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Like-Charge Colloid-Polyelectrolyte Complexation PDF

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Preview Like-Charge Colloid-Polyelectrolyte Complexation

Like-Charge Colloid-Polyelectrolyte Complexation Ren´e Messina,∗ Christian Holm,† and Kurt Kremer‡ Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Polymerforschung, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany (Dated: February 1, 2008) We investigate the complexation of a highly charged sphere with a long flexible polyelectrolyte, bothnegativelycharged insaltfreeenvironment. Electroneutralityisinsuredbythepresenceofdiva- 2 lentcounterions. Usingmolecular dynamics(MD)withintheframework oftheprimitivemodel,we 0 considerdifferentCoulombcouplingregimes. AtstrongCoulombcouplingwefindthattheadsorbed 0 chain is always confined to the colloidal surface but forms different conformations that depend on 2 the linear charge density of the chain. A mechanism involving the polyelectrolyte overcharging is proposed to explain these structures. At intermediate Coulomb coupling, the chain conformation n startstobecomethree-dimensional,andweobservemultilayeringofthehighlychargedchain while a for lower charge density the chain wraps around the colloid. At weak Coulomb coupling, corre- J spondingtoan aqueoussolvent, westill findlike-chargecomplexation. Inthis lattercase thechain 8 conformation exhibitsloops. 2 PACSnumbers: 61.20.Qg,82.70.Dd,87.10.+e ] t f o s I. INTRODUCTION . t a Theadsorptionofpolyelectrolytesontoanoppositely chargedsphericalparticlehasbeenexperimentallyextensively m studiedrecently1,2,3,4. Variousauthorshaveinvestigatedthisphenomenontheoretically5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 andbyMonte - Carlosimulations14,15,16,17,18. Nonetheless,muchless is knownconcerningthe complexationofa chargedsphere with d n alike-chargedpolyelectrolyte. Itis onlyveryrecentlythatwe reportedinashortcommunicationsuchaphenomenon o in the strong Coulomb coupling regime19. From a theoretical point of view, the long range Coulomb interactions c of these systems represents a formidable challenge, and especially the understanding of effective attraction of like [ charged bodies has attracted recent attention 1 Inthispaper,weelaborateonthe complexationbetweenasphereandalongflexible polyelectrolyteboth negatively v charged. While complexation in the strong coupling limit it is expected, we report new and rather unexpected 5 chain conformations. We present MD simulation results without added salt but taking into account the counterions 1 explicitly. Various Coulomb couplings as well as different polyelectrolyte linear charge densities are investigated. A 5 detailed study of the ions (monomer and counterion) distribution is reported and mechanisms accounting for the 1 different encountered complex structures are proposed. 0 2 The paper is organized as follows. Section II contains details of our MD simulation model. Section III is devoted 0 to the strong Coulomb coupling regime. Section IV is devoted to the intermediate Coulomb coupling regime. In Sec. / V, we consider the like-charge complexation in the weak Coulomb coupling regime corresponding to water solvent. t a m - II. SIMULATION METHOD d n The MD method employed here is based on the Langevin equation and is similar to that employed in previous o c studies20. Consider within the framework of the primitive model one spherical macroion characterizedby a diameter : d and a bare charge Q =−Z e (where e is the elementary charge and Z >0) surrounded by an implicit solvent v M M M of relative dielectric permittivity ǫ . The polymer chain is made up of N monomers of diameter σ. Both ends of i r m X the chain are always charged and each 1/f monomer is charged so that the chain contains N = (N −1)f +1 cm m r charged monomers. Themonomerchargeisqm =−Zme(withZm >0). Thesmallcounterions,assumedallidentical, a ensure global electroneutrality and have a diameter σ and charge +Z e (with Z >0). All these particles making up c c the system are confined in an impermeable spherical cell of radius R, and the spherical macroion is held fixed at the center of the cell. The equation of motion of any mobile particle (counterion or monomer) i reads d2r dr m i =−∇ U(r )−mγ i +W (t), (1) dt2 i i dt i where m is the mass particle (supposed identical for all mobile species), U is the total potential force and γ is the frictioncoefficient. Frictionandstochasticforcearelinkedbythedissipation-fluctuationtheorem<W (t)·W (t′)>= i j ′ 6mγk Tδ δ(t−t ). B ij Typeset by REVTEX 2 Excluded volume interactions are introduced via a pure short range repulsive Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential given by 12 6 4ǫ σ − σ +ǫ, for r−r <r , ULJ(r)= 0,(cid:20)(cid:16)r−r0(cid:17) (cid:16)r−r0(cid:17) (cid:21) for r−r00 ≥rccuutt, (2)  where r = 0 for the microion-microion interaction, r = 7σ for the macroion-microion interaction and r = 21/6σ 0 0 cut is the cutoff radius. This leads to d = 2r +σ = 15σ, whereas the closest center-center distance of the microions to 0 the spherical macroion is a = r +σ = 8σ. The macroion volume fraction is defined as f = (a/R)3 and is fixed to 0 M 8×10−3 with R=40σ. Thepairelectrostaticinteractionbetweenanypairij, wherei andj denoteeitheramacroionorachargedmicroion (counterion or charged monomer), reads U (r) Z Z coul i j =l , (3) B k T r B where l = e2/4πǫ ǫ k T is the Bjerrum length. Energies are measured in units of ǫ = k T with T = 298 K. B 0 r B B Choosing σ = 3.57 ˚A rrequires that the Bjerrum length of water at room temperature equals 2σ (7.14 ˚A). In this work the macroion charge is fixed at Z =180. M The polyelectrolyte chain connectivity is modeled by using a standard finitely extensible nonlinear elastic (FENE) potential in good solvent (see for example Ref.20), which reads −1κR2ln 1− r2 , for r <R , UFENE(r)= 2 0 R20 for r ≥R0, (4) ( ∞, h i 0 where κ is the spring constant-like chosen as 1000k T/σ2and R = 1.5σ. These values lead to an equilibrium bond B 0 length l=0.8σ. Typical simulation parameters are summarized in Table I. The simulation runs are reported in Table II. Each simulationrunrequiresabout107 MDsteps,andequilibriumistypicallyreachedafter5×105 upto3×106 steps. We normally performed between 5×106 and 107 MD steps to take measurements. We cover the whole range of strength of Coulomb electrostatic interaction from the strong coupling limit, which is more theoretical interest, to the weak coupling limit, which corresponds to an aqueous solvent. TABLE I: General data of thesimulation model. Note that the temperatureis used as energy scale for thesimulations. parameters σ=3.57 ˚A Lennard Jones length units T =298K room temperature ǫ=kBT Lennard Jones energy units ZM =180 macroion valence Zm monomer valence Zc counterion valence Nc total numberof counterions lB Bjerrum length a=8σ macroion-counterion distance of closest approach R=40σ simulation cell radius fM =8×10−3 macroion volume fraction κ=1000kT/σ2 FENE spring constant R =1.5σ FENE cutoff 0 l=0.8σ average bond length Nm total numberof monomers Ncm numberof charged monomers f monomer charge fraction λPE =Zmef/l polyelectrolyte linear charge density 3 TABLE II: Specification of the simulated systems. The chain radii of gyration Rg(bulk) and Rg(comp) are given for an isolated chain(i.e.,intheabsenceofthecolloid)andforthecomplexationcase(i.e.,inthepresenceofthecolloid)respectively. Lengths are in unitsof σ. parameter 1/f Nm Ncm Nc Zm Zc lB Rg(bulk) Rg(comp) run A 1 256 256 346 2 2 10 3.81 6.42 run B 2 257 129 219 2 2 10 3.90 8.69 run C 3 256 86 176 2 2 10 3.95 8.75 run D 5 256 52 142 2 2 10 4.49 8.86 run E 1 256 256 346 2 2 4 4.40 4.8 run F 2 257 129 219 2 2 4 4.8 9.4 run G 3 256 86 176 2 2 4 5.4 9.3 run H 1 256 256 346 2 2 2 6.6 6.1 run I 2 257 129 219 2 2 2 12 13 run J 3 256 86 176 2 2 2 - 21 run K 1 256 256 436 1 1 2 - - III. STRONG COULOMB COUPLING First we look at the like-charge complexation in the strong Coulomb coupling regime. We choose the relative permittivity ǫ =16, corresponding to l =10σ, and divalent microions (Z =Z =2). Such a set of parameters is r B m c of special theoretical interest to study the influence of strong electrostatic correlations. A. Single charged object Inthissectionwefirststudyseparately (i)thesphericalmacroionand(ii)theflexiblepolyelectrolyteinthepresence of their surrounding neutralizing divalent counterions separately . This provides the reference states for the more complicated situation, where both of these two objects interact. 1. Spherical macroion Consider an isolated macroion with its surrounding divalent counterions. A pertinent parameter to describe the Coulombcouplingforsuchhighlyasymmetricelectrolytesolution(macroionandcounterions)istheso-called“plasma” parameter Γ = Z2l /a , where a (which will be determined below) is the average distance (triangular lattice c B cc cc parameterinthegroundstate)betweencounterionslyingonthemacroionsurface21. ForthestrongCoulombcoupling considered we find Γ ≈ 13 (with Z = 180), and for finite macroion volume fraction (here f = 8×10−3), all M M counterions lie in the vicinity of the macroion surface22,23,24,25. To characterize the counterion layer structure, we compute the counterion correlation function g(s) on the surface of the sphere23,25, defined as: c2g(s)= δ(s′−s )δ(s′′−s ) , (5) i j * + i6=j X where c = N /4πa2 is the surface counterion concentration (N = Z /Z being the number of counterions), and c c M c s=|s′−s′′| corresponds to the arc length on the sphere of radius a (center-distance of closest approachof macroion and counterion). Each counterion (located in the vicinity of the surface) is radially projected on the (”contact”) shell around the macroion center of radius a = 8σ. Correlation functions are computed by averaging g(s) over 1000 independent equilibrium configurations which are statistically uncorrelated. The pair distribution g(s) is normalized as follows πa c 2πsg(s)ds=(N −1). (6) c Z0 4 2 1.5 ) (s 1 g 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 s/σ FIG. 1: Counterion surface correlation function g(s) for the 90 divalent counterions (ZM = 180) in the case of an isolated macroion in strong Coulomb coupling (lB =10σ). See Fig. 2 for a typical equilibrium snapshot. FIG. 2: Snapshot of the equilibrium counterion structure of an isolated macroion with a bare bare charge ZM =180 [see Fig. 1 for the corresponding g(s)]. Because of the finite size andthe topology of the sphere, g(s) has a cut-off at πa (=25.1 σ) and a zero value there. Therefore, at large values of s, g(s) cannot directly be compared to the correlationfunction in an infinite plane. Results are depicted in Fig. 1 for Z = 180. The first peak1 appears at about s = a ≈ 3σ whereas the second M cc peak about s ≈ 6σ and finally the third small peak around s ≈ 9σ. This structure, which is highly correlated, is referredtoasastronglycorrelatedliquid(SCL)23,26,butnotyetaWignercrystal. Atypicalequilibriumconfiguration is depicted in Fig. 2 where one can see the local arrangement close to a triangular lattice. 1 Itisthisvalueacc≈3σ whichgivesΓ≈13. 5 FIG. 3: Snapshot of the equilibrium conformation of an isolated polyelectrolyte chain made up of 256 monomers where all monomers are charged (f =1). Monomers are in white and counterions in dark grey. 2. Polyelectrolyte chain Now we investigate an isolated polyelectrolyte chain together with its surrounding divalent counterions in bulk confined to the same spherical cell of radius R = 40σ. We consider four monomer charge fractions (i. e. four linear charge densities) f = 1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/5. The chain is made up of N = 256 monomers (N = 257 for f = 1/2). m m whileZ =Z =2,The polymerchainparametersareidenticaltothoseofthe complexationcase(seeTableII). The m c chain extension is characterizedby its radius of gyration R given by g 1 Nm R2 = (r −r )2 , (7) g N i CM m * + i=1 X where r is the center of mass position of the chain. CM The corresponding values of R can be found in Table II (see R(bulk) for runs A-D). The chain extension varies g g little with f and is roughly given by R ≈ 4σ. For this strong Coulomb coupling, all counterions are “condensed” g into the polyelectrolyte globule for all three linear charge densities considered. The strong counterion condensation inducesacollapseofthechain,whichisbynowwellunderstood27,28,29,30,31. Atypicalequilibriumchainconformation is shown in Fig. 3 for f =1. As expected the structure is very compact and highly ordered. Very similar structures are obtained for f =1/2, 1/3 and 1/5. B. Complexation We now investigate the complexation of a highly charged colloid with a long flexible polyelectrolyte, both nega- tively charged. Four different parameter combinations, denoted by run A, B, C and D, were investigated which are summarized in Table II. Going from run A to D the polyelectrolyte charge fraction f decreases from 1 to 1/5. The contour length of the chain is much larger (N l/d≈14 times) than the colloidal particle diameter. m 1. Observation of the complexation Figure 4 shows typical equilibrium configurations of the colloid-polyelectrolyte complex. We notice that in all reported cases complexation occurs and the polyelectrolyte is completely adsorbed onto the colloidal surface, that is, inpresenceofahighlychargedcolloid,thepolyelectrolyteconformationbecomesquasitwo-dimensional incontrastto the bulk case (compare Fig. 4 with Fig. 3). However the structure of these resulting complexes depends strongly on 6 (a) (b) (c) (d) FIG. 4: Typical equilibrium configurations of the colloid-polyelectrolyte complex in strong Coulomb coupling (lB = 10σ) for (a)runA(f =1),(b)runB (f =1/2), (c)runC (f =1/3)and(d)runD(f =1/5). Monomersareinwhiteandcounterions in red. the value of f. For the fully chargedpolyelectrolyte case [run A with f =1 - see Fig. 4(a)] the monomers are closely packedforming a two-dimensional compactHamiltonian-walkwith the condensedcounterionson the polyelectrolyte. This structure consists of closed packed lines made from either counterions or monomers. When the linear change density is reduced [see Fig. 4(b-d)], the complex structures are qualitatively different. In these cases the monomers arenolongercloselypacked. ForrunB [f =1/2,Fig. 4(b)], the monomersspreadmoreoverthe particlesurfaceand the polymer partially wraps around the sphere exhibiting a quasi two-dimensional surface pearl-necklace structure. ForrunC [f =1/3,Fig. 4(c)]andrunD [f =1/5,Fig. 4(d)],themonomersspreadentirelyovertheparticlesurface, and the chain wraps the colloidal particle leading to an almost isotropic distribution of the monomers around the spherical macroion. Thelike-chargecomplexformationisduetothestrongcounterionmediatedcorrelationswhichareknowntoinduce attractions in the strong Coulomb coupling regime. Basically, the charged species will try to order locally in a way which is compatible with the chain connectivity and the macroion surface constraints. We now quantify those observations and propose a simple mechanism to explain the observed conformations. 2. Adsorption profile To quantify the adsorption of the monomers and counterions on the macroion particle surface, we analyze three quantities: (i) the ion radial distribution function n (r), (ii) the ion fractionP (r) and (iii) the net fluid chargeQ (r) i i i (omitting the macroion bare charge Z ), where r is the distance from the spherical macroion center. The radial ion M distribution function n (r) is normalized as follows i 7 R n (r)4πr2dr =N with i=c,m; (8) i i Zr0 whereN isthe totalnumberofions,andthe subscriptscandmstandforcounterionandmonomerrespectively. The i reduced integrated ion radial density P (r) is linked to n (r) via i i r n (r′)4πr2dr′ P (r)= r0 i with i=c,m. (9) i N R i Note thatforf <1,neutralandchargedmonomersareallincluded inthe quantities n (r) andP (r). The net fluid m m charge Q(r) is given by r Q(r)= Z n (r′)−Z n (r′) 4πr2dr′, (10) c c m m Zr0 h i where we choose e=1. Integrateddistribution P(r), radialdistribution n(r) and fluid net chargeQ(r) profiles are depicted in Figs. 5(a-c) respectively. Fig. 5(a)showsthatallatomsforallrunsarecondensedwithinadistanceofabout10σ fromthe colloid 1.2 1 (a) (b) 1 0.8 run A run B 0.8 run C 0.6 run D 3 ) σ P(r0.6 (r) n 0.4 run A 0.4 run B run C 0.2 0.2 run D 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 r/σ r/σ 2.5 (c) 2 run A run B run C 1.5 run D M Z / ) r ( Q 1 0.5 0 7 8 9 10 11 r/σ FIG. 5: Ion adsorption profiles (runs A−D) as a function of the distance r from the macroion center. (a) Fraction P(r) and (b) radial density n(r) of counterions (thin lines) and monomers (thick lines) - (c) reduced net fluid charge Q(r)/ZM. 8 center and more than 80% of the monomers and counterions are within a distance of 9.3σ from the colloid center corresponding roughly to two atomic layers [see also the radial distribution in Fig 5(b)]. Due to strong electrostatic attraction between the sphere and the counterions and strong electrostatic repulsion between the sphere and the charged monomers the first layer (r ∼ a = 8σ) is exclusively made up of counterions [see Figs 5(a-b)]. Note that the monomer depletion in this first counterion layer also concerns neutral monomers (runs B-D) and this effect is attributedtothechainconnectivity. Thismeansthatthe repulsionstemmingfromthecharged monomersimposethe polymer structure as longas f andthe Coulombcoupling aresufficiently high, whichis the case inthe presentstudy. The heightof the firstpeak in the counterionn (r) profile is almostindependent on f. The secondion layeris mixed c ofmonomersandcounterions,howeverwithamajorityofmonomers[seeFigs5(a-b)]. Indeedthe firstmonomerpeak inthen (r)profile(locatedatr ≈8.7σ)andthesecondcounterionpeakinthen (r)profile(locatedatr≈9.2σ)are m c onlyseparatedbyroughly∆r ≈0.5σ [seeFig 5(b)]. Thisleadstoamedium positionlocatedatr ≈9σ corresponding to a bilayer thickness. The height of the second peak in the counterion n (r) profile increases with increasing f [see c Fig 5(b)]. For f = 1 (run A), we observe a massive macroion charge inversion of more than 100% [i.e. Q(r)/Z > 2] in the M first layer as well as a strong charge oscillation [see Fig. 5(c)]. Upon reducing f (runs B−D) the macroion charge overcompensation decreases as well as the charge oscillation amplitude [see Fig. 5(c)]. This is due to the fact that upon reducing f less counterions are present and their correlations change. 3. Polyelectrolyte chain radius of gyration Next, we investigatethe radiusof gyrationR of the chain,i.e. Eq. (7), in orderto gaininsight ofthe spreadingof g the monomers over the sphere. The results reported in Fig. 6 (for l =10σ) show that R increases with decreasing B g decreasing f which demonstrates that the spreading of the monomers over the macroion surface is enhanced by decreasing the polyelectrolyte charge density. The jump in R is particularly large between f =1 and f <1. This is g in agreement with the visual inspection of the chain conformations presented in Fig. 4. Moreover,the isotropic case (monomers fully spread over the particle) corresponding to R ≈8.7σ (2) is already reached for f =1/2 (run B). g 22 20 18 l =10σ B l =4σ B 16 l =2σ B σ 14 / g R 12 10 8 6 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1/f FIG. 6: Radius of gyration of the polymer as a function of the polyelectrolyte charge fraction f for lB = 10σ (runs A-D), lB =4σ (runsE-F) and lB =2σ (runs G-H). 2 Thisvaluecorrespondstothethefirstmonomerpeakpositioninthenm(r)profile[seeFig.5(b)]. 9 r c r c FIG. 7: Schematic view of the chain intercepting counterions within a distance rc. 4. Surface counterion correlation function In this section we are interested in determining the structure of the “free” counterions which are not condensed onto the polyelectrolyte chain. Counterions are called “condensed” on the polyelectrolyte chain when they lie within a distance r = 1.2σ perpendicular to the chain (Fig. 7). All other counterions are called “free”, although they are c still adsorbedonto the colloidalsurface. To characterizethe structure of the free counterions we proceed in the same way as in Sec. IIIA1. The surface free counterion correlation function g (s) is now given by free c2 g (s)= δ(s′−s )δ(s′′−s ) , (11) free free i j * + i6=j X where the sum in Eq. (11) is restrictedto the free counterions,and c =N /4πa2 is the surface free counterion free free concentration, with N being the average number of free counterions. The normalization is obtained as follows free πa c 2πsg (s)ds=(N −1). (12) free free free Z0 Results are depicted in Fig. 8 for runs A-D. The important result is that the first peak of g (r) is located at free the same position (s ≈ 3σ) as in the “unperturbed” case of an isolated macroion (without polyelectrolyte) studied in Sec. IIIA1 (see Fig. 1). Although the second peak of g (s) is less pronounced than in the “unperturbed” case free (compare Fig. 8 with Fig. 1), the localorder of the free counterionstructure is still high as can be visually inspected 3 run A run B run C 2 run D ) s ( gfree 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 s/σ FIG. 8: Freecounterion (unboundedto thepolyelectrolyte) surface correlation function g (s) for runs A-D. free 10 on the snapshots sketched in Fig. 4. Thus the adsorbedchain only affects the counteriondistribution significantly in its immediate neighborhood. 5. Polyelectrolyte overcharging We now show that the concept of polyelectrolyte overcharging can be used to explain the observed complex struc- tures. LetN bethenumberofcounterionsweconsiderascondensedontothepolyelectrolyte. Thentheovercharging cd ratio χ is defined as PE N cd χ = , (13) PE N cm which is merely the ratio between the amount of the total condensed counterion charge and the polyelectrolyte bare charge. This “overcharging”can also be analytically predicted by the simple assumption that the presence of the polyelec- trolyte(with its counterions)does notaffectthe free counteriondistribution3. Letus considerthe barechargedchain plus its ownneutralizing counterionsas anunchargedobjectthat gets overchargedby intercepting allcounterions(of the macroion) whose center lie within a ribbon of width 2r and area A =2r N l (Fig. 7). If c is the counterion c rib c m (of the macroion) concentration then the theoretical overchargingratio χ is merely given by th A c 2r N lZ rib c m M χ =1+ =1+ , (14) th N N Z 4πa2 cm cm c and since the number of charged monomers N is given by N =(N −1)f +1, Eq. (14) reduces for N ≫1 to cm cm m m χ ∼1+C/f, (15) th with C = 2rclZM. Zc4πa2 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 E P χ 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1/f FIG. 9: Polyelectrolyte overcharge as a function of f (runs A-D). The dashed line corresponds to the theoretical prediction where Eq. (14) was used. 3 Thismainlyholdsforthefirstcorrelationalpeakwhichisthe mostimportantforthepresentdiscussion,asweshowedintheprevious Sec. IIIB4.

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