Description:This book focuses on three important methods of polymer analysis: light scattering, size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (A4F). These methods are important primarily in polymer science, but also in advanced materials science and emerging technologies. Readers will learn how light scattering measurements can easily provide absolute molar mass and size without any calibration or using reference standards and how its potential can be multiplied by the combination with a separation technique. Current users of conventional SEC will learn that a light scattering detector effectively solves the crucial problem of SEC, i.e. the column calibration, significantly improves reproducibility of SEC measurements and provides much additional information. In addition, they will see that A4F can overcome many traditional SEC problems, such as interactions of polymers with column packing, shearing degradation and limited separation of ultra-high molar mass polymers.The book also provides understanding the basic theory and principles of light scattering, SEC and A4F. The theoretical part is accomplished by numerous examples of the real applications of particular methods and their combinations for various synthetic and natural polymers, proteins and nanoparticles. Special attention is paid to the characterization of branched polymers.The book targets beginners as well as the experienced users who need to confirm their own understanding or help interpret their results.