Limits of Deterministic Compressed Sensing Considering Arbitrary Orthonormal Basis for Sparsity Arash Amini(1) and FarokhMarvasti(1) (1)AdvancedCommunicationResearchInstitute(ACRI) EEDepartment,SharifUniversityofTechnology,Iran. 9 [email protected],[email protected] 0 0 Abstract: timeprobleminsteadofanNP-completeproblem)[3,10]. 2 Since in most of the applications the input signal has a Itispreviouslyshownthatproperrandomlinearsamples n priory known characteristics, the sparsity domain is also ofafinitediscretesignal(vector)whichhasasparserep- a known. Thus, it is logicalto designa deterministicsam- J resentationinanorthonormalbasismakeitpossible(with pling matrix (Φ); in this way, we eliminate the need to probability 1) to recover the original signal. Moreover, 2 savethesamplingmatrix. Somepossiblematricesarein- 2 the choice of the linear samples does not depend on the troducedin[6]and[11]. sparsity domain. In this paper, we will show that the re- ] placement of random linear samples with deterministic Althoughtheanalogbranchofthecompressedsensingis T being developedparallel to the improvementsin the dis- functionsofthesignal(notnecessarilylinear)willnotre- I crete domain [8, 9], we will only consider the discrete . sultinuniquereconstructionofk-sparsesignalsexceptfor s case in this paper. We will investigate the consequences c k = 1. We will show that there exist deterministic non- [ ofdeterministicsamplingwhenthesparsitydomainisnot linear sampling functionsfor uniquereconstructionof 1- knownatthetimeofsampling;however,wedonotrestrict 1 sparsesignalswhiledeterministiclinearsamplesfailtodo thesamplingfunctionstobelinear. Infactwearelooking v so. 8 fordeterministicfunctionsofxwhichuniquelyrepresent 0 all k-sparse signals irrespective of their sparsity domain 4 1. Introduction (forreconstructionthedomainshouldbeknown). 3 1. Recent results in compressed sensing [1, 5, 4, 7] show 2. Preliminaries 0 that for a class of finite discrete signals named sparse, 9 it is possible to reconstruct the signal from significantly Beforewestartthemainargument,itisnecessarytopoint 0 : lower number of samples than predicted by Nyquist rate out a key issue: since the cardinality of C (or R) is the v in uniform sampling theory. More precisely, if xn×1 sameasCn (orRn),thereexistsaninjectiong :Cn →C Xi is a vector whose representation in the orthonormal ba- (or g : Rn → R) which as a sampling function, com- sis Ψ = [ψ ] has at most k nonzero elements , r i,j n×n presses the whole information of a vector into a single a it is called k-sparse. Also s = ΨH · x is the transla- sample,evenwithouttheassumptionofsparsity.Although tion of x in the sparsity domain(since Ψ is orthonormal the compression is amazing, the output sample can not Ψ−1 =ΨH);i.e.,shasatmostknonzeroelements. be easily quantized; i.e., the theoretical solution is im- ItisprovedthatifmisofordernotlessthanO(k·log(n)), k practical. For this reason, we are looking for sampling m random linear combination of the samples (multipli- functions which employ the sparsity constraint in order cation by a random matrix Φ) of a k-sparse signal with to reconstruct the original signal and then we will dis- length n (k ≪ n) where the coefficients of the linear cuss how they can be quantized. To formulate the men- sampleshavenormali.i.d.distribution,suffice(withover- tioned constraint: we are lookingfor sampling functions whelmingprobability)toreconstructthesignal[7]. Other f : Cn → C, 1 ≤ i ≤ mthatresultinequivalentsam- i distributions have also been proposed which yield the plingclassesdefinedby: same result [2]. One of the features of this type of ran- domsamplingwhichwasoriginallyofmainconcern(but Ss1,...,sm ={x∈Cn | ∀1≤i≤m: fi(x)=si} (1) nolongerasimportantasitwas)isthatatthetimeofsam- suchthatineacharbitraryorthonormalbasis,atmostone plingitisunimportantinwhichbasisthesignalissparse. of the elements of S has k-sparse representation. More- Thedomainofsparsitycomesintothepictureonlyatthe over, the sparsity constraint should play a key role; i.e., time of the reconstruction. Therefore, this type of sam- formanycasesweshouldhave|S|>1. pling is not matched to a specific sparsity domain. The First we show whydeterministiclinearsamplingis nota other advantage of the method lies in its reconstruction properchoice. Assumethesamplesareproducedas: method. The mentioned order of m is the same as the s f (x) orderforwhichtheminimizationusingℓ normforfind- 1 1 ingthesparsesolutioncouldbereplaced0withℓ1 without ... = ... =Φm×n·xn×1 (2) considerablechangeinthesolution(solvingapolynomial sm fm(x) If m ≥ n, the number of samples exceeds the num- 1. If v = 0, bothx andx lie in the directioniden- 1 0 1 ber of original elements in x, which defeats the under- tified by the normal vector v˜ . Similar to the ar- 0 lying purpose of compression. For the case of m < n, gument in the previous section, there exist normal rank(Φ)≤m<nandtherefore,thenullspaceofΦwill vectors u ,...,u such that {v˜ ,u ,...,u } 1 n−1 0 1 n−1 havenon-zerodimension: formsanorthonormalbasisforCn. Obviouslyboth x and x are 1-sparse in this basis and moreover, 0 1 ∃v∈Cn,kvkℓ2 =1: Φ·v=0 (3) they produce the same set of samples using the as- sumed sampling functions. Hence, using the men- LetV⊥ bethesubspaceofCn formedbythevectorsper- tioned samples, these two vectorscan notbe distin- pendiculartov: guishedevenwiththesparsityconstraint. V⊥ ,{x∈Cn | vH ·x=0}, (4) 2. If v 6= 0, we define v˜ to be the normalvector in 1 1 thedirectionofv . Sincev˜ andv areorthogonal, and let {u1,...,un−1} be an orthonormalbasis for this v˜ andv˜ arealso1orthogon0al: 1 subspace. Hence, {v,u ,...,u } forms an orthonor- 0 1 1 n−1 malbasisforCn,orequivalently, hv ,v˜ i=hx ,v˜ i−hx ,v˜ i· hv˜ ,v˜ i =0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Ψ,[v, u1, ..., un−1] (5) =kv˜0k2ℓ2=1 ⇒ v ⊥v˜ ⇒ v˜ ⊥v˜ | {z } (8) is a unitary matrix. Obviously, the input vector v is 1- 1 0 1 0 sparsewithrespecttotherepresentationinΨ;however,v Moreoverfromthedefinitionofv wehave: 1 liesinthenullspaceofΦandcannotberecoveredusing itssamples(allzero)producedbyΦ. x1 = v1+hx1,v˜0iv˜0 Thus, for any fixed linear sampling set with less number = hx ,v˜ iv˜ +hx ,v˜ iv˜ (9) 1 1 1 1 0 0 of samples than the original signal’s length, there exists an orthonormalbasisanda 1-sparsesignal(in thisbasis) Therefore, x0 and x1 are respectively 1-sparse and whichcannotbeuniquelyrecoveredfromitssamples. 2-sparse in any orthonormal basis which contains v˜ and v˜ (existence of such a basis is trivial 0 1 by considering the subspace of Cn orthogonal to 3. General Sampling fork-sparseSignals span{v˜ ,v˜ }). Thus, if k ≥ 2, both x and x are 0 1 0 1 validsolutionstothesparsityconstraint.Thus,again Althoughdeterministiclinearsamplingfailseitherincom- we can not uniquely reconstruct the original signal pression or reconstruction, there exists the possibility to fromitssamples. introducegeneralnonlinearsamplingfunctionswhichdo not have these drawbacks. In this section we will show that for k-sparse signals with k ≥ 2 no such sampling 4. Sampling for1-sparseSignals functionsexist. Letusassumethat{f (x)}m arethesamplingfunctions The only case that we are left is the general (nonlinear) i i=1 and let {s }m be the respective samples obtained from sampling of 1-sparse signals. In fact we will show the i i=1 agivenk-sparsevectorx (inanorthonormalbasis). Re- existenceofsuchsamplingfunctionsforthiscase,butfirst 0 versibilityofthesamplingprocessisequivalenttothefact lets focus on the conditions that the sampling functions thatx istheonlyk-sparsevectorwhichresultsinsamples shouldsatisfy: 0 {si}mi=1.Aspreviouslydefined,werepresentthesampling Lemma1 The set S ⊂ Cn is uniquely 1-sparse decod- equivalentclassoftheobtainedsamples{s }m byS: i i=1 ableiff: S = x∈Cn ∀1≤i≤m, fi(x)=si (6) ∀a6=b∈S : 0< ha,bi <kakℓ2 ·kbkℓ2 (10) (cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9) (cid:12) (cid:12) Since x0 ∈ S we(cid:12)know S =6 ∅. Since the case m ≥ whereha,biistheinner(cid:12)produc(cid:12)tofthetwovectors(aH · n contradictsthe compression concept, we are assuming b), k.k is the ℓ norm of the vector (square root of the ℓ2 2 m < n. Moreover, if for all input vectors x ∈ Cn we inner product of the vector by itself) and |.| refers to the 0 have |S| = 1, sparsity constraintis of no use; i.e., a 1-1 absolutevalueofacomplexnumber. mappingfromCntoCmisformedwhichisundesireddue Using the Cauchy inequality and the non-negativeprop- to its quantization problem. Therefore, there exist input erty of the absolute-value operator, it is straightforward vectors for which the equivalentclass S has at least two elements. We choose x amongthese inputvectors; i.e., that: 0 bthoetrheoefxxistsanxd1x6=axr0esthuechsatmhaet(txhe,sxam∈pleSs).oLbteatinv˜edbferothme ∀a,b∈Cn : 0≤ ha,bi ≤kakℓ2 ·kbkℓ2 (11) 0 1 0 1 0 (cid:12) (cid:12) normalvectorinthedirectionofx andletv bedefined The only characteristic (cid:12)which(cid:12)distinguishes an arbitrary 0 1 asfollows: set from a uniquely 1-sparse decodable set is that the equalities do not occur for the latter. Now we get back v1 =x1−hx1,v˜0iv˜0 (7) totheproofofthelemma. AccordingtotheCauchytheo- rem,fortherightinequalitywehave: whereha,bistandsfortheinnerproductofthevectorsa andb,(ha,bi=aH ·b). Wehavetwocases: ha,bi =kak ·kbk ⇔ ∃c∈C: a=cb (12) ℓ2 ℓ2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) IfScontainstwounequalvectorsa,bforwhichtheabove Since f (a) = f (b), we have sign(ℜ{a }) = 1 1 i equality holds, in the orthonormal basis containing the sign(ℜ{b }) and sign(ℑ{a }) = sign(ℑ{b }) for all i i i normalvectorinthedirectionofa(orb)bothofthevec- 1≤i≤n. Thereforeℜ{a }·ℜ{b }+ℑ{a }·ℑ{b }≥0 i i i i tors are 1-sparse (since they are in the same direction) andthe equalityoccursif andonlyif ℜ{a } = ℜ{b } = i i which means that S is not uniquely 1-sparse decodable. ℑ{a }=ℑ{b }=0. Consequentlywehave: i i On the other hand, if for all unequal vectors of S strict inequalityholds,eachlineinCn passingthroughtheori- n ℜ{a }·ℜ{b }+ℑ{a }·ℑ{b }≥0 gincannotintersectSatmorethanonepoint.Thismeans i i i i thatforeachvectorofanorthonormalbasis,thereexistsat Xi=1 ⇒ℜ{ha,bi}≥0 (16) mostoneelementofS whichis1-sparseinthisdirection. Theleftinequalityconsiderstheorthogonalityofthevec- withtheequalityfora=b=0whichcontradictsthefact torsinS: thataandbareunequal.Thus: ha,bi =0 ⇒ a⊥b (13) a6=b (cid:12) (cid:12) ⇒ ℜ{ha,bi}>0 Assume S con(cid:12)tains (cid:12)two nonzero perpendicular vectors (cid:26) f1(a)=f1(b) a,bandleta˜,b˜ bethenormalvectorsintheirdirections, ⇒ ha,bi >0 (17) respectively.Sincea˜andb˜ areorthogonal,thereexistsan orthonormalbasisforCn whichcontainsbotha˜,b˜;obvi- (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) Now using the samples generated by f and f (in ad- ouslyaandbare1-sparseinthisbasiswhichimpliesthat 2 3 dition to f ) we prove the right inequality. If a and S isnotuniquely1-sparsedecodable. 1 b are such that f (a) = f (b), f (a) = f (b) and Forthesufficiencyofthecondition,ifnotwovectorsofS 2 2 3 3 ha,bi = kak · kbk , a and b must have the same areperpendicular,amongthevectorsofeachorthonormal ℓ2 ℓ2 (cid:12)directio(cid:12)n(Cauchyinequality)orequivalently,thereexists basis of Cn there exists at most one which intersects S (cid:12) (cid:12) c∈Csuchthatb=ca: (twointersectionsrevealaperpendicularpairinS). Also theresultoftheright-sideinequalityrestrictsthenumber n n ofintersectionsforeachdirectiontoone;so,atmostone f2(b)=f2(ca)= c·ai = |c| |ai| ofthevectorsinS canbe1-sparseinthisbasis(1-sparse Xi=1(cid:12) (cid:12) Xi=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) decodablityofS)andtheproofofthelemmaiscomplete. = |c|f2(a) (18) Our next step is to introduce sampling functions whose equivalent sampling classes fulfill the condition of the The condition f2(a) = f2(b) restricts the amplitude of lemma. We claim that the following three functions al- c to have the value 1 (|c| = 1); note that f2(a) = 0 re- waysproducesuchsets: sults in a = b = 0 which again contradicts the previ- ous assumption of distinctness of a and b. Thus, up to f1(x)= ni=132(i−1)sign(ℜ{xi}) this pointwe shown that by havingthe first two samples P +32i−1sign(ℑ{xi}) (generatedbyf1andf2),theoriginalvectorwithinacon- f2(x)=kxkℓ1 = ni=1|xi| (14) ssthaonwtctohmatptlheextchoiredffiscaimenptleonunthiqeuuenlyitdceitrecrlmeiinneksntohwenp.hWasee P of that coefficient which implies the overall uniqueness. f3(x)=Pxi6=0 ms|iℜgn{(xℜi{}x|+i}|)ℑ·{ℑxi{}x|i} Bleetfuosrecownesipdreorctheeedeftfoecretvoefaqluthanetrizoilnegotfhtehseecthoinrddssaammppllee., where ℜ{.} and ℑ{.} represent the real and imaginary Sincetheabsolute-valueoperatorisacontinuousfunction, parts, respectively, and msign(.) is the modified sign thesamplingfunctionf isalso acontinuousfunctionof 2 function which generates the same output as the sign(.) the input vector. Continuity implies that small perturba- functionexceptthatmsign(0)=1. tionsintheinputsuchasquantizationaremappedtosmall The first sampling function, f , although produces only 1 deviations in the output. Moreover, the quantization of onesample,uniquelydeterminesthesignofbothrealand thissampledoesnotaffectthementionedrestrictiononc imaginary parts of all the elements of x. Since the out- (|c| = 1); i.e., the ambiguity is still the phase of c. In put range of sign function is restricted to three different simple words, although the reconstructed amplitudes do values of −1, 0 and 1, the sample generated by f1 can notexactlymatchtheoriginalones,theuniqueness(inthe beviewedasthebase3representationofanintegernum- amplitude)isstillvalid.Infact,duetoquantization,there- ber with the difference that the digit 2 is replaced with producedamplitudesfallwithinaprecisionfromtheorig- -1 (the same residue in division by 3 which yields the inalvalues. If the inputelementsof the vectorare quan- uniqueness). Moreover,thissampleisanintegerbetween tizedwithlbitspriortosampling,theoutputofthef can −32n2−1 and 32n2−1 whichrequires⌈2nlog23⌉bitsforer- be quantized with l +⌈log2(n)⌉ bits (unsigned) wi2thout rorlessquantization. We willshowthatthissampleguar- causinganyfurtherlossofinformation. antees the left inequality. Let a and b be two unequal Nowwe showtheroleofthelastsampleinrevealingthe vectorsthatf1(a)=f1(b),weshowthatha,bi=6 0: phase of the nonzero elements of the input vector in the sparsitydomain. Sincethesummationinf istakenover ℜ{ha,bi}=ℜ{aH ·b} 3 the nonzero elements of the vector, the denominator in n eachofthetermsisapositiverealnumber(thedenomina- = ℜ{a }ℜ{b }+ℑ{a }ℑ{b } (15) i i i i torbecomeszeroonlywhenℜ{x } = ℑ{x } = 0which Xi=1 i i isexcludedbyx 6=0). Besides,wehave: sample is validhere; evenafter quantization,thereexists i atmostone1-sparsevectorwhichproducesthesesamples. msign(ℜ{x }) · ℑ{x } i i Giventhatthequantizationdoesnotchangethesignofthe 0≤ (cid:12)(cid:12) |ℜ{xi}|+|ℑ{xi}| (cid:12)(cid:12) realandimaginaryparts,thesamplingfunctionswillstill (cid:12) |ℑ{x }| (cid:12) beintheircontinuousregionandtherefore,smallerrorsin = (cid:12) i ≤1(cid:12) (19) |ℜ{x }|+|ℑ{x }| the input (such as quantization)will be mapped to small i i errorsinthereconstructedsignal. whichshowsthatsamplegeneratedbyf3 isboundedbe- It is easy to check that if the domain is R rather than C, tween−nandn(boundednessisnecessaryforquantiza- the third sample is not required; i.e., the sign of the el- tion). ements and the ℓ norm of the vector suffice for unique 1 Ifaandbaretwovectorswhichproducethesamesetof representationof1-sparsevectors. samples (all three), we know b = c a where |c| = 1 by useofthefirsttwosamples. Consideringthethirdsample 5. Conclusions weshouldhavef (a)=f (b): 3 3 We have consideredthe deterministicsampling of sparse msign(ℜ{a }) · ℑ{a } i i signals whose sparsity domain is not known at the time |ℜ{a }|+|ℑ{a }| aXi6=0 i i of sampling. Although random linear sampling of such msign(ℜ{ca }) · ℑ{ca } signalshasbeenshowntobeaproperchoice(undersome i i = (20) conditions),thedeterministicapproachfailsinreconstruc- |ℜ{ca }|+|ℑ{ca }| cXai6=0 i i tionofsomeidentifiablesubclasses.Thementioneddraw- backisstillanissuewhennonlinearmeasurementsofthe Owing to the fact that |c| = 1, the conditions a 6= 0 i k-sparsesignals wherek > 1 are employed. It isshown and ca 6= 0 are equivalent; therefore, the terms used i that class of 1-sparse signals (in an arbitrary linear spar- in the summations are the same in both sides. In addi- sity domain) can be uniquely identified using nonlinear tion, the first sample uniquely determines the sign and sampling. 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