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Preview Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon interactions from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search

Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon interactions from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search D.S. Akerib,1 M.S. Armel-Funkhouser,2 M.J. Attisha,3 C.N. Bailey,1 L. Baudis,4 D.A. Bauer,5 P.L. Brink,6 P.P. Brusov,1 R. Bunker,7 B. Cabrera,6 D.O. Caldwell,7 C.L. Chang,6 J. Cooley,6 M.B. Crisler,5 P. Cushman,8 M. Daal,2 F. DeJongh,5 R. Dixon,5 M.R. Dragowsky,1 D.D. Driscoll,1 L. Duong,8 R. Ferril,7 J. Filippini,2 R.J. Gaitskell,3 S.R. Golwala,9 D.R. Grant,1 R. Hennings-Yeomans,1 D. Holmgren,5 M.E. Huber,10 S. Kamat,1 S. Leclercq,4 A. Lu,2 R. Mahapatra,7 V. Mandic,2 P. Meunier,2 N. Mirabolfathi,2 H. Nelson,7 R. Nelson,7 R.W. Ogburn,6 T.A. Perera,1 M. Pyle,6 E. Ramberg,5 W. Rau,2 A. Reisetter,8 R.R. Ross,11,2,∗ T. Saab,6 B. Sadoulet,11,2 J. Sander,7 C. Savage,7 R.W. Schnee,1 D.N. Seitz,2 B. Serfass,2 K.M. Sundqvist,2 J-P.F. Thompson,3 G. Wang,9,1 S. Yellin,6,7 J. Yoo,5 and B.A. Young12 (CDMS Collaboration) 6 1Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA 0 2Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 0 3Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA 2 4Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA 5Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510, USA n 6Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA a J 7Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA 8School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA 7 9Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 1 10Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO 80217, USA 2 11Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA v 12Department of Physics, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053, USA 9 (Dated: January 11, 2006) 6 TheCryogenicDarkMatterSearch(CDMS)isanexperimenttodetectweaklyinteractingmassive 2 particles(WIMPs),whichmayconstitutetheuniverse’sdarkmatter,basedontheirinteractionswith 9 GeandSinuclei. WereporttheresultsofananalysisofdatafromthefirsttworunsofCDMSatthe 0 5 Soudan Underground Laboratory in terms of spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon interactions on 73Ge 0 and 29Si. These data exclude new regions of WIMP parameter space, including regions relevant / to spin-dependent interpretations of the annual modulation signal reported by the DAMA/NaI h experiment. p - PACSnumbers: 95.35.+d,14.80.Ly o r t s The nature ofthe darkmatter whichdominates struc- than in the axial case [8], scalar couplings dominate di- a : ture formation in our universe is one of the most press- rect detection event rates in most SUSY models for ex- v ing questions of modern cosmology [1, 2, 3]. A promis- periments using heavy target nuclides. i X ingclassofcandidatesisweaklyinteractingmassivepar- r ticles (WIMPs) [4], particularly the lightest neutralino In contrast, the axial couplings of nucleons with op- a in supersymmetric (SUSY) extensions to the Standard posing spins interfere destructively, leaving WIMP scat- Model [3]. Many groups have sought to detect WIMPs tering amplitudes determined roughly by the unpaired directly via their elastic scattering off atomic nuclei [5]. nucleons (if any) in the target nucleus. Spin-dependent The nucleoncouplingofa slow-movingMajorananeu- WIMP couplings to nuclei thus do not benefit from a tralino (or of any WIMP in the extreme non-relativistic significantcoherentenhancement,andsensitivitytosuch limit[6])ischaracterizedbytwoterms: spin-independent interactions requires the use of target nuclides with un- (e.g. scalar) and spin-dependent (e.g. axial vector). paired neutrons or protons. Spin-dependent interactions When coherence across the nucleus is taken into ac- maynonethelessdominatedirect-detectioneventratesin count [7], these two terms behave very differently. The spin-sensitive experiments in regions of parameter space neutralinohassimilarscalarcouplingstothe protonand where the scalar coupling is strongly suppressed. This neutron[3],andnucleoncontributionsinterfereconstruc- can provide a lower bound on the total WIMP-nucleus tivelytoenhancetheWIMP-nucleuselasticcrosssection. elasticcrosssection,sincespin-dependentamplitudesare Thus, though neutralino-nucleon cross sections for such more robust against fine cancellations [9]. In general, interactions are generally orders of magnitude smaller considerationof such couplings when interpreting exper- imental results more fully constrains WIMP parameter space and allows exploration of alternative interpreta- tions of possible signals [10, 11]. In this work we ex- ∗Deceased plore the implications of recent results from the Cryo- 2 genic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment for spin- with a = a + a and a = a − a . The functions 0 p n 1 p n dependentelasticscattering. Somelimitswithaprevious S (q) encompass the magnitude of the spin associated ij data set have appeared in [12], and constraints on spin- withthenucleonpopulations,aswellastheeffectsofthe independent interactionswiththis datasetarediscussed spatial distribution of that spin at non-zero momentum- in [13]. transfers. These must be determined separately for each The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search [12, 14] seeks to nuclide using a nuclear structure model. Such models detect WIMPs via their interaction with nuclei in semi- may be compared based on their q = 0 nucleon spin ex- conductor crystals. CDMS uses ZIP detectors [12] to pectationvalues(hS iandhS i)andtheaccuracyoftheir p n discriminate between electron recoils (induced by most predictions for the nuclear magnetic moment. These backgrounds) and nuclear recoils (induced by WIMPs modelsalsoshowthatspincorrelations(e.g. polarization and neutrons) on an event-by-event basis via a simulta- oftheevennucleongroupbytheoddnucleongroup)give neous measurementof ionizationand athermal phonons. anucleuswithanunpairedneutronaresidualsensitivity Understandardassumptionsaboutthegalactichalo(de- to a . p scribed in [7]), CDMS currently sets the strictest upper For 29Si, the major efforts to determine nuclear spin limits on spin-independent WIMP interactions [12, 14]. structure have been large-basis shell model simulations The CDMS detectors are made of natural Ge or by Ressell et al. [15] and Divari et al. [27]. The results Si, both composed predominantly of spinless isotopes ofbothcalculationsagreeinthezero-momentum-transfer withnegligiblesensitivitytospin-dependentinteractions. limit and reproduce the experimental magnetic moment However,eachcontains one significantisotope with non- (µ=−0.555µ ) to within 10%. We follow the former. N zero nuclear spin: 73Ge (spin-9/2) makes up 7.73% of The most complete shell model studies of the high- naturalGe,while29Si(spin-1/2)makesup4.68%ofnat- spin 73Ge nuclide have been carried out by Ressell et al. uralSi. Eachisotopecontainsasingleunpairedneutron, [15] and Dimitrov et al. [28]. The former result requires making CDMS much more sensitive to spin-dependent “quenching” to bring its predicted value of the nuclear interactions with neutrons than with protons. magnetic moment (µ = −1.239µ ) in line with experi- N The analysis presented here is based on the combina- ment (µ = −0.879µ ), while the hybrid model used in N tion of two data runs taken at the Soudan Underground the latter does not (µ = −0.920µ ). Both models give N Laboratory, a deep installation which provides a rock values of hS i within ∼ 2% of one another, but their n overburden of 2090 meters water equivalent. The first values for hS i differ by a factor of 3. We follow Dim- p Soudanrunuseda singletowerof6ZIPdetectors(4Ge, itrov et al., but also compute Ge limits following Ressell 2 Si) and recoil energy thresholds of 10-20 keV. From et al. (the “alternate form factor”) to give an indication October 2003 through January 2004, 52.6 live days of of nuclear model uncertainties. Note that the structure- WIMP-searchdata were acquired. We work with the re- function fits given in the latter are invalid for recoil en- sults of the “current” analysis detailed in [12], in which ergies E > 50 keV. We thus assume no sensitivity to R one candidate event was identified in Ge. The second such recoils when using this model (thereby limiting our run added a second tower (2 Ge, 4 Si) and acquired 74.5 sensitivity for high WIMP masses in this case). livedaysofdatabetweenMarchandAugustof2004. We Wefollowa“model-independent”frameworkdescribed workwiththe 7-keVthresholdanalysisdescribedin[13], in [11, 24, 29] for the interpretation of experimental re- alsowithonecandidateeventinGe. Bothcandidatesare sults in terms of spin-dependent interactions. For easy consistentwithexpectedbackgrounds,andnocandidates comparisons between experiments, we report allowed re- wereobservedinSi. Scalingtheexposuresbeforeanalysis gions in two M −σSD planes: one in the limit a = 0, χ n cuts by the isotopic abundances given above, we obtain one for a = 0. For this purpose, we express limits in p a total of 11.5 (1.7) raw kg-days 73Ge (29Si) exposure. terms of WIMP-nucleon cross sections The spin-dependent interactions of a given WIMP are characterized by its WIMP-proton and WIMP-neutron σSD = 8(J +1)G2µ2 a2 , (3) spin-dependentcouplings,a anda . Unlike inthe spin- p,n πJ F χp,n p,n p n independent case, the relative strengths of these cou- whereµ istheWIMP-nucleonreducedmass. Wealso plings mayvary significantlywith neutalino composition χp,n plot allowed regions in the a −a plane for two choices [24], though they are often of similar magnitude in mod- p n of WIMP mass, M . elsofinterest[25]. Thedifferentialcrosssectionforspin- χ Figure 1 shows upper-limit contours in the M −σSD dependent WIMP-nucleus elastic scattering at momen- χ plane in the limiting cases of pure neutron coupling tum transfer q can be written as [26] (a = 0) and pure proton coupling (a = 0) for the p n dσSD 8G2 CDMS data sets, computed using Yellin’s Optimum In- χN = F S(q), (1) dq2 (2J +1)v2 terval method [30]. Dashed curves in Fig. 1 and 2 show the limits obtained using the alternate form factor. As where v is the incident WIMP velocity, J is the nuclear benchmarks, we also include recent limits from other spin, G is Fermi’s constant, and the “spin structure F leading experiments, as well as 3σ allowed regions based function” S(q) is given by on DAMA/NaI’s reported annual modulation [10]. The S(q)=a2S (q)+a a S (q)+a2S (q), (2) latteriscomputedfollowing[11], basedonthe 2–4keVee 0 00 0 1 01 1 11 3 10−32 10−32 2m] 2m] utron Cross Section [c 1100−−3364 oton Cross Section [c 1100−−3364 Ne Pr MP− MP− WI WI 10−38 10−38 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 WIMP Mass [GeV/c2] WIMP Mass [GeV/c2] FIG.1: Upperlimit contours(90%confidencelevel)forrecentCDMSdatasets,plottedinthecasesof(left)pureneutronand (right) pure proton coupling. We show limits based on Ge (solid) and Si (dash-dot) from the combined Soudan data (black). Dashed curves represent Ge limits using the alternate form factor from [15]. As benchmarks, we also include interpretations of the DAMA/NaI annual modulation signal [10] (filled regions are 3σ-allowed) and limits from other leading experiments: CRESST I [16] as computed in [11] (“×”s), PICASSO [17] (squares), NAIAD [18] (circles), ZEPLIN I [19] (triangles), and Super-Kamiokande [20] (asterisks; an indirect search, based on different assumptions). EDELWEISS [21] and SIMPLE [22] report limits (not shown for clarity) comparable to CDMS Si and PICASSO, respectively. As a theoretical benchmark (see text),horizontal dotted lines indicate expected cross sections for a heavyMajorana neutrino. Plots courtesy of [23]. modulation amplitude alone and a tripling of its quoted substantial uncertainties. Other experiments (see [11]) 1σ error bars. Including constraints from other energy set more stringent constraints on a and further reduce p binsfavorssomewhatlowercrosssectionsathighWIMP the overallallowed region. masses, but does not modify our conclusions. Specific WIMPmodelframeworksyieldconstraintson Duetoitsisotopiccomposition,CDMSissensitivepri- the relationshipbetweenap andan. Inparticular,SUSY marilytoWIMP-neutronspin-dependentcouplings. The neutralinos are expected to have comparable couplings combined CDMS data exclude new regions of parame- toprotonsandneutrons. Asanexample,Bednyakov[25] ter space in the case of purely WIMP-neutron coupling finds limits of 0.55 < |an| < 0.8 in the effMSSM frame- ap (i.e. for a = 0). In combination with CRESST I [16], work, corresponding to the thin filled wedges in Fig. 2. p these data are inconsistent with an interpretation of the Imposing this constraint eliminates the overlap between DAMA/NaI annual modulation amplitude in terms of the CDMS and DAMA/NaI allowed regions at WIMP such interactions within the standard halo model (see masses>∼25GeV/c2,thoughcompatibleregionsatlower also [11]). Despite its lack of unpaired protons, CDMS masses remain. also possesses competitive sensitivity to ap. CDMS does The upper limits set here do not yet constrain SUSY notcurrentlysetthe strongestlimits inthe pure WIMP- models significantly. An increase in exposure by at least proton case, but has begun to explore the region of this two orders of magnitude is required to explore the most parameter space associated with the DAMA/NaI signal. accessible mSUGRA models [31], which may be possible To explore more generalmodels, these results can also withthenextgenerationofdirectdetectionexperiments. be expressed in the a − a plane for various choices Onebenchmarkforspin-sensitivedarkmattersearches p n of WIMP mass. Two such choices (15GeV/c2 and is a heavy Majorana neutrino, which has a purely axial 50GeV/c2) are shown in Fig. 2. The former illustrates couplingtonucleons. HorizontaldottedlinesinFig.1in- theadvantageofusingtwoactiveisotopes: theregional- dicatetheexpectedspin-dependentcrosssectionsofsuch lowedbybothnuclides(approximatelytheoverlapofthe a particle[7]. These lines suggestthe magnitude ofspin- correspondingellipses) may be significantly smallerthan dependent cross section expected from a Majorana dark either ellipse individually. In the current case, the gen- matter candidate with weak interactions (regardless of erallyweakerlimit from29Siservesto cut offthe regions productionmechanism),andtherebyindicateanapprox- at large a2+a2 allowed by Ge. This is significant since imate upper bound to “interesting” WIMP parameter p n the lengths of the major axes of these ellipses depend on space. We should note that this particle is intended as a near-cancellationsinthestructurefunctions,andsohave benchmark rather than a serious dark matter candidate. 4 60 30 40 20 20 10 ap 0 ap 0 −20 −10 −40 −20 M = 15 GeV/c2 M = 50 GeV/c2 χ χ −60 −30 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 a a n n FIG.2: Regionsintheap−an planeallowed(atthe90%confidencelevel)byCDMSdata. Eachdatasetexcludestheexterior of the corresponding ellipse. Two choices of WIMP mass Mχ are shown: 15GeV/c2 (left) and 50GeV/c2 (right). Dot-dashed ellipses represent Si limits, solid ellipses represent Ge limits, and dashed ellipses represent Ge limits using the alternate form factor. Also shown are the corresponding interpretations of the DAMA/NaI modulation signal (near-horizontal light (pink) filledbandsare3σ-allowed). Thethindark(blue)filledwedgescorrespond tomodelssatisfying0.55<|an|<0.8,aconstraint ap from the effMSSMframework [25]. Such a neutrino could be unstable, and relic density cal- at our various institutions. This work is supported by culations suggest that it cannot be a major component the NationalScience Foundation under Grant No. AST- of the dark matter if produced thermally [32]. CDMS 9978911 and No. PHY-9722414, by the Department of II will begin to probe this parameter space in the near EnergyundercontractsDE-AC03-76SF00098,DE-FG03- future, and some has already been reached by indirect 90ER40569,DE-FG03-91ER40618,andbyFermilab,op- searches. eratedbytheUniversitiesResearchAssociation,Inc.,un- derContractNo. DE-AC02-76CH03000withtheDepart- mentofEnergy. TheZIPdetectorswerefabricatedinthe Acknowledgments StanfordNanofabricationFacilityofNNINsupportedby NSF under Grant ECS-9731293. The authors thank E. Baltz and J. Engel for use- ful conversations, and the technical and support staff [1] J. R. Primack, D. Seckel and B. Sadoulet, Ann. Rev. 123513 (2004). Nucl.Part. Sci. 38, 751 (1988). [12] D. S. Akerib et al. [CDMS], Phys. Rev. D 72, 052009 [2] G.Bertone,D.HooperandJ.Silk,Phys.Rept.405,279 (2005). (2005). [13] D.S.Akeribet al.[CDMS],Phys.Rev.Lett.96, 011302 [3] G. Jungman, M. Kamionkowski and K. Griest, Phys. (2006). Rept.267, 195 (1996). 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