecondstepofourprocess is Narrow-bandphotometrycanbeperformedwithtwometh- the direct inspection of the HST images. For galaxies that al- ods. In the first method, we can optimize SExtractor detec- low it, we inspect cut-outs in all of the available CANDELS tion and build narrow-band detection catalogues by adopting HSTbands4Fortheremainderofoursample,weinspectedthe optimized configuration parameters. We can then search for HST/ACSV606andHST/ACSF850LPfromGEMS.Thepur- matchesbetweenourtargetsandallthesourcesdetectedinnar- poseofthisinspectionistoseparateisolated,single-component row band. This method was used in the literature to take into sourcesfromthosewithmultiplecomponents.Theformerare accountapossibleoffset(observedupto10kpc)betweenion- retained in our sample without further scrutiny, the latter are izing and non-ionizing emissions (e.g. Mostardi et al., 2013). flaggedandareanalysedinthethirdstageofourcleaningpro- Theseoffsetscouldbeobservableifspecialchannelsforthees- cess. capeofLyCphotonsareopenedinanoff-centrestar-formation Thefinalstageofourcleaningprocedurebeginswithgen- clump. But the method is sensitive to the contamination by eratingcolourimagesofeachmulti-componentsourceselected nearbysources,whichcouldbelocatedexactlyintheposition in the previous step and examining each sub-component. We of a matched object. By applying it before cleaning the sam- use the IRAF task IMSTACK to generate colour images in ple,low-zsourceswithintheground-basedPSFareaareindeed BVi, BVz, BIz, VIz, and V-z for the galaxies that were im- identifiedasmatches. agedaspartofCANDELS.ForsourcesoutsidetheCANDELS In the second method, which we adopted here, we mea- area,onlyV-zimagesweregenerated.Anindividualknotwith surenarrow-bandfluxatthepositionofthesourcewithsecure appreciably different colours with respect to the main galaxy redshift (e.g. Vanzella et al., 2010a; Boutsia et al., 2011), by componentislikelytobeaninterloper,whichmeansthatgen- running SExtractor in double mode. As a detection image we erating these images allows us to reject these contaminated create a narrow-band image by injecting artificial bright stars sources from the sample (Vanzella et al., 2012a; Siana et al., (IRAF artdata.mkobject) at the position of the sources. The 2015).However,thesituationisslightlymorecomplexassub- original narrow-band images are then used for aperture pho- components (hereafter clumps) belonging to the same galaxy tometry.Wechosetheoptimizedapertures(Table1)thathave canberedderorbluerthanthemaincomponentofthegalaxy, the advantage to be small enough to additionally reduce the depending on the properties of their stellar populations, dust, contaminationfromnearbysources. and the presence and strength of emission lines falling within The optimized-aperture flux was translated into the total the broad-band filters. For this reason, we performed an SED flux by dividing it by the fractional signal (Table 1). This to- fittingofindividualclumpsforeightstar-forminggalaxiesfor tal flux is the LyC flux we refer to throughout the paper. The which the analysis was possible (i.e. within the CANDELS observedfluxratioforeverysourcewasthencalculatedasthe area,seeAppendixAfordetails).Foreachclumpweobtained ratiobetweenLyCandHST/ACSF606Wbandfluxdensities, thebest-fitphotometricredshiftandcheckedwhethertheSED fν(900). was consistent with the spectroscopic redshift coming from fν(14T00h)e ratio was corrected for the effect of the IGM by di- the integrated spectrum of the dominant source. We find that vidingitbytheIGMtransmissivity,exp(-τ ).Fromtheob- clumpswithcoloursverysimilar(∆(B-V)<0.1,∆(V-z)<0.1) IGM,z servedfluxratio,wecanestimatethefesc(LyC)relativetothe to that of the main component are always consistent with be- intrinsicvalue, ing at the spectroscopic redshift. However, we also find three cases where, despite relatively large colour offsets (∆(B-V) ∼ fescrel(LyC)= L (1400)/L (900)fν(900)/fν(1400), (1) 0.4 and ∆(V-z) ∼ 0.2), the SEDs of the clumps are consistent ν ν exp(−τ ) withtheclumpsbeingatthesameredshiftastheirmaincom- IGM,z ponent. Three of the eight multi-component objects were re- wheretheunknownsaretheintrinsicLν(1400)/Lν(900)and movedfromoursamplebecausetheyaresurroundedbydiffer- exp(-τ )(Sect.3.2). IGM,z entredshiftneighbours.Thisprovestheimportanceofhaving Inthefollowingsubsections,wedescribethecleaningpro- completeHSTphotometrytostudyLyCcandidates. cedureindetailandderivetheunknownsofEq.1. For sources that are only covered by GEMS data, we were unable to perform the complete SED fitting analysis. 3.1. Cleaningprocedure Therefore,wereliedoncolourcriteriatoestimatethecontami- nationforthesesources(∆(V-z)<0.2).Theanalysispresented We applied a procedure to identify the final sample of galax- inAppendixAsuggeststhatrelyingoncoloursalonemaybea iesforwhichweperformedmeasurementsofLyCescapefrac- tooconservativeapproachbecauseittendstooverestimatethe tionbyremovingthegalaxieswithpossibleprojectedcontam- number of contaminated sources. Despite this, we decided to inationonanobject-by-objectbasis.Westartedthisprocedure adopt it because the purity of our sample is our primary con- withthetotalsampleof178galaxiesselectedinSect.2.2.Of cern.Thepresenceofcontaminantsisthemostworryingaspect these, 35% of the SFGs are only covered by GEMS imaging inthesearchforLyCemitters(Vanzellaetal.,2012a;Mostardi and 65% fall within the area covered by CANDELS; 70% of etal.,2015). theLAEsfalloutsidetheCANDELSarea.Thecleaningproce- durewasperformedinthefollowingsteps. 4 Throughout the paper, we abbreviate the HST ACS/F606W and We first checked that no other source in the F850LPbandsasV606andz850,respectively,andtheACS/F435W CANDELS/GEMS photometric catalogue is centroided andF814WasB435andI814,respectively,forsimplicity. 5 L.Guaita:LyCsignal Fig.3:Exampleofasourcerejectedinthefirststepofourcleaningprocedure,objectID CANDELS=5164(z = 3.403).Everystampcovers 6”x6”.Fromthetopleftweshowthefollowingfiltercut-outs:B435,V606,I775,z850,J125,H160,CANDELSdetectionsegmentationmap, andNB387.ThegreencirclehasaradiusequaltothePSFinNB387.ObjectID CANDELS=5197(ontheleft,zphot CANDELS=2.00±0.05) wouldbeblendedwithID CANDELS=5164andID CANDELS=5166(objectatthebottomright,zphot CANDELS=0.47±0.13)inaground- basedimagewithPSFaslargeasthatofNB387.IntheNB387stampweseeemissioncomingmainlyfromthelower-zsourceontheleft-hand sideofourtarget. Fig.4: Examples of sources rejected in the third step of our cleaning procedure. Left: BIz colour cut-outs of a narrow-band selected LAE (ID CANDELS=23527,z = 3.116).ThegreencirclehasaradiusequaltotheNB3727PSFfullwidthathalfmaximum.Thestampcovers about4”x4.5”.Seetheappendixforthedetailsoneachclump.Right:ObjectID ECDFS=42881(z=3.16).ItisfoundintheGEMScatalogue. FromtheleftV,z,andV-z,stampstakenfromGEMSimages.Thestampscoveranareaofabout2”x1.5”.Theredcontoursrepresentlevels equalto4,7,and10timesthevalueofbackground.ThisAGNisexcludedfromoursamplebecauseasourceliesontopofit. After imposing the colour cuts discussed above, we ex- cludedanadditional22sources.Figure4showsanexampleof a narrow-band-selected LAE rejected at this step. The V- and z-band images and a V-z colour image obtained from GEMS imagingforanAGNexcludedduringthissteparealsoshown inFig.4.Itisclearfromtheinspectionoftheimagesthatthere isanothercomponentinadditiontothemainsource.Thissec- ond source contaminates the narrow-band (PSF full width at half maximum equal to 1.4(cid:48)(cid:48)) flux of the main source, which wasclassifiedasAGNaccordingtothecriteriareportedinHsu etal.(2014).Figure5showsanexampleofamulti-component sourcekeptinthesamplebecauseitiscomposedoftwoclumps withsimilarcolours(seealsoAppendixA). The number of objects left in our sample from the Fig.5:Exampleofasourcekeptinthethirdstepofourcleaningpro- cleaning procedure is 86 galaxies (their distribution in cedure,objectID CANDELS=6839(z = 3.2078).Fromthetopleft CANDELS/GEMSareasislistedinTables4and5).Fromhere BVi, BVz, BIz, VIz stamps taken from CANDELS mosaic images. Thestampscoveranareaofabout2”x1.5”.Seetheappendixforthe on,werefertothissampleasthecleansample.Forsourcesat detailsoneachclump. a redshift sampled by more than one narrow band, we adopt the deepest narrow-band image to attempt to measure possi- bleLyCsignal.WealsostudyeightAGNincleanregions(see Sect.4.2). 6 L.Guaita:LyCsignal 3.2. IntrinsicL (1400)/L (900)ratioand Table3:Intrinsicnon-ioniziangversusionizingradiationratio ν ν intergalactic-mediumtransmissivity IMF SFH Z age Lν(1400)/Lν(900) EvolTrack,StelAtm We now proceed to estimate the intrinsic L (1400)/L (900) Z(cid:12) Myr ν ν BC03 Padova94,KBFA value and the intergalactic-medium transmissivity, exp(- Chab cSFR 0.02 1 1.76 Chab cSFR 0.02 10 3.41 τIGM,z),at3.11<z<3.53. Chab cSFR 0.02 100 5.97 The effective wavelength of the V606 filter corresponds CChhaabb τ=cS0F.1RGyr 00..0022 1100000 77..0160 to λ = 1400 Å for the redshift covered on average by our Chab τ=−0.1Gyr 0.02 100 5.27 Chab cSFR 1 1 1.94 narrow-bandfilters.TheintrinsicL (1400)/L (900)ofgalaxies Chab cSFR 1 10 4.28 ν ν Chab cSFR 1 100 6.43 dependsoninitialmassfunction(IMF),star-formationhistory Chab cSFR 1 1000 6.86 (SFH),metallicity(Z),stellar-populationage,andstarproper- Salp cSFR 1 100 6.71 BPASSv2 single+binary,BaSeLPoWR ties.ForAGN,itdependsonthehardnessandtheobscuration Salp cSFR 1 100 4.62 oftheirspectrum.FormixedSFG/AGNpopulations,itdepends Starburst99 Salp cSFR 1 100 5.24 Padova94,PH on the relative contribution of the two components and on all Salp cSFR ∼1 100 4.62 GenevaV00,PH theothereffectlistedabove. SSaallpp ccSSFFRR ∼∼11 110000 33..2683 70%RGOeTn+ev3a0V%4n0o,PRHOT,PH Table 3 summarizes the intrinsic ratios between non- Stel+AGN 2.76 AGN-dominated ionizing and ionizing flux densities for a variety of galaxy 7.04 obscuredAGN-dominated physical properties and stellar population models. Since the 2.66 AGN-dominated 2.35 theoreticalAGN(1) emissionintherest-frameUVcanstronglydependonthestel- lar evolutionary tracks and on the stellar atmosphere assump- Notes.IntrinsicLν(1400)/Lν(900)ratiosobtainedfromdifferentstel- larpopulationmodels:theBC03,assumingdifferentinitialmassfunc- tions,weexploretheintrinsicratioadoptingtheBC03(Bruzual tions (Salpeter, Salp, and Chabrier, Chab), star-formation histories &Charlot,2003),theStarburst995(Leithereretal.,1999),and (constant,cSFR,exponentiallydecliningwithτ = 0.1Gyr,exponen- theBPASS6(binarypopulationandspectralsynthesis,Stanway tially rising with τ = −0.1Gyr), metallicties (Z and 0.02×Z ), and (cid:12) (cid:12) etal.,2016)codes. stellar-population ages; the BPASS (Binary Population and Spectral Stars with rotations that are located in binary systems Synthesis code Stanway et al., 2016); the Starburst99 models. We can produce more ionizing photons than is expected for non- considerarangeofwavelengthsaround900Åand1400Å,compa- rotational, isolated stars (e.g. Levesque et al., 2012; Eldridge, rabletothatcoveredbythenarrow-bandandtheHST/ACSF606W 2012). Therefore, they can in principle reduce the intrinsic filters in the rest frame, to estimate the average L . As described in ν L (1400)/L (900)value. Bruzual & Charlot (2003), BC03 provides the spectral energy dis- ν ν Evolutionarytracksofstarswithrotationareimplemented tributionofstarsobtainedfromacomprehensivelibraryoftheoreti- cal model atmospheres (KBFA in the table). The library consists of inStarburst99.However,asexplainedinLeithereretal.(2014), Kurucz(1996)spectraforO-Kstars,Besselletal.(1991)andFluks those models consider rotational velocities that might be too et al. (1994) spectra for M giants, and Allard & Hauschildt (1995) extreme. A more realistic experiment might be obtained by spectraforMdwarfs.InBPASSthestellarevolutionarytrackscontain considering 70% of evolutionary tracks with high rotational acontributionfromisolatedstarsandbinarysystems.Also,thestellar velocity and 30% of evolutionary tracks without rotation atmospheremodelsareselectedfromtheBaSeLv3.1library(Westera (70%ROT+30%noROT in the table, Levesque et al., 2012). et al., 2002), supplemented by Wolf-Rayet stellar atmosphere mod- Weestimatedtheintrinsicratiosbyvaryingevolutionarytracks els from the Potsdam PoWR group (Hamann & Gra¨fener, 2003). (from the Padova1994 tracks to the Geneva tracks with the With Starburst99, it is possible to generate SEDs assuming a bunch GenevaV40 and without the GenevaV00 implementation of of stellar evolutionary tracks, including stars with and without rota- stellarrotations,Leithereretal.,2014),andwealsoperformed tion(GenevaV40andGenevaV00respectively,Leithereretal.,2014), andstellaratmospheres(thecombinationofmodelatmospherefrom sometestsbyvaryingmetallicity,IMF,andstellaratmospheres. Pauldrach et al., 1998; Hillier & Miller, 1998, is the recommended AspointedoutinLeithereretal.(2014),50%ofthemas- option).The70%ROT+30%noROTentryindicatesamodelthatisa sive stars are in binary systems and experience evolutionary combinationofGenevaV40forthe70%andGenevaV00forthe30% processes that might alter the expected number of ionizing (Levesqueetal.,2012).TheGenevaV40andGenevaV00trackswere photons.Binaryevolutionalsoextendstheperiodofionizing- releasedformetallicityequaltoZ=0.014(∼Z ,Eldridge,2012).The (cid:12) photon production, mainly at low metallicities, and so it is changeintheintrinsicratioduetothedifferentevolutionarytracksand worth considering them in the studies of the re-ionization of stellaratmospheresisshownforaSalpeterIMF,Z ,cSFR,and100 (cid:12) theUniverse.AsdescribedinStanwayetal.(2016,andrefer- Myroldstellarpopulation.Inthebottompartofthetable,wereport encestherein),theincreaseintheproductionofionizingpho- theratioscalculatedfromthebestfittemplatesofAGN(Bongiorno tons that is due to binary systems is significantly lower than etal.,2012),inwhichtheSEDsaredominatedbytheradiationcom- ing from an (un-)obscured AGN. (1) The intrinsic L (1400)/L (900) thatproducedbyrotationmodels,suchastheGenevaV40.We ν ν ratioforanunobscuredTypeIIAGNcanbeaslowas2.35(Richards followed Nestor et al. (2013) and compared the previous in- etal.,2006).Intheestimationoftheratioswetakeintoaccountthe trinsic ratio estimations with those from BPASS version v2.0 HIabsorptionoccurredinstaratmospheres,butweneglectthatwithin (SalpeterIMF,constantSFR,Z ,100Myrage). (cid:12) theinter-stellarandcircum-galacticmedium. Our tests show that the strongest change in the intrinsic L (1400)/L (900)ratioisduetotheageparameter.Variations ν ν with metallicity are only lower than 10% in BC03. Different star-formation histories create variations of the order of 20- (Padova94 vs GenevaV00) produces variations of 20% at the 30%. sameage,whileincludingrotationmodelsreducestheintrinsic Including binary stars in BPASS produces changes in the ratioof30(70%ROT+30%noROT)to40(GenevaV40)percent. intrinsic ratio of up to 60% with respect to BC03 for ages of ThevariationcausedbytheIMFisnegligiblewithinBC03and 100Myr.WithinStarburst99,changingtheevolutionarytracks is up to 20% in general. Finally, the change of stellar atmo- spheremodelscausesL (1400)/L (900)toincreaseordecrease ν ν 5 http://www.stsci.edu/science/starburst99/docs/parameters.html by less than 20% within Starburst99 and between BC03 and 6 http://www.bpass.org.uk/ Starburst99. 7 L.Guaita:LyCsignal In conclusion, as a result of different evolutionary tracks and stellar-population models, the intrinsic ratio can present 1.0 a 60% uncertainty. In particular, for a Salpeter IMF, constant SFR,solarmetallicity,and100Myrage,itcanvaryfrom3to 0.8 6,whileforagesofafewhundredsofMyr,itcanincreaseupto 8.Wewouldliketostressthattheintrinsicratioisamultiplica- tiveconstantintheexpressionofthefescrel(LyC).Bychanging 0.6 itsvalue,itispossibletosimplyre-scalethefescrel(LyC),de- τe− pendingontheassumptions,tocomparewithotherworks.For 0.4 thisreason,weassumedanintermediatevalueof5asrepresen- z=3.20, <exp(-τ)>=0.41 tativeforourentiresampleofstar-forminggalaxies.Thevalue z=3.38, <exp(-τ)>=0.34 0.2 of5isstrictlyrelatedtotheassumptionsofaSalpeterIMFand z=3.47, <exp(-τ)>=0.35 constant SFR, which is most frequently used in the literature z=3.39, <exp(-τ)>=0.35 0.0 andistheeasiesttobecomparedwith. 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 observed-frame λ[Å] Wealsocalculatedtheintrinsicratioscorrespondingtothe physical parameters listed in Tables 4 and 5. To estimate the Fig.6: Mean IGM transmissivity as a function of wavelength at the galaxy physical parameters in the tables, we considered the redshiftcorrespondingtothecentreofournarrow-bands(Inoueetal., BC03 models (Chabrier IMF) because they are among those 2014). Solid, dotted-dashed, dashed blue, and green curves indi- thatbetterreproducethemajorityofthegalaxypropertiesboth catetheaverageredshiftssampledbyNB3727,NB387,NB396,and in the UV and in the NIR (Zibetti et al., 2013, and references NB388,respectively. therein).TheywellreproducetheentireSEDofintermediate- massgalaxies,likethosestudiedhere(Santinietal.,2015).In addition to this, with the BC03 code we are able to consider 24 24 cinocnlsutdaentq,uriitseinagw, aidnedvdaercielitnyinogfhsitsatro-rfioersm(athtieoynahlsisotomriiemsi,cwmhoicrhe 2265 NNUvBBi33m77o22s77,,, LLL111444000000///LLL999000000===115 2265 NNBB338877,, LL11440000//LL990000==15 thanUonndeesritnhgeleaspsoupmulpattiioonn)o.faBC03decliningtaumodel,the LyC mag222897 LyC mag222897 rangeofintrinsicLν(1400)/Lν(900)ratiosis4-16forthegalax- 30 ffeesscc((LLyyCC))==15000%% 30 ies(SFGsandLAEs)studiedhere,characterizedbyamedian 31 fesc(LyC)=30% 31 fesc(LyC)=10% ageof300Myr. 3228 27 26 25 24 23 3228 27 26 25 24 23 V606 V606 We refer to Bongiorno et al. (2012) to infer the expected 24 24 L (1400)/L (900)ratioforAGN.Theypresentedtheobserved 25 NNBB338888,, LL11440000//LL990000==15 25 NNBB339966,, LL11440000//LL990000==15 ν ν 26 26 SttyiEopnDic(satlhoefteiurmnF-piolgabsts.ecs4urvaeandrdya2na)ds.oaTbhrseecsuluarlertgdoeAfstGthpNeoshasnoibdslteaglAsaolGasxNhyocwoobensdtcrhuiboruaw-- LyC mag222897 LyC mag222897 tionintheLyCregimeproducesaL (1400)/L (900)=2.35.A 30 30 ν ν 31 31 typical AGN-dominated source can have a ratio of 2.6. Since 3228 27 26 25 24 23 3228 27 26 25 24 23 theobservedvaluesalreadycontaintheIGMcontribution,we V606 V606 adopt 2.35 throughout the paper. Sources in which the galaxy emissiondominatesthatfromtheAGNareexpectedtopresent Fig.7: Expected LyC mag as a function of the magnitude in the L (1400)/L (900) ratios similar to those calculated for galaxy V606 band. For each narrow-band, we consider the redshift corre- ν ν sponding to 890 Å at the centre of the filter. Thick (thin) lines cor- templates. respondtothecalculationsundertheassumptionoffesc(LyC)=100% By following the analytical prescription by Inoue et al. (10%),whilethecyan(black)linesindicateL (1400)/L (900)=1(5). (2014), we determine τ (Fig. 6). In the range of redshift ν ν IGM,z Horizontaldotted-dashedlinesarelocatedatthe3σdetectionlimitof studiedhere,exp(-τIGM,z) (cid:39) 0.36.Eventhoughweconsidered eachnarrow-bandfilter.Thereddashedlineindicateswhatisexpected narrow-band filters, we derived the average transmissivity by iftheLyCmagismeasuredintheVIMOSUbroad-band. applyingtheequation (cid:82) exp(−τ )T(λ)dλ In this exercise, we considered a LyC escape fraction <exp(−τIGM)>= (cid:82) IGM , (2) of 10-100%, a galaxy template characterized by an intrin- T(λ)dλ sic L (1400)/L (900) value between 1 and 5, and an average ν ν treatment of the IGM lines of sight. We estimated narrow- where T(λ) represents the narrow-band filter transmission bandmagnitudes(LyCmag)asafunctionofV606,asshown curve. Measuring LyC for a number of sources allowed us to in Fig. 7. Given the depth of the available data, we expect use a mean value for <exp(-τIGM) >, such as that provided more significant detections or upper limits from the NB388 by the analytical prescription by Inoue et al. (2014). We refer filter. For a LyC emitter at z = 3.4, characterized by an tothispaperforunderstandingthelimitationsanduncertainty fesc(LyC)=100% and V606=25 (the average magnitude of relatedtotheapplicationofthisprescription.SeealsoThomas our sample of continuum-selected SFGs), we expect a LyC et al. (2014) as an example of a study of IGM variability for (NB388) mag = 25.5-27.5 (depending on the assumptions on sourcesatthesameredshift. theintrinsicL (1400)/L (900)value).Thisisbrighterthanthe ν ν Finally,weperformedacalculationtodemonstratethatwe 3σ detection limit of the narrow-band image and therefore in couldexpectsomedirectLyCmeasurementfromthesourcesin principle detectable. For fesc(LyC)=30%, we expect a LyC oursample,giventheirUV-continuummagnitude(V606)and (NB388)mag=26-28,wichismoredifficulttobedetecteddi- thedepthofournarrow-bandfilters. rectly.WemightalsoexpectaLyC(NB387)mag=25.6-27.6 8 L.Guaita:LyCsignal (26.3-28.3) for an fesc(LyC)=100% (30%). For the sources with LyC emission covered by NB396, an fesc(LyC)=100% and V606=25, we expect a LyC (NB396) mag = 25.7-27.7, 12 barely above the narrow-band detection limit. On the other hand,foragalaxyatz=3.2weexpectaLyC(NB3727)mag= 11 25.4-27.4,whichisevenbelowtheNB37273σdetectionlimit. GalaxiesthatarecharacterizedbyanSEDsuchastheoneas- 10 sumed in this exercise would show a LyC signal in NB3727 ) (fesc(LyC) > 30%) if they were brighter than V606=24. The ⊙ M same calculation performed with the VIMOS U broad band M/ 9 would produce a LyC mag up to 0.6 magnitude fainter than ( g thevaluecalculatedforNB3727.Thisdemonstratestheadvan- o l tage of using narrow instead of broad bands in the LyC mea- 8 NB3727 surements.OfcoursetheU-bandestimationcanchangeifthe NB387 broadbandissignificantlydeeperthanthenarrowband. 7 NB388 NB396 NB3727_LAE 4. Physicalpropertiesofthecleansample 6 −23 −22 −21 −20 −19 −18 M1400 We cross-correlated our sources in the clean sample with the E-CDFS multi-wavelength photometric catalogue (Guo et al., Fig.8:Stellarmassvsrest-frameUVabsolutemagnitude.Thesym- 2013; Hsu et al., 2014). In this way, we associated a multi- bolsindicateSFGsintherangeofredshiftcoveredbyNB3727(red wavelengthSEDfromtheopticalU totheSpitzerbandswith circles),NB387(redtriangles),NB388(redsquares),NB396(reddi- everysource,thankstoSEDfitting,physicalparameters,such amonds),andLAEs(redstars).TheLAEsfoundinGEMScatalogue asstellarmass(M∗),star-formationrate(SFR),dustreddening butnotintheE-CDFScataloguefromHsuetal.(2014)arenotshown (E(B-V),andstellar-populationage. inthisplot. 4.1. Star-forminggalaxies is obtained from the equations in Sect. 5, assuming an in- We adopted the physical parameters quoted in Santini et al. trinsic Lν(1400)/Lν(900)AGN = 2.35 (Bongiorno et al., 2012, (2015) for the galaxies entering the CANDELS area. For and Table 3) and the spectroscopic redshift to account for the the sources in E-CDFS, we estimated M∗, SFR, E(B-V), and IGM opacity. We also report the hardness ratio for the AGN stellar-populationagestartingfromtheHsuetal.(2014)pho- in the Xue et al. (2011) catalogue. Some of these AGN may tometry,thespectroscopicredshift,andwiththesamecodeas be obscured and/or affected by broad absorption region, as inSantinietal.(2015),adoptedforCANDELS. werethosediscussedbyCivanoetal.(2012)intheCOSMOS InTables4and5,wereportthephysicalparametersconsid- field. Moreover, the presence of intervening damped Lyman- eredhere.Forreference,wereporttheIDsfromtheCANDELS alphaorLymanlimitsystemscloseto(orassociatedwith)the andHsuetal.(2014)cataloguesforeverysource.Itisimpor- AGNcanabsorbtheLyCradiationanddecreasetheirmeasured tant to note that our sample covers quite a wide range in UV fesc(LyC).Adedicatedworkontheconnectionbetweenobscu- absolute magnitude (−21.5 (cid:46) M1400 (cid:46) −18.5), stellar mass rationandLyCemissionisongoing. (108 M (cid:46)M∗ (cid:46)5×1010),star-formationrate(1(cid:46)SFR(cid:46)50 (cid:12) M yr−1), specific star-formation rate (10−9.5 (cid:46) sSFR (cid:46) 10−7 yr−(cid:12)1), dust reddening (0 (cid:46) E(B-V) (cid:46) 0.2), and stellar popula- 5. Results tion age (7 (cid:46) log(age/yr) (cid:46) 9.3). Some of the LAEs are too InTables4and5wepresenttheobservedf (900)/f (1400)flux ν ν faintinthecontinuumtoentertheCANDELS/E-CDFSphoto- ratiosforSFGsandLAEs,andthe1σphotometricerrorsonthe metriccatalogue.Therefore,wehaveastellarmassestimation measurements. Figure 9 shows the observed f (900)/f (1400) ν ν foronly11ofthe19LAEs. fluxratioasafunctionofV606bandmagnitudeforeachfilter. Figure8showsstellarmassasafunctionofrest-frameUV In NB3727 we measure LyC signal from continuum-selected magnitude. The sub-sample of Lyα emitters occupies the re- star-forminggalaxies,narrow-bandselectedLyαemitters,and gionwiththelowestmassandthefaintestmagnitude.Werefer AGN.InNB387andNB396forSFGsandAGN,andinNB388 to Fig. 7 in Grazian et al. (2015) to compare our sample with onlyforSFGs.ThemeasuredLyCfluxesofallthecandidates all the sources in GOODS-S. In a similar redshift range, our arewithinthe2σbackgroundlevel,exceptforoneAGN.This sample occupies the bright-magnitude and high-mass tail of source,identifiedbyID=78,isdetectedinNB396atmorethan the general distribution. This is expected because the sources 3σ.Inaddition,theAGNidentifiedbyID=9isdetectedat∼2σ areallspectroscopicallyconfirmed. inNB3727(Fig.10). Previous works in the literature have shown that LAEs are characterized by a stronger LyC signal than continuum- 4.2. Activegalacticnuclei selected star-forming galaxies. For instance, Mostardi et al. WematchedourinitialsamplewithAGNcatalogues.Wechose (2013) found an observed f (900)/f (1400) of 0.14 for LAEs, ν ν theXueetal.(2011)X-raycatalogueandtheHsuetal.(2014) largerthanthevaluetheyobtainedforLBGsof0.01(seealso AGNphotometriclist.InTable6wepresenttheAGNmatches. the recent work by Micheva et al., 2015). We do not find any Most them have a counterpart in X-ray (Xue et al., 2011; significant detection for any of the LAEs. One of the reasons Fiore et al., 2012). In the table we show their absolute mag- might be that the NB3727 image is the shallowest, character- nitudes, the spectroscopic redshift, the LyC flux and the rel- ized by the largest PSF among the four narrow-band filters. ative LyC escape fraction. The relative LyC escape fraction Theresultisalsopartiallyduetothesmallnumberofsources 9 L.Guaita:LyCsignal NB3727(3.11<z<3.30) NB387(3.33<z<3.43) 1.5 0.4 1.0 0.2 0 0.5 0 4 1 f 0.0 0.0 / 0 0 9 f −0.5 −0.2 −1.0 −0.4 −1.5 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 NB388(3.28<z<3.49) NB396(3.41<z<3.53) 0.2 0.5 0.1 0 0 4 1 f 0.0 0.0 / 0 0 9 f −0.1 −0.5 −0.2 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 V606 V606 Fig.9: Observed flux ratio, f (900)/f (1400), as a function of V606 band magnitude. From the top left to bottom right: spectroscopically ν ν confirmed sources entering the range of redshift covered by NB3727, NB387, NB388, and NB396. Dashed (dot-dashed)(dot-dot-dashed) curvesindicatetheratiosbetween1(2)(3)σbackgroundrmsvaluesandV-bandflux.ThesymbolcodingisthesameasinFig.8.Blackdots representtheeightAGNinoursample. andtheirfaintaverageV606magnitude(27against25forthe galaxies in each narrow-band redshift range. By assuming SFGs,seecalculationattheendofSect.3.2). L (1400)/L (900) = 5 and exp(-τ ) (Sec. 3.2), we derive ν ν IGM,z We conclude that our whole population of star-forming the following 1σ upper limits on the fescrel(LyC) for each galaxies does not show any direct LyC signal. Moreover, the narrow-bandsub-sample(Eq.1), 1σ photometric errors on the observed f (900)/f (1400) flux ν ν ratios depend on the depth of the narrow bands in which the fescrel(LyCNB3727)<44% ratios are measured. Since the LyC measurements come from fourdifferentnarrowbandswithdifferentdetectionlimits,the fescrel(LyCNB387)<25% contribution of the sample as a whole to the LyC emission canbeestimatedasaweightedmean(LyC(SFGs)=wmean± fescrel(LyC )<17% NB388 σwmean).Becauseofthelackofindividualdetections,wmean is consistent with 0 and σwmean provides an upper limit of fescrel(LyC )<33%. NB396 theLyCsignalofthewholesample.Bydefinition,σwmean= 1/(cid:113)(cid:80)N(1/w2),whereNisthenumberofsourcesconsideredin These values reflect the different depths of the indi- i i vidual narrow bands. For the whole sample of 67 SFGs pthheoctoamlcuetlraitciounnacnerdtathinetiwesei(gwhits=,w1/iσ,a2ir)e.relatedtotheindividual (=<5)z,w>e=ob3t.a3i9n7t,he<foelxlpo(w-τinIGgMt,hz)e1>(2=)σ0.u3p6p,eLrνli(m14it0:0)/Lν(900) ConsideringthattheV606bandcoverstherest-frameUV (λ ∼ 1400 Å) forthe entire range of redshift probedhere, we fescrel(LyC)<12(24)%. also calculated the weighted mean of the V606 fluxes in the estimation of the observed fν(900)/fν(1400) flux ratio for the As shown in Sect. 3, IGM transmissivity and intrinsic wholesampleofSFGs. L (1400)/L (900) ratio correspond to multiplicative factors in ν ν Following the same approach, we estimate an upper thecalculationof fescrel(LyC).Inparticular,L (1400)/L (900) ν ν limit of the observed flux ratio for the sub-samples of the =5isobtainedassumingconstantSFR,SalpeterIMF,andage 10

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