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Light scalar from deformations of the Klebanov-Strassler background Daniel Elander1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, 525 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2036, USA (Dated: July 10, 2015) WestudydeformationsoftheKlebanov-Strasslerbackgroundparametrizedbythesizeofadim-6 VEV.In theUV,thesesolutions describe theusual duality cascade of Klebanov-Strassler; however below the scale ρ∗ set by the dim-6 VEV they exhibit hyperscaling violation over a range of the radialcoordinate. Focusingonthespectrumofscalarglueballs,wefindaparametricallylightstate, the mass of which is suppressed by ρ∗, becoming massless in the limit of ρ∗ →∞. Along the way, we clarify the choice of IR and UV boundary conditions for the fluctuations in the bulk, and find agreement with previous calculations for thespectrum of Klebanov-Strassler. 5 1 0 2 Contents l u J I. Introduction 1 9 II. Formalism 3 ] A. Action and backgrounds 3 h B. Equations of motion for fluctuations 3 t - C. Boundary conditions for fluctuations 4 p e III. Papadopoulos-Tseytlin ansatz and 5D truncation 5 h [ A. Papadopoulos-Tseytlinansatz 5 B. 5D truncation 5 2 v IV. Backgrounds 6 2 A. Klebanov-Strassler and deformations 6 1 B. Approximate solutions 8 4 3 C. Hyperscaling violating region 8 . 1 V. Spectra 9 0 A. Warm-up: Klebanov-Strassler 9 4 1 B. Deformations of Klebanov-Strassler 11 : v VI. Conclusions 11 i X Acknowledgments 12 r a A. UV expansions 12 B. Dependence of the spectrum on the IR and UV regulators 13 References 14 I. INTRODUCTION Gauge-gravity duality allows for the analytical study of strongly coupled quantum field theories. Since its original inception [1] which relates = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills to Type IIB string theory on AdS S5, it has been 5 N × extendedtonumerousexamples,includingcaseswhereconformalsymmetryisbrokenandthefieldtheoryconfines[2– 4]. It is interesting to considerfield theories with one ormore characteristicscales inaddition to that ofconfinement, thus allowing for more complex dynamics. One possible application of such multi-scale dynamics is within the context of Technicolor [5, 6], the idea that electroweaksymmetryisbrokenbythedynamicsofastronglycoupledfieldtheory. Inparticular,WalkingTechnicolor 2 models [7, 8] posit the existence of an energy regime, above the confinement scale, in which the theory is nearly conformal as well as strongly coupled. An attractive feature of such models is that they could potentially contain a light scalar in the spectrum due to the spontaneous breaking of approximate scale invariance [8, 9], and that this so-calledtechni-dilatonwouldcoupletotheStandardModelinasimilarwayastheHiggs[10–13]. Giventhataboson with mass 126 GeV has been observedat the LHC [14, 15], it is of greatinterest to find specific examples of strongly coupled field theories with walking dynamics, and to study whether a composite light dilaton exists in their spectra. This hasbeenthe subjectofanumberofstudieswithin the contextofholographicmodelsfromstringtheory[16–21], as well as studies on the lattice [22]. While an elementary Higgs certainly is consistent with current experimental data, it is still a possibility that the newly observed particle is a techni-dilaton [23]. A string dual of a theory with walking dynamics was found in [16] by considering a system of wrapped D5-branes, inthesensethatasuitablydefined4dgaugecoupling[24]staysnearlyconstantinanintermediateenergyregion. The length of this walking region is related to the size of a dim-6 VEV. Below the scale given by the VEV, the metric is hyperscalingviolatingwithexponentθ =4. InthecasewheretheUVisgivenbytheasymptoticsofMaldacena-Nunez (MN) [4], the spectrum of scalar glueballs can be computed and contains a light state [17, 18], the mass of which is suppressed by the length of the walking region, thus suggesting that it is a dilaton. There exists a class of solutions that interpolates between Klebanov-Strassler (KS) and MN [25]. The relevant parameter is the size of a dim-2 VEV, which is equal to zero for KS, and which for non-zero values takes the theory out on the baryonic branch of KS. Since we know that MN can be deformed by the dim-6 VEV linked to walking dynamics,itisnaturaltoaskwhetherthis alsoispossibleonthebaryonicbranchofKS.Suchsolutionswerefoundin [19] by applying a solution-generating technique [26] to the previously mentioned walking solutions of the D5 system of [16]. Building on the work of [26, 27], one can understand the field theory of the new solutions that are generated as follows. In the UV, the duality cascade of KS continues down to a certain scale at which the theory is Higgsed to a single gauge group. Below this scale, the dynamics become the same as that of the original wrapped-D5 solutions from which the new solutions were generated. In this paper, we consider the case where the dim-2 VEV is turned off, while the dim-6 VEV is turned on. This means that the UV is that of KS deformed by the dim-6 VEV, while below the scale set by this VEV the metric becomes hyperscalingviolating,againwith the exponentθ =4. This solutionwas originallygivenin [19], andsimilar deformations have been considered previously in [28] (see also [29]). It has the advantage of being simpler than the more general walking solutions on the baryonic branch of KS, while at the same time having a UV that is better behaved than that of the deformations of MN.1 In order to compute the spectrum of scalar glueballs, we make use of the gauge invariant formalism developed in [30] and generalized in [31]. Given a consistent truncation to a non-linear sigma model of scalars coupled to five-dimensional gravity, this formalism allows one to systematically study the fluctuations of the metric as well as the scalars in a given background. Suitable boundary conditions [32] are applied at IR and UV cutoffs which are eventually dispensed with by taking the appropriate limits. In particular, we impose Dirichlet boundary conditions on the fluctuations of the scalar fields in the IR and UV. We find that in addition to a series of towers of states, the spectrum contains a light scalar, the mass of which is suppressed by the size of the dim-6 VEV. This is the main result of this paper. All the backgrounds mentioned that have the dim-6 VEV turned on suffer from a singularity in the IR. This singularity is of a mild type, in the sense that while (the ten-dimensional) R2 blows up, R2 and R stay finite. µνρσ µν Furthermore,inthecasesthattheWilsonloophasbeenstudied,itiswell-behaved[19,33]. Still,thesingularbehavior iscauseforsomeconcern,inparticularwithregardtotheformoftheboundaryconditionsimposedonthefluctuations in the IR. We show that with our prescription the spectrum converges as the IR cutoff is taken closer and closer to the singularity. The structureofthis paperis asfollows. InSectionII,wereviewthe gaugeinvariantformalismfor the holographic computation of glueball spectra. In Section III, we review the Papadopoulos-Tseytlin ansatz and the relevant 5D truncation. In section IV, we present the backgrounds that are the topic of this paper, and find that for large dim-6 VEV there exists a good analytical approximation. Section V contains the numerical study of the scalar glueball spectrum, first of KS as a consistency check, and later of the deformations thereof by the dim-6 VEV. In the final SectionVI,weconclude witha discussionofthe implicationsofourresultsas wellassuggestionsfor future directions of research. 1 A consequence of the UV asymptotics being that of MN is that the spectrum contains a cut, leading to an infinite tower of states convergingonm=1andacontinuum abovem>1(misthemassgiveninsuitablydefinedunits). 3 II. FORMALISM In this section, we review and summarize the gauge invariant formalism for studying linearized fluctuations in non-linear sigma models consisting of a number of scalars coupled to gravity (for further details see [30, 32]). We focus onthe scalarsectorof the fluctuations, andwrite downaparticularlysimple versionEq.(14) oftheir boundary conditions in the IR and UV. A. Action and backgrounds We start with a d+1-dimensional non-linear sigma model consisting of n scalars Φa (a = 1, ,n) coupled to ··· gravity, whose action is given by r2 R 1 S = ddx dr√ g gMNG (Φ)∂ Φa∂ Φb V(Φ) ab M N − 4 − 2 − Z Zr1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (1) K K ddx g˜ +λ (Φ) + ddx g˜ +λ (Φ) . 1 2 − − 2 (cid:12) − 2 (cid:12) Z p (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12)r1 Z p (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12)r2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) In the bulk part of the action, gMN is the d+1-dimensi(cid:12)onal metric, Gab(Φ) is the non-(cid:12)linear sigma model metric, and V(Φ) is the potential for the scalars. The parts of the action localized at the boundaries r (i=1,2) contain the i induced metric g˜ , the extrinsic curvature K that appears in the Gibbons-Hawking terms, and boundary potentials µν λ (Φ) for the scalar fields that end up determining the boundary conditions for the background and fluctuations i around it. We are interested in backgrounds that only depend on the radial coordinate r, and for which the metric has the form of a domain wall ds2 =dr2+e2A(r)dx2 . (2) d+1 1,d−1 These satisfy the equations of motion Φ¯′′a+dA′Φ¯′a+ a Φ¯′bΦ¯′c Va =0, G bc − (3) d(d 1)A′2 2Φ¯′aΦ¯′ +4V =0, − − a where = 1(∂ G +∂ G ∂ G ), Va = GabV = Gab ∂V , Φ¯′ = G Φ¯′b, and prime denotes differentiation Gabc 2 b ca c ab− a bc b ∂Φb a ab with respect to r. The second equation is the Hamiltonian constraint. In certain cases, there exists a superpotential W such that 1 d V = WaW W2, (4) a 2 − d 1 − and solutions can then be found by solving the first order equations Φ¯′a =Wa, 2 (5) A′ = W. −d 1 − B. Equations of motion for fluctuations Next, we study fluctuations ϕa,ν,νµ,hTTµ ,h,H,ǫµ around the background: { ν } Φa =Φ¯a+ϕa, g˜ ν g = µν ν , MN ν 1+2ν+ν νσ µ σ (cid:18) (cid:19) (6) g˜ =e2A(η +h ), µν µν µν hµ =hTTµ +∂µǫ +∂ ǫµ+ ∂µ∂νH + 1 δµ h, ν ν ν ν (cid:3) d 1 ν − 4 where hTTµ is transverse and traceless, ǫµ is transverse, (cid:3) = ηµν∂ ∂ , and d-dimensional indices µ, ν are raised ν µ ν and lowered by the boundary metric η. Expanding the equations of motion to linear order, and introducing gauge invariant variables Φ¯′a aa =ϕa h, − 2(d 1)A′ − ∂ (h/A′) b=ν r , − 2(d 1) − e−2A(cid:3)h 1 (7) c=e−2A∂ νµ ∂ H, µ − 2(d 1)A′ − 2 r − dµ =e−2AΠµ νν ∂ ǫµ, ν − r eµ =hTTµ , ν ν the spin-1 (dµ) and spin-2 (eµ ) sectors decouple, and furthermore b and c can be solved for algebraically in terms of ν aa, sothat the equationsofmotionfor the scalarsectorreduce to n coupledsecondorderdifferentialequations foraa given by 4(Φ¯′aV +VaΦ¯′) 16VΦ¯′aΦ¯′ 2+dA′ +e−2A(cid:3) aa Va a Φ¯′bΦ¯′d+ c c + c ac =0. (8) Dr Dr − |c−R bcd (d 1)A′ (d 1)2A′2 h i h − − i Here, Va = ∂Va + a Vc, a =∂ a ∂ a + a e a e is the Riemann tensor corresponding to the |b ∂Φb G bc R bcd cG bd− dG bc G ceG bd−G deG bc sigma model metric, while the backgroundcovariant derivative is defined as aa =∂ aa+ a Φ¯′bac. Dr r G bc Explicitly expanding out the background covariantderivatives occurring in Eq. (8), we obtain r D ∂2aa+ 2 a Φ¯′c+dA′δa ∂ ab+e−2A(cid:3)aa r G bc b r − ∂ Va (cid:0) ∂ a Φ¯′cΦ¯′d+ 4(cid:1)(Φ¯′aVb+VaΦ¯′b) + 16VΦ¯′aΦ¯′b ab =0, (9) " b − bG cd (d 1)A′ (d 1)2A′2# − − which is sometimes more convenient to use. C. Boundary conditions for fluctuations Boundary conditions for the fields are obtained by varying the action Eq. (1) with respect to the metric and the scalar fields, and focusing on the boundary contributions. Expanding the boundary potentials λ (Φ) as i d 1 1 λ = − A′+Φ¯′ϕa+ λ ϕaϕb , (10) i (cid:18)− 2 a 2 ia|b (cid:19)(cid:12)ri (cid:12) where the first and second terms are chosen for consistency at the level of t(cid:12)he background itself, and the choice of λ can be thought of as parametrizing the form of the boundary conditions for the fluctuations. In particular, it ia|b enters the boundary conditions for aa as follows: e2A 2Φ¯′ δa + Va dA′Φ¯′a λ a Φ¯′c b ab = (cid:20) b (cid:3) (cid:16) − − i |c (cid:17)(d−1)A′(cid:21)Dr (cid:12)ri (11) 2Φ¯′aΦ¯′ e2A 2 (cid:12) 4VΦ¯′ λ a + b + Va dA′Φ¯′a λ(cid:12)a Φ¯′c b +V ab . (cid:20) i |b (d−1)A′ (cid:3) (d−1)A′ (cid:16) − − i |c (cid:17)(cid:18)(d−1)A′ b(cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:12)ri The limit of λia|b → ±∞ (with the sign depending on i = 1,2), corresponds to Dirichlet bound(cid:12)(cid:12)ary conditions for the scalar fluctuations ϕa ϕa =0. (12) ri (cid:12) This is the choice that we will make in the following. In(cid:12)(cid:12)terms of the gauge invariant variables aa, it translates to e2A 2Φ¯′a 4VΦ¯′ Φ¯′ b V ab =aa . (13) − (cid:3) (d−1)A′ (cid:20) bDr− (d−1)A′ − b(cid:21) (cid:12)ri (cid:12)ri (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 5 We can simplify Eq. (13) further by noticing that the matrix multiplying aa is of the form Ma =δa +XaY , whose b b b inverse is given by (M−1)a =δa XaYb , and hence b b− 1+XcYc (d 1)A′ A′ A′′ e2A(cid:3)−1Φ¯′aΦ¯′D ab + − 1+e2A(cid:3)−1 ∂ aa =0, (14) b r (cid:12)ri 2 (cid:18) 2 r(cid:18)A′2(cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:12)ri where we have also used that (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) A′ A′′ 2 Φ¯′a 4V Φ¯′ ∂ = V + a . (15) 2 r A′2 −d 1 A′ a d 1 A′ (cid:18) (cid:19) − (cid:18) − (cid:19) III. PAPADOPOULOS-TSEYTLIN ANSATZ AND 5D TRUNCATION The Type IIB supergravity backgrounds that we will study fall into the Papadopoulos-Tseytlinansatz [34] (which in turnis a truncationof[35]). Furthermore,they canbe discussedin terms ofa 5-dimensionalsigmamodel thatis a consistent truncation of the original 10-dimensional system, thus lending themselves well to the formalism discussed in the previous section. A. Papadopoulos-Tseytlin ansatz The Papadopoulos-Tseytlinansatz is given by ds2 = e2p−xds2+(ex+g+a2ex−g)(e2+e2)+ex−g e2+e2+2a(e e +e e ) +e−6p−xe2, (16) 5 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 4 5 ds25 = dr2+e2Adx21,3, (cid:0) (cid:1) (17) F = N[ e (e e +e e +b(e e e e ))+dr (∂ b(e e +e e ))], (18) 3 5 4 3 2 1 4 1 3 2 r 4 2 3 1 − ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ − ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ H = h e (e e +e e )+dr ∂ h (e e +e e ) (19) 3 2 5 4 2 3 1 r 1 4 3 2 1 − ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ − h ∂ h (e e e e )+∂ χ( e e +e e ) , (20) r 2 4 1 3 2 r 4 3 2 1 ∧ − ∧ − ∧ ∧ F = F˜ +⋆F˜ , F˜ = e e e e e , i (21) 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 −K ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ where e = sinθdφ, (22) 1 − e = dθ, (23) 2 e = cosψsinθ˜dφ˜ sinψdθ˜, (24) 3 − e = sinψsinθ˜dφ˜ + cosψdθ˜, (25) 4 e = dψ+cosθ˜dφ˜+cosθdφ, (26) 5 and with constraints = M +2N(h +bh ), (27) 1 2 K (e2g+2a2+e−2ga4 e−2g)∂h +2a(1 e−2g+a2e−2g)∂ h 1 r 2 ∂ χ = − − . (28) r e2g+(1 a2)2e−2g+2a2 − In addition, there is also the dilaton field φ. The background fields g,x,p,φ,a,b,h ,h as well as the warp factor 1 2 { } A are presumed to depend only on the radial coordinate r. M and N are constants associated with the number of D3- and D5-branes, respectively. B. 5D truncation There exists a consistent truncation to a 5D sigma model consisting of the scalars Φ = g,x,p,φ,a,b,h ,h 1 2 { } appearing in the Papadopoulos-Tseytlinansatz (now promotedto 5Dfields) coupledto gravity,and describedby the action [30] 1 1 S = d5x√ g R G (Φ)∂ Φa∂MΦb V(Φ) , (29) ab M − 4 − 2 − Z (cid:18) (cid:19) 6 with kinetic terms 1 1 G ∂ Φa∂ Φb = ∂ g∂ g + ∂ x∂ x + 6∂ p∂ p + ∂ φ∂ φ (30) ab M N M N M N M N M N 2 4 1 1 + e−2g∂ a∂ a+ N2eφ−2x∂ b∂ b M N M N 2 2 e−φ−2x + (1+2e−2ga2)∂ h ∂ h e2g+2a2+e−2g(1 a2)2 M 1 N 1 − h 1 + (e2g+2a2+e−2g(1+a2)2)∂ h ∂ h +2a(e−2g(a2+1)+1)∂ h ∂ h M 2 N 2 M 1 N 2 2 i and potential 1 1 V = e2p−2x eg+(1+a2)e−g + e−4p−4x e2g+(a2 1)2e−2g+2a2 −2 8 − 1 (cid:2) 1 (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) + a2e−2g+8p+ N2eφ−2x+8p e2g+e−2g(a2 2ab+1)2+2(a b)2 4 8 − − +1e−φ−2x+8ph2+ 1e8p−4x[M(cid:2)+2N(h +bh )]2 . (cid:3) 4 2 8 1 2 Any solution to the equations of motion following from this 5D model can be uplifted to a 10d solution in Type IIB supergravity. Finally, note that (as long as N =0) the change of variables 6 M h˜ = +Nh , 1 1 2 h˜ =Nh , (31) 2 2 φ˜=φ+2logN, removes all dependence on M and N from the 5D model. IV. BACKGROUNDS In this section, we describe the Type IIB supergravity backgrounds that we will study. They are deformations of Klebanov-Strasslercorresponding to a dim-6 VEV. A. Klebanov-Strassler and deformations The backgrounds that we are interested in can be found by further truncating the system as a=tanh(y), (32) g = log(cosh(y)), − in which case there exists a superpotential 1 W = e4p−2x h˜ +bh˜ e4pcosh(y) e−2p−2x . (33) 1 2 2 − − (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) It is practical to change the radial coordinate from r to ρ defined by 1 dρ= e4pdr, (34) 2 7 after which we can write down solutions to the equations of motion Eq. (5) given by y =2 arctanh(e−2ρ), φ˜=φ˜ , 0 2ρ b= , sinh(2ρ) h˜ =eφ˜0(2ρcoth(2ρ) 1)coth(2ρ), 1 − (35) h˜ =eφ˜01−2ρcoth(2ρ), 2 sinh(2ρ) 1 3f 4ρ+sinh(4ρ) x 0 p= log − , 6 4 sinh2(2ρ) − 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) φ˜ x+logsinh(2ρ) 0 A=A + + , 0 2 3 where φ˜ , f , and A are integration constants, and x satisfies the differential equation 0 0 0 ∂ x+2(h˜ +bh˜ )e−2x 2e−2x−6p =0. (36) ρ 1 2 − We fix the boundary conditions in the UV so that x matches the solution due to Klebanov-Tseytlin [36] φ˜ 1 3 x = 0 + log 3ρ . (37) KT 2 2 − 8 (cid:18) (cid:19) Essentially, this corresponds to fixing an integration constant so that the divergence of x in the UV is softened. We can write solutions to Eq. (36) satisfying this boundary condition as φ˜ log2 1 1 0 x= + log(f 4ρ+sinh(4ρ))+ log , 0 2 − 6 3 − 2 I (38) ∞ 4√32(2ρ˜coth(2ρ˜) 1) coth(2ρ˜) 2ρ˜csch2(2ρ˜) (ρ)= dρ˜ − − . I Zρ (f0−4ρ˜+(cid:0)sinh(4ρ˜))2/3 (cid:1) From the UV expansion (see also Appendix A) φ˜ 1 3 2(5f (40ρ+1) 4(5ρ(80ρ 31)+8)) x = 0 + log 3ρ + 0 − − e−4ρ+ (e−8ρ), (39) UV 2 2 − 8 125(8ρ 1) O (cid:18) (cid:19) − we see that there is a characteristic scale ρ 1logf above which the UV expansion is valid, and below which the ∗ ≡ 4 0 solution changes radically. All these solutions have their end of space in the IR at ρ = 0. The background of Klebanov-Strassler corresponds to putting f =0, in which case the IR geometry is that of the deformed conifold. Non-zero values of f correspond 0 0 to turning on a dim-6 VEV,2 in which case there is a curvature singularity in the IR (R2 diverges,while R2 and µνρσ µν R stay finite). There exists in the literature various proposals for determining whether a gravity background can be expected to capture the relevant physics despite having an IR singularity. By considering whether a given background admits finite temperature generalizations, Gubser [38] arrived at a criterion in terms of the five-dimensional potential V evaluated on the background, namely that it should be bounded from above in order for a singularity to be ’good’. In [39], Maldacena and Nunez formulated a criterion in terms of the ten-dimensional metric, the strong version of which states that g should not increase as one approaches the singularity (this was motivated by the interpretation tt oftheradialcoordinateascorrespondingtoenergyscale). Thebackgroundsconsideredinthispapersatisfythislatter criterion. 2 Thefieldtheoryoperatorscorrespondingtothevariousfieldsinthebulkcanbefoundin[37],andinparticularthedim-6VEVunder considerationisfortheoperatorTrW2W¯2. 8 B. Approximate solutions For ρ ρ , we can approximate appearing in Eq. (38) as ∗ ≪ I Ia(1p)prox =4√32e−8ρ3∗ I0−ρ2coth2(2ρ)+ρcoth(2ρ)+O(e−4(ρ∗−ρ)) , (40) h i where is an integration constant to be determined in a moment. On the other hand, for ρ 1 we can make the 0 I ≫ approximation ∂ρI = 82(+1−e42(ρρ−)ρe∗−)8ρ32∗/3 +O(e−4ρ−38max(ρ,ρ∗)), (41) which gives (cid:0) (cid:1) 9 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 5 (2) =e−8ρ/3 F , , ; , ; 2e4(ρ∗−ρ) +3(2ρ 1) F , ; ; 2e4(ρ∗−ρ) . (42) Iapprox "43 2(cid:18)3 3 3 3 3 − (cid:19) − 2 1(cid:18)3 3 3 − (cid:19)# For ρ 1, these two approximations overlap in the region 1 ρ ρ . Matching gives ∗ ∗ ≫ ≪ ≪ 1 2 1 =ρ2+ ρ 2 γ+log(2) ψ(0) + π2+9log2(3) 8γ(log(2) 2) I0 ∗ 2 ∗"− − − (cid:18)3(cid:19)# 64" − − (43) 2 2 2 √3πlog(9)+16ψ(0) +4ψ(1) +4log(2) 4+log(2) 2ψ(0) . − (cid:18)3(cid:19) (cid:18)3(cid:19) (cid:18)− − (cid:18)3(cid:19)(cid:19)# Using this, let us examine how good the approximation (2) is in the region 0 ρ 1. Expanding for large ρ , approx ∗ I ≤ ∼ we obtain (2) = (1) +4√32e−8ρ3∗ρ(coth(2ρ) 1)(ρ+ρcoth(2ρ) 1)+ (e−203ρ∗). (44) Iapprox Iapprox − − O SinceIa(1p)prox isoforderO(ρ2∗e−8ρ3∗),Ia(2p)prox asgivenbyEq.(42)isactuallyagoodapproximationallthewaytoρ=0 (aslongasρ ismoderatelylarge),andhenceforallvaluesofρ. Weillustratetheaccuracyofthetwoapproximations ∗ (1) and (2) in Figure 1. approx approx I I C. Hyperscaling violating region A background whose metric transforms as ds2d+1 →λd2−θ1ds2d+1 (45) under scale transformations is said to be hyperscaling violating with hyperscaling violation exponent θ. Consider the region ρ ρ . The metric can be approximated as ∗ ≪ ds25 =4e−8pdρ2+e2Adx21,3 ≈e4φ3˜0"16 232√/333ρ8∗/3e136(ρ−ρ∗)dρ2+ρ2∗/3e2A0+43ρdx21,3#, (46) which under the scale transformation x λx, → 1 (47) ρ ρ+ logλ, → 2 transforms as ds2 λ83ds2. Hence, in this region the metric is hyperscaling violating with θ =4, which is the same 5 → 5 as found for the backgrounds of [16–18]. Notice the fact that the rescaling of the metric can be compensated by simultaneously transforming φ˜ as 0 φ˜ φ˜ 2logλ. (48) 0 0 → − 9 x 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 ρ 0 2 4 6 8 10 FIG.1: Theblacklinesarexobtainednumericallyforafewvaluesofρ∗,whereasthedottedblueandredlinesarexevaluated using theapproximations Ia(1p)prox and Ia(2p)prox, respectively. V. SPECTRA In this section, we numerically compute the spectrum of scalar glueballs first for Klebanov-Strassleras a warm-up exercise, and then for the deformations thereof. This is done by studying fluctuations of the scalar fields and the metric in the bulk, using the gauge invariant formalism explained in Section II. In particular, after imposing the boundary conditions Eq. (14) in the IR and UV, there are only certain values of m2 = (cid:3) for which the equations of motionEq.(8) for the fluctuations canbe satisfied. These m give us the spectrum. It is practicalto use the so-called midpoint determinant method outlined in [40] to study this problem numerically. In principle, the spectrum depends on the three integration constants φ˜ , f , and A . However, A simply sets an 0 0 0 0 overall scale, and since we are only interested ratios of masses, it drops out. Furthermore, the spectrum does not dependonφ˜ . Thewaytoseethisisthatinthe5Dsigmamodel,combinationsofA,x,p,φ˜,h˜ ,andh˜ alwaysappear 0 1 2 in such a way that φ˜ can be eliminated from Eq. (8) and Eq. (14) after rescaling the fluctuations corresponding to 0 h˜ and h˜ by a factor eφ˜0.3 Therefore, the only interesting variable on which the spectrum depends is f =e4ρ∗. 1 2 0 A. Warm-up: Klebanov-Strassler TheglueballspectrumofKlebanov-Strasslerwascomputedin[40](seealso[41,42]). There,theboundaryconditions on the fluctuations were obtained by studying the IR and UV behavior of the fluctuations, picking normalizable solutionsintheUVandimposingregularityintheIR.Becauseofmixingbetweenthefluctuations,thisisacomplicated problem. Ontheotherhand,theboundaryconditionsEq.(14)caneasilybeimposedwithoutanydetailedknowledge of the asymptotic behavior of the fluctuations. For a particularly simple example consisting of a single scalar with quadraticsuperpotentialW,itwasarguedin[18]thattheseboundaryconditionsautomaticallypickthenormalizable modes in the UV, and (together with the IRboundary condition) leadto physically sensible results. It is not obvious thatthisistrueingeneral. Therefore,beforeweproceedtothemorecomplicatedstudyofthespectrumasafunction of f , we would like to first see whether the boundary conditions Eq. (14) lead to the same spectrum as computed in 0 [40] for the case f =0, i.e. the Klebanov-Strasslerbackground. 0 We specify the boundary conditions Eq. (14) at ρ = ρ in the IR and at ρ = ρ in the UV. We can think of IR UV this asintroducingIRandUVregulators,whichareeventuallyto bedispensedwithbytakingthe appropriatelimits, 3 Thiswasdemonstrated forthecasef0=0in[40],butcanalsobeshowntobetrueforgeneralvaluesoff0. 10 m 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ρIR 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 FIG.2: NumericalstudyofthespectrumofscalarglueballsfortheKlebanov-Strasslerbackground. Theblackpointsshowthe massesm(normalizedtothemassofthefirststate)asafunctionoftheIRcutoffρIR,andwithconstantUVcutoffρUV =11. The bluelines are thevalues reported in [40] appropriately normalized. m 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ρUV 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 FIG. 3: Numerical study of the spectrum of scalar glueballs for the Klebanov-Strassler background. The black points show the masses m (normalized to the mass of the first state) as a function of the UV cutoff ρUV, and with constant IR cutoff ρIR =0.001. The bluelines are thevalues reported in [40] appropriately normalized. thus giving us the physical spectrum. In other words, we want to make sure that the calculation of the spectrum convergesasρ approachesthe end ofspaceatρ=0 while ρ approachesinfinity. Figure2 andFigure 3 showthe IR UV dependence of the spectrum as a function of ρ and ρ . For sufficiently small ρ and large ρ , the spectrum IR UV IR UV becomes the same as that reported in [40]. Notice that, as already pointed out in [40], certain states are degenerate (the 13thand14thstates,aswellasthe 16thand17thstates),andthatthisiseasytodiscernintheplotsasdifferent states approaching each other asymptotically.

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