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Preview Limited Site Investigation Report Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant 585 Acre Transfer Property ...

Environment Prepared for: Prepared by: MN Pollution Control Agency AECOM St. Paul, Minnesota Minneapolis, MN Project 60222555 November 2011 Limited Site Investigation Report Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant 585 Acre Transfer Property Leak Number 17797 Arden Hills, Minnesota Investigation Report Form Guidance Document 4-06 Complete this form to document site investigation activities, including Limited Site Investigations (LSIs) and Remedial Investigations (RIs). Do not revise or delete any text or questions from this report form. Include any additional information that is important for making a site management decision. If only an LSI is necessary, some questions do not need to be answered and have been identified in the form. Highlighted text contains instructions and references to related guidance documents for that section or question. Refer to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Guidance Document 1-01 Petroleum Remediation Program General Policy for the overall site investigation objectives and to other MPCA guidance documents for details on investigation requirements and methods. MPCA Site ID: Leak00017797 Date: November 11, 2011 Responsible Party Information Name: United States (U.S.) Army Phone #: (651) 294-4930 Responsible Party Contact: Mr. Mike Fix, Commanders Representative Mailing Address: 470 Highway 96, Suite 100 City: Shoreview Zip Code: 55126 The MPCA is Conducting Site Responses for Leak 17797 under the “Fund Financed” Petroleum Remediation Program (PRP). MPCA Contact: Mr. Mark Koplitz Phone #: (651) 757-2502 Leak Site Information Leak Site Name: Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) Phone #: (651) 294-4930 Leak Site Address: 4700 Highway 10 City: Arden Hills Zip Code: 55112 County: Ramsey Guidance Document c-prp4-06: September 2008 Petroleum Remediation Program F60222555-1 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency TCAAP 585-Acre Transfer Property, Leak 17797 AECOM Project 60222555 Page 3 Emergency and High Priority Sites A. Is an existing drinking water well impacted or likely to be impacted within a Yes No two-year travel time? B. Is a hydrogeologically sensitive aquifer impacted that is tapped by water wells Yes No that are within 500 feet from the release source? If YES, explain below. C. Has the public water supply risk assessment concluded that the site is a high Yes No priority site with respect to a public water supply well (see Guidance Document 4-18 Public Water Supply Risk Assessment at Petroleum Remediation Sites)? The Site is located within the New Brighton Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA). The City of New Brighton obtains its municipal water supply from ten (10) supply wells set in the Prairie du Chien/Jordan and Mount Simon/Hinckley aquifers. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Source Water Assessment (SWA) indicates that the aquifer sensitivity is low to medium for the City of New Brighton municipal supply wells as these wells meet the well construction standards and do not present a pathway for contamination to readily enter the water supply. Groundwater contamination consisting of chlorinated solvent compounds associated with the TCAAP Site was detected in the Prairie du Chien/Jordan resource aquifer and in City of New Brighton municipal supply wells. New Brighton municipal water obtained from wells set in the Prairie du Chien/Jordan aquifer where chlorinated contamination exists is treated to remove chemical solvent contamination and naturally occurring iron and manganese prior to distribution. The Site is located outside the City of Mounds View’s DWSMA. The City of Arden Hills purchases treated water for municipal supply from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. Information obtained for the public water supply risk assessment is included in Appendix L. D. Is there an existing surface water impact as indicated by 1) a petroleum sheen Yes No on the surface water or 2) a petroleum sheen or volatile organic compounds in the part per million range observed in a ground water sample collected close to the surface water? E. Has free product been detected at the site? If YES, attach Guidance Document Yes No 2-03 Free Product Recovery Report Worksheet in Section 6. F. Are there any existing field-detectable vapor impacts (photoionization Yes No detector, explosimeter, odors, etc.) to a receptor? G. Did the vapor intrusion assessment detect contaminants in excess of acute Yes No intrusion screening values (see Guidance Document 4-01a Vapor Intrusion NA Assessments Performed during Site Investigations)? Guidance Document c-prp4-06: September 2008 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency TCAAP 585-Acre Transfer Property, Leak 17797 AECOM Project 60222555 Page 4 A vapor intrusion assessment was not requested by the MPCA for Leak 17797 as part of this Limited Site Investigation (LSI) scope of work. No inhabited receptors were located within 500 feet of the release area(s) at the time of the LSI work. If you answered YES to any of questions A through G above, describe below the actions taken to date to reduce or eliminate the risk posed by the release. Guidance Document c-prp4-06: September 2008 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency TCAAP 585-Acre Transfer Property, Leak 17797 AECOM Project 60222555 Page 5 Section 1: Site Assessment Site and Release Information Complete Guidance Document 1-03a Spatial Data Reporting Form, Guidance Document 2-05 Release Information Worksheet if 3-02 General Excavation Report Worksheet was not completed, and include in Section 6. 1.1 Describe the land use and pertinent geographic features (e.g., topographic changes, surface waters, etc.) within 1,000 feet of the site. Illustrate these features using the Site Location Map, aerial photographs, and Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps™ for the various time periods they are available in Section 4. The project site (Site) consists of approximately 585 acres of land along the western portion of the larger Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) facility located in the City of Arden Hills, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The approximate Site location boundary is illustrated on the attached Figure 1. An aerial photograph depicting the Site area is included as Figure 2. The Site was identified as the “585-acre transfer property” by the current property owner, the United States Government, and this term is used to reference the investigation Site throughout this document. The Site at the time of the LSI activities completed by AECOM in December 2010 through May 2011 contained vacant manufacturing and support buildings, roadways and parking lot areas. Remediation system structures and components associated with ongoing remedial activities were also present at the Site. A mix of residential and commercial properties is located west of the Site across Highway 35/Highway 10 and south of the Site across Highway 96. State of Minnesota properties including the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Arden Hills truck station, a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) license and road test facility, Minnesota State Patrol Training Center and Minnesota Department of Fleet and Admin Surplus Services are located directly north of the Site. Residential properties are located approximately 1,000 feet north of the Site across County Road I. The adjacent property directly east of the Site consists of the Arden Hills Army Training Site (AHATS). Rice Creek flows through the northwestern portion of the Site and a small unnamed surface water feature is located along the northern portion of the Site. Round Lake is located approximately 1,000 feet to the south. The topographic land surface elevation varies from a low of approximately 880 feet above mean sea level in the northern portion of the Site to a high of approximately 1000 feet above mean sea level in the southeastern portion of the Site. The Site was previously divided into smaller sections for the Plexus Scientific (Plexus) Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Report in order to facilitate the review of historical documentation and to reduce the Site reconnaissance and field activities into manageable sections. AECOM is utilizing the previously established system of section designation by Plexus for this LSI report for consistency and referencing between Site areas. A Site Diagram illustrating the section designations is included as Figure 3. Guidance Document c-prp4-06: September 2008 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency TCAAP 585-Acre Transfer Property, Leak 17797 AECOM Project 60222555 Page 6 1.2 Briefly describe the history of the site and any past site investigation work that may have been completed. If a Phase I or Phase II report has been prepared for this site, include a copy in Section 6. Brief Site History The following brief Site history is based on information provided in the Plexus Phase I/II ESA Report, dated February 24, 2004. The 585-acre transfer property (Site) was included in a land purchase by the United States (U.S.) Army in 1941. The entire TCAAP Site occupied approximately 2,370 acres. A Site Location Diagram illustrating the 585-acre transfer property is included as Figure 1 and an aerial photograph of the Site is included as Figure 2. The Site property was previously owned by private landowners with the main Site uses including residential, farming and agricultural. One former gas station (former Phillips 66 Station) was identified in the southwest portion of the Site. The former location of the gas station is likely under the current Interstate 35W/Highway 10 ramp. A former “Oil Filling Station” was located in the southwest portion of Section 3008 in 1941 according to the Plexus Phase I/II ESA. The Site was operated under the Government-Owned Contractor-Operated (GOCO) war materials production program established by the War Department during World War II. Construction of the plant was initiated in August 1941 and small arms ammunition production began in February 1942. The plant was temporarily idle after the Victory over Japan Day (September 2, 1945). The plant was put back in service by the U.S. Army in 1946 for the Korean conflict and remained in operation until 1957. The plant was re-opened in 1965 during the Vietnam War for manufacturing small arms ammunition and was returned to standby status in 1976. Federal Cartridge Company was the prime operating contractor at the Site from 1941 into the 1990’s. The Site was placed on modified caretaker status in 1994. Portions of the Site were leased to private companies for various uses including ATK (formerly Honeywell, Inc.) Numerous petroleum products were utilized at the Site during plant operation including: heating oil (diesel and No. 6 fuel oil), vehicle fuels (No. 1 diesel, leaded and unleaded gasoline), quench oil, waste oil and hydraulic oil. Descriptions of the small arms production processes conducted at the Site are included in the Plexus Phase I/II ESA. Past Site Investigation Work Numerous Site investigations have been completed at the Site associated with multiple possible contaminant sources including: petroleum compounds, chlorinated compounds, metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), energetic material (explosives, propellants, tracer and igniter compounds), radiological materials and herbicides. The focus of this LSI is on petroleum related contamination; therefore, the following summary of past Site investigation work is generally limited to past petroleum related Site investigations. Significant additional Site investigation and remediation work was completed at the Site to determine the extent and magnitude of non-petroleum related contamination. Three historic petroleum release sites (Leak Numbers 3635, 4852 and 6996) were identified and investigated within the 585-acre transfer property Site. The historic petroleum release site locations are illustrated on Figure 2. A summary of the historic petroleum leak site locations by Leak number is provided in the paragraphs below. The MPCA Petroleum Remediation Program (PRP) established Leak number 17797 as a new Leak number to encompass the entire 585-acre transfer property Site and to investigate the Site as a whole. Leak 17797 encompasses potential petroleum release source Guidance Document c-prp4-06: September 2008 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency TCAAP 585-Acre Transfer Property, Leak 17797 AECOM Project 60222555 Page 7 areas where no investigation work has been completed or where additional investigation was required based on existing Site data including the former release Sites. The Site was also entered into the Petroleum Brownfield Program (PBP) under Site number 3668 associated with potential Site redevelopment. Leak number 3635 is located within Section 2003 near Building 59 where a 715 gallon heating oil aboveground storage tank (AST) was removed in 1987. MPCA closed Leak 3635 on February 10, 1992 based on soil samples and soil borings completed to determine the extent of petroleum impacts. Leak number 4852 is located within Section 1012 and portions of Section 1009 in an area where numerous underground storage tanks (USTs) and ASTs were formerly located in a “tank farm” area. MPCA closed Leak 4852 on December 18, 1996 based on Site investigation activities completed in this area. Leak number 6996 is located within Section 1010 where numerous USTs and ASTs were formerly located in a “tank farm” area. The MPCA closed Leak 6996 on May 31, 1996 based on Site investigation activities completed in this area. Eleven petroleum Leak sites were identified within the original TCAAP property boundary but outside of the 585-acre transfer property including Leak numbers 2593, 2803, 3188, 3609, 5753, 13336, 13461, 13886, 14688, 16464 and 17538. The locations of these leak sites are illustrated on Figure 2. Leak numbers 2593, 13336 and 14688 are associated with the MnDOT Arden Hills Truck Station located north of the Site. Leak 2803 is associated with the MnDOT Training Facility located north of the Site and Leak 13461is associated with the State of Minnesota Administration Surplus Services facility located north of the Site. Leak 3188 is located on the far southeastern portion of the TCAAP property at Highway 96 and Lexington Avenue at the Army Reserve facility. Leaks 3609 and 5753 are located at the National Guard Combined Organization Maintenance facility on Highway 96 and Hamline Avenue east of the Site. Leak 13886 is located directly east of the 585-acre transfer property and is likely associated with former ASTs in the vicinity of Building 515. Leak 16464 is associated with the Arden Hills Waste Oil Disposal site east of the Site. Leak 17538 is located at the Ramsey County Public Works facility on 1425 Paul Kirkwold Drive east of the Site. Leak 13902 is identified as a TCAAP leak site; however, the physical location of the release is identified as off the TCAAP property. The site address listed for Leak 13902 is 5th Street NW in New Brighton which is adjacent to the public works facility at 700 5th Street NW. This site is the location of the Plume Groundwater Recovery System (PGRS) installed in 1993 for the City of New Brighton. Leak 13902 was associated with soil contamination encountered during installation of the plume groundwater recovery well, Municipal Well Number 13 (unique #520931) for the PGRS. The well log for Municipal Well Number 13 is included in Appendix K. Other pertinent site assessment/investigation reports associated with the TCAAP property include: • Environmental Site Assessment Phase I and Phase II Report Final, Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant, Arden Hills, Ramsey County, Minnesota 774-Acre Parcel. By: Plexus, dated February 20, 2004. The Phase I/II ESA included site investigation at seventeen former UST and AST locations as well as former production areas not directly associated with storage tanks. A copy of the Phase I/II ESA is on file at the MPCA. Guidance Document c-prp4-06: September 2008 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency TCAAP 585-Acre Transfer Property, Leak 17797 AECOM Project 60222555 Page 8 • Addendum Report for Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, TCAAP. By: TWISS, dated February 2006. • Supplemental Remedial Investigation (RI), Field Sampling Plan, TCAAP 585-Acre Transfer Property. By: Tetra Tech, dated September 2008. • Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Performance Report, New Brighton/Arden Hills Superfund Site, by Wenck Associates, Inc., dated May 2010. 1.3 List other potential petroleum sources within 500 feet of the site and identify them on the Potential Receptor Map in Section 4. Other petroleum release sites identified within the original TCAAP property boundary are discussed in Section 1.2 above and their locations are illustrated on Figure 2. No other potential petroleum sources were identified within 500 feet of the release sites. 1.4 Describe the status of the tank system(s) including current and former tanks, piping, and dispensers. Summarize the status and characteristics of all past and present tanks in Table 1 and identify all components on a Site Map. A total of sixty-three (63) former petroleum storage tanks were identified within the 585–acre transfer property. A summary of the petroleum storage tank information is included on Table 1. The locations of the former tanks are illustrated on Figure 9. Tank information was obtained from the Plexus Phase I/II ESA as well as the MPCA tanks database. AECOM also interviewed Mr. Mike Fix (U.S. Army) regarding the status of tanks at the Site. Mr. Fix indicated that to the best of his knowledge, all petroleum storage tanks were removed from the Site. He was not aware of any remaining petroleum storage tanks at the Site. Documentation information including removal dates was not identified for eleven (11) ASTs including tank numbers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 37, 42, 55, 56 and 75. ASTs with a capacity of 500 gallons or less are exempt from MPCA AST regulations. Nine (9) of the 11 AST tanks including Tanks 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 37, 55 and 56 had a capacity of 500 gallons or less and were therefore likely not registered storage tanks. Tank 42 was a 20,000 gallon cutting oil AST that was installed in 1941 and may have been removed prior to implementation of the current AST regulations regarding tank documentation. Tank 75 was reportedly a 550 gallon gasoline AST installed in 1985 approximately 45 feet northwest of Building 502 in Section 4008. Soil boring SI-4008-B1 was completed in the immediate vicinity of the former Tank 75 location and no evidence of the AST was identified. AECOM did not observe the presence of petroleum ASTs during the Site investigation work. Tank numbers 17 and 18 were reportedly located within structures (Buildings 115 and 117A, respectively). AECOM did not observe the inside of existing structures for the presence of tanks or tank systems. 1.5 Briefly describe the known or suspected source(s) of the release and how it was discovered. The suspected sources of the releases are historic spills and/or releases from numerous petroleum storage tank systems (USTs and ASTs) located throughout the Site and the general Site use as an industrial facility for the manufacturing of small arms ammunition. 1.6 When did the release occur (if known)? Unknown 1.7 What was the volume and type(s) of petroleum product released (if known)? Guidance Document c-prp4-06: September 2008 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Guidance Document 1-01 Petroleum Remediation Program General Policy for the overall site Prairie du Chien/Jordan and Mount Simon/Hinckley aquifers. a mixture of light gray to very pale brown till and reddish-brown till and ranges in thickness . soil boring SI-1010-B46 was advanced to 7 feet.
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