Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross sections from 225 live days of XENON100 data E. Aprile,1 M. Alfonsi,2 K. Arisaka,3 F. Arneodo,4 C. Balan,5 L. Baudis,6,∗ B. Bauermeister,7 A. Behrens,6 P. Beltrame,8,3 K. Bokeloh,9 A. Brown,10 E. Brown,9 G. Bruno,4 R. Budnik,1 J. M. R. Cardoso,5 W.-T. Chen,11 B. Choi,1 A. P. Colijn,2 H. Contreras,1 J. P. Cussonneau,11 M. P. Decowski,2 E. Duchovni,8 S. Fattori,7 A. D. Ferella,4,6 W. Fulgione,12 F. Gao,13 M. Garbini,14 C. Ghag,3 K.-L. Giboni,1 L. W. Goetzke,1 C. Grignon,7 E. Gross,8 W. Hampel,15 F. Kaether,15 A. Kish,6 J. Lamblin,11 H. Landsman,8,† R. F. Lang,10 M. Le Calloch,11 D. Lellouch,8 C. Levy,9 K. E. Lim,1 Q. Lin,13 S. Lindemann,15 M. Lindner,15 J. A. M. Lopes,5 K. Lung,3 T. Marrod´an Undagoitia,15,6 F. V. Massoli,14 A. J. Melgarejo Fernandez,1 Y. Meng,3 M. Messina,1 A. Molinario,12 K. Ni,13 U. Oberlack,7 S. E. A. Orrigo,5 E. Pantic,3 R. Persiani,14 G. Plante,1 N. Priel,8 A. Rizzo,1 S. Rosendahl,9 J. M. F. dos Santos,5 G. Sartorelli,14 J. Schreiner,15 M. Schumann,16,6 L. Scotto Lavina,11 P. R. Scovell,3 M. Selvi,14 3 1 P. Shagin,17 H. Simgen,15 A. Teymourian,3 D. Thers,11 O. Vitells,8 H. Wang,3 M. Weber,15 and C. Weinheimer9 0 (The XENON100 Collaboration) 2 1Physics Department, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA n 2Nikhef and the University of Amsterdam, Science Park, Amsterdam, Netherlands a 3Physics & Astronomy Department, University of California, Los Angeles, USA J 4INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi, 67100, Italy 9 5Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, R. Larga, 3004-516, Coimbra, Portugal 2 6Physics Institute, University of Zu¨rich, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057, Switzerland 7Institut fu¨r Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universit¨at Mainz, 55099 Mainz, Germany O] 8Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, 76100 Rehovot, Israel 9Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Wilhelms-Universit¨at Mu¨nster, 48149 Mu¨nster, Germany C 10Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA . 11SUBATECH, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, CNRS/In2p3, Universit´e de Nantes, 44307 Nantes, France h 12INFN-Torino and Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, 10100 Torino, Italy p 13Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200240, China - o 14University of Bologna and INFN-Bologna, Bologna, Italy r 15Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany t s 16Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, Switzerland a 17Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005 - 1892, USA [ We present new experimental constraints on the elastic, spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross 2 section using recent data from the XENON100 experiment, operated in the Laboratori Nazionali v delGranSassoinItaly. Ananalysisof224.6livedays×34kgofexposureacquiredduring2011and 0 2012 revealed no excess signal due to axial-vector WIMP interactions with 129Xe and 131Xe nuclei. 2 This leads to the most stringent upper limits on WIMP-neutron cross sections for WIMP masses 6 above 6GeV/c2, with a minimum cross section of 3.5×10−40cm2 at a WIMP mass of 45GeV/c2, 6 at 90% confidence level. . 1 0 PACSnumbers: 95.35.+d,14.80.Ly,29.40.-n, 3 Keywords: DarkMatter,WIMPs,DirectDetection,Xenon 1 : v XENON100 was built to search for hypothetical, tional (S2) light signals induced by particles interacting i X weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which in the sensitive volume, containing 62kg of ultra-pure r could explain the non-baryonic, cold dark matter in liquid xenon. The background level in the energy re- a our Universe [1]. Independently of astrophysical and gion of interest for dark matter searches (<50keV ) nr cosmological observations, WIMPs are a consequence is5.3×10−3eventskg−1d−1keV−1,beforediscrimination of many extensions of the Standard Model of particle of electronic and nuclear recoils based on their S2/S1- physics, as new, stable or long-lived neutral particles. ratio [4, 5]. The instrument is described in [6], the anal- The WIMP dark matter hypothesis is testable by ex- ysis procedure is detailed in [7]. periment, the most compelling avenue is to directly ob- WIMPs in the halo of our Galaxy are expected to serve WIMPs scattering off atomic nuclei in ultra-low be highly non-relativistic [8] and their interactions with background terrestrial detectors[2, 3]. XENON100 is a nuclei can be characterized in terms of scalar (or spin- double-phase xenon time projection chamber operated independent, SI) and axial-vector (or spin-dependent, at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in SD) couplings [1, 2]. In the case of SI interactions, the Italy. A total of 178 low-radioactivity, UV-sensitive pho- leading contribution of the scattering is coherent across tomultiplier tubes detect the prompt (S1) and propor- the nucleus, and roughly scales with A2, where A is 2 the number of nucleons. Our SI result was presented in [4] and excludes a WIMP-nucleon cross section above 3µ2 2J +1 σ (q) 2 × 10−45cm2 at a WIMP mass of 55GeV/c2 at 90% σ (q)= p,n SD , (3) p,n 4 µ2 π Sa0=±a1(q) confidence level. Here we use the same data set, with A A an exposure of 224.6 live days, a fiducial mass of 34kg, where σ is the total WIMP-nucleus cross section, µ SD A identical event selection cuts, acceptances, relative scin- and µ are the WIMP-nucleus and WIMP-nucleon re- p,n tillationefficiencyandbackgroundmodeltoderivelimits duced masses, respectively. on spin-dependent interactions. Calculations of the structure functions S (q) are tra- A If the WIMP is a spin-1/2 or a spin-1 field, the con- ditionally based on the nuclear shell model, but dif- tributions to the WIMP-nucleus scattering cross section fer in the effective nucleon-nucleon interactions and in arisefromcouplingsoftheWIMPfieldtothequarkaxial the valence space and truncation used for the computa- current. In the case of the lightest neutralino in super- tion. For xenon as a WIMP target material, we consider symmetricmodelsforinstance,scatteringoccursthrough threelarge-scaleshell-modelcalculations: byResselland the exchange of Z bosons or squarks[1]. To predict ac- Dean[14]withtheBonn-A[15]two-nucleonpotential,by tualrates, thesefundamentalinteractionsarefirsttrans- Toivanen et al. [16], using the CD-Bonn potential [15], lated into interactions with nucleons by evaluating the and the recent results by Menendez et al. [17], using matrix element of the quark axial-vector current in a state-of-the-artvalenceshellinteractions[18,19]andless nucleon. Finally, the spin components of the nucleons severe truncations of the valence space. Menendez et al. must be added coherently using nuclear wave functions [17] also use for the first time chiral effective field theory to yield the matrix element for the SD WIMP-nucleus (EFT)currents[20]todeterminethecouplingsofWIMPs cross section as a function of momentum transfer. The to nucleons. The currents for spin-dependent scattering SDdifferentialWIMP-nucleuscrosssectionasafunction are derived at the one-body level and the leading long- of momentum transfer q can be written as [9]: range two-nucleon currents are included, resulting in a reduction of the isovector part of the one-body axial- vector WIMP currents [17]. The resulting chiral EFT dσ (q) 8G2 SD = F S (q), (1) currents are then used to calculate the structure func- dq2 (2J +1)v2 A tions for the WIMP-xenon scattering. Theoretical errors due to nuclear uncertainties can be provided when chiral where G is the Fermi constant, v is the WIMP speed F two-body currents are included [17]. We show their ef- relativetothetarget,J isthetotalangularmomentumof fect in Figure 3. The shell-model calculations are based thenucleusandS istheaxial-vectorstructurefunction. A on the largest many-body spaces accessible with nuclear Inthelimitofzeromomentumtransfer[32]thestructure interactions,alsousedtocalculatedouble-betadecayma- function reduces to the form [10]: trix elements for nuclei up to 136Xe and to study nuclear structures [18, 19, 21]. (2J +1)(J +1) The new calculations by Menendez et al. [17] yield a S (0)= [a (cid:104)S (cid:105)+a (cid:104)S (cid:105)]2, (2) A πJ p p n n farsuperioragreementbetweencalculatedandmeasured spectraofthe129Xeand131Xenuclei,bothinenergyand where (cid:104)S (cid:105) = (cid:104)J|Sˆ |J(cid:105) are the expectation values of in the ordering of the nuclear levels, compared to older p,n p,n the total proton and neutron spin operators in the nu- [16] results. The values for (cid:104)S (cid:105) are close to those of p,n cleus, and the effective WIMP couplings to protons and Ressell and Dean [14], but quite different from the re- neutronsaredefinedintermsoftheisoscalara =a +a sults of Toivanen et al. [16], as summarized in Table I. 0 p n and isovector a =a −a couplings. WethususetheMenendezet al. [17]structurefunctions 1 p n WIMPs will thus couple to the total angular momen- for our benchmark upper limits on WIMP-neutron and tum of a nucleus and only nuclei with an odd number WIMP-protoncross sections. Wealso providea compar- of protons or/and neutrons will yield a significant sensi- ison to the limits obtained when using the calculations tivity to this channel. Natural xenon contains two non- by Ressell and Dean [14] and Toivanen et al. [16]. In all zerospinisotopes,129Xe(spin-1/2)and131Xe(spin-3/2), cases, |(cid:104)S (cid:105)|(cid:29)|(cid:104)S (cid:105)|, as expected for the two xenon nu- n p with an abundance of 26.4% and 21.2%, respectively. In cleiwithanoddnumberofneutronsandanevennumber XENON100,theisotopicabundancesof129Xeand131Xe of protons. are changed to 26.2% and 21.8%, respectively. Figure 1 shows the structure functions S (q) obtained A To compare results from different target materials, a from the three calculations for pure neutron and pure common practice is to report the cross section for the proton couplings as a function of nuclear recoil energy. interaction with a single nucleon (σ , σ ) [11–13]. As- For the neutron coupling case, for which xenon has the p n suming that WIMPs couple predominantly to protons highest sensitivity, the functions are rather similar. For (a = 0) or neutrons (a = 0), the WIMP-nucleon cross theprotoncouplingcase,thestructurefunctionbyToiva- n p section becomes: nen et al. [16] differs significantly from the other two re- 3 TABLE I: Parameters of the xenon isotopes used in this analysis: nuclear total angular momentum and parity of the ground state,JP,predictedexpectationvaluesofthetotalprotonandneutronspinoperatorsinthenucleus(cid:104)S (cid:105)bytheResselland n,p Dean (Bonn A potential) [14], Toivanen et al. (Bonn CD potential) [16] and Menendez et al. (state-of-the art valence shell interactions) [17] calculations. Ressell and Dean [14] Toivanen et al. [16] Menendez et al. [17] Nucleus JP (cid:104)S (cid:105) (cid:104)S (cid:105) (cid:104)S (cid:105) (cid:104)S (cid:105) (cid:104)S (cid:105) (cid:104)S (cid:105) n p n p n p 129Xe (cid:0)1(cid:1)+ 0.359 0.028 0.273 −0.0019 0.329 0.010 2 g.s. 131Xe (cid:0)3(cid:1)+ −0.227 −0.009 −0.125 −0.00069 −0.272 −0.009 2 g.s. on SA1100−02 129Xe TMRoeeisvnsadeneleln andn eedzt Daelte. aaln. 2mc]1100−−3354 ±±X E21Nσσ OeexxNpp1ee0cc0ttee liddm ssitee (nn2ss0iitt1iivv3ii)ttyy neutron uncti [ no ure f 10−4 itce10−36 Struct s sso CDMS 10−6 rc n10−37 100 131Xe TRoeisvsaenlel ann edt ortue ZEPLIN−III A Mendendez et al. n10−38 S − ure function 1100−−42 PMIW DS10−39 XENON10 ct u Str 10−40 10−6 101 102 103 104 WIMP Mass [GeV/c2] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Recoil energy [keV] XENON100 limit (2013) proton FIG. 1: Structure functions for 129Xe (top) and 131Xe (bot- 2m]10−33 ±± 21σσ eexxppeecctteedd sseennssiittiivviittyy tom)forthecaseofneutron(plain)andproton(dashed)cou- plings,asafunctionofrecoilenergyusingthecalculationsof n [c10−34 o[1e7ll].anTdheDdeaiffne[r1e4n]c,eTiosivmaonsetnseigtnaifil.c[a1n6t] ianndthMe ceanseendoefztheet secti10−35 CDMS proton coupling for the Toivanen et al. results. on cross 10−36 XENON10 PICASSO sults. Table I summarizes the expectation values of the prot10−37 KIMS totalprotonandneutronspinoperatorsinthenucleusfor − P 1ca2rp9oCpXsroseonsaasectnchrtdaidoi1nne3tss1scXarireobeneincdattlihhcneuel[az3set1per]iod.n-muSdsyeoispnmtgeeenmntdhtaeuetnmiPtcrtuoWrnfiaclIneeMsrfLtPeairk-inneliutlmiichelisoet.ooinnd SD WIM1100−−3398 SIMPLE COUPP IceCubeIc(ebC¯bu)be W+ W− 10−40 the energy scale and in the background expectation are 101 102 103 104 taken into account when constructing the Profile Like- WIMP Mass [GeV/c2] lihood model and are reflected in the actual limit. It FIG. 2: XENON100 90%C.L. upper limits on the WIMP is given at 90% C.L. after taking into account statisti- SDcross sectionon neutrons(top) andprotons(bottom)us- cal downward fluctuations in the background. We as- ing Menendez et al. [17]. The 1σ (2σ) uncertainty on the sumethatthedarkmatterisdistributedinanisothermal expected sensitivity of this run is show as a green (yellow) halo with a truncated Maxwellian velocity distribution band. Also shown are results from XENON10[22] (using with a local circular speed of vc = 220km/s, galactic Ressel and Dean [14]), CDMS[23, 24], ZEPLIN-III[25] (us- escape velocity v = 544km/s and a local density of ing Toivanen et al. [16]), PICASSO[26] , COUPP[27], SIM- esc ρ=0.3GeVcm−3[8]. PLE[28],KIMS[29],IceCube[30]inthehard(W+W−,τ+τ− for WIMP masses <80.4GeV/c2) and soft (b¯b) annihilation The resulting upper limits from XENON100, along channels. with results from other experiments, are shown in Fig- ure 2 for neutron couplings (top panel) and proton cou- plings (lower panel). The 1σ (2σ) uncertainty on the 4 2 interpretation of the results in terms of SD pure-proton s Ressell and Dean section neutron TMoeivnadneennd eezt aelt. al. cHroowssevseecrt,iorengsatrrdolnesgslyodfetpheennduscolenatrhmeuosdeedl,nwuecloeabrtaminodthele. s 1.5 os most stringent limits to date on spin-dependent WIMP- n cr neutron couplings for WIMP masses above 6GeV/c2 at o utr 1 90% C.L. e n o of We gratefully acknowledge support from NSF, DOE, Rati0.5 SNF, UZH, FCT, INFN, R´egion des Pays de la Loire, s103 STCSM, NSFC, DFG, Stichting voor Fundamenteel On- n ctio derzoekderMaterie(FOM),theMaxPlanckSocietyand e proton s s102 the Weizmann Institute of Science. We thank Achim s oton cro101 RTMoeeisvnsadeneleln andn eedzt Daelte. aaln. Ssicohnwseannkdafnodr JparvovieirdiMngentehnedirezstfrourctmuraenyfuhnecltpiofunlsdiinscnuus-- pr merical form. We thank J. Suhonen for providing us the of atio 100 numerical data for Figure 3 and M. Pitt (WIS) for his R contribution. 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